#I've been green blue purple and pink since my hair has been short
I'm getting a haircut today and I can picture my hairstylists disappointed face when she sees that I bleached and dyed it at home again 🙃
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lotusthekat · 1 year
Living behind my own illusion:
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[IDs: A short The Owl House fancomic centered around Gus, read from left to right.
1) Hunter is seen in the kitchen, wearing a light yellow apron. He looks behind him and requests, "Hey Gus, will you get me the "paring" knife?". Hunter's hair is slightly grown out but it's before he cuts his hair in Thanks to Them.
2) Gus, who has been washing the dishes with his magic, replies, "Oh, sure thing!". In the next panel, he's bending to the side to get the knife.
3) We see Gus from behind, looking inside a drawer. He puts away the dishes. Then, he seems to have found it, however we don't see the knife.
4) Smiling, Gus offers the still not exposed knife to Hunter. "Here you go, Hun-", only for him to open his eyes and see flames around him, the background darkening as well. He completes, "... ter?"
5) Gus' body is the one framed, his left hand holding the paring knife. We see the top of someone's head, a familiar blond hair with the one rebellious hair strand. This other person says, "I know you're still in there."
6) A close-up of Gus' mouth, sweat drops rolling down his face.
7) A shaking, white-skinned hand holding another knife. The other person begs, "Please..."
8) Caleb is in the middle of the flames, terrified. He's trying to calm Gus down instead of fighting back, since he doesn't point the knife at the boy. Caleb has dark bags under his eyes, similar to Hunter's. He pleads, "Don't do this, Philip."
9) As Gus watches the scene, a couple voices can be heard, represented by each color:
Willow (green): "... Gus?"
Luz (purple): "Are you okay?"
Amity (pink): "Can you hear us?"
Vee (dark green cyan): "What's wrong, Gus?"
10) A voice stands out to Gus, in brown (supposedly Camila): "... Why are his eyes blue?", only the last word colored blue. However, instead of Gus, we see Monster Belos' glowing blue eyes. /End ID]
(I apologize for the format here, Tumblr hates me)
Anyway, I've been writing this idea but I thought drawing it would've been cool. I also missed drawing comics in this format :)
I really wish we could've seen something like this on the show. I know for a fact that Gus would've been horrified by Belos' memories, one because he's the youngest of the group, and two, imagine him seeing Hunter dying over and over again. And yet we never actually see Gus and Hunter talking properly.
Hopefully I'll finish the fic soon, but for now have this little thingy. I hope Gus looks okay, I'll try to draw him more often
Don't tag as ship.
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ell-arts · 8 months
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Here's a little something I've wanted to do for a while! This was made mostly out of curiosity, as a way to speculate on what colour genetics could've influenced the look of characters we've heard of but were never shown (Elli's dad, Bet and Stratos's sister, why Spheria is not yellow like Sunny, etc)
Some of these look pretty empty, so I will revisit this in the future to add more members to each family tree. These trees are also sprinkled with some oc's and my own headcanons.
Here are a few notes/reasonings/headcanons I have for each family:
My headcanon for the Spheros siblings' father is that his name is Exo Spheros, and his colours were quite dark. Both Exo and Rotunda came from families that were very mixed, and as a result, their children came in a variety of colours. Exo's side tends to have darker colours, while Rotunda's side has lighter colours.
Exo has bright red eyes, while Rotunda has green eyes. The clash of these colours caused a range of muted browns and reds in their children's eyes.
Rotunda's hair was white in the show, most likely from old age, therefore I made it so that her natural hair colour is the same as her daughter's hair colour, in order for it to make a bit more sense as to how her granddaughter (Elliptica) ended up with pink hair.
Partial Albinism is a dormant and recessive gene that runs in Rotunda's side of the family. It's a mutation where only the skin of the individual is affected: their skin lacks pigment and turns out white, while their hair and eye colour retain pigment and inherit a mix of their parents' colours. This mutation has been dormant throughout Rotunda's family line, until it showed its face in Betrayus' colours. Since Rotunda's side of the family has lighter colours, the overall lack of pigmentation has a link with this gene.
My headcanon name for Stratos and Betrayus' sister is Radia Spheros. Along with Betrayus, she has very little resemblance to either parent, precisely because of their mixed heritage. There is a little bit of dark red on Exo's side of the family, and this combined with Rotunda's lighter colours made Radia come out as a muted pink. Radia is the oldest, followed by Stratos and then Betrayus.
Unironically, all the Spheros' siblings have hair that is styled in a similar way to their father's.
Headcanon name for Elli's father is Ellipton (Ellip for short). Unlike Radia's side of the family, Ellip's family had a long line of consistent purples and blues, so these genes are stronger. Therefore, Elli looks a lot more like her father than her mother, and this is also why Elli was named after him.
Headcanon that the reason why Spheria is not yellow like Sunny is because Spheria and Sunny are only half-sisters.
Sunny's father had an affair with a red woman before he married Sunny's mother, thus Spheria was born a little bit before Sunny. The affair was a point of conflict between Sunny's parents for a while, but eventually things settled down when Sunny was born.
Unfortunately, at some point Spheria's mother passed away and she was placed in her father's care, effectively making Spheria part of Sunny's side of the family. This is also why Spheria still has an accent; she grew up in a different state far away before she moved in with her father and his family.
Despite not having the same mother, Sunny and Spheria still grew up together and came to see each other as full sisters instead of half.
Zac's side of the family are pure yellows, while Sunny's side of the family have a tiny bit of mixing in their earlier ancestry, but the yellow genes are still strong enough for Sunny to have all of the powers and qualities that comes with being a Yellow One.
The pink highlights in Cyli's hair are 100% natural and not dyed. This is thanks to a common gene that runs in her family, in which streaks of colours are present in their hair. It mostly comes from Starchild's side of the family, as seen in Granny's case. Elliptica has this gene too, inherited from her father's side of the family.
We never saw Moondog's real eye colours because he wears shades/custom glasses, so I gave him light purple eyes.
Moondog's side of the family is also a little bit more mixed, compared to Starchild's family who has been more consistently pink. Therefore Cyli inherited her black hair from her father and her pink skin, eyes, and hair streak gene from her mother.
Headcanon that Granny's real name is Windsong, and "Granny" is just a nickname that she's more fond of.
Additional headcanon that Granny became the first person in the family to think that their naming traditions have gotten a little silly, and so she strongly advocated for giving her granddaughter a "normal" name as opposed to a hippie name, which is how they ended up with Cylindria (her parents wanted to name her Moonchild instead. Cyli was eternally grateful that Granny stepped in to suggest a different name lol).
We literally know nothing about what Spiral's family looks like, other than a vague hint in one of the Chrsitmas episodes. So for now both his parents are red.
Though I am playing with the idea of giving Spiral a step-father, so that might be added in the future.
General Pacworlder colour genetics:
The more a certain colour is present in a family line, the stronger that colour gene is. For example, if the father's line is pure red, and he has offspring with a blue mother with a mixed lineage, then their children have a 75% higher chance of being red rather than blue or mixed.
Overall, mixed families usually produce offspring with stronger genes because of their diverse genetics. The only downside to this is that their mono-colour genes are weakened. The more a particular colour is present in a family-line, the more likely that offspring may get weaker genes in other areas outside of colour because of the lack of diverse breeding. This is seen in old medieval times when royal families married their cousins in order to keep the bloodline "pure" but it resulted in poor health among the descendants. Aside from this example, it is still entirely possible to have a healthy, pure colour bloodline without inbreeding, because Pacworlders with all kinds of colours are broadly populated across the planet.
More to be added in the future :)
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
Hi lovely! Hope you're doing swell!
I'm coming in hot with an unsolicited Pats question for you - because I literally cannot think about anything but how BAD he has it for Preciosa - so I hope you don't mind.
I've been wondering about his other clients. What is he like with them and how does it compare to what he's like with his #favoriteclient ? Do any of them notice anything different in the way he is with them since he's started letting himself get closer to Miss Thursday? And while I'm here... Do any of them ever communicate with Shell after she sends them to his door, or is that a hard line she doesn't cross?
Hello, bby. Thank you for coming in hot. It is so very cold outside right now that I live for any kind of heat. ANY.
I recognize that you sent this ask before the great "Let's Try This" thing they've started up, but it still applies. The short answer is, it doesn't change much in the way you'd think, but so much more in other ways. And the long answer is down below.
And while I have YOU *huggle*...Shell gets her fair share of gift baskets and special perks, some mysterious VIP treatments and really grand bouquets. But once she's sent a potential client his way and they've been accepted and treated, if they ever run into her again to thank her, well. She generally just gives them a sly little half smile and tells them, "That sure sound's wonderful, hon, but I'm sure I don't have any idea what you're talking about."
Speaking of other clients...
Kiss and Tell: It's Still About You (GTTT PATS)
FANDOM: Calls - Apple TV (PATS is a character from ep. 3. “Pedro Across the Street.” This is not RPF.)
As with all of my PATS installments, warnings abound for explicit content.
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He can feel his eyebrows pulling together at the blue and purple blemish that’s interrupting the precious dimples in his client’s thigh. His fingers trace around it for a moment before he circles the table to her other side to the bruise he noticed on her knee a few minutes ago...and a couple near her elbow. These have more green in them, further along in healing.
Running his hands over her soft, bare belly, pushing gently to move and work the holding muscles there, he watches her face. Jaw relaxed. Eyelashes feathering over the apples of her cheeks. She’s got nice, ample breasts and he’s gentle as he works his oiled hands around them. She doesn’t flinch, just relaxes into his touch, total trust.
That’s a good sign. Still. Just to make sure he asks, “You feel safe at home?”
“Hmm?” Her mermaid blue eyes drift open in wakening confusion.
“You have some pretty heavy bruises today and I noticed a few on you last time. Just wanna check in.”
Smiling and letting her eyes drift closed, she melts herself back into the table. “Eh. I’m just a danger to myself. I bruise easily and have no idea where half of them come from half the time. I’m a walking billboard for the Klutz Lifestyle.”
