#I've posted and i rb plenty but i feel like I'm Speaking less. if that makes sense
welcometogrouchland · 9 months
Are we journaling for our mental health? To stretch our personal writing muscles? or for a secret third thing??? (brain exorcism)
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ghostlyerlkonig · 2 months
I am NOT going to rb the post again I don't want to but I've gotten a handful of responses that are this;
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or something else along the lines of good people, good art, just people, just art—otherwise known as focusing on art that is safe in someway made by artists you view as also safe is good is special deserves to be protected because it is good and just art.
Everything I'm about to say will not cover everything. Censorship is a massive fucking topic.
But I need you to look me in the eyes, please, and hear what I'm saying next very clearly;
This is a sweet and kind sentiment and I understand how one comes to the conclusion via the situation I described and the feelings I had after the fact, but this is a very... green way of looking at art.
there are plenty of artists whom I hate but I would not see their art taken down. There are plenty of books in my local library that i think are horrific books but I think a library is a neutral space and books need to be accessible. Even removal of what *you*, and I'm sure you are a very good person, deem deplorable, can tumble, tumble, tumble, into the censorship you are decrying.
There is a reason I added on to the post later that encouraging research and curiosity is more important than offering just one "safe" view of the world. Often they are not safe. Not for the people who need it to be most. If we simply bury things, sooner or later the flood will come again and reveal them.
It hurt me to see one of my aunts reading Irreversible Damage. But I decided to have a fucking conversation with her about it instead of crying over it or berating her. And she threw out the book after our conversation. I've read the book. I've read hitlers book for a class. I've read declarations that held all sorts of bigotry up. I've read the Bible 13 times. And despite my coming up mormon, all this did was make me more able to speak to others. A lot more of them are willing to listen than people regard. It may not be the instant change you want but seldom does that happen.
And there are MANY people who cut the line between good art and bad art by nazi approved and nazi burned. even people who would shit themselves if you called them a nazi over it.
Unless you are untouched by ANYTHING, your judgements will always be flawed by your lived experiences. Ideal worlds are ideal worlds. Your ideals are probably great. Someone else's won't be by your standards. My ideals will not meld with yours. It is learning to grow and coexist that causes that to become less of an issue. You don't need to like all the things I like. I don't need to like all the things you like. That's fine. You can even say you don't like it. But that doesn't make it something to destroy. Frankly it isn't even about likes and dislikes. It's just things that exist.
Even things that are deplorable should be archived. Avaliable. That is part of education. Betterment of society. Achieving something with less violence toward those who are disliked.
But even that is a discussion about much more than art. Frankly I think a lot of you think art morphs the mind to the views of the artists upon one viewing. Humans aren't that stupid or weak. Seeing Gone with the Wind didn't make me change my views after deconstructing from racism the religion. Religion is not just something that makes people think a way, it's total control of thought that effects how one thinks in a deep way. Some ship whump dubcon noncon art or fic is not going to make someone a fucking predator. Things in fiction that tend to be cited as "SEE SEE FICTION CAUSED THIS TO BE POPULAR" were things put in fiction that were already popular beliefs in reality. Bugs bunny didn't start the idea that rabbits like carrots anymore than Beatrix Potter did or the fact that rabbits really do love carrots because of how sugary they are. Sharks are already scary because the sea itself is scary.
Adults lie all the time to up their beliefs. It is usually malicious. Learning to question things is a skill developed by nurtured and supported curiosity. You didn't learn argumentative essays to torture you, debate and research are skills and OLD skills at that. Can you stomach reading a rebuttal? Even if you think it's bullshit, can you see how they got to it? You should be able too, if you want to talk about it well.
What calling fictions the root of all evil does do is allow for people to take the easy way out and blame their actions on a scapegoat that is already hated or established in someway. Like the twinkie. The simple twinkie cause the death of Harvey Milk if you believe the courts ruling a sugar rush. Porn made Bundy kill people. Satan spoke through a dog. Two girls with untreated schizophrenia experiencing psychosis stabbed another. If it wasn't slenderman it would have been god or Satan or literally anyone else deemed of power in their heads.
My initial post was about how calling for censorship of things that disgust you will only lead to the censorship of things that are held up as disgusting by the censors. My painting of a lake was deemed sexual via my artist statement saying the word "queer".
You're liberal but you think porn is disgusting and want to censor it, great what is considered porn? Oh right the trans person standing over there is considered pornographic. Oh and if you do that sex workers will be hurt more. They'll die more. But you probably also think that they deserve it for being whores, huh. Sorry that language is probably too harsh for you, good liberal, you think they deserve it for acting like that and not getting a job or a husband or whatever other shitass excuse you're about to have. Right?
You think sex scenes offer nothing to the story, what is considered sexual? Right right the two gay people holding hands and kissing. For the older demographic, mix race couples.
You think violence in shows is disgusting, but what does that result in? Right safe media that gives you no challenge and offers you little in the way of art.
Because being challenged is violence.
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