#I've been craving to read some good angst lately but everything that's happened in this session only made me want MORE
tev-the-random · 1 year
I don't think you understand just how mentally ill session 7 has made me. My brain is both over and under-stimulated. I'm so SAD, but I'm NOT SAD ENOUGH. I need to BAWL MY EYES OUT, I need to CONSUME SO MUCH CONTENT ABOUT IT. Please. Please give me some good fanfiction about it. Please tell me someone out there has made something to make me DROWN IN TEARS. Give me the absolute angstiest writing you have, feed me your most sadistic recommendations, scratch the sad sad parts of my lizard brain, I'm begging you-
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castiel-barnes · 4 years
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem! Y/N Peña. (Reader is married to Javier).
Summary: After the events of Escobar and the Cali cartel, the one thing Javier expected least was to settle down.
Warnings: Fluff. Slight angst. Pregnancy. Medical inaccuracies. Mentions of throwing up. Swearing. Soft Javi. Like extra soft.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: Yet another early morning thought that I got.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
Picture from Pedro pascals Instagram at pascalispunk.Taken in 2013.
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After years of running around Colombia and the amount of informants slept with. The last thing people expected who knew Javier Peña, was to settle down.
He had found you and fell hard in love. And the same thing happened to you. After being with you, Javier had no need to go have a one night stand with any of the girls from the brothels or any informants. Because he had you.
It was quite unheard of within the DEA, Javier Peña and the domesticity of having a family.
Javier had been out for most of the day, which you were kinda glad for. You had been feeling sick since you woke up and when Javi finally left the apartment, you finally rushed to the bathroom to throw up your breakfast.
Then it hit you. Your time of the month has been far more late than normal. After throwing up, you digged out the spare pregnancy test you had at the back of the cupboard for emergencies.
"Oh fuck." You said quietly to yourself. It was positive. Neither of you had discussed the topic of kids. It was something that you wanted, but not sure if Javi wanted it.
"Hi cariño, I'm home." Javier called out,
"H-hey, I'll be out in a moment." You replied from the bathroom, quickly wiping your tears away. Walking out the bathroom, you smiled like you usually did and kissed.
"What's up honey?" He asked frowning a little,
"Oh nothing much, why'd you ask?" You replied.
"Cause I can tell you've been crying." Javier said looking at you. Sighing you placed your head against his shoulder.
"I hate how easily you read me sometimes." You pouted, and pulled him to the couch and sat him down. Letting out a shaky breath you held his hands gently in yours.
"I really need to tell you something. B-but I don't know how to say it, and I- I know we haven't discussed anything about this." You continued starting to ramble from being anxious.
"Honey, honey calm down what do you need to tell me?" He said frowning even more, stroking your hair back.
"Javi... I'm pregnant." You stated. There was a stunned silence that blanketed the apartment.
"Really?" Javier asked. You nodded and looked away tears springing back to your eyes. Javi wiped your tears away and smiled pulling you into a hug.
"I'm so happy mi amor." Javier stated,
"You are?" You asked looking up at him.
"I am cariño, we can have a little Peña running around the place." Javier responded smiling. The two of you hugged for a while and had dinner, then decided to lay in bed and relax. At some point you must have fallen asleep on top of Javi, and stayed asleep until early morning.
Your not sure what woke you up, but you could feel Javier's hand on your stomach his hand stroking his hand back and forth.
"Cariño? You ok?" You asked quietly,
"What if the kid doesn't like me? What if I do something wrong?" Javier replied.
"What do you mean?" You said frowning,
"I mean, I'm not a good person cariño. I've done things and seen things that shouldn't be seen. I've never been the best with children, I don't know how to look after something so small and innocent." Javi stated.
"Javier Peña you listen to me. You are not a bad man, yes you've seen bad shit and maybe shot a couple of people but those people were the bad guys. Not you. You will be a good father Javi, I just know it. Plus you're not the only one who hasn't had much experience with children." You explained firmly. In truth you were the youngest sibling, and the only experience you had with children was when your cousin had her baby. But you lost contact with them a while ago.
"Thank you. For putting up with me Y/N." Javier responded, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You stroked his hair back out of his face, but it was evident that he had been tossing around for a while.
You started drifting off again until you felt like throwing up again. Gently rolling Javi off of you, you rushed to the bathroom to throw your dinner up. You groaned as you hunched over the toilet, then felt a pair of large hands rubbing your back.
"You ok cariño?" Javier asked worriedly,
"Morning sickness." You responded throwing up again.
"You need me to get anything for you? Water?" He said still rubbing your back gently,
"Please." You said "thank you." You continued. Javier bought you a glass of water, and let you clean yourself up before carrying you back to bed.
"Try get some sleep mi amor, neither of us have work tomorrow dont worry." Javier stated,
"M'kay love you Javi." You said drifting off to sleep.
"Te amo mucho cariño, y nuestro pequeño bebé." Javier whispered kissing the top of your head.
2 months pregnant:
You were at home today and Javier was at work. And today you noticed something slightly different about your appearance. Realising what it was, you smiled and you got excited about telling Javi.
Opening the door Javi was immediately greeted by your smile and hugging him.
"Well hi there cariño, what you so happy about?" Javier asked smiling and kissing you,
"Come look." You replied dragging him to the room. When you got to the bedroom you sat him down on the bed and took your top off. Turning to the side you smiled and run your hand over your small bump.
You looked at Javi and saw his jaw drop.
"That’s your little kid in there mi amor." You said looking at your bump. Javi smiled and pulled you gently in front of him.
"Oye chico, soy yo tu papá. Estoy muy emocionado de conocerte dentro de unos meses." Javier stated quietly then kissing your stomach. He looked up at you with slightly watering eyes and smiled,
"We're going to have a kid cariño." He continued.
"Yeah we are. I love you so much Javier Peña." You stated kissing the top of his head,
"I love you too baby. I'm so excited." Javier replied. Out of nowhere you just got really emotional and started crying, which confused the hell out of Javi.
"Woah, woah baby what's wrong?" He said quickly standing up hugging you,
"I-im just so fucking happy. I have you and now we have our little kid. Oh im a mess, fucking hormones." You replied crying into his arms. And that what made it clear for Javi, your hormones were heightend due to the pregnancy. Javi chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Don't laugh." You stated quietly sniffing,
"Ok, I'm sorry baby I won't laugh I promise. Im happy to cariño." Javi replied smiling.
"But I like when you laugh its cute." You said looking at him.
You were glad to have Javi, yes he could be a bit stubborn and hard headed sometimes. But around you, he was gentle, understanding and everything you could wish for in a man. Although he had doubts about being a good father, you knew that no matter if you had a little girl or a little boy they would have him wrapped around their little finger.
4 months pregnant:
"Baby? Wake up, we need to get ready to go to the doctors." Javi said gently, trying to wake you up,
"Mhm..." you groaned and closed your eyes again.
"Come on honey, don't wanna be late to the appointment. I promise when we get home I'll run out and grab anything you're craving and we can nap." Javier stated stroking your hair back out of your face.
"Promise?" You asked leaning into his touch,
"Yeah cariño I promise. We'll go to the appointment, come home and then anything you want I'll get ok?" He replied smiling as you leaned into him.
"Ok." You smiled getting up slowly. The two of you got changed and got in the car. Arriving at the doctors, Javier could feel some anxiety radiating off of you.
