#ICC most watched event
mariacallous · 7 months
Six months into the Russian occupation of the Ukrainian city of Kherson, in September 2022, the director of Liza Batsura’s college arrived at the dormitory where Batsura lived and told the students to pack up their things: They were going to Crimea. If the students refused, they would be put in the basement, Batsura said, speaking through a translator. The director gave no further explanation.
The next evening, they were taken to a camp called “Friendship” in Crimea, which was occupied by Russia in 2014. Although she couldn’t have known it at the time, Batsura—now 16 years old—was one of almost 20,000 children the Ukrainian government estimates have been deported or forcibly displaced to Russia. Only 388 have been returned.
Initially, the prospect of a couple of weeks by the sea didn’t sound so bad. But Batsura quickly began to realize that that wouldn’t be the case. The food was terrible, the days were long, and the children were pressured to sing Russian songs, including the national anthem, which made her very uncomfortable.
Foreign Policy is unable to independently verify Batsura’s account, but her experience closely tracks with the findings of investigations by the United Nations as well as researchers at Yale School of Public Health and other human rights groups who have documented a “systematic” effort to relocate and reeducate thousands of Ukrainian children over the course of the war. She also recounted her story to Reuters as part of an extensive investigation into the deportations.
Batsura was one of five Ukrainian teenagers who visited Washington last month with representatives of Save Ukraine, a Ukraine-based nonprofit that helps to rescue Ukrainian children from Russia and the territories it occupies. They stoically recounted the stories of their abductions again and again for journalists, members of Congress, and attendees at public events.
It was the group’s first visit to Washington. Batsura felt like she was in a movie, she said.
With long limbs and round cheeks, the teenagers filed into the conference room of a Washington-based nonprofit with their minders from Save Ukraine for an interview with Foreign Policy. Once the Wi-Fi password had been secured and the bathroom located, they began to tell their stories.
They were teenagers like any other you’d see hanging out with friends at a cafe or shopping mall. Yet they were also victims of Moscow’s large-scale deportation of Ukrainian children—a potential war crime and the reason that the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and the country’s children’s rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, in March 2023.
Like Batsura, they all hail from regions of eastern Ukraine that were quickly occupied by Russian forces in the early days of the war. They recount being coerced or forced, sometimes at gunpoint, to go with Russian forces, and they were taken to schools and summer camps where they were held for several months and faced pressure to accept Russian citizenship.
In many instances, Ukraine’s most vulnerable children have borne the brunt of Russian deportation. Before the war, Ukraine had one of the highest rates of child institutionalization in Europe, with more than 100,000 children living in residential institutions. The vast majority have living parents but were placed in institutions because of poverty, difficult family circumstances, or because the child had a disability, according to Human Rights Watch.
The deportations have been carried out in plain sight. Early in the war, Putin signed a decree making it easier for Ukrainian children to be adopted and to be given Russian citizenship. Lvova-Belova herself claims to have adopted a teenager from the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol, and she has spoken publicly about her efforts to Russify him. In November, a BBC investigation found that a 2-year old girl who went missing from a children’s home in Kherson when she was just 10 months old had been adopted by 70-year-old member of the Russian parliament, Sergey Mironov.
Lvova-Belova has made a number of visits to institutions holding Ukrainian children, including to a college in the occupied Ukrainian city of Henichesk, where Batsura had been transferred from Crimea and placed in a culinary arts program.
The dormitory where Batsura was placed was freezing cold at night, she said, and the teenagers were forbidden to close the doors to their rooms. Russian troops patrolled the halls.
Lvova-Belova offered the children 100,000 rubles, roughly $1,000, and the opportunity to study at a college in Russia on the condition that they remain there. Batsura refused. Officials tried to find her a foster family, and she feared she would be sent to a remote region of Russia and would never be able to return to Ukraine.
For eight months while she was in Russian custody, Batsura had been unable to contact her mother, but she learned through a friend that her mother was working with Save Ukraine and applying for a passport so that she could travel to Russia and collect her.
With the border to Russia closed since the invasion, families face a daunting overland journey through wartime Ukraine, traveling into Poland, Belarus, and then Russia and—in Batsura’s case—down into occupied Ukrainian territory.
In some instances, children are turned over to their relatives without too much difficulty once the family members arrive to collect them, but the Russian authorities have also been known to present obstacles, said Olha Yerokhina, a spokesperson for Save Ukraine. The organization has helped families retrieve 240 children to date.
Officials at the school told Batsura that the journey was too arduous and that her friend was giving her false hope that her mother would ever arrive. “I didn’t believe them, and I kept telling myself that ‘No, my mom can do it, my mom will come,’” she said.
In May 2023, Batsura was rescued by her mother and now lives with her in Kyiv, where she is working with psychologists to process her experience. She is back in school and describes her hobbies as writing poems and making TikTok videos.
I asked her, given the atrocities that Putin has been accused of committing in Ukraine and during his presidency, how she felt about the fact that it was experiences like hers that had led the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for the Russian leader.
Yerokhina, who acted as our translator, interrupted to say that because she was rescued after the court order was issued, Batsura had likely missed the news about the ICC arrest warrant.
After Yerokhina explained the court’s decision, Batsura said, “It’s just.”
