#I'm never going to finish watching evangelion
Otacon x Reader
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Highly cursed at the halfway point. Spoilers for End of Evangelion and I wouldn't recommend that sane people watch it just to try to understand what the hell is going on. Yes there are parts where people turn into orange liquid followed by screams and upbeat happy music about suicide. Also do not look up the hospital scene for this movie (which it is infamous for). You have been warned.
Your smash main is Snake, you're a weeb or you fall in love easily and are used to being hurt by others.
First Date:
None. This man is busy raising a child with Snake.
Second Try:
The two of you meet on a fan board and quickly exchange numbers. Soon he invites you over to his house for a date. You asked where he lived but he said he would prefer to pick you up. You wait outside until you feel what seems to be an earthquake. You go to run but then you look into the sky. "IS THAT A GIANT ROBOT!" The "vehicle" pulls up and sure enough, Otacon is waiting for you. "Good evening. You look wonderful..." He then handed you a bouquet of flowers and you came inside.
Man, he really was an otaku. His home consisted of a bedroom that was really more like a storage space, a bathroom and a kitchen. "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to bring some refreshments." You looked around for a spot to sit down, his room being like that one photo of Yoshihiro Togashi but notably much cleaner. The walls were stacked from the floor to the ceiling. You would have to tell your date that piracy was also an option. Most of it was just anime so you knew better than to touch it.
There was a small CRT and just about every console you could think of. Even the bad ones.At the far end of the room was a computer. You didn't really understand how that stuff worked but you figured his setup must be very expensive since all you had was Windows 95. You saw a purple creature on the desktop. "What's a bonzi buddy?
"You then noticed that Hal had come back. "I brought you a bento and some pocky. Only the best for my little waifu." He then blushed and turned the television off. "Sorry. I forgot that I was playing Policenauts on my Saturn earlier.."He then asked Alexa to play his spotify playlist which consisted of nothing but Hatsune Miku.
After you were finished eating, he took you by the hand. "Allow you to show you my prized collection." He brought you to his glass stand filled with various figures. It had a little bit of everything. Transformers, all the Gundams, some Code Geass. Even this weird one he called Zone of the Enders? "Yeah, I'm a huge fan!" He then looked around to see if the almighty Mr. Kojima was watching."
But this... This is my favorite." It was a giant build of EVA 01. "I never knew you liked Evangelion..." He then pulled out a copy of End of Evangelion. "Would you like to watch it with me? I have the renewal edition..." You gazed into his eyes and kissed him. "Wow..." He then turned on his hello kitty DVD player and inserted the disc.
The two of you started frenching during the komm susser tod sequence. You began to stroke him while the lyrics "It all returns to nothing" played. "Looks like someone's snake is solid..." He then thought to himself while the screams of those being turned into orange juice could be heard. "It's just like one of my Japanese amines!" You gave one final pull, yelling "It all CUMS TUMBLING DOWN, TUMBLING DOWN, TUMBLING DOWN"
Having finished, Hal shut off his VR machine. Ever since David had left him to go on a date with a woman, he hadn't felt the same. He thought back to when he asked him if love could bloom on the battlefield and then started to sob into his arm. "WHY DOES EVERYONE I LOVE LEAVE ME!?" Little did Snake know but Otacon had created a program where he could be with him in a dating sim. He would later sell it on steam and become as rich as Snake did from the fortnite cameo, bringing him into the spotlight. They would later get back together and become the ultimate power couple.
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karizard-ao3 · 5 months
My reactions to Evangelion episode 25: Do you love me?
Just the title of this episode alone is making me feel emotional. What is going to happen to these babies?
I'm going to try to fit these last two episodes in before I finish cleaning up for my friends who are visiting this weekend. I want to be an emptionally destroyed zombie for the whole time they're here.
Jk. I'm hoping I can withstand this and at least fake that I'm still functional after. I might have to take a break between episodes to run to Target, but fingers crossed I will have this finished tonight and then be able to watch End of Evangelion on Sunday!
Enough about me. Let's begin!
Shinji is either having a mental breakdown or he's got some Angel in his head. This reminds me of the Dirac (?) Sea and what he was going through then.
Is he being interrogated?
Asuka is the blunt voice in his subconscious lol
I do find it interesting how similar Asuka and Shinji's motives for piloting the Evas are.
It's interesting because it seems Rei is connected to all the different versions of herself that exist in other people's perceptions. And, it seems like that is entirely what she has based her current sense of herself on.
Her similarities to Kaworu (is that right?) are really interesting. They both were really disconnected from themselves and the world. Very different from humans, who cling to life. Instead, they are eager to die.
"You existed for today, Rei." And Kaworu said he believes he was born just to meet Shinji and was happy to die having done that. How to put this? All the Angels thus far have seemed to be created for one purpose. They always appear, do one thing, and then are killed. There's an essence of the mayfly about them. The fights don't even last long in the show, and sometimes we even miss them. They've never really felt like a real enemy because of that. They're just so unrecognizable, if that makes sense.
Shinji is maybe remembering when he disappeared into the quantum plane?
The instrumentality begins. Oh no.
Misato was shot?
They're gonna glomp everyone altogether into an amorphous blob of heart?
I heard the author was depressed. I get it.
Misato is tired of being clean and pretty for everyone else, and her apartment before the kids moved in was a pig sty. It was like her one little concession to herself. She has to put on the mask outside but at home she could be dirty and ugly.
