#I'm not saying all cats are like miette
elytrafemme · 9 months
all my friends have taken to associating me with the miette meme directly not only because i am miette coded but because i refer to myself in the third person as miette in situations that aren't even relevant to the meme. like that's just me bro
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stealthnoodle · 5 months
First thing I did with my new PS5 was start up Baldur's Gate 3 and spend an unreasonable amount of time in the character creator trying to interpret Miette the cat as a deep gnome:
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Nailed it.
Then the game asked me to make a "Guardian" for her so I had to do my best hasty Patricia Lockwood from the limited options available to me:
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The likeness could be better but I'm not working with the Sims 4 over here. Close enough!
No one has kicked Miette's body like the football yet, but she has suffered any number of other indignities, and through them all she has remained tiny and affronted. I've been playing her as a bit of a spoiled cat (she gets into everything, expects people to do whatever she says, becomes extremely stubborn about whatever has her interest at the moment, etc.), so I guess we'll find out which party members are cat people as the game progresses.
Additional highlights:
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"Know the history? Yes. Care the history? No. Little nap for Miette."
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"Go?? Without complimenting Miette's sexy pajamas??? CARCERI FOR MOTHER."
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n0brainjustvibes · 6 months
Tagged by @vikugnavikugna!
coke or pepsi? beverage BITE miette?? beverage STING her tongue like the insect??? jail!!! jail for beverage for One Thousand Years!!!
disney or dreamworks? dreamworks did HTTYD, right? them.
coffee or tea? tea
books or movies? books hehe
windows or mac? never used mac so windows it is
dc or marvel? ok, exposing myself here, worm was like my 2nd superhero media ever. i haven't read either 🙈 i have seen a few marvel movies but i'm not sure whether that should count for or against them
x-box or playstation? mine crafdt on my laptop
dragon age or mass effect? mass effect bc incuriouscat on youtube makes sick ass fan PMVs
night owl or early riser? night owl
cards or chess? chess, you can narrate stories about the pieces and thoroughly annoy your opponent (sibling) even as you lose >:3
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate all the way!!
vans or converse? wgat
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? I can't tell if these are fantasy names or antidepressants
fluff or angst? uhhhhdfcgvhbjnk gonna have to say fluff
beach or forest? beach
dogs or cats? cats 100%! (or secret third option: fish...)
clear skies or rain? clear. god. please... 🙏🙏
cooking or eating out? cooking :P
spicy food or mild food? Mild by any sane standards, but spicy according to my family and/or BBC Food haha
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? chris mas :))
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? uuuhhhh .. hh. hard one here. gonna have to also go cold
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? SUPERSPEED!! Or time powers. My irl friend has convinced me of their usefulness.
animation or live action? animation
paragon or renegade? renegade, it's the name of my serial killer dark forest!hollyleaf fanfic (only half kidding...)
baths or showers? shower
team cap or team ironman? hm. remember when I said I watched a few marvel movies? yeah none of them were this one :(
fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy baybey!!! but I adore both
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? oh god okay. hm... "Where did we learn it, this talent for insatiability?" from The Handmaid's Tale still Lives In My Head from high school english. If song lyrics count, then, "You don't know me / don't you question my love" from Berlin, Without Return. "Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing" (I don't recall the exact wording) from... Oathbringer? is my fav cliche cosmere pick. Oh! And I forget the episode or even who said it, but at some point during the s3 All Might/AFO fight in MHA, one of the side characters stuck on guard duty said "You're confusing difficulty with importance", and that changed my life.
youtube or netflix? youtube :) it has fun little AMVs
[REDACTED] [Clearance Level 9]
when do you feel accomplished? when I bake something! making concrete stuff is really fulfilling, especially if I'm baking for other people.
star wars or star trek? spaceballs (jk, star wars, but I haven't seen star trek so sw wins by default)
paperback books or hardcover books? paperback
to live in a world without literature or without music? [sad character song assigner noises]... without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? that would be @ty-bayonet-betteridge with several lines in their riley fic hehe
city or countryside? city! much as I complain about missing nature :') ideally a city that's near the sea
favorite chips? anything plain sea salt and properly crunchy 🤌
pants or dresses? pants, though dresses are fun for fancy occasions!
libraries or museums? is it a natural history museum? pleamse?? if so museum! otherwise library all the way.
character driven stories or plot driven stories? I don't really have a preference ngl
bookmarks or folding pages? i was one of those heretical kids who just plonked their books face down open 🙈😭 and now I mostly read online so... idk? Probably bookmarks.
