#I'm not tagging any character so as to avoid upsetting anyone bc i think i made it fairly obvious who I'm talking abt šŸ˜…
rollercoasterwords Ā· 2 years
your comments on cw warning are so true, and iā€™ve been thinking about the expectation for warnings in fan fictions after reading young mungo (an amazing published book containing really triggering material that, because itā€™s a published book, does not have any warnings).
I think on the harry potter fandom thereā€™s this thing that happening where people feel entitled to having access to all fics, even if they contain triggering material. This expectation is then placed onto authors in the form of requesting detailed cw allowing readers to curate fics to avoid the most difficult to read scenes.
Or even if tags are completely correct, because people have latched onto specific characterizations of characters, some people get upset when the difficult tags apply to the characters in a way that doesnā€™t match their head canons (ie. remus cheating/ regulus having a negative perspective on sirius leaving/ any unhealthy relationship dynamics between wolfstar).
Itā€™s interesting to see how this has shifted, even just by looking at the past year. Like the switch between how the CCNTUAW tag used to be used to people now assuming that it means the same as the no archive warnings apply tag is very shocking to me. Like it used to be that authors could just say ā€œiā€™ve chosen not to warn, mind the tagsā€ and that would be it. Now it seems, even if authors say that, some readers will still expect content warnings.
yup!! i agree w....everything u said i think lol.
i definitely agree that there seems to be this....weird way that a large portion of the fandom treats "accessibility" when it comes to fics. as in, some people seem to have this idea that fic writers should be trying to make their fics "accessible" (read: palatable) to the broadest possible audience. i see this in comments and questions from people who say things like "don't you think more people would read the fic if you wrote x?" "don't you think more people would enjoy it if u wrote the character x way?" "are you worried that fewer people will be interested in a fic about x?" all of which indicate that the person is assuming the primary goal/purpose of fic is to appeal to as many people as possible.
and to be fair, it's not like it's just readers thinking this way (bc there's no clear divide between readers + writers in fic spaces, etc etc.)! i've seen posts along the lines of "i really want to write x, but i'm worried people won't like it, and i want to make my fics accessible!" and it's just.....well.
i think even framing fanfiction in terms of "accessibility" is a little misleading. because people hear "accessible" and immediately associate it with disability advocacy and think oh, more accessibility = good; less accessibility = bad. but fanfiction is not a service that anyone is providing, nor is it a product, nor is it like....something that anyone needs access to. in fact, nobody is entitled to access to fanfiction in the first place. and by nature, not every fanfiction will be accessible to every person, because it isn't made for you. and if a fanfiction doesn't fit your specific tastes and isn't enjoyable for you to read, that isn't harming u, and it isn't taking anything away that ur entitled to!
but i think ur right that with the way fanfiction has sort of been turned into tiktok content, what happens is that a couple fics get really popular at a time, and a bunch of people want to read those fics so that they can participate in the hype and make their own tiktoks that get thousands of views about these popular fics. and then if they don't like the fic for whatever reason or can't read it, they feel as though they are being denied access to some sort of club that everyone else gets to be part of. and then they either decide that the way the fic is written is "problematic," because it was too dark/violent/sad and therefore inaccessible, OR they start posting "hot takes" going "everyone else loves this fic but i actually think it sucks!!" because those are the only ways they can now participate in this weird social-media fanfiction economy where people are posting about fic first and foremost because they want views on their own tiktok channel, and not necessarily because they actually want to appreciate the writers. fun!
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bannanafanta Ā· 1 year
tw: pr0ship mention, me being utterly confused bc of twitter, me probably overthinking a common issue in fandoms
ok so like....why is almost all of playfellowxxx on twitter specifically just pr0shippers?
