#I'm just staring at everything halfway cleaned feeling my eyes trying to retreat into my body like my mind doesnt want to be here
kjclfaller · 9 months
kay so cleaning is depressing actually I want to get rid of everything oh my god why is there so much stuff and why is everything so big
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julyarchives · 3 years
Skinny Love
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→ Pairing: Jinho x Female Reader
→ Genre: fluff.
→ Words:  1.3K
→ Contains: Friends to lovers; Jealousy; Roommates to lovers.
→ A/N: We loooved writing this, it's so cute 🥺🥺 thank you for the request, we hope you all like it!
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When you started sharing your apartment with Jinho you didn't expect him to bring so many friends over so often, but they were all so nice and friendly that you became an acquaintance to the group. Tonight was one of those nights that they got together to brainstorm new ideas for work, and you assumed the role of the hostess, bringing food and drinks to the boys while they worked hard.
"Jinho is so lucky to have you as a roommate" Hongseok exclaimed, with a long sigh, holding your waist sideways in a childish hug when you brought them sandwiches.
"I know, right? These are delicious." Wooseok answered with his mouth full.
You patted Hongseok's soft hair and laughed.
"It's just food, guys, you are exaggerating"
"Y/n" Hui grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the other "please be my roommate, I want your food every day"
"I can't, sweetie, Jinho would starve to death without me" you cooed, running your fingers through his hair just like you did to Hongseok, and everyone laughed.
"Guys, leave her alone, we have work to do and she's not your maid, geez" Jinho rolled his eyes
You were taken aback by his attitude because you've never seen him acting like this before. And so apparently did everyone, the conversation dying and everyone awkwardly focusing again the their tasks.
The living room was packed, some of the boys even laying down on the carpet, and you found yourself a free armrest to sit down and quietly scroll through your phone as they did their thing.
Changgu rested a hand on your thigh to get your attention.
"Can you pass me that note pad" he whispered
You quietly did so, not missing Jinho's side-eye.
You were so confused with the way he was acting, the snappy remarks were never something that you were used to see coming from him. You were afraid your presence was doing that, getting in the way of their business, so you excused yourself to the kitchen, getting your mind occupied with the dirty dishes.
you were still bothered, feeling a little anxious about upsetting your roommate, so you sneaked a text to Kino, asking if he thought Jinho is mad at you. Mot 5 minutes later he showed up next to you
"I don't think Jinho is mad at you, y/n" smiling sweetly.
"You know you could've just texted me back, right?" You chuckled.
"Yeah, I just wanted an excuse for a break." He shrugged. "Seriously though, he's just stressed with work, I guess."
"You think so?" You pouted dramatically
"I'm sure of it. He's always gushing about you, he adores you, there's no way he would be mad at you" He reassured you "now, come on, you don't have to run away from us'
Kino grabbed your hand and pulled you back to the living room, ignoring your hushed protests.
"you're awful" you whispered to him when he only let go of you when you sat down again on where you were before.
"Anyway-" Jinho said a little louder.
You sank a little further into your seat, your phone buzzing right after it, with a text from Kino "stop worrying! Is not about you!". You looked at him, who was watching you and laughed quietly, shaking your head.
The rest of the night passed smoothly and now everyone was getting ready to leave. You started picking up after them, and Shinwon stood back.
"Let me help you." He offered.
"it's ok, I got this" you offered him a smile "thank you, though"
"Yeah, I can help her, don't worry" Jinho entered back, his tone a little dry.
"Ok…" Shinwon said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head" see you guys around then."
You pinched Shinwon's cheek, trying to ease the mood.
"You're the cutest" you cooed "I'll walk you to the door."
When everyone left, you and Jinho cleaned up the rest of the dishes and took the trash out, not exchanging words, and that didn't soothe your anxiety from earlier, especially the frown that didn't leave his face, and you decided to take a shower to relax a little bit.