Hmmmm Misato. Using sex to hide from the pain and disappoint your dead father, huh? I am uneasy. I've been trying to ignore certain vibes I was getting and I'm still trying to. I dont want to talk about it.
Why would they talk about Asuka like that right in front of her?
This is really something. Can't quite articulate it right now, but you know when you're just walking along and suddenly you become hyper aware of the fact that you are you and other people are in their own heads being themselves and having thoughts and sensations just like you but you will never know what it is like in their heads or how it feels to be them? That's what this is like.
"You wished for a closed off world that was comfortable for you and only you." Damn.
In Conclusion
When they say Shinji wished for the end of his world, is that because he wanted to connect with other people and end his loneliness or is it just because he hates himself and wants to die? Or, something else?
My head is doing contortions trying to figure all this out. But I was warned it was confusing, so I don't have high expectations from myself.
Dear Shinji, please stay safe. I love you.
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pinkueigas · 23 days
just finished rewatching the evangelion rebuilds and like i liked them the first time around but i never understood the hate. now i completely understand the hate. the message of the rebuilds was "you need to grow up and just fucking do things, escapism is no way to live life" and "you can't live your life ceaselessly trying to make others happy, you need to let go and do things for yourself" and "stop obsessing over evangelion and go outside" and i feel that the people who got the most upset at it were the exact people the message was aimed at. they watched the movies come out, they didn't realise anno was just playing with his barbie dolls, they thought they knew better than him, they had already decided what they thought the theme of the movies was, and they were absolutely blindsided when it turned out anno was criticising them yet again and basically what i'm saying is i really liked the movies before and i thought they went in a cool new direction but now tbh i think i might be a ride or die defender they were so creative so genius so ballsy
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nerendus · 11 months
Signalis is finished! All of the endings have been brutally experienced! And oh my God! What the fuck!
I went into this game knowing it got a little weird, but I honestly thought it was going to be just your standard Anime Horror Weirdness. But of course, within the first twenty minutes of the game that is immediately discarded with that cutscene after picking up the King in Yellow and ending up in the bathroom at Sierpinski.
I love the nods it gives to so many classics. Silent Hill. King in Yellow. Stanley Kubrick. Isle of the Dead. Apparently also even Evangelion, but I never watched that. And probably so many more that I didn't catch. And I especially love that it isn't just your typical nods, but it actually incorporates it into the story and helps set the mood with the story being told in the way that it is.
The Memory and Promise endings are definitely the ones to make me cry the most, especially with witnessing them in that order. Elster collapsing to the ground when Ariane didn't remember her and instead went to sleep, not fulfilling the promise that she does fulfill in the second ending when Ariane does remember her. It hurts so much.
I can't imagine how it must feel for players who got the Leave ending first, because that one really truly felt like a bad ending. Yeah, sure, you're saving reality and the people within, but c'mon. See your girlfriend. Forget about everyone else.
And from what I've seen the effort that's gone in tracking how to get these endings are insane. The maths is way too much for me to ever understand. I can't even begin to figure out how people managed to unlock the Artifact ending. Literally what the hell. I love it. It somehow makes even less sense than the guides to Silent Hill's endings.
I'm having...a lot of trouble talking about the story itself and organising my thoughts into words. Perhaps with time as my interpretation of the story molds to be something more concrete, I'll have more to say. I'm definitely viewing the story from all angles all at once and trying to rationalise a way to bring them altogether—the trauma, politics, and love specifically.
But I doubt whatever I decide to view it as will ever be the case for long, since I believe Signalis, like many stories of its kind, is meant to be a very personal experience for the player, and that others are naturally going to lean towards different angles based on what grabs them the most. For me, definitely, it is the trauma Ariane has gone through and her seeming struggle with mental illness on top of her physical illness, whatever that may have been.
I really enjoyed this game! It was extremely beautiful. The art style just really grabs you and pulls you in. And I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about this game for quite awhile.
I literally cannot recommend this game enough. It's amazing. It's beautiful. If you can't play it yourself like I couldn't, I recommend Welonz's playthrough as she's very thorough with the lore and has a grasp on the asian languages used, which was significantly helpful in a lot of parts.
Okay. I'm going to go cry now. Goodbye.
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duhragonball · 5 months
Next Steps
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I finished watching all the Evangelion stuff that I had planned, but I find myself still trying to figure things out about the show. I planned to be done with NGE in April, but it's becoming clear that it's not done with me.
Yesterday, I was talking about this Folding Ideas video from 2013. That was back when Dan Olson was still doing the puppets, but I had seen the video before and purposely avoided it, because it was about Evangelion and I didn't want to get spoiled. The video offered some insightful commentary on EoE, but it also pushed the "Anno's Revenge" theory of the movie, and from what I've read on fan wikis, it seems to have been mostly discredited? I think? It could just be that the wiki editors have an agenda, but I suspect that agendas were what led to the "revenge" theory in the first place. Having two endings to the same story will invariably split the fandom. Each side prefers one ending over another, and they're naturally going to push theories to explain why the other ending exists.
Also, the fan wikis aren't always aligned with themselves. That's Lilith up at the top of this post, and I've read two different versions of what that thing is on her face.
It's a mask that was placed on her face when she was strapped to that cross by SEELE. That's why it bears the SEELE coat of arms: seven eyes over a triangle.
