#I've never queued anything before I hope this works!
firemenenthusiast · 4 months
okay so uh hiii, first off I just wanna say you're writing is top tier, I consider you one of the best writers for Archie's characters, keep up the good work 🩷 ! second off all, the jann fic where he calls the reader mama has plagued my mind for DAYS, like literal brain rot I swear (in a good way tho lol). like I even went on character.ai and got him to call me mama on there like I'm truly down atrocious for subby jann because of you, you must've unlocked something in my brain or something 😭😭.
i don't know exactly if I'm doing this right so if I'm not just let me know and ill try to redo it but i was wondering I could make a request for you to write a few drabbles (if that's the right term, probably not) about casual dominance with subby jann please 👉🏾👈🏾, like not all of them have to be sexual, but best believe I'll have no issue with that lmao. again, I've never done this before so if it's like shitty, all over the place, and makes no sense I apologize 😭. I know you have a couple fics and stuff queued up and other things keeping you busy so no rush or anything.
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domestic sub!jann
he’s a subby man, even casually. here’s some domestic headcannons of my little whiskers meow meow jann mardenborough (gt movie)
a/n: thank you anon for your kind words and request ! SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG 😭🙏🏻 i hope this is what you imagined when writing the ask :] also jann calling reader mama was stuck in my head until i actually wrote it. and i WILL do it again
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- let’s start off by agreeing on the fact that jann is the clingy one in your relationship
- he’s a busy man, especially at the height of his career so whenever he’s home, he just wants to rest his head on your lap in front of the tv
- he NEEDS you to run your fingers through his hair, or gently caressing the back of his head or he’ll take matters into his own hands
- and by that i mean he will grab your hand and place them in his hair himself, but sometimes you just want to tease him. you would constantly pull your hand away each time he’d grab it and he would whine until you give up
- jann’s a snuggler cuddler. he would snuggle himself in your chest whenever you guys cuddle eventho he’s so much bigger than you. he doesn’t care, he just needs to be wrapped snuggly by your arms in your embrace
- jann does silly things at home with you, including opening his mouth at you whenever you eat together, asking you to feed him. then when you actually do he’ll chew his food with a smile that squints his eyes
- other silly things he does is INSISTING on brushing your teeth together after waking up. you’d be getting out of the bed when he’s still chilling around and he would SCRAMBLE out of the duvets to follow your back, like a puppy
- while on the topic, he really acts closely to a puppy around you
- you getting up to go get something from the fridge ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- you pulling his head off your lap to go to the toilet for a moment ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- if you’re slipping on your coat with the trash in your hand at the door ? he’ll go: “im coming with you”
- he knows that you’ll just make him go himself if he offers to carry it so he wouldn’t take the trash off your hand until AFTER you’ve reached the end of the hallway, before the elevator. just so he could go on that little walk with you
- you’ve never felt annoyed or irritated with him, you’ve grown accustomed to his clinginess. if anything you’re happy that he is the way he is cuz it’s not often that he’s home because his busy schedule
- he SO would beg you to play GT with him. he even bought you your own racing wheel and display, and built your whole set up in your favourite colour just so you could play with him
- you guys have your own racing room just sophisticatedly equipped with both of your set ups, a frickin fridge and a crazy sound system.
- he actually uses the sim a lot to practise, and would follow you around the house, watching you do stuffs that you told him you’re going to be busy for that you wont be able to race with him, until you’re done. THEN only he would be willing to practise happily
- if he’s feeling extra clingy ? he’d ask you to sit on his lap, facing him, just clinging onto him like a koala bear while he races
- you’re his first ever serious girlfriend, so he really cherishes you every second he could. scenario of you breaking up with him flashes before his eyes whenever you’re upset
- ego ? dont know her. he’s willing to kneel and kiss at your knees, begging for forgiveness while you sit on the couch, clearly upset with something he’d done
- most of the time it’s just you being jealous of him entertaining his fangirls, him taking selfies with them, sometimes they’re pressed up too close to him
- you love that he’s nice to them, and that he’s loved by many, but you couldn’t help but feeling jealous
- he knows you’d be, so right after the crowd dissipates he’s quick to go to you, pulling at your folded arms.
- “are you mad at me ?” “no”
- then he would rest his head at the crook of your shoulder until you give in
- jann’s also really sulky. he doesn’t really show it, but you’ll know. he’s not the type of person to be giving you the silent treatment when he’s sulking but you’ll notice he’s distracted. he would still do things with you or for you, just quietly
- sulking jann would include avoiding eye contact. jann is generally quite shy with other people, but with you he’ll make eye contact all the time. he would smile and just look into your eyes until you blush, then he’d chuckle. so when he’s struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you know something’s upsetting him
- you know how i mentioned he follows you everywhere ? so that also applies to when you go shopping for clothes. he’s your personal hype-men, a functional one at that too
- he’s not that type of boyfriend that just waits outside the store, just waiting for you to be done. if anything he’s more excited to walk into your favourite stores than you 😭 cuz he knows there’d be new clothing line that you’d want to try on
- he gives legit opinions too, he knows what type of clothes you like, the materials, the cuttings, you would be hearing him say things like: “that looks pretty but are you comfortable?” cuz he notices it’s made with material that you don’t like
- when it’s his turn to buy clothes he lives for your eyes, and your eyes only. you have a vision in mind for the clothes or outfits that you think would make him look cute, so you’d assemble an outfit at the store for him to try on. he’s not picky, he’ll get anything that you say makes him look handsome.
- guys im genuinely tweaking i need him to be my boyfriend
- both of you have your own careers so sometimes his racing schedule clashes with your work, but it doesn’t happen often
- when you actually have a very important thing to attend for your work, and he has a race on the same day, he’ll get really sad that you’re not gonna be cheering him on, or that you’re not gonna be there when he’s done
- you try to finish your work as soon as possible when he has a race, to come to his racing venue. you mostly work remotely, so you’d just finish your work in the hotel room before going to see him. you’re his emotional support, and he’d be really happy if you get to watch him on the track.
- one time he’d been informed that you wouldn’t be there because of work, and he was really sad, pouting his lips, shoulders dropped and all (he’s dramatic like that) but he’s understanding of your work, so he went and raced the best he could so he would get to tell you all about it after you got home
- unbeknownst of him, you finished early that day and were able to catch him on the track. when he got out of the car he noticed your face on the track displays, watching him from the vip viewing area, cheering him on.
- he was quick to take out all his comms wires to go see you, meeting you halfways as you were also running to go see him
- he’s a whole golden retriever puppy boyfriend, who becomes really subby in bed, whining and whimpering underneath you <3
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mrsstruggle · 3 months
All The Good Girls Go To Hell - Prologue // Harry Potter AU
Summary: It's been a year since the war ended. Cedric Diggory is found dead and in debt to The Damnation. His sister, Y/N Diggory, offers to take her brother's place in The Damnation to pay off his debt, but things become complicated when she starts to develop feelings for the two handsome leaders.
[OC version on Wattpad]
Pairings: Y/N x Fred Weasley, Y/N Diggory x George Weasley (separately, not together because I will not write that)
Series Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else), and A Lot of Smut!!
Words: 1.5K (this is short but chapters will be longer!)
Note: This is a Harry Potter AU. This is set after the war.
Another Note: Cedric was not killed during the Triwizard Tournament, but he was tortured at the cemetery.
[I had this queued for 7PM, but it didn't post :/]
All The Good Girls Go To Hell Masterlist
Standing outside the infamous joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Y/N Diggory never felt so out of place. She has a briefcase in one hand and the other nervously tugging at the end of her short, red dress in hopes that it would somehow get longer. She needs to go inside, but she can't find the willpower to get her legs to move.
Kids run past her, shouting and laughing, as their parents rush after them into the shop. There are more people out than she thought there would be. She chose to come as close to closing time as possible hoping there would only be a few people here. She wonders if it stays this crowded or if it's because the kids return to Hogwarts in a week.
"Are you actually going to go inside, or are you going to stand out here all day?" Y/N jumps slightly and quickly looks to her side to see where the voice is coming from. She locks eyes with a handsome redhead who is now standing to the left of her.
"I'm supposed to meet someone inside, but my legs seemed glued to the sidewalk for some reason." She nervously jokes.
The guy chuckles lowly. "Do I need to see if I can find something to get the glue off," he quickly retorts.
Y/N snorts out a laugh as she looks back down at the ground. She notices that he's wearing a thick, black pair of combat boots. As she looks back up at him, she observes that he doesn't look like the type of guy who would come to a joke shop. With his black tactical joggers paired with a plain black t-shirt, he seems out of place, but she knows he could say the same thing about her.
"Hopefully it will just wash away with my nerves," she brings the briefcase in front of her so she can grip the handle with both hands, "I don't know if you can tell but I've never been here before."
He glances down at her briefcase before shifting his gaze back up, "I wouldn't say it's too obvious, but you do look a bit overdressed. What's in the briefcase?"
"It's nothing," she chuckles nervously. "Would you believe me if I said I was trying to start a new trend?"
"Not at all but if you don't want to tell me you don't have to. My name's Charlie by the way."
"I'm Y/N."
"Well, I've got to get to work but it was nice to meet you."
