#I'm not immune to teal
shinypokemonshowdown · 11 months
I love how some propaganda is a whole essay on why the shiny is good
While others are simply "it's [color]"
No offense to either, I love both kinds of propaganda
I love both kinds too, sometimes people like a shiny just because it's [color] ^^
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sylphwing · 3 months
they definitely do all blend in together but that green girl in that first pic is so cute >_>
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areyoudoingthis · 11 months
god I truly love the red suit (because it's hot obviously and i am not immune), but also because of the glimpse it gives us into stede and where he's at halfway through s2 (thee season of change and growth).
he's been wearing the same shabby, stained white shirt all season so far because he left everything he owned behind, and he hasn't complained once about ed throwing all his favorite clothes overboard, because nothing was more important than finding ed and finally being able to tell him how he felt about him, and I'm so proud of stede for that bit of growth. the white shirt is symbolic of that growth, of his willingness to put ed and the crew first, of him not needing all his physical belongings anymore because he has people to care about now, he doesn't need things.
but he likes them, and the way his whole face lights up when he sees the red suit and he stops to put it on in the middle of a raid (and almost gets stabbed for it) is so stede. he's grown but he still loves his fancy clothes, he loves bright colors and frills and buttons and gold thread. growing doesn't mean he has to stop loving those things, and that's such an important thing for the show to say, especially given where stede is in his journey of self discovery this season. he's still allowing himself to enjoy those things in spite of the undercurrent of fear of not being good enough and self hatred that thrums under the surface since the opening of episode 1 (and eventually leads him to kill a man and get progressively more butch in his outfit choices as the season progresses). i LOVE that he gets to have that, that he gets to feel hot and pose in front of the mirror and strut around all day (and that he gets to be a righteous bitch when the crew destroys the suit).
it's such a realistic representation of someone on a journey of self discovery, of someone who's figuring out what he's worth and why he's loveable and what he likes and will allow himself to like and how he will allow himself to present in front of others. and he gives it away because he loves his little piratical family and wants to keep them happy, but he still got to enjoy that, and he still looked great in just the red shirt with a low neckline and black lace all over it (and he got a "you wear fine things well" for it!!!!!!! ed saw and he understood what it meant to stede and stede got to hear that!!!!!! I'm kissing the show on the lips).
i still feel some type of way about the teal shirt and the leather pants and everything they say about his state of mind throughout episodes 6-8, and i feel fifty more things about him finally being able to have his romantic fantasy come true and know that he's loved in the color that represents repression and being forced to perform a type of masculinity that's been destructive for him his whole life (as I've said before). I think it was insanely symbolic and important for him to be able to wear that particular outfit at that particular time and stay in it for the entire finale.
but. BUT. i can't wait to see what becomes of Stede's gender expression when he has time to rebuild his wardrobe, when he's not running around trying to keep everyone safe or prove he has worth, when he starts to realize and embrace that he doesn't have to be a certain kind of man for people to respect him and for ed to love him. i can't wait to see the choices he makes when he's finally free to choose. I think s3 might kill me yall
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iamblz-tblr · 1 year
playing the teal mask using koraidon led to me actually naming them and, well-
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(I'll say it, I'm not immune to thinking enemies-to-lovers is cute as hell)
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box-architecture · 7 months
"So Dream's date went well I see." Hannah noted idly as she began to take samples.
Sam's stormy expression further soured. "No personal-life discussion at work."
"That's not what you were saying yesterday." Hannah smiled, a thin veneer of benevolence. "Mr. 'Dream, where did you meet him? Where are you going out, Dream? What time will you be back? Is it just dinner?'"
"All good questions to ask your roommate." Sam defended, moving away from the computer to start examining the body's flesh. Hannah's facade fell away to reveal something far more puckish.
"Of course. I'm sure it was incredibly important to know what dessert they would having. Wouldn't want the date to roofie his ice cream."
"They weren't having ice cream." Sam snapped. His face was flushed teal. "They probably just went to his house and- had sex."
"Ooh, that look like it hurt to say. You want to take five?"
"I'll tell security you shut off the basement cameras." He pointed a finger at her threateningly. Hannah looked amused. "You can't keep using the sarcophagus room to-"
"To what, Sam?"
With a jerk, he spun around to face Tina. She had an eyebrow raised, labcoat folded over her arm. Briefly, he tried to point his finger at her, before flushing further and dropping his hand.
"You know." He said, albeit mildly strangled. She leaned in and smiled sweetly.
"No, I don't. Tell me about what Hannah does in the sarcophagus room."
After a moment of sputtering, Sam deflated like a balloon. It wasn't really surprising. The man had always been all bark, no bite. It made him kind of funny; kind of annoying, too, but these things had their gives and takes. Hannah patted him on the back.
"Oh, Dream's here!" Tina's exclaimed joyfully, and Sam's wilted demeanor vanished instantly.
"Dream!" He brushed past Hannah and descended down the platform, hurrying over to meet a disheveled blonde man who was shimmying on his lab coat with one hand, leaning on his cane with the other.
"And there he goes." Hannah sighed. She bundled up her samples and set them on her moving tray. Tina hummed, still watching the men.
"Do you think he knows?" She asked. Hannah snorted.
"That he's in love? Sam would have brought out champagne and roses Day One if he did."
"No, Dream." Tina insisted. Hannah paused, looking up to squint at the pair.
Sam tied Dream's coat for him, brushing off the nonexistent dirt and likely rambling. Dream, slowly, reached out to cup Sam's face with a tenderness that Hannah had only ever seen him give to the dead. There was a moment of surprise, and then Sam melted, leaning into a hug. It allowed him to completely miss the forlorn, obvious yearning that flitted over his roommates face.
"No," Hannah decided. "He's an idiot. He would have done something stupid by now to force himself to 'get over it.'"
"You're right. He would have flown to Paris or something." Tina agreed. She plucked the sample tray from its cart and leaned in to whisper in Hannah's ear. "I'll put these in your office. Meet me in the sarcophagus room?"
Hannah smothered a giggle and nodded.
Uhhh notes:
you are not immune to Forensic Anthropologist Awesamdream AU
Dream and Sam are roommates, who tend to spend time together by watching marathons and eating ice cream on the couch together. Sam and Dream notably don't eat ice cream with other people, unless the ice cream is handed to them or it's a required thing. Sam considers it Their Thing That's Theirs Only For Them and Dream, quietly, also thinks of it like that
Hannah and Tina have sex in the sarcophagus room. Notably they turn off the security camera to do this, or go in the blind spots. This is illegal probably.
Dream grew up with Sapnap and George, but for Reasons they are no longer friends. Dream met Sam in school and Sam had the biggest crush on him, but they ended up separating at some point and going in different directions. When Sam transferred to this branch of forensics and met Dream again, Dream was notably covered in scars, walking with a cane, and a lot colder.
