skyland2703 · 5 months
Rafkonians are descended from Rafkon’s equivalent of early tetrapods that retained their sex-swapping ability and electroreceptory abilities. As of present, their sexswapping has evolved into hermaphroditism and electroreceptory to full on mind reading.
Rafkonians are highly adaptive to environmental changes, as such there are several subspecies, or there used to be 66 million years ago, as due to the planet’s depletion of resources in the past 22,000 to 8,000 years. Because of this, near extinction and resource depletion, all subspecies of Rafkonian have gone extinct and have melded into one.
The Rafkonians have existed for about 100-170 million years, and are highly resilient. A lasting population of about 20,000-12,000 Rafkonians now exists on earth after the Dino Fury, now Cosmic Fury, Power Rangers defeated Void Queen.
66 million years ago was a golden era on Rafkon, the majority of subspecies existed at this point, the most prolific were the Coastal and Desert subspecies.
The Coastal and Desert subspecies lived on a supercontinent with the Mangrove and Glacial subspecies.
Coastal Rafkonians were the largest subspecies, height ranging from 5-10ft/3.66-9.33 (I don’t know how to properly translate ft to meters ok) and length from nose to tail being 20-45ft/18.66-(idk)m. Coastal Rafkonians usually have sand, golden, and sky blue skin, but their bioluminescent regions can be any color.
Side note: If we had huge shark Aiyon fireworks for the dead wouldn’t exist, or at least Ollie would be severely injured.
(Imma end this here bc I’m getting tired ngl)
Side note: If we had huge shark Aiyon fireworks for the dead wouldn’t exist, or at least Ollie would be severely injured. <- this i love this
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hiranospiercing · 2 years
here!! for anyone who wants to memorize the skeleton system, a quick chart.
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sethdomain · 10 months
Why they make college so fucking expensive, like whatever i aint paying that much for an art degree JEESUS I’D RATHER JUST BE ADOCTOR 😭
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gatekeeperwatchman · 2 years
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Daily Devotionals for January 18, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-8(KJV): 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. 8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
Thought for the Day
Verses 5-6 - "Leaning on our understanding" does not mean we are not to use our minds. When we do not understand what is happening, we must trust the LORD to show us what to do. When we are tempted to blame God for trials, we must not yield to Satan's accusations against Him. Evil attacks against us or our families do not come from God but from Satan, who is trying to discourage us. We must trust God to bring us through every trial. If we acknowledge Him, He promises to direct our paths and show us how to overcome every problem we encounter.
Verse 7 - We must not be "wise in our own eyes," but reverently respect the Lord. If we believe that the Bible is true, we will leave our ways and follow His. We will honor His Word and not treat it lightly, since we will fear the consequences of rejecting Him. The Bible tells us there is a heaven and a hell and that we will decide which will be our abode. We are invited to repent of our sins, accept Jesus as our Savior, and obey His law of love. To accept this invitation is to choose the way of heaven. If we reject it, our rebellion will take us to hell. A healthy fear and respect for God will help us to resist evil when we are tempted to sin.
Verse 8 - The navel marks where a baby's umbilical cord was once attached, reminding us that our mothers gave us life by nourishing us through the umbilical cord before we were born. Symbolically, this could represent God's life - bringing health to us as we are "attached" to Him. The Hebrew word for navel also means "nerve or muscle." Following God brings health to our emotions and bodies. The phrase "marrow to thy bones" takes on strong implications regarding health in the light of modern medicine and biology: life-giving cells are created in the marrow of the bones and released to the body, and doctors even perform bone marrow transplants for the reversal of some fatal diseases.