Not trying to start anything here ive just been trying to avoid them and block like im supposed to and it just seems like im blocking 70% or more of the people in the tag bc they're pr0ship (plus the small percentage that were pr0ship AND who were apparently ped0s via proof of call out posts).
and like dont get me wrong here, im not trying to be hateful here im just not sure how to find out if someones pr0ship unless i dig (which im rather uncomfortable with doing). bc pr0shippers literally out here reblogging from ppl with "pr0ship dni" in their bios n everything and its like....confusing? and just to be clear i do not have a playfellowxxx centered account, i do not post any content on it.
Plus like there's the problem of antis mistakenly/maybe intentionally following pr0shippers accounts to the point where its in big letters "Antis stop following this account" so obviously im not the only one whos confused. I don't see how like blatant antis and pr0shippers end up like constantly reblogging from one another unless one of a few things are happening:
Ppl are blatantly disregarding the dnis to reblog bc of serious issues (like the callout posts w/ evidence of minors being preyed upon) which I'm a little iffy about bc like thats still a persons dni??? (which this doesn't cover any of the other instances where its just reblogs of art from antis and pr0ships on the opposites accounts) (plus this would be the rarest of occurrence)
2. Either side sees the art, doesn't read the bios/disregards bio so theyre unknowingly following the other (which is still iffy, for that large percentage of them that put it in their bio n pinned posts, you think it wouldn't be difficult to like...just know right?)
3. There are so little antis in the fandom that they are communicating w/ pr0ship n either claiming to be neutral/pr0ship themselves bc they don't have any mutuals and want their art to be boosted in the algorithm (which i don't believe is the case)
4. Theyre all pr0ship and just put "pr0ship dni" in their username bc of not liking the fandoms equivalent of character x themselves, or other stuff/don't want hate on their twitter posts or dms (which i know isn't right either bc theyve activity said about going on blocking sprees/getting extremely upset seeing that mutuals ended up being pr0ship?)
I mean there could be other reasons I'm just not aware of what it might be. It's honestly been something thats been bugging me for a lil while but I've been unable to speak about it freely due to not really having anyone to discuss it with.
I really don't expect a response here bc ppl have "tl:dr" in my comments before on my old account when i talked about serious stuff, but if you want to throw me a reason, go for it.
again this is a serious post, I'm trying to be respectful despite this being a rather big issue for others in the fandom. /serious
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paradoxesofgalaxies Ā· 2 years
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I posted 4,667 times in 2022
That's 1,943 more posts than 2021!
992 posts created (21%)
3,675 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,568 of my posts in 2022
#galactic gab - 986 posts
#vent tw - 234 posts
#asked and answered - 210 posts
#parts stuff - 90 posts
#bone fuckery - 72 posts
#ask bait - 40 posts
#covid tw - 38 posts
#doctors tw - 35 posts
#trauma stuff - 35 posts
#trans stuff - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#i keep thinking it's allergies bc of how much i'm sneezing but the allergy meds aren't helping and cold medicine is ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ
My Top Posts in 2022:
I used to think I was an open book. That I had no problems with vulnerability.
But I've learned that being willing to recount the horrors of my life with the detachment of telling a story about someone else isn't vulnerability. But rather a way to avoid being vulnerable.
Vulnerability is taking the risk of reaching out to a potential friend, knowing that pain may follow. It's talking about my emotions with those I've come to trust even though it feels too dangerous. It's talking to a friend about the things that fill me with shame and giving them the chance to love me through it.
The vulnerability of love can feel so dangerous. But I'm finding that it's worth it
61 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
There's a part crying out inside "why didn't you save me?"
As tears fell from my face, i told them I'm sorry i couldn't save them before, but I'm saving us now. We're safe from those who hurt us, and we're putting in the work to heal.
"Why didn't you save me?"
Let's save ourselves together now
87 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
It has seemed that over the past several years, the pushback against trauma olympics has morphed into this idea that all trauma should be treated as equal and that any differentiation is inherently ableist.
And while I agree that competing over who has it worst is an exercise in futility that is often damaging, I think the inability to have conversations with nuance regarding different traumas has been really damaging to community discussions.
