#I'm in a glass case of emotion
Something about Barbie I really love is how perfect the casting was (I'll only go over a couple)
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Margot Robbie was absolutely impeccable, hit all the right moments, and while I loved the joke where she said she's not pretty enough to be Barbie, with the narrator responding that "casting Margot Robbie might not be the best choice to convey this point" I feel like there's something deeper behind that
It's a long held stereotype in Hollywood that actresses are past their prime once they hit 30, they are no longer starlets and abandoned, with Margot Robbie being 33 she's right at the point that she would be considered too old
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Greta Gerwig said her first and most deliberate casting was Ryan Gosling, which seemed to upset a lot of people, saying he was too old, but with both main characters going through existential crisis it makes sense for a man in his 40s, especially since he plays the classic Ken, one of the oldest models
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I'm very happy my girlfriend was there to explain some history to me in how there have not been many Asian Ken's out there and would be a fairly recent addition, so using Simu Liu, who is the new Hollywood it boy, as the main opposition to the aging Kens insecurity about Barbie's interest in other Kens was very clever
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As a mother America Ferrera has personal experience that she brings to the role that feels so personal, plus with her biggest role as Ugly Betty, the main character of a show about fashion and challenging traditional beauty norms is very fitting
(plus the fact that her movie husband is her real life husband was a nice touch)
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Will Ferrell
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missmagooglie · 1 year
That graveside Buddie conversation is making me insane because they are NOT on the same wavelength. They're trying to be, but Buck is questioning everything about himself and Eddie is going through it but they are still each other's person even when the rough edges don't fit together quite right but there is SO MUCH they aren't ready to talk about.
And then to follow it up with that scene with Christopher? Where Eddie left for just a second to go bring him something from the kitchen for them to share together, only to come back and find him passed out on the couch?
The way Eddie has love, has a family, but he still feels alone because Christopher is growing up and Buck hasn't been the same since the lightning strike and the shape of his family is growing and changing around him but he still feels stuck and I'm -
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alraedesigns · 11 months
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watercolor and ink, 4"x5"
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impishtubist · 7 months
Hello I'm back to being a Doctor Who blog, come tell me all your thoughts.
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waywardsculs · 4 months
I AM BEING TORN BETWEEN LUCI/LILI FEELS AND HUSK/ANGEL FEELS AND THIS IS FUCKING GLORIOUS also don't be surprised if you see eve making out with lilith soon it's just two gals bein gals ;)
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lyliumwrites · 2 years
Listen to APT Requiem soundtracks when you write, they said.
It will be fun, they said.
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mrsstrugglebarnes · 1 year
just finished The Last of Us Part 1 (PS4) and I'm screaming crying throwing up.
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daddywarbats · 2 years
Deborah Chow really was out there like “I’m gonna make y’all thank me for putting you through some pain” and delivered and that’s very cash money of her.
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I thought Unpacking was going to be a nice little organization game; I didn't realize I was going to be overcome with emotion about these little insights into the player character's life as they grow up 😭
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chicknstripz · 1 year
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Plan 99? OH NO!!!! I'M NOT READY!!! HOLD ME GUYS 😭😭😭😭
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diabeticgirl4 · 1 year
"Moly, in the brief moments of consciousness, what do you want to be your last words?"
Frick you can't do this to me 😢😢😢
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messengerhermes · 1 year
A shitton of people: taking testosterone will mean you Never Cry Again
Me, on week two of Testosterone: *has sobbed more in the span of 7 days than I have in like 6 months*
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eddiediaaz · 7 months
last week the person i'm seeing was like "it usually takes me a lil while to do sleepovers with partners because i feel the most vulnerable when i sleep" and of course that's okay i can definitely respect that, we do live super close to each other anyway. but last night after we were in bed together for the first time they were like "i know i said i'm not usually into it but with you i feel comfortable and i'd love if you could stay tonight."🥺 i couldn't tho, had to go home to feed my cats lol, and also work in the morning i guess. but!!! they just asked me again if i wanna sleep over on saturday after both our respective plans, and then we can get breakfast together sunday 😭 wtf!!! wtffff!!!!
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pure-jeff-ward · 7 months
Final dump! As much as it saddens me to leave, I shall look back at these past few months with sweet fondness. I rarely stan celebs but when I do I go HARD as you can already tell XD
Anyway, here’s Jeff going through the stages of grief at my departure!
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Biggest thank you to pure-jeff-ward blog for not just being one of the OG Wardians (5 years and counting!) but also providing a cool, safe space for us clownfuckers/lemonfuckers and being the arbiter of all things Jeff Ward!
Au revoir! Until we meet again! ❤️
what about my five stages of grief??? I'm not at the end one for suuuure (probably stuck on stage one tbh) 😭😭😭 thank yoooou so much @buggysamawaifu because this has been the best few months of my blog, thanks to you, your asks, your wonderful fountain of knowledge about Jeff and you helping spread the Jeff love to alllll of my followers!!!
come back soooooon!!! we will miss yoooou!!! I'll be right here waiting with more Jeff content for you to enjoy and to get more from you to share as well!!! teamwork is the dreamwork!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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eadrey-the-iptscray · 3 months
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There will be an epilogue at some point (and bonus content 'cause I can't help myself) but THE MAIN STORY IS DONE
Here's the last chapter:
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