#I'm stretching my drawing muscles and boy is it a workout
ghcstcd · 2 years
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Today, I give you terzomega. Tomorrow? Who knows.
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I JUST got into the BNHA fandom recently all because of two certain cinnamon rolls and I followed you only moments ago... but I'm very very happy for you and how you feel appreciated by your followers! I'll do my best to show my support as well, for you and for Izuocha! SPEAKING OF WHICH, I saw the prompts and I couldn't help but ask for one! Do you think you could make something for Izuocha with "talking a lot about them to other people"? If you want to and on your own time, of course!
[Hi there! Thank you for joining my birthday prompt last month and I’m sorry this took so long. It’s my first time to draw this many characters >w
“Mumble Battle”
Eijirou just woke up from his afternoon nap when the yawn crosses over his face once more before he decides to get up from his bed, surrounded by all things manly. He gives his phone a brief glance for any messages and to check the time before exiting his room, scratching the back of his neck.
He stands by the elevator but backs out and makes his way to the staircase instead, suddenly preferring the simple act of stretching his legs as he combines it with some elbow stretches.
Training and lessons are getting tougher these days and while he would usually spend his free time doing more workouts, loving the feeling of his muscles roaring, today is one of those days that he needed rest. But now that he has his energy tank back to being full, it’s time to have fun and see how his classmates are doing. And maybe grab a snack along the way? He still has some hours to spare before his evening training anyway.
Reaching the shared area of Alliance, Eijirou is immediately met by the side profile of a blond. But not the explosive one though.
“Hey—” Eijirou pauses his greeting, noticing Denki who is holding his phone with some distance from him, eyes focused forward, hands steadily holding the device. A cord hanging from his lips is connected to the phone but the smile on his face is not because of that. It seems that he is recording something while charging (which is a common sight). It would be rude to speak so the red-head just stands awkwardly, considerate to not disrupt whatever his friend was doing.
Denki notices his presence though and points the camera of his phone to him. “Here’s our Red Riot in the house! Say hi, Kirishima!”
Acknowledged, Eijirou gives the camera his signature fist post as he smiles with a “Hey, what you up to, man?”
“Something interesting’s happening right now. Midoriya and Uraraka are having a battle,” Denki says, his eyes back to his recording as he places it back to where it was pointed to earlier.
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A battle? Well, that sounds really exciting! When he thought of checking on his classmates, he didn’t know that a battle is going to be involved. And to think that it’s Izuku and Ochako? That’s a pretty interesting sight. Eijirou finally looks at what Denki is filming and sees some of his classmates together. But something seems different.
His red eyes first fall on the right side of the area, seeing Izuku with Tenya, Shouto and Yuuga. He raises a brow.
He couldn’t describe what exactly is happening but it seems that Izuku is in the middle of one of his ramblings, fists by his chest, eyes bright and eager as always. Except that this time, instead of people being weirded by the word vomit, the three boys near him are actually listening. And–
“Wait is Midoriya… using his quirk?” Eijirou asks with Denki shaking his head.
“Nah, man. I don’t think so.”
“But he’s glowing!” He is. Eijirou can see green light surrounding him.
“I know! That’s why I told you it’s interesting! I don’t really know what’s happening though,” Denki says, obviously not minding how bizarre the situation is.
Meanwhile, Eijirou tries to listen despite the distance.
“…Uraraka-san is so nice from the first time I met her. Now that I think about it, I’ve always referred to her as that nice girl before. She helped me. She saved me. And I am so thankful because if not for her, I wouldn’t be here. The more I get to know her, the more I realize how lucky I am to meet her. She is so amazing and I…”
Tenya, with his hand chopping the air is also heard saying, “Discuss her physical attributes, Midoriya-kun! Talk about her brown eyes! Her cheeks that you have mentioned to be full of fluff!”
Izuku nods at him while Shouto and Yuuga watch.
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He blinks. What…? What exactly is happening…?
On the left side where all six girls are gathered, Eijirou also takes a peek. He could see Mina at the back, arms raised in the air as if rejoicing for something. Matching her energy is Touru jumping up and down just in front of her. Kyouka is standing near them but smiling, Momo across her is also smiling. Tsuyu is at the side, a finger by her lip, another usual sight. And Ochako is in the middle as well, hands also formed to fists.
“Oii… Uraraka’s glowing too! What’s going on!? What kinda battle are they having?” Eijirou rubs his eyes, considering the play on his vision a part of his sleep remnants. But Ochako is still glowing, talking, and just emitting this really bright aura.
“…You know, Deku-kun is so awesome and he just doesn’t know it! But he is not just a cool hero, he is also a really kind person and I can’t help but admire him more and more. A lot of people don’t say it to him but I think they really should so he is reminded of how awesome he is as a person. Have I mentioned how cute he is? When he is so passionate about heroes and quirks? You can just see him lighten up…”
He could hear Mina and Touru squealing and cheering while Momo encourages, “Go on, Uraraka-san. You are doing great.”
