#I'm what I'd consider a very normal size so I would imagine a place with this many visitors must have it sorted
athenasdragon · 6 months
Do it* scared
*emailing the freezer repository you're going to work in to make sure they have coveralls that actually fit you because if you ignore the issue you might show up and find that your ass doesn't fit any of the men's PPE they have
EDIT: email sent!!!!!
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
Oh I got a good one!
Remember AU prompt 5? Well Imagine all the other fallen take an interest in the reader and they all begin fighting over them?
Request Prompt #33 - ✦💓
You couldn't be in any more of a pickle now. Apparently, you've figured out since we last left off from, that this is a seal dimension. A dimension specifically created by the witches in order to contain some very specific beings. And to be honest? You were currently considering just crumbling on the spot from anxiety. Because out of all the cookies you've seen here( aka, like, five you think?) you're the only one that's normal sized! How fun. ( Disclaimer: it is not fun, you are fucking terrified. ) You can already hear two of them fighting, well, so far it's only verbal so at least you aren't in too much danger. All you have to do is stay hidden... stay hidden... stay hidden. You open your eyes, the forest around you has changed again. You also could no longer see the other two cookie's arguing, you're pretty sure that their names had been Burning Spice and Mystic Flour? You weren't sure. But you did know that they were arguing about you. Or more specifically, how you got here. You sneak out from your former hiding place, the forest had definitely changed your location. It just... did that sometimes, that's why it was so easy for you to get lost. Whenever you hid from something in the shadows there was a good chance that the forest around you was going to change again. " Oh I'm terribly sorry for the wait, little star." You heard a voice echo through the forest. You froze up- what the heck forest? Weren't these strange teleports supposed to get you out of danger? I mean, that's what they did before, right? You were immediately seize with a gasp by a large hand made out of shadows, it slithered up speedily into the tree where it deposited you into the equally large hand of a certain individual. You cast your gaze up into the gigantic eyes of Shadow Milk Cookie, which stared at you with interest and amusement. In hindsight, maybe you should have stopped hiding in the shadows. " Aw, what's the matter little star?" He cooed, poking at your cheek. " Are you not happy to see me? That's very disheartening, you know?" He spoke in that kind of tone that you'd use with a baby or a small animal, you know the one. " I don't think I'd be particularly happy to see any of you." You retorted, earning a cackle from the gigantic jester. You knew more about the beasts than you did when you arrived here after all, and you knew that Shadow Milk was basically embodied deceit so you barely trusted a word he said. And yet, he seemed to have a genuine interest in your safety... If not only for his own personal goals. At least, that was your reasoning as you figured that if he was the one triggering the teleports, then he'd at least be looking out for you, right? You heard him sigh. " You know, you seem to love making things more complicated for yourself, hm? Now all the others know about your existence within the seal, and that's making things more rough for you, riiight?" He drew out that 'i' sound just to tease you, but you knew there was at least some truth to what he'd said. You nodded in reply, flinching at the sharp grin he gave you. " Welll~ It turns out I have just the solution for that! If you stick with me, then you'll be safe! No more of that 'running away' business." He offered, but you knew there'd be a catch. " But! In return... You have to help me get free and back out into the world, 'kay?" You hesitated, you'd doom the world as you knew it if you let him out, right? Did the world out there even exist as you knew it now? You have no clue as to how much time has passed since you zapped yourself in here. Shadow Milk was looking at you expectantly, and you didn't want to find out what would happen to you if you rejected his offer. " O... okay, I will."
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arkhamsrevenge · 2 years
The Witch of Red
Imagine being a friend of Artemis and known for being a ruthless witch but not to Artemis.  
(Reader is Maleficent...basically)  
Bizzaro was in a sour mood. Jason nor Artemis knew why, he was fine when they all got back last night but at breakfast this morning, he was snappy and rude.  
"OK big guy, what's wrong?" Jason asked. Bizzaro remained silent, scowling then, to Jason's surprise, Bizzaro held up his stuffed Superman, whom he affectionately calls "Pup Pup."  The plushie had been ripped. It's arm clean off and an eye hung by a thread. Jason looked at the toy then back at Bizzaro, now having sad eyes.  
"Bizzaro you should gave told us." Artemis said. "I can fix this." Jason raised an eyebrow.  
"You sew?" Artemis laughed.  
"No? But a friend of mine does." 
A little while later, a knock was heard on the door of the safe house. Artemis opened it and hugged whomever was on the other side.  
"Nice to see you too Muscles." A sweet voice rang out. Jason felt this heart quicken and face flush.  
"Does Red Him not feel well?" Bizzaro asked.  
"I'm good big guy." He answered. Artemis stepped away and let her friend through. A short women with S/C and red hair matching Artemis came into site. She was dressed alternatively and had tattoos scattered around her body. Her bright eyes fell on Jason then Bizzaro behind him. The witch walked in, her black boots making a very intimidating sound. A couple bags floated in behind her. Bizzaro and Jason watched in confusion. "Artemis?" Jason finally said.  
"Oh sorry. This is Y/N L/N." Artemis said nonchalantly.  
"THE WITCH OF RED?!" Jason shouted. Bizzaro covered his eyes.  
"To loud Red Him." Bizzaro's low voice carried throughout the room. Jason softened.  
"Sorry bud." Y/N stood before Bizzaro.  
"Hello friend." She said, tilting her head upwards to see the big clone. "I hear you need something fixed?" Her voice sounded angelic, but her appearance and reputation said otherwise. Jason didn't know what to think, his emotions said one thing, yet his mind said another.  
"Her name is Y/N and I'd figure you'd get along with her considering she has "red" I'm her name as well. She's got angst at times and a scary reputation. Jason blinked.  
"So?" Artemis huffed.  
"So, maybe don't judge her quite yet." The red haired women said crossing her arms and making her way towards her friend.  
"I can fix Pup Pup if you'd like." Y/N said to Bizzaro sweetly. Reluctantly Bizzaro slowly handed off his plushie to the stranger witch. Jason's reaction to her originally scared Bizzaro. "Would you like to watch me fix Pup Pup? This way you can tell me if he's OK." Bizzaro smiled crookedly and led the smiling Y/N to his room. Jason followed the two and watched from the doorway, arms crossed, seeing the witch. Y/N sat in a chair near Bizzaro's bed and held Pup Pup closer to her eyes. Squinting the Witch of Red reached into one of her bags and started to pull out something. Jason tensed and prepared to fight until he saw Y/N had pulled what looked like a glasses case out. He got confirmation when Y/N placed a pair of round blue glasses on her face. Jason looked at her puzzled. She looked..normal in this moment. Like he hasn't heard about the horrific acts, she's dealt to those whom she claims "deserves it".  Y/N pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail, she then pulled out a small travel size sewing kit. She pulled her legs upward and sat on them, criss cross. Then the witch took a small sewing needle and looked up at Bizzaro. Bizzaro shifted uncomfortably on his bed where he had taken a seat.  
"Bizzaro do you ever see a friend get stitches?" Y/N asked. Bizzaro nodded.  
"Red Him gets them a lot of times." The clone said, pointing to Jason. Y/N's eyes flickered to Jason who felt paralyzed looking into the Witch of Red's eyes.  