Many helpful books are available on health, but the greatest advice on healthy living is found in God's Word. He desires to bless us with healthy minds, bodies, and spirits. This complete health is obtained by allowing Jesus to rule every area of our lives.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear Father in heaven, we come to You in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for so many wonderful promises in Your Word. We come to You humbly and ask that You remove any prideful attitudes in our hearts and lives. We truly want to follow in Your ways and serve You. Help us to trust You when things are going wrong, as much as when things are going right. We realize to walk in faith, that we must believe that You will help us with our current problems even though we do not see a way at this time. You will make a way, as You have never failed anyone who comes to You in faith. Thank you for your good health, mentally and physically. We are glad that so many of our names are written in the Book of Life. Use us to help others find the way to heaven and I ask these things in your name. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller
Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, @StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller...#GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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henrioo · 7 months
Hii henrioo I wanted to ask this before I follow. Iam allowed to follow you? Because I just use any pronounce but iam biologially male and I reblogg all gender reader stories. Totally understand if iam forbieen from your blog ❤
Have a good day!
Oh yeah baby totally allowed
Even if you aren't a amab if you use all/any pronouns or at least male pronouns then yep you are totally welcome to my blog
Dw, you are more than welcome to enjoy my male stuff without any worries
And thanks for asking, that was pretty cute
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violexides · 4 years
hell no not today
hi,, i have headache and iam tireddd  ia m going to type now for amusement purposes
update not amusement i think im going to sob in like 2 seconds
you know its good to know that peope arent dead. like thats kinda. preferable. i have not done my biology hw in so long and i really hope she forgives me. why is there a literal chair in my bathroom. why did i put it OH its because im gay. augh. my lipstick so sexy but gives me and the bois Headache. just kididng i would laryed have a hedacehb because i feel so bad. i havent fbullied identity v today i should do that. like affectionate. except mike. i really dont know. i meant like. i dont
no fuck
i really dont like mike
there i go
i am so hungry but i am so small and i think if i open my mouth my perpetual nausea will weave like lions through a forest. i want to make out with someone but only in new hampshire. do you coordinate what flowers people leave at your gravestone once you die. i think i was so busy being depressed i forgot to believe in something. that being said i still don’t believe in something. yes i do. no. what. 
no goddammit i don’t want to open icloud preferences
i think i like this. no. what i am in agony what am i liking
oh i have a voice lesson
what if i 
word of the day 
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jungkxook · 3 years
I knew i would make a fool out of myself again 🤡 i literally forgot i send you an ask in a span of what? 2 minutes? What is this? 😭 Next time block me please
Alyssa stop worrying about updating 😔, i have told you this before. You literally blessed us with 4 (if not more, i am not a fun of math) different fics not long ago. You have other important things to do in your life as well. Dont worry about us we are not going anywhere 🤠 you aint getting rid of us so easily miss.
You need some time for yourself too 💕🌺
Iam doing good, uni is being a bitch as always you know the drill 🤡 my exams are really close so...also i am trying to get a scholarship in Korea but i literally have to find a korean student MYSELF like....how am i supposed to find a poor soul form Korea that wants to come in my stupid country to study biology??
I dont think that this should be MY job...but it is what it is 🤠
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^me to you because hearing from you always makes my day🥺 mayra my lovely thank you for always being so supportive because it means the world to me!!!!💛💛💛💛
I hope you’re taking some time for yourself too, even though I’m sure things are hectic with school and such!
also that’s so strange that they want you to find someone? my school offers the same thing and when I tried looking into it they said they would find someone because our school is affiliated with certain ones abroad? how do they expect you to search for someone😭 I’m sure there’s someone out there studying the same thing as you who wants to go to your country!! I wish I could be of more help too but I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that ahaha have you tried asking your school for anymore help? I hope things work out, because studying in korea would be so cool!!!
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stitchedhart · 4 years
From Sunrise to Sunset, Portrait of My Life
Each day, life offers us a blank page in the book of our existence. It is up to us to write and paint the colors we want..the shades that suit us best…something that can make us happy and alive! There will always be the darker shades thru the course of our journey but it will make the portrait of our life be more beautiful and interesting.
There are 7 billion people in the world, meaning there are 7 billion stories to be told. My story is not the extraordinary one. Simple. Yeah that’s the operative word that can describe my life. Iam a sucker of simplicity. I was born and raised in a little town called Lallo.
