#I'm sorry lance but you need to prepare your ass
New vulgar headcanon: Farmer got fed up with Junimo kart in Saloon, failed to stamp a new record and left angry, then at home taking their anger out on Lance... In bed. You know what I mean.
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jodiie-leighanne · 2 years
Authors Notes - Written for -Accioluna, who requested Draco as a girl dad. Sorry it took so long; I hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy loves :)
Fixing my tie for up teen time it seemed crooked in my reflection as I brushed off the suit jacket as a way to relieve nerves, when I'm nervous I'm known to fidget it's a habit of a lifetime.
Moving onto my hair as I flick it to one side hoping it doesn't dampen from sweaty palms. Smiling slightly at my appearance, the age is starting to show not as much as others in their early forties, I can thank the Black genetics for that mother still looks radiant - Father however is a little worse for wear. Recently he has been confined to a wheelchair which he hates, Narcissa loves it. When he gives her grief, she just wheels him into the middle of the garden where he is unable to get back to the Manor, it was all fun and games until she left him out there in a downpour with just an umbrella. Safe to say the soggy sod was furious and contracted his first ever cold - How very muggle of him.
Today is a special day, I should not be nervous but I am. That does not stop it being a joyous event, weddings are beautiful. I won't lie, I'm a sucker for them. Therefore, it is crucial I look the part. I am the father of the bride after all. Fixing the lily to my pocket as I fidget some more, squeaking of a door frame pulls me away turning with furrowed brows that soon soften as my tear build on my waterline.
"Always admiring yourself aren't you dad?" My body froze as I took in the ethereal sight of my only daughter adorned in a wedding dress made of the finest hand-woven material. Anything for her, I'd give all my galleons to her whatever it took to make her beam the way she is at this moment.
Words escaped me as her own tears threatened to smudge her mascara, "You - You look exquisite. How is my bug going to be someone's wife from today?", Marching forward arms stretched out as she runs into me clinging of for dear life like she always has. "I'll always be your baby girl"
"Of course, you will, if your husband doesn't like it, I will beat his ass", She chuckled against my chest, Lance Prescott was charming, wealthy and successful we got on well and most of all I saw the way he stared at my girl, it was the same way I looked at her mother. The look of love radiating out every pore, he handled her as if she was made of China. When Lance approached me for my bless, I couldn't have been prouder even if my heart panged. Pulling away with a sniff she straightened out the fabric threatening to wrinkle. "Anyway, if you think I look good you should see mum", I grinned at her comment.
Soon it turned to a cheeky smirk as I replied, "Oh ill make sure to let her know tonight after too many chardonnays." Suggestively wiggling my brows. She groaned poking out her tongue in disgust, slapping my arm "Gross, I may be an adult but your still my parents I don't need that mental image on my wedding night"
"Nothing but hand holding" I scold with a humorous tone, "Noted" She giggles, waltzing over to the table. My sights follow her movements as she picks up a photo album. I'd been flicking through. She sighs turning the pages, many emotions were taking over as I edged closer to peer over her shoulders slipping into thought...
"Will you get over here Draco, you are being ridiculous", giggles flee my wife's parched lips. Dried and cracked as she lay plumped up with a swarm of pillows. Mouth upturned to a tired smile. Seventeen hours of gruelling labour and the woman is still beguiling to me, if she wasn't in pain, I'd be lavishing her in love.
Rolling her eyes Penny sighs heavily, adjusting the petite bundle on her chest. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, get your ass over here and meet your daughter"
Just that sentence made me shudder in fear - Nine months is not enough time to prepare for the birth of a child. A whole human to love and nature. Fuck, I'm going to vomit - Groaning as I meet the fiery gaze of a very hormonal and pissed off Mrs Malfoy, padding my way over to her bedside. Arms folded, pouting like a stroppy kid. Exhibit A of why I shouldn't be a dad, I'm still a child myself. Legally, I'm not. Mentally? This display answers that question.