"Hm. Well Pup Pup is going to get stitches now too. OK?" Her voice was soft and inviting but there was still an air of unease surrounding her. Y/N knew she wasn't welcome with such open arms as Artemis had promised. Though she didn't blame them, they had every right to be hesitant about her. She's known for being brutal. Bizzaro started to smile and nodded his head.  
"OK. Pup Pup get fixed then." The Witch smiled back then put some thread through a hole in the needle and started sewing Pup Pup's eye back in place. 2 minutes went by and Bizzaro started to get fidgety.  
"Would you like me to continue to fix Pup Pup elsewhere?" Y/N asked. Bizzaro's face lit up as he nodded.  
"Bizzaro shows Pretty Red where to work." Y/N smiled softly.  
"Thank you, mighty friend." She said getting up and making all her materials float and follow her. Bizzaro led Y/N to an extra room. Artemis walked in and helped her friend get settled.  
"You are staying the night, yes?" Artemis asked. Jason glared at Artemis, he didn't mind but she could have asked him first.  
"Thank you, kindly Muscles, but I am not. I have something to get to tomorrow." Y/N replied sweetly. Artemis stood over Y/N.  
"You are staying tonight." she commanded. "You can leave when the sun rises, OK?" Y/N laughed for a second. To Jason's surprise it sounded like bells...why was everything this witch does pull him in.  
"I guess I'm staying then."   
Jason made a 30-minute walk byes to check on Y/N who didn't seem to notice him doing so. She was carefully stitching Bizzaro's beloved plushie together. Trying to make sure there was as little visual stitching as possible. All the while she was humming. Jason often found himself listening to her from behind a wall. He felt he was in a trance or something. Her voice was.... soothing in a way. Once she was done, she then wrapped the torn off arm in a sling and put a small fabric eye patch on. As if Pup Pup had gone through a procedure. The thoughtfulness she showed reminded him of when he first met Bizzaro. How he was able to calm the clone down by telling Bizzaro Pup Pup was tired then finally getting Bizzaro to communicate. Pup Pup is very important to Bizzaro, and Jason understood that, just as Y/N does.  
"Here you are." Y/N said returning Pup Pup to his person. Bizzaro beamed.  
"Pup Pup will be better by the end of the week?" Y/N nodded.  
"Pup Pup was an excellent patient." Artemis threw her arm around her witchy friend and the two walked back towards the guest room. "Time to catch up?" Y/N asked smiling. Artemis smiled back. Thus, giving her answer.  
"He's...difficult sometimes." Y/N nodded.  
"I don't blame him for being protective. Just thought it was odd he was patrolling my room. Did he think I was gonna hex the house?" Artemis shrugged. 
"No clue. So, how's..uh everything." Y/N sat up straighter at Artemis's hesitation. 
"You mean, "How is the murder spree?". I haven't found him yet." Murder spree? Jason, who had been listening in on the women's conversation behind the closed door, was now very intrigued.  
"You haven't? Well, you will. Then you go for the others...right?" Y/N nodded.  
"That's still the plan." Plan? What plan? And why is Artemis on board? Before Jason could listen anymore, he was face down on the floor. When he looked up, he saw a very pissed off Artemis staring down at him. Shit. Jason then looked at Y/N who had her hand raised. A red glow covered the door he'd been leaning on. Oh. Y/N knew he was listening.  
"Jason." Artemis said through her teeth.  
"Don't bother Muscles. He was just curious. A stranger that he knows has a brutal reputation comes into his safe house on an invitation from his team member and friend. He had no prior knowledge of his friend ever knowing this stranger and yet she comes in, fixes something up and is now staying the night. How would you have reacted?" Jason was stunned. Not only was she making it VERY hard to distrust her, but she'd defend him? Jason got to his feet, still slightly embarrassed that he was caught.  
"How'd you...?" Jason trailed off.  
"Witch." Y/N said pointing to herself. Ah. She sensed him. Jason cleared his throat.  
"Right. Uh well can I borrow Artemis for...team stuff?" Y/N gestured to Artemis for the answer.  
"Fine." She said still seething mad. "Please let me say goodbye before you leave?" Y/N nodded.  
"Always." Artemis then drags Jason out of the room with his ear.  
"Ow ow." Jason complained. Artemis only held on tighter.  
"Explain yourself. Now." Jason rubbed his ear.  
"Thought your friend already did." Artemis took a deep breath.  
"What did you want discuss?" Jason crossed his arms and leaned onto the door frame.  
"Who is she after? I almost feel bad for-"  
"You shouldn't." Jason froze at how cold Artemis's voice got. "No one should feel bad for the people she kills." Jason clenched his jaw. "The people...the monsters she goes after deserve that they get."  
"From everything I've heard she's more brutal than she need be...I've heard she..." 
"Rips people apart? Yeah. And I fully support it." Jason blinks. "Who are you to judge...didn't you chop people's heads off and put them in a duffel bag!" Artemis raised her voice. Jason shooshes her.  
"Yeah, but I was different then." He whispers. "Look I'm sorry I was ease dropping but she's a witch Artemis. The Witch of Red. The witch whose bested John Constantine, Zatanna and most of the magical people we know. I didn't even know you knew her...it's just...she's..."  
" I know. Entrancing right? She has that effect." Jason looked at Artemis and licked his lips.  
"How'd you meet her?" Artemis huffed and sat down on the couch, she waits for Jason to take a seat then she starts.  
" I met her in battle 4 years before I met you. She was just as entrancing as she is now, but she had wings back then. Huge ones. So big they made her look like a falcon. Her magic and her wings made winning any battle as easy as possible. I fought side by side with her many times and our friendship grew. Never did we go into battle by ourselves, always did we have each other's back. She was there when I fell in love with someone special to me. Y/N was there for all of it even the heartbreak. I never knew her to fall in love but once day, she fell in love with a man named Hal."  
"Hal Jordan..one of the green lanterns."  
"Yeah...he was."  
"Was?" Artemis nodded. 
"The core was getting scared of Y/N power. They wanted to be able to defeat her if need be. So they sent Hal and...they would have fallen in love I think. If Hal wasn't such a delusional asshole. We didn't know it at the time, but Sinestro had gotten to Hal. Hal asked Y/N out to have dinner one night. She agreed. But what she didn't know and what I didn't know was he put sleeping pills in the wine. I drank it...as well as the rest of the people on the camp grounds. Y/N was the last person he drugged. When she was asleep he prepared to kill her. He was promised that if he killed her and brought back proof, he'd get a yellow ring. Obviously, he couldn't bring himself to kill her...so he..." Artemis swallowed almost choking on her words. 
"He cut off her wings...didn't he?" Jason asked. Artemis nodded.  
"He mutilated her. He brought her wings to Sinestro and was killed on the stop. All he was being used for was to kill Y/N. I found her the next morning, crawling to the campsite and covered in dirt. We were able to patch her up. When she was able to walk again...she was different...when she found out what had happened and who handled it her rage took over. Within weeks the people of the Sinestro core were dying off. It must have gotten back to the bastard cause he went into hiding. Every scene she left was painted red with blood."  
"Which is why she's called the Witch of Red." Jason concluded. Artemis nodded. Jason sat there flabbergasted that the women who'd just sewed Pup Pup not too long ago was on a revenge mission. He didn't blame her. "Can she ever get her wings back?" Jason whispered. His heart started to break for her. Artemis shook her head.  