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Watch "Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever Wars" on YouTube
Democracy Now! on Henry Kissinger's war crimes in Cambodia. Not that one good piece on an easy target like Kissinger makes up for years of unquestioning loyalty to the Democrats' Russiagate narratives, but it's a good piece nonetheless.
Kissinger's war crimes and non-stop attacks on Cambodian civilians helped the rise Pol Pot who used the attacks against civilians to elevate his rise to power under the guise of Marxism Leninism. Though in reality, little that Pol Pot advocated for had any resemblance to Socialism or Marxism Leninism.
Pol Pot would enjoy secret assistance from the US and China, each for their own reasons but largely to hobble growing Vietnamese independence, going on to slaughter some 2 million of his own Cambodian citizens, ruling instead like a Fascist dictator rather than a Revolutionary Working Class figure.
But what galvanized Pol Pot's support, what ultimately saw millions of Cambodians join his quest for power, was the very real, non-stop intentional slaughter of civilians on the border with Vietnam by the United States. The slaughter of Cambodians living in small rural villages who often didn't even have a basic frame of reference for what was happening to them. The barely understood aircraft and here these US military aircraft would fly into their villages and decimate them, killing most villagers and destroying all the buildings and infrastructure they could lay waste to.
This slaughter was a direct result of Henry Kissinger and Nixon's policy to destroy "anything that flies, anything that moves". In other words, a civilian genocide, no different than those ordered by Hitler.
The orders were clear: the US Military divisions in the area adjacent to the Cambodian border were given carte blanche to freely cross into Cambodian territory and bomb out of existence any human activity within measurable range. The complete and wonton slaughter of civilians was approved by Nixon and directed by Kissinger. There is no other word for this but genocide.
Of those who lived through this senseless destruction, they have vivid memory of the sound of US choppers before they'd enter their rural villages and lay waste to anything that moved. The trauma of those days etched into their very souls as they witnessed the deaths of so many of their friends, neighbors and families. They are still haunted to this day by those events that Kissinger so callously approved.
Yet here we are, decades have gone by and Kissinger is fat, happy and healthy in his mansion on his 100th birthday. Never even an ICC investigation launched let alone war crimes prosecuted.
Yet the ICC has the audacity to issue a warrant for the active head of state of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin for imaginary crime of "kidnapping" Ukrainian children to somehow propagandize them against their own people before sending them back to sow the seeds of Ukraine's destruction? Muahahahaha!
An elaborate scheme that would take years at best and affect a small portion of the Eastern Ukrainian population which already consider themselves to be ethnic Russians, and many do in fact want to be a part of the Russian Federation. So yeah, the whole ridiculous thing is just absurd, and really makes just no sense.
The reality is far more mundane and uninteresting, though it's far more positive for the children involved than it is a sinister propaganda effort. Remember, these same people who always claim the Russians are supposedly performing these elaborate propaganda schemes designed to trap unsuspecting wayward westerners and turn them against their government, they're also waging an information war and having far more success in that effort than anything the Russians are doing. Huge majorities of Westerners still support Ukraine, believe this entire episode has been uninstigated, no Nazis in Ukraine, and Vladimir Putin somehow controls the internet.
Instead, as it turns out, these centers for children who live on or near the frontlines of the SMO zone are designed to help these children temporarily escape the ravages of war and spend time with other children their own age doing activities that children enjoy like music, the arts, and survivalist classes. Not only is this completely mundane and uninteresting, it's really actually a pretty positive program. I don't know about you, but getting these children as far away from the frontlines as possible, even if only temporarily, can only be a good thing for these students who are often displaced, have lost family members, a home, or an apartment. Sometimes they don't have a home to go back to, and anything seems better than shelters and refugee camps, especially if they get to enjoy activities, learn new skills, do some schooling, or learn and develop their skills with a musical instrument.
Most of these camps run anywhere from a few days to a few weeks and the children are promptly returned to their parents who've all given their permissions for their children to go, hoping to keep them safe and happy during these hard times.
Even if these children were receiving some kind of Russian propaganda at some point during these trips, and there's absolutely zero evidence for that, how would that negate the positivity of getting them away from the frontlines and keeping them safe and happy?
And how exactly do you justify this ICC Warrant when Kissinger is celebrating his 100th birthday free, happy, healthy, and rich beyond most workers' imaginations? When will Kissinger be indicted by the ICC?
Of course the answer is obvious: it will NEVER happen because the ICC is NOT an international body of Justice, it is in fact no more than a tool of Western Imperialism and operates as such.
It isn't designed to safeguard any kind of Principles of Justice or anything like that, it only exists to pursue the enemies of Western Imperialism and leave its victims incapable of operating outside their home countries or face prosecutions and incarceration. Effectively making it impossible for the victim to organize internationally. So if you have a charismatic Leftist leader in your country, and he crosses the US or one of the European powers, say by Nationalizing the oil & gas industry; if they choose to use the ICC against you, you no longer have the freedom to conduct your country's business in the international arena, handicapping your diplomacy, trade negotiations and banking system interactions, since you're also likely being sanctioned at that point.
And so the ICC is simply another tool of Western Imperialism. Kissinger will never face consequences for his war crimes but his victims will remember their lost loved ones for the rest of their lives and they will pass along those memories to their grandchildren.