Shrugging off the building nerves, a gentle hand reaches for mine pulling me to sit on the bed's edge. "See that wasn't so hard, was it?" Rubbing her thumb across my knuckle soothingly in lines.
"Guess not", clearing my throat as she passes our girl towards me. All but thrusting the tot into my chest, pausing to eye me closer.
"Take your top off"
My hues widen, slowly a smirk rises "Hardly the time for that darling" finishing with a wink
Penelope again rolls her eyes clearly sick of my shit, "it's good for bonding purposes' Watching intently as I grunt, lifting my arms to thread the shirt off.
"Put your arms out" Hesitating with furrowed brows as i eye the tiny one she is trying to hand to me "Do not make me call your mother"
Scoffing I keep my arms folded, "You wouldn't", She definitely would and Narcissa would be here with a snap, wooden spoon in hand. "Want to test that theory, Malfoy?"
Admitting defeat, I bowed my arms as she shifted with a wince, lowering the sleeping baby into my hold. As soon as her body nestled into my chest, Marley's lashes fluttered, staring at me bewildered with her mother's eyes. Each breath I took tightened in my chest, this is what true love feels like. "Mind her head, perfect you're a natural"
Running an index gently through her browning soft curls as she settled into my skin, she seemed at peace there against me. As if she knew instantly who I was, "Umm hi there, you are gorgeous aren't you?", flicking my eyes up and down at how compacted she was, barely the length of my forearm, "Clearly get your mothers genetics with height, little midget" I chuckled earning a scorned look from my beloved.
From that day I promised to love, serve and protect her - in this life and the next.
Our girl was a character that's for sure, from the moment her feet padded toward me in the kitchen one evening she was non-stop. A battery that never ran out of required recharging, she would bolt the length of our home again and again.
It was tiresome yet rewarding being a parent for the most part she was the perfect child, except for time like this. "Marley, that's enough splashing", the toddler's chubby cheeks rosy, red from giggling, arms flapping up and down. Hitting the water flat palmed drenching me and the ensuite. She turned to me with a look Id learnt meant trouble slowly descending her limbs into the air before slamming them back down. "Don't you .. fuck's sake"
"You are lucky your adorable", I huffed as she thrashed about in my attempts to scoop her out the tub, laying her down on a warmed towel as I turned to reach a nappy she was gone, muttering curses under my breath as I followed the wet footprints embedded in the carpet.
Skidding through the kitchen, the sound of my name dripping off my wife's tongue slowed me "Draco?"
"Yes love"
"Why is our daughter running nude in the garden?" Stepping towards her as she washed up dishes from breakfast, glancing through the bay windows there was Marley indeed naked running through the daffodils. Groaning as Penelope tittered in amusement. "What do you .. Marley-June get yourself back in here", I beckoned, only for to laugh and proceed to do Roley Poleys - Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, one palm braced against the counter.
Two arms wrapped around my waist as Penny mumbled," If I remember you did something similar on your stag do," Turning to face her as she moved her hold to my neck. I hauled her figure closer, Penelope pushed up on her toes to peck my lips.
"Want to recreate what happened after you caught me?", Making my intentions clear as I engulfed her mouth. Playfully pushing me away as our eyes met, "Your insatiable"
"Mhm, you love that"
Privacy in this house became non-existent, even as I sat in the bathroom doing my morning routine. Daddy's shadow was perched next to the sink watching in amazement. "Daddy, doing?"
"Shaving my face so mummy will kiss me again", Its true she hated any remnants of hair, often complaining that it itches.
"I help?"
"Sweetheart it's very sharp, you can't help", I dead pan fearing she could harm herself or slit my throat.
"You don't want my help?", making her eyes doe with pouty lips, damn her mother for teaching her that one. I melt every single fucking time.
"Fine, you can do the foam. Yeah?" She nodded excitedly, clapping her hands at my weakness. "Ok, pop a little bit on..." Marley held it down creating a mountain of white immediately slapping it onto my chin. "Daddy looks like Santa"
"I do don't I, Ho ho ho", We both laughed loudly as I did the same to her. Before, fun was disturbed by a stern throat clearing.