"Yeah, you too." Y/N watches as Charlie walks into the joke shop and disappears into the sea of children.
She takes a deep breath as she tries to remember what Hermione told her to do. She needs to go inside and get a Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats. Take it to the front counter and ask if it comes in red. She remembers that Hermione told her to specifically ask "Does this come in red?" and she can't ask any other way.
After standing in place for a few more seconds, Y/N finally wills her legs to move and opens the large entrance door. If she thought the sound of children screaming and laughing was loud from outside the shop, it was even louder inside. Kids were running around—going from stand to stand—checking out whatever caught their eye. You would think it was the shop's opening day, but it's been open for years.
Y/N moves to the side as a group of boys run past her towards the back of the store. She looks around hoping to see what she's looking for, but there are too many people in the store to see anything else other than people. Right now, she's cursing Hermione for not giving her instructions for where the hell to find a Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats.
She slowly weaves her way through the crowd as she searches for what she's looking for. She can feel her nerves get more and more on edge as people bump into the briefcase she's holding.
After walking around the store for another ten minutes, she finally spots what she needs. Tucked into a corner of the store, behind what appears to be love potions, she finds the Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats. Y/N grabs the box closest to her and makes her way to the checkout.
As she approaches the checkout, she silently thanks the universe for there not being a line. She quietly approaches the blonde girl standing at the checkout and sets the Penelope's Purple Pussy Cats on the table, "Um...does this come in red?"
Y/N's heart starts to race as the girl stares at her silently. Did she say the wrong thing? Is this one big prank to make her look like an idiot?
The girl, Verity (according to her name tag), entered something in the cash register before turning back to her, "Three Galleons."
Y/N quickly dugs into the purse that is hanging from her left shoulder. She slams three Galleons onto the counter, wincing at how harshly she set them down.
Verity slowly scoops up the Galleons and puts them into the register. She closes the register as her other hand dings a bell right next to it. The ding rings loudly throughout the store.
Y/N's hands tap nervously on the briefcase's handle as she waits for something to happen. Hermione told her that someone would come and take her to where she needed to go, but is she supposed to stand here and wait or is she supposed to step aside somewhere?
"Bill will take you to find what you need," Verity says as a tall redhead—who, other than the large scars across his face, looks like the one she met earlier—emerges from the sea of people around the store. He stops when he's next to Y/N.
"Follow me," he says gruffly. He turns and starts walking toward the back of the store. Y/N tries to follow as closely as she can so she doesn't lose him amongst the crowd.
As they reach the back of the store, Bill opens a door with a sign that says 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' and gestures for her to follow him inside. Walking inside what appears to be a large storage closet, she watches as he easily moves a large shipping crate labeled 'FRAGILE' to reveal a trapdoor on the floor.
As he opens the trapdoor, Y/N can hear loud music and see flashing lights coming from the now-open hole in the floor. Looking a little closer, she can see an enclosed stone staircase that seems to spiral down into somewhere unknown. She looks up to see Bill looking at her expectantly—like she was supposed to just be okay with walking down into an unknown place underneath a joke shop.
"Are you going to go in?" Bill asks her.
"Yeah, obviously..." she looks back and forth from him to the staircase nervously, "Are Fred and George down there? If so, how do I find them?"
Bill's face somehow turns more serious than it was before, "What do you need with Fred and George?" He glances down at the briefcase in her hand before looking back at her face.
"I need to speak with them," she replies, straightening her posture a little to look more confident.
"About what?"
"That's none of your business."
Bill sighs, "Look, I don't know what you want from them, but they don't like to mix business with pleasure. If you need to speak to them about business, you'll need to make an appointment with Verity. If need to speak with them about something else," he looks her up and down, "you should be able to find them quite easily. Just don't come back crying when they don't see you again."
Y/N scoffs in disgust, "I'm here to talk business, and I won't be making an appointment. It's important."
"If it's so important, why can't you tell me?"
"Why would I tell you?"
"I'm their brother, and I'm the one holding this door open for you. I can easily close it if I'd like."
Y/N sighs as she contemplates what to do. Does she tell him why she's here? Does she turn around and come back another time? She doesn't know how many people know about her brother's involvement with the twins or about what he did.
"I need to talk to them about Cedric Diggory," she says, trying to look as serious as possible. Y/N notices Bill's jaw clench in anger when she says Cedric's name.
"What about Cedric?"
"I'm here to pay off his debt."
Bill scoffs, "What? He decides not to show up today and sends some girl in to pay off his debt for him. It's going to take a lot more than whatever's in that briefcase to make up for what he did."
"Well considering he's never going to show back up again, this is the best they're going to get." Y/N shrugs.
"What does that mean?"
"He's dead. Cedric's dead."
@xxemmarldxx @esposadomd @ladyjenjay
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silverfoxstole · 4 months
OK. Right. I've sorted my panel photos, which I'll start posting tomorrow (I won't bombard you with them all at once!), so I can get my thoughts straight about yesterday. This is going to be long; sorry! I'll divide it into two parts so that those who want to skip my wittering and just see the pics can.
I hadn't actually thought I'd ever go to a con again; my last one had been back in 2009 and they've got a hell of a lot bigger since then, which sort of puts me off as I don’t really like crowds, and living as I do right down on the south coast they're usually too far away. However, when back at the end of January an ad popped up out of the blue on my Facebook feed informing me that Paul would be appearing at Portsmouth Comic Con (less than ten miles from me) my heart skipped a beat and I started wondering whether I'd be able to go. Of course, there was nothing stopping me but I wasn't keen to go on my own, and I knew my DW-and-anything-else-related-to-scifi-fantasy-etc-hating sister would never agree.
When not long later I saw Sylvester was going to be there as well I mentioned it to my friend P (with whom I’ve attended cons in the past), lamenting that I had no one to go with and not really expecting her to suggest that she try to come down from Manchester so we could go together but to my surprise she did and so the tickets were duly booked. Fast forward to about three weeks ago, unfortunately, and things started to go - literally in this case - off the rails thanks to a driver's strike and then engineering work that meant no trains into Portsmouth for the 11th and 12th and P very reluctantly having to drop out because she wouldn't be able to get down here and back in time for work on Monday. Still wanting to go but not really wanting to do it alone I had no choice but to ask sis to come with me, which she very gamely did and I owe her. Big Time. It’s really not her thing and I know she didn't enjoy it at all. She works in town and made me stand on the outside in the queue in case she saw anyone she knew!
I had been worried about how I was going to react as I do suffer from anxiety and I've not been amongst crowds since before Covid, but much to my surprise I was completely relaxed, even when talking to the guests; I'm obviously long past my 'OMG it's Paul!' phase (thank goodness!) and instead it was a case of 'Oh, yeah, there he is, and Sylv and Sophie (a later addition, and one I'd been hoping for) too.' I don't know whether it's because they're so familiar or I just got used to actors popping in when I worked in a shop near a theatre, but it was easy and I'm so glad! The reflexology session I had in Thursday might have helped keep me calm, too; if you’re feeling tense I recommend it!
I had only previously visited the Guildhall for concerts (sis knows it better as she's had to do presentations to the city council in the past) so it was rather odd to be in there during the day. I have to say that I think they could have put aside more room for the guests as it was difficult to work out who was queuing to see who (ho ho). It was very warm and the setup also made taking photos a bit awkward with people having to dance round each other a bit. We went to see Paul first (of course), and when he clocked me in my NotD cosplay he leaned back, smiled and announced 'It's like lookin' in a mirror!' I honestly can't remember exactly what I said in response to that! Probably nothing that coherent! He asked if I'd made it myself, which gave me a neat opportunity to present the gift I'd made for him: an Eighth Doctor bear and Mr Bush bear.
I think i've wanted to make bears for Paul ever since I put together the first one nearly three years ago, but I never thought I'd get a chance so when I knew I'd be going to the con I started planning. I was originally just going to do the Doctor, and make a Seven bear for Sylvester, but as they were coming to Portsmouth I decided to do Bush as well since I can’t imagine Paul gets a lot of Hornblower-related gifts. Of course, when it was confirmed that Sophie would be there I had to make an Ace bear too and here they all are before I packed them up yesterday morning, sitting on the bags i'd also run up to put them in (not pictured, my terrible embroidery name tags to help me tell who was who):
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I'll do some more detailed posts so you can see them properly another day, but I was so pleased with they way they turned out that it was really hard to give them up! At least I knew they'd be going to good homes!
When I gave Paul the bag he just looked at me in surprise and went 'Is that for me? Can I open it now?' and there was a smile on his face as soon as he saw what was inside. 'That's my career! Doctor Who and Hornblower!' He absolutely loved them, couldn't believe I'd made them and told me 'I have a room where I keep all the gifts I've been given, and these are going to take pride of place.' I couldn't wish for more than that! Well, maybe a photo of him with them but it was busy and I didn't like to ask and possibly hold things up. I hope he's found the alternative Dark Eyes outfit that I added for Eight bear as I had some fabric leftover from my jacket; the sonic for that one took a bit of ingenuity!
He asked about my costume again while we were getting into position (for want of a better term) for a photo and commented that so many people are paying someone to make their cosplays now and spending a hundreds of pounds, something I'd guess he finds quite astonishing given the incredulous look on his face when he said it. I could be wrong, but I got the impression that he likes to see what different fans have come up with; there are a lot of people who seem to be patronising Steven Ricks since Paul got his remade costume last year, which I can understand because the man is a brilliant tailor, but sometimes it must be a bit like seeing clones.
