#I'm only befriending her for the tea and after that I'm ghosting her
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
I got the day off today Whoop whoop! Now to spend it responsibly-
*get’s absorbed into Stardew Valley*
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shadow-night · 3 years
Bounty Hunter in the Shadows Chapter 1
More chapters here on Ao3.
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Story Tags: Erasermic, Friends to Lovers, young Aizawa Shouta, young Yamada Hizashi, Slow Burn, Slice of Life, Hurt/ Comfort, Angst and Feels, Comedy, Fluff, mental breakdown, PTSD, flashbacks, self-medication, drug use, homelessness, homeless Aizawa Shouta, unhealthy coping mechanisms, survivor guilt, cats, growing gp, character study, character development, recovery
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Chapter 1: Aizawa and Yamada
Finally graduation day arrived. Aizawa held his UA high school diploma in his hands. This was a joyous occasion – or at least it should be. He should feel proud, which he did to an extent. Aizawa could not help but find the entire event nostalgic before it was even over.
He was a little proud he managed to pull through and finished school, graduating from the most famous hero school in Japan no less, but he also felt a deeply routed guilt. Yamada was joking and laughing with friends. Everyone was loud and happy, yet someone was missing.
Yamada tore Aizawa from his thoughts as he excitedly called out to him. Aizawa put on a teasing smile, silencing him with a quirk and vanished. It was meant as a joke but it also was great to escape his classmates.
Aizawa rolled his eyes at the endless amounts of texts Yamada sent him. He could practically hear the disappointed yelling while reading about how he had missed all the group photos. He didn't even bother to listen to the voice messages or pick his phone up when it rang. Aizawa went home and relaxed on his bed, knowing his foster parents wouldn't get home until later.  He wondered what would happen if he left right this moment without another word to anyone. His suitcase was already packed.
A new message lit up his phone's home screen. Aizawa reached for the device, only now bothering to look at the chat.
We're all going out to eat tonight. Will you come?
No. I promised them dinner.
It was true. He had promised his foster parents a ‘goodbye dinner’ before moving out. It was the reason why he didn't leave right this afternoon. They were decent people and were kind enough to give him space and not pressure him into spending more time together, so when they asked if he would have dinner with them tonight he couldn't say no.
But you're leaving tomorrow morning, right?! When will we see each other again??
That was a good point. It still hadn't quite sunken in that they would not be back at school again soon. They wouldn't just leave school for a weekend or a holiday, but forever. Aizawa almost regretted not staying longer at school now, though he also knew that it wasn't his thing. Seeing everyone excited for the future and sad they would part would have been a little too much. He was happier alone in his bedroom.
Can I come over?
What about dinner?
We meet later. I'll come over.
Well. Now that that was decided all there was left to do was to wait for the energetic blonde. Wherever Yamada had been, he couldn't have been too far from his home. He was out of breath when, ten minutes later, he rang the doorbell non stop until the door was opened for him.
"Come on in." Aizawa said and they headed over to the brunet's room, where they sat down on the bed. At least Aizawa sat down. Yamada flopped onto the mattress still trying to catch his breath.
"You could have walked here." Aizawa noted.
"Yeah, but I didn't want to miss any more time! Who knows when we'll see each other again!" Yamada said.
"You're the one who wanted to work in America." Aizawa reminded him.
"I knoooow." Yamada whined, but then a grin returned to his face. "But I'm sure it's gonna be awesome!" he said determinedly.
"Just don't start talking to me in English all the time." Aizawa said and realized that he really would miss Yamada.
During their first year at U.A. he did not get particularly close with anyone but Shirakumo and  Yamada. In their second year Aizawa had allowed himself to befriend Kayama a little. The cat Aizawa and Shirakumo found and gave to her had helped a lot in terms of befriending the girl who was a grade ahead of them.
After Shirakumo's death Aizawa made sure it stayed that way and distanced himself from others. He couldn't bear the thought of getting close to someone again only to loose them later. He looked at Yamada who lay on his back next to him on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Aizawa didn't want to think about how he would react if anything happened to the blonde.
