#I.        SCRIPT          »          GILBERT‚     ELENA
racointeurarc · 2 years
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“        i’m     fine.      “       it’s    spoken    too    fast    for    it    to    be    true,     but    elena    still    tries    to    allow    it    to    be    accompanied    with   a    small    smile.       she    shifts    on     the    picnic    table    then,      her    eyes    going    down     to    her    lunch    before    her    rather    than    her    friend    across    from     her.       it’s    gotten    easier,    at    least,    to    utter    that   lie    without    completely    breaking    down.        it’s    getting    easier    and    elena    doesn’t    know    if    that’s   a    good    or    bad    thing.       who    is    she     again,     without    all    of    the    grief?      “    really,     you    don’t    have    to    worry    about    me.     “        @shesdaylight
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“shit, i wasn’t supposed to enjoy that as much as i did.”
“that was better than i thought it would be.”
- Hope Mikaelson
“shit, i wasn’t supposed to enjoy that as much as i did.”
“that was better than i thought it would be.”
pronouns: he/him, male
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To be honest, you weren't completely sure who had been the one to convince you to join the godforsaken musical. Between Josie's puppy eyes, Landon's pleading, and Kaleb's constant boasting of his role as Damon Salvatore, your memory had become fuzzy as to who exactly you finally agreed to. But there you were, script in hand and other students getting your sizes to fit you into the role of Stefan Salvatore.
"You look like you're having the time of your life." You glanced over your shoulder at the redhead, only heaving a sigh to her sarcasm. The ends of her pink-tinted lips twitched upward and she folded her arms over her chest as she ran her eyes over the leather jacket you sported.
"I don't want to hear a word about it."
Tossing her hands in the air, she giggled under her breath. "You got it, boss. I'll keep my mouth shut about this whole... bad boy vibe thing you've got going on."
"Why don't you make yourself useful and help me with these lines? I need to memorize them by tomorrow night or I fear Landon will smother me in my sleep." You offered the script to her and she took it, skimming the page and shrugging casually.
Hope proved to be a rather shitty helper with her monotone reading and her quips about the dialogue and songs. She refused to sing anything, not even amusing you with just a few words, but she continued the task of reading the lines of the other characters until she abruptly stopped.
"You, uh..." Her brows twitched downward. "You're going to kiss Josie?"
"Yeah, she plays Elena Gilbert. Elena's whole thing is having a love triangle between Stefan and Damon, so we obviously have to kiss at some point." You shrugged and the redhead grimaced. "We don't have to kiss, you know. Just read what's next."
"That's not-" Hope cut herself off and cleared her throat, brushing her hair over her shoulder and pressing her lips together. "It's fine, I.. I don't mind." She admitted quietly.
"Oh.. Uhm, okay." The thought of kissing Hope had never crossed your mind before. She'd always seemed untouchable, even after a friendship blossomed between you and her. But there she stood, looking oddly nervous and hesitant.
"We really don't have to, Hope. It's just a kiss. I doubt it'll be anything other than a-" Hope stepped foward, one hand cupping the back of your head while the other one tightly clutched the script. She kissed you, full of shyness and meekness not common to the almost-tribrid. It took you a moment to process Hope Mikaelson of all people was kissing you before you reacted, hands coming to a rest on her waist. She pulled back a few seconds later, face flushed and eyes downcast.
“That was better than I thought it would be.” You murmured half-teasingly half-dazed and Hope released a soft grunt, rolling her eyes at your words.
"(Y/N)! Could you come here? I need to talk to you about a line." Landon called from his spot beside Josie, barely glancing up at you and his ex. You nodded toward Landon and Hope forced a smile, watching you part away from her to approach her two friends. The smile dropped and she lifted a hand to her forehead, touching her warm skin.
Breathlessly, she murmured, “Shit, I wasn’t supposed to enjoy that as much as I did.”
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chloesreality · 3 months
me in my dr aesthetic 🫀
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my face claim 🧛‍♀️💋
elena gilbert
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my s/0 🩷
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my specie 👯🧛‍♀️
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my tvd dr aesthetic 🫀
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things I’ve scripted 📖
all strawberries are juicy and delicious and there’s no squishy bits
Damon hosts theme parties every now and again and it annoys Stefan lol
My legs are as smooth as a baby’s butt
My hair doesn’t get tangled outside
All extra clothes I own are in my Pinterest board
Stefan and Tyler don’t die
I will pass all exams with ease
unlimited money duh
My dr follows the plot
I am Elena gilbert (for that main character energy fr)
Bonnie finds a way to resurrect Enzo
I don’t go into a coma
there’s always food that I want in the house
Never have a bad makeup day
1 hour in CR = 1 week in DR
time pauses when im not in my dr
I have a high pain tolerance
happy shifting 🩷
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Decided to post the essay I wrote a few days ago. Of course, this isn't meant to shit on anyone, but to work through my feelings on TOH's themes and how I see the fandom working through them.