Jen took the photo and we were about to leave it there but then this strangely confident person I found inside me asked Paul a question:
‘Can I be cheeky?’
‘Can I give you a hug?’
‘Of course!’
Well, if you don’t ask, you don’t get! (says the woman who hates asking for things in shops) He gives very good hugs. 🥰
I did manage to let him go (it wasn’t easy!) and he thanked me again for the bears before we moved on to see Sophie, which involved going round to join another queue in the same small space. Confusing? Yep!
I don't know who here has met Sophie Aldred but you should because she is so, so lovely. Ace has always been one of my favourite companions and I was so pleased when I saw she would be coming. I'd already started an Ace bear with the intention of giving it to Sylvester with his, but of course that got changed and Sophie was smitten. She looked really closely at it, remarking on the little details - 'Oh, it's even got the plait. And a rucksack and baseball bat!' - and sat it proudly on the corner of her table, where I assume it stayed for some of the day. Apparently it's the best Ace bear she's ever seen - you can't get a better accolade than that! (My head was swelling somewhat by this point, by the way. I don't like to blow my own trumpet but I don't often get so many compliments, and never in such a short space of time, so i hope you can forgive me for including them.)
Last but not least, of course, there was Sylvester, which meant another queue in the same space, which was just daft as because their tables were next to each other you didn't know whether people were waiting for him or for Paul. I'm sure that could have been organised much better than it was. In the same section there were also two chaps who had somethng to do with Star Wars who weren't getting much attention at all which was a bit awkward. They haven't gone back today and I can't blame really them.
I've wanted to meet Sylv for years and he didn’t disappoint. He liked the fabric the bag was made from because its starry night pattern was similar to his waistcoat, which admittedly was why i bought it in the first place. When he got it open and saw what was inside he said 'Oh! I'm a little bear! That’s lovely!’ and when I said I'd made one for Sophie too leaned round trying to see it on Sophie's table. I half wish I'd made a set of both for each of them now but that might have been overkill, and I would have needed a rucksack of my own to transport them all; my bag was full to bursting as it was. Maybe if I see them again I’ll give Sophie a Doctor bear and Sylvester an Ace. As it stands I am so, so pleased that all three of them liked something I'd made so much, and Sylvester and Sophie were both also taken with the cartoons of the Seventh Doctor and Ace that I asked them to sign.
Phew! If you've reached the end of this, well done! I know I have tendency to ramble on and I commend your stamina! I'll put the photos in a separate post but I was one happy camper, especially as just afterwards i got another compliment on my costume and was asked to pose in the TARDIS! We didn't stay the whole day as it was hot, I'd pretty much seen what I wanted to (the Doctor Who 'exhibition' was just a few monster replicas, most of which weren't that good, unlike the really impressive experience they had last year for the 60th and which I would have loved to see. And there were no daleks! My ambition to hug a dalek sadly remains unfulfilled *sniff*) sis had developed a headache, but I'm very glad I went. 😀
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itsyagurlchip · 6 months
today i'm gonna post all of my recent works- I hope you guys love it! because you all deserve it.
im not gonna say i did my best on all of these, but this is the most ive made in a little over a month. (I started this around feb 27th) and im super proud of myself!
ive had this funk around my mind for a LONG time, until the people around me started to push me out of it.
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and that includes you guys as well! Im so glad to have met you all, happy 80+ followers!!!
the posts after these are gonna be queued, around 3-5pm CT, and they are filled with my preferences on headcannons and oneshots, just so you can get to know me a little better.
in them you'll find some fictional characters i'd really love to be in a relationship with, loose drafts, some inclusive things ive never written before, and overall diversity compared to the things i've written before. some may have a sprinkle of my personality, others with a handful of my culture. it doesnt matter! read to your heart's content.
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if the reader doesnt relate to you at all- oh well. not trying to be mean or anything- but these are my preferences. These are things that I want to see. if you want something more, please request it.
and yes I do understand the difference between cannon and head cannon (I think about it all the time!) so therefore, some things may not make sense. unless there's context ig.
speaking of- i need more reqs TT-TT (sorry for asking, ive just been getting a lil drought recently)
back to it- you may also see the occasional digital art, depending on what's gonna happen. (im currently writing this on march 1st) and i'll finish it off with some new playlists ive been brewing up for a minute!
i may also need someone to remind me to add the links to the masterlist, as well as VGL💜. If someone could do that I will be eternally grateful
and thats it!
a few things I recommend while reading:
1) I know this sounds super specific, but my works were made with canary, but they all look better in goth rave (you can change the colors when you press dashboard on the pull out menu) 2) have an open mind! while I don't know much, or haven't researched, let me know if some of the things I describe are inaccurate. (this also includes grammar and typos!) 3) have a lil snakie snack. those who don't drink water aren't welcome past this point 😡✋🏾✋🏾
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i just want to show you my appreciation for you all, and what better way to do it than doing what i started this blog for?
have a wonderful day my twizzies
(yes that is what im calling you all now, cope.)
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice. if you would like to be added, check my blog.
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flutter2deceive · 25 days
Bitching about financials and job things under the cut
My company announced like 2 months ago that our jobs are being eliminated, but it's like this nebulous thing because they're outsourcing and we need to transfer all our products, so my end date isn't until 3/31/2026. Like that's so far in the future and I'm gonna get severence (at end date, i will have worked there for 20 years literally over half my life) + a retention bonus, so I'll be ok for a little while after the fact i think i hope
But anyway i decided to immediately start cost-cutting 2 months ago:
•canceled subscriptions (canceled hulu, paramount+ (i have a plex server hookup anyway), canceled ubereats (and also stopped ordering from them altogether), canceled or went down a level on my minimal patreon subs)
•signed up for Shell's rewards system (it's literally free and you save at least 20cents/gallon every single time and sometimes more without having to spend any money you just click a button and boom extra 10cents if you fill up on a specific day.)
•haven't done *any* fun online shopping or regular store shopping for that matter
•severely cut down my fast food spending (i'm sorry taco bell ily), and as my friends are in similar financial woes, we've stopped ordering food every weekend and opted to make cheap dinners where we each bring some small component like 1 brings pasta 1 brings sauce 1 brings garlic bread
•this isn't a recent change, but i never go out anywhere for like drinks or to see local comedy shows like i used to frequently do. I'm a homebody who goes into the office twice a week and goes to my best friend's house on saturdays and just sits at home the rest of the time
Even with all that!! My debit card is at $26, my 1 credit card is $3 away from its limit, the other is $21 from its limit. I *thankfully* get my paycheck at midnight, but like... woof!
Last paycheck i was down to less than $100 the day before as well. It's so mind-boggling to me that it's this bad. Partially because I've had some unfortunately-timed plumbing issues and had to pay a pricey deductible (but glad i have the insurance obv cuz of how much the total cost would've been otherwise.) But also partially cuz i feel like shit is so much more fucking expensive than it's ever been!! And the last gallon of milk i bought and properly refrigerated went sour like a full week before its expiration date.
I have a decent job and make pretty good money (for now at least.) I have made several cost-cutting measures recently. I feel like I don't *do* anything. And it literally doesn't matter!!
My best friend who has an equally comfortable job told me he had about the same amount of $ as me to last him til his next paycheck too.
And on top of the financial stress, i am so fucking stressed at work because no one knows what they're doing and i keep getting roped into things at the last minute with an IM that says "hey got time for a quick call?" And then i end up having to put together a complicated spreadsheet that is needed by end of week. Why didn't you fucking ask sooner than 2pm on a thursday?! Oh cuz someone who will still have a job at the end of this didn't do what they were supposed to? Ok sure I'll get right on that. And I do. I do get right on that and have it back to you within a couple hours. Because i stupidly care about my job.
Ugghhh i hate everything atm... Except i was able to livestream my favorite singer Terri Clark's debut concert at The Ryman tonight. And i have a ton of Fran/CC fanfics queued up to read. And the Ghosts discord is constantly coming up with the cutest scenarios for H$, my current otp. And i am off the entire next week because next Friday is my birthday. And my dog is snoring.
So i guess it hasn't been such a bad day after all, Charlie Brown... or some such sentimental nonsense 🙃🙃🙃
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transmurderbug · 11 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
I'm finally on time! :D Thank you Kat @mybrainismelted for the tag! 💙
Name: Sky
Zodiac Sign: Pisces ♓︎
Personality type in enneagram, myers-briggs, or both: I only know that I'm supposedly INFJ-T
Before we hit the road, what snack are you gonna bring for our trip? Hmmm. Chocolate of any kind, chicken nuggets and sandwiches. 🍫🥪
Navigator gets to pick the music so what song are you turning on? I'll definitely be annoying and put on a whole musical 🎶 (most likely The Phantom of the Opera 🤫). Apologies in advance
What is a universe from a fantasy tv show you would like to visit? Supernatural and Alagaësia (Inheritance Cycle) 🐉 (technically it's only a book series yet, but the TV show is in the works, so it counts)
And what about a fantasy movie? I have no idea. Maybe James Cameron's Avatar universe? I'd love to see Pandora.
