#it feels weird to be the privileged white person complaining abt feeling privileged but... like...
justinefrischmanngf · 2 years
i have got to learn chinese simply to be free of the embarrassment that comes w/ not knowing chinese
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1eos · 2 years
you know. i don’t mind that lightskinned (this is important bc theyre always light skinned) biracial girls always make their tragic mulatto tale of being too ‘black’ for nonblacks and too ‘white’ for black people their whole personality. even tho that feeling of never fitting is isnt exclusive to being biracial and ik several brown skinned monoracial black ppl who have said the exact same thing on account of their interests. and i don’t mind that these biracial girls complain abt ‘not having a community’ even tho its literally thousands of them saying the exact same thing and they can simply....link up. but what does bother me is that these pretty, lightskinned girls understand race enough to comprehend feeling like an outsider but when you point out that their light skin and racially ambiguous features have given them a privilege that far outclasses anyone that’s clearly monoracially black suddenly they don’t understand race. like i’ll never tell anyone they can’t vent cuz i knowwwwwwwwwwww people are weird abt biracial people. its a sickness but to act like colorism and featurism aren’t in your favor is so annoying like if you were dark skinned half your fans would be calling you a roach and you know it
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kazutransrants · 2 years
I feel like there's sm nuance given to oppression, and how marginalized people go abt society but none of that nuance is made for privilege
When ppl talk abt male or white privilege, it's almost always very generalized, usually inaccurate, and suffers from lack of perspective
Conservatives point this out often, but they also don't get it right either and they do so in bad faith
For example, a conservative might complain that they don't have white privilege because they are poor. Some leftists might say white privilege is being rich. These are both generalizations, and its a confusion of class and race. (I would also like to point out that you Can become rich as a white person via colonization,slavery, work place bias against poc etc but those are specific and morally disgusting white people)
Due to class, capitalists will use poor white conservatives as arguments for why poc people shouldn't complain about race, but in your face, it makes no sense. But it validates the poor white conservative's preconceived racism or the weird phrase "reverse racism." It gets even more insidious, the poor white conservative will blame even poorer people for their plight
A better example of white privilege has to do with police, people stalking you, and stereotypes. As a white person, you also have the privilege of just not simply advancing as a person. You don't have to care abt poc peoples struggles because their freedoms were mainly earned By Themselves. White allies are important but weren't/aren't especially needed. Sometimes, being a white ally is also giving up aspects of privilege (for example, being in the literal front of protests facing the police)
And male privilege is given and taken away based on what you look like. It is not as solid as racism. As a trans man, it's always been given and taken away from me. Cis men will often talk to me with respect until I am outted. I am still scared to walk outside alone, as do a lot of other men, whether they be cis or trans. But other men, when they realize you're a man, will allow you to be a complex person. You are without the burden of the maddona/whore complex
Privilege, like other sociological things, is also based on individual experiences, so I'm sorry if I haven't been as specific as other people want. It's just something I've been thinking about for a while after being raised conservative. And because of that I'm open to any corrections; I worded this strongly but I'm fine with being wrong abt this
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ineffablefool · 5 years
India update: it is Thursday morning here now, so one and one half days left in the office. Tomorrow night we fly to Delhi, then there's not quite one day in a hotel there (which I forgot when I was packing, whoops), and then we fly for home really late Saturday local time. Should be back in my own house like 8 pm Sunday evening CST if nothing goes horribly wrong!
I am looking forward to getting out of here SO MUCH. I love our team here, but I do not love having to go through a week of being extra-misgendered, feeling like a colonialist (we definitely get e.g. lighter security screenings because we're white, and what are you going to do, *argue questions of racial equity* with the guy who has semi-automatic weight backing his moral argument?), and not being able to drink or rinse with the tap water.
And, of course, I'm looking forward to not being 10.5 hours off from my normal dash/discord activity anymore. And having a computer! With a real keyboard and a mouse!!! People who are leaving me long AO3 comments or emails this week are... not getting responses in a timely manner, I'll tell you that much.