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Born in August the 9th nineteen hundred and seventy nine! According to my Mamala’s story my mother left me to her care when i was 9 months old. For what reason, i still do not know up to this time. Glad i was bred in a manner i dont regret anything until I’ve reached this age. I owe it all to my old folks.
Moving on..
Ive spent my elementary days at Lallo North Central School (Lallo Central School before) where in ive collected a lot of good and not so bad memories.
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As a kid, my school days flew away very playfully. The studies too went on like a breeze without any sort of pressure. I’ve received my high school diploma with honors at Lallo High School (now, Lallo National High School).
High school life is said to be the best life that a teenager could ever experience. I agree. Ive have had the most colorful and happiest high school days. I’ve got good friends, had my first crush and first love. But then ive also experienced my first heart break, first pain and first downfall. Part of life nonetheless!
Life then was not easy in our family. We lived in different worlds. My father was an overseas worker and my mother stays at home & takes care of my siblings in Manila. While i stayed in my Grannie’s care enjoying the simple side of life in the province. I thought i was not gonna go to college when i finished high school. I was dumbfounded when my father announced the news one morning. I was utterly disappointed. I cried but to no avail. With the turn of events, I decided to go to the city (Manila) then. I stayed at my uncle’s place. But 2 weeks after, my prayers were answered. My uncle sent me back home. Then I took the college entrance examination immediately and was enrolled upon the completion of my requirements. I took Bachelor of Science in Biology. I graduated on top of my class after 4 years.
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After graduation i must admit i did all the wrong decisions and choices which landed me in a not so good situations. But today, when i look back ive got nothing to regret about. I was 27 when stroke took my father’s life. I was devasted…but then life must go on.
Ive landed many odd jobs after i rejected all my first offers after graduation.
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I had fun working tho. One particular job i have had was being a Pharmaceutical Healthcare Representative.
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I was employed by a prestigious company based in Manila. The nature of my work then was practically living on the road, chasing doctors and attending conventions. It was a bliss. I was single (with boyfriend), earning my own money and i was good at my job.
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It was when i was diagnosed with gastroenteritis that i decided to quit and settled down with my boyfriend. We eventually got married. I had my first baby girl at the age of 25. ‘Twas the happiest day of my life. After giving birth, we moved in Manila. Hubby and I had our jobs there. How i missed the joy of acquiring our own very first table, our own sofa, bed, kitchenwares and television. Something we can call ours, out of our hard earned money. We stayed in Manila for 6 years. We’ve experienced a lot. From abundance to nothing, from happiness to sadness, in sickness and in health. To all of those, hubby and I and our first born stuck together. 4 years after i have given birth to our first baby, our second bundle of joy was born. Hubby was ecstatic and so was I. But then, our life was not all about flowers and peaches and chocolates and roses all the time. It was in the month of October that my mother in law was diagnosed with lung cancer. Our world have gone into shambles. Then Hubby’s company was shutdown due to bankruptcy. “When it rain it pours” it practically applied to us at that moment. We made the hardest decision during that time. I quited my job because we need to go back home and stay there for good. I was on the family way with our 3rd child. My mother in law passed away after 6 months.
Life continued..
While my kids and I stayed in the province, Hubby tried his best to make ends meet for our family. He tried hard and even harder but his health failed. He developed hypertension. Again, we made a decision. I have to go abroad…and i did. At first, i was hesitant. But when i saw my children deprived of the things they wanted, my defenses were defeated. It broke my heart leaving them.
I stepped in the red soil (Hongkong) in December 2010. I was cold, tired, and hungry when we reached the agency in Mongkok. My mind and heart was left in the Philippines but i made a firm decision that i have to do it come hell or high water. So the next day my employer picked me up at the agency and brought me to their home. I was given a warm welcome by the family. It was then that my life changed, totally! A life by my own without my husband, without out my kids. I practically lived with strangers in an instant. But eventually, the Yung family considered me as their own family.
Years passed…
It was my 3rd vacation in the Philippines when everyone in our family was in a state of euphoria.
My first born happened to be graduating during that time. I went home with a happy and full heart. We enjoyed every bit of my stay. We roamed around the valley and even went on the other side of the region to experience the scenic places there.