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rpings · 1 year
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NEW PARADIGM is a mature, no-wordcount Supernatural RP forum set in an alternate Earth timeline with a spin on mythology and fantasy. We boast detailed lore, quests, site story lines and a cast of official NPCs that each come with their own interactable secrets
VAINMESA is yet another “fly-by-night attraction” that appeared in the middle of the night out of nowhere in October with no sign or warning prior. It seems heavily ingrained in the Elysian Desert regardless, aged despite how even the most frequent adventures are certain there was nothing there just the week before..
There’s a sneaking feeling that this odd wild western town full of undead citizens planned for you to be here, and that you’re becoming stitched into its unknown storyline.
So… People are beginning to wonder:
how did it get here? And why do I feel like I’m coming Home?
SPOOKYFEST MOVIE SPREE – We as a writing community love to bond in other ways, and this October, we will be watching a new scary movie together every weekend in October! Come join us for some spooky writing and movie watching!
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BCCI’s Lollipop to the IOC - Turning Cricket into a Global Sport
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Cricket, a sport with a staggering fan base of 2.5 billion people worldwide (According to Sport Pledge) is making significant strides towards Olympic inclusion. The International Cricket Council (ICC) has been actively pushing for cricket's inclusion in the Olympic Games, with the ambition to debut at the LA28 Games. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), led by Jay Shah, has played a pivotal role in this endeavor. The Sportwiz explores the journey of cricket towards becoming a global sport, driven by the aspirations of the ICC and the strategic efforts of the BCCI.
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source - IOC
Cricket has been making notable appearances in various multi-sport events, such as the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in 2022 and the Asian Games in 2010, 2014, and the upcoming 2023 edition in Hangzhou, Even this years African Games hosted in Ghana will consist of cricket where it will be played in the T20 format. These inclusions highlight the growing recognition and acceptance of cricket as a global sport.
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source - ICC
The question arises: Does the Olympics need cricket, or does cricket need the Olympics? Cricket's immense popularity, with a fan base of 2.5 billion people and its status as the second most-watched sport globally, demonstrates the sport's strength and appeal. However, Olympic inclusion would provide an unparalleled platform for cricket to reach new audiences and further boost its global recognition.
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source - business today
The ICC's bid for Olympic inclusion emphasized the massive viewership cricket attracts. The 2022 T20 World Cup garnered a staggering 1.2 billion unique viewers globally. Additionally, the 2020 Women's World Cup saw 89 million viewers tuning in, showcasing the increasing popularity of women's cricket. These statistics exemplify cricket's potential as a major draw for broadcasters, sponsors, and fans alike.
India's significance as a cricket powerhouse cannot be overlooked. The country accounts for a substantial portion of cricket's global viewership, with 76% of the 113.5 million viewing hours recorded during major tournaments coming from India. The BCCI, backed by India's massive cricket market, has offered the International Olympic Committee (IOC) a chance to tap into this unique viewership, potentially elevating the Olympic Games' viewership in the Indian subcontinent.
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source - InsideSport.in
The BCCI's main revenue stream, broadcasting rights, presents a compelling proposition for the IOC. Currently held by JIO and Viacom 18 for $31 million, these rights contribute to the ongoing profits of the Olympics. If cricket is included in the Olympics, the ICC estimates potential revenue of $130-260 million. These figures highlight the financial gains that could be achieved through cricket's Olympic participation.
The number $31 million USD is larger than the previous years in terms of Olympics in India but if we compare it to a similar number showcasing the money that’s involved in cricket, in the next financial cycle of the BCCI the Pakistan Cricket board ( PCB ) who hold a share of 5.75% is approximately valued at $34.5 million USD.
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PCB Chairperson Mr Najam Sethi
source - The Express Tribune
Cricket's economic value has witnessed a remarkable surge, as evidenced by the 300% increase in media rights value for ICC and IPL. The media rights for ICC and IPL soared from ₹16,347 crores to a staggering ₹48,390 crores. This exponential growth further solidifies cricket's position as a lucrative sporting asset.
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source - Sportskeeda
With the Indian Premier League (IPL) now ranked as the second most valued sporting league globally, cricket's future looks promising. The IPL's substantial viewership of 380 million domestic TV viewers in the 2021 season and cumulative viewership of 383 billion minutes for the 2020 campaign across TV and digital platforms indicate cricket's enormous potential according to Jay Shah. As cricket continues to captivate audiences, its inclusion in the Olympics could propel the sport to new heights.
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The bid to include cricket in the Olympics is anticipated to be decided in the final session of the IOC, scheduled to take place in Mumbai in October. Brisbane 2032 Olympics presents a realistic opportunity for cricket's inclusion, given Australia's cricketing heritage. Surprisingly, Los Angeles may also be a potential host, thanks to the approval of the bid by former Mayor Eric Garcetti, now the US Ambassador to India, fostering stronger relations between India and the USA.
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BCCI Secretary Jay Shah ( left ) with US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti ( right )
Source - @USAmbIndia/Twitter
Cricket's journey towards becoming a global sport is gaining momentum, with the ICC and BCCI leading the way. The sport's immense viewership, economic value, and potential for growth make it an attractive addition to the Olympic Games. As the IOC contemplates cricket's inclusion, the world awaits a decision that could redefine the sport and pave the way for a future where cricket becomes truly global.