Dream job? honestly would love to be on the management council for a small nature conservancy. second choice would be ecological research, but data-based, not fieldwork (animals scare me >.<)
What gives you comfort? thinking about The Characters...
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? literally ANY pun or double meaning lyric by idkhow!! gonna go with "lose yourself inside the city / lose your mind inside a week".
favorite ice cream flavor ever? chocolate my beloved...
first fandom? warrior cats......
deep ocean or deep space? (personally, i gotta pick ocean, because theres fish in there 👍😊)
Your desert island band?
@thesternest @seroquelfan @chaoticrushu, but no pressure to answer, and anyone is welcome to join! add your own question at the end if you answer :]
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tenfoldtranslation · 2 months
Phew, first draft of volume 1 turned in!! I'm so looking forward to once this gets announced and I can actually talk about it!! Hopefully it'll have more readers than the last series I worked on ^^; Especially because we really need to make it to some of the later volumes, like people need to buy it so we can get to at least, like, volume 8!
To celebrate, here's a short list of translation quandaries/thought/notes that would be too stupid to put into print!
’Bowl’ is better but I think it says ’皿’ so we’ll go with ’dish’
When the original says "evolve" but that's not how evolution works
’shitsuke’ is hard to translate
(ahh now I see why my editor was complaining about the apostrophes, they only show up as pointed the wrong direction when I copy-paste them out)
Apparently lay is transitive and lie is intransitive, who knew??
Silly owner! -> Tricks are for kids! (changed it to Stupid owner!)
KIDDEN (I can explain once the series gets announced)
Looking up the difference between sardines and anchovies
"Thanks" with your mouth full: could be "Danks" but that looks too much like "dank" (went with "Fanks")
MC is really great but there are several lines the get borderline creepy if you look at them wrong ("SFXCreep", "Ahh. You smell so clean.")
you KICK Miette?! (but that’s anachronistic to when this first came out ;o;)
Translator’s notes I can’t include: this reminds me of the eromanga days ("I’ll make sure it’s not scary. So relax, okay?")
(Followed by "I’m not blushing. Not blushing!!" It do be like that sometimes)
This series has a lot of one-page gags which is way different than the ones I worked on before, it's kind of nice to have it all condensed like that!
(It took me like, a dozen reads to finally get all the tiny story threads with the art and the jokes I think)
Oh wait I forgot to send this!! "[Page 36: The joke was originally a play on ’hayaoki wa sanmon no toku’, meaning ’there’s benefit to getting up early’, and [character] heard ’sanmon’ as ’salmon’.]"
(Same character) ohhh, [redacted]-yuki, light snow fall; small snow flakes (like her tips)
へーい -> Mmkay.
It's kinda refreshing, I guess, that we see [main character] without a shirt on a lot...?
About さんきゅー: lol I’m gonna says ’thanks’ is okay since it’s in hiragana (and then I changed... and snuck in Purrfect, thanks; that'll probably get changed. There's actually a spot where it says "Perfect" later, but I think changing it would interfere with a joke there.)
Translator’s notes I can’t include: since it doesn’t actually say body horror ("Like body horror?" -> "Like a horror movie.")
Translator’s notes I can’t include: ("don't make up a man to get mad at" -> "Don’t judge what you don’t know!")
thank goodness for Katekyo Hitman Reborn so I know what a 仮定教師 is
There's a panel that just says マーキング that kinda squicks me out for some reason.
doesn’t specify which meal but, dinner? could be both…? ("今日のご飯なぁに?" -> "Yuya, what are we having today?")
oh same problem here actually, it’s not necessarily rice… (ご飯)
[character name] is named after another character I like from Ajin and acts like another character from D.Gray-man, so those influenced my first draft, but I think I have a solid enough grasp on his own character now after reading up to volume 10
see ’picked you up’ really doesn’t work here (for 拾う, because it means 'took in', but it could get confused with 'lifted off the ground')
too sexy for his shirt
if boku is uke and 俺 is seme, is オレ switch? >>
[main character] really doesn’t strike me as someone who’d say ’Tch’??!! -> "Got me."
oh, cat fight, I hadn’t noticed (I get so focused on the words sometimes it takes me way longer than it should to notice the art)
meager? flimsy? sparse? skimpy? paltry? *scant?