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“Since when did Uraraka have a habit of mumbling too?” Eijirou asks, now looking at the two groups back and forth, the figures in the middle both glowing and smiling. He could almost see the words of praise and adoration floating in the air, enveloping the figures.
He knew that Izuku and Ochako are pretty close. But this level of admiration for each other is pretty different.
“It’s a mumble battle, Kirishima. They’ve been on it for almost 20 minutes, it’s amazing,” Denki tells him while Eijirou continues to watch, still unable to process the whole thing. But the UA experience and hero life are not exactly filled with normalcy so these things should not even be that surprising. Right?
“Okay… how can one win?” His attempt to normalize the situation.
“Dunno man. I heard whoever gets to praise the other better.”
That’s when Eijirou Kirishima acknowledges that his classmates are really just a bunch of cinnamon rolls.
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notcrypticbutcoy · 7 years
OMG!!! I'm happy ^^ I'm glad you liked it!. About the prompts, I was thinking on a Voltron Legendary Defender AU ( this show is good, I swear) with shadowhunters crew as paladins or an AU where they both are shadowhunters/downworlders...
Okay so confession I don’t actually watch Voltron Legendary Defenders (but I’ve seen it around? I don’t even know what it is someone educate me?) but I loved your other prompt! I might do a double-whammy and write them both as Downworlders later, but for now, here’s our favourite boys as Shadowhunters! (This really ran away from me, thank youuuuuu for the prompt!)
The training room door hit the wall, swinging back on its hinges with a crack as Isabelle strutted in, heels clicking a staccato rhythm of disapproval across the stone floor.
Alec’s breath left him in a rush as he landed a particularly hard blow against the wooden dummy with his pole. He let his hand drop to his sides, and turned to fix his sister with a glare that she met with double the ferocity.
“You can’t hide in here all day,” she said, one hand resting on her hip.
“Watch me,” Alec mumbled.
“If you want to lead the Institute one day, you’re going to have to learn to meet people you don’t like. Besides, you haven’t even given Magnus a chance—”
“Do I have to?” he asked, with a roll of his eyes. “He’s from Idris, Izzy. He’s going to be snooty, and disapproving, and—”
“I must confess,” said a smooth, unfamiliar voice from just outside, “if I am the Idrisian of your description, I rather object to that assumption.”
Alec stiffened all over as a man appeared in the doorway, arms folded across his chest. He had his chin tipped up, and was levelling Alec with a hard look.
Alec wanted to glare at him, but he could feel the anger in his expression slipping away to be replaced with slack-jawed astonishment. Because the Shadowhunter in front of him was fucking gorgeous. Alec was sure his staring was obvious, but he couldn’t help it. Especially not with the way the man’s muscles seemed to want to split the seams on his gear jacket.
“Magnus Bane,” the man said, extending a runed hand. “And I assure you, I’m not one of the Clave’s minions with a stick up my ass.”
A mischievous smirk played across his face, and, despite himself, Alec couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“Alec Lightwood,” he said, reaching out to grasp the man’s hand. He was probably a few years older than Alec’s twenty, although not many. It was hard to tell: the goatee covering the lower half of his face made him look older than he probably was.
“Hm.” Magnus smiled a little, brown eyes sparkling. “Short for Alexander?”
Alec felt his cheeks flush at the tone Magnus used, and he retracted his hand quickly. “Uh, yeah. I’m sorry. About– That. If you need anything while you’re here, just ask.”
Magnus waved a hand, fingers moving with entrancing fluidity. His nails were painted a dark red, Alec noticed. Isabelle would probably call if burgundy.
“Not to worry,” Magnus said. “Not everyone in Idris can be this fabulous. I’ve met plenty of assholes in Idris. Everyone here, so far, is lovely.”
Magnus dropped Alec a wink, drawing Alec’s attention to the gold and red make-up around his eyelids and the kohl lining the bases of his lashes. Across the room, Isabelle made a choking sound that Alec recognised as her trying to cover up a laugh.
Magnus’ eyes flickered over to her. “Isabelle, why doesn’t somebody show me up to a room? I wouldn’t want my bags to clog up your hallway.”
An odd look crossed Isabelle’s face, and she raised her eyebrows at Alec. “I’ve got some paperwork to do, but I’m sure Alec could spare you the time.”
“Excellent,” Magnus said, before Alec had a chance to protest, because really, what the hell? Since when did Isabelle start volunteering to do paperwork?
Alec realised how beautiful Magnus was the first time he saw him break out into the flow of battle. His weapon of choice was a long, wickedly-sharp blade with a blunt hilt, and when he leapt down from a rooftop to bring his sword down across the demon’s neck in a graceful arc, Alec couldn’t help but stare.