“Okay…” his voice isn’t as confident as his hands, but he has to trust her.
“But thank you,” she laughs lightly, punctuating her self-condescending remarks, “Really. I promise you, Mitch questions them too. He keeps threatening to make me a suit out of bubble wrap and duct tape. I told him gray’s not my color.”
This makes him chuckle as he dips his fingers between her legs. “Looks like you’re good and ready for hour two. Wanna move on over to the bed?” Holding her hand as if she’s a princess descending a carriage, he guides her, taking note of her hazy, relaxed smile. “Sounds like you’ve got yourself a good husband.”
“Yeah. He’s playing online with his buddies tonight. Sends his love. And his thanks. He likes the things you teach me.”
“On your stomach, legs together. Gonna try something new. Show you a few ways to take care of those knees when they’re bruised.”
As she slides onto the sheets, he takes note of the bruise on her thigh so he won’t grab it accidentally when he’s in his throes, pushing gently at her skin and curves, sweeping her pink and green hair off her back, just making a final check to make sure he didn’t miss any other sore spots. He runs his hand lightly down to pat her soft ass, bringing forth the most satisfying jiggle from below and her pillow-muffled giggle from above.
Sliding a condom out of the bedside table-drawer, he prepares it and sheathes himself as he explains, “My girlfriend gets mystery bruises too. Happens when she’s in a hurry. Instead of slowing down, she just keeps moving and says ‘that’ll leave a bruise’ out loud. Says it helps stick the moment in her brain so when she finds the bruise later she’ll remember where it came from. If she slows down for a second then it’s in the forefront of her mind so she can grab something cold to ice it as soon as possible. Cuts down on the severity and the duration of the bruise. I recommend trying it.” Rolling the condom down to his base, he mounts the bed and straddles her legs, pulling her cheeks apart and exposing her more sensitive parts, blowing gently and smiling when she clenches. “After you recognize the pattern of how you’re getting hurt, you can start protecting and correcting your actions. I’m not a doctor, but I might also recommend talking to one about getting more sun and more vitamin K. Water’s your friend. I’ll mark your chart.”
She giggles low and pleasingly in her throat. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Is that new?”
“Does she know you do this?”
He lines himself up, her breath hitching a beat as he slides his tip around her opening. This one’s a talker, loves chatter in bed, but he always likes to see what can throw her off her game. “She’s very aware.”
“Mmmmm. That’s nice. She must be pretty cool. Lucky you.”
Without answering, he slides in and she gives him a silken moan. When she turns her head to the side, he can just make out her smile through her splayed hair. The client is happy. Melting. She clearly feels better than when she came in. And she’ll go home to her husband and show him these techniques and they’ll enjoy them. She’s come so far since her first session months ago. He did that. Does that. Is doing it. It makes him rock hard. He’s so fucking good at this and he knows it.
And you know it. You know it and you don’t ask him not to.
He refrains from speaking further about you. There are private lines he doesn’t cross for the good of everyone. It’s fitting for some of his more trusted clients to know he has his own attachments and that everything is open and honest; that they themselves and their sessions aren’t a cause of any possible trouble. But they don’t need to know anything about him or about you beyond that. You are his treasure, his alone. He’s going to keep your understanding and your trust like a jewel tucked in close to the chest, handle you preciously, take joy in your generosity.
He does not answer the client. Not out loud. But as he takes in her satisfaction and triumphs in his own skills, he closes his eyes and angles his chin to the ceiling, sighing a silent prayer, “You have no fucking idea.” _____
Your phone rings as you’re putting a load of laundry into the dryer.
“Hey there, loverboy. I thought you had a client tonight.”
“I do. She’s sleeping. What are you up to?”
There’s a confidence in his voice as he speaks that sparks something in your core, an easy, non-apologetic tone, a man talking to his girl with nothing to hide. It’s not exactly easy yet, knowing he is intimate with so many others, but he doesn’t speak about them with regret or shame, only the professional respect and demeanor you’ve spent so many months admiring, and that helps immensely.
It’s the first time he’s called you immediately after a session though. And you find that you like it. A lot. Just because he was servicing someone doesn’t mean he’s not thinking of you.
“Laundry. Not as fulfilling as your evening. But hey, clean sheets are always very relaxing.”
“Sounds nice. Those the floral ones?”
“Uh..” How did he…oh. That time he took care of you when you were sick. He must have seen them then. “Yeah.”
“Hmm.” He’s silent for a moment, you can tell he’s gearing up to ask you something. You’ve learned to wait, although it’s still hard to anticipate the best case scenario. “I…don’t mean to invite myself over, but would you mind if I mess them up a little this weekend?”
And you laugh. Another win for the best case scenario. “I mean, you could mess them up a lot this weekend if you wanted.”
“Yeah? There a time that works best? Or should I just pull in the welcome mat and have my neighbor watch for packages?”
And you smile, remembering that it’s only been a couple of days since your first weekend together, wandering his house in nothing but togas made of rumpled sheets, spending much of it wound up in his arms, on your back, curled up napping on the couch with the tv on, sipping coffee sitting side by side on his kitchen counter….
“I’d tell you to pack a bag, but you’re not really going to need clothes. This time you’re mine, loverboy.”
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epiceneandroid · 11 months
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day 2 (sorry for being so late :sob:): mspec...my favorite day since i am...an mspec...(specfically bi, pan, bipan, pomo, and a bipan cenelian)
i've been really obsessed with project sekai lately so i went all out on the project sekai headcanoning with (the rather stereotypical headcanon of) pan emu and (the contrary to popular stereotypes) bipan kanade...the rest are three fighting game Favorites and one comics fave i really like who i think being omni would suit her...shela sexton escapade you are one of my favorite characters ever and charlie jane anders is a good writer
image descriptions under the cut:
[image description: nine pride icons of various mspec sexualities. the first two icons are of shermie from king of fighters. she is a redheaded white woman with bangs fully covering her eyes, with fair skin, a white and purple suit that reveals her cleavage, and a white a-line skirt in a lattice-like pattern. the second image of her doesn't have any color. in the first image, she is making a casual expression. in the second image, she is making a dazed expression. behind her in the first two images is the bi flag, which is a pride flag with an uneven large pink top stripe, a small purple middle stripe and an uneven large blue bottom stripe. the next three images are of emu ohtori from project sekai. she is a pink haired japanese xip with pink eyes, pale skin, her hair cut into a bob with a partial hime cut, and is wearing various outfits. in the first image, she is wearing a pink and gray school uniform with a white and gray collar and a red bow. in the word bubbles, the text reads in black "i'm pan!". in the second image, she is wearing a pink t-shirt and black overalls. she is waving hi at the viewer, and beside her is a varying assortment of treats. in the last image, she is wearing a pink, black, and yellow dress with yellow bunny ears, a pink bow, black and brown heart ribbons, and a brown ribbon near the pink bow. she is also wearing a yellow bow on the black lacy overalls she is wearing, and has a white and pink lacy bib. she is smiling and jumping. behind her is the pan flag, a three stripe even striped flag with one pink stripe on top, one yellow stripe in the middle, and one blue stripe on bottom. the next image is of elena from street fighter. she is a medium-dark skinned black girl with white hair, a white cloth top and bottom, and she is wearing blue, red, and yellow bracelets on her arms and legs, while she wears gold colored bangles near her feet. she is jumping up triumphantly, smiling broadly. behind her is the polysexual flag, an evenly three striped flag with a pink top stripe, a green middle stripe, and a blue bottom stripe. next is an image of shela sexton, also known as escapade, from the marvel series "new mutants". she is a white girl with red hair with blueish tints to it from the shading, and she has green eyes and no lipstick. she is wearing a blue jacket and a yellow jumpsuit. she is smiling confidently with a little pink decorative symbol appearing near her. behind her is a mostly covered up omnisexual flag, with a light pink top stripe, a bright pink first from the top stripe, a navy blue middle stripe, a perwinkle third from the top stripe, and a light blue bottom stripe. next image is kanade yoisaki from project sekai. she is a pale skinned japanese epicene with stringy white hair, a dark grayish-blue hoodie, red and black headphones, and khaki shorts. she is working at a soundsystem with a piano and a computer and is sitting in a computer chair. she is making a serious expression. behind her is the bipan flag, a four striped flag with a pink top stripe, a purple second stripe, a yellow third stripe, and a blue fourth stripe. the last image is of yuri sakazaki from king of fighters. she is a tanned skin japanese girl with brown hair parted at the middle, brown eyes, a red haramaki, a blue t-shirt and leggings, a white karate dougi over top of it, and blue gloves. she is pulling her left eye back and sticking her tongue out. behind her is the mspec flag. it is a six striped flag with a purple top stripe, a pink second stripe, an orange third stripe, a yellow fourth stripe, a green fifth stripe, and a blue sixth stripe. end image description]
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icarianiscariot · 2 years
🍁 🧡 🦚 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ if you want? But no pressure 💖💖💖 Big love!
also desktop makes some of these emojis funky so im sorry if they don't translate back to mobile emojis well (esp the trans flag)
🍁 - When did you first realize you were queer?
when i was like, twelve or thirteen?? my friends and i all kinda figured it out around the same time together so it was a very like, "hmmm i think i like Women" "oh me too" "yeah i think i'm like. Gay" casual thing (at least, it was to me)
🧡 - How has the way you presented yourself (ex. Clothing, hairstyle, etc.) changed since you realized you were queer?
well im still fucking emo LMAO. uhhh but literally now i cut my own hair and have bangs and bleach it and dye it in ways i never got to. i'd say i'm more comfortable now?? idk my style hasn't changed hugely bc i've always been a "hoodies and skinny jeans" person, but i'm def more comfortable in Formal Clothes now, like button-ups and dresses. also 13yo me would never be caught dead in shorts above the knee but here i am, somehow less Girl yet more Comfortable With Femininity ??
idk i was going to a private lutheran school and also didn't have a lot of freedom in general with my style so obviously things have changed since i've become an adult and the inherent difference in appearance that one takes over the course of a decade and adolescence. this answer is probs v different for people who realized later in life which is fair but like. my queerness has always been an aspect of my identity ever since i was at the age where i was FORMING an identity, so it wasn't like a huge game-changer for me, it just helped explain who i was better.