TOH has a very – let’s say uneasy relationship with its fantasy elements—or at least, that’s how the fandom has received them. I just saw someone talking about how Luz shouldn’t have gotten a Palisman of her own because she “doesn’t need to look any more like Azura,” considering that Luz’s whole thing at the beginning of the series was needing to better “tell fantasy from reality.” But I feel like that’s only getting half the point—the issue with not being able to tell fantasy from reality rests, as the series argues, with expecting the world to cater to you and then lashing out when it doesn’t.
The series makes this most clear with Belos, who rejects the traditional high fantasy genre signifiers as spiritual pollutants and yet is living in as much of a fantasy world as Luz was. “[He needs] to be the hero of his own delusion” locates Belos’s major flaw—in a character way and in a thematic way—in his refusal to see himself as just another part of the world, rather than its center. All of this is spoken to us directly by the embodiment of the Boiling Isles and its magic. This character flaw is then reinforced by how Belos gets defeated and starts rambling on about how humans are innately “better than this” Because Reasons.
I think part of this disconnect might be happening because we’re used to anti-escapist stories rejecting the fantasy world in its entirety. For example, Ready Player One ends with the reveal that the creator of the VR world—it was called the OASIS, wasn’t it?—regretted not spending enough time in the “real world,” and the main character rectifies this by enforcing a weekly one-day service outage. Even though the book explores reasons why people would want to escape into the VR fantasy, including escaping the confines of marginalized identity categories like gender and race, it still asserts that you’re missing out by leaving the “real world” behind. I think also of modern fantasy stories with creatures like vampires and werewolves that bend over backwards to justify why being a human is still totally the best option— “Be glad of your human heart, Feyre,” and so on. Even in series where the human main character becomes inhuman, it’s often through force—characters like Feyre and Elena Gilbert are killed and then revived as monsters, but only Bella Swan actively wants to become one. (It really is the equal-but-opposite response to the question Robert McRuer says is asked of disabled people IRL in his article about compulsory able-bodiedness: “Yeah, but in the end, wouldn’t you rather be like me?” In both cases—whether disabled or super-abled—the normate, abled, “regular” human position has to be reinforced as the ideal.)
And let’s be real, it’s all cope. We can agree it’s just cope, right? But even besides that, I think we also need to keep in mind that, contrary to what internet discourse would have you believe, subverting tropes is not good writing in and of itself — subversion and deconstruction need to be ways of creating meaning within the work, rather than the meaning itself.
I think, then, we can see TOH’s conversation with escapism from s1 to s3 as a way of asking, “What parts of our childhood should we keep?” In Luz’s case, like in many of our own childhoods, the fantasy elements are from the actual fantasy genre because Luz wants to imagine a bigger life for herself than Earth allows, one that is scary and dangerous but in the end still caters to her/us. (See also Freud’s concept of the family romance, wherein a child dreams that their parents aren’t their “real” parents and that their “real” parents are magic space fairy royalty who will one day reclaim their child and everything will be awesome forever.)
In episodes like “Witches Before Wizards,” these genre signifiers provide Luz with a set kind of “script” for how she believes interactions should go—the disappointment and restlessness she feels in the episode is from the fact that it’s not catered to her just because she’s there, in a similar way that Belos believes humans are better just Because They Are. Worth noting that even in that episode, the “reality” Luz needs to learn to accept is still based in a fantasy setting—signaling that the word “fantasy” in “differentiate fantasy from reality” should not be about the genre or the act of consuming fantasy in and of itself. Season three then literalizes this with The Collector turning people into puppets and acting out “The Owl House” as a game with suffering participants.
Conversely, season three adds more nuance by revealing that Luz’s hyperfixation stems from her relationship with her father. The season does a lot to explore the relationship-building potential of fiction, from Amity suggesting her and Luz dress as Hecate and Azura to the reveal that Camila is a secret Trekkie.
A fellow autistic person once described their special interest not just as something they’re obsessed with, but as part of how they processed the world. We can see this kinda play out in Camila’s conversation with Luz right before Stringbean hatches: she says she has forgotten the “Astral Oath” and responds to Luz’s question of her being a “secret nerd” with the admission that she shouldn’t have let her own fears of and experiences with being non-conforming compel her to try and change Luz. The Astral Oath and how it played out within Cosmic Frontier provided a framework for Camila that she admits she should have followed: “My biggest mistake was trying to protect you by changing this beautiful, good witch into something she wasn’t.” The best things about Luz are also the things that make her more drawn to the fantasy genre.