The next morning, Y/N was ready to leave. She had her bags packed and was making breakfast. Jason walked into the kitchen with bed head and a yawning. He wasn't expecting Y/N to be up, her hair messily put up and, in a t-shirt, and sweats making pancakes.  
"Good morning, Bed Hood." She quipped once getting a look at Jason's hair. Jason huffed a laugh.  
"Very puny." Jason smirked.  
“She told you..didn't she?” Y/N asked Jason, putting pancakes in front of him. Jason froze.  
“It’s crazy how you knew everything going on. Witchy powers..damn.” Y/N smiled and shook her head.   “I didn’t use my power for that one. Your eyes gave you away.”  
“My eyes, huh? Gotta gets new ones then...” Jason said smiling softly, which Y/N mirrored.  
“I just meant you have a really..sad look in your eyes when you look at me now. I put two and two together. She trusts you though. She hasn’t told anyone what's happened in years.” Y/N explained sitting down next to Jason. After a beat of silence Jason spoke up again.  
“Didn't peg you for a pancake person.” Y/N hummed.  
“You thought I was a waffle person?” Jason shook his head smiling.  
“French toast.”  
“Ah. Only when I’m feeling adventurous.” Artemis had been up for 15 minutes but didn’t make herself known. She just stood there smiling at the way Jason and Y/N were talking. Perhaps..this time..Artemis could prove true love does exist.  
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protokirby · 7 months
Going to be removing Piers from the starters list in my rom hack because the more I stare at how asymmetrical he is, the more I think he's going to heavily impact the file size of the rom if I give him all the needed starter animations.
Considering Drayton needs 80 different sprite frames for being asymmetrical and he isn't even a starter, I don't think I should keep any asymmetrical starters.
Ryuki gets a pass because of favoritism and also because his sprites are done in a way that only the front-facing diagonal sprites would need to be asymmetrical and that's not as huge. There's no way I could find any way to find a way to do something like that for Piers.
Leon and Raihan are keeping their starter status, also because of favoritism, but in tiny sprites the only way they'd be asymmetrical is if I let them keep their glove things and I'm just going to remove those to make them symmetrical. I may be a perfectionist but I'm not against removing gloves just for tiny sprites I suppose.
But fret not Piers fans who want to play as Piers in a wacky version of pokemon mystery dungeon!(When I actually complete the rom hack a long time from now that is)
I plan to make an entire series that tell a continuing story! I've certainly revealed this image(enlarged to show detail) before I think! It's from my planned part 2 of the rom hack, which I only have in the first place because my imagination runs ahead of me faster than I can work and I just had to draw this! Just had to, ok?
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(Yes that is Zero but alternate-universified. Hello mega man fans)
I won't have any repeats in the starter list between rom hacks except for special very specific occasions. For instance, Leon will be in the starter list of the first rom hack so he won't be a starter ever again in a "normal" rom hack, except!! I have a silly plan that involves him being the singular starter option one day. With all my AUs, I'm bound to have enough Leons to fill a pokedex at some point. When/if that happens, I'd make a joke rom hack set in a universe with only au Leons and there won't be any choice of starter. You would be playing as a very confused canon-like Leon who gots teleported to the Leon-verse and goes on an adventure. So yeah there's my example of a specific occasion.
From the second rom hack onwards, I'll be removing the necessity for most or all starter animation depending on what's needed for the story. Because the first one will mostly be the same as vanilla pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky, (apart from several clearly bizarre changes) there are plenty of needed starter animations.
But one day in one of the rom hacks I have planned, if the earth lasts that long, Piers will be among the starter choices.
Until then, (after I complete the rom hack, anyway) he would still be playable in randomizing and stuff. Just wouldn't have starter animations
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
going after Garth right now and his people and I'm going to flatten them. Is a freaking a****** that guy that faggot.
-other things are going on and yeah dispatched groups. We have John Raymond Lord bothering him of course unbelievable sending troops after his idiots to terminate and the odiot hasn't had enough and he's not going to have any people at all. We are attacking his places and pulling stuff out rapidly as we are aware they are going to be flattened and these are the cities they're not new but they're small that they moved into and they are feeling s*** holes with that City that the hulk was in and it's trying to fix his physical problem in the movie they're all low-rise hey crappy places and then nobody can survive in there and their son but we don't want that to happen either. There arent that many left, they're about four of them left in Madagascar so the f**** calls up and that's Garth there are others on Earth that brings us to what the empire is up to
-right now that gearing up to flatten well seven more areas they mentioned in letter is there about 20 by 30 miles and the occupy like the whole space with low rises and have huge bunkers below. They're beginning now and they're going to start on those and there are seven in both hemispheres combined. After that they're going to hit the areas that are 20x10 and they're about 20 of those and then 10 by 10 and there are 200 of those and these are like rulership areas the others were functional all of them have big bunkers the first ones are 60 by 70 by 40 and 20x10 have 40x30 by 40 and 10x10 is 20x20x20. All of which seem to be very huge to our son but they've been fighting clones and the max and then lost and the general population there's something if I'd over and they rarely come in contact with believe it or not even though they're a huge cities and they are providing for things for themselves and the USA is different no they're in the middle but some of these odd cities they're about five in there and ours did not go there and those were hit last night or two of them were and three will be hit now and below regular cities they're not that huge bunkers they have bunkers that are normal size about one by one by one mile and they're considered to be huge they really are. The bombings have commenced and there are tons of warlock in those cities this is the kind of area that the McDonald's had before these assholes attack them and some Max areas were like this bigger building of course and the max have probably 10 cities that are 20x10 and a smaller ones and the McDonald's don't have any left the only other people with them are foreigners and they have huge bunkers too under them and they have half as many as the max globally they don't have that many small ones only about five in each hemisphere and the foreigners too other than that these mega complexes I'm going to be gone with the exception of the islands so you can imagine. The max have five in New England there's two in Massachusetts in the West and they're covered with buildings and they weren't before it was nothing out there there are three in New Hampshire and people say there's nothing up there and they are not 20 by 10 up there they are 10x10 and this too in Vermont they're 10x10 and one in Massachusetts 20x10 and another 10x10 the the rest of the 20x10 and there are five in New York Pennsylvania and district of Columbia and Maryland Virginia area and four 10 by 10s there they're all in that area the other five or so on Earth I just wonder each major capital Moscow and London and Tokyo it's actually a base to and Sydney and this one in New Zealand and the clothing and we don't need that people say that would be clean to them and we say what for happy for being Jeopardy our people will be in trouble. And Garth is a moron since people are entertained by looking at him and he looks like a freak it is annoying to be near. They're hitting all four now all five in Madagascar and they're flat and they're hitting below and his are all gone the silver more areas where they are and they're mixed in and people are attacking them it won't take long and they'll be gone what a joke.
-some of what things are going on but we're going to print
Thor Freya
Hera Zues
0 notes
natswritingz · 3 years
Sexting next door / Sam x Reader
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Note : This is my first fic in I don’t know how long, I tried my hardest so I really hope at least someone can enjoy this lol, also might be typos!
Words : 2.4k
Warnings : Sexting, exchanging pictures, dirty dirty talking, talk of oral/penetration/dry humping, swearing, lots of stuff.
The last week had been occupied with a hunt which ended with the three of you searching the woods for an old cemetery, laying all the buried souls to rest. Working with the Winchesters made the gigs easier. You found some joy in their presence, especially around Sammy.