"You ready baby?" He asked holding your hand,
"Yeah, im ready." You smiled at him and gave the back of his hand a kiss.
"Come on then baby." Javi said getting out the car, walking round to your side to open the door for you. The two of you sat in the waiting room for a while before getting called in. Laying there on the bed, you gasped at how cold the gel was on your stomach. Looking at the screen the doctor told you that you were going to have a little girl.
"We're having a baby girl?" Javier asked is disbelief,
"Yeah cariño, we're gonna have a baby girl to look after and love." You smiled with tears rolling down your cheeks. Getting home you cried from happiness and this was one of the only times you saw Javier cry.
"Baby can you get me pickles and ice cream please? Maybe some chocolate too." You asked him,
"Of course I can cariño. Anything else you want?" Javier replied.
"Maybe get 2 of each just incase, you never know." You said,
"Okie dokie." He responded. Javier left the apartment and came back about 20 minutes later with pickles, ice cream and chocolate.
"Here you go mi amor, got what you wanted." Javier stated coming through the door with a shopping bag,
"Thank you love." You replied smiling and getting some ice cream and pickles. The two of you sat there, with you snacking on your pickles and ice cream and Javier with his arm around you.
"We need to think of some names for our little girl." Javier stated,
"We do." You responded eating another pickle.
"Maria?" Javier started out,
"Hmm that's a bit overused I think, Isabella?" You replied.
"True, true. Isabella is a nice name. Isabella Peña. That's nice. Rosa?" Javier responded. The two of you sat there writing down names and slowly but surely got it down to the name you both liked.
"I think Isabella." You stated,
"Yeah perfect. Isabella Peña, it's beautiful." Javier replied quietly smiling. Javi slid down the bed a little so his head was by your bump, and lifted up your shirt a little bit.
"Hola Isabella, soy papá de nuevo. Solo quiero que sepas que te amo mucho a ti y a tu mamá y que siempre los protegeré a los dos." Javier whispered to the bump and kissed it. About 4 months ago at the start of your pregnancy, Javier had his doubts about being a father and how what he did would affect your daughter. But now here you were 4 months pregnant eating ice cream and pickles, and he was being so gentle with you and looking after you and your baby girl so well.
"You're going to be such a great dad Javi." You smiled running your hand through his hair,
"You think so cariño?" He looked up at you with those doe eyes of his.
"Yeah... I do. You've been looking after me so well baby, and I just know that little Isabella will absolutely adore you." You responded,
"Thank you cariño." Javier said rubbing his hand over the bump.
9 months pregnant/ due date week:
It was the week that you were due to give birth to Isabella. Javier decided that he'd take the week off before his maternity leave was due to start.
It was about 2 in the morning, when you woke up. And that's when you felt it, your water had just broken.
"O-oh no oh shit why now? Javi wake up, baby please wake up." You said pushing his shoulder,
"Carino what's wrong?" He asked you groggily, his eyes barely open.
"The baby is coming." You stated. And that one statement there got him up and awake.
"You serious right now?" He asked looking at you finding your face quite serious,
"Ohhhhhh shit. Yes I'm fucking serious." You replied having your first contraction. You looked at Javier and one of the only things he saw in your eyes was fear.
"Ok, ok I've got your bag honey. It's going to be ok I promise." Javi stated chucking jeans and a shirt on with shoes, and then helping you with some shoes.
"Javi im scared." You stated,
"I know cariño, I know but im going be right next to you the entire time. I promise." Javi replied holding your hand. Squeezing his hand as you went through another contraction, he held you up as he walked you to the car.
In the car, javi was going as fast as he could to the hospital whilst letting you hold his hand.
"Just breathe baby, you've got it." Javier said reassuring you. Getting to the hospital you were immediately given a room and pain killers to help.
"We're gonna meet our baby girl soon javi." You stated looking at him,
"Yeah cariño, any minute now we'll be holding our girl." Javi responded. You two were somewhat relaxing when you weren't having any contractions. It had been about an hour and half since your water had broke. It all seemed to by in a blur, one minute you were sleeping, the next your water had broke and now you need to push.
"J-javi go get a nurse. I really need to push." You exclaimed squeezing your eyes shut and letting your head fall back,
"Ok cariño ok, I'll be right back." Javier replied kissing the top of your head. Javi rushes out the room and finds a nurse. He came back into the room with a nurse, who were both by your side. The nurse told you to start pushing and so you did.
"Ahh fuck! J-javi I don't know if I.... if I can do it." You stated squeezing his hand as hard as you could,
"Yes you can cariño, come on you can do it. Just breathe with me, you're so strong." Javier replied stroking your hair back.
A few minutes later, and hard pushing you heard the cries of your beautiful little girl. You let your head fall back on the pillow and caught your breath.
"I told you that you could do it cariño. She's so beautiful." Javier said smiling at you and kissing you gently. The nurse bought Isabella over to you, so that you could hold her. Pulling down your gown a little bit you laid Isabella on your chest so you could have some skin to skin contact.
"Hey baby girl, welcome to the world. Oh you're so beautiful, she has your eyes miel. Big brown eyes." You smiled gently stroking your hand over Isabella's back,
"Do you wanna hold her?" You continue looking at Javi.
"Really?" Javier looked at Isabella,
"Yeah baby, she is your daughter after all." You responded giggling a little. Javier looked between you and Isabella then back to you and saw you nod. Standing up from his chair he took the shirt off that he threw on before leaving, and gently took Isabella from you.
People had told you to look out for Javier Peña when you first joined the DEA. The stubborn, hard headed DEA agent who had one hell of a reputation. But now as you saw your husband hold your little girl barely an hour old. All of that stubbornness, hard headedness and reputation had dissipated.
"Hola, cariño, es un placer conocerte finalmente. Eres tan hermosa como tu mamá." Javier speaked to Isabella quietly as he say down in the chair. You smiled and laid your head back again, eyes drooping a little bit.
"You wanna sleep for a little while? You just pushed a fucking human out." Javier asked,
"Language we have tiny human now. Yes I wanna sleep." You replied somewhat out of it, already drifting off to sleep.
"Haha ok baby, you get some sleep now." Javier chuckled.
When you were finally discharged from the hospital, you and your husband with your baby finally went back home. You got home and Javi changed the sheets on your bed from where your water broke.
Picking Isabella up, you showed her round the apartment although you knew she was in a milk coma from her feeding.
"Do you wanna put her down for her nap cariño?" You asked Javi,
"Yeah ok." Javier replied with a wide grin as he took Isabella from you. Gently Javier bounced Isabella as he made his way to her cot. Standing next to him as the two of you looked over your daughter. You smiled and placed your head on his shoulder.
"Our baby is so beautiful cariño, we did good." Javier said quietly,
"That we did. See I told you, that you'd make a good father. I have a feeling we might have a hard time saying 'no' to that cutie." You replied kissing his cheek.
"Agreed." Javier said smiling giving you a proper kiss.
Safe to say that the only people who really get to see Agent Javier Peña soft side is you his wife Y/N Peña, and his daughter Isabella Peña.