The rampant egoism of the genre should be left behind, the show says, but not the good lessons and the relationships you’ve built from it.
This anti-egoism does, of course, run up against the fact that Luz is still the main character. If Luz getting a Palisman makes her too much like Azura and therefore undermines the message, then honestly I don’t see how the final battle itself isn’t just a colossal fuck-up. Not even in the sense that Luz got Titan magic, which I have seen people say is now suddenly Luz being A Chosen One all along, but in the sense that Luz straight up shouldn’t have been in the final battle at all. (Honestly, if you want YA with a good anti-egoism message imparted through its structure, you’re looking for Robert Cormier’s The Chocolate War—book, not movie.)
I said on Twitter while I was reading Charlie Ledbetter’s “The Dysphoric Body Politic” that TOH has an interesting relationship with its escapism messaging because Luz DOES leave the human world. Even though she had to finish high school in the human world, the finale makes it clear that she’s been putting all of her spare energy and labor into the literal rebuild of the Boiling Isles. She entirely gives up on making a life for herself on Earth.
This isn’t super surprising, (I was always sure it would happen) but I do think it’s where the uneasiness—the messiness—between TOH and its genre comes into play. Yes, Luz needed to dial back her daydreaming and yes, her being in the demon realm ultimately led to it almost being destroyed, but it still is the worst possible ending if she doesn’t get to stay there.
In the article, Ledbetter, a transmasc who discovered themselves through fandom, writes that “Escapism is not a departure from reality. Rather, escape decenters the hegemony of oppressive systems that announce themselves as real and creates space to imagine alternatives.” And yet within the show, it’s a closed circuit—the threat to diversity and self-expression comes from the human realm, and yet there is no attempt to save it. Ledbetter, writing of fandom’s political potential, suggests using fanfic to imagine alternatives specifically so we can give ourselves the drive to try and enact them in the real world.
TOH’s sister show, Amphibia, gives us a taste of this in its finale: in the ten years since the Calamity Trio has left, the once-evil king lives out his final days planting seeds, and the girls themselves are dedicated to either educating others or creating art. They honor the memories of their childhood fantasy—Sasha with two crossing swords as a patch on her jacket and a charm dangling from her rearview mirror, Anne with her entire career—but the portal is closed. It’s not coming back.
Given everything TOH does in season three to reaffirm the value of fantasy as a lifelong interest, though, I think what it wanted to avoid suggesting, like a lot of traditional portal stories do, that the fantasy world is the world of childhood and needs to be escaped. Aslan tells Peter and Susan, after all, that they’re getting too old for Narnia. Peter and his siblings return there only in death; Susan isn’t so lucky. If Luz shouldn’t have gotten a Palisman, something which symbolizes she’s discovered a fundamental truth about herself and has “earned” her place as a Witch, then honestly she shouldn’t have been able to come back to the Boiling Isles, either. How many of us would've been happy with that?
If we want to square this with the show’s politics, I think we can read this as the show saying that, yes, there are some things you have to do as a child, but once you’re free, you aren’t obligated to stay with the society and people who won’t ever see you for who you are. In a way, Luz going back and forth between the human and demon realms parallels the teenage fantasy fan, making space in their lives for fandom as a place of joy and connection after all the boring hard “adult” work is done for the day. You don’t have to leave it behind; building outside of the system and making your life centered around your joy is hard work, yes, but worth doing.
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hellonexrth · 2 months
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001. faithless philosophy elena gilbert: one-shot tw: cheating
Elena Gilbert was not unfamiliar with grief. In fact, it felt inescapable, like every person in her life would be taken away from her at some point in time. Her parents, Jenna, Jeremy. The very idea of her having a family was against the universe's wishes. Damon was supposed to be different. A vampire who had died many a time before, he was supposed to be a permanent fixture in her life.
After the deaths of Klaus and Elijah, the vampire felt lucky to have kept her family together. She'd reached out to her friends suffering, Caroline and Hope, to let them know that she was always just a phone call away, that her door was always open should they need anything at all. That extension of support, her willingness to be there for those in need was, somehow, met with retaliation. Something Hope had to prove. To her, to her own family, she didn't know. But it had cost Damon his life. The worst part was this: Elena didn't need to be shown. If anyone understood grief, if anyone understood the need to turn everything off and disappear, it was her. So why had Hope felt the need to take one of the only people the vampire had left down with her?
She still couldn't wrap her head around the situation, couldn't make heads or tails of it. Couldn't process the overwhelming feeling of anger she had that made her want to find a way to kill the tribrid for what she'd done. A feeling she, of course, would never actually act on, but she couldn't help the hatred that rose to the surface whenever she thought about her husband's demise.
