#I'm not really a shippy person and I don't typically write shippy stuff but this fic would be an exception
meowmeowuchiha · 1 year
Yknow it's unfortunate
For a theoretical fic, I already have a basic beginning thought up as well as two different endings
But as for the actual plot? I have absolutely fucking nothing so I can't write it
I want to write this fic so bad. It's such a silly crossover. But alas, I cannot yet. Because beyond the very beginning and the very ending I have no idea how to write it.
Someday, I shall unleash upon the world the crossover that no one asked for. Someday, the world shall be forced to have a Naruto and Deadpool crossover.
But not today.
In other news, the reason you never really see hardly any Deadpool content on here is bc I'm low key scared to see wtf THAT Fandom is like so I have yet to wander into it.
I tried reading other Naruto and Marvel crossovers (whether it be comics or movie based) and lemme tell you.....there was only one I liked. All the others were....so so bad. The others that were written typically featured Naruto as like....the main character, but he was BUTCHERED SO BAD, and it read like it was written by some power scaling obsessed dudebro with so much of the emotionally suppressing variety of toxic masculinity. I partially read like 4 or 5 fics like that.....the rest I scrolled through were nothing but gratuitous smut. I wanted a story, not porn, and there were very few actual stories and of those actual stories only one was any good.
So yeah if all of THAT is any indication of what the Deadpool fandom is like, I'm continuing to stay away from it.
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roscvcins · 4 months
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what’s the best thing about shipping for you? creating a whole new dynamic and bond between two muses! like in real relationships, muses really tend to grow and change under the influence of and with each other. I like to see the different choices the muse makes and the significance and influences they have on each other. I like to see how their lives change and how their future paths are shaped by their relationship and converge and change directions. This is always narratively satisfying for me!
what’s the worst thing about shipping for you? this is definitely a multimuse problem and a me problem, but when I have multiple ships with one person and we're mismatched in what we're currently feeling muse for, shipping can get a little wild. I always feel bad if I'm shipping something with someone but I can't get to the ideas or writing immediately or even in a timely manner because I'm not in the right space for that muse. I end up trying to do something anyway and then struggling, and then I feel b a d :'D
do you have a pet peeve when it comes to shipping? I'm typically peeved when people play cat and mouse games with shipping. If you want to ship, just say you want to ship. I'm always down to at least talk about it and the worst anybody can get is a "no." I won't judge, I'll actually just be flattered. But when people never say they want to ship and then just keeps sending shippy stuff???? I don't know how to deal with that. That's just confusion and probably annoyance for us both.
do you prefer to plot a ship, or would you rather “wing it”? I prefer a degree of plotting. I think once I'm comfortable with the mun and the muse, our mode of interaction, and the general gist of the dynamic and how it happens between the two characters, it's easier to find room to be spontaneous. I'm a person with a strong sense of personal comfort, so I don't like to assume! I always want to make sure when I 'wing it' it's with the other person's full blessing and that my surprises will be roughly on track with a narrative we agree on.
do you prefer fast plots, pre-enstablished relationships or slow burns? pre-established is nice because we can always roll it back with a little freshness! I'm a sucker for a good slowburn, but a lot of the time I try to write a slowburn and my muse is like "hey so, it's been 30 seconds, I know, but I LOVE THEM" and I just have to facepalm and admit that my muse is a terror :'D
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quickdeaths · 1 year
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(I saw a lot of people talking about ships and such recently, and while this isn't, like, a PSA or anything, I wanted to clarify some things about my own position on shippy stuff. I do really like writing romantic ships, but I also have some personal tastes on how I like to do stuff just in case anyone is curious or interested or whatever. Maybe I'll add this as a link on my pinned? who knows)
Firstly, I've said this before, but my primary shipping interest is f/f. I don't have any preference on like, CanonxCanon, CanonxOC, OCxOC, I love them all, but I do specifically prefer wlw ships. This absolutely does not mean I will not do other things, I am happy to do any gender pairing (if it works for the characters). F/F stuff is just more likely to catch my eye immediately. As a general rule, even outside of romantic shipping, I am here to give female and nb muses attention.
Secondly, I am slow-burn biased to the extreme. I like taking my time with ships and building a lot of scaffolding for a relationship. There are characters who require more "work" before they can get into a relationship at all (Shinobu, Izumi, Percy), and characters who could feasibly jump into a relationship very easily (Anzu, Tsubasa), but in all cases, I'm very long-term in how I prefer things to go, and even with those characters who are quicker to romance, there's still a lot of emotional things that will take time. CanonxCanon where there is in-canon basis for the ship is the only real exception, but even then, I still like to establish a lot of individual dynamic/portrayal things before jumping headfirst in. I like to see the chemistry play out in threads and really feel "who are these characters together?"
Thirdly, I am ship-exclusive. Most of my characters are OCs, so typically it's sort of a one-way street with other people's canons, where I am ship-exclusive with someone else's character without asking for anything in return. This is not the case with my canons, which is sometimes why I'm slightly more apprehensive about shipping them, because whether with an OC or a different canon, I will be practicing ship-exclusivity on my end, and I want it in return as well. I don't want to force someone into that if they don't want to do that, but it is a rule I won't budge on. Even for ships I really like, like Kaede/Maki, I would not be comfortable shipping my Maki with a Kaede who had like, three other Makis that they also shipped with.
Fourthly, if you ship with me I will terrorize you with OOC conversation, headcanons, random images or posts that remind me of Them, and probably commissioned ship art at some point because i've lost control of my life. You will never again know peace. I promise you excitement and engagement on my part for sure, I acquire ship brainrot very strongly and I'm very enthusiastic! Especially stuff that feels very personally-built and unique, whether that's stuff with OCs, or canons that just have a lot of personal flair, I will basically become this image about the ship.