Dream tends to be distant with his coworkers and warms up over time, but Sam is Immediately allowed in his space and can be as touchy as he wants.
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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stargazer-sims · 10 months
thanks @dandylion240 ! Here you go!
I feel like I should put some kind of disclaimer or content warning on both Kiri's and Maxan's info (but Kiri's especially). Anyway... I'm putting it under a cut for that reason (and because it's long).
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Maxan (left) & Kiri (right)
((There's going to be a lot of background stuff included here, for context))
If Kiri had to choose one word to describe himself, it'd be survivor.
Kiri has a spot colour mutation known as polychromia. The majority of his species have single-coloured spots (or spots in shades of the same colour), but a small percentage of the population is born with a mutation that produces multicoloured spots. There are four known mutations; standard polychromia which shades from purple/pink through blue to teal/green (Max and Sri both have this one), dilute polychromia with pale purple/pink shading through to turquoise/teal, cool-tone polychromia with shades of blue and green (Kiri's colouration), and warm polychromia with fuschia/pink shading through to coral/orange and yellow (Kaji's colouration). Standard is the most common type and warm is the most rare.
Males with polychromia are generally smaller than typical males. They're considered to be more beautiful than average, with the smallest and the ones with the most colours or rarest colour mutations being the most highly-prized. Unfortunately, spot mutations aren't just connected to colour. A lot of males and some females with polychromatic mutations also have intellectual disabilities, compromised immune systems or congenital health problems.
Societal expectations for polychromatic males are low. They aren't expected to work or to receive more than a basic education. They're often spoiled and indulged by their mothers and their mates, sometimes to an extreme degree. Their most important role is to give birth to and raise children. Both males and females are capable of impregnating and becoming pregnant, but it's more often the males who have the babies.
Kiri originally came from a poor family, and when his mother realized she'd given birth to a child with the second rarest colour mutation, she couldn't help but see it as a future opportunity.
Sixamish culture has a practice of "bonding gifts" in which a female will give a gift to her future mother-in-law in exchange for the privilege of taking the older woman's son as her mate. Its intended purpose is a token of thanks, sort of like, "Thank you for trusting me with the care of your precious son. I honour your trust with this gift." It's largely symbolic and bonding usually isn't an arranged marriage type of situation. However, like so many things that start out innocently, people somehow find a way to corrupt it. Their world is a matriarchal society, and the most rich and influential people on the planet are females. Wealthy, powerful females decided they were willing to pay large amounts of money or other resources for the most beautiful males, essentially as trophy husbands or as a means to produce beautiful children, and of course there are always opportunists like Kiri's mother who are willing to give their sons for the right price.
Kiri was given to a wealthy businesswoman when he was only fourteen. He was a few months away from turning fifteen, but he was already sexually mature, so everyone looked the other way about him being more than a year underage (age of majority is 16 for them). Kiri's new spouse didn't waste any time getting around to educating him on the ways of mating, and he had his son Kaji when he was still just fifteen.
Kiri wasn't her only mate. Her first husband, the older one, hated Kiri and felt threatened by him because he'd produced the most beautiful child any of them had ever seen. The first husband was also the one their wife actually loved, and he had a lot of influence with her. As a consequence, Kiri was badly mistreated, sometimes being physically abused and often being denied food as a punishment for some arbitrary thing he did that displeased his mates. The most painful thing was that they often took Kaji away from him for days at a time as a punishment for some random thing.
Kiri had three miscarriages between having Kaji and having his twins, Xai and Sevan. By the time the twins came along, Kiri was determined that they would not be taken from him like Kaji was, and that he was going to protect them and teach them everything he could despite his limited knowledge. He refused to let his wife put the twins in a separate room, They slept with him and were practially with him at all times. When they got older, he would give his food to them, which meant that he sometimes didn't eat for days at a time. His health, which had never been the greatest, deteriorated to the point where several doctors were of the opinion that he'd never fully recover.
Fast-forward several years, and Kaji ends up in a similar predicament to Kiri, essentially being sold to a powerful female. Fortunately for Kaji, the female he ended up with was an ambassador to Earth, and she took Kaji there with her. While on Earth, Kaji escaped and was eventually rescued by Félix and Davian. Zira was the doctor who looked after him, and he eventually befriended Zira's husband Sri, and her best friend Maxan, who is also a doctor.
It was thanks to Kaji, along with Zira, Sri and Maxan, and Sri's mother, who is a magistrate (judge) that Kiri and the twins were eventually rescued and brought to Earth as well. The ship's doctor was afraid that Kiri wouldn't survive the voyage to Earth, but by sheer willpower and determination to see his long-lost Kaji, he did.
Maxan was the doctor who looked after Kiri once he arrived on Earth. Max was way more dedicated to Kiri's care than professionally advisable, but it worked out well for both of them in the end. Over the course of Kiri's recovery, they got to know each other far better than any doctor and patient rightfully should, and at some point they realized that they were destined to be more than just doctor and patient. Max is a survivor too, and they found strength in each other that they both needed.
Kiri still isn't in perfect health, but he's a lot better now than he ever was before coming to Earth. He and Max have had two children together, both of which Kiri gave birth to, and it's been a joy for him to raise his children without fear of them being taken away and without worrying about being able to feed them.
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Warden Joseph my beloved
I can't remember if I've ever out right said this but Joseph can't see. This isn't due to any blindness or anything, he doesn't have eyes. It's just kinda flat where his eyes should be, dark too
There's this gradient down his face that goes from his forehead down to right above his cheeks. You'd be hard pressed to see it though considering he wears his hair fully over that part of his face, only cutting it because getting hair in you mouth and nose is a bad time
His hair is also very dark, it actually looks like skulk, that dark teal with just those few glimmers of light, or maybe souls? Speaking of souls, Joseph's chest is actually open (yeah I'm going full monster fucker with this one) He doesn't have three of them like normal wardens do, just the one. It functions like his heart, and you wouldn't believe how fast it pulses when he hears or smells you coming
His sense of smell is insane, even rivaling Bo's, though he's not one for competition. He actually has a really good sense of taste because of this, able to pick up on the lightest notes in food (That's probably the reason he can stay sane while surviving off of glow berries alone)
Obviously his hearing is incredible too, being able to hear the echo of bats from the caves miles above him that haven't been tainted by skulk yet. Also, no, he can't do the Toph thing where he can basically see with extra steps. He's never seen the world through eyes so he can't even picture shit outside of touch and sound
He gets over stimulated very easily due to how amped up most of his senses are, which is the whole reason he attacks things that make sound. It's just too much, a foot step can sound like a gun shot to him, he has to make it stop
He's also immune to lava so he's fine if he falls into a lava lake...until he needs to get out. He can see which way is out and after a fall like that he doesn't know which way he fell from so he just has to take his best guess and start swimming. That being said I do need you to picture Rory holding Joseph's hand as he leads him to shore
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crisalidaseason · 4 months
Panic: Dating a demigod
Summary: Carter Kane and his turbulent, chaotic and dangerous life while also dealing with the fact he is in love with a demigod.