It's Lilith's face, or if it's a mask, it's her mask, originally. SEELE's coat of arms was inspired by Lilith's appearance.
This would just be an interesting bit of trivia, except there's two contradictory explanations here, and that leads me to wonder if both of them are bullshit someone made up on the fly. When I first saw the character, I assumed those craters on the "mask" were meant to resemble the moon, but one of the wiki articles I read suggested that it was just wear and tear on the surface, which sounds kind of cheap.
I could probably get to the bottom of a lot of these things, but it would take time that I don't have. I'm starting a re-read of Jojolion next week. The more I think about it, Neon Genesis Evangelion demands a deeper dive, and I'll have to do my homework and rewatch the whole thing now that I know how it ends.
This is probably just as well, since I did want to go through the Rebuild movies. There's four of them and I own the third on Blu-ray, so I might as well see it through. Mostly, I kept wondering when Asuka would get her eyepatch in the original series, and it never happened. Turns out that's a Rebuild thing. So there's still pop culture landmarks that I've yet to see.
The more I think about it, the more I begin to see that the true appeal to this thing is trying to make sense of it. People have called End of Evangelion the greatest animated film of all time, but that's crap. It's not even the best film with a Toei logo and characters who strangle each other.
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I mean, it's no shame losing to the best, but let's be real here.
So the fascination clearly lies with the analysis. Watching the show was just the first step into a larger world. I wasn't prepared for that, but I can't just turn back either.
What I'm saying is that I'll return to this someday. I need to bone up on some of these commentaries, and try to sort fact from guesswork, and then see how far I've come. Then again, it's 2024 and I'm still touting Transformers the Movie as a cinematic masterpiece, so maybe I've been standing in place for four decades in a row. Well, I didn't need to look up why Grimlock is awesome, so not everything has to be so damn enigmatic...
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miki-kaname · 9 months
2023 Final Thoughts
This was one of the worst years I ever went through. I deleted my previous account, so you won't see any evidence of my journey.
I made two new friends here, and they were very supportive. I thought we could keep it going, but it ended prematurely. One was taken down and the other quit unexpectedly. It was a sad day when I found out.
I wasn't very productive this year, I just posted images and told a joke every now and then. Due to the deletion of my last account, many of them are now lost; anime content, fanfics, journal logs, old collaborations, and many others. Though I'm convinced that roughly 25% of them still exists from reblogs, but I have yet to locate them.
The biggest loss was my last mutual. We were great friends for about five years. We discovered each other when we followed each other out of the blue. The very first time we talk is when I made a post about me revealing that I had autism. He DM me, thanking me for the inspiration post. I didn't know back then, but we became friends that day. Since then, we talked now and then and shared our different experiences with the shows we love. I introduced him to anime when I decided to shift focus of that medium. He checked out several shows that I was watching back then; like Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, Spy x Family, and Evangelion.
And in 2022, he introduced me to Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I met Sayaka Miki thanks to him.
The last time we talked was back in the summer. We discussed different animes we were watching, and I told him that I finished the K-ON! manga and was planning to watch the anime. He was looking forward to hear my thoughts about it. The last thing I said was I was happy to finally speak to somebody in order to break the barrier. The final thing I said was, "Take care best buddy." He was very happy for my progress.
And then... it was over.
A few months later, I found out that his account was taken down. I felt sick and I heard a loud ringing sound. And my chest was in a lot of pain. I cried that night, forever alone on Tumblr. So I did the unthinkable.
I deleted my account.
Due to the pain I was suffering, I wanted to escape from everything. But life was getting far worse. Someone in my family got really sick, and it was the most heartbreaking news ever. He has a brain tumor. My mom came home, crying. I haven't seen my mother this devastated in years. My whole life was falling apart.
This whole year was nothing but constant let downs, bullying, trolling, controversy, and major backlash. Due to my disability, I took it too hard, and the dark thoughts blocked out every positivity I ever received.
Even though I came back, it felt like I never should have return.
I'm sorry for being negative, but I did my best. And I did try. I'll... be careful next year.
Thanks for reading.
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takerfoxx · 2 years
Okay, so I finished the third Rebuild of Evangelion movie, and as always, I have some thoughts.
So, this was the divisive one. This was the one that was supposed to trump End of Evangelion in how dark and fucked up it was, the one that caused Anno to relapse back into his depression, the one that split the fans by crushing the optimistic vibes of the previous one.
I...kind of loved it? Like, seriously, I really enjoyed this one (for the most part, but we'll get to my one big criticism later). Like, the first one was an abbreviated version of the first few episodes, the second was a retelling of the events leading to the Third Impact, while this felt like a genuinely new story in the Eva universe. We finally get to see past the Third Impact! I had no idea where the story was going at any given time! It was actually kind of exciting!
Okay, let's start off with the awesome. First, the Wunder, AKA the badass Eva-powered helicarrier Misato was captaining? Absolutely incredible. I was watching on my phone's little screen and I still gasped when it was revealed. Seriously, that whole battle was superb.
And Asuka and Mari as a bantering tag team? Also cool. Definitely see why they're shipped, even if Mari is fated to end up with Shinji in the end.