You guys obviously had crushed on eachother, Sammy made the most moves while you took them as innocent jokes. You just didn't want to complicate anything for anyone.
You all had just got back to the motel, while the brothers shared a room like always, you got your own right next door. Your phone sat next to you as you pried off your dirt caked boots, hidden graveyards were something else. The device chimed with Sams assigned ringtone, you grabbed it in eagerness.
"You get settled in?"
You smiled at the text, he knew how to make you feel special even if it's a simple check in. You struggled with a response that sounded natural, typing then deleting, you finally wrote one and went with it.
"Yeah, just got the boots off lol"
"Are you getting anything good on the tv?"
"Nope, nothing"
That was a lie, you haven't even looked at the tv yet, but he didn't know that. You began unbuttoning your grimy top, feeling the cool air nip at your skin while the material still hung on your shoulders. You bit your lip as you typed another text to follow your previous one.
"Finally getting out of these clothes too"
You locked your phone quickly with embarrassment, you couldn't believe what you just sent. He was your friend, but the entire day he had been constantly flirting which made the temptation even harder to resist. The phone chimed after what felt like ages.
"Me too, I was able to get the shower first"
You read the text through squinted eyes, terrified to read his response with fully opened eyes. Your mind trailed to the image of him without anything on, the warm water running down his toned body, it made your heart race.
"Just about to get in"
You nervously pulled at your lip while intently watching the screen.
"Maybe I should hop in too, hot water sounds amazing right now"
"Do it, I'll keep you company ;)"
The wink confirmed it. He was leaving an opening for you to accept or decline before pursuing anything more.
"I'm taking off my clothes right now, what are you doing?"
"Turning the shower on, already undressed"
"I wish I could see that"
He opened it and hasn't responded in a while, you completely fucked it up. You cursed at yourself before seeing the tiny text bubble come up and disappear a few times until one finally came in.
"I wish I could see you take off those jeans, I could not stop staring at your ass today. All I wanted to do was pounce on you, you've been all I could think of."
You gulped at his message, this was would be your first time sexting, you were already loving it. You felt yourself getting excited at his message, reading it over and over. You pulled your shirt off the rest of the way.
"You were looking? That's very unprofessional of you, Sammy. If only I knew, I would've been 'accidentally' grinding against you all day."
Both of your tones suddenly changed, it wasn't the laid back no-period texts you normally exchanged, it was dirty and intriguing. You couldn't wait for him to respond.
"If you had done that, I don't think I would've been able to control myself."
"What would you have done? I would've loved to feel you press against my ass, I'm clenching my thighs just thinking about it."
"I would've pulled you into the nearest room and commanded you to grind against me until you came in your pretty panties."
You groaned at the thought, Sammy made dry humping sound hot, he could probably make any sexual act sound compelling.
"How do you know what panties I wear?"
You found yourself completely wrapped in texting back and forth you forgot about your plans to shower. Deciding to get comfortable, you leaned back onto the comforter. You were invested in where this was going, a shower could wait, unlike this.
"I've done your laundry and seen you in your undergarments before. I think I pretty much know everything about you, Y/N."
"I'm imaging my lace covered pussy grinding against your bulge covered by your boxers. It would feel so good to have you rub against me. I'd be soaking through my panties you could definitely see it dampening both our cloths."
You wanted to get dirtier so you tested the water, you wrote the first thing you thought of. It may have been a little too forward but your lust clouded all rational thinking.
"Jesus. My imagination might not be doing this scenario justice, I think we'd have to try it out next time we see eachother."
The elation in you grew with each suggestion.
"And when will that be?"
"If you keep it up, soon. Have you stripped yet?"
Sam was a great dom, he wanted everything to be in his control and you couldn't help but like it. You could trust him with control.
"I've been so busy with our little daydreams, I forgot I was even going to shower. Laying in bed still partially clothed."
"Take your pants off now, then give your ass a nice spank for me. Make it sting."
You followed his orders, placing the phone to your side as you lifted your hips to remove the jeans. You held the phone again as you flipped, now laying on your stomach, you used your free hand to rub on your cheek before giving it a sharp smack.
"Both are done, I'm thinking this might leave a mark?"
You raised your phone in a rush of confidence, snapping a photo of your ass and the handprint that reddened with time, attaching it to your message, and sending it without any hesitation. The mark was not as big as Sam could do and you dearly wished it was his hand instead.
"Fucking hell Y/N, I was not expecting that. You're making me want to come over right now to fuck you senseless."
"What do I do next? Still have my panties and bra on."
"Take your bra off baby girl, play with your nipples till they're both hard. Pinch them, flick them, be rough with it."
It was easy for you to follow his words, you found yourself loving his demands and dominance, you could keep following them for hours. You held yourself up with an elbow, you pinched the tip hard between your fingertips, rolling them slightly for more stimulation. You moaned with each uncoordinated flick.
"They're feeling so sensitive now."
You attached another picture, your tits in frame with your now erect and red nipples. After his reaction with the last one, you wanted to get more from him.
"So so perfect. Picture I'm there, sucking and biting on them. My warm breath fanning your soft skin. I want to make you feel good."
"You're making me feel good right now, I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"We can stop whenever you get uncomfortable, I want you to be good with all of this."
His message made you smile through the lust, he really did care about you. It wasn't the most ideal timing, but you could easily get worked back up again with his skills.
"Sorry, never wanna stop this <3"
You shook your head with a small laugh as you flirted.
"Good, me neither. You still have your panties on like a good girl?"
"Haven't taken them off yet, you haven't told me to."
"Sounds like someone's enjoying being bossed around, huh? What if I told you to suck me off, would you do it?"
"I'd let you throat fuck me. I want to gasp for my breath when you finally pull from my mouth."
"Your lips look perfect for my cock, I want to see them wrapped around me as I thrust into your mouth."
"I want you to be as rough as you can, Sammy."
You flipped over to your back once again, your hand dipping into your undies, rubbing soft circles over your clit as you awaited another message. You wanted to invite him over that instant but you had to resist the urge, sexting was fun and a good first step for the two of you.
"I've finally entered the shower, I'm stroking myself to the pictures you sent me. Kinda hard keeping the phone dry."
You laughed a little to yourself at the end of his message.
"Your turn?"
Not that your heart hadn't been pounding the entire time, your recent text made it even faster. You bit your lip in anticipation, you couldn't lie to yourself, you've always wondered what he was packing. And just like that, you revived a picture. Your jaw clenched at his size and width, you weren't entirely sure you'd be able to fit him if you ever got to doing this stuff in person. It was hot and impressive.
"How am I going to fit all of you? I don't think any amount of wetness would prepare me for you."
"We'll make it fit princess, I wanna see your warm pussy stretch around me. Fuuuck, I want you so bad Y/N."
"I want you bad too, maybe our next session can be face to face. I can't imagine how you'll make me feel when I have your hands on me instead of my own."
"You touching yourself right now? I don't remember telling you to stop playing with your tits."
"I couldn't take it anymore, I was aching for some relief."
That was true, your pussy throbbed for attention to the point it hurt to not touch yourself. No one else had this affect over you, making you soak through your lace like nothing.
"Fine, you can touch yourself as long as you don't cum until I allow you, and take it easy, I want you to enjoy this."
"Yes, Sammy."
You slowed down, rubbing slow circles on your aroused clit. Everything was heightened and sensitive, what was he doing to you?