By Navneet Oberoi
Sources -
The Economic Times
Sports Pro Media
The Guardian
Sawera Pasha
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pujahome · 1 hour
Get Your Online Cricket ID: Play and Bet on Matches Easily
Cricket is more than just a sport; it’s a passion that unites millions of fans across the globe. From the energetic streets of India to world-class stadiums, cricket evokes enthusiasm, joy, and excitement. As the sport has evolved, so has the way people engage with it. The digital age has brought cricket to your fingertips, offering the chance not just to watch matches but also to actively participate in them through online platforms. One of the most exciting aspects of this is the concept of the Online Cricket ID—a unique digital identification that allows users to play and bet on matches easily and conveniently.
Whether you're a casual fan, an enthusiastic player, or someone looking to get involved in online betting, getting an Online Cricket ID is the gateway to fully enjoying the world of online cricket. This article explores how you can get your Online Cricket ID, the benefits it offers, and the overall excitement of engaging with cricket online.
What is an Online Cricket ID?
An Online Cricket ID is essentially a personalized digital profile that allows individuals to participate in various cricket-related activities on different online platforms. Whether you want to bet on live cricket matches, play fantasy cricket, or stay updated on your favorite teams and players, having an Online Cricket ID helps streamline the process.
Most platforms that offer cricket betting or fantasy leagues require you to create an Online Cricket ID to get started. This ID is associated with your profile, where you can manage funds, track your bets, view live scores, and receive notifications about upcoming matches and tournaments.
Why Do You Need an Online Cricket ID?
If you’re wondering why having an Online Cricket ID is important, consider the benefits it brings:
Easy Access to Betting PlatformsCricket betting has grown significantly over the years, especially in countries like India, the UK, and Australia. Having an Online Cricket ID allows you to participate in betting activities seamlessly. Whether it’s a local match or an international tournament like the IPL or ICC World Cup, your Online Cricket ID grants you access to a wide range of betting options. You can place bets on outcomes like match winners, player performances, or even specific events during the game, such as the number of boundaries or wickets.
Fantasy Cricket LeaguesIf you enjoy more active participation, fantasy cricket leagues are an exciting way to test your cricketing knowledge and skills. With an Online Cricket ID, you can join fantasy platforms, create your own team of real players, and earn points based on their performances in actual matches. Fantasy cricket brings a new level of interaction, allowing you to strategize, make transfers, and compete against others for cash prizes or rewards.
Live Match Updates and ScoresWith your Online Cricket ID, you can also stay updated with live match scores and updates, all in real time. Many platforms allow users to follow the game closely, receive live notifications, and keep track of detailed statistics, making the cricket-watching experience more engaging. This feature is especially useful for bettors and fantasy players who need to make quick decisions during live matches.
How to Get an Online Cricket ID
Obtaining an Online Cricket ID is a simple and straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
Choose a Trusted PlatformThe first step is to select a reliable platform that offers Online Cricket IDs. There are many online cricket platforms available, each offering different services, such as betting, fantasy leagues, or score updates. Ensure the platform is trustworthy, secure, and legally compliant with your country’s laws regarding online betting or gaming.
Register for an AccountOnce you’ve selected a platform, you’ll need to create an account. This involves providing your basic details such as your name, email address, phone number, and sometimes identity verification, depending on the platform's regulations. Some platforms may require KYC (Know Your Customer) verification for additional security.
Create Your Online Cricket IDAfter registration, you’ll be prompted to create your unique Online Cricket ID. This could be your username, which will serve as your identifier when you log in to the platform. Make sure to choose a memorable but secure ID and password to protect your account.
Deposit FundsFor platforms that involve betting or fantasy leagues, you’ll need to deposit funds to start playing or betting. Most platforms offer multiple payment options such as credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets, or UPI. Choose the method that’s most convenient for you, and ensure that the platform uses secure encryption for financial transactions.
Start Playing or BettingOnce your account is set up and you’ve deposited funds, you can start using your Online Cricket ID to participate in the activities you’re interested in. Whether it’s placing bets on live matches or joining fantasy cricket leagues, your Online Cricket ID will serve as your portal to the action.
Betting Responsibly: Tips and Guidelines
While the excitement of cricket betting and fantasy leagues is undeniable, it’s important to bet responsibly. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Set a Budget: Before you start betting, decide on a budget and stick to it. This will prevent you from overspending or chasing losses.
Understand the Odds: Make sure you understand the odds and probabilities before placing any bets. Don’t bet on impulse or based on emotional attachments to teams or players.
Stay Informed: Keep track of team news, player form, weather conditions, and pitch reports before making decisions. Knowledge is key to improving your chances of winning.
Take Breaks: It’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of betting, but it’s essential to take breaks and avoid making rushed decisions.
Know When to Stop: If you’re on a losing streak, it’s best to stop and take a step back rather than trying to recover losses immediately.
Legal Considerations
The legality of online cricket betting varies from country to country. Before signing up for an Online Cricket ID, it’s important to understand the legal status of online gambling in your region. In some countries, such as the UK, online betting is regulate and legal. However, in countries like India, the legal landscape is more complex, and laws vary from state to state. Always ensure that the platform you are using is licensed and compliant with local regulations.