Okay, how about a sci-fi tv show? I don't think I've ever watched a sci-fi show, so I have no idea about this one. I'm open to suggestions though 👀
And a sci-fi movie universe? Ehh. I've never been too involved in sci-fi movies either, but I grew up in a Star Trek household. So maybe there 💫
Any other tv show or movie universes you'd like to swing by before we move on? Buffyverse. And HTTYD. All the way 🫡🧛‍♂️🐉 I'd probably never leave the latter.
Okay hold on to your butts we're switching gears to fanfic universes. Tell me which fanfic universe we're visiting first? Anything and everything. I have way too many favorites.
Cool, do you have one more you'd like to stop at before we head home? Who says I'm leaving?
Alright, on our way out of fanfic land you get to snag some tropes to bring home and apply to your own life, think fast! Fluff, Healing Together. Comfort. Endgame. Basically the opposites of what I usually go with 😆
Wow okay, hope those tropes work out for you!! Our adventure has finally come to an end, where in the world am I dropping you off? Budapest... but if anyone needs company somewhere else, I'm more than happy to tag along 😁 0-0-0-0-0-0-0
These were hard! 😮‍💨 Tagging some cool people, because I'm finally on time 😏 Have a go, or take some of my cake 🥮😌 or both
@jrooc @francesrose3 @spacerockwriting @deathclassic @bawlbrayker @meagaboooo @dynamic-power @steorie @transmickey @stocious @gardenerian @suzy-queued @crossmydna @juliakayyy @heymrspatel @ian-galagher @creepkinginc @energievie @palepinkgoat @thisdivorce
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kincord-kinhelp · 4 months
hello! could i request a recipe board for a jonathan sims (the magnus archives) fickin? i'm not totally sure how they work, as i've never requested one before, so apologies if this is vague- it just sounds very interesting. thank you very much :}
Hi, mod martyn here, we weren't sure if you had any allergies, or preferences or anything of the sort so we went by a simple little chart!!
Something you can snack on-
Something cold-
Something sweet-
Something for dinner-
Something for lunch-
Something for breakfast-
Something silly-
We really hope you enjoyed it cuz we really enjoyed making it!!
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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Morning, besties. Ya girl is back from her hiatus 1 day early, but only to update y'all beautiful souls about what's going on.
Did u miss seeing me and Zarina on ur dash (say yes 🔪)? ;)
I had the time to just chill out, concentrate on my real life, and understand that I'll be doing some things differently. I over-hoarded drafts and asks. Every year this happens, and I just never fucking learn, but I'll try to take my time to sort out everything. This means that I'll be looking through my endless list of drafts and finally replying to them (thank u brain for finally working).
I have a queue prepared to start tomorrow until 17-18th for now. It's 3 posts per day, but I'll keep it to 2 posts per day after 18th of March. I'll be absent today as well, even though I came back but it's like... Update-update. Still not going to reach out regarding plots because I'm still not back with those thoughts and ideas.
If YOU have ideas for plotting, through them at me!
It was SOOOOO NICE to take a break from Tumblr and just? Play games? Read books? Just vibe. Also re-connect with some of Zarina's personality traits that I've let to float around. Now, thanks to PTN, I finally understand how to write some of Zarina's apathetic sides and it made me super happy. I'll also post some of the metas I finally sat down to write. I just might continue this type of existence for the whole month of March due to how much I need to do.
I probably will be giving myself like week-long rests without Tumblr on my phone. I'll probably still take a bit of a long time to rest and not really communicate with anyone yet because I still feel like I need a bit more time there. I'm still playing games but I'm also especially busy this month (graduate school registrations, essays, recommendation letters, applying, all of that jazz). 'Cuz of that I'll probably full-on rely on queue. And yes, I wrote things over my hiatus because I just cannot leave my girl alone lmao. Thank u Google Docs for existing.
Hope y'all are safe. I've got things already queued. Today's gonna be a busy work day, and I've got a call with one of the universities before my application to ask some questions, yahoo! Have a fantastic day. Just know that the activity will only be continued through queue for now. I'll also try to limit my ooc posting because I think the amount that I posted made ME overwhelmed as well since I want to have more IC content to interact with people and not make others feel like I forgot or worse. I really was burnt out and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone, made them feel forgotten, or I made them annoyed with my activity/words/ooc posts.
I still struggle with replying to people socially/ooc-ly even in real life, but I'll try to do better. Over the course of my previous job, I was over-stressed but I also... lost touch with many people. And I didn't chase them because, yes, I didn't keep in touch and it was my fault. However, I will do my best to not let this happen again. I cannot promise anything as I still do not have stability in my life (and didn't have for the last, what, 5 years?) and I cannot make any definity promises. I promise to do better, but that's all I can do. And I will do my fucking best.
Oof, thanks you for reading this! Take care of yourselves. I'm gonna try to concentrate on drafts instead of asks these days because that's how active interactions go and I want to interact. Let's fucking go!!
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ratskcoreddie · 1 year
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welcome to my humble abode. please be courteous and read the following rules & introduction before following my account. thanks! i hope you enjoy the show! ↓
im very thankful that you’re visiting my blog! this corner of tumblr is my safe space and i plan to keep it that way. to help me do this here’s a few things before you start trekking around these parts. please be kind and considerate to my boundaries.
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before you follow & interact with me:
my blog is an nsfw, fem!reader blog. i write content and consume / repost media that is 18+. be aware that if you under the age of eighteen you should not view this blog. if you follow me and are blank or ageless you will be blocked. if you are an account that post nsfw content but have a 16+ in your bio, that makes me uncomfortable and you will be blocked! minors stay away!
if you ignore these requests and read my works i am not responsible, your media consumption is your own responsibility and i will not be held accountable for what you indulge in.
(everyone on this site is fully aware that minors have accounts on tumblr, i speak on behalf of all adult fanfiction writers that we hope you respect our boundaries when it comes to our NSFW content. you will be blocked.)
all of my fanfiction warnings will be tagged to the best of my abilities, if there is anything that even might be triggering it will be tagged. as far as other things go i am human and will miss things from time to time. be patient with me as i update tags after posting.
any form of racism, homophobia, sexism, bullying, transphobia is not tolerated from anyone on my account. there are somethings i will write about that deal with bullying, homophobia, or sexism but all of my writings are FICTIONAL. they do not reflect my views & will always be tagged.
any comments, likes, reblogs, or asks are greatly appreciated. i'm not on my phone a ton so don't worry about if you're spamming me! it doesn't really phase me. however, i am quiet shy! you can try messaging me through my inbox, but i can’t guarantee i will chat up or answer questions right away. i will try my best!
(if you’re creepy, rude, a blank / ageless blog, weird to me, racist, sexist, xenophobic, or if your vibes are just absolutely wretched, you will be blocked.)
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about me:
i've never been great at introductions, but here goes.
my name is eri! i'm twenty-two, & i'm a june gemini. my name is just a nickname because i have a really unique name outside of the tumblr verse and would hate for anyone to find my account, but i’ve gone by this name on other sites such as twitter for awhile! my handle is rockstareddie but backwards; ratskcoreddie, hope that makes sense! i use she/they pronouns and i work in the entertainment industry. i love strawberrys, my favorite colors are red and beige. i have a pretty extravagant music taste and love traveling.
i'm apologize for being so short. i’m very conservative when it comes to telling people about myself over the internet (digital footprint and all that) but i hope i can convey some of my personality through my works and writings!
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about my works:
again, content warnings for my writings will be tagged on every single work, i will try my best to be thorough and tag everything! please always remember to check the tags for my works.
im currently working on a series in the au i’ve created, four parts are already done and they will be posted every tuesday between the times 4:00 pm - 11:00 pm. after these four queued post i will definitely slow down on posting!
please don’t post my works on other websites. it’s okay to comment, like, and repost! comments are highly appreciated; willing to accept feedbacks and requests for new fics as well. i also love receiving recommendations. send anything my way!
i appreciate each of you! if you'd like to support me with a reblog or a comment (something as simple as you key smashing in the tags or responding to my work motivates me to write more), i'd love that! thanks so much for even checking out my blog!
characters i will write about:
tldr: eddie munson, steve harrington.
currently, i only write for steve harrington, eddie munson, and in the stranger things universe. this is probably what im going to stick to on my blog. there will be appearances from other characters (but only to benefit the story i'm writing).
tropes i will write about:
stranger to friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, slow burn, forced proximity, forbidden love, second chance, soulmates, fake relationship, sworn off relationships, oblivious to love, ect.
topics i will write about:
im comfortable with writing with fluff, smut, and angst. each of my works will be tagged with what topic they follow. if a work of mine contains heavy angst, extreme fluff, or a lot of smut, i can assure you it will be tagged!
tropes & topics i wont write about: (tw)
please understand that i wont write anything that makes me uncomfortable. such as ddlg, cheating, incest, self-harm, large age gaps, noncon, cnc, power dynamics, ect. nor will i share ask that make me uncomfortable. if you send me an ask that contains triggering material you will be blocked.
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well, hello again! welcome to the bottom of my rules, you've made it! thank you for reading!!! please know that i’ll update this post periodically if i think of anything else to add in the future. i'll be sure to let you know when i do with a reblog & tag or comment.
thanks for reading & enjoy your stay!