🦚 - Are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest?
for the anime gang, Given is a big one, as well as Sasaki To (And?) Miyano (sometimes i see the title as "sasaki to miyano" and sometimes "sasaki and miyano," idk) - both are mlm high school romances and they're SO GOOD.
the owl house is a huge one for me. our flag means death. what we do in the shadows.
technically the six of crows duology isn't like, A Queer Book (Duology) but there are explicitly queer characters and who DOESN'T love a good heist??
i'm sure i'm forgetting some, i'm VVVVV bad at recalling recs off the top of my head, and i def am too big into fandom/fanfic and know most of my media isn't Actually queer rip
on that note, if y'all ever have any queer recs, PLZZZ hmu!! i have been itching more for like. adult-oriented content like OFMD and WWDITS, with adults figuring their shit out over high school coming of age, but OBVIOUSLY high school coming of age can still slap and i still def consume it. idk if there's a mom "i'll always love you" scene in it i'll cry automatically so
🏳️‍🌈 - Do you enjoy the colors of your preferred flag? Do you incorporate it into your outfits, decor, etc.?
YES THE BISEXUAL FLAG IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT <333 blue/purple/pink is THEEE best color combo, sorry not sorry <333 there are def other pretty flags (aro and ace flags each are fantastic, love the black/gray/white with a pop of color in them sm) but i love the bisexual flag so much. i absolutely wear it frequently. i have multiple tie-dyed clothing items that are this color scheme. i love wearing it, i love dyeing my hair this combination of colors, etc etc.
the genderqueer flag is fine enough but idk i'm not a huuuuge fan of the green/white/purple (esp also now that TERFs on twitter use it to identify each other?? bc those are also the suffragette colors. suffragettes: cool. TERFs: uncool. genderqueerness: banger)
the nonbinary flag hits the aro + ace "black/white/[color]" sweet spot but at the same time it feels like the yellow and purple are from different palettes..... there's a post abt it floating around somewhere that i big agree with......... hmmm
the aromantic flag is banger as previously stated, we love to see it
🏳️‍⚧️ - What Flag do you think has the best color scheme?
bisexual flag EZ. asexual, aromantic, agender, trans, and bear pride flags are also all v pretty / good combos!!
send me some queer asks perchance (i promise not to forget them this time)
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yamithediaperdork · 2 years
Video made Kimmie a baby star
When Kim had begged, pleaded and outright whined for Wade to reverse engineer Draken's TV surfing tech, he had assumed that she had wanted to have some one on one time with one of those teen wolf/vampire/zombie whatever supernatural creature girls were gushing over these days, since she'd also had him mod it so that she could replace a star in the show instead of just being a extra.
As it would turn out he was only semi right, she did want that close up interaction but her show of choice wasn't a romance filled one but her favorite show growing up that she still loved today: the get along Kindergarten pals.She'd be taking on the role of her favorite character, a new girl with glasses and braces and a VERY special problem who was likewise named Kim/Kimmie.
"OK, I've got the tech all set to go, a auto pull out for when the tape this is on is over.. the door to my room is locked.." Kim said out loud, ticking off her check list on her fingers. "I'll instantly get the wardrobe change once I'm inside and I should have the house to myself for 45 minutes, the episodes only play together for 35.. Yeah I'm good."
Smiling brightly to herself and fast forwarding to just as the opening credits would be ending Kim hit the switch and was in, missing how 3.5 seconds after she was gone Tim and Jim opened her door.
"Only took 20 seconds. new personal best!" Jim said, smirking to his twin.
"the more advance she makes it, the easier it is." Tim laughed and then both spotted the screen.
"Ha! Knew it!" they both said in unison, having known how much of a nerd their sister was for the show and having heard wade mention the add-ons he'd made.
Setting up a take on a VCR add on to the old Kim was using (the show hadn't been popular enough to get put out on DVD) the twins smirked as they recorded their sisters frame and glory, remotely downloading it to their own computer so they could post the very special episode with Kimme as the star.
"we should of brought snacks." Jim complained as they sat on her bed.
"eh, No one's perfect." Tim replied, neither of them wanted to miss a a second of this.
Kim squirmed softly as she stood at the front of the classroom, soaking in the familiar light brown plush carpet, the blackboard and all the posters on the walls encouraging reading and how there was no I in team. She was in a pair of pink Velcro sneakers and purple leggings that came up to her mid upper thigh's, disappearing under her puffy dark pink skirt. It only looked like she was wearing a purple t-shirt though as in truth it was a purple diaper shirt she was sporting, helping to hold up the bulky white plastic diaper that was hidden for the moment.
Her hair was in twig pig tails, one with a pink scrunchie and the other with purple and her coke bottle glasses had a purple frame (though thankfully Kim could see just fine though them.
"Class, this is Kimmie. she's just moved here from Canada. what do we say?" Asked the 20 something teacher Mrs. Jewels, a kind blond haired lady who wore said blond hair in a long ponytail down her back.
"Welcome Kimmie!" the class said all together, most of them just back round extras but Kim could spot her heroes up front.
-Short spiky brown hair and wearing a ninja turtles t-shirt and blue jeans was Alex, the main male character, a helpful little guy who tried to solve everyone's problems.
-Brunette hair in a perm and green eyes and a green dress was Megan, the main female lead who was a girlie girl but one with a heart of gold.
-A little bit chunky and with a dirty blond mullet and sporting a stained red t-shirt and black jogging pants was Ralph, the former bully of the class who had been talked into trying to be a good boy.
-last but not least, with red hair also in pig tail and wearing blue jeans with holes in the knees and a sports jersey was Shelly, the best athlete in the class.
"H-Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to being friends with ALL of you!" Kim gushed, meaning it as she had wished she could of been part of their group back in the day, but would settle for the time she'd have now.
"Class I'll point this out now, Kimmie here has a special little problem, and it's one I don't want any of you to make fun of her for." Mrs. Jewels said, surprising Kim a bit as she could of sworn the diaper thing wasn't brought up until the first accident.
"Uh..Mrs. Jewels.." Kim started to speak up, blushing a little.
"Kimmie here hasn't QUITE mastered the potty yet, and still needs diapers, and doesn't always know when she needs a change. so should she smell a little bit..er.." And Mrs. Jewels paused as giggled filled the room. "Less then fresh shall we say, then you just need to tell me or point it out to her so she can come and see me for a change. can you all do that for me and little Kimmie?"
the giggles got louder but cries of "of course!" and "For sure!" filled the class room as Kim blushed and squirmed, apparently her popping in was changing things slightly.
"What do you say Kimmie?" Mrs. jewel's asked the red faced teenager who was posing as a 5 year old.
"Uh..Thank you all! and uh..I'll.." and she gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of her head. "Try not to stink up the classroom too much!!"
the kids loved that she could poke fun at herself and the pal's scooted to make room for her to come and have a seat next to them but Mrs. Jewel's cleared her throat.
"Now then, who's ready for finger painting?" She asked, and hands shot in the air, cries of "me!" filling the room and Kim got in on it, not realizing with her jumping and eagerness she was giving at least half the kids a view at her puffy butt..at least until Ralph spoke up.
"Oh! Mrs. Jewels! I don't think Kimmie's wearing her diaper! all I saw was purple when she was jumping up and down!" He cried out, trying to be helpful.
"eek!" Kim yelped and tugged at the skirt, sinking to her knees quickly. "Don't look at my butt!"
"heh..Kim Ralph was only trying to be helpful..and Ralph Kim's wearing what's known as a diaper shirt to keep her diapers nice and snug when she wets them." Mrs jewels said, and Kim whimpered. "oh Sorry Kimmie, that was more then you wanted everyone to know huh?"
Kim sniffled and nodded her head, but then she was being hugged by Alex and Megan.
"Hey it's ok! everyone has problems sometimes!" Alex said, giving her a BIG smile
"Yeah, plus you look adorable! I'm jealous!" Megan added. "Maybe I'll ask my parents for a diaper too!"
Kim could tell the little girl was lying but the sentiment was there and she couldn't help but break out into a big silly giggle.
"hehehe aww..thanks!"
"Ugh, barfaroni.. I was hoping she was gonna break down bawling there." Jim said, faking a gagging noise.
"Give it time..our machine isn't JUST recording her after all, it's making a few changes to the show.." Tim said, a evil twinkle in his eye.
"Ohhh? what DO you have planned brother dear." Jim asked, his attention back up to full.
"well, know how in the normal episode Kimmie just wets her diapers?" Tim asked, grinning ear to ear.
"No, I never really paid at- wait..you didn't!" Jim said and then shared the grin.
"yeah I did.. things are gonna get stinky~"
Finger painting had been a blast and after washing up Kimmie had been allowed to pick what they read for story time (She picked beauty and the Beast) then they were sent off to their desks (Really just long tables) and handed pencils and little journal books to write about what they had thought about the story.
Kimmie could of gone on forever but knew they were only expected to write a paragraph or so and was tapping the eraser of her pencil on her chin when suddenly her butt just got super warm.
Not quite figuring out what was happening she squirmed around in her seat, leaning forward to try and escape the heat on her bun when it got even hotter and a bad smell started to fill the room, making her wrinkle her nose.
'ew, who farted?!' Kim thought, looking around as the other kids all started to take notice of the smell now.
it was only as more and more eyes turned to her and she realized her butt felt all muddy it clicked in her head what she'd done, and it was too late for her to try and save face and fess up as Shelly raised her hand even as she spoke up.
"Mrs. Jewels, I think Kimmie made a uh-oh!" She cried out.
