#I'm just tired of watching personal platonic Crowley go through the normal people line while I go through the freak line
ineffablefool · 5 years
India update: it is Thursday morning here now, so one and one half days left in the office. Tomorrow night we fly to Delhi, then there's not quite one day in a hotel there (which I forgot when I was packing, whoops), and then we fly for home really late Saturday local time. Should be back in my own house like 8 pm Sunday evening CST if nothing goes horribly wrong!
I am looking forward to getting out of here SO MUCH. I love our team here, but I do not love having to go through a week of being extra-misgendered, feeling like a colonialist (we definitely get e.g. lighter security screenings because we're white, and what are you going to do, *argue questions of racial equity* with the guy who has semi-automatic weight backing his moral argument?), and not being able to drink or rinse with the tap water.
And, of course, I'm looking forward to not being 10.5 hours off from my normal dash/discord activity anymore. And having a computer! With a real keyboard and a mouse!!! People who are leaving me long AO3 comments or emails this week are... not getting responses in a timely manner, I'll tell you that much.
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