Chapter 1: Hello, stranger! I'm here to help!
Pairing: Carter Kane x Original Character (She/They) CW: Blades, fighting monsters, mentions of wounds, cursing
Carter enjoyed watching people. While his father disappeared into yet another dark hole within an archeological site, the Kane boy would either read until his eyes hurt or just watch the people around him - even if they were merely a few researchers. On countless waiting hours at airports or harbors, Carter would watch the ordinary people go around with their daily routines, somewhat missing what he did not remember having: steadiness. As much as he enjoyed his chaotic life with his father, sometimes all he wanted was to have a boring normal life: school, homework, playing outside, doing chores and then sleeping, just like the other kids he saw in countless cities. The habit of watching people stuck with him, even when his life settled - if you could call it settling - in Brooklyn. On the rare weekends off Sadie would force him to take, Carter would go for a walk and carefully watch people around him, some late for work and others going for a run or having fun at the local parks and squares. 
It was peaceful, most of the time.
One particular Saturday, he was already returning to the nome, crossing the square to avoid the busy sidewalks, when he felt it. A vibration on the ground that he knew was nothing ordinary, magic felt different than a simple earth tremor. Carter was already used to trouble out of the blue, but something about the way his entire body went into danger mode felt…different. He stopped walking and watched his surroundings, lifting the mortal veil easily from his eyes. A commotion about forty meters away caught his attention. It seemed to be an abandoned and undone building, but the eerie teal light flickering inside stirred the regular gray and black of the old construction. Carter - with the wonderful hiding advantage of the mortal veil - summoned his weapon and walked in the direction of the building. Hopefully, whatever was inside did not cause much trouble and he would still return home for lunch.
Oh, was Carter mistaken.
The blast of green- or whatever that green like flaming substance was - almost hit him in the head. He ducked again behind a pillar, breathing heavily and trying to find an easy way to slay that snake/dragon. His sword was stained with a dark blue, he had managed to strike the unfamiliar creature a few times, but nothing lethal. 
“I told you to go the fuck away, now the thing is angry!!�� they scolded him.
Carter was usually immune to people scolding him in battle - he had a very grumpy sister after all - but he would be lying if he said the stranger did not make him upset. He entered the building a few minutes ago, just to find a girl almost getting blasted by the creature. All he did was jump to action and try to help her, but apparently that was wrong! She was hiding in the pillar next to his, her blue and orange hair all messy and a few bruises and cuts on her arms and face. The creature hissed again and swung its tail in their direction, which forced them to leave their only shelter and run away from the debris. Carter and the girl tried to hide in yet another room.
“If it keeps breaking things the structure will collapse” Carter said “What do you know about this thing?” 
“Nothing! I never saw this thing before” she yelled at him.
Carter knew nothing either. The creature was unfamiliar. It had a triangular head, encased with something hard that resembled a helmet. The body was snake-like, green and teal, with small limbs and a spiky tail. 
“I think the head might be a weak point” the girl managed to say before the monster broke into their hiding spot. 
Carter dodged and swung his sword when the creature tried to bite him. He managed to cut it on its neck, but the scales were too hard to do any significant cuts. He could always do magic, but he had a feeling it would not work properly. Either way, he took his curved wand and quickly drew energy in the air. The spell glowed and suddenly exploded on the creature’s face - just enough for Carter to circle the monster and try to cut its neck on the other side, maybe under the strange helmet.
“Tail!” the girl screamed and he dodged just in time for the tail to swing by his head, causing cracks on the wall. 
He tried to hit under the helmet-like structure, but it was a risky move and he could get crushed. Before Carter could actually commit to anything, the girl jumped above him and he almost went blind with the blast of light that came right after. For a while, he could not see anything, his vision had spots because of the strong stimulus. When he could see something, the snake was struggling to move accurately, just wiggling around and swinging its tail. The girl was in front of him, making strange and quick gestures with her hands before throwing another punch in the air. Amber and lilac flicker of lights exploded from her punch and whatever that was, it made the creature dizzy once more. 
That was his opportunity.
Carter ran, dodging the frantic tail, until he could strike his blade right in the creature’s left eye. His blade successfully ran through the creature’s head, enter and exit wound. He twisted the blade for good measure and took it out. The creature died instantly - he thanked Horus silently - its corpse dissolving in a strange gold and yellow sand. 
“Shit” he heard the girl behind him. 
Carter immediately ran to her when he noticed she would collapse on the ground. He held her by the shoulders while laying the unconscious body on the ground. Her track pants and plain t-shirt were black, making it difficult to see it she was hurt, Carter successfully scanned for any injuries, finding nothing worrying externally. He was no healer, but he learned enough from Jasmine to handle himself in an emergency. With his right hand above the girl’s frame, he closed his eyes and scanned her for any internal injuries, which thankfully were none. Upon doing this, he felt his fingers prickling with the unfamiliarity of her essence, as if his magic knew she did not belong to his world. 
A demigod? It could be. He knew a few of them. 
Carter pulled his phone from the duat - after the third broken-in-battle phone, he never put it in his pockets again - opening his sister's contact to send her a message. He was almost sending it when the girl suddenly took it from him.
“No phones!” she struggled to say “dangerous!”
He suddenly remembered Percy saying something about it and almost hit his own forehead. There could be more monsters around. He sent his phone to the duat once more.
“Sorry” he said “I was going to ask for medical help-”
“No” she said, trying to sit up.
Carter offered and she accepted a helping hand. Now that he could see her better without the looming danger of snake-demonic creatures, he noticed that her athletic frame was trembling horribly and her skin was visibly pale. 
“I really think you should-”
“Hey, I said no” she reinforced “but if you want to help, there is a blue bag somewhere outside” 
It was not long before he found it and brought it to the girl. She took a regular plastic container from it and ate two pudding-like cubes. He looked at her with worry explicit on his face, she did not seem less pale or shaky. 
She has an interesting face, he thought to himself. A thought he tried to shove away quickly. Even pale and tired, her features seemed to draw him to her. I DO NOT have time for this!
“I know” she said “but it helps, just don’t ask me how”
He shook his head, trying not to distract himself. 
“Are you sure the -uh- pudding will heal you? You’re pretty drained” he tried.
“I’m gonna be okay” she insisted “You can go”
He felt bad at just leaving her there, but if she did not want help there was nothing he could realistically do. It seemed she noticed his conflicted thoughts.
“Look” she sighed “It’s best if we pretend we never saw each other, this smells of trouble” 
Carter understood without her saying it explicitly. It was like Percy all over again, two worlds colliding. It was best to keep interactions at a minimum. With his own morality screaming at him, Carter nodded and sent his sword away, slowly backing away to the building’s entrance. 