Like, yes, what is traumatic to one person may not be traumatic to another and what a child's brain counts as trauma might not make sense to an adult. If you're traumatized by something, then it was traumatic for you. It doesn't matter if other people think it shouldn't have been traumatizing, your trauma is real.
But I think it is damaging that community discussions have become so warped that stating that some traumas are more severe than others is met with hostility. There are, in fact, degrees of severity when it comes to trauma.
Hell, I'm very carefully picking my words in this and not really specifying any specifics because I don't want to deal with the hostility that would likely ensue.
Acknowledging that some experiences are more inherently traumatic than others does not invalidate your pain and struggles. Each person's response to trauma is shaped by a vast array of factors including the support a person has after the trauma. It's not bad or wrong to be more affected by a specific trauma than someone else who went through something similar because we all are shaped by our own unique circumstances.
However, that doesn't make it ok to flatten the way we talk about trauma by never acknowledging that some events are more inherently traumatic than others.
This shift in the community has made it really difficult for people who have gone through very severe trauma to talk about their experiences without being attacked for ~invalidating~ other people's trauma just by talking about their own experiences.
I'm leaving reblogs on and I'm to discussion on this, but anyone coming in with hostility will be blocked.
179 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
It's so upsetting and frustrating seeing more and more people say they want to get COVID to "get it over with".
Aside from the multitude of other reasons that this attitude is dangerous and reckless, it overlooks the fact that *you can get COVID multiple times*
This isn't like the chicken pox where getting it provides immunity. People can, and many have, get COVID multiple times.
Every time you get COVID is another chance to end up with lifelong complications.
COVID isn't something you can catch to just get it over with. You'll still be at risk of catching it again and you may end up with complications that make each new case even more risky
Various studies show that anywhere from 1 in 6 to 1 in 2 people with COVID will end up with long COVID.
Please stay safe. Please continue taking precautions to protect yourself and those around you.
205 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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263 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ā†’
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god1ngs Ā· 3 years
my dream smp hcs ā€”
+ note: this is just headcanons i have for the dsmp characters <:)) tagging @ttakinou bc you said you wanted to see them :))
+ contains: mentions of death/dying, two mentions of cigarettes
+ this is all for their dream smp characters
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+ one: after being revived, tommy has a white streak in his hair like wilbur. it reminds him of what he went through in the prison
+ two: sapnap is a blaze hybrid. he cries lava, is immune to fire/lava, and gets burnt by water. he also literally lights on fire whenever he sweats too much
+ three: bad and skeppy are sapnap's dads
+ four: wilbur loves physical affection. he can usually be seen playing with other people's hair or with their clothes
+ five: wilbur is phil's only biological kid. wilbur found tommy when he was six in the woods and brought him in. phil just calls tommy his son now
+ six: phil's immortal. when he was around three hundred years old, he met techno. they became good friends afterwards and now they live together
+ seven: phil's the angel of death. he's always around when someone dies, or he's always on his way when someone dies
+ eight: when wilbur died, tommy kept his guitar and even learned to play it. wilbur is very proud of how far tommy has come on it and even lets him keep it
+ nine: schlatt is tubbo's dad. tubbo doesn't know how to feel around him, so he just avoids him all together
+ ten: techno only lets wilbur and phil touch his hair, he threatens anyone else
+ eleven: quackity and wilbur both smoke. wilbur steals quackity's cigarettes if he doesn't have any
+ twelve: sapnap has a low self esteem due to dream. he also can't be without karl or quackity for too long or he gets upset
+ thirteen: george sleeps whenever he cans because he doesn't want to face reality
+ fourteen: ranboo sleepwalks and usually techno is there to stop him from walking anywhere too far
+ fifteen: techno thinks of ranboo as a son. they're both very protective over each other, although ranboo sees techno as an older brother figure that only shows affection every full moon
+ sixteen: tommy gets miniature panic attacks whenever someone yells at him, or any loud sudden noise
+ seventeen: when revived, wilbur usually stays in dark areas since that's all he's known for thirteen and a half years. he has to wear sunglasses outside during first half a year
+ eighteen: foolish is dream's older brother by a couple of months, yet he always pulls the "i'm older" card
+ nineteen: tommy's favorite flower are alliums because they remind him of ranboo
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babbushka Ā· 3 years
Ngl Ive been considering just leaving adcu tumblr cuz i bet mfrs is gonna start posting tld gifs and i even saw one person say that they appreciate the new movie bc they have a kink for being held down as if heā€™s not literally r*ping her liek šŸ˜
Idk what to do tho cuz I have mostly enjoyed being in this fandom and itā€™ll be sad to leave but the mental stress itā€™s gonna put me through to avoid tld gifs (even with filtering, people apparently havenā€™t learnt what tags are).