You know, one thing I've always liked about Eva is that for as utterly flawed and even fucked up as everyone's personalities might be, they still feel real and understandable. And while I've also felt that the way Asuka and others have mistreated Shinji in the past was inexcusable, the coldness and hostility he's getting from them now does make perfect sense. Yes, it wasn't his fault. Yes, he was just trying to save Rei and didn't know what he was doing. Yes, it was all a setup by SEELE. But the dude still triggered the Third Impact. That is a whole lot of dead people. And seeing that Misato lost her father to Second Impact, I can't blame her for not welcoming him back!
Okay, so someone in the know clear something up. Was Rei's soul recovered? Like, when Shinji pulled her out of that Angel, did NERV use whatever soul snatching tech to recover her and put her into a new clone body like they did when Unit 00 exploded in the original series? And does the Unit 00 she's piloting now still contain a piece of Rei 1?
Okay, I'm assuming that Shinji's soul lay dormant inside of Unit 01 all those years until I guess his giant robot of a mom spat him back up, after which everyone at WILLE was like, "Oh great, now this planet wrecking asshole is back." At first I assumed that they cloned him and was confused as to why everyone was ignoring him after bringing him back, but they didn't even want him back to begin with!
Kaworu. Oh, Kaworu. You know, I wasn't really on board with the whole Shinji x Kaworu thing when I first watched the series, but then again, that was a weird transitional period in my life as I moved away from my religious conservative upbringing and was still dealing with a lot of internalized homophobia. Now watching them interact with a fresh perspective...yeah. I mean, Shinji x Asuka is still my go to ship, but realistically speaking, the creepy Angel boy is the best option for him. Kaworu is pretty much the only person to show Shinji actual affection, respect, and positive reinforcement from the beginning, and it's clear why Shinji is so smitten by him. Granted, it's Kaworu, so there probably is an element of manipulation there, but it still does seem to come from a genuine place, and regardless of his motives he does seem to have Shinji's best interests at heart.
Okay, so where did it lose me a little? Well, I was a little confused as to Shinji's motivations at the end. I get that he blamed himself for the Third Impact and was convinced that kicking off Instrumentality would reset the world somehow, but he went from I WILL NEVER AGAIN PILOT AN EVA to GET ME IN THE DAMN ROBOT really quickly. At first I thought that he felt that he and Kaworu were sneaking behind NERV's back to further their own agenda, but Rei's presence as their backup would imply that it was an official NERV operation from the get-go. Like, does Shinji seriously trust his dad?
So I feel there should have been one more element to convince him. Like, have him turn Kaworu down at first, but then have one more revelation that makes Shinji change his mind. And maybe have a scene where Rei asks to go with them because she's curious about her own origins. I get that this movie had a troubled production and multiple rewrites, but this bit could have stood to be proofed a little more.
I also don't get Gendo's "Just As Planned" reaction. Like, really? They counted on this exact scenario? And was he working for SEELE or seeking to undermine them? Was this all just a setup to get rid of Kaworu because he was SEELE's boy? Why would he or SEELE want Fourth Impact to be aborted? It's all way too convoluted, even for Gendo.
Okay, so in regards to Kaworu, it seems that he was led to believe that Instrumentality would reset the world like he promised Shinji, but Gendo pulled a fast one by either switching out the Lance of Cassius with a second Lance of Longius, or lied to him about the lances from the beginning, basically tricking him into a scenario that eould result in his death or a different version of Instrumentality than he promised Kaworu or...something?
See what I mean about convoluted?
But the messiness of the finale aside, I still really liked this one, and am looking forward to the completion of everyone's arcs in the final movie.
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iantimony · 2 years
hello tuesday :) i'm going to start crossposting these onto my dreamwidth also just so i have a non-tumblr log of my weekly updates. please friend me on dreamwidth i would love an excuse to move platforms more
listening: OH i listened to SO much this week. i tuned in to my spotify release radar thing and it was a great idea to get exposed to some new music from artists i already know i like! i also peeped the discover weekly one a bit
i haven't listened to the newest paramore album in full but 'running out of time' was on the release radar playlist and i really really like the sounds! it feels very st vincent-y to me in a way that i wasn't expecting from paramore so i wonder if that was a conscious influence at all? or if they were both separately influenced by the same sources? it's really good though. i dont remember following shakey graves but they also rule i've been jamming to the whole album 'deadstock' which i think is just a collection of some of their more popular tracks? plus some live recordings. and tom rosenthal makes me cry still
from discover:
and then i found memi through...instagram reels i think? instagram has unfortunately nailed the type of music they should serve me to get clicks so i do. keep clicking them. anyways i love her
reading: quantum :V
oh wait actually i do have reading this week! i re-opened the slowly app (i downloaded it years ago but stopped using it at some point), which is a real-time penpal app - you can send letters to random people in the world, and it will send in "real time" as if you were actually mailing a letter! so i opened it and the app went oh? you're active? cool! and i started getting letters! so i got one from a guy in morocco, which i replied to right away, and also one in mandarin which i have NOT replied to right away because i had to spend like an hour translating it rip. out of five i put my mandarin proficiency at a 2 on my profile but honestly that may be too high oops. ah well. it'll be cool to try and get my mandarin back up to snuff! it'll also be a great way to learn things like idioms and other stuff that doesn't show up as often in traditional learning materials.
for example, phrase that i learned is 畅所欲言, chang4 suo3 yu4 yan4, which is a standard four-character idiom that means to speak without inhibitions or to just frankly speak your mind. i have like a full two pages of new words and phrases that i had to look up to read the letter which is awesome!