"oh dear.." Mrs. Jewels said, walking over and helping the blushing teen hero stand up, tugging the back of Kim' s Skirt up and patting her hand on the seat of Kim's mush filled diaper. as the super spy whined and popped her thumb in her mouth, blushing crimson and eyes welling up with tears. "Yup, I think your right.. Awww don't cry Kimmie, you're just a little girl and can't help it!"
Somehow this didn't help make Kim feel better and the flood gates opened up as not only was she lead off for a diaper change, but the get alone kindergarten pal's came with to help out.
Jim and Tim turned away in disgust, just in case the change was fully shown but thankfully it would just cut to the different kids trying to be nice, even as they made faces and one of them had the 'honor' of running Kim's smelly diaper out to the trash so it wouldn't be stinking up the class room all day.
with princess stinky changed and in a clean diaper, a semi broken Kim was brought back to the classroom, with the show only having a little bit of it's run time left.
"Huh.. you think she's gonna stay broken when she gets out of there?" Jim asked, as Kim was basically being treated like a baby doll now, mumbling and drooling on herself.
"I dunno,..Maybe. why, you think we're gonna have to look after her?" Tim asked.
"Actually I just a horrible horrible thought.. If she comes out of there and see's what we've done.. including making her diaper famous.. and she's a kick butt super spy.." Jim said, noting that the ending music was starting.
"..Oh balls. Uh.. Yeah, let's get the feck out of he-" Tim started to say, but it was too late and Princess stinky was back out of the show, and looking at them.
"Ah ba da boo?" She asked, eyes glazed and then blinking them rapidly, blushing and trying to cover up as she looked at the tweebs. "What are you two doing in my ro-" She started to ask, then noticed the whole set up they had going. "..What did you two do?"
"We love you!" the tweebs said in unison and then tried to run, but even in her thick diapies Kim was so much faster then them and had them both by the scruffs of their collars.
Looking at the comments on the now ended live stream of Kim's little adventure, and knowing that she was ruined, Kim whimpered and whined, but then got a very..very evil smirk on her face.
"You know.. one diaper princess seems to be very popular on YouTube.. I wonder how twin sissy baby princesses would do?" She asked.
"You wouldn't!" Jim squeaked out, kicking his legs and in full panic mode.
"This was all HIS idea!" Tim yelped, doing the same.
"Save it baby gurl's you both have a date with diapers.. we can do this the easy way where you take your punishment like -snort- men.. or.. I still have mind control chips and I'll have you two singing Mary had a little lamb in the park." Kim chuckled, sounding so much more evil then her current attire would of suggested.
as the tweebs started to bawl and whine, Kim couldn't help but wonder if Maybe she'd make a good super villain with a diaper gimmick.
When Mr and Mrs. Possible came home, the last thing they expected to see was all three of their children having a tea party in the living room. Kim had never been that big on them and well, the twins weren't know to be that girly.
Of course just the fact there was a tea party at all was surprising, but the fact that all three where in short princess style dresses and thick pink diapers also was a double take. (Red and green for the boys, and light black for Kim, with a gold toy crown on Kim's hear and silver crowns on the boys.
"..Do I wanna ask or just walk away?" Mr. Possible asked, smirking.
"Oh Hi Daddy, Me and the boys found out we all had a shared interest and decided to indulge in it. we're even making a few videos'." Kim said, and looked at the twins, giving them a look. "Right my little princesses?"
"..Y-Yes Queen Kimmy!" Tim yelped out.
"I still think you should be just a princess too!" Jim huffed, getting a look of amusement from Kim and one of 'really?' Tim. "What!? all things being fair.." Jim huffed.
"Heh.. Ok you can be the queen next time." Kim said.
"Well as long as your all having fun.." Mrs. Possible said though then she added. "But for the record, Your father and I did our time changing diapers. so your changing yourself."
And so from the flood of videos, all three possible kids became known as the pampered trio, with Ron having to handle more then a few smelly diapers and Bonnie trying and failing to embarrass Kim over the videos, Kim having just accepted she was a dorky big baby girl who, as she pointed out, could STILL cream Bonnie in a fight and plant her muck butt on the brat's face.
Naturally Bonnie backed down after that.
Ironically super villainy died down for the most part after Kim became diaper famous since no one wanted to be the villain that got his or her butt kicked by a diaper filling big baby who's trademark outfit had gone from a top and cargo pants to a baby dress and massive huggies.
The tweebs after awhile embraced the sissy baby life (well, Jim faster then Tim) since there was no going back and actually found themselves a pair of boyfriend's in the twin hero's Wego from team go as they were free to mostly retire again because of a lack of villains.
"Who knew that all it would take to stop the worlds villains was a kick butt pamper princess?" Kim giggled.
The end
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I tried.
For the past couple of days, I've been freaking out over this image found by @night-rise7474
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And trying to figure what sort of thing I could tie it to.
And, I think I have found it.
When I saw it, I thought of the goddess Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night, who was so powerful and beautiful even Zeus was scared of her, the guy who banged practically everything he saw despite also fearing the rage of his wife. It could also be Hecate with the whole statue thing going on, and in some older myths, Hecate was Nyx's daugter, so if could be either.
I also began trying to find things linking to Luz's name (Luz being light, and Noceda apparently being 'field of nut trees.') The most powerful source of light is the Sun, but stars could also count with the reoccurring star motif, so that could lead me somewhere.
Then, I remembered that it is set on the remains of a giant titan thing, and that Greek mythology sure loved titans. Demons are an integral part in The Owl House, Hecate did rule over the Underworld. Though it may not be a perfect fit, we can get somewhere.
So, I wanted to find someone relating to light/stars/the Sun, Nyx/Hecate, Greek mythology and possibly titans and the Underworld.
And I found multiple options.
First was Hemera, the personification and primordial goddess of the day. She was one of the daughters of Nyx and Erebus, a primordial god and personification of darkness. She had a brother called Aether, the personification of the upper sky and the pure air Gods breathe on Olympus.
It was said that Nyx and Hemera greet eachother as they past a threshold of bronze, and while one goes through, the other goes out, creating the day and night sky.
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The door Luz goes through to go to the Boiling Isles is coloured with browns, bronzes and yellows that emits a yellow glow once opened/summoned. The door is obviously Eda's with the themes and colours, but it sounds similar to this threshold with the golden glow being a sunrise or a sunset. Because I'm assuming Luz is Hemera and how she's going into the Underworld, it's a sunset and the shadow is Nyx.
As far as we know, there are only two dimension: ours and the realm the Boiling Isles is. Ours has only humans and live animals, while the Boiling Isles has witches, demons and other mythical creatures usually associated with the dead and the Underworld (also keep in mind of how witches evolved from humans, like how ghosts can.)
The Underworld is invisible to humans (note how there needs to be a physical portal for a modern human to get there,) the six main rivers: the Styx (hatred), the Acheron (pain), the Lethe (forgetfulness), the Phelgethon (fire that leads to Tartarus), the Cocytus (wailing), and the Oceanus (encircles the world and separates the east end of the Underworld from the human one.) And how it is an Isle surrounded by murky waters.
The first thing Luz notes about the place is about how weird it is that it even impresses her. Also, this was the original idea for The Owl House:
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And where do dead souls go to when they die in Greek mythology? The Underworld. It may be possible that the other Luz may be in the other world, or is the affect of the Boiling Isles taking a toll on her. Afterall, witches came from humans and didn't have to use physical means to do magic. Who knows what affect could happen to a human using and learning magic this quickly and at such a young age (with alot of power by the moon ritual, but that could also just be Willow.)
Second was Melinoë, a cyhthonic nymph or goddess as bringer of nightmares and madness. Her mother was Persephone who had sex with Zeus disguised as Plouton next to the river Cocytus. However, some context may be needed for Zeus.
In the hymn, this knowledge came from the Orphic that had the belief that Zeus and Hades were the same person (Hades in Greek mythology is described as the Zeus of the Underworld,) and two facets of the same god and divine power. Persephone was already upset at her state of being tied to the Underworld and not being able to see her mother, but her loss of virginity and the pregnancy only made it worse for her, made her child inherit her madness and union.
She gave birth next to the Cocytus (there were only four rivers in the Orphic,) She is described with the traits of a typical moon goddess: with bright, long hair and overall very wise and beautiful. She is one of the only Greek goddesses described as being "clad in saffron," the other being Hecate in the Orphic, who is pretty relevant if we're running with my other theory. If we look at Luz, she had short dark hair (that, to note, used to be long,) with a half purple top and blue-ish or purple-ish leggings, who isn't the brightest person ever. The designs are the complete opposite. In an 1887 translation by Thomas Taylor suggests her being a half black and white being from Zeus/Leuke and Pluto, adding onto the duality between our Luz and "creepy Luz."
When they say "clad in saffron," most would turn to the colour, which is a light gold. However, saffron could also be the flower, which is actually purple in colour.
Her name can be linked to the ancient Greek word "mēlinos" which means, "having the colour of quince", from melon which means "tree fruit." The colour of a quince's fruit (a yellowish green,) symbolises illness or death. Again, her last name Noceda that links to nut trees links to a quince: a fruit tree. It's also grown for it's pink and white flowers. The seeds of the fruit contain nitriles, which can turn into hydrogen cyanide (a toxic gas,) that can kill the person if eaten in a large quantity, which is an opposite of a nut which is a safe, edible, dry seed. I may be digging to deep with this one, but I thought it may be cool.
She terrifies humans by turning into night terrors that can drive them insane. She appears on a bronze tablet used for a private ritual known as magic, specifically divination (bronze was known to drive evil spirits away and protect the people performing it.) It's triangular with a hole in the middle, similar to the planchette used for the Ouija board. In mythology, triplicity and the number three is very important. Melinoë, Phoebe and Dione take up one corner of the triangle, with the word Amibousa written underneath eachothers' feet, referring to the different phases of the moon.