"For Godric's sake Draco" Penny sighed, biting her lip to contain smiles.
"Now that's no way to get on the nice list, is it?"
"Thought you preferred me naughty?" She winked, turning to run out the room. Me and Mars shared a look sprinting after her as I muttered "Damn witch"
One memory I can remember vividly started off from my wife's side. She was at work mingling in the staff room after finally finding a moment to indulge in light conversation. "Marleys first day at nursery, isn't it?" Elma asked Penny. She was met with a sad sigh as Penelope lifted the freshly brewed cup to her lips knowing it was way too hot, but she could use a distraction.
"Honestly El, do not remind me I've been worried sick since i left this morning"
"How's Draco coping?"
"Surprisingly well", My wife hummed. Peering up at her colleague, "Well no new is good news"
At that moment her personal assistant rushed in phone in hand, extending out "Mrs Malfoy, it's for you, its Marley's nursery"
"Hi, is everything ok? Is Marley alright?" Penny's heart thudded in her chest waiting for an answer, breathing a held breath when it was confirmed everything was wonderful. Until they disclosed the reason for the call. "Ah I see .. for fuck... Mhm yep give me ten minutes I'll be right there"
"Everything ok? Mars alright?" Elma questioned with worry. Watching as her friend rummaged around gathering belongings. "Yep, but my husband won't be"
Heat of the day threatened to blemish my pale skin as I perched under a grand oak tree, legs outstretched and crossed at the ankle. Novel opened on my lap as I flicked through, occasionally raising my eyes with a smile as I looked out for her wild mane, "Draco Malfoy what the hell are you doing?" That didn't sound like a happy woman, arching my neck as a very angry Penny hurried towards me, arms thrown up and a scowl present.
"Hello beautiful, shouldn't you be working?"
"Shouldn't you?" Keeping my head down pretending to read with fear evident as I gulped desperately trying to meet the gaze burning me flesh.
"I took a day's leave" I retorted with a shrug, "My god Draco" Ok, maybe camping outside Marley's preschool was a tad far but I wanted to be there in case she needed soothing, or she fell down. I never agreed to this, Penelope assured me it would be good for her to mingle with other kids, I was all she needed no one else. "What I just wanted to be here in case she needed me "
Marley-June did not go back the next day. One nil to Draco. However, she did attend groups at the local library which was fine as daddy could stay with her. It was nice watching her sing and interact with others.
"Don't forget Marley has a party tonight around five" Her mum murmured whilst scoffing toast trying not to be late for work again, sometimes she was jealous of how much time Marley, and I got together. "A party? Kids got a better social life than us"
"It's my boyfriend's birthday Daddy" I beg your fucking pardon?
"I'm sorry, your what?" I spluttered, blinking rapidly. "Draco."
"My boyfriend Joey," Bug answered, picking at her bowl of fruit.
"Sounds like a dick.." That earned me a punch in the should from the missus, "Draco Malfoy he is a child"
"A child trying to lead my precious girl astray."
"They are five"
"Exactly she is impressionable"
To say I was protective was an understatement. She stole all our hearts, especially her grandparents. They were besotted by their angel.
"Will you sit still..." Gosh she is bossy, although I'm not surprised her parents are very much the same, their way or the highway in most cases. It was bound to seep through the bloodlines. When I didn't obey, she slapped my shoulder to control my silent amusement.
"Ouch... Ok, ok, I'll sit still", I responded, met with a side eye glance as she continued expressing her artistic flair on my face, her own personal canvas ready to be transformed. I couldn't help but melt as her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth in concentration, how pinched together her tufted brows were as she stroked the brush along my cheek bone.
Malfoy men don't yield or kneel for love, blood or money. For her? Fuck I'm always on my knees kissing the soles of her feet. For both of them, even my father would sacrifice his life for those two girls.
Entranced, by the hypnotic ways of them.
So yeah, here I am, allowing my six-year-old to turn me into a Disney princess, if only my friends could see me now. They would laugh wholeheartedly before offering themselves as a sacrifice. There isn't anything we wouldn't do for her.