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hearts4-robin · 3 years
# flying colors - Katsuki Bakugo
# genre - fluffy angst
# pairing - Katsuki Bakugo x y/n (no specific gender)
# warnings - yelling, swearing, inappropriate words, intense arguments, crying, anxiety, trauma, panic/anxiety attack
# ages - Katsuki Bakugo: 16 - y/n: 16
# authors note - I hope you like this short story (: let me know if you like it and send in some requests! <# this story haven't been read through and English isn't my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes etc.
# - Thursday - 01.46 a.m. - U.A. Class 1-A dorm building - #
You had forgotten what you were arguing about. But it was heated. It was horrible, the yelling from your boyfriend was driving you crazy. He had just came back from another late extra practice and he had been lacking on giving you any attention. You got that you were both hardworking students but you missed the tingling feeling from when he'd hold you close at 2am while discussing why Mineta is a total asshole.
"You never talk to me anymore!" You voice almost cracked as the words left your mouth. Katsuki's frown sunk deeper, his vein in his neck starting to pulse faster. "Maybe I don't want to pay attention to you, y/n! Ever thought about WHY I always practice so late?" he snapped back. You could clearly see how he was holding back his anger. "Well- no, I haven't-" the thought struck you like one of Kamanari's shocks. "Are you cheating on me?" Katsuki's eyes widened as he watched tears prickle up in your eyes. "What-, no what kind of boyfriend do you actually think I am?" He was yelling. On the brink of screaming at you. "Clearly one who avoids me! Avoids my company! If you're so sick of hanging out with me, why don't you just go right ahead and break up with me?" Now you were yelling too. Holding back wasn't a thing anymore. You watched as Katsuki's hands started releasing small explosions as I his eyes turned darker. You couldn't tell if it was in disappointment, anger or sadness.
"Now why would you say that! Huh? Why?" He was screaming, a hidden growl and sadness under his voice. "Because it's how I feel, Katsuki!" you frowned deeper as your nails dug into the palms of your hands, creating small moon-shaped marks. "I don't care about how you feel, y/n!" You immediately felt a sting of pain in your chest as you watched your boyfriend clench his fist and walk past you and into his dorm room. Well aware that he just woke up half the for building, he slammed the door shut. You covered your mouth with your hand as warm salty tears started streaming down your cheeks. How could he say that to you?
"y/n-chan?-" You looked up, snapping out of the daze you had fallen into. The worried face of your fellow classmate, Eijiro Kirishima, appeared from his bedroom door. "Are you okay? I couldn't help but overhear you and Bakubros argument." He stated as he walked out the door and closing it, revealing himself in a fated red sweatshirt with a big 'Crimson Riot' over the chest and a pair of black pajama pants. You shook your head no at his question as he walked towards you in his big slippers. He frowned worridly as he allowed himself to wrap his arms around you and pull you into a hug. You let out a low sob before you buried your face in Eijiros chest. "H-He doesn't ca-care-, he doesn't care a-about me anymore!" You clung onto Eijiro as he rubbed your back in soothing circles in hope of calming down your mixed feelings. Your chest hurt, your throat was sore and your head was pounding in a quick pace.
"You know Bakubro-, he's not always easy to handle. He won't tell you but he really does love you. He cares for you a lot, y/n." Eijiro looked at you as he lowered his arms around you. You looked at your red haired classmate before he looked towards Katsuki's bedroom. "Give him three days alright? If he doesn't do anything, dump him. I know it sounds harsh but that's the rule I've lived after and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Think about it." You nodded at his words before wiping your tears off your cheeks, even though you knew they'd be back as soon as you'd close your bedroom door. "Good. Sleep well dude! I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Don't stay up too late!" Eijiro grinned cheekily as he waved at you. He closed his door as he disappeared behind it. Your lip quivered as you slowly walked to the elevator. You weakly pressed the button to summon the elevator. Stepping inside after the doors opened with a low 'ding!' you leaned against the wall. You pressed the button to your dorm floor before the elevator moved slowly. You rewinded the whole argument in front of you, everything passing like flying colors with all the wrong shades.
The elevator once again let out a 'ding!' before the doors slit open. Sniffling, you walked out of the elevator with your head down. "Young y/n."
You looked up with slightly wide eyes as you heard Mr. Aizawa speak. "M-Mister Aizawa-" You got cut off by his stare. It told you everything. You bowed before walking to your room. "I'll go to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up." You sniffled back a few tears before you closed your bedroom door after you. Letting out a small sob, you feel onto your bed. You felt absolutely miserable. You felt horrible. The pain and guilt in your chest had spread to your stomach and you felt sick to the guts as you broke down in tears again. After almost 6 months with Katsuki as your #1 wingman and your boyfriend, hearing his words hurt you. 'I don't care about how you feel, y/n!'
Those 8 words burned in the very front of your brain while you tried to sleep, escape from the aching pain.
# - Thursday - 05.30 a.m. - U.A. Class 1-A dorm building - #
You had been wide awake for the past 30 minutes, distracting yourself by getting ready. Brushing your hair, getting dressed in your uniform and doing whatever was left to do. Your appetite was small, but your stomach still craved some food. You opened the door and stepped out, rubbing your tired eyes. You followed the other few classmates on your hall to the elevator.
“Good-morning y/n…” You looked to your right to see Ashido yawning, dark circles under her eyes. “Good-morning Ashido-. Didn’t you sleep?” She leaned back and stretched her arms, her shirt rising a little as the elevator continued moving down slowly. “Not much-, Bakugo was throwing around with stuff all night! Mr. Aizawa had to tell him to keep it down and go to bed. Nobody knows what’s going on with him right now.” She yawned again after finishing off. A little sting poked you in your chest as she spoke before the elevator let out another ‘ding!’. The door opened, revealing Katsuki, Izuku, Tenya and Eijiro at the table. You and Ashido walked towards the table, and both sat down. You sat down beside Tenya, as far away from Katsuki as possible, which was odd. Very odd. Katsuki was frowning more as usual before he angrily got up from the table and violently grabbing his tray of breakfast. You avoided eye contact at all costs. You looked at the tray of food Tenya had pushed towards you. You looked up to see everybody at the table looking at you with various different expressions. Worry, confusion and awaiting. “y/n… What happened?” You looked at Tenya as he spoke. You poked to your food, the appetite you had earlier suddenly disappearing. “Nothin’.” You mumbled before standing up, holding your tray with weak hands. You left the table to the kitchen.
You froze in your tracks as you saw Katsuki in his usual black shirt with the white print on. He was holding his empty tray in his hands as the unfinished food was thrown in the nearest bin. He glared at you before tossing the tray on the counter and leaving the room. You looked after him, tears prickling and threating to escape from your tear-bags. You placed your full tray on the counter before walking back to the common area. Those moments that felt like hours in the kitchen was just a few minutes. Within those minutes, Katsuki had left the dorm and just about everyone else was up and eating. Walking towards the shoe racks, you picked up your shoes and slipped them on. You stepped out the door, already feeling the early morning cold from December. You stepped onto the road leading towards the school and started walking.
"y/n! Wait up!-" You looked behind you, seeing, once again, Eijiro running towards you while clumsily putting on his shoes. "Eijiro?..." You voice was sore from barely talking this morning. Usually, you get along with Tsu and Ashido pretty well, Yaoyorozu too.