Last is the Phosphorus, or the morning star. In Greek mythology, it is Venus in its morning appearance. The name hasn't got a specifc meaning, but common interpretations says it means "dawn-bringer" that could link it to Hecate (closely linked to torches,) or it could be linked to Lucifer. His parents can vary from Astraeus and Eos, Cephalus and Eos, or Atlas. While some sources suggests that Hesperus (the evening star, Venus in its evening apperance,) and Phosphorus are identical but different beings, other myths say they were the same person.
This, of course, could mean that the shadow Luz is a foil of Luz's personality, or a certain type of magic or affect on her by performing so much magic. It could be a prophecy, or it could be a sort of alter ego.
By know, I think you've noticed a pattern with these options and the moon and stars. The symbol for the Blight family is a star, moon rituals are performed when the moon is full, Luz finds her second spell with the stars, the interesting scene on the roof of the Owl House living room is on the ceiling that also involves stars, and this Luz has the pattern of the night sky on her. This is my main belief as to why the main secrets are linked to Nyx and moon/star themed gods and goddesses, mainly the inhabitants of the Underworld. Since Luz means light, and is from the opposite realm, I associated her with either the sun or stars. My point is is that either she has a storm coming or is the storm.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
DIYing a Bold Hair Choice
So, as we all know, we live in troubling times. I've personally been living in quarantine-like arrangements for about a month now, and although I've been mostly doing alright, some things have proven to be hard. I was supposed to have my hair professionally cut and dyed this week, but I had to cancel the appointment, and at the moment, I don't know when I'll get to visit the salon for the next time. So, I had to take matters (or scissors) to my own hands.
I'm a DIYer, but I've never cut my own hair. I've also had it professionally dyed since I was 15 or so. For a short period, I only had it bleached and cut by a pro, but then dyed it myself with a pretty intense cool shade of red - but other than that, and a few toner touch ups, I've always relied on professionals. So I was in a bit of a pickle, when I realized that I'd have to either DIY or have my grey roots grow wild for months. And because my hair is short, the roots way too grey for my age, and I had all this time ln my hands, there was really only one way this could go.
When I go about a DIY project, my first step, always, is thorough research. I had an idea for what I'd attempt to achieve, so I went on Youtube and searched for diy haircuts. I got some good tutorials, but most of them were for long hair - and I also got suggested GMM episode #989, in which Rhett and Link battle in cutting their own hair (wigs). Can I just say, they predicted the Tiger King craze long before Netflix:
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So, I immediately figured I would not be able to follow yhe hair styling tutorials of this GMM episode. First of all, I could only find one pair of scissors even remotely sharp enough to cut hair. They were not sharp enough. Secondly, the longest part of my hair barely reaches my chin. I would need to really commit to every snip I make, or I'd end up with a bald hair style, instead of bold. As attractive and gorgeous some people are with a fully shaved head, with my head shape, that was something to avoid at all costs.
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Another thing I was worried about was that I'd probably end up cutting my own finger, like Link. I've always found it extra difficult to see my own reflection in a mirror and try to do accurate motions according to the reflection. Simply put, my brain gets confused. Also, I don't really have a way to see the back of my head through the mirror at all. How the crap am I supposed to cut anything?
At this point, I understood that the actual haircut was going to be the tough part, so I decided to focus on the dye. Since I cojldn't just go to a big supermarket to buy the equipment, I had to order the dyes online. At this point my plan was simply to buy a multitude of wild colours to mix and match according to my mood, so I ordered a tub of Midnight Blue, Daffodil Yellow, Flamingo Pink and Cerise dyes, all by the brand La Riche Directions. These dyes are semi-permanent, sonI knew they wouldn't cause permanent damage to my hair, and at this point, that was kind of my goal - whatever I do, I don'g want to ruin things too badly. But, because I'm familiar with semi-permanent dyes, and I've had pretty much every shade on the spectrum on my hair at one point, I knew I might require an extra step to see results. Which is why, "just in case", I added a hair lightening kit to my order. I figured, I'd make some lighter strands on top, to have some colours show properly.
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By the time the dyes arrived, I was already pretty fed up with my grey roots. I watched the GMMore which followed the hair cut episode. Rhett, who won the haircut challenge, got to decide what colours would go in Alex's hair. Alex had done the smart thing and bleached his hair professionally to be dyed in this episode, but he somehow agreed to letting Rhett and Link add the colours.
When Rhett explains everyone how he and Link used to dye eachother's hair back in the day, I realize that even though I'm technically watching a DIY hair tutorial, they aren't actually doing it themselves. It's quite different to put dye on someone else's head than your own. (Also, something I didn't notice back when I first saw this episode: Link says it would be crazy for him to have his hair dyed, but looking back, he most certainly had his hair dyed at this time.)
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It was slightly alarming to see that Alex was worried about how things would go. I could hardly expect to achieve anything much better than the guys, since at least they had the studio lighting and a full team to help rhem not screw up. I had a mirror in my dark toilet, which is barely big enough to stand in.
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I also forgot to buy vaselkne, which was a big mistake - although I don't think it's even possible to buy a container that big here. Why would they have that at Mythical in the first place? But something about seeing how much trouble the guys were having controlling the unmixed streaks of dye and all that vaseline made me worried.
At this point, I need to tell you that seeing the blank canvas which was Alex's hair, I, now the proud owner of a 40 % bleack kit (which apparently is the strong stuff), decided I was not going to waste energy by trying to dye my hair without bleaching, only to find out that the colours didn't show. So, I mixed the bleach, put on a worn-out t-shirt, used hand lotion to vas up my forehead, neck and ears, and then just went for it.
I did watch quite a few proper tutorials. They taught me, firstly, that 40% was a no-no. Secondly, never bleach something that has already been bleached, especially, if your hair has multiple colours. Forth, never start from the roots, as they get bleached faster (this ended up being the only rule I followed). And, above all, go to a professional.
So, I added the bleach to my hair. First I tried sticking to just a few strands, but then a blop of the bleach fell on the wrong spot, and I figured, why not just go full head. I did. I left the stuff on for maybe 20 minutes, and after that I got scared and rinsed it off. Then, I used a silver toner, and was left with a fascinating mix of orange, yellow and white hair - and a strand of persistent green from my previous dye. But it was blond enough for my plans.
Alex had a beautiful mix of blue, pink and purple in his hair - and that accidental splash of green - and after considering thoroughly, I decided to go for these colours, too. I mean, pink, purple and blue are my jam. Also, as much as I wanted to go full rainbow, I figured it would be an impossible task to keep the different colours from mixing, and that might result in brown, which is the colour of defeat. So, I went with midnight blue, flamingo pink and cerise, and wasn't too concerned aboit getting the colours mixed together.
This is how Alex's hair looked on the episode, before he rinsed the extra dye off:
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I couldn't find any good photos of his hair after it was rinsed, but tgere was one which suggested only a faint shade of blue stuck.
And finally, here's what happened with my hair. Now, I'm not posting my face here, just the hair. Imagine a white blop with green eyes below the hair, and you'll get the idea. In the first two pictures is my hair during normal times, and just before I diyed it. It looks particularly nasty in the just before hack job pic, because it was adviced not to wash your hair before bleachkng to save the scalp - but as you can see, this was not a fun thing to see in the mirror each morning:
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After I had dyed my hair, I did some snips here and there, and also, because I was able to borrow a hair clipper from my dad, some clipping - which in my books, saved the day. The haircut is pretty botched, but I actually absolutely love the colour. And the criss-cross shave despite it being pretty bad - it also looks badass in real life. The picture taken outside shows the pink colours more accurately, but the cut shows better in the other pic. There are a couple of ways I can style this later on, but I kept styling to minimum for starters, because I didn't want to cause extra damage to my hair:
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So, this has been the story of how I diyed my hair during quarantine. My mom loves the whole thing (I showed it to her yesterday while taking them groceries), and although there are some spots in the back which could have more colour in them, I'm pretty satisfied. I know my hairdresser is going to weep when she sees me, but she'll get over it.
So, in conclusion: Would I do this again? Yes, but I'd definately leave the cutting and bleaching to the pros. Also, now I can't really bleach again for a while. But I'm actually thinking about taking the dyes I have to my hairdresser so she can dye my hair properly with them, in a healthier way, once all this chaos settles and it's safe again. I'd probably need a slightly darker, permanent colour to the roots, but I absolutely love these insanely bright colours. And I'm so going to try the full rainbow this summer, too.
Would I recommend this to others? Yes, but with caution. The direct semi-permanent colours are safe and won't damage the hair, but bleach does. My hair is naturally a tad too dark to show bright colours properly, so I took the risk. I was also mentally prepared to shave the whole thing off and wear my mythical hat for the summer - but I'm happy that wasn't necessary. If you aren't willing to risk damaging your hair, stick to semi-permanents.
To end this post, here's a selfie I took yesterday on my grocery store trip in full safety gear (I have a paper mask under the scarf):
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Stay safe! Do things that make you happy! BYMB! 💗💗💗
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kindahoping4forever · 6 years
About Me
The Basics
My name is Crystal and I live in Southern California
I am: a Sagittarius sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising, INFP-T
I’m a Spoonie and am currently living with my family (and am very self-conscious about these things lol) 
I have one younger brother and he is actually the best
My hair is naturally black but I started dyeing it red in college and then ever since I moved into "fantasy colors" (pink, purple, blue, green etc), I can’t imagine ever having a real color again
In a friend group, I’m not the one who will come up with the shenanigans we get into but I am absolutely the one who will “yes and” you until we’ve egged each other on to do the dumbest shit possible
Basically I’m not much of a Lucy but I make a hell of an Ethel 
I’ve been a 5SOS fan since 2014 
Officially I am in Ashton’s lane and historically Calum has been my cheat lane but I've been having A Luke Problem since he wore that vest suit on the 10th anniversary special.