Even as weeks passed, those feelings continued in full force. Grief, despair, anger. Time didn't seem to make them fade in the slightest. So when a friend suggested packing away some of Damon's stuff in order to clear her mind, she got started on the project almost immediately.
She'd packed away a lot of his stuff already. In actuality, he really didn't have all that much for someone who'd been alive for so long. Most of his clothes could fit in just a few boxes, and when she started on his personal items, it was immediately apparent that he only kept things that really mattered.
In a small wooden box tucked away in his closet, she found the vervain necklace she'd been given by his brother in high school. She pulled the dainty chain out of the box and let it hang in front of her as she admired it. So many stories surrounding such a small piece of jewelry. Unlatching the locket took effort, but eventually, she was able to flip it open and reveal the dried vervain inside. Carefully, she dumped it into the trash before putting the necklace on. How long had it been since she'd worn the thing? It had to have been years. Maybe a decade or more. Why had Damon kept it locked up in a box in the closet when it held such sentimental value to her?
She picked up the small box and sat on the bed with it, pulling out other items from her and Damon's past. Underneath a picture of them from their wedding, she found a small stack of folded parchment tied up with twine. Letters. Curious. Did it count as snooping if the person was dead? If you'd spent your life with them and thought they hadn't kept any secrets?
With deft fingers, she untied the string. In counting, there were nearly twenty letters in the small package, each about a page in length. She unfolded the first one and found a familiar script. Not Damon's, nor her own. Passages like I miss you and it was a mistake, but I can't stop thinking about it, and even I love yous in looping cursive font, signed at the bottom by one Bonnie Bennett.
She dropped the letter like she'd been stung and leaped from the bed, pacing back and forth across the room she'd shared with a man she trusted with her entire being. There had to be some mistake, right? Certainly, her best friend hadn't been in love with her husband? Unable to help herself, she combed through the remaining letters. All from Bonnie, dated back through 2015. Before they'd been married, before they'd adopted Theodore together. When she'd been asleep, when Damon and Bonnie had both been dead. The letters painted a picture of a long, arduous affair to which Elena had been clueless about.
Water droplets fell on the page she held. She was crying, her face soaked with tears she barely noticed. She flipped through the pages again and again, looking for some hidden message, some code she was missing, some just kidding! or other note that would prove this was all some sick joke. But clearly, it wasn't, it couldn't be. He'd kept these letters along with her necklace and other personal items with great sentimental value.
The vampire hesitated. She wanted nothing more than to burn them, to rip them to shreds, and to scream at the top of her lungs. She was an idiot. How could this have gone on so long in the background without her knowing? How could two of the closest people in her life have been lying to her all this time? And he was dead and she couldn't even confront him, couldn't even yell at him to his face, couldn't tell him off for all the lies. It all stayed in a tight ball in her chest with nowhere to go but down, deeper and deeper until it felt like it could suffocate her completely.
Without taking a moment to think, the widow snapped a picture of the letters and sent them to Bonnie with no message attached. Staring down at the screen of her phone, her legs tucked close to her chest, she watched as the bubbles appeared and disappeared for what felt like hours before she received a short message that said only: I'm so sorry.
She threw her phone across the room, shattering it against the wall on impact as a scream loosed from her throat and the tears came faster than before. Dropping her head onto her knees, she continued to cry. Because what else was there to do? There were no fights to have, no marriage to save, he was already gone. And she was alone and angry and betrayed, and all she could do was grieve the man she thought she knew, the marriage she thought she'd had.
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grcdge · 9 months
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★   just  announced,  OCEAN  CARTIER  is  casted  as  ELENA  GILBERT  /  KATHERINE  PIERCE  in  upcoming  THE  VAMPIRE  DIARIES  reboot.  the  twenty  four  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  chanel  rouge  coco  in  attraction  on  her  lips  wrapped  around  the  metal  straw  while  sipping  canned  redbull  on  set,  highlighting  in  baby  pink  her  own  parts  to  memorize  while  reading  the  script,  the  smell  of  purple  airwaves  ;  mixed  in  with  kayali’s  oudgasm  vanilla  &  polaroids  hidden  behind  her  phone  case  that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  gregarious,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  skeptic.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  how  she  always  starts  a  day  on  set  with  blasting  taylor  swift  will  let  people  to  know  them  better.
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kitten16 · 2 months
watch me pull an elena gilbert in my supernatural dr
no seriously i change my script almost every day i just finished writing sam!boyfriend headcanons and im loving it
i've always been a dean's girl but lately sam is looking a little too good stoooop
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draconaiis · 1 year
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like for a one liner or script from elena gilbert or stefan salvator. specify or ill default to elena. pls know i default to vampire!elena unless you request otherwise. as for stefan, he is generally season 5 ish or post series au.