Cricket is a sport that brings people together, and with the rise of digital platforms, the experience has become even more interactive and exciting. Whether you’re looking to place a bet on your favorite team, compete in fantasy cricket leagues, or stay updated with live scores, getting an Online Cricket ID is the first step to fully engaging with the sport in the digital realm.
By choosing a trusted platform, creating your unique Online Cricket ID, and following responsible betting practices, you can enjoy the thrill of cricket like never before. So, gear up, get your Online Cricket ID, and dive into the world of online cricket!
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dan6085 · 23 days
Here's a list of the top 25 most-watched sporting events in the world, highlighting their viewership and significance:
1. **FIFA World Cup Final**
- **Viewership**: Approximately 3.5 billion viewers.
- **Details**: Held every four years, this is the culminating match of the FIFA World Cup. It's watched by billions globally and is considered the pinnacle of international football (soccer).
2. **Olympic Games Opening Ceremony**
- **Viewership**: Around 3 billion viewers.
- **Details**: The opening ceremony of the Summer and Winter Olympics showcases the host city's culture and the grand parade of nations. It marks the beginning of the Olympic Games, which occur every four years.
3. **Super Bowl**
- **Viewership**: About 100 million viewers.
- **Details**: The championship game of the National Football League (NFL) in the U.S., held annually on the first Sunday in February. It's a major cultural event with high-profile commercials and performances.
4. **UEFA Champions League Final**
- **Viewership**: Roughly 300 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of Europe's premier club football (soccer) competition, held annually. It features the top club teams from across Europe.
5. **NBA Finals**
- **Viewership**: Around 15-20 million viewers per game in the U.S.
- **Details**: The championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA), held annually. It determines the league champion and is popular in the U.S. and internationally.
6. **Cricket World Cup Final**
- **Viewership**: Approximately 1 billion viewers.
- **Details**: The final match of the ICC Cricket World Cup, held every four years. Cricket enjoys massive popularity in countries like India, Pakistan, Australia, and England.
7. **Tour de France Final Stage**
- **Viewership**: Around 10 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final stage of the annual cycling race held in France. It's a major event in the cycling world, attracting global audiences.
8. **Wimbledon Final**
- **Viewership**: About 10-15 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the prestigious Wimbledon tennis tournament, held annually in London. It is the oldest and most famous tennis tournament.
9. **The Masters Tournament Final Round**
- **Viewership**: Roughly 10 million viewers.
- **Details**: One of the four major golf tournaments, held annually at Augusta National Golf Club in the U.S. It’s renowned for its tradition and prestigious green jacket award.
10. **FIFA Women's World Cup Final**
- **Viewership**: Approximately 1 billion viewers.
- **Details**: The final match of the FIFA Women's World Cup, held every four years. It's the premier international tournament for women's football.
11. **Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix**
- **Viewership**: Around 100 million viewers.
- **Details**: One of the most famous Formula 1 races, held annually in Monaco. It’s known for its glamorous setting and challenging circuit.
12. **Rugby World Cup Final**
- **Viewership**: About 1 billion viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the Rugby World Cup, held every four years. Rugby is especially popular in countries like New Zealand, Australia, and England.
13. **Indian Premier League (IPL) Final**
- **Viewership**: Around 100 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the IPL, a professional Twenty20 cricket league in India. It's a major sporting event with a large following in cricket-loving nations.
14. **NFL Draft**
- **Viewership**: About 8 million viewers.
- **Details**: An annual event where NFL teams select new players. It’s a major event in American sports culture, especially among football fans.
15. **UEFA Europa League Final**
- **Viewership**: Around 100 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of Europe's second-tier club football competition, held annually. It features top teams that did not qualify for the Champions League.
16. **NBA All-Star Game**
- **Viewership**: About 8-10 million viewers.
- **Details**: An annual exhibition game featuring the league’s star players, held in mid-February. It’s a showcase of basketball talent and entertainment.
17. **The Open Championship Final Round**
- **Viewership**: Around 10 million viewers.
- **Details**: Also known as The Open, it’s one of the four major golf tournaments and the oldest of them all, held annually in the UK.
18. **College Football Playoff National Championship**
- **Viewership**: Approximately 20-25 million viewers.
- **Details**: The annual championship game for college football in the U.S., determining the national champion.
19. **World Series Final Game**
- **Viewership**: About 10-15 million viewers.
- **Details**: The championship series of Major League Baseball (MLB) in the U.S., held annually. It determines the league champion.
20. **NHL Stanley Cup Final**
- **Viewership**: Around 4-5 million viewers per game.
- **Details**: The championship series of the National Hockey League (NHL), held annually. It’s the climax of the hockey season in North America.
21. **Davis Cup Final**
- **Viewership**: Around 10 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the international team competition in men’s tennis, held annually. It’s a significant event in the tennis calendar.
22. **French Open Final**
- **Viewership**: About 10-15 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the Roland Garros tournament, held annually in Paris. It’s one of tennis’s four Grand Slam tournaments.
23. **Australian Open Final**
- **Viewership**: Approximately 10-15 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the first Grand Slam tennis tournament of the year, held annually in Melbourne.
24. **Hong Kong Sevens Final**
- **Viewership**: About 10 million viewers.
- **Details**: The final of the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, a major event in the Rugby Sevens series, attracting a global audience.
25. **Asian Games Opening Ceremony**
- **Viewership**: Approximately 1 billion viewers.