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Anyway, I love shipping and I love plotting and ooc communication, and my IMs are always open to chat.
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ladyculebras · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday scorp!
what's the fic that converted you to wincest? not necessarily the first you remember reading, but the first that impressed you and stayed with you all these years?
Thank you for the ask! I love wincest wednesday <3
I am gonna talk about the first fic I read, because if we're talking about converting me to wincest, I gotta start with the first because I never considered wincest as a possibility until I stumbled upon my first wincest fic (keep in mind, I was 13-14 at the time). I specifically remember thinking that I thought Sam/Dean had a buddy cop dynamic but they're brothers, so you can't ship them, and then I clicked on an Angel The Series/SPN Crossover fic (fun fact: SPN was the show I used to replace Angel, because after the finale for ATS aired, they showed a little trailer for SPN coming next fall, and I decided to watch it because of that trailer), that had Sam/Dean as vampires and also incest and I was SHOCKED. I wasn't offended by it but I didn't realize that people would go there!
After that, I'm not sure....I don't think I sought out fic but sometime around Dead Man's Blood, people were writing more Sam/Dean fics and I was more aware that there was a group of fans that really shipped them? And I wasn't ~into it but I also was curious about it. I didn't really like gen or any other ships so I started poking around at the fics to see what they were doing.
I remember one fic that sticks out at me that I read after Devil's Trap but before season 2, where Sam/Dean recover from the car accident and got together. I don't remember the name or much of what happened in it, honestly, except for Dean got a Camaro (which is BLASPHAMY now but I don't think people realized just how much the Impala meant at the time) but somehow it sold me on wincest, lol. I was like "aww. I like this. Maybe I'll read more." I remember I was very into flipmontigirl, who wrote one of my favorite Sam/Dean get together while Sam is still grieving Jess. I think it was called Fishing Through the City Phonelines? Unfortunately they've privated their fic and I can't find it anywhere. They wrote a lot of in second person POV which really worked for me but not for a lot of other people.
With that in mind, I'm going to rec a few fics that I read in between the s1 and s2 hiatus that I do remember.
on the banks of the tiber - A Sam/Dean werewolf AU that heavily influenced my characterization of Sam. It's set near the end of season one and it's not actually incest, it's gen, but I guess today it'd be called weirdcest, or gencest. It has a lot of vibes and it felt very shippy despite not kissing. It's what I want for Sam/Dean, basically.
and we are here as on a darkling plain - Very early season one fic where Sam gets demon powers and Dean gets angel powers. It gives Good Omen vibes, I think it has more in common with that than the show but I thought it was hilarious and delightful. It's very FUN, which was what my 14 year old brain wanted for wincest but I enjoyed most of what this author has written and I wouldn't have gone on to explore more wincest fic if I didn't read stuff like this.
Transmutation - Sam/Dean/Jess. This is messy and I really love the messiness of all parties involved. Jess survives but gets half her face burned off and insists on going with Sam and Dean to hunt the YED. Sam copes badly. I love her characterization and I know you asked for wincest but it was absolutely one of the very first few fics I read in this fandom that really worked for me.
Conversations Over a Front Seat - This is a very typical fic, insofar that I don't think it's anything new to anyone now, but it's Sam and Dean, in the Impala, trading stories, secrets, jokes, fantasies, nd eventually confessing incest feelings. It's one of the very first fics I read that made me go "yeah okay, I guess they have feelings for each other, I mean who blame them?" I loved reading them coming to terms with their incestous feelings and struggling with them at the time.
Factum Amoris - One of the very first fuck or die fics I've read. In this one, Sam/Dean get trapped in a haunted house and the only way they can escape is with ~an act of love, which Sam determines actually means sex. Dean doesn't get why he is trapped, because he's no virgin but Sam figures out it means he's never had sex with someone he loves. It sounds tropey but I thought it highlighted the emotions between them pretty well. I remember reading this and being somewhat emotionally undone by the fact that the only person Dean loves this much is brother and my heart just sort of breaking.
devil's tips his hat to me - I swore I reread this earlier this year on LJ, but it was deleted. Thank god for sinfuldesires archives on AO3, though. This is Sam/Dean vampire AU where Sam becomes a vampire in late season one, and Dean copes. This was a fic that when I first read, I thought it was horrific and it made me feel sad but also sick and also kinda fucked up (I was 14 at the time; if I read this for the first time today as an adult, I wouldn't feel this way, but I do think it's a bit of a horror story). It stuck with me, though, and I kept rereading it. There was a lot I admired about it, the prose, the downward spiral of it all, the style choices and atmosphere. It enshews quotations entirely, which worked for me, but it won't work for everyone else. It made the dialogue hit different, though, in a way I can't fully describe. It feels almost dream like. I think it was massively influential for me, directly inspired large chunks of his shoulders blot out the stars so...I am very sad it's gone from LJ.
I didn't mean to rec so many fics but I guess I was thinking of all the fics that sort of stuck with me when I was getting into wincest. Not the most defining ones, or the most popular ones but the ones I found while I was trying to search for stuff to read and really worked for me and helped convince me of the ship, tbh.
There's other stuff. I remember reading a ton of weecest fics but one of them (Things My Brother Taught Me), I can't seem to find anymore, and another one I forgot the name of. If anyone remembers the Television Without Pity boards, I used to read the SPN recaps, then reading the forums there. They had their own little subsection for discussing specifically, which eventually got DELETED sometime around season two. I guess it got too freaky, since TWOP was pretty mainstream. I remember I first read the Flowers in the Attic comparison there. Another thing that really influenced me was an SPN podcast I started listening to, EVP. They'd read several fics out loud and it was great for finding recs. I used to listen to it before falling asleep. It was a really great and fun resource to have.
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