Hello my dear anon, I'm very sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. In an effort to avoid drama or controversy (because truly I mean no offense to anyone!!), I'm going to try and phrase my feelings on this subject matter as thoughtfully as I can.
I think that this situation is two-fold.
On the one hand, I agree with you wholeheartedly that it's a frustrating and upsetting thing to see a movie like this be so highly praised, considering the subject matter, and cast/crew involved. Believe me, I wish literally any other storyline had been chosen, rather than a woman being brutally r*ped and men battling because no one believes her -- you guys know how much I adore medieval history! I wanted so badly to like this movie, but I just can't. I think it's irresponsible of Hollywood to make this movie, considering the social climate of the industry and its handling of sexual assault both on and off screen, not to mention the way rape plots play into the desentization of sexual assault in real life.
However, the other side of this coin is that this is just a movie. People are entirely within their rights to make this kind of movie, to watch this kind of movie, and to love this kind of movie. Actors are not the characters they play, and actors have a right to choose movies at their own leisure and of their own interest. Whether that be because they think the subject matter is provocative or they simply want to work with a director, that's entirely within their right. So too, is it within a fandom's right to celebrate that movie.
People are going to like what they like, and that is okay. We don't have to like it, but we do have to respect it. It is a personal responsibility to curate the experience we have online, and if seeing things that are distressing to you is causing you pain, it is on you to rectify that. If that means unfollowing or blocking people, filtering tags, or leaving the fandom entirely, then that's what we must do. At this point I only follow like 5 people in the fandom, lol, because I can't be bothered to deal with anyone else, and that's okay too!
Listen, the adcu community here on tumblr and on twitter has a very bad habit of jumping the gun and quickly demonizing anyone who might go against a popular opinion. Regardless of what the context may be. And that alone can be very tiring and mentally draining. I've already seen it start to happen with TLD, people have already come into my inbox to shame me for expressing my frustrated opinions on the film.
Fandom is supposed to be fun, you have to do what will make it a safe place for you. Censoring fandom creators isn't the answer, it really is incumbent upon us to avoid the things we don't want to see, much in the same way that others might need to avoid us.
And for what it's worth, I am sorry if any gifs that I have shared escaped the tag filter (I plan on using the TLD Adam for my Knight Kylo AU), and have caused you harm.
I'm sending you all my love.
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literaphobe Ā· 6 years
hi michelle! so want to start saying that i identify as bi and honestly, I would LOVE it if jake was bi. I think it'd be great. But i'm also okay if he's not, bc how cool is it that they're allowing a man to break down traditional gender norms/roles! i think one of the greatest parts of loving a show like b99 is that it lets us escape the 'real world' for twenty minutes every week. and that means something different for every person watching the show. 1
SO while i believe you are entitled to your own opinions, and you can share them on your blog bc it's yours, i don't think its fair to invite people to share their opinions but shut down anyone who feels differently than you. for example, you said to someone who said they didn't care if jake was bi that you hope they 'get well soon'. also, you posted saying that if bi people didnt want jake to be bi then they're wrong. im sorry but thats really hurtful. you dont get to decide how people think 2
just bc someone feels differently than you doesnt make their feelings less valid, ESPECIALLY someone who identifies as lgbt+. you run a popular blog and it makes me sad to think people might feel their opinions are less valid or wrong bc they see it here. again, im not saying you cant have opinions or post them. but maybe just think about how your words can affect others. also saying this off anon bc i respect you and am open to having a conversation. Thanks for reading, hope u have a good day
hi. thank you for ur mannerly tone and for having the courage to go off-anon.