"What train will you take tomorrow morning?" Yamada suddenly asked.
"Why? Don't tell me you want to meet me at the station." Aizawas tone was flat and seemingly uninterested.
"Ehhhh? Why not?!"
"You'll be hung-over." Aizawa stated.
"What? You really think us aspiring pro heroes will succumb to underage drinking?!" Yamada called out in mock surprise as if they hadn't- together in fact- gotten drunk before. Then he turned more serious. "I'd still come if you told me what time the train left." Yamada claimed.
"At 8:00 in the morning? Are you sure?" Aizawa said, a small smirk ghosting on his lips.
"Damn. That's early. Why are you torturing yourself like that?" Yamada asked, knowing how much Aizawa hated getting up early himself. Though, to be fair Aizawa seemed unhappy about getting up at any time. Insomnia was a real pain in the ass.
"I'll still come." Yamada said.
Aizawa just gave a low hum.
"You don't believe me! You'll see. I'll be there!" Yamada bumped his fist into Aizawa's shoulder.
"I didn't say anything." Aizawa said, raising his hands, showing his palms.
"Anyways." Yamada huffed. "You'll have to send me pictures of your apartment when you get there, alright."
"It's shitty. Nothing worth showing off." Aizawa protested.
"I don't care. I just want to see pictures."
"I'll send you pictures of the cockroaches I'll room with." Aizawa teased.
"Please don't!" Yamada looked horrified.
"You get those or nothing." Aizawa shrugged. This was nice. It was easy banter, just the two of them, nothing too overwhelming.
They fell into a comfortable silence, Yamada's eyes landing on Aizawa's packed suitcase.
Yamada had been surprised when Aizawa told him he would leave Musutafu the day after their graduation. He himself would travel to the US soon after the school year ended, but his flight went a week after graduation, giving him enough time to say goodbye to classmates and family. Well, Aizawa could count the friends he had on two fingers and he also did not have much family. Yamada did not know Aizawa’s host family particularly well but the few times he met them they seemed nice. Yamada could not help but wonder if Aizawa left so soon because he felt uncomfortable around them or if it had to do with Aizawa's general attitude and mood ever since their work study ended in their second year.
Yamada had a great support system at home but it was difficult mourning their dead friend himself and helping Aizawa at the same time. Shirakumo's death hit them both hard, though Aizawa definitely had a less healthy way of coping and far less support or people who didn't offer the support he needed which ended in him changing host families a month after their work study. It had been painful to watch Aizawa train in the Gym to the point he was so exhausted he fell asleep in their classes. Yamada had done his best to be there and watch Aizawa as often as he could, sometimes even training with him. It made them grow closer over time.
"You've got to take care of yourself." Yamada broke the silence.
Aizawa frowned, then looked away from the blonde. "You too."
"Hey, you missed out on all the pictures we took, let's take some now!" Yamada changed the subject. They wouldn't see each other in quite a while so they shouldn't just mop around. Aizawa was not impressed by the idea, but when Yamada sat up on the bed and sat right next to him he tilted his head towards the blonde as he held up his phone. Within minutes Yamada's camera roll filled up with new pictures of them both.
"You should leave soon, if you don't want to be late." Aizawa said eventually as he took notice of the time.
"I guess." Yamada said and sat up on the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright?" He reminded Aizawa.
"Don't trouble yourself. It will be fine if you don't." He said.
The door fell shut and Aizawa stood alone in the quiet house. Dinner with his foster parents also was a quiet affair. He appreciated that. They did not try to get him to talk more than usual or try to talk him out of things last minute. They asked if he finished packing and if he still needed something, as if anything was worth the trouble of going out this late at night. There were plenty of stores with the same products where he moved. He let them know he had everything he needed and stayed seated at the table after dinner. They drank tea and let it sink in that things would be different from now on.
The night seemed to drag on forever and Aizawa barely slept. He got up early, even earlier than he had to, so he could make breakfast for everyone. He made his host parents favorite tea, put six slices of bread in the toaster oven and got out a pot to make miso soup. He didn't have to cook but even he could make something as simple as miso soup with tofu and seaweed. He set out the jam for the bread and got out some plates when his host parents came out.