★masterlist || ← go back home? || join my taglist
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Guess what! I'm back!
(zero people cheered)
Anyways. I completely forgot I made the earlier post and thank gods I don't have to write it all down again. I don't know how I slid back here, I guess I just got overwhelmed by everything I wanted to do. I started playing Minecraft again during the summer, I still have so many sewing projects queued that I don't go thrifting because there's no space in my wardrobe for any more pieces and it would be just lying around, I haven't written anything and I got several books for school at the library on Tuesday and barely opened the first one. For the past few days I've been having terrible headaches, sensory overload to the point I was either putting earplugs in my ears or cursing myself for forgetting them at home and have already forgotten to take my meds twice. I'm just glad I have Ernie, pretty much my emotional support bunny now since she learned to trust me.
Yesterday I was at another shift at the café and my coworker asked if I was okay, that I seemed scattered. So I told her about being overwhelmed by sound and that also I wanted to get tested for ASD (because I was hoping it would explain to her my confusion at some social interactions and genuinely not knowing why and how to ask customers if they want anything else because her colleague never asked me to do that...) and, as kind of expected, which is why I hadn't told her before that, she said that she thinks autism looks different. I was prepared for that, telling her that she only sees me twice a week for less than three hours and hasn't seen me on the really bad days, plus she used to meet me only before school started (when I wasn't so scattered).
Which kind of made me think of something I'd like to talk about today.
I've known about my autism for half a year now and during the summer I sometimes wondered if it was true, because the social anxiety got better, sensory issues got better, I kind of learned to balance routine with chaos for the ADHD part of my brain... And now it's getting worse again. You know why? Because living in the modern society is fucking exhausting even for neurotypicals.
I spent two months without having to worry about studying, grades, getting ready to come to school on time, could put my headphones on almost all the time (and I did), and I spent almost a month total with really chill people, touching a lot of grass and not having to worry about my appearance or criticism for my behaviour. Of course I got a lot better, I wasn't stressed out all day every day, but those issues still were there.
So I'd like to put some signs I wrote down in a notebook a few months ago, for myself and maybe others to see, that remind me I'm not making it up and actually am struggling with some stuff. And I'd like to note that anyone can have symptoms of anything, they don't inherently mean a disorder or illness on their own, it points to something when one is showing a combination of them. Plus, I thought of a specific thing distinguishing us from neurotypical people the other day - my sister just began high school and has started having lunch in the same cafeteria as me and mum at another school, and even though she's a very social person, the first day she asked if I could pick up her lunch and when I asked why, she just gave this little laugh, wriggled a bit and said "I'm shyyyyyy." Eventually, mum went with her and showed her the place, but I couldn't stop thinking about the difference - there were times when I didn't want to go somewhere, but I wasn't shy, I was anxious about it, I didn't know what to do, what to say, how would people respond but most of all, I was afraid of them seeing me as weird. You know, your regular old rejection sensitivity disorder. I don't think most neurotypical people get stressed about a shift at work just because they don't know if it will be a calm or a hectic one and can't get mentally ready for it. It's completely socially acceptable to be shyyyyyy, but it's weird and not normal to be panicking about taking your clothing to the dry-cleaning because people behind counter.
Anyways, I'm ending my essay and going on to the bullet points.
Special interests ("obsessions") throughout my childhood. There's a difference between a hobby and fucking brainrot from Pirates of the Caribbean to the point you're memorizing facts about pirates from an encyclopedia from the library to dump on anyone who would pretend to listen.
Physical contact is weird. I don't mind it in general but I do if people don't ask, I have no idea how hugs work and sitting next to people on public transport and any pieces of your clothing brushing with theirs is a nightmare.
I need precise and detailed instructions or I'm lost. People get annoyed of course.
Simultaneously, sometimes I'm eleven steps ahead of other people in conclusions or work. (my classmates in english don't say anything anymore when I finish a whole page in the book before they get the first exercise done because it's just patterns.)
Sensitivity to light and noise (my ADHD and ASD keep arguing about the light/dark mode on my laptop all the time so I switch it literally every five minutes), it might be the cause of all the headaches I get.
Problems with switching tasks because lmao hyperfocus.
Recognizing some patterns very easily which I think makes learning languages a lot easier for me and also helped me to learn to mask really well (my whole childhood I was just doing Ctrl + C - Ctrl + V of dialogue patterns from films and books).
Thick white edible substances tend to make me sick just looking at them and when something gets burned, I need to get out immediately or I'll start panicking.
Authorities are so complicated? I rarely communicate with people in a position of power like I'm expected to, I just don't give a shit and go with the truth, and even when I try to be very, very respectful, I sometimes cross some line and offend someone without realizing, get confused when they get mad and then feel like I'm an awful person and will end up abandoned by everyone because of it. Simultaneously, there were several times when I noticed a teacher that I respected, getting annoyed by classmates who just went on and on because apparently nobody was getting the vibes and I guess crowd effect, and was the only one trying to make them stop because it didn't work on me.
Sometimes I physically can't move on from some things because they don't make sense to me, I need to find a solution or I can't focus on anything else.
Sometimes I panic and start throwing a passive-aggressive tantrum when I get confused and frustrated that I don't understand something, nothing makes sense and I don't know what to do about it.
When I was a kid, I'd sometimes kind of throw tantrums over things like clothing not being exactly in the place where it was supposed to on my body or I started crying at a GoT-themed summer camp when they put me in a different house than the one I was emotionally attached to from the previous year (no, I still haven't seen the show or read the books, I have no idea why they made it a theme at a summer camp for kids.)
Stimming and repetitive behaviours like spitting in the sink until it feels right in my mouth, blinking with one eye and then the other, getting the other hand wet when one already is, rocking back and forth while I'm waiting at the cash register for a long time, picking on my skin...
A lot of the time I just have no idea how I feel. Though mostly when I get stressed and overloaded.
Stuff like when I put a clean cup in the sink, it gets "contaminated" and I need to wash it or I touch the hole between bricks on the sidewalk with my shoe and get "contaminated" and need to get it off or go back and take the step again to be able to continue.)
If you make a sarcastic joke and make it sound and look serious, don't expect me to get it, alright? I'll just start dissecting it.
Organizing literally anything sparks so much joy
Dependence on routines and plans way in advance and getting completely lost when they change.
Infodumping because I don't know how to pick out important information and everything is interesting.
Memorising whole scenes and films by heart (there was a time when I could quote the entirety of MLP Equestria Girls word by word.)
I literally went to my friend's drinking and weed birthday party with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The only reason I didn't bring pyjamas is that I forgot to take it.
I'm half-asleep now so just bye and I hope this is useful for someone. :)
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Only Idiots Talk To Horses
That's chapter twenty-one's name. I'll put it out over the weekend, likely Saturday evening (at a time that isn't 3am, isn't that crazy?)
This next chapter is a little bit different. I hope you all enjoy it, I know I sure did. And there's a lot to be discovered and talked about there. That seems to be the general theme of things lately in Reins. Lots of things finally being talked about.
Here's a snippet of the chapter below the break, if you're interested.
Oh, this was going to be a whole thing. Strawberry felt a little nervous as to why Big Mac had decided to start story time, but she didn’t dare ask him. She kept quiet.
After a moment, Big Mac took the reins in his hand and started on his way out of the stable, no doubt expecting Strawberry to follow along, which she did. He kept quiet until they reached outside, where he climbed into the saddle with no struggle. Roan was a big horse, but Mac was a big man. 
Strawberry followed suit and exhaled slowly as she climbed into Barley’s saddle. It was only a bit of a struggle; Barley was at least a hand height or two taller than Whippy, but Strawberry was tall enough to manage. That made her realize how tall Applejack actually was. She’d never really thought about it before. 
With a click of his teeth, Big Mac urged Roan forward. Despite being an older horse, he certainly didn’t show it. Muscles built from many years of work still rippled beneath his skin and his coat shined healthily. 
Strawberry looked down at her mount and found she had similar praises about Barley. If there was anything to say about the Apples, it was that they were damn good ranchers in every aspect of the word. She brushed little snowflakes out of Barley’s mane. At least it wasn’t snowing very heavily. She did not like the snow one bit, but it was unavoidable.
Yup, y'all on this blog are cool and get to find out that this next chapter is... different. I'm sure you could figure out why. (It's a Strawberry POV chapter).
See y'all then! I've got a song post queued up for Saturday as well for those of you who like to listen to those, so double trouble!
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years
in need of overly clingy matt after finally being vulnerable with you ab his feelings :,) possibly a little teasing around the office about matt following you around like a lost puppy,,
gn! or m! reader? ily
i obviously love this idea since i've made somewhat of a brand out of making matt be disgustingly in love with you and i haven't done any explicitly x m!reader so i'm glad you asked this got a little away from me but it's delicious and i hope you like it
“well it’s like five so i’m gonna head out,” matt announces as he closes his computer, already having unplugged his headphones. he starts packing his things up, placing papers and chords into his bag. foggy catches karen’s eye and rolls his before responding.