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silkfyre · 1 year
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The following content does not limit the type of requests I accept. If there is a topic or character that is not listed, but you wish to have included feel free to ask! If I’m ever uncomfortable with something I will simply deny the request.
HIGHLIGHTED names are my personal favorite characters. 
Writing Tips
Script Creation
Character Building
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The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
The Quarry
Abigail Blyg
Emma Mountebank
Jacob Custos
Laura Kearney
Max Brinley
Ryan Erzahler
Travis Hackett
The Lost Boys
House of Wax
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface)
Michael Myers
Billy Loomis
Randy Meeks
Stu Macher
American Horror Story
James Patrick March
Jimmy Darling
Lottie Matthews
Misty Quigley
Natalie Scatorccio
Shauna Sadecki
Taissa Turner
Van Palmer
The Boys
Billy Butcher
Black Noir
Hughie Campbell
Kimiko Miyashiro
Mother's Milk
Queen Maeve
Soldier Boy
Detroit: Become Human
Gavin Reed
Hank Anderson
Rk600 (Sixty)
RK900 (Nines)
Fallout 4
John Hancock
Nick Valentine
Paladin Danse
Piper Shaw
Preston Garvey
Robert MacCready
Fallout (series)
Aspirant Dane
Cooper Howard (The Ghoul)
Knight Maximus
Lucy MacClean
Norm MacLean
Alien vs Predator
coming soon!
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter
James Cameron’s Avatar
Lyle Wainfleet
Miles Quaritch
Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan
TVD Verse
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Elijah Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Kol Mikaelson
Niklaus Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Baldur’s Gate 3
Astarion Ancunín
Gale Dekarios
Karlach Cliffgate
Wyll Ravengard
Red Dead Redemption II
Albert Mason
Arthur Morgan
Charles Smith
Dutch Van Der Linde
Flaco Hernández
Javier Escuella
John Marston
Kieran Duffy
Sadie Adler
Call of Duty
John Price
John “Soap” MacTavish
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Grand Theft Auto
Franklin Clinton
Michael De Santa
Trevor Philips
Outer Banks
Pope Heyward
Rafe Cameron
Sarah Cameron
Topper Thornton
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Notes :: There may be some things on these lists that are debatable. If they are something I’m willing to write under certain circumstances then it will be ITALICEZED.
Character x Character (w/o reader)
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Bubba Sawyer
Freddy Krueger
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racointeurarc · 2 years
secondary    muse    tag    drop     001.
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chloesreality · 4 months
In your TVD dr Who are your Friends?
thanks for the ask! okay so, In my TVD dr, I replace Elena Gilbert, okay so maybe not replace, more like, I am her she is me sorta thing. I did make a script for this dr and because I am Elena I scripted I will be friends with the main friends on the show.
so you know, caro, bon, matt, and tyler and obviously over time…stefan and damon, so basically just the main group in the show. I did also script my cr sister in my dr, but in that reality she’s not my sister, she’s just my high school friend (I thought it would be cool to hear about her life in my dr + it’ll be cool to be able to come back to this reality and tell her about herself 🤷‍♀️)
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ofruins · 5 years
THERE’S  NOT  MUCH  TO  DO  IN  FELL’S  CHURCH,     the  town  she  can’t  seem  to  escape  from.  so,  she  finds  herself  sketching  in  her  diary  by  the  lake  while  trying  to  learn  to  command  the  waters  within.  everyone  knows  that  water  is  to  the  supernatural  like  rubber  is  to  lightning,  but  she  considers  her  supernatural  situation  to  be. . .  special.  her  power  is  angelic.  she  should  be  able  to  move  the  water,  and  she’s  trying  to  when  her  concentration  is  broken  by  the  sound  of  footsteps. 
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her  head  swivels  around  to  see  him  approach,  and  elena  offers  an  easy  smile.     ❝   would  you  like  me  to  leave?  i  know  people  come  here  to  think,  and  i’ve  been  hogging  it  all  morning.   ❞
@peaceific​  ♥’d  for  elena  gilbert
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southsidelover · 5 years
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Riverdale High, a new place to lay down for worship come the daylight hours; new hallways, new rules, no more chain link fences to separate the animals from the mortals, and more than anything else, new people with which to become familiar. With gum popping, snapping, PINK between her lips, her first few days are spent with leather jackets and familiarity that comes with running amongst her own, but they don’t want her to have that for long, do they? Rebellious fragments amongst the school population’s OGs left to strip them of the things that allowed them a sense of home when far from it, her pink hair pairing with soft flannel, the ripped comfort of thigh highs that connect  to the shorts she wears despite the chill of the fall.