Aizawa checked his phone when he got his suitcase after breakfast. No new messages showed up. The blonde sent him a few photos during the night, so Aizawa knew his classmates drank alcohol and stayed up until the early morning hours. He tried to ignore the slight pang in his chest. It was good Yamada had fun last night. He should rest now. They could talk over the phone later, he told himself pocketing his phone. He looked around the room one final time. It was clean and he already pulled the sheets off and put them into the washing machine.
"Remember you can call us anytime." His host mother told him as they stood in the entrance. Aizawa gave a slight nod to signal he heard her as he tied his shoes.
"Don't hesitate to ask for help." Her husband added.
"Thank you. For everything." Aizawa said, looking them in the eyes. He even gave both a hug before he stepped outside and pulled his suitcase to the station.
When Aizawa arrived at the nearest tram station, he realized he gave Yamada the time his other train would leave from the bigger train station. So even if the blonde intended to come he might have thought of the wrong place. He checked his phone but no new notifications showed up. Aizawa pocketed his phone as the tram came to a stop. The small tram was packed with people going to work and Aizawa shuffled to the door, pulling his suitcase as close as possible. He gave an apologetic nod to an older lady close to him. Aizawa focused his eyes outside the window looking at the familiar houses and stores passing by.
Finally the tram reached the central station. He arrived with some time to spare and checked his phone while he stood waiting at the platform. He felt a little forgotten but tried his best to push the feeling aside. He told Yamada not to worry about coming, so it wasn't fair to be mad at him for not showing up.
He could hear his train enter the station and then, even louder than the arriving train his name. "Aizawaaaaaaa!" He knew that voice.
Aizawa turned around to the direction the call had come from and saw Yamada running into the station. Several people held their ears and stared at the blond in irritation. He would have to get to this platform, but the train just arrived so there was enough time. Aizawa couldn't help but smile.
When Yamada finally came running down the stairs he looked like he would throw up any second. "The things I do for you." he huffed out of breath when he came to a stop in front of Aizawa.
"I told you, you didn't have to come." Aizawa said, but his smile gave him away.
"Please just tell me you are happy to see me so that it was worth coming." Yamada begged. He wore a t-shirt with an unidentifiable stain on it and one of his shoelaces was open. He was very pale and his unstyled hair hung in his face.
"Yeah. I'm happy." Aizawa gave in. "Thank's for coming." He said just as Yamada stepped away from him and threw up over the other side of the platform where no train was.
"Are you alright?" Aizawa asked, holding the other's hair back. Other people were stared more or less subtly.
"Ugh..." Yamada groaned. Aizawa glanced at the clock, "Wait here. I'll be right back." He said and jogged to a vending machine to get some water.
"Thank's." Yamada said after he washed his mouth out and took a sip. "Sorry about that." He said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Do you need money for a taxi back?" Aizawa asked.
"No, no! It's fine. Keep your money! I still have some." Yamada said. He pulled his walled out in demonstration. He knew Aizawa did not have much saved up and he doubted he suddenly accepted more from his host family.
"If you're sure." Aizawa said.
"Actually, let me pay you back for this." Yamada held up the bottle Aizawa just got him.
"It's just water." Aizawa shook his head.
"Alright. Thanks." Yamada put his wallet away again. They stood in silence for a moment after that.
"Well...-" Yamada tried to break the silence.
"I have to get on the train soon." Aizawa said at the same time.
"Ah...right. Well...I'll hear from you soon right? Send pictures!"
"Of roaches. Sure." Aizawa couldn't help but tease with a smirk.
"I got up and came all the way here and this is how you thank me?!" Yamada said so loud he winced himself. He hadn't even spoken that loud but with his head already pounding every decibel felt like too much.
"We'll see." Aizawa said and reached for his suitcase. Should he give Yamada a hug? His arms twitched, though he kept them at his side. "Get some rest." he said, taking a step back.