“you know you can spend time apart from him sometimes.” even at the vague mention of his boyfriend matt’s grinning to himself, already giddy for the night that’s planned ahead of him. he throws the strap to his briefcase over his shoulder and offers a salute to the two of his friends.
he knows foggy’s joking, foggy couldn’t possibly be mad at anything that brings matt out of his head as much as you do. matt’s come alive in the months since you’ve started, smiling and laughing more than foggy and karen thought possible. so of course they don’t mind when you’re around and he just follows you around like a lost puppy, always wanting to be attached to your side. days at the office when you join punctuated by you and matt curled around each other in separate chairs at his desk, arms wound together in ways that shouldn’t be comfortable.
it’s valentine’s day and you’d made these plans almost a full month ago, just a relaxed dinner at home but no phones and no dd-ing allowed, just for one night matt would give it all up to lay on the couch with you watching a movie until you both passed out. when the smell of your cooking hits him just inside the door to his apartment building he can’t help the way his stomach twists in excitement, heartbeat starting to race in anticipation.
maybe foggy and karen have a point, even matt is aware enough to notice that he’s like a teenager in love with you. he can see it, but there’s not even a crumb of him that wants to change it, too content to hold your hand at every possible moment and kiss you a hundred times a day.
“hey matty baby, how was work?” your voice floats out from his kitchen, and matt’s chest aches in soul-crushing adoration that feels at times like it might bury him. you’ve already queued up a movie onto the tv you bring over sometimes for movie nights. never really one for listening to movie’s before you they’ve now become one of matt’s favorite things fueled by your love for them, and his unending desire to be near you.
it’s easy math.
matt sets his stuff off by the door, and toes out of his shoes before coming to join you. he comes around the corner and you glance up at him and almost gasp. he’s got that lovesick look on his face, the one he usually only pulls out during extreme declarations of love. matt looks so soft, easy smile on his face like it’s meant to be there at all times, not a single line of worry or stress paints across any of his features.
“work was good handsome, missed you.” he moves up to sidle behind you, arms wrap around your waist immediately as he pulls you into him. you lean back, head tipping back to laugh at his corny words. matt wastes no time, slotting his face into the crook of your neck now opened up for him. pressing kisses to the skin he finds, almost nuzzling into you like somehow he’ll just be able to climb into you and live out the rest of his days happy and warm.
“handsome, always handsome. you tryna tell me you can smell handsome on me?” trying to keep a hold of your thoughts enough to not burn dinner is a struggle when you have a six foot lawyer cat practically draping himself over you like the most catholic weighted blanket to ever exist. especially when he’s running his lips over every inch of skin he can find, alternating between gentle kisses and nibbles like he’s tasting you.
“mhmm, i can actually, smell very handsome, trust me i’m a lawyer.” matt mumbles into your skin, his hand snaking its way up your body to run through your short hair, nails scratching across your scalp until you moan softly.
the last thing you wanna do is stop him, loving all the affection he gives but, “dinner matty.”
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
hello! first of all hope this doesn't sound creepy, but i believe we're around the same age and from what i get from reading your fics/twt/tumblr, i feel like we'd be such good friends 🤪 second, just wanted to ask a quick question about ITA: are the boys also involved with each other, or just with the mc? i would love it if they were but also totally respect your vision if they are not lol either way thank you for sharing your writing with the world and wish you all good things in life! ❤️ -❄
hi!~ not creepy at all and i love that! feel free to message me any time ♥ but if i'm slow to respond here don't take any offense, during the work week i'm usually pretty busy and don't tumblr much, most of my posts are queued.
to answer your ITA question - at the moment they aren't involved. this fic is a bit time-ambiguous, but for me i picture it pretty firmly set after this last fellowship tour and i'm trying to keep this as accurate to "canon" as possible. for anything m/m i'm trying to work this in slowly so it can develop naturally, because while i like the idea of polyteez, i truly do not think in real life any of them are engaging in romantic or sexual relationships like that with each other.
...that being said, this is also fantasy... i know i've hinted at this before but there are definitely going to be poly chapters of ITA at some point soon. while i don't really see it becoming a fully polyamorous hodge-podge where everyone's sexually involved with everyone, there's definitely going to be some experimentation and some members are going to be more comfortable/more often engaging.
i also don't want it to be a situation in which they're all having sex with reader but never touching each other - that doesn't feel authentic to me either. it'll take a little while to fully get there, because obviously i'm such a slow burn writer, but it's on the horizon for sure.
for those of you that are woosan, seongjoong, yunsan, or yunhwa shippers i already have plans for some of those pairings, and actually a lot of my planned poly chapters involve several members x reader not just classic mmf. i'm not intending to write much m/m alone content as this fic is firmly rooted in the main character's pov, but she'll certainly be mixing it up with them all lol
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lick-me-lennon22 · 3 years
George caring for a sick Dhani 💜
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(thank you to @pmak2002 for this request!! it was supposed to be just a blurb but I did a little research beforehand and it ended up pretty much becoming a whole fic 😅 oops... either way, I hope you enjoy this one! 💕)
When Dhani wakes up for school on Monday morning, he immediately knows something his wrong. His throat is sore, his nose is runny, and his muscles ache like nothing he's felt before. He painstakingly drags himself out of bed, clutching the sheet around him, and heads straight to his parents' bedroom where he finds his mum Olivia still in bed. Dhani notices that the bathroom door is cracked open and cautiously steps inside to find his father, George, brushing his teeth. "Dad..?" he says quietly, voice hoarse. George startles, turning around to see Dhani in his unfortunate state and spits his mouthful of toothpaste into the sink, letting the water wash it down the drain before turning the tap off. "What is it, my boy? You sound bloody awful..," he gently presses the back of his hand to Dhani's forehead to assess his temperature. "You seem to be running quite the fever, son- let's get you to the doctor, all right? Just let me finish up in here and I'll be right out to take ye" George says. Dhani nods weakly, coughing into his elbow, and shuffles out of the room. George jumps into action- he swishes and spits some mouthwash, changes out of his sleepwear into a button-up and jeans, and sprints to the car, his son following close behind him and hopping into the passenger's seat.
"This is ridiculous.." George mutters under his breath as he walks his son out of the clinic and gets into the driver's seat of his car. They had been able to see the doctor almost instantly upon arriving; he had taken some swabs, run a few tests, and determined that Dhani had contracted the flu: "He probably picked it up from school," the doc had said. When George had requested a prescription of some kind to alleviate his son's symptoms, the doctor simply shook his head: "I'm afraid there isn't much we can do for him. The flu's been going around at many schools, I've seen a lot of children this past week with the same complaints. As it stands, all I can tell you is to give him some over-the-counter medicine, bring him some saltwater to gargle for that sore throat, and be sure he gets plenty of fluids and bedrest." George tried to argue, stating that there must be something he can do to cure Dhani of his illness sooner- but as the doc's hands were tied and George didn't want to subject his son to more stress, he took Dhani by the hand and led him out of the office, through the lobby, and back to the car. "Alright, my boy," George sighs- "seeing that the doctor was no help whatsoever, we're headed straight to the drugstore for anything that'll help you feel better. Sound good?"
"Yeah Dad, sounds good" Dhani croaks out and smiles weakly, glad just to spend some time with his father. Being a famous musician and all, George isnt able to spend as much time with his son as he'd like to, a lot of it consumed by work and media-related endeavors. Dhani admired his Dad more than anyone else in his life and though they rarely got the chance to hang out nowadays, they were practically best friends and had formed a close bond throughout his childhood. George was always a fun parent, bringing his son along to festivals and such ("Don't tell yer mum," he'd say with a grin), and sticking up for Dhani to authority figures and even other kids at his school- he was fiercely protective of his boy. However, he was also a gentle parent who allowed Dhani the chance to explore and express himself, and had fostered a mutual respect between the two of them since his son was but a toddler.
"I'm pulling you from school for the whole week" "But what if I'm- *cough*- all better before then?" "Just in case, Dhani- it's not like you really need them and their indoctrination, anyway.." George grumbles, never having been a fan of traditional schools or their teachings. Dhani however has always cared about his grades and paid close attention to the lessons he's been taught, in spite of what his father thinks. "...Okay, Dad" he says meekly, wanting to protest but unwilling to sacrifice more quality time with his famous father. George pulls into the parking lot of the nearest drugstore and marches in, intent on gathering all the supplies his sick boy could need: tissues, lozenges, cough syrup, pain medication, ice packs, and even more tissues- 'just in case.' He makes his way to the checkout, queuing up, paying for the items and hauling his bags back to the car. He drives Dhani home as quickly as possible, carrying him to bed and tucking him in before calling and cancelling any studio time, interviews, or collaborations he'd previously planned. There's only one committment he can't cancel- dinner with Paul tonight for the first time in ages. George sets his son up with all of the remedies he'd bought and tells his wife Olivia everything about the situation, including the "unhelpful and useless" doctor they had gone to see. She of course agrees to care for Dhani, sending her husband on his way to dinner with one of his long-time best friends.