Magnus twisted elegantly to avoid being smacked in the face by a spiked tail, and flung a throwing knife across the street to a demon lunging for Isabelle with deadly precision. She blinked in surprise when she turned to attack, only to find the demon already dead.
Magnus fought as though he was dancing, with lithe movements and graceful twirls and powerful leaps. Alec remembered watching a pair of male mundane ballet dancers in Times Square, once, and being awestruck by how much power they held in their bodies, and how they could translate such strength into such fluid beauty.
That was how Magnus Bane fought.
Alec was often told by Isabelle that he wasn’t good at sensing other people’s emotions. He resented that description—he just didn’t know what he was supposed to do if people were upset, because often, there was no choice. They had to pull themselves together and get on with the day’s work.
But spending an entire day seeing Magnus Bane so clearly upset left Alec feeling restless by the time he finished for the day, and went up to his bedroom to find a book and wind down before he attempted to fall asleep.
Magnus had been quiet all day. He’d been reserved, he hadn’t put forward his usual flurry of brilliant ideas in their meeting, he’d been silent on both morning and evening patrol, and he hadn’t flirted once.
Magnus flirted with everyone, all the time.
Alec tossed his book on the floor after ten minutes, and decided that he needed to get some air to make himself relax. He couldn’t focus.
When he stepped up to the Institute’s roof, he was surprised to find the door already open. The only people who ever came out here were him and Jace, and he was sure he’d seen Jace go to bed.
A figure stood on the ledge of the roof, with their head tipped back, up towards the stars, arms stretched out wide. Alec paused, steps faltering, when he realised that it was Magnus. That tall, broad-shouldered silhouette could belong to nobody else.
He let his bare feet land on a loose tile as he walked out, the soft noise sounding loud in the quiet of the night. Magnus must have heard it, but he didn’t move a muscle.
The wind was whispering softly as Alec moved towards Magnus, hesitantly. It snagged at the bare skin of his arms, raising goosebumps across his forearms. Magnus’ hair was blowing, restless in the cool breeze, and, as Alec came towards him, he had his eyes closed.
Magnus inhaled deeply as Alec stepped up onto the ledge beside him, and then dropped his arms, letting his arms drop to his sides.
“Hello, Alexander.”
Magnus’ eyes opened as he spoke, but he didn’t look over, instead keeping his eyes fixed on the glittering stars up above the city.
“Hi,” Alec murmured, glancing down at the drop to the ground. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you were out here.”
“That’s alright.”
Silence grew between them for a moment, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.
“I miss home,” Magnus said, abruptly.
Alec turned to look at him. “Idris?”
A smile curled at one corner of Magnus’ mouth. “No, not Idris. I was born in Indonesia. My parents died when I was two, so I spent the next ten years of my life in London, before I was sent to Idris to train properly.” He shrugged. “I miss it, sometimes.”
“Oh.” Magnus still wasn’t looking at him, but Alec couldn’t force his gaze away from the elegant lines and planes of his face. “Why couldn’t you train at the London Institute?”
“I didn’t live at the Institute,” Magnus said, with a tiny little shake of his head. “I was raised by a warlock woman. She sent me to be taught and trained at the Institute, of course, but I didn’t live there. She was killed when I was fourteen.” A bitter smile twists at his lips. “By Shadowhunters.”
“By the Angel, I’m so sorry,” Alec said, horror catching his heart in a vice-like grip.
“Yeah.” Magnus exhaled, and then turned to look at him, the moon reflecting in his eyes. “Will you tell me about yourself?”
Alec blinked in surprise. “What do you want to know?”
“Hm.” Magnus tilted his head to one side. “What’s it like having a parabatai? What do you like doing? What do you want to do with your life? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you—”
“Magnus!” Alec laughed. “Slow down!”
Magnus eyes shone brilliantly, smile stretching across his face. He grabbed both Alec’s hands in his, abruptly, leaning out so far that Alec was mildly concerned he’d topple off the ledge and splatter onto the pavement below, and tugged him down until they were sitting side by side, legs dangling off the edge.
“Tell me,” Magnus said again, softer the second time.
Magnus saved Alec’s life for the first time nine weeks into his stay at the New York Institute. A routine mission gone wrong, as routine missions were sometimes inclined to do, led to the two of them - Magnus and Alec - backed into an alleyway with too few weapons and outnumbered twenty to two.
Magnus cocked his head to one side, two blades held up and crossed in front of him. He had blood smeared across his face and he was panting, but a grin covered his face.
“Twenty demons,” he said, and laughed. “Now this is a workout.”
Alec shook his head, a smile catching at his lips despite himself as Magnus sprang forward with all the feline grace of a cat, ramming two demons into the ground near-instantly.
But there were only two of them, and the demons kept coming, two more appearing for every one they managed to kill.