"You too!" Yamada nodded, wincing once more at his own volume.
"Thank's for coming." Aizawa said, standing in the train's doorway. "Bye."
"Bye." Yamada said a little quieter now, but with a smile on his face while he waved. The blonde was always so positive and energetic. It was nice. Aizawa waved as the door closed, then moved to look for his seat.
It was a window seat and he waved once more once he sat down. Yamada waved with two arms as the train began to move.
This was it.
Aizawa's chest felt tight as the train drove out of Musutafu. So many memories were connected to the city. Good, as well as bad. He gulped down the lump that formed in his throat and pressed his shirt's sleeve against his eyes. A new chapter of his life started with his move to Naruhata. There was no turning back now.
More chapters of Bounty Hunter in the Shadows on Ao3 :)
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM OC Profile ✧
Achilles Shepherd
" He's been like a ghost hovering the Slytherin common room for the past five years and now he's marching the school like he bloody owns it. "
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Full Name: Achilles Tremont Shepherd
Nicknames: Archie, Chill, Lee.
Gender: Male.
Birthday: 12th of December, 1972.
Born: Manchester, England.
Parents: Finch Shepherd - English, Ravenclaw, Muggleborn; Sunny Tremont Shepherd - English, Hufflepuff, Muggleborn.
Siblings: None, one of this guy is worth three.
Ethnicity: English (with possible Scandinavian and Jewish roots).
Blood status: Halfblood.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Eyes: Deep dark brown, often appears black, long eyelashes turned downwards, often dark circles from sleepless nights.
Hair: Black and thick, he grew it throughout his years in Hogwarts and keeps on growing it.
Height: He's tall for boys his age, at 1,86m (6'1"ft), he has a burst of growth in his fourth year.
• He was always a very slim child since he grew up with scarce resources, but even after he began his years in Hogwarts, he didn't develop much of an appetite. His hunger only begins in his late 14s when puberty hits. It's in the summer between 5th and 6th year that he builds up and gets strong - not big specifically, but well defined.
• He's very careful and methodical about his hygiene and appearance, the reason why his hair looks so healthy and his nails are always cut and clean. He had some acne after his appetite came back so Cure for Boils potion was always at hand.
• He's pretty hairy and considering how pale he is and how dark his hair is, it's very visible. But for his disappointment, his chest hair is pretty scarce and not as masculine as he wishes it looked.
Magical Aspects
Wand: Fir wood with dragon heartstring core, 12", stiff flexibility.
Patronus: Arctic Fox. A small fox native to the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and common throughout the Arctic tundra biome. It is well adapted to living in cold environments, and is best known for its thick, warm fur that is also used as camouflage. It has a large and very fluffy tail. In the wild, most individuals do not live past their first year but some exceptional ones survive up to 11 years. The Arctic fox lives in some of the most frigid extremes on the planet, but they do not start to shiver until the temperature drops to −70 °C (−94 °F).
Often called ‘the survivor’s wand’, often owned by wizards who subsequently passed through mortal peril unscathed. There is no doubt that this wood, coming as it does from the most resilient of trees, produces wands that demand staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and that they are poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive. Particularly suited to Transfiguration, and favor owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanor.
Abilities: He's very skilled in legilimency despite not being born one, working his way around occlumency since he's always wearing his feelings on his sleeve. And he doesn't have the power of sight, but is quite good at dream interpretation, tessomancy (reading tea leaves), and palmistry.
The night his parents were killed which he doesn't remember much but flashes of light, screams, a little blood, and the cold body of his mother.
When his mind moves beyond their death, yet never completed over it, it's Indigo's death he fears the most.
He's not very good at Ridikulus them and a professor always has to step in.
Amortentia: Dried apricots, currant juice, the general smell of the woods - since he grew up near one - especially fragrant trees, coconut shampoo - from Indigo's hair -, and broomstick finishing polish.
Pets: An elegant Barn owl, Lucrecia.