Eijiro caught up to you as you both started walking. "Did you hear Bakubro yesterday?" He looked at you, adjusting hid headband. You shook your head. "No. Ashido told me about how Mr. Aizawa had to stop it." You were mumbling, you never mumbled around people like Eijiro. "Hm.. He'll get better. How are you feeling today? Did you get sleep yesterday?" You both reached the front of the school. He opened the door for you as you, once again, shook your head. "Hard time falling asleep?" You nodded at his question as he walked in behind you. "Do you need to talk about anything? I suck at advice but I'm always here to listen!" You nodded, smiling a little bit. You truly were grateful for people who checked up on you like Eijiro did. You both entered the empty classroom.
"Where's Bakubro?" Eijiro looked around, frowning in confusion. "I think her went for a walk or something like that. I don't know, he didn't tell me..." You dozed off as you sat down in your seat. "Tenya should be here soon." You stated as Eijiro sat down, leaning back in his seat. "Tenya is so manly! Taking responsibility to keep the class in line!" You nodded as Eijiro continued to ramble about manliness. Soon, the class was filled up, even Katsuki had shown up.
You were laid over your desk, looking up towards Mr. Aizawa as he spoke. Another practice day. The costumes slid out the wall, everybody standing up to grab their case with their costume.
# - Thursday - 08.27 a.m. - U.A. Gym Gamma - #
"Wow, y/n! Did you choose a new color scheme? It matches Bakugo's!" You looked down at yourself as Ashido, Kamanari and Tokoyami admired your new costume. You nodded at their questions. "I did. I don't know if he likes it." You were mumbling again. Kamanari opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Cementoss.
"Alright, everybody. Pair up in two and try improve your quirks." Everybody nodded and paired up in two. Mezo walked up to you, kindly asking if you wanted to pair up. You nodded as you both walked to one of the platforms. Using you quirk, you made your way up to the platform along with Mezo.
# - Thursday - 10.58 a.m. - U.A. Gym Gamma - #
"T-Ten-... Tentacole-..." You crouched forward, your lungs hurting as you gasped for air. "I-I need a break." Mezo immediately stopped his movements as he noticed your shaking limps. "y/n? Are you okay?-" He runs to you, helping you sit down. "Shit..." Your head started spinning as your breathing became uneven. You could feel Mezo's multiple arms wrap around you to support you.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN WE'RE FIGHTING, SHITTY HAIR!" Eijiro looked away from you and towards Bakugou who was flying towards him. He quickly shielded himself and hardened his arms. "WHAT'S SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU CAN'T LOOK AT ME?" he screamed as he dodged one of Eijiro's hits. He looked away again, Bakugou taking his chance to land a hit on Eijiro. "y/n-" Eijiro fell back as he kept his eyes locked on your small form being supported in Mezo's arms. "y/n? WHAT ABOUT HER?!" Bakugou was furious, letting out all the anger from the night before. He looked around, finding it weird for shitty hair to talk so much about you. His eyes widened as he saw you, knowing what was happening to you just now. He quickly took off in a run. "Y/N!"
You looked up weakly, seeing Katsuki flying towards you. "Katsuki..." You let out a small cry as you tried calming down your breath. Your vision started blurring. "y/n! Squidward get away from her!" Mezo knew better than to talk back. He looked at you before slowly letting go of you as Katsuki ran to you, gently picking you up and into his embrace. "Are you mad?! What the fuck happened-" He didn't look worried but you knew he was. The glint in his eyes showed it. "y/n- breathe. Did you drink and eat? Of course you didn't- you left as soon as you saw me, you little dipshit." He grumbled under his breath as the others started to notice Bakugo screams fading. He picked you up and jumped down, running towards a place to put you down. Cementoss approached you both but you vision was failing you right now.
"What happened?" He looked at the two of you. "She's having a panic attack. Water." Katsuki sat down with you, holding you close. "I'm sorry, firecracker-. I shouldn't have said that-" He held you closer as Cementoss walked out to get you some water. "It's okay-" "No shut up. It's not. Don't fucking say anything." He growls at you as he sits down, leaning against the gym wall and laying you between his legs. He ripped off his big hand gear and threw them beside you both before propping you up against his chest. "Breathe. Breathe you dumb-ass-" he took a deep breath as you tried to follow his breathing pattern. "It's okay. I got you. I won't let anyone, not me either, hurt you." He was whispering now, gently caressing your arm. Cementoss returned with a bottle of water. Katsuki quickly grabbed the bottle and ripped the cap off before gently helping you chug down the water. "We'll wait till lunch. Cementoss, the time." He looked at Cementoss. "It's 11.47. Lunch is in about 15 minutes." Katsuki nodded before he looked back at you. You were blinking slowly, your breathing back to normal now as he lowly talked to you.
"It's okay. I got you. And I'm not letting go of you again, never."
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Ten Question Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire @adamarks @theflyingpeach and @the-clueless-philosopher 💖❤️
1) What’s your favorite genre to write?
I don't know?? I think Urban Fantasy or Magical realism (which are the genres of some ideas I'm nurturing), but aside from that... Contemporary? Dunno, pal.
2) Do you pull inspiration from real-life, or do you pull things from other books/ fanfiction you’ve read?
I think it's natural for writers to pull inspiration from books/fanfiction we read, even when it's not consciously. It's just like... Everything we read inspires and resonates with us in different levels, so there's that.
I also pull inspiration from real life, yeah. Especially for dialogue and character quirks, which I think makes them seem more natural/believable.
3) Do you tend to write one-shots, short stories, or longer things?
Oh, man. I... Might have a little problem. It's like my brain tries to stretch every single idea I have, no matter how simple it may be, into a novel-lengthy fic.
It's like.. I find it hard to write short stories. Or even one-shots (that don't have to be necessarily short). But I've been experimenting with shorter things (drabbles, for example), and I have some ideas that I could turn into one-shots.
4) Do you prefer to write description or dialogue?
I don't have a preference, actually. Some days I'm just in the mood to dig into long descriptions, and some days I have neither patience not time for that. These days, dialogue comes more naturally. Overall, I try to keep things balanced.
(Especially because I get bored if there's no action happening, so I try to keep the characters moving; their thoughts or physically.)
5) Favorite fic/book of all time?
Me: Oh no. A list of favorite things.
My brain: Time to go blank!
Seriously, tho. I'll just say the first 100 that come to mind, in no specifical order:
Books: The boy in the striped pyjamas; The Hunger Games trilogy; The Raven Cycle; Navigating Early; The Chronicles of Narnia; Bridge to Terabithia; All the Bright Places; They Both Die at the End; The weight of the Stars; and Carry on and Wayward Son, Of course!
As for fanfiction... I think I'm going for "Stay up with Me" by @sharkmartini because this thing haunted me in my sleep. I mean, it was absolutely wonderful and heartbreaking, and I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. Reading it felt like someone sticking a hand inside my chest and squeezing my heart, and by the end I just felt groundless.
(I thought I was evil.) (I want to be like you when I grow up @sharkmartini )
6) Favorite trope?
Wait for it... Just wait...
I seriously couldn't believe when I found out this would be Wayward Son's plot. I was like... SCREECH. I think it's partially because I have this dream of leaving everything behind and hitting the road to nowhere for indeterminate time. (Whick I can't do, ofc. So, fanfiction!)
But I'm also a sucker for Soulmate AUs (ahem. I'm writing one rn), and I love High Fantasy/historical AUs with all my heart. Also, text fics are so fun to read! Also, Superhero/Villain AUs. Which aren't so common on this fandom, unfortunately. Oh, and don't forget to bring the #angst with a happy ending, of course.