“Hey” she called and he turned.
Her face was gaining color again, despite the visible tiredness. He had to concentrate harder to listen to her next words. 
“Thank you” she said “I’m sorry I got mad before, I just…panicked”
He nodded, a small smile on his face. 
“It’s nothing, really. Glad I could help” 
With that, he left the building. He looked back one more time, still feeling guilty for just leaving her there in need of help, but walked back to the nome nonetheless - believing he would never see the stranger again. 
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liliallowed · 7 months
you looped pacifist!? PSHT BOOOOOORING
da fuck you mean boring? I tried to save them unlike a certain SOMEONE
did you really though? shouldn't you have left them with a happy ending if you really cared?
I... I wanted to make up for my mistake... the first time I... I believed it was kill or be killed... so I had to make up for it... I... I wanted to give them happiness... I wanted to fix them... but... I was too prideful and selfish. you are correct. I wasn't saving them for their own sake but I just wanted to be the hero of my own story. I know that now... and I'm ashamed. I hope sans can forgive me.
why would you WANT his forgiveness though when his hatred is so much sweeter... his attention constantly on you... you're the only thing on his mind. the only thing that matters to him...
because then I'd miss the tender moments where I can softly hold his hand and tell him with all my heart that I love him. that I want him to be happy... why... do you want him to hurt you?
because people Ike US deserve it teal. we deserve pain and suffering. and the judge is the only semblance of consequence that can anchor us to feel real enough...
using your self sabotage to destroy each other will only bring your downfall crimson. you're NOT immune to corrosion.
I'd rather burn like a sun than to needlessly preserve a fragile breakable relationship on thin ice. we know what we are. we're enemies. and I'd have it no other way.
you're hurting him... and letting him hurt you back will not justify that.
you just don't get it do you goody two shoes? I WANT him to kill me I want him to hurt me like the pathetic piece of trash I am. I DON'T FUCKING MATTER. WE DON'T MATTER TEAL. THE WORLD WILL FORGET US.
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Hey deepfriedhopesanddreams, i was thinking why not make another story about the botbots squad being bestowed with superpowers here are some ideas.
Lost Bots
• Burgertron : super persuasion (psychically or vocally), super strength, super speed, talking to animals, agility, telepathy, flight.
• Dimlit : light intensity control, color and pattern changing touch, super vision, flight.
• Kikmee : super strength, super bounce, super speed + stamina, agility.
• Bonz Eye : plant powers, mood manifestation + eye color change (red = anger, orange = silliness, yellow = joy, lime = fear, green = relaxation, teal = vanity, blue = sadness, purple = bravery, pink = love), martial art strength, agility, super vision, super hearing, psychic reflexes, muted footsteps, talking to animals.
• Clogstopper = breathing underwater, fast swim, aquakinesis.
Science Alliance
• Dr. Flaskenstein : chemical control + immunity, breathing underwater + in chemical, super vision, psychic reflexes, plastic transmutation touch (it's reversible).
• Face Ace : chemical immunity, breathing underwater + in chemical, super vision, psychic reflexes, talking to animals, plastic transmutation touch (it's reversible), force fields.
• Starscope : super vision, portal making, talking to animals, metallokinesis, anti-gravity floatation, gravity increasing.
• Eye Goon : super vision, super speed, super strength, metallokinesis.
Sugar shocks
• Frostferatu : hypnotic voice, vampire speed + stamina, vampire agility, vampire strength, self-healing, flight, telepathy, telekinesis, high surface clinging, talking to animals, super vision, super hearing.
I just wanna know what will it be like botbots were to have superpowers.
Mhm yeah...
It's great and all but I have something else planned for the botbots... It's very much simpler for my corroded brain to handle...
And please don't bombard me with asks after this, I'm not feeling great... At all...
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telekitnetic-art · 8 months
what's your favorite monster hunter monster?
honestly sort of a difficult question cause it's difficult to choose just one; but here's a list of some of my faves!!
Tobi Kadachi; his armour in World is one of my first favourites (I especially love the palico armor)
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Zinogre is also an obvious favourite, mainly because I'm a BIG fan of it's design and colors (I am not immune to blue-green-teal and yellow/gold-highlighted palettes). It's introduction sequence in Iceborne is also REALLY cool and chilling. Stygian Zinogre is also chilling and terrifying, and it's color palette is (chef kiss)
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Namielle is also an easy favorite in terms of elder dragons; again, for it's really, really cool and in-depth design. The way it moves and its colors and tendrils make me think they took inspiration from jellyfish and nudibranches/sea slugs for it's design, and I think they utilized the inspiration really well.
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Paolumu and Banbaro are also ones I really like, mainly because a lot of the monsters in the games I've played skew very reptilian in nature so having some that are closer to mammals breaks up the patterns a bit and adds some nice variety!!
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And even though I said it'd be hard to choose one monster in particular as my favorite, I won't lie that I have a big soft spot for Odogaron. It encompasses a lot of monster design traits I really like (big and obvious fangs, extendable claws and bone features, fast and lethal moves while still being very strong physically, cool twisty scales). It also influenced the design of my fursona quite a bit. Ebony odogaron is also very neat and has an awesome color palette.
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And to finish off the list with an endemic monster: the Wulg. He's just an angry little ouppy who jumps around
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nordicbananas · 1 year
hiya shroom!! sorry for not answering asks (my immune system is being kicked in the ass which equals to bad responses to them sjshjdjd), so instead; i’m here to ask /u/ a few questions instead hjdjdjdkkd >:33
what two colors do u like that equals to ur fav color?
cardigans or hoodies (the rlly thick n soft ones)?
fav collage//edit u or someone else has made?
stickers or washi tape?
a song//artist that’s out of the genre u mostly listen to but is smth u rlly like? (ex. is if u listen to pop u like this one song//artist that produces & makes jazz music !!)
if given the chance to fully master one instrument, what would it be n why?
how do u see the people u love? ex. is how i see people thru colors n memories !! like how i see u as walking into my childhood town’s bakery before the sun comes up to buy bread n prepare breakfast w my grandma !! n i also see u aa a pale color of autumny orange !!! (is autumny even a real word HELP)
anndd lastly, what’s one movie you’s absolutely love to watch again for the first time?
i kinda lied bc there’s a bonus question but if u were also choose a craft to fully master as well, what would it be n why?
also dw !! i accidentally unfollow a lot if people random (either tumblr does it or i press the wrong button JDHKD) 😭😭 AND THANKYUU 🫶🫶🫶 i currently am in-love w it n am gatekeeping it for the rest of my life HAGAHSGJSGJS
kithes u n twirls away
hi hi my lovely kazu <33
no kazuzu D: I hope you feel better soon!!