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Our hearts were filled with happiness and joy. But as always, nothing lasts forever. After a month of togetherness with my family, i went back to my jobsite. I had the weirdest feeling when i boarded the plane back to Hongkong.
Events after that said vacation, my world had an abrupt turn to 360°….i went upside down!
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really !!i love that jay is such a nice person im glad we share the same love towards marine biology :’)id love to ask many questions abt it but later aw i love how you played piano you definitely had more practice & when you played you sounded lovely, an elective !i would probably go with dance to step out of my comfort zone but whatever you choose would be a great choice,good luck lovely find it cute how curious you are but yes we’re mutuals,hopefully wont take long for you to find out who iam
aw u know jay !!!! i love her so much shes such an angel💖💞💓💘💕💗💝 and aw thank u🥺🥺🥺 which song did u see ???? im forgetting what i posted oof fkskdk but hmmm ill have to see,.,,i'll keep u updated !!!!
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If you ever thought i am weak,think twice...think as long as you can!
I am 22,dosen’t matter which country,and now i am gonna tell you everything i can...tonight i have also discovered self hurt via knife,i cut myself couple of yours ago thinking i would kill myself,but couple days ago it happend again...thinking i would end it all,but not,tonight i have cut myself again,why? Well,i have been triggered,by my own nature of seduction,there was this waitress that i liked in ‘‘would fuck the shit out of herself’‘ way but my friend got much more into the whole love scheme,me myself have understand that emotions do not lead into great things unless its 100% sure/safe situation to be in and her way of saying ‘‘thanks,but not’‘ has just sealed my own self hatred in a way that i personally have been eveloped in much of time for i  think that people are testing my steel thru the colaborative menipulation just to make me suffer for no apparent reason,i might be the best writer in the world but i might not discover it since i might just be dead in couple of...times,i really do not know what exactly should i do anymore since i have meet wall bigger than my own view,since i was kid every one told me how i am special in a way that i am smarter or inteligent then everyone else,i might just be inbred who kinda seems alright,but for most of the time i am clueless what is happening unless i have a special goal in front of me,like her...well fuck it,she is my only emotion ever,my real emotion,it happens i know,her spirit borught me so many times back to life that i cannot think of...AAAAND IT Healed,in kind of way,my current wounds do not bleed anymore,those i am speaking right now in 1:35 on 26 of May year 2019...i used small kitchen knife,one iam most skilled with,anyhoooeesss yeah there was this waitress my friend have fallen in love with,and i have met her and she was preety laid back,chill person,and i have thought...well i could tap...OR NOT!ahahahh dosent matter...well shit i have thought i could have nice sex time with someone who would not take it as serious and we could have great time,no responsibility just bodies,passion and cigarettes,man would thought that was only thing i had with HER,the HER,bitch that took my fucking heart and as i see,i wont comeback as easily,i just dont have enough comments for HER,she,omg it was never just bodies passion and cigarettes but,eyes,and that hugh across my back,my hand on her face,so calmly since i know and saw everyone of hers blood vessels erupt when she would look at me,and i hope that was honest,since i dont treat every girl as her,like a whore in bed,but now in dirty way,but in a way that we would bang the shit out of our brains and we would still grasp ourselfs with so much of love and devotion that i could never let her go,my hand on her and her look into my soul would make me melt like no one ever,I DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT PEOPLE SAY,THAT...WONT HAPPEN WITH ANYONE ELSE,yeah sure i might band a girl to the point where she cant control her laugh but that kind of way,naaah,never,i might just love someone else(AHAHHAHA) i mean i really hope so,that one day if she wont come to her way in real kind of way i m.i.g.h.t. just find someone else,who may found me as her love,until that moment i must concentrate on more valuable things that acctualy may last,anyyhoooeeeessss i have cut three lines on myself where people wont find it since i dont