Translator’s notes I can’t include: also now it’s a sneaky Ajin reference (right?) OH that's why I wanted 'play ball' and not 'play catch'... (it did get changed to 'play catch' as of now)
LOTR potato song
just realized [character's name] looks like [redacted] Street
"ass backwards" would be really funny too (went with "Do you two know the phrase ‘cart before the horse’?)
Things on Walmart are called ’senbei’ so that means I can use 'senbei' too right
we were just doing this to Panda (scaring my friend's cat and her tail puffed up)
OMg the jisho example sentence for gikuri… 圭はその問いにギクリとさせられたが、頭を何でもないといいたそうに横に振る。 [redacted] is startled by that question, but shakes her head as it to say that it’s nothing
two very conflicting purposes for this line: not revealing [redacted]'s gender, and also conveying what the line means >>
not to mention it's about おっぱい and this isn't that kind of manga
I mean I guess we could just say 'buns' (instead of dango) but since we're launching directly into Otsukimi that seems unfair to the reader
(It was really funny how frequently things I was doing irl overlapped with what was happening in the manga as I worked on it! Christmas, mochi, snow, cats being cute...)
hey their names all use different writing systems
もみもみ-> knead knead, directly followed by こねこね→knead knead
"Super" seems too girly for [redacted female character]?
"You know, in other countries, they say a lion lived there [on the moon]." I swear I searched for at least half an hour and I cannot figure out what this is talking about. Hopefully someone else can figure it out.
oh like the wood getting in the mochi?? (from the thing you pound the mochi in, we had just been talking about that)
"The moon’s so pretty." -> I love you?
"now I’m translating and I don’t want to get up bc of the cats…"
Staying with my host sister in Tokyo-Chiba gave me perspective on what really counts as ’inaka’ LOL
I probably posted about this already, but over the 2.5 months of translating this, I've become hyper-aware of dekopons. They're everywhere! Even in the U.S.! Trader Joe's just featured them in their latest flyer!!
Translator’s notes I can’t include: deception by orange: ("OK BUT THEY HAVEN’T EXPLAINED THIS YET… god am I going to be sucked into ANOTHER red herring about oranges XnX" -> after Code Geass many moons ago)
"ああしてるとやっぱ男の子だな" -> "Boys will be boys." I dislike this line but I feel like this is an okay solution…? except [main character] isn’t like that XD is that making a new point? I mean I guess what he said in JP would be making the same point… < ah that’s funny because [main character] is supposed to be (speaking?) more feminine
"やっぱユーヤはかっこいいね" -> "You're handsome." this feels like a huge stretch but also supremely in prince [redacted] character?? like she says it offhand. okay well the first word on jisho for kakko ii is ’attractive’, so maybe handsome works? I still think this is the right choice
Tara-> cod means you get poetry like "I think we’ll do hot pot with cod for dinner."
Translator’s notes I can’t include: moyashi (?) ! (like D.Gray-man) -> string bean
is that too SpyxFamily? -> Borf (from わふん) (Went with WORF) (I did borrow "shock" for ガン though)
I thought it sounded dumb but I’m getting attached to it… ("Alarm of cuteness blast")
uptight? careful? particular? mindful? cautious…
Translator’s notes I can’t include: Knitting doesn’t work that way. Also even if it does, the clothes would look more knitted...
仕事、おつかれさま -> "We know you worked hard today." is this what gets me cancelled
最高気温10度 well actually that one works both ways XD XD XD whether it's Celsius or Fahrenheit, 10 degrees is still cold!!!
I don't think the book they're reading about Santa is any existing book in particular
"I’m not a kind" oops -> "I'm not a kid" (silly typo)
"It’s no fun receiving without giving in return." "Prepare yourself!!" (this is about presents, but... is that too sexual or am I just a bad person? it’s fine. bad person confirmed)
lol that puts "Roger!" in two of my series too
Heh sounds too lecherous but hmph sounds too dispassionate…
I really should be writing this 100% in caps all the time huh (since manga is usually lettered in all caps, it might be better to have an idea of what it might look like)
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snail-scholar · 1 year
ok i am barely familiar with enstars deep lore(tm) and i only understand the basics to most characters and their dynamics. but i need more cat arashi.
yeah poor little meow meows and sopping wet cat men all around but. cat arashi. she is that one cat. that cat that's pretty independent and mostly plays by itself but when you least expect,oops! cat hungry!! cat needs affection!! do it now!!
arashi would be that extremely pretty cat. the one that screams "rich owner" and looks great in photos. she would be calm about staying in your bag. actually pretty sure cat arashi DOES understand what cameras are and makes visual contact on purpose.
she WILL paw you from time to time if she feels like you've wronged her in any way. cat arashi has miette vibes. you've done messed up and tripped on her,or messed up her routine? jail for mother!!
what i'm trying to say is. spoiled arashi. little brat arashi. annoying meow meow arashi who is very loved and cared for.