"I'm touching myself, paced instead of rushed. I wish this was your hand. Not gonna lie, I constantly think of how good your large hands would feel on my body."
His response was immediate after he quickly read your message, considering what he told you just a little ago, you knew he was getting off to your little conversation.
"On my ass, in my pussy, around my throat. Even you holding my hands above my head or behind my back sounds like a pleasure. I want you to touch and explore every part of me."
The typing bubble appeared just as it did when he responded to every other text, this time you cut off his response with another one of your own, you wanted to get him really worked up.
"For future reference, I'd probably cum instantly with your tongue on my clit and your fingers in me as deep as they'd go."
You weren't a newbie when it came to sex, you knew what you wanted in the bedroom. Being a hunter and constantly hopping town to town, you had your occasional one night stand to release the stress that came with your job.
"Oh really? You want me buried in you while tasting you all at once? I can do that for you princess, I've been wanting to taste you. I'd eat you out till you came on my tongue then I'd make you kiss me, deep."
"You already know I'd return the favor."
You referred back to your message you sent not long ago about going down on him.
"We haven't even talked about getting to the main act and you've got me almost cumming. I had to slow my pace in order to not finish."
You smirked at his reply, biting your lip with a small groan as you still touched yourself. You were hoping you had the same effect on him that he had on you.
"Let's get onto the main act then. How'd you want to fuck me?"
"I can think of a few ways... But I most definitely want to see myself slide in and out of you. I want to enjoy every bit."
"Maybe my hands holding onto the back of my thighs while laying on my back? Everything would be on display."
"I could put your legs up on my shoulders and get really deep in you. Wouldn't that feel good?"
"I'd be seeing stars. And I would not be able to walk afterwards. Feeling you brush against my cervix repeatedly with your big cock, you're gonna fill me so good."
"Y/N you're gonna make me cum. Speed up."
With his permission, you started to rub faster. You moaned loudly, forgetting about anyone else in the seedy motel.
"Fuck, keep moaning."
You blushed in embarrassment, he could hear you from their rooms bathroom which definitely meant Dean could hear you, the strangers on the opposite side didn't concern you. You allowed yourself to moan with each lap, not holding back the cries. You went on for a minute before diverting your attention back to the phone.
"Imagine how much louder I'd be with you inside me."
"I've been thinking about all the noises you'd be making the entire time. You sound so hot. Are you close?"
"Yeah Sammy, I'm almost there."
Your breathing pattern became rapid and harsh, small wines escaping your lips as you played yourself to perfection.
"Beg for permission to cum."
You groaned at his response.
"Please let me cum, please Sam, I'm not sure I can hold it."
It was hard enough holding back your release but even harder to beg with one hand.
"You can cum baby, just cause you've been so good."
Your body released the tension, the relief rolling in as you came in your panties, finally. It hit you hard, your hips shaking as you moaned louder than earlier. You couldn't deny it, you never orgasmed like that when you were doing it solo.
"I couldn't help but finish to your moans"
His response was like his usual ones, not so formal and more playful. You could get used to seeing both sides regularly.
"We should do this more often, or try it in person, either one"
"I am 100% on board with that"
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succulentsunrise · 3 years
Thoughts on Magic Knight Entrance Exams
I have been thinking on how the Captains really choose their recruits during the Magic Knight Entrance Exams, so instead of studying, I gathered those thoughts here. It also has some thoughts about the Entrance Exam itself in the beginning 😁
(Ch = chapter, Ep = episode)
Entrance exams.
Based on the manga, every year, in March, those that are 15-year old get their grimoires in the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony (Ch:1).
In the manga, the Magic Knights Entrance Exam is after six months from there (Ch:2). This would put it to September. It's unknown whether they recruit every year or if the recruitment is distributed differently, since instead of serving a certain amount of years, it seems to be more of a job than military service. Since lot of the characters seem to have joined Magic Knights as 15-year-olds, it seems to suggest that it is a yearly occurance. (E.g. the wiki says Julius joined Grey Deers' immediately as a 15 year old, meaning he has served ~27 years.)
We are only shown that there are possibly over 165 participants, and considering that the captains handpick those they want, there can't be an immense sum. They neither seem to recruit too many at a time - Black Bulls recruited 1 (since Noelle didn't participate in the actual exam), seemingly Golden Dawn also only took Yuno and as far as we know, Sekke could have been the only Green Mantis recruit. The squad sizes should probably also have an effect (how many more the squad needs to maintain their size), but it's hard to make guesses based on that. It seems like they recruit very few people every year, though. According to the anime (Ep:5), the first participant even chosen is only number 71, meaning 70 first participants didn't become knights.
As said before, the Captains make the choices in the entrance exams. The interesting thing is that they don't seem to have their vice-captains to help with the part, but rather...just someone from the squad (Ch:2). While Yami has Finral & Gordon, it looks like William has Siren Tium by his side and Fuegoleon has Leopold. The anime seems to show Nebra by Nozel's side (Ep:4).
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Maybe the vice-captains take care of the missions while the captains spend their day choosing recruits, so they pick someone whose judgement they trust?
So how do the captains choose who they want?
As shown by everyone wanting Yuno, they all want someone powerful (possibly due to the four-leaf-grimoire), someone somewhat ambitious - Yuno's calm demeanor could also have an effect. All were willing to look past him being a peasant.
Yami, William and Charlotte are the easiest to make guess for what kind of people they are looking for.
Yami (Black Bulls) wants outcasts and people who interest him. He wants to provide a safe growing place for hooligans and outsiders (Ep: 86). This means he also recruits largely outside of the exams. I'd wager that for him, having some physical strength is also a plus (looking at Asta/Magna).
William (Golden Dawn) recruited those with elves' souls and possibly those with great potential for growth - those who could bring hope to normal people. He is probably likely to take already powerful people.
Charlotte (Blue Rose) most likely looks out for passionate women to give them places in the squad and possibility of defending themselves and others. Interestingly enough, it has been mentioned that she also has men in her squad as "errand boys" (Ch:111), which...has implications I don't quite like. I'm not sure what is Charlotte's criteria for choosing men to the squad and I'm not sure I want to know.
Since Fuegoleon's and Nozel's squads also form the Royal Castle Knights (Ch: 173), they both are likely to lean towards more noble candidates. I trust Fuegoleon to discriminate less than Nozel on this part. Everything here is guesswork, though.
Nozel (Silver Eagles) would most likely recruit dedicated and cool-headed people with good amount of mana. I wouldn't be surprised if he only recruited nobles, but as seen with Yuno, probably also takes those with great magical ability.
Fuegoleon (Crimson Lion Kings) probably recruits passionate people who want to protect the Kingdom...with certain amount of mana. I'd suspect that he likes candidates that show analytical skill and strategical skill.
The absolute unknowns for me are the four rest, mainly because we know so little of their squads.
Gueldre (Purple Orca) seems to have picked rather scoundrelly/underhanded types - people with little empathy and possibly quite a bit of ambition. It can be seen in his vice-captain, Xerx Lugner, who is seen as a saint, but is actually cruel and arrogant. Kaiser (Purple Orca) will hopefully have a different approach as the new captain. According to Fuegoleon, he is an upstanding and humble man (which begs the question - how did he end up in Gueldre's squad?), and it might be a sign that he would concentrate more on recruiting similar people as himself.