want anyone to know how low i have sunken,i do NOT want to give them that pleasure...i wont give them that,you wont feast on my hurt,on MY WOUNDS,ON.MY.OWN.BLOOD. It is mine,my own,since yall wont help,i will not cry anymore,or concantrate on why did someone told me anything since it is obvious that i need someone to break in..i need it,i have broken so many doors of people that i cannot think of,I JUST NEED THAT,FORM PEOPLE TO BREAK IN AND DIG ME OUT,i am...i dont know,i am sure into my future and into my deeds,i see it preety clear that i will make it till 73 years of old...but now my body really itches,and two really biog cut on my right...what ever,like now i have started to get biology,it bleeds like hell,but i have this feeling,like its alright...hell if i did this to my arm i woul be done,wtf really man...lets see how kurkuma works for wound,like deeper wounds,its gonna sting i swear.......tumeric,sorry,yeah it sting preety good. I have wasted enough tumeric powder for one person good ass butter chicken,enyhoes,im hitting bed its 2:06 by CET and i really should go to sleep,i should be sober and up for about 3 hours,i should really go to sleep...but yeah,self hurt,i never got it,since now.Sine tonight
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ngatipreneur · 5 years
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Race Biology!!! The misconception people have about themselves is what holds them in the mindset that they aren't good enough, believing I'm not smart enough, I don't have the know how to navigate such an important role, In the early 1600s to the first world war, people believed white people were smarter than black or brown, the subjects used were a creek high lord and a creole nitro and showed significant differences. By the 20th-century race biology had become criticized and discredited as scientific racism yet historically has persistently been used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races. They hold these old ideologies high but don't preach them to the mainstream due to self-preservation but with alternative motives, I'm not racist or trying to be negatively inclined but the point of my post is this? The truth is we are all the same inside and out, the only difference is the color of the pigment in the skin, it doesn't dumb you down or make them any smarter, the misconception held is a fecade, you are smart enough, and you do have what it takes to achieve your dreams! Time for you to empower and live the life you've been kept from, the thought of people of minority finally being able to live the life they want and share the abundance that will fulfill their lives and leave them content! So if your sitting there thinking you aren't smart enough you're listening to old ideologies, move with the times and into the 21st century and stop listening to obsolete disproven results, scientific or not? "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better". - Unknown Kind regards Thomas🙏 #empoweringmimds #freedomlifestyles #iam #itsamovement #bythepeopleforthepeople (at waitara newplymouth Taranaki) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWMIcvnB_k/?igshid=1syyfpkdn73jb
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Thoughts on alien covenant:
-if you see a human like signal in deep space… Fucking call it a day and leave it alonnne… It’s not human and not safe.
-walter congrats, you join my list of favourite synthetics whom I love like a child. You are too precious for words…
- also synthentics discovering they may have emotions? Its bishop all over-right in the heart. - good work team- two fassbenders? Good call - very curious about the emotional capacity of synthetics now… Timeline wise david is like ash- Walter like bishop they fluctuate between no genuine emotion and discovering they may have some and paying for it
Ok though the baby neomorph when it’s outside David’s compound? Shouldn’t have been that cute…but needed upbeat music for its background.
-gurl its like fucking island of doctor moreau up on here… Fucking run when u see charts on alien biology.
-captain oram= dumbass of the year seriously dude? Follow the Android to see eggs up close? Chest burster is least of your worries. You deserve it.
:-* chuckled hard at David throwing rocks at him while he waited-up there with poking a dead body with a stick.
- killer Peter o toole in space! - the return of the hit sequel of David no, David stop. David don’t touch that.
- the third part is gonna be called David put that back where you found it-so help me, (so help me!) The pratical effects! Can i get an amen! - The body horror! Ahhh yeah.