I completely understand, take ur time lol
uhhh. like. red + blue equals purple? because purple is my favorite. but as in, like, two colors i also like but not as much as purple, that's teal and blue :)
wait I was so ready to answer this one wait- I wanna make a couple cardigans, and i don't really wear hoodies, i just wear my blue flannel and call it a hoodie because it's easier- so yeah. cardigans!
oo okay I'll reblog this with a picture/video once i get it <33
STICKERS 100%. bro I used to use washi tape but I got so mad at it because it kept on falling off and ugh it was so annoying. it's pretty and I was. 7? 8? so I'm willing to give it another chance. but yeah. stickers <333
ooh I like this question! that's probably The Crane Wives, which are folk. most of my liked songs are jpop, vocaloid, and loud sounds, with some lofi sprinkled in, so it's funny to hear them sometimes. seriously though, they are one of my favorite artists ever. I adore their music, and I've been listening to them for a couple years now. (THEY'RE TOURING RN BUT THE CLOSEST ONE IS 6 HOURS AWAY AND IT'S SOLD OUT UWEHH)
piano. i think it sounds so nice, and i love all of the songs i hear with it. however, ive tried it once or twice, and i couldn't go anywhere near as fast as i needed to. so. probably not in my future.
oh I really really like this question. so. i see my relationships as feelings. im really bad at remembering stuff sometimes, so i kinda agree with the colors. but mostly, it's a feeling. whenever i see something from you, the color i feel is a pale blue or lilac. for my friend twig, they're a bright, but not overbearing, green. my boyfriend is a light orange. and the felling i get when i see something from you, dear kazu, is a sort of flowery one. i feel thick and fluffy flowers, with little bees saying hello to each other, and the sun coming down and soaking into your bones. it's not hot, thankfully, but a pleasant warmth. the same one that you feel after a really nice hug, or while cuddled up next to someone you love. for twig, it's the feeling of loud music. listening to familiar sounds and not needing to worry if it's too loud. also, late night calls with friends. one time i was calling two friends and i couldn't use my mic, so i used a soundboard and typed things to them. those things are what twig reminds me of. my boyfriend feels like fog and coloring. but not traditional fog, a fantastical fog that wraps around you and keeps you safe. a fog full of whimsy that protects you from the outside world, while keeping you entertained. and for the coloring, it's just a colorful and wholesome activity. something you can do and then show someone, or give it to them and make them happy. i find great power in colors, and i love looking into their connotations. this was so so so much fun to answer, thank you for asking this kazu <3
oh oh, this is hard. i would say.. kiki's delivery service. i had so so so much fun with my friend (twig <3), and we ended up getting there an hour early lol. we didn't always pay attention, making fun of the male love interest, but it was so silly and fun. id love to experience that again.
probably. fashion designing or woodworking. i think making clothes is just so cool, but not "diy this! diy that!" no. I mean full on mannequins, sewing, fabric, buttons, lace, so much stuff to work with and make into incredible things. but sadly, I don't think id ever have time to learn in a way that would matter to me. and for woodworking, oh it'd be so cool if i could make stuff like that. make a table, a shelf, a stand, a spoon. wouldn't that be cool? you could show people and say, "I made this. I used this wood. here's something I'm really proud of" and it'd be so cool! I don't have a real interest in learning though, just knowing it lol.
mwah thank you for the kiss <3
may i be the one that spins you?
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sadlittleratboy · 27 days
Bouncing off of my last color post, everyone fights over whether teal is blue or green baffles me because teal is another one that is just teal. The way magenta is magenta, teal is teal. I find most often, though, is that usually the answer to whether teal is green or blue is: that is not teal, that is seafoam (a green that leans blue), or cyan (a blue that leans green). Because nobody knows what colors actually fucking look like. I am not immune to this, because fuchsia is a very bright strong pink, but when I think fuchsia I think purple pink (kind of the purple pink that most people mistake magenta to be) even though I know I'm wrong. If you say fuchsia to me I'm googling that to get the image, because I can't do it mentally
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roboraindrop · 5 months
2, 8, 10, and 22 for the otp asks?
Thank you! I'll do these for Fenn!
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
- Fenn is sooooo good at taking care of me after nightmares tbh. He holds me and distracts me with my favorite media, a nice soft blanket, and his voice telling me that nothing can hurt me. He always manages to calm me down! When the roles were reversed and he wakes up from a nightmare, I always try to comfort him the best that I can. He loves having his hair played with, so I run my fingers through his hair and remind him that he's safe, that I've got him, that he isn't alone 💕
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
- Fenn is the BIGGEST worrywart in the world omg. The second I start showing symptoms he's got me in bed, thermometer in my mouth. Ever since his best friend got terminally ill, the slightest cough will make him start to panic. While Fenn's got a decent immune system himself, he almost always ends up catching what I have because he refuses to stay away. He always says it's worth it to make sure I'm taken care of. Now, me taking care of Fenn? It's literally what I was made for. Letting him lay his head in my lap and stroking his hair, getting him soup and tea and tissues and anything he needs... I'll even give him a massage if his muscles are feeling achy. I love love love getting to be the one that he relies on when he needs somebody 🥰🥰
10. Describe their first date.
- Our first real date was to an arcade that Fenn knew about! He loved my passion for games, it was similar to his. From Skee-ball to Pinball, we love 'em all! He thought he'd surprise me and take me to this little hole in the wall arcade... Little did he know that I'd been to that arcade plenty of times before :b I still don't know if he knows that I have the high score on most of those machines-- ANYWAYS. We played there all night, then went out for a late night bite at a local diner. It was really fun, being the only two in a diner at 2am, blowing straw wrappers at each other and having deep conversations, while holding onto our arcade prizes :b
22. What reminds each of their partner?
- A lot of things remind me of Fenn! Old cars, the color grey, the song (Don't Fear) The Reaper..... He's gets reminded of me by the colors yellow or teal, any bad puns, and sea shanties :b
0 notes
nitewrighter · 3 years
Robin, noticing something's off about Starfire who laid in bed all day so far before placing on ungloved hand on her forehead: "Star, you have a fever"
"It's fine," Starfire sniffled, "It's probably just a case of Dorgnarf."
"Dorg--what?" Robin had barely completed the word when Starfire sneezed, sending out a massive spew of teal-colored snot that coated him, dripping down slow as putty.
Starfire slapped her hands over her mouth and nose. "I'm so sorry!" she blurted out.
"Uh..." Robin carefully wiped a veil of teal slime from his domino mask, "It's okay."
"Everything all right?" Cyborg was leaning in the doorway.
"Yeah it's fine," said Robin, wiping more teal slime off of himself, "Starfire's just sick."
"Starfire's what now?" Cyborg tilted his head.
"It's Dorgnarf," Starfire said, pushing herself up in bed slightly, "A respiratory ailment common among my people. But it can progress into more serious ailments if left unchecked."