He had already retreated to his bedroom when you got out, but you weren't happy with how things were left. You knocked softly at his door and he immediately told you to come in, and so you found him sitting in his bed, back resting against the headboard, earbuds hanging on his neck with some loud music coming from it.
"I'm sorry I bothered you guys earlier," you sat on the edge of his bed. "Next time you need a meeting I can go out to the library or something."
His features soften for the first time since they left, a small smile peaking at the corner of his lips.
"You never bother, y/n" his soft voice completely different from anything that happened earlier.
"Ok" your voice was almost a whisper, and you weren't sure what to do next.
It was Jinho who moved to sit by your side.
"I'm sorry if I was a jackass earlier, I didn't mean to be rude."
"No, it's ok, I understand."
"No, it's fine, I know it's not ok. I just…"
He took a deep breath, nervousness written all over his face. You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down.
"Don't be nervous, you can tell me anything." You said softly "I promise I won't be upset"
You were convinced that he was actually bothered by you intruding in his friend group, especially during work, so you were getting ready to be told off.
You pulled a strand of hair out of his face, realizing that he looked so cute with his hair growing a little longer.
"It is stuff like this, you know?" He held your hand that was touching him and clasped it securely between his both.
You didn't miss the way your heart skipped a beat.
"I saw the guys being so comfortable touching you, and you doing the same to them, I guess I just felt jealous."
"You don't have to be jealous, Jinho, and you can always feel comfortable with skinship, you know I'm a very touchy person."
"Yes, but I want you to be like that with someone else." He confessed.
You blinked a couple of times in silence, tilting your head in confusion.
"What do you mean?" You asked
"I love how affectionate you are and I basically melt when you touch my hair. And I hate seeing you do that to someone else."
Everything went quiet. The blush on his cheek was adorable and you had the impulse of planting a kiss on the soft skin where it rose pink.
Jinho's eyes widened but immediately after his eyes turned into two crescent moons that adorned the beautiful smile on his face before he returned the kiss, his warm lips on your cheeks making the butterflies on your stomach flip around.
You stared at each other with matching smiles, and you cupped his face, caressing it with your thumb. This time you two met halfway, and his hand shyly caught your waist. When your lips touched a tingly feeling ran through your whole body like it was waiting for that for a long time. The kiss was shy and soft, both of you uncertain of boundaries. It was Jinho who deepened the kiss when you sighed in content. Your fingers caressed his nape and his hand squeezed your waist. He pecked a couple more times before leaning back to look at you.
"You won't do that to the other boys too, right?" He asked with a pretty smile, making you chuckle.
You kissed him again before answering
"What are you asking me, Jo Jinho?" Your grin was hard to hold back
"I'm asking if you would like to kiss me more times?" His charming ways made you swoon. "Maybe go on a date with me?"
"You're something else." You smiled and shook your head.
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I'm in love with your tags about Logan and Trans!Laura, just,,,, so you know I appreciate your tag stories!!!!!
anonymous said:
I would absolutely love it if you wrote some trans Laura content tbh. Even just your tag essay made me feel some kind of emotions
The original tag essay is here, and I’m operating in a functional AU of this thing I wrote one time, but that doesn’t matter unless you want the deleted scene of Laura trying to take Logan’s head off.
X-23 is one of thirteen…brothers, for lack of a better word.  The lab staff call them brothers, a little tongue-in-cheek, and X-23 learns to hate the word, learns the taste of being called brother like the taste of blood, learns it as thing and copy and weapon.  All of them do, but X-23 hates it the most.  
X-23′s brothers die one at a time–some of natural causes.  There were ten of them who never made it out of the ex vitro tanks, and X-14 dies at a year, X-11 at nineteen months, X-19 at three years, X-17 at five.  X-13 falls during training and the three broken ribs ‘heal’ straight into lung tissue, and the doctors usher the rest of them away.  X-13 never comes back from the medical bay, and neither do X-15, X-12, or X-22–broken leg, crushed hand, and cracked skull, in order.  Healed to death.