- **Details**: The opening ceremony of the Asian Games, held every four years. It features a wide range of sports and is a significant event in Asia.
These events are significant not only for their viewership but also for their impact on global sports culture and their ability to unite fans from around the world.
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bet600dot · 28 days
Sports Betting Online in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide
The world of sports betting has experienced a significant transformation in recent years, particularly in the UK, where online sports betting has become a mainstream pastime. With the proliferation of online sportsbooks and the increasing accessibility of betting platforms, sports enthusiasts now have a myriad of options at their fingertips. This article explores the landscape of sports betting online uk covering the legal framework, popular sports to bet on, types of bets, and tips for making the most of your betting experience.
1. The Legal Framework for Sports Betting in the UK
1.1 The Role of the UK Gambling Commission
The UK is one of the most regulated markets for sports betting, ensuring that bettors are protected and that the industry operates fairly. The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) is the primary regulatory body overseeing all forms of gambling in the country, including sports betting. Established under the Gambling Act 2005, the UKGC is responsible for licensing operators, enforcing regulations, and ensuring that betting activities are conducted transparently and responsibly.
1.2 Licensing Requirements
Any sportsbook that wishes to operate in the UK must obtain a license from the UKGC. This license is a mark of credibility and ensures that the operator adheres to strict standards regarding customer protection, data security, and fair play. For bettors, choosing a licensed sportsbook is crucial as it guarantees a secure and reliable betting environment.
1.3 Responsible Gambling Initiatives
The UKGC also emphasizes responsible gambling, requiring operators to provide tools and resources for bettors to manage their gambling activities. This includes setting deposit limits, self-exclusion options, and access to support services for those who may be struggling with gambling addiction. The focus on responsible gambling ensures that sports betting remains an enjoyable activity without causing harm to individuals.
2. Popular Sports for Betting in the UK
2.1 Football Betting
Football is by far the most popular sport for betting in the UK. With the Premier League being one of the most-watched football leagues globally, it’s no surprise that it attracts millions of pounds in bets every week. Bettors can place wagers on various aspects of the game, including match outcomes, goal scorers, and even the number of yellow cards issued.
2.2 Horse Racing
Horse racing has a rich history in the UK and remains a staple of the sports betting scene. Major events like the Cheltenham Festival, Royal Ascot, and the Grand National draw significant attention from bettors. Horse racing offers various betting options, including win, place, and each-way bets, making it an exciting sport to wager on.
2.3 Rugby
Rugby, both union and league, is another popular sport for betting in the UK. With tournaments like the Six Nations and the Rugby World Cup, rugby offers plenty of opportunities for bettors to engage in pre-match and in-play betting. Common bets include match winners, point spreads, and total points scored.
2.4 Tennis
Tennis betting has gained popularity in recent years, especially with the success of British players like Andy Murray. The sport’s global appeal, with events such as Wimbledon and the US Open, provides year-round betting opportunities. Tennis bets can be placed on individual matches, set winners, and even specific game outcomes.
2.5 Cricket
Cricket, particularly during events like The Ashes and the ICC Cricket World Cup, attracts a dedicated betting audience in the UK. Bettors can place wagers on match results, top batsmen, total runs, and a variety of other markets that make cricket betting both complex and rewarding.
3. Types of Bets in Sports Betting
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3.1 Single Bets
The most straightforward form of sports betting is the single bet, where you wager on the outcome of a single event. For example, betting on a specific team to win a football match. Single bets are easy to understand and are often the starting point for beginners.
3.2 Accumulator Bets
Accumulator bets, or accas, are popular among more experienced bettors. An accumulator bet involves combining multiple selections into a single bet, with the potential for higher returns. All selections must win for the bet to be successful, making it riskier but potentially more rewarding.
3.3 In-Play Betting
In-play betting, also known as live betting, allows bettors to place wagers on events as they happen. This type of betting has become increasingly popular with the advent of online sportsbooks, offering real-time odds and the ability to react to the unfolding action. In-play betting is available across various sports, including football, tennis, and cricket.
3.4 Prop Bets
Proposition bets, or prop bets, are wagers on specific occurrences within a sporting event that may not directly affect the final outcome. For example, betting on the number of corners in a football match or the first player to score in a rugby game. Prop bets add an extra layer of excitement to sports betting.
3.5 Over/Under Bets
Over/under bets involve predicting whether a particular statistic in a game will be over or under a specified number. Common over/under markets include total goals in football, total points in rugby, and total games in tennis. This type of bet is popular due to its simplicity and the wide range of available markets.
4. Online Sportsbooks in the UK
4.1 Choosing a Sportsbook
When it comes to choosing an online sportsbook in the UK, several factors should be considered. These include the range of sports and markets offered, competitive odds, user experience, and the availability of promotions and bonuses. Additionally, ensuring the sportsbook is licensed by the UKGC is crucial for a secure betting experience.
4.2 Promotions and Bonuses
Online sportsbooks often offer promotions and bonuses to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Common promotions include welcome bonuses, free bets, and enhanced odds. While these offers can provide additional value, it’s essential to read the terms and conditions carefully to understand the wagering requirements and any restrictions.
4.3 Mobile Betting
With the increasing use of smartphones, mobile betting has become a significant aspect of online sports betting in the UK. Most sportsbooks offer mobile apps or mobile-optimized websites, allowing bettors to place wagers on the go. Mobile betting provides convenience and flexibility, making it easier to stay engaged with the latest sporting events.