“We’ve got to get out of here,” Alec hollered across the alleyway, to where Magnus had his back to the wall, warding off three demons at once.
“Can you climb up onto the roof?” Magnus shouted back. “Because we’ll get up faster than them, and then we just need to run.”
They found themselves back-to-back a mere moment later, attempting to kill enough of their attackers before they attempted to make their escape.
Alec whirled round, just in time to see Magnus diving sideways, tackling a demon head on a mere split second before it sunk it’s teeth into Alec’s shoulder.
Alec watched in horror, heart pounding, as the demon managed to spit ichor in Magnus’ face and throw him back, hard, into a wall.
“Magnus!” Alec screamed, because that should have been him, it should have been him, Magnus was a better fighter than him, anyway, and he was only hurt because he’d been trying to save Alec—
And then the growling, snarling voice of Luke Garroway met his ears, telling him to move, to run, to get the hell out of there, while wolves sprinted down the alleyway towards them, tearing into the demons.
Alec didn’t need telling twice. His seraph blade and bow both clattered to the ground as he dropped them, dodging the battle waging between the wolves and the demons in his haste to get to Magnus.
“Magnus,” he said, urgently, as he dropped to his knees, barely noticing the pain of his shins smacking into the hard stone floor. “Magnus…”
Magnus’ eyelashes fluttered when Alec cupped his bloody, dirty face in equally filthy hands, and he let out a low moan. “Alec…”
“It’s okay,” Alec whispered, fiercely. “It’s okay, you’re gonna be fine, come on…”
Not without effort, Alec hauled Magnus to his feet, wrapping one arm around his waist and slinging Magnus’ arm around his neck.
Alec refused to move from Magnus’ side while Silent Brothers swarmed him. And he refused to move from the uncomfortable chair beside him bed while Magnus slept off his injuries, healing in the infirmary.
When Magnus woke, it was with an melodramatic groan and a sarcastic quip about being thrown into walls that made Alec smile weakly.
“Healthy enough to be an ass,” he whispered, and Magnus turned his head to look at him.
“How long have you been sitting there?” Magnus asked, rasping lightly. His bronze skin had lost some of its rich colour over the last two days, but his eyes were just as bright and alert as always. He propped himself up on one elbow, hissing as the movement exacerbated the injuries down his side.
“Since I brought you back,” Alec told him, brows pulling together in a frown. “Why?”
Magnus’ lips curled up. “You stink, darling.”
Alec let out a laugh that was far more relieved than insulted. “You save my life,” he said, leaning forward to grasp Magnus’ hand, “get severely injured, lay unconscious for two days, and all you can tell me is that I stink?”
“You’re welcome,” Magnus said. “For saving your life.”
Alec’s smile softened, becoming smaller, fondness filling him. “Thank you, Magnus. You shouldn’t have done it, but thank you.”
“Would you have done it?” Magnus asked, raising his eyebrows.
Alec nodded, and squeezed his hand. Magnus squeezed back, shifting his hold so he could interlace their fingers; it made Alec’s heart flutter.
“Of course I would,” Alec said, running his thumb over Magnus’ knuckle. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not upset that you got hurt.”
“Come here,” Magnus whispered, reaching up with his free hand.
Alec expected a hug, but he got Magnus’ fingers threading through the hair at the nape of his neck, and found himself being pulled down into a kiss.
He made a whimpering noise against Magnus’ lips, and the hand he didn’t have encased in Magnus’ went to Magnus’ back, pressing gently against his spine as their lips met, again and again, slipping and sliding together, soft and slow but with an underlying note of desperation.
Magnus pulled back after several long moments, panting against Alec’s cheek, and he bent to press a line of warm kisses to Alec’s jawline.
“Magnus,” Alec gasped, and reached out to cup his face so he could look him in the eye. “I—”
“No talking,” Magnus said, lifting a hand to hover his finger in front of Alec’s lips. “Just kiss me. Raziel knows we’ve both wanted to for weeks.”
Alec huffed out a disbelieving laugh. “If you knew, why the hell didn’t you?”
Magnus shrugged, smiling a little. “I didn’t want to be unprofessional.”
Alec raised his eyebrows. “But now?”
“Now, I couldn’t entertain the thought of dying without getting to kiss you. So fuck it.”
With a grin tugging at his lips, Alec brushed Magnus’ hair back from his face, and let his fingers trail across the rune on his neck. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
The smile that stole across Magnus’ face at that could have outshone the sun, and it made Alec’s heart trip and his chest ache.
“Alexander,” Magnus whispered, reaching out to catch the hand brushing his face. He kissed Alec’s knuckles, and Alec felt heat rise up his cheeks. “You’re fairly gorgeous yourself.”
Alec huffed out a laugh. “Flirt.”
“Always,” Magnus said, and leant in to kiss him again.
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