the letter from morocco was very cool and like...poetry adjacent? which im not sure if it's just because of a translation quirk - he said his english isn't the best - but i dunno. "I am writing to you because writing is a companion of the tired". anyways.
watching: i started watching evangelion with my partner!! we did ... i think about five episodes last week? it owns. this is the first time in a really long time that i've, like...gone blind into a media? my only exposure to eva has been through out-of-context memes (shinji get in the robot) and i feel like a lot of the time with TV shows i tend to read the wikipedia page before watching to see if it's really worth it :") i've never really cared about spoilers or whatever because honestly if it's a good enough show it won't really matter if i know what's going to happen or not, it's more about How it happens and how it's shot/framed/acted/etc. but i have zero context for eva and im very much enjoying it! i wasn't expecting the body horror at all it rules
making: making good progress on my embroidery project! this photo is from about two weeks ago but it's the most recent one i have and honestly haven't done THAT much more. i just finished filling that vertical headphone cord in with red, started some other headphone cord...after that all i have left is the letters (rip) and then doing maybe some sort of sashiko stitch/cross hatching as fill for the hair? like some spaced out x patterns in a grid or something like that. because i'm sure as shit not doing a satin or brick stitch to fill all that in and i think it'll still look good that way.
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im also finishing up valentines gifts to mail to people :3
misc: hgg. quantum midterm on march 2. it is Rapidly approaching and im very nervous about it but in a VERY different way - this semester he's having the exams be open note and open book, which could be really good or really really bad. on the plus side i dont have to drive myself insane memorizing equations on flash cards again, most of my studying will probably be uber-familiarizing myself with the layout of the notes so i know where to reference things and also copying out things from online that might be relevant. on the minus side it means i have really no clue on how hard this exam will be. pain.
research is going. i feel like im sooo close to getting shit to work. however i am also experiencing research fomo because a prof that i didnt even know existed gave a presentation on her group for potential new students and i went wait wow that fucks. sigh. i think that's all for this week gang, gonna crosspost to dreamwidth after lunch!
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alexdelray1 · 1 year
Hobie x F Reader Part 2.
Part one is there.
Two people started petition for part 2 and I'm not the kind of person who ignores petitions, so here you go. EAT IT MHA HAHAHA!
-Hobie?!- I shouted with surprise and happiness.
-I wouldn't leave you to your fate for this fascist.- he says with a smile.
-Thanks for saving me. I thought he was going to do something to me or something, but you know, I could handle it somehow. - I said and casually freed myself from his arms. I looked around the room.
-Pavitr? Gwen? Peter? Peter B? Peni? And that cool spider-pig? What are you doing here? Ooooh, are you stalking us? I understand, I understand. - I joked.
-Funny and we all got together to save Miles. We decided that since you betrayed Miguel, you would side with us. - Gwen said, walking up to me.
-Interesting take on my behavior. But now I know your plans and I can tell them for Miguel! - I zoomed the camera drastically towards me (get the hell away from the 4th wall). Everyone looked at me in shock, ready to fight.
-Don't worry, I'm just making fun of you. "I'll tell it to Miguel!" Hahaha! He doesn't even listen to himself. - I made a joke.
-I had a heart attack.- Peni said and made her 'anime kawaii' smiley.
-Peni, you're sweet. Never meet your comic book version or I'll get depressed watching another Evangelion. (Greetings to the guys who knows). - I said and they all looked at me.
A moment of silence.
-Sorry, fourth wall. Tell us what our plan is. - I replied and we returned to the serious matter.
-All right. As we all know, Miles was sent to some universe and Miguel is hunting him down. First, we need to know what universe he is in. - Gwen said and I raised my hand.
-Yes, Reader?- Gwen asked.
-I'm guessing he's on Earth 42.- I said.
-Why 42?- asked Peter.
-I often stalk there - - ahem, ahem, I look at Miles from that earth and there is no Spider-man or anything like that on it and Miles is hot there - - ahem, ahem, bad. - I replied while looking at Hobie. He's so flyable.
-So 42. Okay, but what do we do first? Do we save Miles or fight Miguel? - Gwen asked.
-It's best to distract him and fight him on some other earth that is already destroyed.- Peni said.
-But how will we find one?- asked Peter B.
-Do you remember that earth where Miguel switched places with his dead body? This is earth 96099. There is not a living soul there. And the memories may weaken him.- I said.
-So Earth 96099. I guess that's all. Are there any other questions?- Gwen asked. I raised my hand.
-Do you like 'Girl in Red'?- I asked her.
-Who does not like? Here we go with the action-- Gwen couldn't finish her sentence.
-Wait! We have to make a shout! Stand around and one hand on the other. - I said and they did so out of curiosity.
-My hands are wet because I just washed them.- said Spider-Pig. I placed my hand just above Hobie's hand.
-Okay, now. Be aggressive! Be aggressive! I said be aggressive! - I shouted and we raised our hands.
-Thanks Reader for your… help. We'll be going bye.- Gwen said, and everyone except Hobie went up to the roof.
-You're not going?- I asked him.
-Relax. I just want to give you something. - he said and took something out of his pocket. It was a piece of paper with his number on it.
-Why do I need this?- I asked him and he smiled.
-Give it to the horny chick with the big boobs. Bye.- he said and my jaw dropped.
-No, I am joking. This is for you. - he said and went out the window.
There won't be any more parts of this, but I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't check. BAJLANDO!