"Draco darling have you seen .. Oh my" Mothers palm flew to stifle her gleeful giggles as she took in the scene before her.
"Nana, do you like daddy's eyes?" Marley wiggled on the spot, pointing her fingers to my face, a little too close to my retina.
"Mhmm, wonderful pumpkin" Pumpkin, she got that nickname after her first Halloween when my Lil insisted on taking photos of her sitting in a carved pumpkin. Bizarre yes, but utterly adorable.
Narcissa's hues turned back to me as I gave a pointed look, smirking at what she hadn't noticed yet. "You haven't seen the best part yet mother... has she June bug?" Squealing in remembrance the toddler blues sparkled, shaking her head. Mum's face puzzled as I whispered "Look to your left"
Her mouth gaped as the figure came to view dressed in a fuchsia gown, pearl necklace to match and purple eyeshadow .. "Lucius?"
Father spun round from flouncing in the mirror, it was now my turn to hide my smile. "Don't look at me like that, she is very hard to say no to" winking at the giddy girl. She tried to return it but just blinked a few times.
Safe to say we are all at her command.
"Nana, Papa looks beautiful"
"Indeed, he does" she chuckled, "Now let's go wash up for dinner, boys could you re robed and join us"
"What's going on in here? Wow.." My wife did not control her laughter she never was able to, hand on her stomach lurching with each cackle. Strands loosely covering her eyes, tiny creases in the corners, dimples formed in her cheeks. Fucking gorgeous she is, traipsing towards her with a smirk as Marley skips past to jump in her arms first, I scowl with a small pout hitting her with the puppy dog expression.
Which Penelope doesn't see to start with as she is spinning our girl around scattering kisses, cooing words after a long shift at the office.
Traditionally men work, women stay at home tending to the children, preparing the meals. Not us, our dynamic was perfect. I'm a stay-at-home dad, I'd have it no other way.
Finally, she notices me, "Love, daddy's sad go help nana whilst I give him some loving" plopping down and scuttling off to be no assistance whatsoever, just dip her fingers in the deserts.
"Why is my baby so sad? You neglected hmmm?" She mimics my pout swaying her hips, fuck I want her.
Nodding as I close the gap to wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her flush to my chest. Her hands grasp my cheeks pulling me in for a longing kiss, "Missed you today" Mumbling on my mouth, lipstick smudged on us both.
"How about, you show me what you missed the most"
"Well.." Clearing of a throat made our heads snap to notice, Lucius fixing his tiara.
"Elders are present children, hello darling" kissing his daughter in law's cheek on the way past as he hung up his dress on the rack. I tittered pointing to his head, "No, this can stay on"
"Dad, you look ridiculous" Mel shoved her face into my chest as she shook with laughter, father pulled a stern face before he caught on to the singing coming from the hall, Marley and Mum sang always when they were serving dinner. Became a routine for them.
"Did you see how happy she was?" Pointing to me at the door, I'd wear a thousand dresses to see her that happy son" Winking with a grin as he sauntered away proud and tall as if he wasn't wearing a pink diamond encrusted tiara.
"Daddy, can I go on the climbing frame?" Marley squeaked bounce on the soles of her feet, chocolate ice cream smudge around her face. White Pigtails swinging by her ears as she waited my answer. As she observed others playing at the park, her mum usually did all this it made me too on edge all the dangers around.
"No..." I replied, licking my ice pole. A plus side of being a parent, if they eat sweet treats so can you. Be rude not to. As I'm sucking the juices off my elbows jerked causing the lolly to go further back than intended as I began gagging with watery eyes. Staring into the reprimanding hues of a angry Penny. "Now you know how it feels. Still sexy when you're on the other end, is it?" She hisses with a smirk, bitch.
Bending down to her daughter's height she licks her thumb rubbing the ice cream away. Pecking her forehead as she whispers, "ignore him go play baby", turning back to me with folded arms.