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*Cat is balancing precariously on the (cold) radiator*
Me: Reba either go in the window or jump down you're going to hurt yourself
Me: *I lightly push her in the side towards the window*
Reba: *tips to the side dramatically without falling off*
Reba, eyes wide: you SHOVE Reba?? You SHOVE her body like the STRANGER?!? oh! Oh! JAIL for sister! Jail for sister for ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!!
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reading update
buckle up gang, because I've been reading a HELL of a lot since the last time we did this. let's get right into it...
what have I been reading?
The Tyrant Baru Cormorat (Seth Dickinson, 2020) - Baru Cormorant is, without a doubt, one of the finest examples of a female meow meow ever put to page. and I adore that about her. I love that she keeps getting pieces cut off of her. I love that whenever something doesn't work she goes "but I'm??? a SAVANT???" I love that every other woman who meets her decides they need to fuck or kill her or both. and you know what? I'm very happy with the ending that she got. without giving out any spoilers, I didn't think that something so satisfying for our (nominal) hero was possible in a series this bleak, and I was *breathless* watching Baru pull this final scheme together - while still leaving some loose threads to remind us that the world still has a long way to go. oh and hey - Seth Dickinson? you're the only bitch in the world who knows how to write a genuinely shocking after credits scene anymore. m*rvel needs to take notes.
Sister Outsider (Audre Lorde, 1984) - I recently sat in on a virtual lecture by the brilliant lesbian feminist philosopher Sara Ahmed talking about her recent book Complaint!, during which she recommended everyone go back and read Audre Lorde in times of difficulty. I realized I've never actually read much Lorde to begin with - I've encountered her mostly quoted in other feminist's work, in confusing references to something called "the erotic," and particularly gay poems shared here on tumblr. I've encountered a lot of selected quotes - people like to repeat (or paraphrase) her thoughts on self-care as resistance, how no one lives "single issue lives," and how the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. for some reason (I know why) I've never seen much discussion of obvious discomfort Lorde caused among (some of) her white feminist contemporaries, and her refusal to let their dismissals of Black women go unchecked and unchallenged. her writing is glorious, clear-eyed and high-minded and filled with a very principled form of hope. it's made me want to be a be more conscientious about how I write in my journal, which I hope can be a lasting legacy.
Night Sky With Exit Wounds (Ocean Vuong, 2016) - this and several other entries on this list are actually just further tribute to Lorde, because the way she wrote about poetry in Sister Outside made me walk over to my silly little local library and scoop up three (THREE!!!) entire poetry collections. I was captivated by Vuong's debut novel On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous and found his poetry similarly... can I say gorgeous? because I want to. in my journal the words I used were "precise and precious" and "a delicate model of a life that I simply must handle with care."
No One Is Talking About This (Patricia Lockwood, 2021) - this is the second book I've read on the recommendation of booktube darling Jack Edwards, and oh BOY is it gutting. Lockwood, who you may know as the owner of beloved cat Miette, has created a DEVASTATING little piece of autofiction that plunges into the brain-addling depths of being Extremely Online before crashing hard on the rocks of all-consuming grief. Lockwood handles both with indescribable skill; I was left self-conscious about my own relationship with the internet and simultaneously sobbing. I must read everything else she's written at once.
Prelude to Bruise (Saeed Jones, 2014) - more poetry! and I really liked this one, which maybe shouldn't be surprising since I also REALLY liked Jones' memoir How We Fight For Our Lives. I've decided that jotting notes in my journal is the best way I know to explain my thoughts on poetry, so what I wrote for this one was "vibes all the way through, evocative of deep soil and emerald plants, choking growth and cold shade." Jones is well-versed in the intertwined evils of racism, homophobia, and toxic masculinity, and they haunt the collection as an endless ache from start to finish.