Jack (Green Mantis) recruited Sekke, who showed some amount of skill in the battle with his Cannonball (being able to defend&attack), but also seems to be rather accurate and have good control over his magic in the exam (Ch:2). En, another from the squad, doesn't really show the same cunning, but also has a great control over his magic. I don't think Jack recruits based on personality as much as people who (or their magic) interests him, perhaps?
Dorothy (Coral Peacock) and her vice-captain, Kirsch, make a very interesting combo. Cheerful dreams + arrogant beauty gives very imaginative vibes. If we knew any more of the squad, I'd imagine they could recruit people with imaginative ways of using their magic and helping them use that with teams. I have no real clue, however, what would be the criteria Dorothy uses.
Rill (Aqua Deer) probably would go for somewhat artistic types? I'd see it very easily at least. Whether they are delicate or wild with their magic, maybe those with some artistic inclination could find a place with him?
If you have any theories yourself, please tell or add here!! I'd be interested to hear them 🥰
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fisherfurbearer · 5 years
With vivariums, how often do you add new enrichment, if at all? When my corn snake was in her old 40g, I'd add/circulate stuff every week or two, but I'm not sure if I should in her viv. Would just adjusting the climbing branches or leaf litter be enough, or should I go for a more ambitious moving of her hides and stuff?
This...is actually a really good question!!!
(Bear with me here as I’ve been very sick the past few days and Very Jumbled, so my words are even  worse than they usually are, but here we go...!)
To be honest, I haven’t really thought about this before, as weird as that sounds...I’ve been thinking about your question for a few days and it gives me a lot of ideas. My only two “proper” vivariums are for the Eurydactylodes, and the way their hardscape is set up, it’s pretty set in stone, not much can be adjusted. Right now they’re honestly kinda ugly too, not nearly as handsome/filled out as they were before since a lot of the plants tanked and I’m still growing out a couple new plants and getting back into a good routine, so I’m not sure how helpful my answer can be right now.
But thinking back to when the vivs were At Their Peak and when my routine was really good...hmm! I never really circulated their environmental enrichment, but it was always a process of slowly adding new plants and filling in gaps, and “training” vines to grow where I wanted. Over time I added some pieces of cork to the ground, more leaf litter, seed pods, stuff like that, but I never REALLY shook things up. I WILL note though that as their plants grew, especially the quick growing Peperomia scandens vine, the geckos both change their behaviors accordingly! As the vines fill in, get trimmed, and grow back again, Gogo in particular really changes up the paths he takes to get to his favorite basking or resting spots, and as the light penetration changes they both choose new places to sit. It’s kinda neat, and I’m going to try to add some new plants soon and try to get the vivs back to where they were before. I got really...overly ambitious...when I was younger, and that coupled with Life just really tanked over time, but I’ve learned so much and I think this time around the vivs can still be just as nice, if not better.
But I digress! Even though I haven’t/don’t change up much Intentionally (plants growing out don’t really count) I actually think I might try to come up with new ideas for how I CAN do that for the geckos. Their enclosures are pretty small (12″x12″x18″, but remember that Didi is just 3.75″ from tip to tail and Gogo is only 4.25″!!) and the hardscape is permanent so I’m not sure exactly how much I could do, but maybe there ARE options...?
It’s a tricky balance between “familiarity” (‘ah yes this is MY home, where I feel safe and know where my favorite places are and how to get there!’) and “novelty” (switching up environments, trying out new decor, hides, tactile surfaces, etc.), if that makes sense.
It REALLY depends on the individual...like the mice/rats? Oh yeah, switch that shit UP!! Turn the whole enclosure upside down every week, switch up EVERYTHING and cycle through hides and bring back old favorites and try out new ones!! These guys LOVE it!! Quail...? Oh goodness, even though they’re getting braver, if I switch Too many things at once they get VERY STRESSED and pace for at least a few days before going back to normal...it’s a real balancing act with them and they really do well with a lot of familiarity, but Also novel changes and gradual improvements over time.
And with a living vivarium of course, you’re looking at a more “permanent” set up. The substrate is Alive, the environment more natural, and in most cases it’s probably harder to move everything around due to practicality (Dirt is Messy! Leaves are Messy! Reworking the vivs is always a disaster!! And I can definitely imagine a larger vivarium being heavy and difficult to shift around frequently, too) and it may not be preferred to do so, either! I would still have to test my theories in practice when I eventually get into larger reptiles, but I believe there can definitely be a happy medium between building a “familiar”, safe, enriching environment that will always be enjoyable for the inhabitant, AND providing novel enrichment.
The tricky part is knowing HOW MUCH to change, and HOW FREQUENT...
For example, once again, consider practicality. How big is the enclosure, how difficult is it to remove decor and move objects around? Are there living plants? If so, will moving decor around disturb them? And consider the individual. What is their temperament like? How do they respond to changes? Are they very active, curious, always on the move and rushing snoot-first to check out anything new? Or are they the type to hide or display signs of stress when anything familiar is changed? What’s the balance there, between desensitizing to Changes and building up Confidence and Encouraging natural behaviors and mental stimulation, vs. Distressing and Disturbing their sense of Safety/Familiarity?
Once again I notice this a lot with the difference between the mice and the quail. The quail are verrrrry timid about changes and even though I will add foliage in the same places as before, and clean everything up and add features I know they enjoy, it takes them time to readjust if I change too much at once (which I HAVE to do sometimes, during deep cleans, but I’m hoping over time they will grow more accustomed to it and won’t be as stressed in the future. Yet another reason in defense of why changing up environments CAN be a good thing...! It’s just a balancing act, is all) but compared to the mice or rats, they’re ALL OVER anything new!! Doesn’t matter if they’ve never seen it in their life, they want to sniff, jump on, run through, run on, explore, explore, EXPLORE!!!!! They THRIVE on new things and changes, but they also like a sense of familiarity (ex. they love tunnels, and use them to run from place to place...so each time I redo their enclosure, I might switch out what KINDS of tunnels we have [shape, material, size] to keep it Interesting. I also try to keep at least a few of the same hides as the last time, so it smells/feels familiar) and seem to enjoy that too. 
BUT BACK TO VIVARIUMS and how this all fits together!!!!
As I’ve said, I haven’t actually considered changing up my boys vivs, but I think this is something REALLY COOL to think about, not just for future vivs, but now as well!! I might actually try adding even more hardscape for them, like switch up the wood features on the ground, add some thin branches that can be moved around later. And this time I’ll plan for the plants as they grow and are trimmed back, as that’s a pretty cool “natural” environmental shift over time...even just letting some plants overgrow really changes up their environment, and encouraging that might be a good thing. I’ll have to experiment and I would definitely make future vivariums a bit more Flexible with their design so I could experiment more with this, as my options are somewhat limited with the geckos vivs, but still!!
And regarding your viv...!!! I have some ideas for that too!! These are some General Ideas, but here’s what I think:
- I know corn snakes in general are pretty active noodles, and although it depends on your individual corn, you may be in a good place to test out this Theory that switching up pieces of a vivarium could be beneficial enrichment. Corns in general seem like the kind of snake to adapt well and benefit from occasional changes, so here are some ideas to consider...