7) Are you the kind of person to work on more than one wip?
Definitely not.
First of all, I'm a slow writer. Second, when I start working on a project, it takes over my mind. It's really hard for me to divide my attention like this, because I get really invested in whatever I'm writing at the time. So.
(I'm working on two WIPs right now, though. Not really sensible on my part, but I'll make it work.)
8) How long have you been writing for?
For this fandom? Since January. (Not a long time, I know.)
But I've been writing in general since... I can't recall. Probably since I learned how to write. I remember writing stories when I was seven. Then nine. Then I was eleven and attempted to write my first fanfiction. Then, at the tender age of 13, I attempted my first book. I finished none of them.
9) Do you tend to write more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
Evening. Late at night. When I should be sleeping, y'know.
It's just that, well, I'm a night owl. Besides, the night is the only time I have to write when I'm studying. (Now that I'm quarantined, tho, any time is a good time to write.)
10) Do you prefer to post and update your wip chapter by chapter, or do you prefer to wait until your wip is 100% finished before sharing it?
I post chapter by chapter because I crave attention and feedback. That's it.
(I also get anxious if I don't post immediately after I've finished writing.)
I'm working on a fic for the COBB, though, and it will only come out in July, so I hope to have it all finished by then.
Tagging @phoxphyre @sourcherrymagiks @pipsqueakparker @neck-mole @bazypitchandsimonsnow
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fitmydaydream · 6 years
Vulnerable - Part 1
Part 1 / Part 2
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Prompt: It was one fine day until Y/N accidentally hears Shawn mention her name in a conversation that she wasn’t supposed to hear.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: ANGST ANGST ANGST! This imagine is based on some prompts an anon sent me and I got deep into that concept so I decided to write a whole story about it. Thank you @anon. I hope you guys like it. Happy reading angels!
You knew this day was going to end on a great note or you atleast hoped it would. You'd enjoyed yourself today quite well and have had some sweet conversations with Shawn's family members and his friends and they all happened to like you quite better than you expected which meant you didn't have to loathe yourself at the end of the day.
The sun was almost ready to set down and it was time to bid goodbye to all.
You thanked Shawn's parents to invite you for such a great get together and let them know that you probably had one of the best brunches today.
Shawn's parents were really fond of you. They said that you were the girlfriend that he never had and had been always so welcoming towards you with open arms. Unlike anyone else, they were the only ones who knew about you and Shawn being in a relationship.
You hugged them and shortly after having a quick conversation with them, your eyes began to scan the crowd for Shawn. He was nowhere to be seen. So you decided to approach Aaliyah about his whereabouts right now.
"Hey Aaliyah have you seen Shawn? I think it's time for us to leave now and I cannot find him anywhere." you asked her.
"Oh yeah. I saw him in the backyard just a few moments ago. You can check him there if you want!" Aaliyah replied.
You thanked her and walked towards the backyard in order to get Shawn. Slowly, as you approached the backyard you started to hear whispers. You got confused from the fact as why Shawn has to whisper in his own house. You smiled to yourself as how silly he can be sometimes.
But as you got to the door that lead to the backyard. You stopped in your tracks. You didn't want to go further. You didn't want to eavesdrop but couldn't help when there was a mention about your name. You carefully hid yourself behind the door and tried listening to the ongoing conversation between Shawn and whom you assumed to be a bunch of other people, most probably his cousins.
"Like I can't even tell you man what's it all like. She's always wants to know where I am and what I'm doing like she's not my mother you know. Even mum doesn't do that anymore ahh!" Shawn whispered to the others. You still weren't able to make out what this was exactly about.
"Like she wants to know everything I do. Every place I go, I should go after informing her otherwise she would throw a fit. Constantly nagging and craving for attention." Shawn said. Your face fell at those words.
"Always so clingy man! I don't know what to do."
"Why don't you tell her? Maybe she'll get what you're trying to say? She's your girlfriend after all buddy." someone amongst the group spoke.
"Hell nah. I don't think that's a good idea because who knows what fit she'll throw next after hearing that." Shawn said slightly laughing.
Hurt and embarrassed would be the most appropriate words to describe what you were feeling right then.
Yes you were clingy but only because you weren't allowed to be with Shawn when you both were under the prying eyes. And for the fact, Shawn was always under the prying eyes and the camera flashes. Nobody except his parents was allowed to know about you two.
It has been 1 whole year into your relationship with Shawn and there he was still all secretive about his relationship with you to the public and most importantly, his friends.
The first 6-7 months you didn't care about this fact at all because you were trying to adjust to his lifestyle then. But it was after those 7 months when Shawn finally claimed the love he held for you that you started to feel a bit insecure about yourself but you brushed the feeling off for the sake that one day maybe he'll make it official to all his friends and his fans. But that hadn't happened till date.
You never complained about the feeling of sheer lonliness in such a big house. The homesickness you felt sometimes just for the sake that Shawn might be needing you instead and you didn't want to be a burden on him. You never compained about Shawn's lack of presence in his own house.
You never complained about the moments when he would avoid you in front of his friends and certain parties giving the lame excuse that he didn't want people to know about you both. He would exist like you weren't even there. You never complained about not holding his hand in public out of love just because the paparazzi could catch you and flash them as headlines on the front page. You never came between him and his music because you respected his passion so much.
And now he had the audacity to go and call you clingy and that too in front of his family members. You thought to yourself that this couldn't get any worse. A tear slipped from your eye and you quickly wiped it with your hand. You were heartbroken.
You started walking away thinking that you were gonna think about this once you get home and that this was not an appropriate place to confront Shawn about this.
You were too upset so you decided to slip through the backdoor and texted Shawn you were waiting by the car. You stood there by the car thinking about ways to confront him about this. Or were you actually really that clingy?
After about you saw Shawn walk out through the door of his house, waving goodbye to his parents and Aaliyah. He walked upto you smiling as if he'd just not told his fellows about his girlfriend being clingy.
Usually you would wait for Shawn to open the door for you but you were too pissed to let him do that so you climbed in the passenger seat and closed the door. Shawn got confused but somehow decided to let it go.
He sat himself in the driver seat and looked at you. You were looking outside the window trying your best to avoid him.
"Did you have a good time today babe?" Shawn asked you gently reaching for your hand.
"Yeah." you replied bluntly, quick to withdraw your hand from his.
"Baby are you okay? I mean is everything okay?" Shawn asked you concerning.
"Yeah. Can we please just go home. I'm too sleepy." you replied him quickly shifting your eyes away in the other direction.
Shawn wasn't convinced with your reply but decided to ask you again about this once you both got home.
The ride to home was short but an awkward one. Shawn tried to initiate several conversations between you two but they were shortly ended by you just humming or nodding in reply to whatever he was telling you. Shawn got an idea from that there was surely something up with you .
Once Shawn parked the car in your driveway, you opened the door and rushed towards yours and Shawn's so called home in order to go to your bedroom. The whole ride you've been thinking about the words that came out of his mouth and was trying so hard not to cry. It was getting too much for you now.
Shawn saw you rushing towards the house and was quick to follow you.
“Y/N! Why are you walking so fast? Y/N! Slow down!" Shawn yelled after you.
All his calls went unheard by you. You were like a bubble that was going to burst anytime now and you didn't want to talk to him right now and make it worse. But there was no escaping from him right now.