"I got sneezed on," Robin said with a shrug and wiping some teal slime off of his shoulder.
"...I see..." Cyborg said slowly, raising his arm at an angle.
"Cy? What are you--?" Robin started but a panel opened on Cyborg's arm and he hit a red button on the exposed panel. Klaxons blared and red lights flashed throughout the tower. "Cyborg what's--!?" Robin started as a massive clear plastic wall suddenly shot up from the floor, "Cyborg!"
"It's League protocols, man, you two need to be quarantined," said Cyborg with a shrug.
"League protocols?!" Robin snarled, outraged.
"Look, with Supes being Kryptonian and all, we try to be flexible, but also being careless about this stuff is how Starro invasions happen."
"Starfire! Is not! Starro!" said Robin, banging his fists on the plastic walls for emphasis.
"And I know that, but also, she covered you in slime and we don't actually know how blorfnarg--"
"Dorgnarf," Starfire piped up.
"Thank you," said Cyborg, "How Dorgnarf affects human immune systems. Human immune systems as in your immune system."
"I feel fine!" said Robin, now kicking at the plastic wall.
"It is all right, Robin," said Starfire, "We will consume bliplum soup and kwershberry juice together! And watch your earth daytime television!"
Robin stared back at her for a few seconds before pivoting around and banging his fist on the plastic wall. "Cyborg, I'm the team leader! You have to let me out! Don't make me watch daytime TV!"
"Actually as League liaison, Cyborg's now in charge," said Raven, phasing into existence in a mass of shadows next to Cyborg.
Robin snarled and ground his teeth.
"Hey. You were the one who wanted minimal communications with Bruce," said Cyborg with another shrug.
Robin visibly bristled with rage.
“It is not so bad, Robin!” Starfire sniffled again, “I still have the futon from when Bumblebee visited us! It will be like the sleep-over!”
“S-sleep over?” Robin repeated, heat prickling on the back of his neck.
"Look, League Quarantine policy is only in place for the next..." Cyborg checked his wrist panels, "14 days, starting now." Robin heard a timer beep.
"14 days!?" Robin pressed his face against the plastic.
"It's not a big deal," said Cyborg, not even looking at him and tapping at his wrist panel, "I mean we have a whole roster of honorary titans. We can call in Speedy and Argent to fill in for you two."
"SPEEDY!?" Robin fumed.
"Oh! It has been a while since we've heard from Argent!" said Starfire, delighted before sneezing out another glob of teal slime.
"Don't encourage him!" said Robin.
"If you want, I can teach you some meditation techniques to make time go by faster," Raven suggested, her lips pulling back from her teeth in disgust as she watched Starfire wipe a particularly stretchy globule of teal slime away from her nose.
"I AM A BASTION OF PATIENCE," Robin seethed.
"...okay..." Raven put her hands up.
"You have access to Star's bathroom, and we can put in food, books, magazines, and movies to you two through my patented hyperbaric compartment system." said Cyborg with a smug finger waggle.
"How much of this is just you testing your weird tech additions to the tower on us?" said Robin through gritted teeth.
"Mathematically speaking? Eleven percent," said Cyborg, glancing up from his wrist panel at Robin, "The other 89% is--"
"...League protocol..." Robin groaned.
"Now you're gettin' it," said Cyborg, "Look, think of this as a long overdue vacation. Don't get weird. Don't get obsessive. Just... " both Cyborg and Raven gave a demonstrative inhale and exhale, "Relax."
"I am relaxed," said Robin, his gloved fingers squeaking and straining against the plastic wall dividing them.
"Good," said Cyborg.
"He's really not--" Raven started.
"Ah-ah. Let's take him on his word," said Cyborg, "We'll be back with your dinner in a couple of hours--Unless you guys want snacks now. You want snacks now? 
“I am not currently hungry, thank you,” said Starfire.
Robin was just staring daggers beneath his domino mask.
“All righty then. We’ll check in from time to time, You two just have fun with your quarantine."
"How is anyone supposed to have fun while quarantining!?" Robin snarled after Cyborg, only to be hit in the back of the head with another globule of teal slime as Starfire sneezed again.
“I dunno, man,” Cyborg called over his shoulder, “Board game?”
“Board game?” Robin repeated flatly, trying to paw teal slime off of his hair, “That’s stupi--” he caught himself and called after Cyborg. “Actually, Cy! Can you grab something from my room for me?”
Day 1:
“So pretty...” Starfire was turning a chess piece, a bishop, over in her fingers. 
“This is one of Earth’s oldest and most respected games of strategy,” Robin explained, “There’s thousands of different styles and techniques, and it’s the ultimate battle of wits!” 
“It reminds me of Tamaran’s game of Okaar’Vha! Except our game board had 8 sides and three tiers!”
“Rrright,” said Robin, trying to picture that, before clearing his throat and assuming a smug grin, “But now I can teach you how to play this game and the quarantine will be over before you know it! Y’know, back where I come from, they used to call me ‘Gotham’s own Bobby Fischer.’“
“Oh!” said Starfire, smiling. 
Robin paused for a beat waiting for the inevitable, ‘Who is Bobby Fischer?’ from Starfire, but Starfire was just looking back at him with that polite, slightly blank, ‘I don’t care enough about who that is to ask, please keep going’ face. His brag falling flat, he cleared his throat again. “Okay, let’s start out with the different moves the pieces can make. Just let me know if it’s getting confusing.”
“Very well!” said Starfire, “Teach me your ways of chess!” 
Day 2: 
“This is the checkmate?” Starfire’s queen ended her bloody rampage facing Robin’s tragic, lonely little king backed to the corner of the board. She even looked a little regal all huddled up on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her. He had never known a more demoralizing series of crushing defeats than the rounds Starfire had just put him through.
“...yeah...” Robin’s voice was hollow and his eye was involuntarily twitching beneath his mask as his shoulders slumped, “Yeah, that’s a checkmate.”
“Glorious!” Starfire clapped her hands, “This game is delightful! So much easier than Okaar’vha!”
“I can see that...” Robin said, trying not to let the sound of his own crushed soul slip into his voice. 
Starfire loudly blew her nose into some tissue. “Shall we have another round? You do not have to keep the ‘going easy on me’ like you have been doing for the past 47 games. I think I understand now.”
“Yep. Yeah you definitely understand,” Robin’s voice was flat and hollow. 
“I will reset the gameboard!” said Starfire, already putting the pieces back.
“Greeeaaat,” Robin whimpered, letting his head flop forward in despair.
Day 4:
"Robin?" Starfire was wrapped in a blanket, sitting cross-legged on Robin's back as he furiously did push-ups.
"What?" said Robin, still doing push-ups.
"I know," Starfire drew in a long snort, "I said I wanted to help you feel better about this... quartering?"