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Current watchlist (September 25, 2023)
Outside of my consistent obsession for a certain show (ahem, guess which one), I haven't actually watched nearly as much stuff as usual, courtesy of the life roller coaster I guess ! which this month included organizing a whole music festival, job hunting, family drama and recovering from almost chopping off my finger, fun stuff. Oh look I've become like those cooking blog articles with way too much fluff about their life at the beginning lol So anyway !
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Currently watching :
Only Friends (ep 7, as per the copious amount of shitposting and reblogging meta, I'm loving it, it's delivering the toxic mess it promised and it's about to get worse)
Hidden Agenda (ep 8, things are heating up and Zo and Joke have all the green flags ! Kinda don't want to continue if it means drama is coming)
Utsukushii Kare season 2 (technically just finished it haha, it was so beautiful and so was the movie, I really gained a new appreciation of Kiyoi and his struggles)
Love Me if You Dare (ep 11, I had tried watching years ago and had never made it past episode 1, but it does really get better and more interesting as it goes on and is a lot less polished than most Cdramas nowadays, in a good way)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (ep 25, it's getting really out there and I don't know where it's going but I'm enjoying it)
Love is Blind season 5 (ep 4, yeah I'm that person watching a reality show like that as it comes out, very glad Chris got himself out of it)
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On pause :
The Warp Effect (ep 2, the story is cool but I have a hard time getting into it, the themes are very interesting like expected from P'Jojo)
A Boss and a Babe (ep 2, I was curious since discovering ForceBook in Only Friends but everything feels so fake, I don't find them credible in their roles, the lines feel forced, the pacing is weird, nothing is working for me so far)
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Rewatching : The Vampire Diaries (they just put the show on Netflix and just like that I was screwed), UnReal (I need the balance with Love is Blind and the reminder of the heavy manipulation that goes into these shows), Fringe season 1 (my roommate is definitely hooked now haha)
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Movies : none, except Utsukushii Kare Eternal. It's bad. I'm taking the plane to see my gf soon though so that means a movie binge ! Unless ... I just got Amazon Prime so I could finally watch season 2 of Good Omens and the documentary Shiny Happy People, so maybe there won't be as much movie watching as usual. We shall see
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karizard-ao3 · 6 months
My reactions to Evangelion episode 13: Angel Infiltration
Actually, if I have the mental capacity I might watch one more after this one so I can finish the disc, but we shall see!
Ritsuko is a good multitasker.
I like that the Magi are in fact all named after the Magi.
I haven't mentioned it until now- Hold on. I was just about to say something about Ritsuko being amoral (probably because scientist), but what's this about her mother? Are the supercomputers... Are they powered by human brains preserved in some kind of jelly? I'm rewinding.
I am still completely befuddled but this is very interesting!!!
An ultra-sterile room, you say?
These poor naked teenagers.
Oh, maybe Ritsuko's mother built the Magi? Ah, I see. She got them started.
If Shinji becomes a bad person my heart will break. Just thinking.
Is Rei having a panic attack?
No, her Eva has been infected with corrosion!
The corrosion is an Angel...?
The Angels are trying to get to Adam, then?
Now there's a hacker? Is the Angel the hacker, then?
This is very exciting.
I was wondering if it was nanobots but I didn't want to say I was wondering if it was nanobots because I wasn't sure that was something they had. But it was nanos!
Ritsuko is very attached to the Magi.
Okay, so I'm thinking her mother's brain is not literally powering the Magi.
Wait. Personality transplant? Maybe I wasn't so wrong.
This is also giving me more insight into the Evas. I wonder whose personalities they used for the Evas?
I don't think it's her real brain, though.
It worked!
In Conclusion
With all the religious imagery, I really do think that there's got to be a "playing god" element here. I'm not trying to get too committed to any personal theories, but I really feel like things are pointing to the Angels being man-made. I mean, fuck. Look at that fetus, Adam, for the Human Instrumentality project. They're for sure up to something beyond the scope of mortal men.
Okay, so we're seeing a bit more of how they integrate human and machine. I feel like there's something about this lingering just at the edge of my mind but I can't really put it into words. I guess it's kind of got this tower of babel feel, in a way? Humans are trying to climb too high and it's going to end up blowing up in their faces (or maybe it already has).
And whose personalities did they use for the Evas?? Is Shinji's Eva made out of his mother's? His mother never even gets mentioned, so I don't know why I would think that, but I feel like there's going to be some gut punch moment about Shinji's mom.
Anyway, I am indeed going to finish out the disc, and then I don't know if I'll keep watching later or be done for the night.
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
i'm digging the weeb-grave deeper <3 top five anime?
jo…….jo…… exposing me like this, for everyone to see 😔 (but also thank you interweb bestie 💖💖💖💖💖) p.s i fucking dare you to post your top five anime so we can both go down in this weeb trashfire together 💖😊
1. Monster - both the anime and manga wrecked me. destroyed me. husked me out into nothing but a hollow thing of a person. i could go on for fucking YEARS as to why this is the best anime of all time, but let me just sum it up by saying i’ve never experienced a more well thought out plot, a more well developed cast of characters, or a more well developed world in my whole fucking life and i will go to the grave believing that. also i’m full on in love with eva, she is my everything, my sun, my moon, the light in my life etc 💖💖💖✌️😔
2. Okay this is kind of cheating because it’s the franchise i love and not one anime in particular BUT Lupin The Third - my twin and i both fucking love the Lupin franchise. one of the old series, i think green jacket??? aired on tv when we were younger and we were fucking HOOKED. i’ve subsequently gone through most of the movies (my favourites being harimao’s treasure, twilight gemini, ans the secret of mamo). Also fucking LOVED the newer series The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (fujiko, my love, what a fucking great character ✌️😩).