- Vivs naturally change over time. Plants grow, plants get trimmed, leaf litter decays, stuff like that. Adjusting plants (for example, adding new plants over time. Doesn’t really follow any rhyme or reason for me, it’s more of a natural “ooh but what if I put THIS here, or filled this space with THAT, and what if I grew something in this shady spot here, or this colorful one in the bright place here...” and that on it’s own can Improve a viv over time, and be a form of enrichment) and adding fresh leaf litter (try different types!! A couple different kinds of leaves looks better, decays at a varied rate, and is better for microfauna. They’ll eat the faster decaying ones first while the slower ones stick around longer.) can help keep things Fresh and Good
- I REALLY like to design things with Zones. I tend to think of enclosures/vivariums in terms of Choices and Factors. Factors like light/dark, warm/cool, humid/dry, open/hidden, high/low/below, hard/soft, etc., which all give the animal a Choice if they want to be one thing or the other... “Right now it’s daytime and I’m nocturnal and want to be in the shade, where it’s cooler and more secure.” “Right now it’s daytime and it’s time to Bask and Bake My Focking Eyeballs even though I have the CHOICE to be in the shade and NOT Bake My Forkking Eyespheres.” or, “I am a mouse and my instincts say I must DIG.” Stuff like that!! 1000% of the time, no matter what, the animal should ALWAYS be able to make these kinds of decisions, and enclosure/vivarium design DIRECTLY IMPACTS THIS!! No matter what changes, these basic factors should always be considered. (Of course, it changes based on the species, like for tarantulas I always think in terms of humid/dry, arboreal/terrestrial/fossorial, open/hidden, but the Ratios of these Zones changes greatly based on the species...like Kitty [bold semi-arboreal desert webbing tarantula] vs. Flaveri [terrestrial/heavy burrowing not-very-webby tarantula] are VERY different even though they’re both tarantulas. Does that make sense?
- Within these “zones” and with the idea of Choices in mind...it’s still possible and can be a good thing to mix up their options!! Some ideas for a corn snake might be...have a hide or two at different levels. One or two underground/half buried, at least one at ground level, maybe one thats elevated slightly, or visual barriers (think loose foliage that can be moved through but blocks them from view) above ground level. That gives them so many options right there, and you could always think about maybe switching one or two of those hides out (while keeping the rest same, for Familiarity) and testing different kinds of hides, maybe!! Wood vs. rocks vs. faux material vs. whatever!!! Test things out, see what they like, and remember it for later so you can incorporate that more often. It doesn’t even have to follow a rhyme or reason, maybe just mix up a piece of decor or a hide or two once every week or two, or:
- Mess with tactile enrichment!!!! This is a big one, I bet!! Try out different types of substrate, like a Big pile of leaves maybe with a Good Smell inside to encourage Sniffin’ and Searchin’, try out sand or small pebbles or different textures of wood/branches!! Cork bark is way different from ghost wood or driftwood, you feel? And maybe come up with “Permanent” parts of the hardscape that you never/rarely change, and a few easy to move parts that you could shift around or switch out sometimes...
- Also just Personal Opinion Time, which is probably going to change more over time as I gain more Knowledge and Experience, I feel like...no matter what, an animals enclosure should be Extra Enriching All The Time, and Always offer them choices WITHOUT the need to have it all turned upside down on a regular basis just to be interesting. It’s like...making your bedroom/house Yours. I wouldn’t want to totally redo my entire house every month let alone every week or two...it’s nice to live somewhere that feels like Home, but it’s also nice to change things to fit Me as time goes on. That’s something that some animals are very good at doing, themselves. Tarantulas and rodents especially, they take what you give them and run away with it...they make their own tunnels, their own hides, their own comfort and enjoyment. They take the Template we give them and say “okay now what about THIS?” One of the MOST IMPORTANT components of Great Environmental Enrichment/Design is that, I feel. Giving them an area where they can express natural behaviors of all kinds, and make Choices for themselves, and utilize/alter their environment in a safe, positive manner that allows them to Thrive in their own enclosure.
That isn’t to say that changing things up is bad either...in a lot of animals cases I think this is a good thing, and a Great Vivarium Designer/Animal Caretaker is always striving to improve, so it’s a natural trend over time to see improvements and changes made to enclosures and husbandry no matter what. Even if it doesn’t follow a regimen, as my vivs don’t seem to, they still evolve and get better over time, and that in a way is also enrichment. Just comparing pictures of my first attempts at the gecko vivs to where they were at their peak, or how my tarantula enclosures have evolved, that’s a great way to visualize what I mean by that. It doesn’t follow a pattern, but that’s not to say that I DON’T switch things up or try to provide Different things. It’s less of novelty and more of “general improvement” for the geckos and inverts though, I think.
Uhhh I’m kinda spent now with my words...I feel like I went in circles and didn’t actually say anything?? I’m still very jumbled and sniffly and sick and I’m not sure if this helped or answered your question at all but uhhhh yes! Thank you very much for the very good question, it gave me a lot to think about. c:
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Chin Up
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a/n: I know it's been a while but I'm back with some Jackson fluff! Been wanting to write this for a while now. All y'all out there are amazing as you are, don't let anyone tell you different.
Warnings: Body image issues, (very) slightly suggestive themes.
Another party.
Another time to play dress up.
You found yourself standing front of the mirror frowning at the sight, as you tried on dresses. It was the fourth store you had been to and you were quite fed up. It seemed that in the fashion world, people like you don't exist.
"Honey are you okay in there? Do you want me to help zip you up?" Jackson called from outside the dressing room. He patiently waited and gave his reviews on everything you tried on so far. Unfortunately he was not very helpful because he seemed to like everything you wore.
"Jackson this is pointless let's just go home, please. I'm not feeling up for this shopping thing anymore", you said, your voice tinged with disappointment.
"Uh, no, we're not going home until we find a dress and I think you promised me this? Let's try two more stores and then I can treat you to ice cream before we go home. Deal?"
You sighed. That was the opposite solution to your problem. Nonetheless, seeing his cheery disposition, you decided to go along.
The next store you entered seemed to be a little smaller than the previous ones. You quickly found a few dresses that suited your liking and went to try them on.
You were surprised at how well the fit you. Every time you walked out of the changing room, Jackson's eyes lit up with glee, and when you smiled at your reflection, his heart could not contain his happiness.
"Like this one?", he asked, his fingers dancing around your waist as he stood behind you, admiring your reflection.
"Yes I think, it fits pretty well. It should, considering it's a large sized item."
"Who cares about sizes, babe? It fits and you look great. I want to show you off to the whole world and scream from the rooftops: THIS IS THE WOMAN THAT I LOVE!"
"Jackson SHHHH!" you said, between your peals of laughter.
"There's my girl. She's all back to normal. I thought I'd lost you in the previous stores."
"I'm right here, honey. Let's go bill this. Plus, you owe me an ice cream if I remember correctly." you said, as you led him to the counter.
Insecurities can be a giant pain in the ass. Everytime you stepped out of your comfortable sweats and loose tee shirts, you wondered if you deserved to wear the nice clothes that Jackson seemed to like to pick out for you.
Tonight was no different. You took longer to get ready, spending time looking at your image in the mirror, standing in your undergarments.
"This again?" sighed Jackson, as he entered the room after bathing. "Honey, I told you, the dress looks amazing on you and you're going to be sparkling tonight I swear!"
"It's not that, it's just ... Why am I so oddly shaped and oversized?"