"Quarantine," said Robin, still doing push-ups.
"Quarantine," Starfire repeated, "But I," Starfire wiped her nose, "Do not think you are feeling better."
"I'm fine," Robin seethed, doing push-ups faster.
"Well--I should have told you--" Starfire suppressed a gag as Robin did a push-up, "Another symptom of Dorgnarf--" she gagged again as Robin did another push-up, "Is--"
"Star, are you--?" Robin looked over his shoulder from his push-up about half a second too late only to get a faceful of teal and purple alien vomit.
"It is the.." said Starfire, wiping her mouth with blanket-mitted hands, “uhm...”
"Nausea," said Robin, his voice muffled under dripping alien bile.
"Yes, that," said Starfire.
"...okay maybe we'll just let you stay in bed," Robin said quietly, teal and purple dripping off his face.
"Mm-hmm," Starfire had burrowed into a protective blanket burrito and floated off of him.
Robin sighed, still in plank position, and fished his communicator from his belt, “Cyborg, can we get some cleaning supplies?”
Day 5:
Beast Boy was sitting cross-legged in front of the plastic wall with several crude sock puppets.
"'Oh Beast boy!'" Beast Boy spoke in a falsetto while gesturing with a sock puppet with yellow yarn hair, "'You're so funny and handsome! But I can't control my powers! And that makes me sad! So I've decided to run to Slade to help rather than talk to literally anyone else on the team about it!'"
"Beast Boy, how much of this puppet show is supposed to take our mind off of stuff as opposed to you working through your junk with Terra?" Robin's voice was half-muffled into his hand as he sat on the floor, watching Beast Boy pick up pebbles with the Terra sock puppet.
"Hey, come on, man, I worked really hard on making puppets that don't possess us," said Beast Boy, a little hurt while still holding up the sock puppets.
"We possessed the puppets, they didn't possess--Ugh!" Robin pounded a fist on the plastic wall, causing Beast Boy to flinch back a little, "How much longer are we stuck in here?!"
"...I think 9 days?" Beast Boy squeaked.
“Why puppets!?”
“Puppets are huge on social media right now, dude,” said Beast Boy, “Gotta catch the wave!”
“That’s ridiculous,” said Robin, flatly.
"I like your puppets, Beast Boy," Starfire said, propping herself up in bed, she suddenly gasped excitedly, "Can you do the story with Mother Mae-Eye?"
"Can I?!" said Beast Boy.
"I hate that one--" Robin started but Beast Boy already had another sock puppet out.
"Glad I made the yellow dress for Sock-Raven!" said Beast Boy, rifling through a duffle bag at his side.
"Eee!" Starfire clapped her hands and Robin groaned.
Day 7:
"Darkness," Raven was reading out of a black and white composition book, "Despair. I am the all-consuming nothingness. I am the underpaid custodian of the cosmos. I wheel my trash bin with one squeaking wheel around existence. I keep the lid on because I hear the moaning within. Do not lift the lid. Just keep pushing forward. The moaning does not stop. It harmonizes with the squeaking wheel. Extinction. Emptiness. Oblivion. Filling out time cards. I mop the floors. I dust the corners. I pick up the forgotten things. I turn the lights of the universe off and close the door behind me." She glanced up from the composition book. A long pause passed. "...that's the end of the poem," she said a bit awkwardly.
"...oh!" Starfire perked up and both she and Robin snapped their fingers like they were at a poetry slam.
"...you hated it," said Raven.
"No!" Starfire said on reflex, "It was good! I especially liked the part about.. about the umm... about..."
"The... part... with... despair? And the darkness?" Robin's voice twisted up awkwardly, and both he and Starfire forced a smile.
Raven did not smile.
"...okay yeah no it was... really long and really depressing," said Robin.
"You said you wanted a distraction from being cooped up in here," said Raven, straightening up a little, "You didn't say a good distraction."
Day 9:
"So then after making sure you've calibrated programs 38C through 86F, you have to re-calibrate program 42-Delta, after which--are you even listening?" Cyborg had wheeled out a whiteboard with a complicated diagram of the tower's security programs in front of the quarantine wall. 
Robin was nodding off from where he was perched on the end of Starfire’s bed. Starfire had been asleep for several minutes now.
“Whuzz--?” Robin perked up a little.
“You said you wanted to be more productive with the whole quarantine thing! I don’t have a lot of time for this stuff when I’m already covering for you!”
“Thought you were happy to be team leader...” muttered Robin.
“I’m happy not to have a spiky headed micromanager breathing down my neck asking a million questions about any new tech updates I put in the tower,” said Cyborg, “Which I am now graciously taking the time to explain,” he gestured back at the whiteboard.
“Micromanager!?” Robin’s shoulders bunched up furiously. He could smell Cyborg’s short jokes from a mile away.
“But yeah, it loses its shininess after a couple days,” said Cyborg, uncapping a pen and labeling a few more tiny components of his diagram on the whiteboard, “But... I did take your favorite seat on the couch,” he said with a slight grin, “Yeeeup. Team leader seat. That still feels good.”
“You’re going to wear out the upholstery!” Robin snarled through gritted teeth. Starfire grunted and stirred in her sleep behind him and he forced himself to calm down. “Fine. Whatever. Team Leader seat. It’s yours. For now.”
“Mm-hm,” said Cyborg, “So you’ve been sneezed and puked on... and you’re still not experiencing any symptoms?” 
“No,” said Robin, stiffly, “Which just lends to the fact that this whole quarantine is bogus.” 
“Still League protocol. Chin up. Maybe dorfnarg---”
“Dorgnarf,” said Robin.
“Maybe Dorgnarf has a longer incubation time in humans,” Cyborg mused, “Maybe you’ll walk out of here and immediately drop dead. Or maybe you’re pregnant!”  
Robin made a face and Cyborg just snickered. 
“The point is keeping you and the whole team safe...but all that aside... I thought you’d like an excuse to hang out with Star,” said Cyborg, still puzzling over his own diagram.
Robin gave a glance back to Starfire, blissfully asleep and snoring like a chainsaw with a massive bubble of teal slime hanging out of one nostril and expanding and contracting with her breath, “Well, yeah but not when she’s sick like this and not really having a good time. Not when it’s... obligatory.” he sighed. “At least her fever’s gone, anyway.”
Cyborg glanced up from the diagram to Robin. “You’ve been so caught up in bouncing off the walls in here, you haven’t learned anything new about her?”
Robin blinked a few times and then rubbed the back of his head. “...well.. she mentioned a game back on Tamaran that’s apparently way harder than chess.”
“Did she teach it to you?” 
“...I taught her chess?” Robin squeaked out.
“Bro,” Cyborg said flatly.
Robin glanced back over his shoulder at Starfire asleep again.
“Still a couple of days left,” said Cyborg, wheeling away the whiteboard.