Things he always carries with him: His wand, gold ol' muggle chewing gum, a thermo mug with tea - most time black, blueberry or grey -, a little journal, and an old photograph of his parents when they were in Hogwarts.
Lucky Amulets: His parents wedding rings which he wears on a necklace at all times, a Remembrall that used to belong to his mother, and a tie Indigo burned by dipping into a potion by mistake - he said he'd throw away for her, keeping it to himself instead.
Best Friends
Achilles is very much like Talbott in the friendship aspect. But not only his own personality goes into play, as he's not a very appealing looking for the beginning of his Hogwarts years and is not a pureblood in a house full of Death Eaters children - he sometimes lies saying he's a muggleborn just to spite people.
Being orphaned pretty young, he grew up in an wirzading orphanage alongside Orion. They used to share rooms and be friends in there, though Achilles was always quieter and angrier than Orion. Orion naturally left first for Hogwarts and Achilles, still imature, felt abandoned by him, so when they meet up again in school Achilles gives him the cold shoulder for many years up until he joins Slytherin's Quidditch team.
Orion is still someone he cherishes and envies for his light aura and ease with which he forgives.
He befriends a Slytherin boy named Matthew Goldpayne in his second year, but for both is more a matter of convenience than anything, to be left alone and have a partner in school work.
In his later years he sort of befriends Ismelda but for the most part is one sided since she's always suspicious of him. They get into better terms after their first season together in Quidditch.
His first few years in Hogwarts are not very magical.
Favorite Classes:
Least Favorite:
Favorite Professor: Madam Hooch and Rakepick. Women of confidence and attitude, also teachers of his favorite classes.
Least Favorite: Quirinus Quirrell. Takes one to know one...
Quidditch: It takes him a long time until he gains interest in the game, he doesn't like crowds so he rarely attends the games nor doesn't know the game. But when Slytherin's seeker leaves the team, Madam Hooch, having seen his flying abilities, recommends him for the team. He doesn't actually want to join it at first, but after interacting with the team, decides to hop in. He becomes so passionate, he sometimes wonders if she shouldn't follow a Quidditch career. He would be the school's best seeker if it wasn't for Charlie.
Favorite Team: He enjoys playing more than watching.
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Another Slytherin OC, I'm dissapointed in me but he came into my head unannounced, breaking things and calling me names, and boom, Achilles was born. He gonna bring some spice to my HC, you don't understand.
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cutelittleexo · 4 years
"How would you feel?"
Luna-4. A Past, Present, and Future. Ch. 1 - Hope For the Future
Luna-4 got snapped out of her daydream by her stained glass ghost, Shard, seems she didn't realize her guardian was in a daze. "I'm sorry Shard. I was thinking. Could you repeat that please?" Luna asked, hands cupping her still hot tea as she continues to walk along the riverside of the last city, just under the shadow of the ruined tower. "You've been doing that a lot lately. But okay, I'll say it again." Shard rolled her eye a bit before speaking "I asked. How would you feel If you were offered to go back to your life before you were a guardian?" Shard spoke softly and clearly, knowing Luna-4 often loses focus If someone speaks to quick, Luna shot her ghost a unamused look "This question again? I've already told you the answer, I don't know. My dreams are different than other Exo, sure I still dream of the black tower and the fight to get there, but not as much as the others." She sips her tea, still piping hot. Shard darted around her purple Daito cloak and sat in the little crevice where her hood stacked up in a small layer "Do you think It has to do with gui-" "Drop It shard, I came out here to unwind, not to have another existential crisis." Luna-4 spoke in a unusually stern stone, Shard sighed and shimmied out of her hood "Okay. I'll stop...how's the tea today?" Shard asked as If Luna hasn't even scolded her, Luna took a mouth full this time and took in the flavour before gulping it down "Bitter, but a sweet aftertaste. Devrim's fourth favourite tea." She smiled, remembering the time when she asked for sniping lessons from him, only to end up doing his work in that trostland plaza for the day, he got to drink tea and chat up Marc and Hawthorne for once, needless to say she did learn a lot using his custom No Land Beyond. "It's growing on me a bit and I should thank him, think he's still at the fa-...what are you looking at Shard?" Luna-4 asked with a tilted head, seeing her ghost float up a bit "Did the Traveler always glow like that?" Luna-4 turned to see what she was talking about.