The following day George rises just before noon, having stayed up late to pal around with Macca. He runs the few errands on his agenda, including grabbing his family some lunch, and pulls into his driveway back home where he spots the vehicle of none other than Richard Starkey parked outside. He makes his way to his son's room to discover that Uncle Ringo had come to visit the sick young lad (having found out from Paul that Dhani had come down with a bad case of the flu), joking and cheering him up to distract him from his poor state. The two close friends chat for some time in the living room before Ritchie departs, Olivia checking up on Dhani in the meantime. George thanks his wife and dismisses her from her nurse duties, taking on the responsibility himself. He tiptoes to his son's bedroom cautiously and enterd to see that he's been tucked in, the ice pack George had picked up from the store the previous day resting on his forehead, half-lidded eyes trained onto the telly. "Dhani..?" "Oh- *cough*- hey, Dad"
George approaches the bed and sits down carefully, holding a paper bag out to Dhani. "I brought you a burrito- your favorite," he grins down at his son, who takes the bag: "Really? *cough*- Thanks Dad, you're the best!" he says, hands emerging from the blankets to tear into the treat. George stays sat on the bed, determined to spend time with his sick boy and make sure he knows how loved he is. Glancing around the room at the piano and guitars he's bought and played with Dhani, then back to the young man, Ringo's words from earlier echo in his mind: "He's growing up into such a wonderful lad. He's just like you, ye know- good looks and all."
Olivia had always said they were very alike, but he'd usually dismissed the observation... until now. George couldn't help but realize that they were right- though he was but eleven years old Dhani was already becoming a very talented and creative musician, having learned much about music from his dad. He'd certainly taken after his Beatle father in that regard, and they were in fact very similar- not to mention their near identical looks. Sharing his Dad with the world had been difficult and a bit isolating for Dhani despite his many school mates. He admired and looked up to George from a very young age, always striving to be just like him. As Dhani grew up before George's eyes, he became more and more like his father by the day and George was immensely proud.
His train of thought was broken suddenly when Dhani finished the burrito, crumpling the paper bag and tossing it into the bin. He landed the throw, earning a hearty laugh and a high five from his father. He closed his eyes and laid back, George stroking his hair gently, the two of them cherishing this moment of father-son love. "Are you gettin' sleepy, Dhani?" he asked tenderly- his son nodded in response, already drowsy despite the brightness of the late afternoon sun. "Tell you what- I'll play you a lullaby, that way you can rest easier and know that I'm here beside you." "Dad," Dhani chuckled, "aren't I a little too old for that?" he lied, secretly longing for the affectionate gesture. George grabbed his son's acoustic guitar from its stand and begin to tune it: "You're never too old for yer old man's love and attention, eh? Now you just relax, close your eyes, and rest." Dhani didn't protest any further, heeding his father's instructions with a soft smile on his face. With that, George began to play- he chose "Here Comes The Sun," fingers strumming the strings gently and with care, dedicating the sweet words to his beloved son. By the time he was finished Dhani was fast asleep- grin faltering as he drifted off, but still visible on his lips. George placed the guitar back on the stand gently, taking care not to wake the sleeping lad. He smiled to himself, tears welling in his eyes as he turned to admire his son's peaceful face. "I love you, my boy," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Dhani's forehead before tip-toeing out of the room and shutting the door cautiously. Back pressed against the wooden door, George let his eyelids fall shut and sighed: "Sweet dreams, Dhani." ♡
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this may be predictable but...eighth doctor???? 👀👀 i'd love some later 8th dr content (if you know/like any) but ANYTHING is good! 💙
ok so I'm actually not familiar with any of Eight's later audios tbh. I have written a lot of stuff with him though, so I actually went back and dug this up from way back in my notes app. it was supposed to be part of something longer, but I never finished it and after some editing (changing tenses lol bc I write in present tense nowadays) and additions it works well as a standalone!
I'm assuming you've heard Gallifrey, bc this is set after A Blind Eye for that timeline, with the assumption that Romana knew about Cissy's letter and either she or Leela (or both) decided they should get it to Charley. as for the TARDIS team, I'm gonna place it in the gap between Other Lives and Time Works (I believe there's a gap there, at least...).
anyway, I hope you enjoy today's dose of angst :)
There's a knock. It sounds hollow, plasticky, and as if it's coming from outside the TARDIS doors. That should be impossible, though — they're in the Time Vortex, swirling haphazard through space and time. Charley looks up from the book she's been reading and raises an eyebrow at the Doctor. He shruggs in silent reply and, after making sure the atmospheric containment field is on, opens the doors.
His eyes widen as a little blue box, six inches cubed, floats inside. He grabs it out of the air, turning it over in examination. He presses the side to open it as both Charley and C'rizz walk over to see what it is.
"Gallifreyan hypercube," he explains, before either of them has time to ask. When the side opens, they can see a piece of paper inside, neatly folded. The Doctor pulls it out and raises his eyebrows when he sees Charley's name written tidily on the outside. She looks at him bemusedly as he hands it over, and finds that, shockingly, she recognizes the script.
Charley unfolds the note, at a loss for why a letter from her sister Cecelia would find its way to her via a Gallifreyan courier,, and the Doctor stands beside her, reading over her shoulder. As she begins to read the letter, a sense of tension and something bordering on fear wells up in her, from somewhere deep inside and unfortunately familiar.
My dearest Charlotte, wandering adventuress,
This is to say goodbye. I send you my best love, wherever you may be. So much has changed, since last you were here with us. The fact is, these days I'm as popular as a dose of strychnine. And when you return from your travels, the twitterers and chatterers will be queuing up, to tell you what a rotten lot I was.
Darling sister, they'd be right. I have pleased myself for myself. I have made bad friends, and bad choices, and shut my eyes and ears to thing that would make a decent person sick. It is grisly, here in Munich. The storm clouds they talk of, over Europe, they're real. Tonight, darker and more real than you could possibly envisage.
If I go to England, I'll be locked up as a menace to morale. If I stay, the best I can be is a jolly turn. A "dancing bear," for my masters' amusement.
Never be notorious: it's the deadliest thing.
But you mustn't be sad. Because I've done everything I wanted, though none of it was worth much. The thing is, I'm a shallow person. What is there left for me, but
The letter cuts off there, and Charley swallows hard. This is to say goodbye.
"I don't..." Charley sucks in a breath, here eyebrows furrowing. "I don't understand, what did she..." she looks up at the Doctor, watching her with a gaze full of sympathy and concern.
"Charley," he says her name gently and reaches to take her hand, but she shakes her head and takes a step back. The familiarity of his gesture is not what she's looking for right now, she doesn't want that kind of reassurance.
"What does that," she lifts the letter she's still holding, "Mean?" She asks, struggling to keep her voice steady. She already knows the answer.
"Can I..." C'rizz hesitates. "Charley, do you mind if I read it?" He asks gently.
She hands him the paper wordlessly, knowing C'rizz of all people will understand the implications of it — what she knows, but doesn't want to accept — better than almost anyone. She stands, shaking, staring down at her feet and willing herself not to cry, as he scans it, his colors shifting from his neutral shade to darker, concerned ones, then to the softer, muted mauve she knows he always uses when trying to comfort her.
He hands back the letter, still silent, like she'd trusted he would be, and Charley grimaces and crumples it gently in one hand. She turns to look at the Doctor, see if he has anything to say — tell her she's wrong, that the letter doesn't mean what it means — and for once, when she looks for strength in him, he doesn't look away. The look in his eyes tells her that what she wishes, hopes, prays isn't true... is.
This time when he reaches for her hand, she lets him take it.
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jovialyouthmusic · 3 years
Go Shorty!
(It's my birthday!)
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In a kind of weird reverse universe, this is my gift to anyone who enjoys my Bastien Lykel fics, queued to be posted on my birthday. I've noted Fabricio's recent image change and it inspired the following - what would Bastien's family think if he shaved off his iconic goatee? Enjoy, its all fluff xx
Word Count 2035
Double Trouble
The last lecture of the week completed, Sophia was in her university office just putting her papers together when the faculty secretary put her head round the door.
‘Sophia, your home help has been in touch, she said it’s urgent’
‘Thanks Lizzy, I’ll be leaving soon anyway. It’s been a long week, I’m glad I’ve nothing on this afternoon.’ Sophia turned her mobile phone back on to see that Morag had left her a voice mail. She held the phone at arm’s length as she played back the sound of a harassed young woman and a squealing toddler in full meltdown.
‘Mrs Lykel, I’m sorry tae bother ye, but yer wee lassie’s upset, and her father cannae soothe her. Please call back when ye can. Or just come hame.’ Sophia frowned. It wasn’t like Bastien to fail to settle Beatrice. Little princess that she was, she was Daddy’s girl while Sophia was out at work through the week and welded to Sophia’s side at the weekend. She dialled the landline of their top floor regency apartment in the centre of Edinburgh that the University had allocated them. It was Bastien who answered, and all was quiet beyond his voice.
‘Sophia!’ he sounded flustered ‘Morag’s just got her to settle, did you get the message?’
‘It’s an odd time of day for a nap, is she running a temperature?’
‘Errm no, she’s hot, but she’s not ill. She’s just been crying...’
‘How do you know she’s not ill if she’s hot?’ Sophia demanded, making her way along the corridor to the car park to their SUV. Her mind span with possibilities.