:- i want walter, where’s. Walter -Iam here for more sequels of David trying to wipe out humans and find a meadow where his children can frolick. In the future
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ferelden-doglord · 8 years
More of me
Tagged by @fangirled-into-the-sun thank you <3
1. How tall are you? 165 cm / 5.4″
2. What colour and style is your hair? kind of short hair light brownish/blond its hard to tell... some parts dyed green, turqouise, metal blue and purple (rainbow hair yay)
3. What colour are your eyes? light blue
4. Do you wear glasses? Uh... I should wear them but I do that rarely so nah
5. Do you wear braces? yep :|
6. What is your fashion sense? hm I wear lot of sweaters and hoodies...pretty ordinary things i dont have much girlish clothes (you wont find me ever wearing a skirt or dress lol) everything is more like boyish or gender neutral idk how to describe it better :|
7. Do you have any siblings? nah iam only child
8. What kinda student were/are you? I used to be the kind of student thats silent and listening and always studying and trying to please the teacher but how i got older i was more like “fuck everything” and it was harder to pay attention to anything in class... at the university i was just sitting silently and listening so..probably a good student again
9. What is your favourite subject? i always loved biology but i had it only for few years at elementary school :/ i also liked history.. my favourite subject at university was the one about cinematography cuz the teacher showed us ridiculous movies (according to my taste lol) and i had hard times to not laugh in the class.. also art class cuz the modern art is ridiculous to me as well it kept me entertained
10. Favourite TV shows? GoT, the 100, parks and rec
11. Favourite books? LOTR, the hobbit, harry potter books, the golden compass, the hunger games, lord of the flies, the picture of dorian gray and some more
12. Favourite pastime? gaming, reading books, drawing my shitty comics, watching movies/shows
13. Any regrets? my biggest regret is giving up on drawing at young age
14. What is your dream job? game developer - probably animator or model designer/ taking care of animals in need, saving endangered animal species i really cant decide i wanna do all of this
15. Do you want to get married? never
16. Do you want kids? How many? no I wouldn’t be good parent
17. How many countries have you visited? 8
18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? My whole family was brutally murdered in front of me and then after they were dead I had flashbacks on all those nice moments I spent with them (including my dog)... also this is gonna sound ridiculous but Iam extremely scared of being pregnant and once I woke up shaking and with tears after having dream of being pregnant so these are definitely my worse dreams
19. Do you have any enemies? uh there are certainly lot of people who hate me
20. Do you have a datemate? nah
Iam gonna tag @delirioushawke @the-tevinter-biscuit @the-night-mother @welttraeumerin @va-fail @king-foltest @scoiataeled @piierogis @annarieta @sweetelitecinnamonrole @dioh @meredith-stannards  @archievement @fade-walking @fatalecho @midori-n @your-brain-on-elfroot @goldenhallas @not-a-single-sardine @transquisitor-raanan @virnaeth @felfka @theginger2404 @lady-stabbington @bryd-one-brere  @akishito @dovabunny @lithiumgrayangel @alistairs @theworst-antivancrow @lunedin @daovihi @i-am-the-sword-in-the-darkness
you dont have to do it if you dont want to!
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sethdomain · 9 months
I Have decided that art degree aint worth it cuz im just that good and i have decided that i will just become animal vet, cuz why not
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phgq · 4 years
UP research lab bats for more testing than lockdown
#PHinfo: UP research lab bats for more testing than lockdown
DAVAO CITY, May 4 (PIA) - The team lead of the Interdisciplinary Applied Modeling (IAM) laboratory of the University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao recommended for targeted and more testing rather than just implementing lockdown.
Speaking at the One Davao on COVID19 Virtual Presser, Dr. May Anne Mata, an associate professor in applied mathematics specializing in mathematical biology shared that from the studies conducted by the IAM laboratory, targeted and more testing should be a priority of the government in order to immediately trace infected population.
“We just relied on confirmed cases and what has been reported. But if there will be more testing, it would be easier to trace those infected and have them isolated,” Dr. Mata said.
The study recommends that the government should consider testing more PUMs and/or PUIs in the region for early detection of infected population so that these individuals will be isolated immediately from the susceptible pool. This point is particularly important for asymptomatic individuals who may show no signs of disease but may freely and unknowingly spread the disease to the population.
It also suggests prioritizing for testing patients who are 75 years and older and those with preexisting medical conditions once they experience coughing, persons under monitoring who might be asymptomatic patients, as well as those with high exposure to the COVID-19 positive patients such as health workers.
