#I've watched so much tv in the last 7 weeks to distract myself
purplesurveys · 10 months
What TV shows are you watching at the moment? Nothing. I prefer vlogs these days.
Do you enjoy having deep, philosophical conversations? No they're my least favorite conversations to have haha. I'm not cut out for philosophy and I always zone out when a convo starts to steer towards that direction. Deep talks are fun, it's just philosophical ones I find boring.
Have you ever studied human anatomy? Kind of? We took up human body systems in grade school, but a couple of years ago I also had a phase where I got hooked to this anatomy channel on YouTube and watched many of their videos. I personally find biology and anatomy interesting so I'll learn it on my own sometimes.
Do you plan to do much or go anywhere tomorrow? I unfortunately do have work the whole day tomorrow, a Sunday. I have shoots to monitor at 10 AM and around 7 PM; I also have an event to help manage in the afternoon.
The thing is it'll be Yoongi's final final FINAL concert tomorrow so I imagine I'll have earphones on so I don't miss out. I'm just sad because I already planned to watch weeks in advance, and both those ^ work things came up super last-minute.
What was your favourite fairytale when you were growing up? Does the Barbie Rapunzel count as a fairytale? I watched that movie all the time.
Did you feel bored before you started this survey? No I'm actually extremely anxious right now so I've been needing to take surveys to distract myself and shake off the restlessness.
Have you applied for a job recently? I haven't.
Do you have vivid dreams? They can be, but I also forget them very easily. 
Would you have more word documents or images saved on your computer? Images. I mean there's Google Workspace, so that's reduced the need to download all my word documents and slides every time.
Have you ever experienced severe health anxiety? Nope.
Do you have a drink with you right now and if so, what is it? If not, what would you like to be drinking right now? I have a cup of coffee with me now, yes.
Are you home alone right now? Nope, my family's downstairs.
What do you use - haha, lmao, lol, rofl? Something else entirely? Haha, lol, lmao.
What noises can't you stand to hear? When the spoon or fork hits the plate at a certain angle and it makes this horrible grating sound. Also, doors being slammed.
What's your favourite pasta shape?  Fettuccine.
What state, territory or province do you live in? It's like one cartwheel away from Metro Manila, which is super convenient because I'm away from the traffic but can easily go to the city for whatever it is I need.
Would you rather be sleeping right now? Not really sleeping, but I'd rather not be actively worrying right now. It's like, I'm highly aware that I'm taking this survey as an escape and as a distraction, but I wish I was taking it just because. And knowing that I'm taking this as a distraction just makes me feel bad somehow.
Are you still in touch with anyone you went to high school with? Yes quite a number of people. I'm close with a few and remain social media friends with a lot.
Do you use the Notes app on your phone much? If so, what for? Yes, it's very reliable for work. If there's something I need to take note of or I get grabbed in an impromptu meeting, it gets the job done.
Who did you last have a deep conversation with? Jo.
Do you prefer floral or fruity scents? Fruity. Floral makes me dizzy.
What's your favourite non-dairy milk? Oat.
Do you have any tattoos? If so, tell me about one. I don't have any.
Where are your siblings right now? Downstairs.
Which sibling are you closest to, both physically (distance) and emotionally? My sister. 
Did you attend pre-school as a kid? Yes.
What's something you need to buy soon? New nipple covers.
Have you ever been evicted from your home? If so, did you think it was fair? I haven't.
If you could learn any language, what would it be? Korean.
Do you go to cemeteries regularly? Who do you visit? I don't. I do visit my grandpa once every few months, but he's in a columbarium.
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Run With the Wind Season 1
Despite my general aversion to sports, I find myself drawn over and over again to watching sports animes.
Welcome back to my blog! Although I plan to keep the theme of this just tv shows, it'll probably end up focusing more on anime shows, as thats whats been catching my attention recently!
I really, really dislike sports. I don't like watching them on tv, I don't like watching dramas that focus on a sports team. I'm just not interested. Somehow, though, I find great enjoyment in animes relating to sports. All of my favorites (and the ones I prioritize on my 'watch next' life) are ones that focus on sports. I've been rewatching my favorite ones multiple times lately, so I decided it's time to start a new one.
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Run with the Wind is a show about a college track/cross-country team. The team, made of a group of roommates, are training to compete in the Hakone Ekiden Marathon, an extremely difficult and high-level competition for college athletes. The catch? 7 of the boys are complete novices, 1 (like me) is borderline 'allergic' to running, the captain has an aggravated leg injury, and the final member is an ex-famous high school track competitor who vowed never to compete again.
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Its a solid show. There's not much more I can say about it. I struggled a bit to get hooked onto it at the beginning and I felt like I was watching just to watch it and not for enjoyment. The only time I truly, really enjoyed it, was during the few episodes that dealt with the final race. At that point, I put off doing my homework for 4 hours in order to finish the show. The animation style was one I enjoyed (unlike my last post about Haikyuu season 4). The only issue I had with it was at certain times during running animation. Often times in animes during periods of intense movement, the animation will switch from the drawing style to a 3D rendering, which helps the fluidity of the animation. I think it ends up looking clunky and distracts from the what the art of anime actually is. I did, however, enjoy how unique all the characters were. It's not uncommon in shows to have each character in the ensemble exhibit some defining characteristic, but I think this show did a good job with not making them run-of-the-mill, stereotypical characteristics, but rather ones that helped the characters grow throughout the episodes.
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It was obvious from the start that there was no way this team could win first place. But thats okay. The team understood that and ran to be the best that they could, which I think is the most important part. So many sports shows are focused on being the best of the best, while this one is focused on being the best that you can be. It's such an important message that is often overlooked. Although this show wasn't close to being one of my favorites, it's one I believe more people should watch for the message behind it.
I wonder what show I'll start next! See you next week!
8/25/22 4:05pm
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echofades · 2 years
Have you given up on Vanity?
I've given up in that I'm just no longer expecting them to get back together. I was already feeling doubtful about it, but knowing Michelle will likely be going on maternity leave again in the not so distant future was kinda the last push for me to just give up completely (and this isn't me being negative about Michelle and Kate’s life choices because I'm obvs very happy for them and any future baby!)
But with the shitshow they’ve put them through and no hope in sight I feel like that's just it for them now, Vanessa will leave again at some point, and maybe in a year or five years or twenty years they could decide to go there again but that's not really anything worth holding on to.
Even if by some miracle they did get back together before her mat leave, I certainly don't trust them to deal with another absence with them together after how the last one turned out. So either way there's not really anything to hope for at this point.
Obviously, if they did get back together, even if it was for five minutes, I'd be all over it and clinging to them for dear life for as long as it lasted. They still occupy a large chunk of my brain and I miss them all the time :( but unless that day miraculously comes I'll just be over here expecting nothing and trying to forget Emmerdale exists for my own sanity.
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