I’ve seen 5SOS live 11 times as of 2023 (MYT LA, Friends of Friends LA, Wango Tango 2019 & 2022, WWJ LA, Global Citizen 2021, TMHT Concord, LA 1 & 2 and Irvine and The 5SOS Show Tour @ The Forum) and attended Night 1 of Luke headlining The Fonda
MYT LA was probably the best night of my life (emo post here)
The short version is it rained the entire time and I couldn’t see anything because my glasses were covered in raindrops but it didn’t matter because as if it wasn’t already fantastic to sing and scream and dance to those songs with a crowd of thousands? Add a rainstorm? Fucking magic. (Also I was pretty wine drunk. It was an iconic night for many reasons.) 
Another unbelievable night for me was my experience at the LA Friends of Friends show which I finally told the outrageous story of here (spoiler: I met Ashton and then later spent a significant amount of time in his presence, I accidentally swerved Calum, I basically lost my damn mind.)
Fun(?) Facts
In high school I learned how to read music and play classical guitar but I haven’t done either in years so I don’t know if that’s still a skill I can claim lol
I studied music, media and creative writing in college (I unfortunately had to leave school due to health issues but I hope one day I can finish my degree)
I wrote my fair share of fan fiction when I was younger but never posted any online until I started writing for 5SOS so somewhere in my parents’ shed is a box full of Lisa Frank diaries filled with unimaginable filth
Besides music, movies are a passion of mine (I once went to the movies 102 times in one year!)
I also enjoy baking (cake pops are my specialty), sewing (my favorite thing I’ve ever made was a Star Trek uniform dress for Halloween) and drawing (I could -and honestly should- fill a book with these weird comic strips I’ve done about me and my brother’s adventures over the years) 
Fav music includes: Taylor, Ariana, Little Mix, Jenny Lewis, Paramore, Maisie Peters and lots of classic rock but ultimate favs would be The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac. Also basically any 2000s era pop or pop punk.
Fav movies include: Too many to list but the basics are anything directed by Edgar Wright, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Mean Girls, Back to the Future, High Fidelity, Drive, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and most Marvel, Pixar or Star Wars
Fav TV includes: I don't watch much that's current but old favs include Parks and Rec, It’s Always Sunny, The Bold Type, Catfish, Buffy, The OC, How I Met Your Mother (the finale was good, fight me), Arrested Development, Gilmore Girls, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, X-Files
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I'm getting a haircut today and I can picture my hairstylists disappointed face when she sees that I bleached and dyed it at home again 🙃
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jayraephoenix · 6 years
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Seeing as Blizzard hasn't given exact dates for everything, I've tried my best with all of the dates below. For Alchemist, I am assuming that the current game takes place in 2076. For references to where I've gotten my dates, just ask. Also, feel free to message me asking general questions on Willow, or if you'd like to roleplay with her.
Fandom: Overwatch.
Name: Willow "Alchemist" Moore.
Species: Human.
Gender: Female.
Age: 34, Born in the year 2042
Sexuality: Bisexual. Prefers men over women, but won't turn down a female's advances.
Team: Talon.
Class: Offense.
Personality: The Alchemist is incredibly motivated, and once she has her mind set on something, she will work tirelessly towards. Sometimes that something is a new formula for her chemicals, sometimes it's a conundrum created by Talon for her to solve, but more often than not, it's an objective placed before her in the form of a mission.
One of her strengths is her intelligence, but at the same time, it's a weakness; she has a quick tongue, and her obsessive nature combined with her IQ has meant that she can get into situations which are hard to escape from without getting injured. It's not uncommon for her to attempt something on the field without telling her teammates, so those working with her need to be prepared for a sudden push, or to defend her back if she miscalculated.
Surprisingly, seeing as she's on Talon's side, Willow wants to help the world become a better place in the long run. Much like Widowmaker, her mind has slowly warped the longer she stayed with Talon, however unlike the spider, it wasn't a typical brain-washing. She still has emotions, and though she lacks in empathy for her enemies, she can be reasoned with, so trying to connect with a common interest is the best way to avoid getting scorched.
Appearance: Standing at 5" 8, she's just above the average for a woman. Her natural hair colour is a light blonde, on the edge of being platinum, but it's usual to see multi-coloured streaks decorating it (the same colours as the different toxins she uses; more on those later). She has pale skin, which isn't surprising considering she's from England. Her eyes are brown, dark enough that in certain lights they look black. There are no scars marking her face, but she has a very noticeable feature (if her hair wasn't memorable enough). Her entire right arm is bionic, thanks to an accident with her work.
Usual outfit: Her normal outfit consists of a dark boiler suit, with flame-retardant gloves and pipes snaking around her right wrist, up into her bionic arm, which then attaches to the tank on her back. This holds three different chemical creations. Each has a specific colour and ability. The pipes are connected to a gun, similar to a flamethrower. She wears a double filter gas mask and goggles, to protect herself from the noxious gases she uses.
Weapons: The three different chemical mixes in the tank are purple, blue and green. Respectively, purple is a blend of oils, that will light an enemy on fire if the flame on the front is lit. It is her main attack.
Blue is an hallucinogenic, causing whoever inhales it to begin attacking their teammates, as their vision becomes warped. This is her second attack. It isn't effective against those with a face mask or filter. This includes characters like Soldier 76, but it all depends on the skin/outfit they are wearing. For example, if D.Va is in her mech, it doesn't affect her, and if Tracer is in her T.Racer skin, the gas is blocked.
Green is an acid, and can melt armour and plating. This is her ultimate, and can only target those close to her.
As well as having the hallucinogenic as a secondary attack, she can sprint like Soldier 76 can.
Specifics: All of her chemicals are completely safe to handle, even with bare skin; they only become reactive upon hitting a flame. This means that against Mei, Willow will become ineffective, and have to run away to reignite the flame on the front of her weapon.
Her arm is one of the improvements that she has gotten whilst working in Talon. She gained it via an accident with her green, acidic chemical; it didn't react in the way she'd expected during the early stages, and exploded while she was holding it. It caught her right arm, eating away the muscle there, and effectively crippling the entire limb. She wanted to be on the field, but with such a disability, doing so would be dangerous, therefore she had it replaced. Not only did it make her more effective in the long run, but it also meant that Moira had another guinea pig for a short period of time.
Background: Hailing from Britain, Willow used to work as a chemist, creating different medicines to treat the sick. After the attack at King's Row, when the Null Sector bots came and destroyed her business (Willow was aged 27 at the time, 2069), she promptly decided that she could do more than just heal the wounded caused by such fights. Instead, she could prevent the illness before it even started to spread.
With these goals in mind, she began to train, using her knowledge to create chemical weapons with the ability to burn her enemies. She started from scratch, but her persistence and perseverance meant that she put on muscle mass quickly, and learnt endurance and developed stamina. However, instead of going to Overwatch, she strayed to the side of Talon; she was no hero, and had always leaned towards the darker parts of life in her past. Not only that, but with Overwatch being illegal through the Petras Act, there was no way she could have joined them anyway.
For the first few missions she was a part of, they weren't interupted in any way; that was good, considering she was still getting used to everything. However, the first agent who tried to intercept her had no idea of what he was getting into. Soldier 76 had stopped their delivery in Dorado, and Alchemist had become obsessed from the moment she saw him. This was the start of a long journey between them, one involving both successful and failed attempts to woo/kidnap the older man.
Relationships: As previously stated, Willow wants a relationship with Overwatch's Soldier 76. However, any interaction must be left on the field, or if she were to kidnap him, because a Talon soldier in the clutches of Overwatch would be a recipe for disaster. The older man always tries to shut down her advances, but she isn't easily deterred.
The person she's closest to on her own team is probably the Reaper, because they share a lot of traits and morals which the others don't have. Not only that, but he was the first person she met in Talon, as he was technically the one who recruited her. Plus, she can pick his brains about the infamous Jack Morrison, the Golden Boy of the old Overwatch.
Apart from him, she gets on fairly well with Moira, only because of their smarts and common interest in science.
Extras: She has a tattoo on the lower half of her back, one which, if you were to ask, she'd explain was a complex alchemy table, based more on the philosophical, rather than scientific, side of alchemy. She got it when she was younger, around her mid-twenties.
Ever since her attention got directed towards the Soldier, Alchemist has been working on a new formula to try and mimic that of the super soldier serum. It's pink in colour, and while it certainly improves stamina for a short period of time, it isn't long-term like what she is hoping for. Not only that, but it has an unwanted affect of increased libido. Further tests are required on that one before it's used on the field, or that'd be a nightmare. She's also working on a way to adapt her suit so that if she's lagging or injured in any way, it'll administer a shot of Moira's healing juice; again, this is still a work in progress.
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queenofslytherin71 · 7 years
You're my home now
Chapter 4: Flashbacks.
Pairing: Bucky x mermaid reader.
Summary: Bucky Barnes discovers a beautiful stranger passed out on the beach. ( I suck at summaries.)
Word count: 2014
Warnings: None that I can think of.
A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. There's still two chapters left after this one. Enjoy.
Bucky sat at the counter, opposite Steve, both drinking their coffee. Bucky must've been on his seventh cup that morning. Bucky has been like this since he last spoke to you. Grumpy and annoyed. If only he could build up the courage to speak to you, make it all right. He hated not being around you and not seeing you smile. Whenever you walked into a room he was in, you'd avoid his gaze or just leave.
"You need to go talk to her Buck," Steve said.Bucky ignored Steve. Steve placed his mug in front of him and sighed.
"You can keep ignoring me, but you and I both know you're the one who made a mistake. This separation between the two of you are not doing you or Y/N any good."Bucky rubbed his face.
"I know Steve. It's just I don't think I can make this right. You should've seen how she looked at me. God I'd do anything to make it all okay again." Steve noticed the sadness in his best friend's eyes.
"Then go tell her."
"Tell her what?"
"Oh come on Buck. You're in love with her and it looks to me that she feels the same way. She's not going to wait for you forever you know."
"What if she doesn't want to see me? You know how stubborn she can be."