It felt like hours sitting on that bench watching Marley scream and run like a hooligan, A few times i stood up when a kid threw sand in her face, or she was shoved to the back of the line. I was yanked back down by the boss, seeing my tiny girl stand her ground. Brushing herself over before seeking revenge. It shouldn't make me proud, but it did.
Me and Penny drifted into light conversation as I relaxed more until the cry Marley echoed around and I sprinted into action as she lay in a heap under the monkey bars clutching her wrist in pain. I didn't even wait for instructions as I rushed her to the local medical centre.
"Parks are banned" I huffed, wrapping my limbs tighter around the shaky child.
"Draco it's a sprain don't be so dramatic"
"Dramatic? Wanting to protect her is dramatic. Because I care too much, maybe you should care more", That one hurt Penny, I know it did as she blinked confused at my outburst. That night there was a lot of arguing and making up. As well as bouquets delivered daily for a month, I was out of line I know that. Luckily it was resolved, and she stuck with me.
We learnt to work together not against each other, and Marley went back to the park in full body padding.
Being able to lay in, smothered by sheets and the love of my life. A sleep without a child's cry was blissful yet, I missed it beyond words. She was a teenager now; mummy and daddy were no longer needed as much. Sighing that my body clock automatically woke me at this time, five am to be exact. Stepping into the corridor out of our bedroom careful not to wake the wife. I heard faint whimpers coming from Marleys room, knocking quietly before I entered, she was perched on the edge of her bed sobbing.
"Bugs? What's wrong?" Her teary hues met mine as I rushed to her side. Noticing the blood-stained sheets, crumpled pjs and realisation hit what was happen. "Do you want me to get mummy?"
She leaned on my shoulder whipping the tears on my flannel shirt nodding, slowly i stood. Marley clutched my wrist pulling me down to hug me properly, muttering words into my neck. "Daddy is this normal?"
"Yes, baby it is"
"Does that mean I'm growing up?" She sobbed harder.
"Unfortunately, so princess but it's ok", I don't know who I was reassuring myself or my daughter. Sighing as she moved to gaze at me, "Can we go bra shopping?" She beamed.
Chuckling as I stood to go fetch her mum, "You don't need a bra" Not that I'd checked or looked in that area, that's her mother's job but I refuse to except that she would need one.
Jumping to her feet she gripped the edge of her Pj top, "I do daddy look they are growing see." Before she could whip her shirt up, I ran out the door colliding with the frame as I bellowed for my wife "Penny, wake up woman .. I'm not built for this shit". I was the centre of their jokes for weeks.
From that day the years flew, starting school. Graduating and going to university. Parties were my personal favourite at the same time I loathed them.
Marley-June was an hour late for curfew she had attended a house gathering, I knew what that meant I was a teen once. Driving to the home of her friend Shelby, alcohol fuelled kids scattering the yard, strobe lights beaming through the windows. I shoved through the crowd's eyes peeled in search for my rouge teenager.
Music blaring, fuck how do they listen to this crap it's so loud. God I am old, snatching what looked like a vodka soda of the counter as I strutted through the kitchen chugging it back, people in the party began thrusting beverages in my hand at some point I forgot why I was there especially when a favoured Slytherin tune sounded through the speakers.
My poor wife was waiting patiently for us to come home, her phone began buzzing Marleys name flashing on the screen.
"Marley, where are you? Did dad find you?" She spluttered in a panic.
"Oh, he found me alright, Mum come get him. Hes's dancing"
"Of course, he is" Penny snickered at the tones of disgust from our child, "Won't be long"
I was having the time of my life, a circle formed around me in cheers as I took to the stage well the coffee table. Gyrating, and cracking out old school moves you can imagine it right, not a pretty sight. Chants of 'Marley's dad, Marley's dad' egged me on further, snickers of how cool I was, made me grin. Whipping the tie Id fastened around my head about in a circular motion as I began two stepping, tumbling off the table to be caught by .. Oh, that's not good.
My wife. "Hellooooo beautiful" I hiccupped in a slur.