Suddenly you felt a strong grip around your right hand and Shawn turned you around to face him.
“What the hell Y/N? What is wrong with you?” Shawn asked you clearly pissed off.
You rolled your eyes at him out of annoyance. Annoyed by the fact that how cool and innocent he was acting as he just didn't do anything. You were so pissed off at him that even when he turned you around to face you, you didn't care to look at his face at all.
"What's with me?" you asked him plainly while looking at the wall behind him.
"Duh?? What's with you being all sappy all of a sudden? I think the lunch went quite well and you enjoyed it too. So what's wrong with you?" he asked you, his grip getting more firm around your arms. You took a deep breath and let it out. But it didn't help with the anger.
"Why don't you tell me that Shawn? Everything is so perfect and easy for you that you also assume other's to be like that right?" you hissed while pushing his hands off from you.
"What? What's wrong with me?" Shawn asked you completely unaware of what you were trying to say.
"Oh well nice. What a pretty drama queen you are. Play it all innocent and I'll let it go and run into your arms just like all those previous times. But not this time Shawn!" you spat.
Shawn began to get nervous. He didn't want to believe that you'd just heard the conversation he was having with his cousins. This could turn pretty bad he thought to himself. But he still tried to play it innocent and act cool.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"Don't play it cool because I know what you said about me Shawn. It's too late to back out!" you said raising your voice a little.
"You fucking eavesdropped? Are you crazy how can you do that Y/N?" Shawn said with a raised voice.
"How pathetic of you that you care about that but don't fucking care about what you said about me in front of your cousins? I seriously wanna applaud you for that." you said laughing sarcastically.
"Well I don't think I said anything wrong. Did I?" Shawn said bluntly.
“Wh-What? Oh my god I can't believe you Shawn. How could you fucking say that Shawn. If you'd a problem with me, you fucking talk to me Shawn and not to your cousins about it while mocking about it!” you raised your voice a little more this time. You were shocked and it was getting hard for you to not to cry.
"Well what could I've said to you Y/N? You're so bloody uptight about all the things always that I can't even talk to you." Shawn retaliated.
"Oh that's so great to hear that I'm the one who's being uptight here. Even if I'm uptight according to you, the reason behind it is you Shawn. It you. " you huffed.
"Oh now you're gonna turn this all on me? Well that's great because I don't have time for this shit Y/N!" he said with a voice much higher this time.
"Yes because this is indeed all about you. You don't have time for this shit Shawn or you don't have time for me? I think that's what you're trying to say right? Because you don't have fucking time for me any time Shawn. And that's the truth!" you yelled at him.
"This is so not true and don't you dare go there!" he hissed.
"Oh no! I'm absolutely gonna go there because you need to know what has been going on my mind lately. I'm in no way going to let you be anymore ignorant about this." you stopped yourself from breaking down.
He continued looking the other way and rolling his eyes which hurt you more that it had.
"Then listen Shawn. I don't recognise you anymore. You're not the same person who I fell in love with an year back. You're not that person who was proud to have me and didn't held back himself from showering me with affection an year back. You're a changed person Shawn. I didn't fall in love with this cold hearted person who's not even looking at me right now even when I'm about to break down. What happened to you? What happened to those times when you rush towards me with wide open arms to console me and telling me it's gonna be alright." you finally cried.
Shawn's face softened a bit after hearing your last words.
"What happened to those times when you would wake me up with a good breakfast on our bed and surprise me with a date anyday Shawn? But now you don't even consider having dinner with me atleast once a week. I let myself doze off to sleep when I get tired of waiting for you even when you know how much I hate sleeping alone Shawn. This home doesn't feel like home Shawn. It doesn't feel like the one we moved in so happily and with all those sweet promises we made to each other. I'm so tired. And most importantly, I don't even think you like me to be your side anymore?" your voice croaked at the end of the sentence.
Shawn's face suddenly turned to look at you with a hurt expression laced over his face.
"W-what do you mean Y/N?" he asked.
"It's pretty clear isn't it Shawn. How you don't want to be seen in the public with me? At first I understood it was important for your career to stay away from all the paparazzi and all the drama that would follow up with it but Shawn you fucking confessed you loved me! Didn't you? I believed you when you said I make you feel grounded. That you don't feel afraid with me. That you wanna be with me all the time. Were they all lies Shawn? When you're refused to go out with me in public, you agree just like that but how come you've no problem getting clicked with other girls?" you sobbed.
Shawn held his head down, looking at his feet. Probably ashamed?
"You've no idea what it feels like Shawn when I'm sitting on this couch for most times of the day and see pictures of you with other girls and people speculating about you being in relationship with them even though that's not true. Fuck people, even your friends or even the closest of your friends are fucking clueless about us being in a relationship Shawn because you don't like PDA in front of them. You act like I don't freaking exist Shawn. And even after all this, I decide to stick with you. Stick with you despite all the lonliness, insecurities and anxiety your fame life gives me because for me it was always and always you Shawn. It was always you and your music. It has always been all about you and your passion Shawn. I feel like there was and will never be a place for me in your professional life because I want to always see you rising. I don't want to hold you back. Hell I never held you back even when you were so selfish. You're so egotistical Shawn that all you care about is yourself. And despite all this you've the fucking audacity to go and call me clingy and uptight? I this what I get at last?" you were crying but you were in rage too. You were so angry with Shawn and his casual attitude.
Shawn stayed quite. He was numb. Didn't know what to say because every word that was coming out of your mouth was reflecting the truth and your pain.
"Are you ashamed to have me Shawn? Ashamed that I'm not as perfect like the celebrity friends you have? Ashamed that I might not be good enough to bring out in public and claim that you love me? Answer me Shawn! Just bloody answer me!!!" you yelled.
"W-What? Why would you s-say t-that?" he stuttered.
"That's not even an answer you idiot! Fuck that. Answer me this. Do you even love me anymore Shawn?" you said with pain visible in your words and eyes. Your eyes were begging him for the answer. You regretted asking him this but it was important to ask because maybe you were the one who was at fault here by having false hopes from him that Shawn was still in love with you.
Shawn looked at you with wide eyes. He seemed like his soul has left his body. He was breathing heavily. He seemed so out of words. You knew what it was. He was not in love with you. Not anymore. And you've got the answer from his silence. Your heart shattered into pieces and you felt sick to your stomach. You were losing your mind. A tear slipped from your eye. You were more angry with him than upset.
"You're a fucking coward Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. A fucking coward is what you are. I let all my walls down for you and this is what you treat me with. The pathetic silence." you spoke to him through gritted teeth and pointing your finger at his chest. Tears now streaming down your face.
“I hate you for making me feel so miserable.” you spat while pushing him away on his chest hard.
You couldn't stand him anymore. You needed to get out of this house right now. It was feeling like the world was closing upon you. Your vision blurred and turned and started walking away from him towards the door.
Shawn looked like if he had just seen a ghost.
"And don't you fucking dare to even follow me Shawn. Don't you fucking dare." you said while walking out of the door.
Tears welled up in his eyes. He loved you. More than anything else. He just didn't think if he was right for you at all. He didn't deserve you ever.
Shawn was sobbing hard looking at you walking away from him. Maybe he was used to walking away from you and make you suffer always but instead it was his turn today. Oh god what has he done.
Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated♥️. Don't forget to hit REBLOG if you like it! Also, do you guys think I should make a part 2? MASTERLIST
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Complete Masterlist
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This is EVERYTHING I’ve posted my people. Description just under the links. Everything is x reader unless specifically said otherwise. Stars mean my personal favorites. :) Please enjoy and tell me you enjoy it! Comment, like, REBLOG!
Steve Rogers x Reader;
Queen Masterlist (Twenty-Four Parts) Steve Rogers x OC
“Your skill set is equal to the best that we have. You would be an invaluable part of the team." Fury explains, but he knows that isn't what I mean. We stare at each other for a moment before he sighs again. "Your history only makes you more of an impressive subject." He continues and I groan. "The point is that you would help put an end to what happened to you, on a global scale." He says. "Think about it, Shifter." Nick drops a folder on the concrete and starts to walk back to the exit of the roof.
I flip through the folder lazily, barely skimming the papers, but I know all of the names already. Once I've gone through most of it I stop and toss it in the dust behind me. Reading it was useless. I wasn't made to be any sort of hero.
Failed Movie Night (Oneshot)
You fall asleep on the couch after a full day with Steve Rogers. He helps you out and carries you to bed when you tell him it’s too cold to get out from under the blankets on the couch.
Good Old Days (Fluff) Oneshot
Steve has never been a fan of parties, so you come up with a little surprise for him. Turns out, he surprises you too.
Loki x Reader;
Blue Satin Masterlist (Seven Parts) 
     You've been assigned as Loki's handler and things have been going very well. Almost too well, actually...you find out that Loki has fallen for you and you have no clue how to respond. If those above you were to think anything romantic was going on, you both would be separated from one another forever. Plus, a jealous ex causes trouble whenever he can. Could you ever forget the rules and follow your heart? Or will you let your head lead and lose the chance of a lifetime?
The Poisonous Cure Masterlist (Seven Parts) Loki and Daughter
Loki runs into a young girl on his morning walk and is shocked to learn she’s more than just a minor selling herself on the streets. Her web is more tangled than perhaps even his, and she certainly holds as many secrets. He swears to find more about her, but does he really want to?
Not Your Anything Masterlist (Seven Parts) 
You and Loki have been arguing since first meeting one another, but despite seeming to hate each other, there’s an awful lot of sexual tension between you two. He never seems to leave you alone and despite your saying so, you’d never wish him away. Will you two ever work things out?
**It’s a Dull World Without Green (Angst) Oneshot**
Loki’s dead and his loss is wrecking your life. You go out on a reckless rampage only stopped by your best friend Bucky, who keeps an annoyingly close eye on you. You’re not sure how to be without Loki, but soon you know you have to face it. But is he really gone after all?
Mint (Smut) Oneshot
You’ve been ignoring Loki’s advances for a while now, but he’s getting harder and harder to resist. One day, after a little persuasion, you give in. And boy are you glad you did.
Nurses and Wounds (Oneshot)
You get injured after going on a secret mission with Thor. When Loki finds out he is, of course, dramatically furious. But, afterwards, he turns quite sweet as he becomes your own personal nurse.
Promises (Fluff) Oneshot
You and Loki have been banished to a secret cabin of Tony’s so the American people don’t storm the facility to murder Loki. Turns out, it’s fantastic. Loki and you have been in a relationship for a while now and it’s kind of like a little vacation. But something is about to change.
Bucky x Reader;
The Soldier and the Assistant Masterlist (Eight Parts) 
You run into a mysterious stranger on the street while running late for work and spill coffee all over yourself in the process. Later, you find out the man was none other than James Buchanan Barnes and your company is about to write a story about him. The thing is, he’ll only talk to you. As you get to know one another, you both start realizing this relationship is a little more than work. Will both of you let the romance bloom? Or kill it before it starts?
I’m in Charge (Oneshot)
You and Bucky are fooling around outside when things get a little, *coughs* heated.
That Damn Promotion (Smut) 
That Damn Promotion Part Two (Smut)
Bucky and y/n return from a mission, arguing like usual. They’ve been stuck with one another since training when y/n beat him to a promotion. There’s been sexual tension ever since and that turns into a hate fuck.
Date’s a Dud (Smut) Oneshot
You get home early from a crap date and find Bucky waiting for you like always. It’s a pity you got all dressed up for nothing, or did you…?
Timeless Things (Fluff) Oneshot
You are woken up by Bucky when he gets up obscenely early in the morning. You follow him and find out he has a secret talent that melts your heart.
Dominate Me (Smut) Oneshot
I love making Bucky angry, then making up. It is the absolute best. If you want to be tagged in my stuff just ask, dears. Read, blush, and enjoy my lovelies.
Sleeping Arrangements (Fluff) Oneshot
Bucky and y/n have been dating for a while, but have been trying to do it quietly because of Fury’s rules. Bucky insists on sleeping in seperate rooms when not on missions, but you both can’t sleep without the other.
Amnesia (Fluffy Angst) Oneshot
You and Bucky parted ways a little while ago, you thought mutually, but Bucky actually has no clue why you left. Turning hard and numb to protect himself from the pain, he’s acting more and more like the winter soldier every day. Steve calls you up to see if you can help. But will Bucky even allow you to?
Close the Window (Fluff) Oneshot
Apparently, someone doesn’t like to close the fucking window even when it’s freezing and the person he loves is still in bed. Still…Bucky Barnes isn’t the worst thing to wake up to on a beautiful Fall morning.
Crave Masterlist
You and Bucky have a...complicated history. So, when Natasha calls you in on a mission with the team, some emotions pop up again just to complicate things all over again. Especially since you never said why you left him in the first place.
Tony Stark;
Gold with a Red Jewel (Smut) Oneshot
You and Tony have been in a relationship for a while now and he’s really opened your mind to a lot of things, but one thing you have yet to try with him is anal. You decide tonight is the night, but you’re going to tease the hell out of him first. Or is it going to be the other way around?
Charity (Fluff) Oneshot
You work for Tony Stark and to be quite honest, you love it. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s a funny pain in the ass and makes it fun to come to work every day. He’s been doing his best to get you to go out with him, but all attempts have failed. Until now…
High School (Fluff) Oneshot
You are a teacher at Peter Parker’s school and Tony sees how well you work with Peter. He starts crushing on you and does his best to win your heart, even though parents and teachers shouldn’t date. While Tony points out he isn’t technically Peter’s parent, you’re still on the fence about the handsome man.
**Three Dates Masterlist (Three Parts)**
You’re working as an escort at a fancy ball, but your date just happens to be the fucking douchebag of all douchebags. Luckily enough, you eventually find relief in the company of the surprising Tony Stark. You spend an evening together and realize neither of you want it to end, so what are you going to do about it?
Baking Lesson (Fluff) Oneshot
What better way is there to usher in the new season than with a batch of pies? Unfortunately, Tony is feeling playful and wants to learn a couple things. Hopefully, the kitchen doesn’t catch on fire…
Natasha x Reader;
**Care to Prove Me Wrong? Masterlist (Four Parts)**
Bucky doesn’t believe that you could’ve been a stripper before joining the team and Tony and Steve agree. He dares you to prove him wrong and you aren’t one to shirk from a challenge. One by one you take each man aside and prove your skills.