3. This is for nostalgia’s sake so it’s a tie between Azumanga Daioh and Hamtaro - both of these anime series were huge for me as a kid (as well as sailor moon and naruto) but these two really meant a lot to me. Azumanga Daioh became like a comfort series that i’d rewatch a lot, especially in the summer. and fun fact! it’s the only series where i prefer the english dub. and jo as you know hamtaro was a feral obsession for me. those hamsters got into my brain and never left. my childhood bestfriend (whom i’m no longer friends with) my sibling and myself would draw those hamsters 25/7. i also loved the games (hamtaro hamham heartbreak is still one of the best games ever no one can fucking convince me otherwise)
4. Ookiku Furikabutte (or as I affectionately call it fruity booty) - time to out myself as sports anime trash :))). this (and One Outs) is probably my all time favourite sports anime. i don’t even know how to explain it fr, i never thought i’s be a sports anime person. also the characters dynamics are tropey as hell, like so typical animu, but i love them so much anyways??? and it’s so gay??? mihashi is a precious babygirl and i need to protect him with my whole body.
5. I’m cheating again but these all kind of have the same vibes so i can’t distinguish between them so Neon Genesis Evangelion (the original series)/Serial Experiments Lain/Alien Nine - okay so i hated Eva the first time i tried to watch it, but then when it was put on netflix i decided to watch it again and loved it??? similarly i tried i think 3 times to watch Serial Experiments Lain and finally finished it last year?? Alien Nine is also technically a series of ova’s, but that shit is so bizarre i fucking love it. anyways these are all perfect examples of the weird side of anime i like where it’s a little psychological horror, a little existential dread, and a little bit of mystery action. also unironically i fucking love the openings for Eva and Serial Experiments Lain, they slap so fucking hard dude
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furiousofpanda · 2 years
I keep telling myself I need to finish animes before watching new ones
Also me: Opens Vrv/Netflix for two seconds
"Oh hey, this looks cool!"
Currently I have these animes I need to finish and my progress of them (more like a note to self)
-Neon Genius Evangelion (episode 5 I think?)
-Soul eater (Can't remember what episode but it's where possessive evil weapon person fights the girl protagonist and there's like a blood problem or something)
-Made in abyss (season 1 has been watched, need to watch s2)
-HunterxHunter (can't remember episode but I think it's the battle tower ark last I checked or something after hisoka made deal with protagonist?? Maybe I'm mixing this up)
- New chainsaw man episodes (I keep forgetting to check)
- Spy x family (watched only first few episodes, need to continue)
- Owl house (waiting on the finale, I want to see the moon man himself go bonkers)
- There's more I'm completely forgetting lmao, I'll edit them in eventually
Stuff not ok the list but I am adding because I'm not planning on ever finishing
- Pokemon anime is good but it can kiss my ass at this point as that will probably never end being made, plus original Pokemon anime was better
-BNHA (I stopped watching this shit ages ago because there is no end to the horizon with this, it keeps coming out- Season 2 I stopped near the end I think?? Maybe its season 3)
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duhragonball · 4 months
(Sorry ran out of space and have to make 2 asks) Anyway We left off last time with how you let popular culture and memes guide you with anime, what do you think the meme for evangelion would be? Get in the robot Shinji? Having watched the show I am not sure about that, well it's nothing like the "Nah, I'd win" of today. That said, do you have any interest in newer anime such as Jujitsu Kaisen from which that meme came from? I heard Oshi no Ko is hot as well, but it could end up like NGE for me..
I'll just cover the rest here since this second half goes in a different direction.
I think my favorite Eva memes are the 4kids! parody song, and this animation of Asuka to the son "I threw it on the ground".
What's rewarding is that now I understand all the little references, like when she slam dunks Kaworu's severed head, or why Misato is so upset about her beer getting smacked out of her hand. Well, I mean, she likes beer, so I guess it's not rocket science. Still I like to have the context for this stuff.
I don't know or care if these are popular memes, but they struck me as memorable, even though I didn't know anything about the source material. And over time, it just seemed like I was doing myself a disservice by not watching the source material so I could engage with them more fully.
I don't have much interest in newer anime and manga. I'll be liveblogging Chainsaw Man in August, but that's been around for several years now. I kind of prefer to let these things age a little and see if they're worthy of my time.
Also, as JoJolion demonstrated, I'm not cut out to follow along with these things in a serialized format. I read up to Chapter 66 in 2017 and that was just fine, but I found it really difficult to keep up with the story as the new chapters were published. That's why I'm going over the whole thing all over again. So in hindsight, I probably should have just done it that way from the beginning.
As things currently stand, I think my anime bucket list is just Galaxy Express 999, Fist of the North Star, and Tenchi Muyo! GXP, which I never finished back in the 2000's. I'm probably overlooking something, but that's enough to keep me occupied for a while...
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tagged by @holographiccs
LAST SONG: Cruel Angel's Thesis from Neon Genesis Evangelion (the brainrot is real but the opening is a jam.)