Bright Dead Things (Ana Limón, 2015) - I will be honest with you, friends: this was perhaps my least favorite of the three poetry collections I grabbed in my post-Lorde fugue state, which might make me a misogynist. but Limón, who grew up in California, talks with great affection about many of the things that were part of my own childhood in Montana: horse trailers and cows and dirt and weeds and the great big open sky. in "During the Impossible Age of Everyone" there's this line that goes "I’m like a fence, or a cow, or that word, yonder" that I found really stirring for reasons I can't quite place. there's also a poem called "Service" that's about pissing inside a garage because a cool dog did it first and I think more poetry should be about shit like that.
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge trans. by Jeremy Tiang, 2020) - this book is, as the title might suggest, strange; the beasts in question are in fact humanoid with small physical features that differentiate them from true humans while nonetheless relegating them to being treated as entirely different species who are studied like animals. there's a metaphor about tribalism or xenophobia or SOMETHING going on here, but there's also a failed student of cryptozoology having an absolutely AWFUL time that just keeps getting worse as she is hounded by memories of her mother, an abrasive former professor, her old professor's newest student, and a city filled with beasts and humans who all seem to want something from her. it's a mystery it's a psychological thriller it's a fable. you tell me.
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century (Kim Fu, 2022) - absolutely fucking scrumptious. I DEVOURED this short story collection like a heart-shaped box full of chocolates, delighted even by the ones I wasn't too sure about. I ended up trying to make a list of my favorite stories and ended up jotting down almost all of them. "Pre-Simulation Consultation XF007867" is a TREMENDOUS example of how much story you can pack into nothing but dialogue between two characters. "Scissors" is an old pal of mine that was also featured in the anthology Kink, so erotic it could make you dizzy, and the story "Sandman" shows Fu flexing those same muscles in a much more fantastical manner. how did she make getting filled up with sand and put to sleep hot? idk, but I want in. "Time Cubes" is an absolute peak dystopian short, "Liddy, First to Fly" is a great instance of the monstrous female puberty trope that I simply adore, and "The Doll" is a perfect little spooky story. and the final piece, "Do You Remember Candy," was somehow the most haunting of them all, leaving me perplexed and sad in a way that I never would have expected from the premise. go read this, y'all.
We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice (Mariame Kaba, edited by Tamara K. Nopper, 2021) - all I need to say about this, I think, is that ever since I read this I've been starting like half my sentences with "okay, so in We Do This 'Til We Free Us -" because it's just relevant to... everything? literally everything. Kaba gets it, she gets everything, and it's so inspirational to see her work collected in such a way that you can really appreciate the way she insists on organizing as a collective and communal process, always passing credit around to the younger generation and those who came before. her belief in hope as a practice moved me, her thoughts on the difference between activists and organizers were illuminating and resonant, the way she talks about restorative justice as something drawn out and demanding and hard are REAL and affirming that the work is both demanding and worth it. reading this is so revitalizing, I cannot recommend it enough.
The School for Good Mothers (Jessamine Chan, 2022) - I'll be real: I'm trying to keep up with a LOT of new releases right now, and at times it feels exhausting. but holy shit on a bike is it worth it keep up with novels like this. I don't know if School for Good Mothers will be widely classed as science fiction, but I think it is in the most affectionate sense. like an old school sci-fi story, School for Good Mothers probes existing technology for the horrific turns it could take without much pushing: after a horrific day in which stressed, depressed, and recently divorced mother Frida Liu leaves her toddler unattended for two hours, she's arrested and subjected to invasive surveillance in every corner of her home. when her behavior is deemed less than satisfactory she's sent away to the titular school, an isolating year-long program meant to "fix" mothers deemed unfit by the state. at the school, mothers who have lost custody of their human children are retrained using advanced robotic doll-children straight out of the uncanny valley - the dolls are programmed with realistic child behavior and feel real pain and fear, but are treated as objects by instructors who simultaneously scold the mothers for failing to connect with these facsimiles as they would with their actual children. but while the tech is (very slightly) exaggerated, Chan's conflict comes from very real issues. it's obvious within the narrative that the state's idea of "good" mothers excludes mothers who are poor, working class, or otherwise unable to stay home with their children all day; women who aren't straight; women who were raised in cultures that aren't American; women who are mentally ill; women who ever feel angry or lustful or tired or anything but perfectly quantifiable maternal adoration and servitude. it's noted in the narrative that most of the "bad" mothers are Black or Latina, that middle class "bad" white mothers cozy up to the guards, that Frida is the only Asian "bad" mother and is in a unique position because of it. it's a story about criminalization and self-surveillance and unwinnable systems, and it's utterly devastating. as you can probably tell by the sheer length of this segment, I loved it.
Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work (Melissa Gira Grant, 2014) - sometimes I like to play a little game where I imagine what I would put on a syllabus for a class on like, a college class for people who have sort of locked down feminism 101 and ready to start getting past that. some other entries, I think, would be Women, Race, and Class by Angela Davis, and Mikki Kendall's Hood Feminism, and as you've probably guessed by now, Playing the Whore is also joining the list. all the best writing on sex work comes from people who have actually done it (you should check out Revolting Prostitutes by Molly Smith and Juno Mac, btw), and Grant does a great job laying out exactly why. there are so many interesting points here about the ways in which sex workers are stripped of humanity and autonomy by anti-sex work feminists who claim to be fighting against exactly that; it's really a must-read for anyone who wants to consider themselves allied with sex workers because of how well it underlines the deeply hurtful stereotypes and projections that can infect so many conversations about sex work.
Woman, Eating (Claire Kohda, 2022) - a very millennial little vampire novel, following a biracial British woman who's trying to start an art career, gain independence from her mother, and stave off her constant cravings for human blood. you know, relatable! like any good vampire novel, there's a lot of metaphor - Lydia's "human" and "demon" sides cause her as much internal anguish as the mixed heritage of her Japanese human father half-white vampire mother - while also just very much being about a fucked up little creature of the night having a fucked up little time. it's about coming of age and finding yourself and repression and self-loathing but also wanting to bite someone's neck and drink their blood so SO bad.
I didn't do the bingo sheet this month because uuuuh I didn't want to so c'est la vie!!
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sholiofic · 2 years
Prompt: Bucky impersonates Zemo as part of a mission, or just to roast him ("is this the fifth floor?")
"This is the worst idea that either of you have ever had," Zemo said, from the couch. "And considering most of your plans, that's saying something."
Bucky turned dramatically, sweeping Zemo's coat with him in a swirl of coattails. "You dare to question my plans? My plans are flawless, as I, the Baron Zemo, lack the humility to—"
"That sounds not even slightly like me."
"Not to agree with Zemo," Sam said (there was an annoyed huff from the couch), "but he's right. You sound more like Dracula crossed with Miette the cat. Let's try this again, with more Sokovia and less Transylvania."
"I'm not good at accents," Bucky retorted, reverting back to his usual voice. "Basic language fluency, sure, I speak like a dozen of them. And I'm told that my accent is horrible in every single one."
"Your English one is certainly execrable," Zemo said. They both ignored him.
"Maybe I could just not talk," Bucky said.
"Yeah, that's gonna make it easy to get information out of them, and unfortunately the only person they're willing talk to is Baron Broken Leg here. What are you going to do, use sign language?"
"Do you want to do this, Sam?"
"You think they'd buy me as Zemo?" Sam said. "The accent's not the problem. At least you sort of look like him. Except your hair's sticking up again."
Bucky reached up to pat self-consciously at his hair, which had been swept into a vague approximation of Zemo's side-parted style and then gelled to within an inch of its life. It was still struggling valiantly to escape.
"This is ridiculous," Zemo said, pushing himself upright. "The damage you are both going to do to my reputation—"
"Your reputation as a terrorist?" Bucky said.
"—is not worth the entertainment value of watching your inadequate acting attempts. I'm sure we can arrange a set of circumstances in which all I have to do is sit down."
He started to swing his legs off the couch and winced.
"Do not," Sam snapped, pointing at him. "You're not going out in the field like that, and that's my last word as both your parol—your handler and your medic. You can't run, you can't even walk, let alone fight."
"I still have one good leg, and I think you'd be surprised how much fighting I can do with it," Zemo said.
"Yeah, no, the point is, you show weakness to these people, they'll be on you like sharks on red meat. You're benched and that's that."
Zemo sighed a little and wrestled his legs back onto the couch, settling down with a carefulness that belied his casual attitude; he really was in pain. He reached for the glass of whiskey on the coffee table. "Fine, but James is going to need to manufacture a much more convincing version of my voice before he tries to play a stage version of me."
"A much more convincing version of my voice," Bucky mimicked with a curled lip.
"That was better, James."
"He's right, Buck, that was a little better."
"My coat suits you, though," Zemo said. He took a sip of whiskey.
"Shut up."
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