Night 9: 
“Star?” Robin was on the futon on the floor next to Starfire’s bed.
“Mm?” Starfire turned in bed and two glow-in-the-dark green eyes fixed on him. It would have been frightening if it was anyone else.
“...I’m sorry,” said Robin.
“What?” Starfire blinked sleepily.
“I’ve just been a big on-edge jerk this whole time, when you’ve been actually sick, and I’ve been so angry at being stuck in here when I should have been caring more about you.”
“Dorgnarf isn’t that bad,” said Starfire with a slight smile, “And I’m feeling much better now.”
“Well yeah, but that’s not the point,” said Robin, “I know you’re strong but... your team should be looking out for you. I should be...” he trailed off, “You work so hard to understand Earth and the rest of us are so caught up in our own stuff that we just...” 
Starfire blinked slowly, those green eyes casting Robin in an eerie light.
“...I should let you get to sleep,” said Robin, turning on his side away from her.
“Robin?” Starfire piped up and he glanced over his shoulder at her. 
“Thank you,” she said quietly, “I... it’s hard for me, sometimes... to talk about my homeworld, or... or how things on earth can be hard. So many things on earth are so much easier than they were on Tamaran.”
“Like chess,” said Robin, smiling and turning on his back again, interlacing his fingers over his stomach.
“Yes! It is so much easier when you don’t have to spar between turns!” said Starfire, “So... so when things on earth get difficult... it’s... frightening. I love Tamaran, but it was so hard to feel like I belonged there. And I feel like I belong here! My friends are here! And I can help people here! But I also... don’t belong. And it’s... little silly things that no one thinks about, that don’t matter to them--but they matter to me! They look so warm and I want to experience them like you do! But I don’t! And... and...” She pressed her lips together, her eyes taking on a wet shine now. “Perhaps... we should do the sleeping.”
“Can you tell me more about your homeworld tomorrow?” asked Robin, “If you’re comfortable with it?”
A few seconds passed. “Yes,” said Starfire, “Yes I can.”
Day 13, 23 hours and 56 minutes in.
“...And that’s why every 14th cycle of the moon, my people celebrate X’halthan!” said Starfire, kneeling on the floor and pointing at a pale magenta holographic projection of a woman surrounded by flames.
“Wow...” Robin was laying on his side, his head propped up by one arm, “That sounds... beautiful.”
“Some of your earth holidays are similar but... “ Starfire trailed off as the holographic projection faded and blipped back into the jewelry box-like device she had set on the floor.
“Not the same?” Robin guessed and Starfire nodded a little. 
“But I very much like your Fourth of July! All holidays should have grilled meats and pyrotechnics! And--and the one you told me you celebrated back in Gotham...?” 
Starfire nodded. “Why do you not celebrate it here at the tower?”
“Well... I’m not exactly--it was more of Bruce and Kate’s thing,” Robin said, glancing off. 
“It’s difficult celebrating these things far from home...” said Starfire, tucking some magenta-orange hair back.
“Gotham’s not...” Robin started but then cut himself off. He thought for a few seconds.“Y’know we can probably use League data from the Green Lantern corps to figure out when we can celebrate X’halthan here on earth.” 
Starfire’s face brightened up, but she seemed to catch herself. “The team... has been unreceptive to certain holidays of my people before.”
“Well I’ll boss them around. I’m the spiky haired little micromanager,” said Robin with a shrug.
Starfire snorted a bit.
A beeper suddenly sounded.
“What’s that?” said Starfire.
Robin rifled through his belt and pulled out his communicator which was beeping.
“Congratulations!” bursts of confetti suddenly fluttered around on the other side of the plastic wall. Beast Boy was holding a (presumably vegan) cake and occasionally giving a shrill blow on a party horn, Raven was telekinetically clearing confetti off the floor, and Cyborg popped off on another party popper, sending out another shower of confetti to Raven’s chagrin.
“Happy End-of-Quarantine, you two!” said Cyborg. 
“...seriously?” said Robin.
“Yep!” said Cyborg, hitting a panel on his arm. The plastic wall sealing Starfire’s door from the rest of the tower came down.
Beast Boy sniffed the air. “...wow you really funked up her room with the hair gel...” muttered Beast Boy, sniffing before Raven elbowed him and he scrambled to keep the cake level. 
“Star’s the picture of health and you two are free to roam about the tower!” declared Cyborg.
“Aaaand?” Robin said, giving Cyborg a suspicious side-eye.
“And you can resume your duties as team leader,” said Cyborg with a slight eye roll. 
Robin’s eyes brightened and he grinned. “All right!” he said fist pumping,.
“But first, cake!” said Beast Boy, proudly, “I call it the Quaran-cake! Or the Cake-en-tine. Or the...uh...”
“It’s cake,” said Raven flatly, “Let’s get to the living room.”
“Yeah!” said Beast Boy, already pacing off with Raven hovering behind him.
“Recovering from Dorgnarf has me famished!” said Starfire, eagerly flying after them.
Robin and Cyborg lingered back.
“So?” said Cyborg, “How does freedom feel?”
“Honestly I’m still wrapping my head around it,” said Robin.
“Did you two get to talking...?”
“I may have agreed to us celebrating an alien fire messiah holiday,” said Robin, with a grin.
“Sounds fun,” said Cyborg with a smile.
“But I realized.. I wasn’t just angry because I was stuck in there... I was stuck in there... with me.”
“Oh?” Cyborg glanced at him.
“Yeah it really got me thinking about a lot of stuff--I feel like I lash out at you guys because there’s a bunch of stuff of my own I don’t want to deal with...”
“Oh everyone is well aware of that,” said Cyborg.
Robin scowled a bit at that. “But like... y’know, you’re all aliens or cyborgs or demons or green so I guess I’ve just... shoved stuff down because I thought your issues were bigger,” Robin set his jaw and then tugged at the red shirt of his own costume, “Maybe I’ve been living in the past more than I’ve realized.”
“Well yeah, you came here to get away from being a sidekick, but you’re still wearing the sidekick uniform!” said Cyborg.
Robin blinked a few times. “Yeah...” 
“Well... world’s opening up, Rob, you just gotta take it slow.”
“Yeah...” Robin said, “Take it sl--” his nose tickled and he blinked a few times.
“You okay?” said Cyborg.
“I’m fine, just---ah-choo!” Robin sneezed into the crook of his elbow. He pulled his face away and saw a smear of teal on the inside of his arm. His eyes flicked to Cyborg in horror. “Cy?”
But Cyborg already had a panel open on his arm.
“Cyborg, please--I feel fine--” Robin started but Cyborg hit a button and red lights and klaxons started blaring as a plastic wall shot up in the hallway between them.
“How many of these walls do you have!?” said Robin, pressing his hands against the plastic.
“You’d know if you paid attention to the diagram!” said Cyborg. 
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