4.4 Payment Methods
Online sportsbooks in the UK offer a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, e-wallets like PayPal and Skrill, and bank transfers. It’s important to choose a sportsbook that supports your preferred payment method and provides fast, secure transactions.
4.5 Customer Support
Reliable customer support is essential when betting online. Most sportsbooks offer various support channels, including live chat, email, and telephone. Ensuring that customer support is available 24/7 can be a significant advantage, particularly if you encounter issues outside regular business hours.
5. Tips for Successful Sports Betting in the UK
5.1 Do Your Research
Knowledge is power when it comes to sports betting uk. Research the teams, players, and current form before placing your bets. Staying informed about injuries, weather conditions, and other relevant factors can give you an edge over the bookmakers.
5.2 Manage Your Bankroll
Effective bankroll management is crucial for long-term success in sports betting. Set a budget for your betting activities and stick to it, avoiding the temptation to chase losses. Dividing your bankroll into smaller units and betting only a small percentage on each wager can help you stay in control.
5.3 Shop for the Best Odds
Different sportsbooks may offer different odds for the same event. Shopping around for the best odds can maximize your potential returns. There are also odds comparison tools available online that can help you find the best value.
5.4 Avoid Emotional Betting
Betting on your favorite team or player can be tempting, but it’s essential to remain objective. Emotional betting can cloud your judgment and lead to poor decision-making. Stick to your research and betting strategy, and avoid placing bets based on sentiment.
5.5 Take Advantage of Promotions
Promotions and bonuses can provide additional value, but it’s important to use them wisely. Ensure you understand the terms and conditions, particularly the wagering requirements, before claiming any offers. Utilizing free bets and enhanced odds can boost your potential winnings without risking your own money.
Sports betting online in the UK offers a thrilling and potentially rewarding experience for those who approach it with the right knowledge and strategies. Whether you’re interested in betting on football, horse racing, or any other sport, understanding the legal framework, types of bets, and how to choose a reputable sportsbook is essential for success. By following the tips and insights provided in this guide, you can enhance your sports betting experience and increase your chances of making profitable wagers. Remember to bet responsibly, and enjoy the excitement that sports betting in the UK has to offer.
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techtired · 2 months
Pakistan National Cricket Team Vs India National Cricket Team Timeline
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India and Pakistan's cricket competition is known for being very intense and is considered one of the fiercest in sports. Not only are these teams' games the most anticipated in cricket, but they are also some of the most-watched sports events in the world. In ICC tournaments, India has a great track record, winning 11 wins in total. These are two Cricket World Cups, two T20 World Cups, and two Champions Trophies, all at the top level. Pakistan has also done well in the ICC tournament, winning five games, one in each group. In the ICC World Cup, India has won 14 games and Pakistan has only won one. There has been a lot of history and political tension between the two countries, starting with the Partition of British India in 1947 and continuing with the ongoing Kashmir dispute and several other wars between India and Pakistan. Even though they both grew up playing cricket in British colonies, these problems have made their competition much worse. Pakistan National Cricket Team Vs India National Cricket Team Timeline IND vs PAK Head-to-Head Match Scorecard (Test) Decade Matches India Wins Pakistan Wins Drawn 1950s 10 2 1 7 1960s 5 0 0 5 1970s 9 2 2 5 1980s 20 0 4 16 1990s 2 1 1 0 2000s 12 4 3 5 2010s – – – – 2020s – – – – Total 58 9 11 38 IND vs PAK Head-to-Head (ODI) Decade Matches India Pakistan No Result 1970s 3 1 2 0 1980s 32 9 19 4 1990s 46 17 26 3 2000s 41 18 22 1 2010s 15 10 4 0 2020s 3 2 0 1 Total 139 57 73 9 IND vs PAK Head-to-Head (T20I) Decade Matches India Pakistan Tie/No result 2000s 2 1 0 1 2010s 6 5 1 0 2020s 5 3 2 0 Total 13 9 3 1   Dominance in ICC Trophies Regarding ICC medals, India boasts a more distinguished record than Pakistan's three, with six major titles, including two from the Cricket World Cup, T20 World Cup, and Champions Trophy. In head-to-head contests, Pakistan has always had the advantage in both Test matches and ODIs; India has an incredible record in World Cup events, having won all the matches against Pakistan in this esteemed event. Head-to-Head Match Records Examining the head-to-head records, Pakistan has always held an advantage in one-day internationals as well as test matches. This figure reflects the fierce rivalry and fair playing field these meetings usually bring. In spite of this, India has kept an undefeated run against Pakistan in the ICC World Cup, a height of international cricket, therefore showcasing an interesting feature of their rivalry where pressure and high stakes bring out amazing performances. Also Read - Afghanistan National Cricket Team Vs. India National Cricket Team Timeline T20 International Success India has a clear advantage over Pakistan in the more recent version of Twenty20 International