Then suddenly feeling a burst of Light.
Comms suddenly went off as civilians and Guardians began to chime in on different channels. The Vanguard channel got some Hunter's on as well much to her surprise. The white noise that was people talking and doing every day responsibilities went quiet before piping up again, different and more rapid this time. Another feeling of Light, like when she was resurrected. It didn't take long before Guardians and Civilians ran past her, some even leaving their spicy ramen sadly behind. A Golden Age song played out in the distance.
"Some hope for the future
Some wait for the call
To say that the days ahead
Will be the best of all."
Luna-4 quickly gulped down all her tea that was meant to be enjoyed slow and tossed it in a nearby trash bin before beginning to walk up the street, her ghost following behind.
"We will build bridges
Up to the sky
Heavenly lights surrounding
You and I."
"Hey, what's the rush?" Luna bumped into one of her fire team members coming out of a underground walkway, a warlock she tells herself she'll befriend, his name being Alexi "Traveler, glowing." She says quickly before running ahead after regaining her footing, leaving him in the dust.
"From out of the darkness
Our future will come
If we leave the past behind
We'll fly beyond the sun."
Luna-4 kept her pace up, running past civilians that stared in awe and up some stairs and continuing on, jumping across ramps and going through the nearby damn.
"We'll be together
Sharing the load
Watching in wonder as our lives unfold."
Now running up stairs and giving a hard left turn before seeing the Traveler again, glowing, much closer now, she passed through a small crowd and made another jump across a gap. Another burst of Light, the area around her seemed a bit foggy. She spotted some of her friends, her lover, and a few acquaintances, sitting around and looking up at the Traveler, some climbing the nearby Vanguard neon sign and radio tower, some over on top of the green house and balconies nearby it. She saw a big ole titan with rusted battleworn armor, Tank, at the greenhouse. A Human Hive-Afflicted Warlock leaning on a aluminum vent, XV, often seen using Dreadfang in crucible. Another Warlock near him, sitting on the ground and leaning on his Monte Carlo, Callum, Gambit wildcard. Another Titan which was on top of the vanguard billboard to get a better view, Reynault. An Exo hunter sat along the edge of the building they were on, Mori, a skillful bladedancer. Luna-4 passed another close friend, an Awoken Titan named Ivara, they've been on strike ops with each other a lot. Sowl, a Guardian she helped get reacquainted in the city a long while ago, been a while since they talked to each other, usually draws a grey teddy bear who likes cookies. A warlock on one of the balconies near the green house, Hawk, usually head bangs. She spotted her ex, a New Monarchy devotee Titan, Felra, who kept her name from her previous life among the Awoken of the Reef. Luna-4 walked up beside her lover and casually held his hand which he responded with a tight squeeze, a Warlock named Volcan, he helped Luna-4 a lot during The Red War, falling in love with each other during said war. They've stuck together since.
All of these Guardians and their Ghosts, they had all gathered to see what the Traveler was doing. An offical message came onto the Vanguard comm channel, ordering evacuation, along with sirens off in the distance, but civilians and guardians still looked on, ignoring the potential danger. "What do you think is happening? I feel so...warm." Shard spoke "Like when I was born. And when I found you..." She looked Luna-4, who was now holding Volcan's arm in worry. Shard didn't talk again, and instead rested on Luna-4's shoulder and watched with the two of them. Another burst of light, making thing's seem blurry. Everyone continued to watch, seeing the Traveler put itself back together. It hasn't done something in 3 years. The comms are active with chatter, Eris Morn speaks, The Guardians Ghost, Commander Zavala. Everyone braces for something.
There was a heavy burst of Light once more. Before the Traveler lit up the entire city and gave a heavy flash of white Light.
"Hope for the future
It's coming soon enough
How much can we achieve?
Hope for the future
It will belong to us
If we believe
If we believe."
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