There are groups of people that she’s come to learn to become familiar with; cheerleaders that fall beneath the iron reign of Cheryl Blossom, the academics that loosely revolve around activities such as the Blue and Gold, the jocks, with Reggie Mantle, with Archie Andrews, though the two seemed LOCKED UP within rivalry. It’s funny how despite the time that passes, certain groups remain ever the same, revolving around the familiar orbits within it. Toni, now, with her Pretty Poisons, the Serpents taking opposing halls, as they all stalk, class to class.
Elena somewhere within the middle of it all, Toni dropping to take the seat next to her at lunch, munching, idle, at the packaged lunch that she’d brought from home, a grin passed, flickering on her features before it disappears, stare focused outwards. “You look troubled lately, fly girl. What’s ON YOUR MIND? Roxy said you got pulled outta your last class... I was worried about you. Everything ok?”
@graveiary​ for a riverdale starter.
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astrafairy · 2 years
In honor of me shifting to a new DR tonight, I thought I'd give you guys a brief run through on one of my newest shifting destinations...
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MY VAMPIRE DIARIES DR (contains blood and death)
DISCLAIMER: I have only seen a little less than one season of The Vampire Diaries, so it's safe to say I have very little experience with the TVD universe
My name is Astra Salvatore and I am the youngest of the Salvatore family. I recently moved back to Mystic Falls with my brothers Stefan and Damon (I know this is a very cliche backstory, but hey, I've only seen about sixteen episodes of this show. Sue me.)
I am, as you can probably guess, a vampire. But! I'm scripting that we don't need blood to survive and that we have no trouble not m*rdering people to get blood. I come here to have FUN not to be involved in CRIME.
Because I LOVE the drama and attention, I'm scripting that I'm also a witch. Magic comes very easily and I'm capable of picking up the most complex of spells at a moment's notice.
Also! I cannot lose my daylight ring. Ever. It's basically glued to me.
And, lastly, no one ever finds out we're vampires. Except, of course, Elena and all the people that "need" to for the sake of the plot.
Onto the good stuff! Family, love interest, friends, etc.
So Damon is kinda in his Emo Phase right now and he's just a dick in general. He misses "the old days" and can't cope with the fact that time is passing and he can't do anything about it. We used to be close back in the day but as he grew more emo he kinda became super hostile towards me.
I'm closer with Stefan at the beginning because he's acting sensibly and whatnot
I go to Mystic Falls High School with Stefan, and my first day of school (when I plan to shift to) is when I meet my love interest (drum roll please) Jeremy Gilbert!
Yeah. I'm weak in the knees for little Gilbert. Sue me.
He's assigned to basically give me a tour around the school and "welcome me" to the school (also cliche but I don't care anymore lol) and he basically ditches me from the first moment to go get high or some shit.
I end up confronting him later for being a shitty tour guide, which is sort of hilarious
We end up in a lot of classes together and sort of become study buddies - mostly because I'm a genius and he can barely keep track of a pen for more than a day
Elena loves me because I actually get Jeremy to study and do his homework and pay attention in class - Aunt Jenna loves me too of course
I know Bonnie's grandma, so Bonnie and I become friends too. I help her with spells and learning about her abilities.
I planned a little Enemies to Friends to Lovers with Jeremy, of course. I'm a sucker for that.
Eventually my secret gets revealed to him when we get attacked by another vampire, whom I have to fight off. I later tell him I can make him forget if he'd like, but he turns it down, with some stupid thing like "Why would I want to forget my chemistry tutor is a f-cking vampire?" or some stupid line that makes my brain go fizzy.
Yeah, that's pretty much it! Just some vampiring, studying, and some romance thrown in there for funzies. I'm so excited to get to this DR omg I CANNOT WAIT to walk around the Salvatore House in person.
I hope this gives some of you ideas for your own TVD script! Happy shifting my beautiful beautiful stars.
With love, Astra <3
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Why I Would NEVER Want A TVD Reboot
The Effects/The Nostalgia:
There’s a certain nostalgia about the Vampire Diaries, like I admit I was a bit hesitant to start, because the quality of the photage wasn’t that great in like the first season, and was a bit grainy, but now, I love it. Theirs's a certain feel about, and it just creates this atmosphere, that I don’t think can ever be re-created.
And the magic, I loved the magic effect and the vampire faces in TVD/Originals. I wasn’t that big of the blue balls of magic, or things like that, that Legacies used. Like I loved the flames, the atmosphere, the witchy stuff more in TVD. That was the classic, and one of the things that made TVD so iconic. But, like the dragon breath Kaleb had in Legacies, was not a fan of that. I feel like if their was ever a reboot, they would just turn to the blue balls of magic, or those effects, instead of relying on makeup, and having those vampire faces, they’d digitalize it too much, and I don’t think I’d be a fan of that.
The Fear/The Plot: 
Like it could be better, or if Julia Plec is involved again, then it would definitely be worse. 
