#I've already given up hope of seeing Kamilla again
icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
In most cases I prefer written articles to videos, but not when it comes to interviews, 'cause sometimes with written interviews it's literally impossible to interpret someone's tone.
Like, when Carlos was asked if Cisco would be showing up in season 9, was his answer, "I just don't know"
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or "I just don't know"
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kitkatt0430 · 3 years
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Well, this week continued to be less productive writing wise than I wanted as my head cold continued to linger all week. I haven't been sick like this in years and it sucks.
But I did get some writing in. So here's a peek at that. :D
First story I've been working on is the one for my Armageddon Revised series where Caitlin calls Alex out on being amatonormative and aphobic. It's kind of become a bit more than that too, though, filling in some of the timeline details regarding the formation of Team Flash in its current incarnation and how Eobard twisted things around so that he's the Flash instead of Barry. Admittedly, that part is more tell then show as it's Caitlin musing on all the feelings Eobard and Iris' impending wedding is bringing up for her. I'm also retconning the party at Robern's as an engagement party instead of a rehearsal dinner type thing that it was in the actual episode.
Tonight is the engagement party for Eobard and Iris' wedding.  And something wistful curls in Caitlin's chest.  She'd been married once and she misses Ronnie, especially on days like today.
For all that Caitlin isn't interested in having another romantic relationship ever again, she misses being married to Ronnie.  She'd loved him more than she'd ever thought possible and their wedding in the Spring of 2014 had been... idyllic.  A riverside gazebo filled with friends and found family.  Eobard - though he'd still been maintaining the façade of being Harrison Wells at the time - had presided over the ceremony for them and Cisco... he'd stood at Caitlin's side in place of her missing father and her not-invited mother.
The changes to the timeline were pretty fun to plot out - Caitlin gets more time with Ronnie in this timeline, but I think that just makes her more aware of how much more meaningful her platonic relationship with Cisco ultimately was. Not as a slight to what she had with Ronnie but a recognition that her platonic emotional bonds have always been her strongest source of strength.
Another story is set in Star City after Cisco and Kamilla move there. The focus is largely on their relationship and the slow addition of a queerplatonic relationship with Lisa to their dynamic after Lisa shows up to flirt with both of them at Star City Jitters. Lisa's had a rough time of it - she's in remission from breast cancer and doesn't feel like she's really a part of the family Mick's building. I don't know if I'll finish this up in February or if it'll become part of my multiamory March collection.
"I don't normally do this, but I was watching the two of you, and... can I buy you both a drink?"
Cisco probably shouldn't laugh because it isn't really funny.  But he chuckles in amusement all the same.  "Is that really what you want to open with, Lisa?"
Kamilla's eyebrows go up.  "Lisa Snart?"
"Oh, he's told you about me," Lisa purred.  "Only good things, I hope."
Kamilla knows what Cisco's history with Lisa is already and is pretty quickly taken by Lisa's personality herself. Given how Kamilla reacted to meeting Cisco's ex's dad, I just don't really see her as being the jealous type. She trusts in Cisco and what she has with Cisco - which is something I grew to really like about her and their relationship.
I've got two other stories I'm working on - one for Speedsters and Vibes and an entirely new one involving Tommy, Moira, and Hartley set a few months after the Queen's Gambit sinks - but neither of those are far enough along that I'm ready to include snippets here.
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