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gray-warden · 5 years
What is the problem with white people traveling to asia without money? Like how are you going to brand calling the cops on someone without a visa as justice, then try and spin them pretending that the native language (which they speak fluently enough to at least pretend is their only language) is reminiscent of colonialism? Also you made it seem like American propaganda is effective in china with your tags which is weird. Just seems like y'all got galaxy brain with racism so hard it got harmful.
when did i say i’d call the cops? i wouldn’t do anything about it besides getting pissed internally lmao. and when did i say anything abut languages? i have genuinely no clue what you mean about american propaganda in china, like, i mean it when i say i don’t get what you’re saying there. i didn’t even mention china in my tags at all, and i only mentioned the US specifically when i mentioned the case of that american woman who wanted to “play doctor” and caused deaths. still, white privilege and racism are not an “american propaganda” thing, it’s something that affects the whole world, white people will pretty much always have an easier time with lots of stuff, including being automatically seen as more qualified and trustworthy, and with law enforcement everywhere, since colonialism affected the entire world, very few countries were never invaded by europeans.what i’m saying is: - it’s bad when people from rich countries that often got rich through colonialism, by harming other countries, complain abt immigrants coming from the countries they harmed because those countries were harmed in that way. even if those people now weren’t responsible for it, they still benefit from how their country developed while it had colonies, and the people in ex-colonies still suffer because of their past as colonies. - an american woman going to africa to make herself feel good about helping others when she ended up killing people bc she wasn’t a doctor like she claimed to be? that’s bad. i hope it’s obvious enough to understand why that’s bad. (also, i looked it up again, i had briefly read abt it at some point, but it was a while back so i didn’t remember all the details, but here: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/08/09/749005287/american-with-no-medical-training-ran-center-for-malnourished-ugandan-kids-105-d she clearly wanted to help, but setting up a health clinic when you have zero qualifications for that is not the way to do it at all, that’s just obvious. if she really wanted to help for the sake of helping, she could’ve donated to groups that can actually help instead. - travelling is great, but it’s not a basic human necessity like food or housing. going on a trip to a place that you /know/ has lots of inequality and then relying on the locals to keep travelling more is just stupid. would i call the cops or whatever on them? no. but i still think it’s stupid. i know that at least here in brazil, if we got begpackers, those people would get a lot more money than people who are begging for money to actually survive, because the tourists would most likely be white people from richer countries, and i know how people would be a lot more likely to give money to those people, who don’t need it to survive (bc they’re white and from “first world countries”, and just wanna travel, unlike the homeless and usually black people in poverty you see every day who get treated as lesser than human by way too many people here - i know that homelessness won’t be solved by people giving homeless people money, but it might still help them survive, get a meal, catch a bus/train so they can go somewhere they may have family or to a shelter). i’m not saying you gotta have a ton of money if you wanna travel, but travelling somewhere with the intention of relying on others when you could just, idk, not do that? it’s a stupid thing to do. what if they don’t help you? are you gonna be stuck then? then you made a bad, irresponsible decision. or do you have enough money to go back in case that happens? then you shouldn’t be begging random people on the street for money. i got nothing against people who travel with little money by hitchhiking, doing odd jobs here and there for it, who sell some stuff they might have, but deciding to travel and, since the beginning of your plans, intending on having to beg strangers for money is just a very irresponsible decision at best. people doing that shit are usually just doing it for the “enlightening experience” or whatever, which is how many western people approach asia, there’s a big stereotype of “exotic enlightenment”, especially when it comes to the southern and southeastern parts of the continent (based on what i’ve heard from both ppl who go there and people who live there - i, as mentioned in the post, am from brazil).People who do that kind of thing are usually extremely condescending and stereotyping about their trips to “exotic places” where they “seek enlightenment and truth” or whatever othre stuff they may say.No, i wouldn’t call the cops on them or anything like that, that was /one/ picture out of lots in the post, it wasn’t the point of it, and if you thought so, you really missed it. and to be honest, i was kinda tired, so i did just scroll kinda fast at some point and might not have looked that closely at a couple of pics because they were just more examples of the same phenomenon. and i didn’t really pay attention to the one with police, tbh. i’d never call the police on anyone begging for money, even if it’s a case like that. i don’t support that, but i still support the general message of the post.if you’re travelling and then get robbed or something like that, or a medical emergency happens, or anything