CURRENTLY WATCHING: I am at the cinema watching the new Ghostbusters! But I'm also still watching Dungeon Meshi and I'm going to get round to the NGE rebuilt films. (I am generally very bad at watching TV shows.
THREE SHIPS: Oooh, my short attention span could never!
1.) AshEiji (Banana Fish), becuase I'm never not thinking about them. I still have like four unfinished fics in my notes for them.
2.) Hmmm probably Vanitas/Noe from Vanitas no Carte, because vampires! And idiots! And vampire idiots who can't deal with their emotions.
3.) The crossover ship that I just finished publishing on a03, Alice from Alice Madness Returns/P from Lies of P. I captain this ship now! They're both just incredibly interesting on their own, and together, even more interesting to explore!
FAVOURITE COLOURS: Red and Blue but apart from each other, if that makes sense.
CURRENTLY READING: I've just finished The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King; very good, very different voice for him, and very few Kingisms! I'm halfway through The Bell Jar too, but that's harder work...I also started Elle McNicoll's new book, Keedie, because I loved A Kind of Spark. (Yay, autism rep!)
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: pre-cinema Macdonalds
FIRST SHIP: Ahhhh, I have no idea?? I think the first ship I ever wrote for was Soul/Maka from Soul Eater, so maybe them?? Or the Fruits Basket crew??
PLACE OF BIRTH: Where Jane Austen was born 🤗
CURRENT LOCATION: Where Jane Austen hated living 🤗
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Want a relationship, can't deal with dating apps.
LAST MOVIE: I re-watched Penelope (2007) whilst eating the other night; it's one of my very favourites. Definitely recommend!
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Officially I should be writing the Indiana Jones has a daughter middlegrade novel for camp nanowrimo but that's not going well lmaoo. Also working on not-AshEiji celebrity AU, and toying around with a fancylad boyprince/tough loyal knight thing that has no plot but big vibes.
(And a KawoShin fic is deffo in the works!)
ppl to tag: anyone who feels like talking about themselves! But umm @duraraross and @howtotrainyourmerlin
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pin4tacademia · 7 months
update: finished my last pure maths unit ever!! woo!!
The exam was alright. I found it a bit difficult towards the end, especially the vector calculus part, but overall I think I did ok. The linear algebra part was surprisingly chill. Overall, was fairly hard but I'm sure I'll be fine :)).
Now, the semester is actually going to start. Scaryy. It will be my first real sem of electrical, so I am sure it will be tough. Last semester was pretty stressful, so for just my sake I am setting some goals:
actually start attending lectures: I never attended lectures in first year and I truly think it has fucked me over bad. I would have so many lectures to watch by the end of the week and I hated it and barely absorbed any of them. I think attending lectures will actually make me watch them, absorb what they're saying, and create a sense of community (I was very lonely in first year lol, which is I think largely because I barely went to campus).
try to actually do the work: I had a bad cheating/over-reliance of others in first year, which I think made me not learn a lot of the content. I think a large part of why I did that was because I would get quite lazy and tired with the doing more mediocre things (eg. weekly quizzes) after doing assignments, so I think I need to actually put in effort in tuts and labs and quizzes.
and finally, just relax: I was soooo overstressed last semester in particular. it. was. CRAZY. That needs to never happen again, so atp, I think I am just going to uphold the Ps get degrees mindset for now and just prioritise my mental health before anything. I literally wouldn't go out for weeks, and it made me feel so couped up and insane. I would get so stressed out after submitting anything. I would spent 5x as much time on projects than anyone else. I feel like if I ever find myself getting like that, I should just stop the project or assignment and let it go. This semester, I am going to try and let myself make friends, have fun, and go out. Last semester I would deny all these opportunities for the excuse of "studying", but I don't think it did me any good. So, yeah, I am just gonna try and chill out a bit more.
now, in terms of more personal updates:
I finally finished outlander!! Well, at least until June/July lmao. What a ride. First season was probably my personal favourite, which is unfortunate, but hey, what can you do. It was actually pretty interesting to learn about Scottish and American history, I feel like my knowledge of it was pretty poor beforehand.
Began watching neon genesis evangelion!! It's kinda weird, and idk if I like it, but I will finish it because I feel like it's so iconic.
I am finishing up my med phys research internship!! Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that I will actually complete the research task that I was given, but I am not super surprised given the fact that I was balancing work with a summer course and a part time job. I was also the youngest there (first year undergrad rip), so I will try not to be too harsh on myself. My supervisor was really encouraging and chill about it :')). I am glad it's finishing up though bc tbh it was a lot. I am really proud of myself for at least trying it and getting an internship in first year, because that's usually pretty difficult. Especially in something that I actually care about and is relevant to my career/future yk?
Joined a bunch of things for the sem. I am not sure if I will continue with any of them considering how busy I was last sem, but we will see. I joined a robotics competition with a group of friends so that will be fun. I also joined this online leadership project, which I think might be cool and not too heavy on me. I am also considering to join an engineering society and a start-up society thing, as I think I could make some friends and put some things on my resume. I am a bit scared to, so I am putting it off for now, but we will see.
and finally, the courses I will be doing starting next week are: introductary physics (I think we will touch upon mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves), data structures and algorithms, electrical eng introduction (basically this is circuit analysis, so a lot of maths lmao), and digital logic. wish me luck!!
Sorry for these long updates btw!!! Atp I'm just using this blog as a journal :')) don't mind me
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