Fighting back the smile with Marley shooting me daggers from the side, "Well hello Handsome, shall we go home?" She cooed undoing the tie to tuck it in her bag, brushing hairs out my eyes. "You want to take-take me home?"
"Grab your coat Malfoy you've pulled" She giggled, looping my arms over her shoulder. Grinning as I stumbled behind shouting over to the onlookers, "See that guys I pulled", Cheers erupted once more, as I placed a sloppy kiss on my wife cheeks.
"It was the dancing, wasn't it?" Her and Marley laughed at my stupid ways, guiding me to the car.
The memories go on and on, they are never ending. And there's many more to come.
"Dad? Are you ok?" I don't know when I began crying, but I was just the thought of giving over responsibility for something so precious to me ached. Those early memories I shared are few of thousands in the twenty-two years I've had her earth bound with me. I wouldn't change my life for anything.
"Daddy?" Marley peered up with a worrisome look, "Yes baby...". She grabbed my hands, weaving them into her own as she stroked my knuckles with her thumbs.
"Are those happy tears?" Nodding in response I whispered "Yes, just i love you daddy the whole world"
"I love you too"
"I couldn't have asked for a better father, you were everything", Fuck here comes the sobs, "You are my everything" I spoke back with trembling lips.
Less than an hour later I walked her down that aisle, observing as she changed from a Malfoy to a Prescott. Knowing my job as a father isn't over, there's a whole new adventure waiting for me. A delicate hand placed on my shoulder as I turned to greet my wife.
"You look ravishing in that dress. I can't wait to rip it off later", She blushed at my crude words, leaning her head against me.
"Easy tiger we have precious cargo", She grinned stroking a tentative hand over the bulge in her belly. My left palm moved down to join hers.
Call us crazy but I cannot wait to do it all again.
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rainforestgeek · 6 years
If you lose your strength to stand (I'm gonna reach for your hand) pt. 2
ao3 link to the story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14440329/chapters/33353805
Part 1
Part 3
As it turned out, the little green gremlin herself had already broken into his room. He heard her boisterous yelling through the doors before they even swished open. Pidge was coiled in a half-crouched position, fingers flying over the controller in her hands and a gleeful look on her face. The lights were off, so Lance could only see her by the harsh blue glow from the monitor she’d rigged up. The light shined off her glasses and hid her eyes.
Pidge didn’t even flinch when Lance flicked the lights on, but he yelped in surprise at Hunk sitting on his bed. He had the other controller and looked thoroughly put out.
Pidge glanced at him. “Hey Lance! You’re just in time to see me kick Hunk’s ass!”
“You could at least let me know before breaking into my room,” he grumbled.
“Change your passcode, then.”
“Why bother? Either one of you could override it anyway.” Lance worked at the clips of his armor to take it off and put it away. Pidge joyously trash talked at Hunk with language she’d probably never use around Matt. Once down to his bodysuit, Lance opened the bathroom door and started unzipping.
He heard a startled choking sound behind him, followed by a victorious whoop from Hunk. “Ha, got you now! Suddenly off your game, Pidge?”
“Lance, what the fuck! Close the door before you start stripping!” He turned to see Pidge pointedly glaring at the screen away from his bare chest, her cheeks bright red. Her fingers fumbled over the controls. He put his hands on his hips.
“Hey, this is my room. You can leave if you’re embarrassed. And we shared a locker room for months at the Garrison, Pidge, what are you getting all flustered about now?”
“Shut up,” she grumbled. Lance rolled his eyes and left his friends to their game.
A hot shower was just what the doctor ordered. The heat loosened his muscles and the steam was wonderful in his lungs. He felt properly cleansed by the time he walked back into his room, wearing pajama pants and toweling his hair dry. Hunk and Pidge were still there, but seemed to have abandoned the game in favor of taking it apart and arguing. Hunk said something about Pidge being a sore loser. She lobbed Lance’s matching pajama top at his face.
“I was gonna play that tonight, you know,” he complained, pulling the shirt over his head.