When X-23 comes looking for X-22, there’s a doctor sitting alone in an office with her hands clutched so tight the knuckles are bleached.  X-23 has always been a wanderer, more than the other brothers, and given to getting into trouble, often punished and all the more furious for it.
The doctor looks up when the door opens and scrubs the back of one hand over her face.
“Where’s X-22,” X-23 says flatly, and the doctor comes over to crouch down, on eye level.  X-23 is short.  They’re all short.
“I’m really sorry,” the doctor says, and she sounds sincere, her eyes red and her scent washed with something X-23 doesn’t recognize.  “He–he died, Veintitres.  We did everything we could to save him.”
If it was any other doctor, X-23 would snarl and storm off, retreat to the others.  They’re never reprimanded for their tempers, only for disobedience.
This doctor, though.  This is the nicest doctor.  She never wears anything that makes them sneeze, and she brings chocolates when they have to get blood drawn, and she never told a soul when X-23 carefully removed one of her earrings, a plain silver hoop on X-23′s palm.  X-23 gave it back, but–
“Pretty,” X-23 says dully, reaching out to touch one of the hoops.  “He liked them too.”
The doctor’s eyes spill over and that smell pours off her skin as she carefully–very carefully, there are limits even for the nicest doctor–wraps one arm around X-23.
“Come on.  Let’s take you back to your brothers.”
There are five of them who make it to ten years old–X-16, X-18, X-20, X-21, and X-23.
There is one of them who makes it to ten years and one day.
X-23 doesn’t have any brothers anymore, just heavy bones and anger.  The word brother is less dirty now that they’re all gone.
“What do we do with him?” X-23 hears a lab tech ask nervously as the newly silvered claws rip through another bed frame.  X-23 has destroyed two so far.  They’re an effort–metal frames intended to survive their rough treatment–but the claws are stronger.
X-23 hears him and thinks hate and decides then and there that she will be something else.
She destroys the fifth bed frame–she’ll sleep on the ground before she takes one of her brothers’ beds, and they never kept track of whose was whose, same scents, same bodies, same everything–and she stands there and looks at her new claws.  They’re brighter silver than the nicest doctor’s earrings, but bloody.
The nicest doctor disappeared last year, after X-22 died.
She sheathes her claws and storms out of the room and past the lab tech without a word.  She is a thing and a weapon and the last X clone and she will keep the secret that she is not him until they kill her, too.
X-23 is fourteen and terrifying when she hears that they’re thinking about doing a new set of clones.
She burns down the lab three days later and leaves with nothing but her tactical uniform.  She steals a hat when she realizes that her buzzed hair is drawing attention, and breaks into a library to google Wolverine based on a slip from a doctor, and starts walking north east.  
Her hair grows fast.  It reaches chin length and keeps going, scruffy and wild, and she takes off her hat one day and shakes it out in a house she broke into, and her face starts to ache.  X-23 puts both hands up to her cheeks and tracks out the smile in surprise, and gives her head another shake, and her hair, freshly cleaned with someone else’s drug store shampoo, tickles her shoulders and her cheeks like the glint of light on silver earrings.
She stops wearing the hat the first day someone sees her hair and calls her miss with the kind of bow you sweep to little kids.  She forgets to snarl at them.
X-23 is halfway through walking from Mexico to New York when she gets asked what her name is, where her parents are.
“I don’t have any parents,” she tells the man in the uniform, squinting suspiciously at him.  He’s crouched down, well outside arm’s length, but she’s thinking about whether she can put a claw through his hand before he can grab her anyway.
“Okay,” he says calmly.  “What’s your name, honey?”
Weapons don’t have names.
She runs before he can stop her.
When she reaches New York, and Westchester, she has a good old try at taking Weapon X’s head off.
It doesn’t work.