else that might need a lot of money, and then you do end up needing more money than you had in your plans for the trip, then that kind of situation would be more understandable (but also, that’s why you should have some way to have access to money in an emergency situation, even if through a friend or family member, because those things can happen in trips). but if you don’t have an emergency plan, i’d understand actually needing the money, but that’s not the case for most begpackers. there’s a reason why many people in parts of asia, especially SE asia afaik, have been complaining about them a lot, there have been lots lately, based on what people >who actually live thereseeing certain parts of the world as “my place to explore so i can finally be enlightened” or “a place where we, the Good White People™, have to intervene so we can save the Poor Starving Kids™” or “a place where i can become one with nature in the wild, savage, mysterious jungles” or any other thing that ignores that it’s just a place with normal people who have their own lives and culture and all that (as much as where you’re from is a place with normal people who have their own lives and culture and all that) just reduces those places and their people to stereotypes that are often harmful. of course there are gonna be differences between where you’re from and where you’re going to, if there weren’t then there wouldn’t be a point in travelling, but it shouldn’t be hard to just not be stereotyping and ignorant about it all, you can enjoy travelling without being Like That.(and the post also talked about how much easier it is to get jobs or just to generally be seen as more trustworthy and qualified when you’re white and everyone else around you isn’t, and that’s def also a true and important thing to acknowledge)anyway, you sent this message to me specifically and mentioned my tags as well, so i answered, but if you wanna complain more about people who point out that begpackers are annoying and often full of entitlement and stereotypical views of certain places, then maybe ask a person who lives somewhere with lots of begpackers, someone who isn’t white. they might be able to tell you more about the whole phenomenon and the people who do it, how annoying they can be, etc, since they’ve experienced it firsthand rather than just heard a lot about it.
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luminosityfunction · 6 years
tw: abuse
not gonna let this fuq w/ my good week but i’ve been thinking abt how my shitty ex used to strategically?? infantilize me and also themself and use that as a way for themself to consistently dodge accountability. either they’d be like “ufufufu i’m so pure and smol and angelic i can do no wrong” when i brought things up or “ur mentally ill and too smol and fucked to know what’s going on in ur own head/how to accurately assess my actions” and made me doubt my own maturity and sanity and honestly it was a big wtf. 
also i’m like...so pissed abt how like more than a few times i’d be like “hey, i’m still getting hurt by [insert: ur gaslighting/u infantilizing me/u consistently activating my trauma responses w/ this specific behavior/us not talking abt how to proceed re: ur assault of me/etc.]” and them responding w/ “I’M SO HURT THAT UR TELLING ME I’M NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH EVERYONE TELLS ME I DON’T TRY HARD ENOUGH BUT I TRY MY BEST EVERY DAY I’M SO SMOL AND I HAVE TRAUMA TOO AND JUST BC I HAVE PARENTS WHO LOVE ME (ouch) AND $10,000 IN MY BANK ACCOUNT NOBODY ACKNOWLEDGES MY PAIN WHY DOES EVERYONE EXPECT ME TO SAVE THEM” like...the amount of DARVO was unreal in that situation and many others. also in gen they didn’t really care abt my triggers so w/e, restorative justice but also fuq them
also thinkin’ abt how they put a lot of other ppl’s work down re: art, music, rp, etc. and were consistently like “I COULD DO THAT BETTER/THAT LOOKS SHITTY” etc. and how that made me super uncomfortable right out of the gate/was a red flag that i stupidly ignored. they also talked about their closest friends in this savior-esque framing of things and i remember them specifically talking about how they saved this one friend who was going through a hard time and how that was so difficult (like, yes, that is a lot to shoulder and is really hard, but the frequency in which they talked about it and in the weird way where they framed themself as “such a good person” and “so empathetic” for doing this instead of redirecting that friend to the help they needed was weird af). also how they had a blog w/ like hundreds of thousands? of followers or w/e in their youth who they saved and who looked at them as a savior/how they started an org in HS where they saved so many people/how they were one of their friends’ FPs and the weird way in which they bragged about that/etc. #yikesyikesyikes also them complaining about their light-skinned privilege and proximity to whiteness and a lot of their various privileges was yikes af.
also the impact of their consistent manipulation through that relationship rn is that i still??? feel??? totally??? wtf??? about thinking about any of this??? and like i’m so cruel for thinking i deserved better/that they should’ve taken some accountability??? honestly oftentimes they never thought i could be hurt by anything they did and this incredulousness at their own damage/lack of sincere apology/consistent lack of change re: toxic behavior many times/telling me they were working on changing their toxic behaviors w/ no evidence and then getting upset at me for telling them they were still hurting me was...a mindfuck that i still gotta get over. 
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princessnijireiki · 8 years
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