"Please. She can't be more stubborn than you." Bucky rolled his eyes, before he stood up from his chair and left the kitchen.
"Y/N's in the training room!" Steve yelled.
"Thanks!" Bucky called back, changing his direction.
"Come on Y/N it's been two weeks," Natasha said holding the punching bag still."Go talk to Barnes, he's been really sour lately," Natasha added.
"No. It's better this way. He obviously doesn't want to be more than friends." You replied as you slammed your fists into the punching bag.
"But what about the almost kiss? That must've meant something huh?"
"That was just a spur of the moment thing."
"Yeah right." Natasha snorted.
You stood still as a blinding pain shot through your head, making you almost fall over. Your eyes closed. You were in the water again. The place felt so familiar, but you couldn't place it. A school of colorful fish swim past you. You turned your head in the direction they swam and saw a silhouette of an even bigger fish swimming towards you. You heard the feint sound of your name.
"Y/N!" Natasha yelled. You opened your eyes and saw Natasha standing in front of you holding your shoulders tightly, looking very worried.
"Are you okay?" She lowered her arms to her side.
"I think so. I need to tell you something." You filled her in about the strange flashes with the headaches you've been having since your fight with the HYDRA agent two weeks ago.
After you told her everything you've seen, she was silent, thinking about what you said.
"I think this stuff you've been seeing could be flashbacks from your life before. You say you're in the water right? The ocean to be exact and Barnes found you on a beach. Maybe your memory is returning slowly?"
"I don't know Nat, it's so frustrating and don't let me even talk about the headaches. If feels like my skull is splitting in half," you said as you rubbed your temples.
"We'll figure it out Y/N. You want to continue with training?"
"You sure?" Natasha said eyeing you warily.
"Uh huh, just need some water first." You walked over to the bench in the corner of the training room and took your bottled water, hastily pouring the water down your throat. Natasha climbed into the sparring ring.
"Wow. You are thirsty."
"You have no idea," you said after you gulped the bit of water that was left. You felt very light headed as you walked over to the sparring ring. The pain returned to your head and shot throughout your whole body. You crumpled to the floor crying in agony. Natasha jumped out of the sparring ring to your side.
"Y/N! Y/N!" She yelled as she shook you. Seconds later Bucky came into the training room and saw you on the floor. He immediately ran to your side.
"What happened?" Bucky demanded from Natasha as he tried to calm you down by holding your head in his lap.
"I don't know. She earlier said something about a headache, but this looks like something else."
"Just make it stop... Please make it stop. It hurts," you begged between sobs.
"We need to get her to Bruce," Bucky said as you thrashed in his grip.
"It's okay Y/N. It's okay. Hold on." Bucky whispered. His voice sounded almost broken. You stopped thrashing as your vision blurred and the pain in your body began to make you numb. You passed out, but you vaguely remember someone lifting you up.
You were in the water and this time it finally made sense as the information of your past rushed into your head. It didn't help that it came along with excruciating pain, but you finally understood as you looked down at the bright blue tail where your legs once was.You're a mermaid. You felt like you belonged there. The ocean was so colorful and majestic. Everywhere you looked there was pink and orange coloured coral or a school of purple and green fish swimming past you. You once again saw something big swim towards you. At first you thought it was a big fish, but as it got closer you realized it was another mermaid. A much older one in fact. She had long grey hair and grey eyes that was filed with wisdom. Her friendly face you could see that was once beautiful, was now full of wrinkles. The aged mermaid smiled at you.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"Come back to us. Answer the calling." Her voice was smooth and flawless. The image of her was fading.
"What? No. Please help me."
"Answer the calling," her voice now a mere whisper as she disappeared.
"Bruce what's wrong with her? Why is she in so much pain?" Bucky asked worriedly as he pointed to your sleeping figure.
Bruce bit his lip as he stared at Bucky, Natasha, Steve and Tony that has all gathered in the lab.
"I got the results of Y/N's blood tests back a week ago and I've had my suspicious all along, but I wanted to make sure." Bruce pushed his spectacles back up his nose. The whole room was quiet in anticipation as they waited on Bruce to tell them.
"She's not human," he said flatly.
"What do you mean she's not human?" Tony asked.
"Well technically she's only half human."
"Half human, half what?" Bucky inquired.
"Half fish."
Everyone couldn't stop questioning Bruce about you, everyone except Tony. When he heard Bruce say half fish, his eyes widened with shock and realization. He quickly left the room.Bruce sighed.
"Everyone please relax. Let me explain. Y/N is known in mythology, as a mermaid. The last few months I noticed a change in her behaviour. She gets more dehydrated than any person I've seen which explains her big intake of water. When she's not in the water a lot, her body gets physically weak that's why is attracted to the pool so much. She's has regular human cells and also cells of a fish, but her fish cells have been more dominant over her human cells lately, causing her to go through pain and dehydration. She's in transition."
Bucky needed a moment to process all this information.
"It makes sense that you found her on the beach Barnes," Natasha said.
"Can we sedate her if she wakes up with pain again?" Bucky wondered.Bruce shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. It could disturb her transformation and just make the pain worse than it already is."
"Then what can we do?"
"Take me back," you said. Your voice was raw and scratchy. Everyone turned to see you awake. Bucky practically ran to your bedside.
"Doll how are you feeling?" He said as he tenderly ran his fingers through your hair.
"Weak." You smiled up at him and felt comfort in his blue eyes as you fingers toyed with the necklace around your neck.
"What can we do?" He whispered so only you can hear.
"You need to take me back to the ocean. I remember everything Bucky." Bucky looked up at Bruce and the others.
"So it's true?" You nodded.
"If I stay here I'll die. I've been out of the water far too long."
On the way to the beach you sat in Bucky's lap. The trip was short and silent. Bucky held you tightly against his chest, afraid that this might be the last time he'll ever see you again. When you arrived Bucky carried you in his arms in a bridal fashion towards the docks. Bruce and Natasha remained behind.
"I'm sorry Y/N." He whispered.
"What for?" You asked weakly. You took in a breath of fresh salty air.
"For not telling you how I felt about you that day. I was an idiot to shout at you. I know it's a little too late now, but you have to know that I love you Y/N even if this is the last time we'll ever see each other again."
You didn't answer. Bucky looked down and saw that your eyes were closed and your body still.
"Doll?" His eyes widened with fear.
"Y/N? Y/N!" He yelled as he tried to wake you. He slumped to the floor of the dock as he held you. Silent sobs racked his large frame. He whispered your name over and over again.
"Come back to me. Come back to me."
Then he did the only thing he could think. He picked you up again and walked till he reached the end of the docks. He gently placed your legs in the water as he held your middle tight. For a moment nothing happened, until he felt you stir in his grip. Your eyes fluttered open. You turned your head and saw Bucky as tears rolled down his face.
"Let me go Buck. It's okay." He didn't want to let go of you at first, but he hesitantly did. You slowly eased your entire body into the water.
After a few minutes you resurfaced. The dark circles under your eyes were gone, your skin was glowing. Your eyes were bright and full of life. You smiled up at a astonished Bucky. You raised your tail from the water for him to see.His eyes were full of wonder as he saw your tail. It was brilliantly blue and the sun shone down on your gills making it look more shinier than it already was. He was amazed at how swift and graceful you flipped your fins.
"Wow," was the only word that he could think of. You giggled. You swam towards the dock where he crouched. You raised yourself from the water and sat down beside him. He noticed the soft curve of your breast, hidden under your long hair that reached your waist. He tried to look away, but your beauty overwhelmed him.
"You're so beautiful." A blush crept along your cheeks.
"Bucky. I'm gonna have to leave for a while." He swallowed hard, knowing this was coming.
"When will you be back?" His deep voice was filled with hope.
"I don't know."
"But remember I will always come back to you," you said as you reached up to carress his scruffy cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned his face into your touch. He kissed your thumb before you pulled your hand back. You reached around your neck, taking off your necklace and placing it in his hand.
"I want you to hold on to it till I get back."
"Is that a promise?"
"It's a promise." You said before you dived into the water, leaving Bucky on the dock with your necklace clutched in his fist.
TAGLIST: @buckybear5 @yo-yo-bro-bro @elaacreditava @scarletthornrose @jmb959 @chameerah @effielumiere
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henshinherolog-blog · 7 years
Some sort of bold what applies to your muse meme
Doing this for Dorathy Ghi/Heroic King Ghidorah since I don’t have a lot of my other muse pages up yet, might do it for other muses later/
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you love hoodies. you love shorts.  dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt. shopping is torture. sad movies suck.you own a car racing game. you played with hot wheels cars as a kid. at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter. you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega. you used to be obsessed with power rangers. you have watched sports on tv. gory movies are cool. used to go to your dad for advice. you own like a trillion baseball caps. you used to collect hockey or baseball cards. baggy sweats are cool to wear. it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. green, black,red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours. you love to go crazy and not care what people think. sports are fun. you talk with food in your mouth (sometimes). you sleep with your socks on at night. you have fished at least once.
you love to shop. you wear skirts. you wear eyeliner. you wear the color pink. used to go to your mom to talk. you consider cheerleading a sport. you hate wearing the color black. you like going to the mall.you like getting manicures and/or pedicures. you like wearing jewelry.you cried watching the notebook. dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. you don’t like the movie star wars. you are/were in gymnastics. it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.you smile a lot more than you should.you have more than 10 pairs of shoes. you care about what you look like. you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes. you used to play with dolls as little kid.  you like putting make-up on others.  you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color. i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo.i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. I've been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
I've gotten lost in my city. I've seen a shooting star. I've wished on a shooting star. I've seen a meteor shower. I've gone out in public in my pajamas. I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I've kicked a guy where it hurts. I've been to a casino. I've been skydiving. I've gone skinny-dipping.I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. I've crashed a car. I've been skiing. I've been in a musical. I've caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue.I've seen the northern lights. I've sat on a rooftop at night. I've played a prank on someone. I've ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am. i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. i’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch listen to the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
Stolen From: @timestrandedodst
Tagging: @moonlitsorceress
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Here is the next chapter, I really don't know what else to say except enjoy!