‘I uh – you’ll understand when you get here, I can’t explain right now.’ Sophia decided not to stop off at the shops on the way, hoping Morag could go and get what was needed before she clocked off for the weekend. She wished she’d had the foresight to order a supermarket delivery, but she preferred to shop herself. With or without the children, she loved browsing the aisles of Waitrose when it wasn’t busy. Bastien was a surprisingly poor shopper and stuck religiously to the list, whereas she’d discover little treats and bargains that wouldn’t stretch her salary. Living in the city was expensive, although not nearly as much as if they’d moved to London, and having Morag to help was a slight strain on resources. Setting up Bastien’s security consultancy was taking longer than expected thanks to the complexity of looking after twins, and the retainer from King Liam in Cordonia was only just enough for small luxuries.
As soon as she opened the door to the apartment, Morag was there pulling her coat on and shouldering her bag.
‘Morag, I was hoping you’d be able to get some supp…’ Sophia started, but she was already pushing past her to the landing outside.
‘Ah’ll be back the Monday.’ she said shortly, and Sophia was left peering over the banister to the stairwell after her rapidly retreating figure, wondering what had happened. She turned back inside to meet Bastien holding Theo.
‘Mama.’ he crowed in jubilant greeting. Bastien stepped out of the shadowed hall, and all became clear.
‘Bas, you shaved!’ she gasped. She’d never seen her husband without facial hair in the few years she’d known him. He still had a neat ‘tache, but his trimmed goatee was gone, his chin and jawline bare. He looked sheepish, and she knew she shouldn’t have teased him about the streak of white in his beard. He handed over Theo, who pointed at Bastien.
‘Dada face.’ he proclaimed.
‘Yes, I thought perhaps…’ his voice trailed off ‘Well, that is, I mean...’
‘Beatrice didn’t like it, did she? Honestly Bas, you should have thought – why didn’t you say something?’ He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
‘I thought perhaps a younger image might drum up some more business.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, age means experience, people are more likely to trust a distinguished looking gent.’ she scoffed. He sighed in exasperation.
‘Well the damage is done. Beatrice took one look at me and bawled her eyes out. Morag tried to calm her down, but every time she saw me again she’d set off crying.’
‘Well no wonder, you look completely different. How about Theo?’ she asked.
‘You know him – a bomb would go off and he wouldn’t flinch.’ In response Theo wriggled to get down, bored at the adult conversation. He toddled off to the toybox in the lounge to rummage for his current favourite, a shape sorting puzzle.
‘Well, I’d better go and take a look at her.’ Sophia sighed. ‘If she’s been crying all morning she’ll probably not wake up for a while.’ She feared that the disruption to her sleep schedule meant they’d be in for a rocky night at the very least, if not a couple of days. She opened the door to their bedroom a crack but could see little, as the curtains were drawn tight. Normally they let a little light in for daytime naps so the children would know night from day. She crept in and let her eyes adjust to the gloom. Beatrice lay on her back in her day clothes, one arm flung back over her head and her other thumb in her mouth. That wasn’t a good sign – she’d not used that form of self soothing for a couple of months. Her hair was damp and face flushed, but her breathing was steady and peaceful.
Sophia carefully held her palm over her forehead, feeling the slight heat coming off it. Bastien joined her, gazing down at the toddler, but she motioned him out of the room and followed quietly.
‘Well, she’s okay for now. I’d better be here for when she wakes up, so you can go shopping for the weekend.’ Bastien’s face dropped.
‘On a Friday? The traffic’s mayhem – can’t we order in?’
‘I couldn’t stop on the way back, and there won’t be any free delivery slots until at least Monday, you know that.’ She sighed. ‘If you take Theo with you it’ll be easier for when Bea wakes up, and you can play the ‘Dad doing the chores’ role, that’ll get you to the front of the checkout queue. Give him a banana, that will keep him happy.’
‘Narners?’ Theo called from the lounge, and came toddling to find Sophia, clinging to her leg and pulling at her clothes.
‘Lunch first, Theo, then Daddy will take you shopping. Won’t that be lovely? All boys together.’
‘Sopping’ Theo cried happily, then looked over at Bastien. ‘Mummy sopping?’ he asked hopefully. He knew Sophia was more likely to treat him than his father, although he did like pointing out the things Daddy couldn’t find. Perhaps he’d treat him more without his sister there to steal the limelight.
‘No darling, Mummy has to look after Bea.’
‘Bee cwy. Dada face.’
‘Yes, silly Daddy took his beard off. He’s funny isn’t he?’
‘Dada silly!’ Theo cried triumphantly and pointed at him. Bastien scowled.
‘Yes well okay, let’s all laugh at Daddy.’ he grumbled as Sophia picked Theo up and balanced him on her hip.
‘Well it’s better than crying’ she said acidly. ‘Now, do you want to make lunch, or shall I?’
Lunchtime was much simpler than normal with just Theo to feed. The couple could eat their own food while the toddler busied himself with cheese sandwiches made with wholemeal bread. He left the crusts, but Sophia had discovered it pointless cutting them off, as he left some bread around the edge just as if the crust were still there. She often saved them to feed the ducks at the park with the twins. Bastien had literally just closed the door to take Theo out to the supermarket when she heard Beatrice stirring. She went into her quickly, to find her standing at the bars to the cot, hair curling round her face and cheeks blotchy.
‘Mummy.’ Her voice was croaky and she looked miserable. ‘Dada face!’ she told her. She stretched her arms up and Sophia scooped her up as she rubbed her eyes sleepily. Perhaps she’d think it was a dream.
‘Well hello my little Bea, you’ve had a difficult morning. Are you hungry?’ She nodded sleepily.
‘Sippy sippy, Mummy.’ The little girl was obviously thirsty too.
‘Of course darling, you can have juice. Do you want sandwiches?’
‘Widges, Mummy.’ She looked across to Theo’s cot. ‘Where Feeo?’ Sophia sucked in her breath. It was very rare that the children were separated and she braced herself for trouble.
‘He’s gone out to the shops to get more narners, darling.’ The little girl clung on to her and rested her head on her chest, seemingly pleased to have Sophia to herself. She carried her through to the kitchen and filled her sippy cup with juice. Gratefully Bea grabbed at it and drank greedily, eyes rolling back in bliss.
‘All gone’ she shook it upside down, sprinkling the last dregs on the floor. Luckily the sandwiches were ready from earlier so Sophia put them on the tray of the high chair. Bea shook her head and clung on tight as she tried to put her down.
‘Okay darling, you can sit on my knee this time’ she said gently, and sat at the table, the little girl firmly nestled on her lap. She reached out to take a sandwich and squeezed it in her fist before stuffing half of it in her mouth, crumbs falling everywhere. She was hungry, and Sophia wondered if she’d had anything to eat before her father’s transformation. She waited until she’d slowed down.
‘Morag told me you were upset this morning.’ she said gently. The little girl took a shuddering breath.
‘Dada face bad.’ she said, putting her hand to her chin. Sophia stepped in before the cycle of crying could restart.
‘I know, Bea. He shaved his beard off. He looks funny now, doesn’t he? Theo was laughing at Daddy.’ Beatrice burrowed into her side again, hiding her face. ‘It’s okay darling, he just looks different. He still loves you – and me, and Theo. Silly Daddy, he’ll grow it back.’
‘Where Daddy?’ she asked, voice muffled.
‘He took Theo out to get more narners.’
‘Sopping?’ Beatrice relaxed and looked up at her enquiringly.
‘That’s right. Is there anything you want from the shops? I can call Daddy on his phone and tell him.’ The tot looked thoughtful.
‘Ice kweem?’
‘Okay, if Daddy brings you ice cream will you give him a kiss? His face is all smooth now, like Mummy’s.’ Beatrice giggled at the thought.
‘Like Mummy!’ she exclaimed. ‘Daddymummy!’
‘You can talk to him on the phone if you like, tell him what you want.’ Sophia got out her phone and texted Bastien.
Call when you can, Bea wants to ask you for ice cream
It was a few minutes before her phone rang, during which time she had changed the little girl’s nappy and was dressing her in clean clothes.
‘Oh that will be Daddy, just wait a minute darling.’ Beatrice opened and closed her hands, demanding it for herself, but Sophia put it on speakerphone.
‘Beatrice is here, Bas. She wants to ask you something.’
‘Daddymummy!’ Beatrice burbled. ‘Ice kweem, Daddy.’
‘Come on now, say please.’ Sophia prompted. Beatrice put on her cutest expression, unaware that her father couldn’t see it.
‘Pweese Daddy, stawby.’
‘Okay Bea, I’ll get strawberry ice cream. I love you, my little Bea. I’m sorry I scared you.’
‘Silly Daddy. Kisses!’ There was a short pause before Bastien obliged, blowing kisses to his daughter. Sophia tried not to laugh, wondering where he was and who could see him.
‘Okay now Bea, Daddy has to get the rest of the shopping. He’ll be back soon.’
‘Bye Daddy.’
‘Bye, my sweeting. Be good for Mummy.’ Beatrice slid off Sophia’s lap and went off to the toybox, obviously happy with life, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
‘If it’s any help, I told her your face is like Mummy’s now, so be prepared to be called Daddymummy until she’s forgotten. You’d better grow that beard back fast, mister.’ she said in a low tone. 'and be prepared for a rough bedtime, she'll be full of beans after that nap.'
@sirbeepsalot @katedrakeohd @fluffyfirewhiskey @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @nomadics-stuff @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30​ @stopforamoment
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