At this point, just leave it alone. Plus, reboots tend to follow the original storyline, with a few changes (usually in script), and I don’t want to do that (Hayley, Cami, Enzo’s Death, Klaus and Elijah’s death), all over again, just with different faces.
Biggest Reason - The Actors:
Nobody, and I mean nobody, would ever be able to be Katherine Pierce or Elena gilbert for me, expect Nina Dobrev. And nobody can do Klaus, like Joseph Morgan, or be Caroline like Candice King. I just can’t see it. Plus, the actors themselves are amazing. It’s how/the way they play the roles, plus, the way the create chemistry. One of the reasons I loved Klaroline as much as I did, because the chemistry between the two, was amazingly brought to life by the actors.
Another Big - Reason Klaroline:
I am terrified! Absolutely terrified of a reboot. Of all the ways they would ruin Klaroline again.
Because now that I think of it, it’s a good thing they didn’t do Klaroline, because J.P. And the writers would have BUTCHERED it!
So I guess them not doing it is what you’d call a blessing in disguise
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Eternal Flame- 9/? Kol Mikaelson
Vampires... They're Real
WC: 1675
We all fell asleep in Sams room the following night while watching his favourite comfort movie in his bed. That's the twelfth time I've seen Top Gun now. We were or at least I was woken up by a loud cough coming from the doorway, I opened my eyes to reveal that I fell asleep on the floor last night with the three boys on the bed, and they say chivalry is dead. I looked at the digital clock on Sams bedside cabinet which read 11.03 which made me sit up abruptly looking at the doorway to see Meredith, she must have stayed over as well. I got up searching for my phone to reveal i had 12 texts from Elena, 5 from Ric and a voicemail from the least likely person, Damon Salvatore. I shoved it into my back pocket before heading to the door leaving the trio sleeping peacefully. I walked down the stairs to see Meredith, Harry, and Lucy. Sams parents.
"I am so sorry for your loss Mr. and Mrs. Fell. You too Meredith." I told them sincerely upset about the death of Tobias Fell. "Do they know the cause of death?" I asked the trio which Lucy replied.
"Animal attack." Strained voice probably from crying and comforting her husband.
Animal attack.
"That's terrible." I said still feeling bad for them especially Meredith and Harry but still genuinely hoping that it was a tomb vampire and not Stefan. "Again, I'm sorry for your loss." This created a weak smile from Lucy and a nod from Meredith, Harry staring into space. I heard a honk from outside that sounded like a certain Salvatores vintage car. "That's my ride."
"I'll show you out," Meredith got out standing up heading towards the door I've been going in and out since freshman year.
"Can you tell Sam to text me whenever he wants. I'll be free for him." She nodded confirming she'll pass on the message to my best friend. I walked out and saw the blue vehicle with a raven-haired vampire driver making me nearly turn back and go back to Sam. I walked towards him and got into the car. I put the seatbelt on then he sped away.
"Do you not answer your texts?" He questioned in that classic Damon tone. I rolled my eyes.
"When a family member of my best friends has been killed via 'animal attack' I tend to stick by him" I replied snarkily making him roll his eyes. "Well, what's with the texts and calls?" It was his time to show off his 'iconic' smirk.
"Well, I assume you're aware of the little ghost problem we had last night." I hummed in agreement my mind going back to the conversation i had with my deceased aunt "Well the ghost of Mason Lockwood gave me a visit and showed me something very interesting in the Lockwood cellar" he told me stretching the very before stopping not giving me any hints of what it may be.
"Well? What is it?" I asked annoyed at the vampire already, two minutes must be a record.
"Patience is a virtue, middle Gilbert" making me roll my eyes for what seems to be the tenth time in three minutes. We sat in silence on the way to the Lockwood cellar before getting out the car and walking a good five minutes "Could you be any slower?" Damon asked annoyed by my speed making me contemplate going slower just to annoy him.
"I can try." He turned back and glared at me we walked into the cellar seeing my sister and Ric who must have gotten here not long before us as they were walking down the hidden tunnel in the cellar. Damon put a finger to his month as if be quiet, i narrowed my eyes but nevertheless I went behind him quiet to see where this is going. I overheard Ric saying to Elena.
"Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light."
"Wait, what?" Elena replied making me keep a laugh in when Damon comes down the tunnel standing behind her whispers.
"Elena!" Which she turns around to see the blue-eyed vampire "Boo!" scaring the petit brunette as I see he jump with fright.
"Ah, god Damon!" She yelled making me smile before pushing past him to stand next to Ric.
"Scaredy-cat!" He goads.
"Just ignore him. That's what I do." Ric advises Elena and me rolling his eyes.