(Yellow's pov)
"I'm sorry Yellow, but I can't help anymore, I've done all I've can," Steven Universe says over a diamond communicator "I'd love to keep helping you look for her, but I've got some stuff I need to do on earth, but–" I cut him off.
"No, no, I get it. You've spent a lot of your time helping me look for Blue, I'm very grateful, I'll keep you updated if we find anything" I say exhaustedly.
"Sorry, " he apologizes again " what I was going to say was, after I'm done with the stuff I need to do, I'll come back and help" he determinedly says.
I sadly smile at him, but it quickly vanishes as I say goodbye to him and hang up. I rub my tired eyes, ever since Blue has gone missing, I've been working my ass off trying to find her.
But I've had no hope, we'll expect for all the quartz's Blue Pearl found poofed on the Oasis's moon. But they don't even know where they're keeping her.
And every rotation that I've lost searching is another rotation she could be shattered or worse.
And to make matters worse, she is still pregnant. I groan at that last part. I need to get off my ass and go out and search planets.
But instead of doing that, I am currently sitting on my bed wasting time.  I let out a tired front as I get off of the bed, I summon a yellow screen and I send a message to Yellow Pearl, telling her to get my ship ready.
As soon as Yellow Pearl says it's ready hastily warp to my ship. The huge golden ship is gleaming in the sunlight, I sadly sigh as I glance at Blue's unused ship.
"I will find you" I mutter to myself. I climb up the many flights of stairs to reach the entrance of the ship. I carelessly stomp through the empty golden halls of the ship, only slowing down when I reach the cockpit.
I throw myself into the somewhat comfortable driver's seat, I take a deep breath to prepare myself as my right arm is engulfed by a golden light. I relax once the noise of the engines starts roaring as I leave the ground. The beautiful purple-blue sky of homeworld quickly changes into the inky blackness of space.
I tilt my arm more towards the right to steer the huge ship to an old galaxy the I haven't visited in eons.
(Blues pov)
I groan as I slowly sit up. The bright sunlight that pours in my small cell nearly blinds me for a few seconds. I rub the exhaustion from my eyes, I'm being very careful that I don't move my very injured arm.
It stopped bleeding a while ago, but it still hurts like a bitch whenever I move. Which is why I only move off of the bed to grab food.
Luckily, none of the fusions have visited me yet. After three days they finally gave me another pillow, a nice soft plush one! They probably think that I won't destroy this one, which is true.
I delicately comb my thin hand through my dirty hair, I gingerly put my weaker hand on my big baby belly. I'm now currently seven and a half months pregnant starting today.
I sigh as hunger washes over me, I slowly reach over from the bed to "Padparadscha" a small pink and orange plant.
I slowly grab all the small sour fruits that the plant produces. I quickly shovel all six of them into my mouth, I twitch from the very sour taste.
As soon as I swallow the last of the nasty fruit a large group of gems walks into my cell. With, of course, they're two leaders at the front.
"Finally you're awake!" Black opal says happily "We've, I mean she" Opal nods to the huge pastel fusion standing next to her "thought today would be a great day to run medical scans!"
"Yes, today we will heal your arm" the pastel fusion glares at my still bandaged arm "and check up on the gemlings," she says smoothly.
She ushers the medical gems to bring the equipment forward. "Luckily, since someone gave the command to slice your arm open," she says harshly, the smaller of the two fusions takes a few nervous steps back "we hopefully won't need to restrain you very much"
"I wouldn't say that" I grit through my teeth.
"If you thrash about, you'll only make it worse," the big fusion says gently. She presses a button the lets the medical gems into my small cell "we don't want to hurt you"
"My sliced arm says otherwise" I sneer.
"That was a mistake from someone who was having 'fun' " she glares at Black Opal with all four black eyes.
"W-well I see that I'm not needed" Opal squeaks. She quickly turns around and runs out of the room.
"Thank the stars" I quietly mutter to myself.
The big fusion only shakes her head, her long rainbow locks following her every move "I, won't hurt you. And I'll make sure she won't either"
"Cause that reassures me soo much," I say sarcastically.
"It should. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way" her soft voice sends a shiver down my spine.
"Fine, I choose the easy way" I sigh.
"Good, good, there really no reason to put up a fight. In the end, we both want the same thing" she evilly grins.
"We do?"
"In a way, I won't explain it ...but I will say that we both want the gemlings to be nice and healthy" she gestures the gems to bring the scanner forward.
I sit as still as I possibly can while they use a small handheld scanner to scan me and remove the makeshift bandaid around my now stinging arm.
I let out a low hiss as they put some sort of healing paste on it and wrap it back up. "That should clear up rather soon," a small aquamarine with a squeaky voice says.
I weakly smile at her as the other gems work on getting the scanner to work. After a few long minutes of them just pressing buttons and muttering to themselves, the small gems finally get the scanner to work.
"Sorry 'bout that boss, it's an older model so we had to convert it from solar to a fuel system" a dark blue and gold Lapis Lazuli scratches her head.
"Why did you do that?" The tall fusion slightly raises her voice.
"I'm sorry, but it's the only way we could get it to work" the Lapis shrinks back.
"Fine. It's fine. Just hurry it up" the fusion snaps. The Lapis nods and tells the other gems to hurry it up.
And finally, the scanner actually does its job for once and quickly scans me from head to toe. Only beeping when it hits my belly and my arm.
"Alright, here are the results" a Peridot hands a light green screen to the pastel fusion.
"Finally" she quietly mumbles "good news! Aside from your arm being cut open, you're perfectly fine." She shoots me a grin.
"And that means?" I lean forward a bit.
"It means you're fine, and the gemlings are growing just as intended." She hands the screen back to the small Peridot, the fusion signals all the gems to leave.
As soon as she steps past the electric field, it quickly closes, leaving no evidence of its opening.
I gently lay down on my back, careful not to disturb my arm. I close my eyes and wait for the big metal doors to close.
I place my non-injured arm in my baby belly, tracing slow circles on top. "Don't worry, Yellow will come for us soon. You two can count on it" I whisper to the gemlings and myself.
I pull the now clean and soft thin blanket over me. I stare up at the ceiling, the green sunlight from the tiny window dances across the room.
"I hope"
(Yellow's pov)
This is utterly useless.
I've been searching planet after planet, moon after moon, but nothing. No trace of any gems, gem ships, or working gem tech.
I angrily drum my fingers on the armrest of my golden throne and sloppily dodge any and all asteroids that are in my way.
And I've searched all asteroid belts and no sign of anything. I don't understand, I should have found her by now.
Their base should've popped up on the radar....Unless.....They're invisible....
Ha! Invisible! That sounds like something that Steven would suggest...Although, I do recall White asking me to stop working on something like that a millennium ago..... Unless someone started working on it again. Damn this just became a thousand times harder.
I jerk my hand off of the steering platform, causing the ship to come to an abrupt halt. I summon a screen and quickly type my theory to both White and Steven.
Even if he won't be searching I told him I'll keep him updated. As soon as that's done, I pull up the star map and locate the nearest planet.
I hastily put my hand back on the steering platform, too impatient to wait for the golden light to consume my arm I jerk my hand forward cause the ship to go as fast as it possibly can.
I slow down when I come to a very familiar area and a very familiar planet. Automatically, my ship pulls up a screen showing information about this planet.
Most of the file has been lost, except for the name of the planet (which was planet 2947). But the planet is large, hollowed out, and red.
I carefully land my ship on the ancient landing pad, it lets out a slight creak as I fully land on it. I turn off the engines and a golden bubble surrounds me.
I don't have much hope for this planet but it never hurts to look. After cycles of wandering around, I decide to go back to the ship and go to the next one.
The second planet I've searched used to be a water planet with purple water and gorgeous blue skies. But now it's once bluegrass is now murky brown mud.
If I remember correctly, this was my second colony. I cautiously cross a dried-up river bed, I kick a small rock across a field of dead grass. This is useless, nothing is out here.
It isn't until a strange, quiet, beeping noise stops me from leaving. I quickly whip around, I start a light jog back through the field until the beeping stops.
Out of the corner of my eye, a small pink object quickly looks up and disappears in the grass. I quickly chase after it, luckily the being is a very bright shade of pink so I easily find it.
I grab the small pink being, it has long fluffy pink hair that covers most of her face, with skin a few shades darker. They're wearing a short pink dress with tons of ruffles.
"Sapphire, how did you get here and what are you doing here?" I ask.
She slightly squirms in my fist, her small hands pound on mine. "Please let me go" her soft voice pleads.
I sigh and release my tight hold on her, she neatly sits in my hands with hers neatly crossed in her lap.
"I know why you're here, but what you're looking for is nowhere near" she calmly says.
"Don't give me that bullshit, if you know where Blue is, then tell me" I say angrily.
"I don't know what planetoid she is on directly, but I do know the galaxy" she tucks some loose strands of her fluffy hair behind her ear.
"Then. Hurry. Up. And. Tell. Me."
The pink sapphire stops to think, she runs her chin with her small involved hand. "You will find her in the Stracks galaxy" she grins.
I look away from the small gem to think "The Stracks..." I mutter to myself, all the anger quickly seeps out of me. My eyes slowly slide back to the still grinning gem "I don't think I've heard of that galaxy"
"It was where White Diamond's first few colonies (besides homeworld) were. Most didn't have any materials, so they were spared" The pink Sapphire says "I suspect that she is on one of those spared planets"
"Thank you. Thank you so much!" I chirp.
"My pleasure" she grins again.
"I do have one question" I set the little sapphire on the ground "why are you here?"
"We both have someone to look for, and I highly suspect that she is here" the pink sapphire brushes any of the dirt off of her dress and floats away.
"Umm, good luck" I quickly say before I turn around and head for the ship.
Don't worry I'm coming Blue.
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