“We’re just making a couple improvements,” Hunk reassured him. Lance sighed dramatically and collapsed onto his bed, throwing an arm over his eyes.
Pidge shot back at Hunk, “The game wouldn’t be lagging in the first place if you hadn’t messed with the CPU. Do you have any idea how hard it was to build that component from scratch? On an alien spaceship?”
“Hey, the lag is not a hardware problem. The operating system’s been going on the fritz, you need to double check the code.”
“My code is flawless! There’d be nothing wrong with the console if you’d just stop touching – ”
“How about you both just stop talking?!” Lance snapped.
Amazingly, they both shut up. A large blunt elbow gently poked at his side from where Hunk sat on the floor by his bed. “You okay, dude?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Lance doesn’t feel like talking?” Pidge eyes went comically wide. Coupled with her big round glasses she looked like startled green owl. “Shit, Hunk, the whole fucking universe is ending.”
“Did Matt ever wash your mouth with soap when you were growing up or is this a new development?”
Hunk, the traitor, played along with Pidge. “Prepare for the four horsemen to descend from the heavens.” He squeezed his eyes shut, clutched his heart, and fell over sideways, narrowly avoiding crushing their homemade game console. That earned him an irritated smack across the forehead from Pidge.
“Really? A year ago we found out Keith is half human half purple cat-alien, but this signals the apocalypse?”
“You’re not exactly the secretive type, Lance.” Pidge resumed disassembling the console.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Hunk climbed onto the bed and wrapped an arm around Lance’s shoulders. “Hey, chill out, it’s okay man. You just seem really upset and it’s not good to bottle it up like that. You know you can trust us, right?”
Pidge nudged his knee with the back of her hand. “Talk to us, Lance. For the sake of all creation,” she joked, quirking an eyebrow. Lance snorted a laugh. That seemed to please her, because her playful smirk softened into a real smile. That and Hunk’s warm hug, more than anything, were what made him relent. “Allura just rejected me. Like, about twenty doboshes ago.
“So? Doesn’t she do that all the time?” Lance’s heart dropped into his stomach. He glared at Pidge. She was frowning down at her project.
“Pidge, not helpful,” Hunk snapped, to both his friends’ surprise. Their little green paladin turned bright red.
“Well, it was for real this time,” Lance retorted. “I said something about being in love with her, which apparently she didn’t know because ‘I’m not the only girl you’ve flirted with out here.’ I mean, she’s rebuffed me before, but this time was so…final.”
“Because she knew you were serious this time,” Hunk filled in gently.
“So she responded seriously, yeah. I could… I know she doesn’t like me like that, okay? I do. It still sucked to listen to her say it’ll never happen, she loves me like a brother, doesn’t want to hurt me, the whole nine. So excuse me if it takes more than half an hour to get over it, Pidge.”
Pidge opened her mouth, closed it, and awkwardly placed a small, warm hand on his knee. Her eyes stayed downcast as she murmured, “I’m sorry, Lance.”
He sighed deeply. “It’s okay.”
Her thumb rubbed back and forth in what was probably meant to be a soothing gesture. “It’s…I – I don’t, I don’t know how to…comfort people.”
Well, if that wasn’t just adorkably sweet, Lance thought. He picked up her hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry for yelling earlier. Hunk’s right. Burying your feelings is how you end up like Keith – quiet until he turns red and explodes. Like a volcano!”
Pidge cracked up. Hunk did, too, but to his credit did try really hard to cover his laughter. “Hey, be…be nice…to Keith. Poor guy…’s got a lot of…issues!” he huffed.
Hearing his friends laugh – at someone other than his expense – made Lance feel even better. “That’s exactly my point!”
They laughed until Pidge started to yawn. Hunk’s mom friend instincts kicked in and declared it was her bedtime. She mumbled something about him not being her dad, but she packed up what was once a video game console into her backpack and let Hunk carry her to her room. She looked like a tawny kitten all curled up in his big arms. Lance bid them goodnight and proceeded to his own nighttime routine.
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