"To be fair Ric," he looked at me while I was looking at the floor expecting me to actually defend a Salvatore "it is quite hard at times, his voice is just that annoying. Its impossible" making the doppelganger and hunter smirk at the scowl on the vampires' face.
"Your real brave when your somewhere I can't reach you" I gave him a smirk in retaliation to the statement.
"So, you really can't get in?" my twin asks the annoyed creature.
"No. Seems like even the ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire." Damon told the elder Gilbert.
"Wonder why?" I sarcastically muttered making him give me a glare which I ignored too busy trying not to fall in the dark and rough terrain.
"What do you mean ancient?" Elena questions oblivious to the comment made towards the Salvatore and his species. His eyes go back to my sister, he gestured in a way to carry on walking.
"See for yourself." The four of us carrying on the walk with two flashlights being our only source of light. "Well, this is as far as I go" Damon states letting the two gilbert sisters and their hunter guardian carry on walking. Elena shines her flashlight on the wall in front of us to show drawings of all kinds seemingly to be Viking runic.
"What is all this?" my sister asks from beside me while I somehow read some of the writing.
"Well as far as I can tell, it's a story." Ric begins "In simple, archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story" he points at a drawing of what is the moon cycle, I think? "That right there, is the moon cycle" after this he points at another drawing on the wall "a man, a wolf." How did I know that was moon cycle?
"A werewolf" Elena says looking mesmerized by the drawings.
"Yeah, it's the 'Lockwood Diaries: Pictionary-Style'" Damon pitches in with an attempt at humor of the possibly huge discovery in front of us.
"But the Lockwoods didn't settle here until the 1860's with the rest of the founders. Who drew these? When were they drawn?" I asked the historian in which he shared a look with the vampire.
"A long time ago" Ric vaguely told me.
"How long?" My sister said backing me up by questioning the hunter as well.
"Long. It gets better. Show them, Ric." Damon once again butted in.
"Names. They're not native. They're written in-"
"Runic, a Viking script" I cut him off making his look at me with eyebrows raised, I shrugged my shoulders.
"Vikings?" my sister said not understand that Vikings were in Mystic Falls.
"This name here, I translated it and it reads Niklaus" Ric tells us.
"And Elijah... and Rebekah" pointing towards the names on the wall flashing at a group of names one catching my eye that I'm barely hearing anything, it was only three letters. it was next to Rebekahs making me think that maybe it was another Mikaelson. I was in a weird kind of daze, the only thing breaking me out of the trance I was in while looking at the name was.
"Mikael." That makes me snap my head towards the teacher.
"Mikael? Their dad?" I questioned with a nod of confirmation from Ric.
"Mikael, as in, the vampire hunter who knows how to kill Klaus?" My sister asked all of us.
"Yep. I now like to call him 'Papa Original'" Damon says humor filling his voice while Ric takes pictures of the cave wall.
To break the tension my phone rang to see Sam was texting me,
'Meet me at our place in ten mins?'
I furrow my eyebrows wondering what could be so important that couldn't be said over the phone but sent back a little.
"Hate to break this lovely revelation short but I have somewhere to be, friend to console. You know the drill." indicating I'm going to speak to Sam which Elena nods in reassurance.
"Yeah go, be with him. Do you need a ride to his place?" She asks me but I shook my head.
"I can walk it but thanks Lena" walking out of the cave missing the look of borderline shock on her face at the nickname I've barely called her since the accident. I walk out of the old Lockwood cellar northwest for a few minutes before reaching a little lake that is usually used for parties but when quiet a peaceful place where Sam and I come to regularly when we need to get away from everything. When I'm there I already see the brunette sitting on a rock.
"Hey, Sam." He turns around while sitting to see me, he turns back around facing the lake with a serious expression on his pale face. "Are you okay? Stupid question. What can I do to help?" I asked reprimanding myself for asking such a stupid question at the beginning. I sat down next to him on the same rock. He gave me a small smile.
"You can keep a secret right?" He asked in all serious.
"Of course," I told him offhandedly.
"No Alexandra. I'm being deadly serious, what I'm about to tell you... I'm not supposed to tell anyone. You can't tell anyone." he told me turning around looking me in dead in the eye. I turned around facing him curious yet worried about my grieving friend.
"Sam, you can tell me anything. I swear on my parents grave I won't tell anyone." I sincerely swore to him.
"It's about" he stopped himself breathing in before sharing
"Vampires... They're real."
A/N: Sorry for the lack of content episode wise in this but I thought I'd give you an idea of how Sam is going to be a recurring maybe even main character and the rest of the episode plus a bit of Sam drama is part two of the episode.
As usual let me know of any grammar, spelling mistakes or British slang/spelling.
Please comment or vote to let me know I'm doing a decent job. I need validation haha.
Thank you for reading lovelies xxx
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