The recent Department of Health Guidelines on Expanded Testing identifies suggested actions for the national government agencies, and local government units on how to comply with the said expanded testing guidelines.
It highlights the need for the establishment of more laboratories to increase testing capacity and ensure that supplies are sufficient to conduct more RT-PCR testing.
It also expanded the people identified as priority as they are vulnerable and more exposed to the corona virus such as health workers, persons aged above 60 years old, and those who have exposure to a person with a confirmed case.
Meanwhile, the IAM laboratory of UP is currently conducting several studies to guide policymakers in deciding appropriate actions to address COVID19.
One of which is a Risk Analysis, a study in collaboration with the Malayan College of Mindanao that is aimed at finding the best actions should the pandemic gets out of control in the region.
“The team is also working on a Computer Simulator Model that would find out if government interventions are effective in controlling the spread of COVID19 such as the distribution of relief goods. We would know if this intervention helped in making them stay home or the other way around,” Dr. Mata explained in the vernacular.
The IAM laboratory also works on a dashboard that presents infographics on study findings and also allows for their mathematical models to be hosted and used by the public.
One feature, Dr. Mata said, is the required logistics particularly on testing kits needed by every province.
The IAM lab was initiated by researchers from UP Mindanao’s Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science to help the government in making science-based decisions. The three studies by the lab were already sent for review to the UP COVID-19 Pandemic Response Team and are freely shared to local decision makers as input for strategies. (PIA XI/Frances Mae Macapagat)
* Philippine Information Agency. "UP research lab bats for more testing than lockdown." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1040948 (accessed May 05, 2020 at 07:02AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "UP research lab bats for more testing than lockdown." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1040948 (archived).
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annubs-tcs · 4 years
BMSCE BE Management Quota Admission
BMSCE BE Management Quota Admission
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BMS Engineering College is flawless as the entirety of its subsystems has been outlined keeping in see the vision and mission of the foundation BMS Engineering College are immovably in view of the ground reality of its reality. Get BMSCE BE Management Quota Admission for 2020 Session.
Contact TRUMP ® Career Solution [AN ISO 9001:2015 certified Company]. Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) || 9632226036 (Shekhar). Visit our website- www.trump.net.in or email us: [email protected]
Courses Offered in BMSCE
BE Civil Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
BE Medical Electronics
BE Bio-Technology
BE Chemical Engineering
BE Aerospace Engineering
BE Information Science and Engineering
BE Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
BE Industrial Engineering and Management
Eligibility Requirement for Admissions in BMS College of Engineering
Minimum 45 % in 12th Exam with Physics and Maths as compulsory subjects along with optional subjects like Chemistry, Biology, Bio-Technology, Computer Science, and Electronics. And English as a language is the eligibility for BE admission in BMS College. Admission based on Merit KEA / COMEDK entrance exam scores for the below listed courses.
Pros and Cons of Studying Engineering
Engineering is always a good field to study if you are ready to be responsible. You should be really good in mathematics and analysis. If you are okay to take up the challenges, engineering can give you a good status in the society and also can provide you economic security. Get BMSCE BE Management Quota Admission for 2020 Session.
Economic security
Good status in society
Can provide you with a wide range of job opportunities
You get a chance to work with latest technology
If you have an interest towards inventing and reinventing things, engineering can give you a solid platform with all the necessary basics.
It gives you an opportunity to divert yourself to any other field later on in your career.
Tough syllabus
Need to do a lot of hard work during studies and also after studies until you get settled in a good job. Even after that you have to continue your hard work to keep up with the latest technology. Studying never stops. (Don't be scared. Even Iam engineer andtrust me it is not that difficult as it looks to keep up with the latesttechnology)
Should be ready to sacrifice sleep at times. Sometimes you will do it yourself out of interest or sometimes your work will demand it.
Get BMSCE BE Management Quota Admission for 2020 Session
Contact TRUMP ® Career Solution [AN ISO 9001:2015 certified Company]. Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) || 9632226036 (Shekhar). Visit our website- www.engineering-admission.in or email us: [email protected]
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