mlm/bi representation will always be more important thanĀ ā€˜straight man comfortable with his sexualityā€™. while i am not saying that straight men in media shouldnā€™t be portrayed as comfortable in their sexualities, the stance that itā€™s okay to take away representation from people in the lgbt community as long as we have Good Hets is harmful, and it gives people in the tv/movie industries a cop out. they donā€™t have to give us more lgbt characters! straight characters who Know Whatā€™s Up are good enough to make them seem woke and avoid criticism! and whether youā€™re comfortable with this happening as an lgbt has nothing to do with it. we have to hold the media accountable, we canā€™t just settle for less. whether you want to watch b99 uncritically or not is entirely up to you. i get that itā€™s exhausting to analyze the media content you consume! i more than understand just wanting to escape and not ask for more! itā€™s tiring! itā€™s draining! itā€™s disappointing, it hurts so much and it gets so so lonely. but we canā€™t just let the world stagnate. progress needs to be made constantly, and shows canā€™t be made to feel like they can just do one or two good things and not be expected to do anything else! iā€™m not asking you to fight for this, i just want the acknowledgement that this is the right thing to do
i didnā€™t exactly... invite anyone to say anything. i truly am just sending my thoughts out into the void. and yes, i am aware that my words reach a wider audience because i have a larger than average follower count. of course i know my words can affect others. thatā€™s what iā€™m trying to do. aside from getting thoughts out my brain, i want to promote a less passive line of thinking. i want lgbt folk to want better for themselves. unfortunately, because words and actions have responses, people will climb into my inbox and start conversations that i inevitably have to take part in (sometimes i donā€™t though. it really depends on where my headā€™s at that day. having to discuss this repeatedly is draining). most of the time, iā€™m just making a statement
i donā€™t particularly enjoyĀ ā€œshutting down people who feel differently from meā€. usually, if iā€™ve done that, i really am tired because iā€™ve likely discussed and explained numerous times whatever it is the person who got shut down said to me. i might also come off as mean-spirited or perhaps aggressive if i know some anon is just trying to pick a fight/spew hate at me. if you donā€™t understand where iā€™m coming from/donā€™t believe why having an opposing stance is harmful (this might vary depending on the issue), i am (given i have energy that day) more than willing to elaborate on whatever it is i say here. if i say stuff likeĀ ā€˜get well soon!ā€™ it is a tired response to something i have already covered in depth and i am making some semblance of a joke to deflect/put a lid on the stuff i really want to say (likely because i have already said it)Ā 
i never said that bi people who didnā€™t want jake to be bi were wrong. i was trying to get them to think deeper and explore why they donā€™t want that. being lgbt sometimes means that we allow and normalize a lot of unfair treatment. we think that we have it good enough so we decide not to ask for more, to settle. and i will never blame any lgbt for falling victim to this line of thought. we were brought up to think this way, we were conditioned to think this way. acceptance does not equal inclusion, and sadly many of us are so grateful for the acceptance that we do not bother to even think about having inclusion. or, better inclusion, for that matter. of course, it is definitely not up to me to decide how anyone thinks. iā€™m just trying to convince you! very desperately. but if you donā€™t agree no matter what i say then what can i do? itā€™s your life. it doesnā€™t affect me much in the grand scheme of things. iā€™m not going to hate you for disagreeing. iā€™m not going to sic the dogs on you. am i going to be kind of annoyed if someone walks into my inbox, turns on anon, and hurls insults at me? yes, thatā€™s hurtful, and itā€™s kind of funny sometimes depending on how dumb you sound, but itā€™s mostly tiring and a lot of pain. so like... read, if u donā€™t like it, move on, if your well-being is drastically affected from reading the things i say, iā€™ll tag it so you can blacklistĀ 