"You're joking, right? Have you seen you? Like gurl, damn, you beat any model I've seen on a runway and I mean it. I'm not just saying it to make you feel better, but you forget, that you decide your own beauty. Why can't you accept that you're amazing just as you are? I know it's cheesy and corny and whatever but baby girl I love you for every single inch of you, no matter the shape and size. You should love yourself too, imagine, you'll get to enjoy double the love! Plus you're smart and funny and a whole package gosh am I lucky to have you." he said, pulling you into his arms.
You held back your tears as you processed his words. Double the love? Was that even possible?
Well what did you have to lose, really. You had to make the best of what you have.
"Plus, of you feel like you need to lose weight, we can always be gym buddies. I'll train you. Plus you can finally have the honour of listening to my workout mix!"
"Really? Oh gosh, Jackson that has me so pumped!" you said sarcastically, as you turned around to face him. He wrapped his arms around you waist, sticking his tongue out at you, before slowly drawing you in for a kiss. You leaned forward into his embrace, forgetting about your worries as his lips melded with yours. He kissed you like a hungry man, and when you pulled away you were breathless.
"Jackson.." you say his name through panted breaths.
He dipped his head to place hot open mouthed kisses on your neck and then he whispered in your ear, "Can we skip the party? I want to show you just how much I love you and want you to accept how pretty you are. Give me that chance baby girl. Please."
A shiver ran down your spine, and as much as you would've liked to go along with his suggestion, you knew, you had a party to go to. Plus, all that dress searching would go to waste if you didn't show up!
"Honey, we have to go. But I'll take up this offer the second we reach home. I'm yours." you said, smiling at him, as he stopped his ministrations.
He whined like a puppy before agreeing, and getting dressed in his suit, a pout gracing his face.
You were surprised at the number of compliments you had received that evening. All the other boys of GOT7 were also there, and at one point Jackson whined at you because of all the attention you were getting. "I'm looking good tonight too, just so you know!"
"Oh please, you know you look good in that suit. Lord help me, because all I want to do it take it off, though." you whispered in his ear, effectively shutting him up. He didn't say anything further about the matter but didn't leave your side for the rest of the night. It was evident that his patience wore thin pretty fast and he could barely contain his excitement to get home.
"Stay safe kids!" , yelled Jaebum as the two of you got into a taxi.
"Thanks dad!", you called from the window as you drove away.
The next morning you woke up beside Jackson, your legs intertwined with his as you nuzzled into his chest. The sense of calm you felt was unmatched. You felt him rouse from his sleep and pulled away to look at him.
"Morning, love." he said, his voice deep. It sent shivers down your spine, and you whispered a quite "Morning" in response.
"I'd like to wake up beside you like this everyday." you said, thinking about the times he went on tour.
"Like this huh?" he said suggestively, wiggling his eyes at your outfit, or lack of one, thereof. A body creeped across your cheeks and you hit him softly and said "No you know what I meant!"
He smiled at you pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "I feel the same."
"I'll work on loving my self Jackson, I'll start at step one."
"And I'll be here right beside you to see you reach the top"
Picture credits to owner!
Find my masterlist here.
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crimsondomingo · 7 years
I'm so glad someone asked about sex in fics and that you feel comfortable talking about it. I have no experience either and I've always shied away from writing smut because I feel like I couldn't do it justice. Would you mind talking a bit about what you think is a good way to, I don't know, structure a smut scene or things that are important to think of? I know it's different for everyone but I'd guess there's also general things to look out for?
I completely understand what you mean and I would love to offer some insight. 
I felt the same way initially about writing smut, and very slowly worked my way up to writing more when I was writing as someone who didn’t yet have practical experience myself. And then I was always second guessing whether I was doing things ‘right’. It of course helps to read a lot, get a general idea of how these scenes work from other people who write it well. 
Honestly, porn can be useful too, because if you have zero experience or knowledge, you at least get a better sense of what is/goes where at any given time and how things progress. Though take that with a grain of salt, because porn isn’t realistic usually. And damn can it stretch things out sometimes. 
So let’s start with timing. Real sex can go long or is sometimes over much faster than any porno would show you. I like to play with timing in fics, because real life depends on a lot of factors. 
For example, if a man hasn’t had sex or jerked off in a few days, when he does, he’s going to finish pretty fast usually from being pent up. But that doesn’t mean he couldn't be raring to go another round right after. If he did go into a round two, it would normally take him longer to finish this time because he just had. So timing is something to consider - how long are they going to last before they come. 
Two people don’t always come at the same time either, in fact they rarely do, though we tend to have things happen close together in fics because we want to maintain interest with the readers and not drag things on. That’s fine. But coming at the exact same time is often unrealistic. 
As for structure overall, it’s really all about the foreplay to make a smut scene good, in my opinion, the tease, more than get person A’s X into B’s Y. Focus on kissing and touching and holding each other, depending on the tone. 
Personally, my neck is very sensitive, and my ears. There are obvious places to tease, like nipples, nether regions (but specifically clitoris for women, prostate for men), touching with fingers or going down on each other, etc. to prolong the finale of sex. Let it happen naturally how someone might get caught up in the other person’s body, caught up in the moment, and eventually it builds so much that they have to move on to the main event, and you can move on to prep. 
I’m assuming you’re asking more on the M/M side, since that’s my specialty. M/F can be much easier. There is no prep needed usually, because most of the time, with enough foreplay, a woman will be so wet, it’s just an easy slide home. Anal is different, because there’s less natural lubrication and less stretch and give without assistance. So always take a little prep time when writing that. 
Now that being said, if this is an M/M couple who regularly has anal sex, prep time can be shorter. If someone’s body is used to it, we have muscle memory and can be ready with just a few simple stretches. But if it’s been a while, or this is a first time and the person doesn’t tend to use toys on themselves, or hasn’t had another partner recently, it’ll take several minutes of careful stretching and slowly increasing size - one finger, two. three if someone’s fingers are smaller. Maybe a toy before the main event if the person is very large. 
I also find smut is easier to read and write in 3rd person limited POV, so it’s one person’s perspective, though which person doesn’t matter. I just find it easier to keep track of who’s doing what. But that’s personal preference. 
And that’s the other thing, pay attention to position, what’s where, how feasible it would be for someone to reach something from whatever position they’re in. Sometimes, I honestly get up from writing and mime what I’m trying to do, get on the floor, try to reach or position myself imagining another person with me and whether something is possible. Sometimes I even grab Mr. Crimson for assistance in doing this. It’s very helpful if you’re having trouble imagining something. 
Also, if you aren’t a little hot and bothered while writing your smut, other people won’t get worked up reading it either, and honestly, they should if you do it right. ;-)
And then there’s the cardinal rule. Never, ever use the word penis. Or vagina for that matter, or those types of words that would have made us giggle in health class. Coz ya know what? We still internally giggle and/or get taken out of a scene when we come across those words. I personally prefer to avoid using certain body part words at all unless necessary. 
“He reached between his legs and wrapped his fingers tight.” 
“He reached for his cock.” 
Both are fine, but there’s something to be said about implying instead of bluntly stating sometimes. 
These are the things springing to mind for me anyway, though it is very situational, like you said, different for each scene or couple. 
So I’ll put it out to the world at large for anyone to add to this as a way to help educate younger writers, especially those unfamiliar with sexual activity on a personal level. It’s good to have these conversations without thinking there’s any taboo to talking sex. 
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