Fall at the Beach (Fluff) Oneshot
You and Natasha have been keeping things quiet between the two of you if only to prevent shitty jokes from the rest of the team. There’s a beach house the two of you escape to every once and a while, but this time it seems there’s a surprise on the way.
Sam Wilson;
Leaf Piles (Fluff) Oneshot
The Avengers have been sent on a Fall retreat and while everyone splits up to do their own thing, you run into Sam doing something…interesting. Despite weak objections, you get roped into messing with Sam’s favorite bestie, Bucky Barnes.
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nottooldforthisship · 7 years
Hey love!!! Your blog is fantastic and your fic recs always saves my day 🙌🏾🙌🏾 But I've been looking for fics where Louis and Harry are "forced" to share a bed but I can't seem to find any... do you know some? Peace and love!
I’m sorry i’m so so so late to answer this !! TBH, you should go read all the fics from Fake relationship AU and Road-Trip AU. There’s the best trope for this:
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- let me be your goodnight   , by  theboyfriendstagram: Inspired by this prompt: Harry lives with Gemma who happens to have the worst best friend in the world. The guy stays over almost every night, is completely messy and has bad manners that would cause Harry’s eyes to roll so far back he sees his brain. Gemma leaves for a month, Louis moves in. Harry can’t stand him and some way, they still end up sharing a bed almost every night because of a thunder storm that happened weeks ago. It doesn’t necessarily mean they stopped hating each other, until it does. And if Louis has always had a crush on Harry, is his fault for not expressing it well and allowing him to think that Louis hated him in the first place. (17k, E)
- somewhere only we know, by @bethaboolou​: Personal assistant Louis knows something is up with his best friend and employer Harry. And it’s not just his big tour coming up or the ever-increasing womanizing rumors about the popstar. To get to the bottom of Harry’s moodiness, Louis decides he has to kidnap him and take him on a roadtrip up the California coast to Portland.The roadtrippiest road trip fic ever written. Basically an excuse for gratuitous fluff and smut with a pinch of angst tossed in for good measure. (44k, E)
- Yours In Fractions, by @fullonlarrie​ : Louis and Harry are strangers who, because of a mix up, share their mutual friend’s apartment and bed over the holidays. (23k, E)
- California Sold , by @isthatyoularry​ : Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever. A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends. (123k, M)
- blind from this sweet, sweet craving, by @paynner : “So, I guess we’ll go?” Louis asks later, when Harry has calmed down and eaten his weight in Chinese food. He plays with this chopsticks, spearing another piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind. We could make it an adventure.“Harry observes him, watches him seated across from him on their old living room carpet, with a container of food on his lap. He’s fidgeting, avoiding meeting Harry’s gaze–he probably knows that Harry’s mad at him for ruining the one chance they had to get out of this situation. And he’s not wrong, Harry is definitely very mad. Harry wants to strangle him and castrate him and smack him upside the head.But he’s also Harry’s best friend, and despite everything, despite all the fuck-ups and the plot twists and everything just not playing out the way it should, he’d still rather be stuck in this situation with Louis than any of the other boys. He’s got Harry’s back, and in a weird, abstract way, he knows they’ll be able to get out of this situation, together.Harry sighs. "We’re going,” he says resignedly, his shoulders slumping. Oh well. There are definitely worse ways to spend the weekend than pretending to be engaged to his best friend. (31k, E)
-The Sound of Your Voice From Far Away      , by pukeandcry : It’d be perfect, he convinces himself. Things with Lou are – well. They’re the way they are, and there’s no point dwelling on why it’s got that way. But he thinks this would help – not fix them, because they’re not broken. They don’t need to be put back together, they’re just. Out of sync, maybe. It would help. He thinks it would, anyway, if they could just be the two of them again, to be alone together with no outside influences pressing claustrophobically in on them, just for a bit. And driving down an empty highway with nothing else but Louis beside him is the best way to do that that he can imagine.Or, after the U.S. leg of the Take Me Home tour, Harry and Louis drive from L.A. to NYC. They figure some things out, like how to deal with the distance that’s been growing between them. (39k, E)
- In Dreams, by @haydolce : AU. When Harry moves to a new city, his new flat come with a number of sweet, anonymous gifts and surprises that brighten his days. Could it be a friendly ghost? Another friendly presence in his new building is his tattooed neighbor, Louis, who seems determined to put a smile back on his face. (23k M)
- Loving with a Little Twist , by @hrrytomlinson​ : “What are you going to do?”“I don’t know Niall! I just promised my mother I’m bringing my boyfriend - a boyfriend I don’t have - to Thanksgiving dinner. What should I do? I can’t call back and be like, ‘Oh yeah mom, that boyfriend I said that I have, I don’t actually have. Sorry to disappoint you.’ My life is ruined.” Harry returns to suffocating himself with the pillow. Niall laughs and Harry growls at his best friend’s unwarranted happiness in this life-ending situation. Harry is fucked. Fuck. He needs a boyfriend. Fuck.(or a thanksgiving themed fake/pretend relationship au) (29k, E)
- Long Before We Both Thought The Same Thing, by                    allyasavedtheday : Or, Louis maybe, sort of realises he’s in love with his best friend of almost twenty years and he maybe, sort of thinks that said best friend could love him back? A prequel to If You Asked Me If You Love Him (I’d Lie). (36k, M)
- On The Open Road  , by @moonlitlarries​ : Harry and Louis grew up together, they shared childhood and teenage memories, but they never really got along. What happens when they reunite after four years of not seeing each other, and they find out that the person they hated so much is not the same person anymore? Or a short roadtrip!au in which Harry and Louis have to travel together across the US, deal with the past and of course, share a bed. (24k, E)
- ‘cause you get lighter the more it gets dark , by  transstevebucky :or, alternatively, Louis and Harry go camping with Doris and Ernest, and have a lot of feelings. (8k, M)
- Escapade , by @haydolce​ : In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He’s rich. He’s handsome. He’s reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for. (146k, M)
Update (last update on Sept. 29th 2017)
- Don't Want Shelter, by @fullonlarrie​ : Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago…When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own.During the storm, and in the months after, they’re both forced to reevaluate their history and what they mean to each other. (80k, E)
- Some Flowers In Your Hair, by @letsjustsee​ : Or, a magical camping AU in which Louis is jealous of Harry's magic, Liam's a little too enthusiastic about surviving in the wilderness, and Niall might have misunderstood the rules. (23k, E)
- Looking Through You, by @allwaswell16​ : Just as Louis and Liam were starting out in the music industry, writing and producing for up and coming artists, a fateful meeting with new pop singer Harry Styles changes everything. Four years later, just as Harry is set to embark on his next world tour, a drunken confession causes a rift between once inseparable friends. As Harry tries to make sense of his feelings for Louis, he begins writing his next album to express them as it may be the only way to break through the walls that Louis has built between them. (41k, E)
- I Walk the Line , by @a-writerwrites : Professor Louis Tomlinson is the leading researcher in his field.  Harry Styles is Louis’ recently hired grad assistant.  Sparks fly between them but something doesn’t add up when it comes to Harry, and Louis is determined to find out what.  What happens when everything Louis thought he knew comes crashing down around him?  Is he doomed to repeat his past mistakes? Or will he learn to follow his heart and find a way to forge his own path, alongside someone he’s not sure he can trust, but who might just be the best thing to ever happen to him. (55k, E)
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