So when she’s done screaming wordless rage into his chest, and Weapon X is done deducing how she got there, they sit side-by-side on the ground and X-23 tries to imitate the way he clasps his arms loosely around his knees.  It feels natural, supports the weight of the adamantium in her arms without effort, and she scowls at him when he notices.
“So, kid,” he says after a few minutes.  “You said there were twenty-three of you, right?”
She nods stiffly.  “All the rest of them are dead.  They were going to make more brothers, but I stopped them.”
“Good,” Weapon X says grimly.  “If I’d known, kid, I’d have done something for you and your brothers.  You did good.”
“Do you have brothers, Weapon X?”
“No idea,” he says with a shrug.  “Don’t remember much before the experiments.  You call me Weapon X again,” he goes on in the same equal tone, “I’m gonna leave you out here.  My name’s Logan, kid.  You got a name yet, or haven’t you got that far?”
“They didn’t give us names.”
“Weapons don’t get names,” Weapon X choruses with her, and he sighs.  “Well, you gotta have a name, I’m not callin’ you Twenty-three.”
“Sometimes they called me Veintitres.”
“That’s just ‘twenty-three’ in Spanish, kid, nice try.  Uh.”  He scrubs both hands back through his hair and laces them behind his neck.  “I’m shit at this.  Stole my name off a movie poster.  You seen any you liked?”
X-23 thinks about it.  She’s seen movie posters.  Most of the names are either desperately boring, like Tom, or unfamiliar and unpronounceable, like Charlize, and she doesn’t really know what she’s supposed to look for.
She remembers a poster of a woman with earrings, and the old black and white ink didn’t make them glitter any less.  She didn’t see the woman’s name, but she remembers the title.
“Laura,” she says.
Weapon X blinks at her for a moment.  “Nice name,” he says at last.  “Don’t think I asked, kid. You a boy or a girl?”
“I’m a clone.”
He actually grins at that.  “Yeah, I got that.  But, uh, you like he or she?”
X-23 stares at him and thinks.  She’s kept this secret, this sole scrap of a person under all the metal, for four years, give or take a few months.  But Weapon X gave up his name to her without even hesitating, didn’t lay a hand on her except for a few bruises that are already healing, isn’t even fidgeting while she studies him, just letting her look her fill.
“She,” X-23 says firmly.  
“Okay,” Weapon X says, and unfolds himself with a sigh.  He’s short, she notices.  He offers her a hand and catches her wrist and pulls her to her feet, then drops a hand firmly on her shoulder and steers her out of the woods.  “Let’s go get some lunch, Laura.”
#xmen#x23#laura kinney#wolverine#logan#dadverine#smolverine#trans smolverine#starlight writes stuff#today on 'gender fuckery i enjoy'#laura doesn't really...get it#like#she understands gender enough to say that she's a girl#but she has absolutely none of the socialization that normally goes into raising a child#she thinks of 'brother' as sort of a synonym for 'clone-weapon-thing' and of 'boy/girl' as secondary to being 'clone-weapon-thing'#it basically never occurs to her until logan asks that it matters whether she's a boy or a girl#and she still thinks of 'brother' as...a slur on someone's humanity more or less#some dude tells her they think of her like a sister and she's like 'yes i also think of you like a sister'#and they're like 'no i'd be your brother' and she gets angry about it#and of course logan has seen weirder shit than this so okay whatever kid anything you want#you want to name yourself after an old murder mystery? logan ain't got shit to say#you want to be a girl? dope logan wants to be a human being you can get there together#you want to be a real kid who goes to school and shit? logan's gonna get you some fake papers#(logan's papers are also fake he's on like his eighth set)#(laura suggests the last name 'logan' and he shuts her down immediately and tells her to pick a name that's all hers)#(she remembers vaguely the name on the nicest doctor's id card and writes down her best guess)#(it was not...close)#(but laura likes the way 'laura kinney' rolls off the tongue so she's going to keep it)#idiot teenagers with a queue#bonegoblin
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