the sad thing is, being a member of the lgbt community doesnā€™t automatically make your opinions on lgbt issues valid/unproblematic. internalized homophobia exists. things i described in the point above can lead to this. just because a bi person saysĀ ā€˜im bi! and i donā€™t care/donā€™t think bi jake is important!ā€™ doesnā€™t mean that suddenly, there is no need for him to be canonically bi, that we arenā€™t being queerbaited/pandered to by the show. do i think that the show is intentionally/heinously queerbaiting us? not exactly. but lack of awareness and lacking understanding on why bi-coding jake w no intention to make it canon is just as harmful bc it produces the same result (in jakeā€™s case)
once again, i donā€™t intend for people to feelĀ ā€œless valid/wrongā€ when they read what i have to say on this blog. self-reflection is important. sometimes, people have opinions that are wrong! including myself! which is why more often than not i think deeply into the things people say to me here and consider whether my opinion holds up. you donā€™t have to feel bad for being wrong. we are all constantly wrong on stuff. everyone, at some point, has had a bad take/the wrong take on something. if you hold yourself up to this standard that you must always be right or you are suddenly a horrible person/must feel bad and demoralized, i suggest that you change your approach to issues such as this. i hate to say this but it is not my job to make sure everyone is 100% cool and chill about everything i do and say here. some things need to be said. some things need to be acknowledged. iā€™m sorry if any of you have been hurt/upset by anything iā€™ve ever posted but after a certain point... that is your issue and not mineĀ 
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eddiexmunsn Ā· 2 years
your post about reader insert inclusivity needed to be said bc lmao barely anyone in this fandom cares they just want to showcase the same goody two shoes thin readers who have to be related one of the other chars and like i can't read most of them anymore bc it just reinforces my own self image issues and im like "yeah these characters would never like me bc i'm fat and not conventionally attractive" so fuck that anon *i* need size inclusive fics, keep being cool as fuck u rock šŸ¤˜
people who think similar to that anon usually donā€™t want to admit that theyā€™ve been excluding people and donā€™t like being faced with the realization that they probably donā€™t care about being inclusive. i also know for a fact that a lot of the anger and/or negative reactions to calls for inclusivity is rooted in racism. iā€™m all for self inserts and tropes/themes/AUs that people write about for themselves and their audience, people can write think do and say whatever they want, just tag your work properly and be aware of the biases shown in your work.
thereā€™s so many fics out there and 95% of them i cannot relate toā€” the ā€˜white popular good girl thin body attractive straight hairedā€™ readers are the majority and itā€™s very frustrating. also the number of times iā€™ve been triggered by fics that werenā€™t tagged properly is frustratingā€” iā€™m nervous to enjoy any content now because people donā€™t tag things. thereā€™s been so many times where iā€™m almost done with an amazing story but at the very end it triggers me and i have to try my best to shake it off and move on. i know itā€™s not other peoples job to cater to me and itā€™s my responsibility to take care of myself, itā€™s just exhausting and frustrating because itā€™s such an easy thing to avoid when people tag properly :-//
i could go on and on about this stuff but iā€™ve already upset some people in my inbox and thatā€™s not what iā€™m here to do, i just wish people would be more self aware and compassionate, and maybe learn how to properly tag their fics to be considerate of others!
to all of my fellow ā€œunattractiveā€ fat folks out thereā€” remember that fat is not a flaw or something that needs to be changed, itā€™s just how your fleshy prison sac looks! genetics/trauma play a huge role in how your body works and presents itself. beauty standards are constantly changing, which means theyā€™re subjective and never set in stone. no matter how ā€œunattractiveā€ you may be, i still think youā€™re worthy of love, respect, joy, and representation.
keep your chin up bub, i love love love you and iā€™m always here to talk!!
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