cricket, which was especially clear when the two teams played each other in the Asia Cup. Not only do these games decide who wins the event, but they also show how the teams are doing and what their current plans are. Two teams from different countries were able to show off their skills, speed, and strategic thinking in the fast-paced T20 version of the Asia Cup. Outstanding Performances By Individuals Individual records and performances have also been important parts of this long-running battle. Sachin Tendulkar, a legend in Indian cricket, has scored the most runs and fifties in one-day internationals between India and Australia. Saeed Anwar's amazing 194 runs in a single ODI is still the best score by an individual in a match between these two teams, showing how good the competition is. Also, Shahid Afridi has the record for the most sixes, which shows how good he is at hitting big balls. Wasim Akram, on the other hand, is the best bowler in this series, with the most catches. IND vs PAK Records (Test) Most Runs in an Innings by Team Runs Team Venue Season 699/5 Pakistan Lahore 1989–90 679/7d Pakistan Lahore 2005–06 675/5d India Multan 2003–04 674/6 Pakistan Faisalabad 1984–85 652 Pakistan Lahore 1982–83 Fewest Runs in a Completed Innings Runs Team Venue Season 106 India Lucknow 1952–53 116 Pakistan Bangalore 1986–87 126 India New Delhi 1979–80 145 India Bangalore 1986–87 145 Pakistan Karachi 1954–55 Greatest Win Margins (by Innings) Margin Winning Team Venue Season Innings and 370 runs India New Delhi 1952–53 Innings and 131 runs India Rawalpindi 2003–04 Innings and 119 runs Pakistan Hyderabad 1982–83 Innings and 86 runs Pakistan Karachi 1982–83 Innings and 52 runs India Multan 2003–04 Greatest Win Margins (by Runs) Margin Winning Team Venue Season 341 runs Pakistan Karachi 2005–06 212 runs India New Delhi 1998–99 195 runs India Kolkata 2004–05 168 runs Pakistan Bangalore 2004–05 131 runs India Mumbai 1979–80 Smallest Victories Margin Winning Team Venue Season 12 runs Pakistan Chennai 1998–99 16 runs Pakistan Bangalore 1986–87 46 runs India Kolkata 1998–99 Individual Records – Most Runs Runs Player Span 2228 Javed Miandad (PAK) 1978–1989 2089 Sunil Gavaskar (IND) 1978–1987 1740 Zaheer Abbas (PAK) 1978–1984 1431 Mudassar Nazar (PAK) 1978–1984 1321 Younis Khan (PAK) 2005–2007 Highest Individual Score Runs Player Venue Date 309 Virender Sehwag (IND) Multan 28 Mar 2004 280 Javed Miandad (PAK) Hyderabad 14 Jan 1983 270 Rahul Dravid (IND) Rawalpindi 13 Apr 2004 267 Younis Khan (PAK) Bangalore 24 Mar 2005 254 Virender Sehwag (IND) Lahore 13 Jan 2006 Most Wickets by Individual Wickets Player Matches Bowling Average 99 Kapil Dev (IND) 29 30.12 94 Imran Khan (PAK) 23 24.04 81 Anil Kumble (IND) 15 31.97 45 Wasim Akram (PAK) 12 28.86 44 Fazal Mahmood (PAK) 14 24.54 Best Bowling Figures in an Innings Bowling Player Venue Date 10/74 Anil Kumble (IND) New Delhi 4 Feb 1999 8/52 Vinoo Mankad (IND) New Delhi 16 Oct 1952 8/60 Imran Khan (PAK) Karachi 23 Dec 1982 8/69 Sikander Bakht (PAK) New Delhi 4 Dec 1979 8/85 Kapil Dev (IND) Lahore 23 Jan 1983 The Effects Of The Rivalry Every time India and Pakistan play, there is a lot of rivalry and national pride, which makes each game feel like an epic story. These games are more than just cricket; they are a mix of deep emotion, history, and culture. Fans remember and love every time these two heavyweights in cricket play each other, making their rivalry one of the best in the history of the sport. Not only will the scores and results of these matches live on, but so will the spirit and the great cricketing moments they create. Read the full article
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reddyannaid337 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs for ICC T20 Men's World Cup 2024
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Introduction to Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs
Are you ready to dive into the exhilarating world of online book cricket for the upcoming ICC T20 Men's World Cup 2024? Look no further than Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs! With a rich history of providing top-notch gaming experiences, Reddy Anna is your go-to platform for all things cricket betting. In this ultimate guide, we'll explore how you can make the most out of your World Cup experience with Reddy Anna IDs. Let's get started on this thrilling journey together!
History of ICC T20 Men's World Cup
The ICC T20 Men's World Cup has a rich history dating back to its inception in 2007. The tournament was introduced to bring shorter and more dynamic cricket matches to the global stage, captivating fans with its fast-paced action and thrilling moments. Over the years, cricketing giants have battled it out on the world stage for T20 supremacy, showcasing their skills and flair in front of passionate crowds. Memorable performances from players like Chris Gayle, Shahid Afridi, and Virat Kohli have left a lasting impact on the tournament's legacy. From stunning upsets to nail-biting finishes, the T20 World Cup has provided cricket enthusiasts with unforgettable moments that will be etched in history forever. As Reddy Book teams continue to evolve and adapt their strategies, each edition of the tournament promises excitement and drama for fans worldwide.
Benefits of using Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs for the World Cup
Looking to enhance your ICC T20 Men's World Cup experience? Discover the benefits of using Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs for all the cricket action! With a Reddy Anna ID, you gain access to a wide array of betting options and competitive odds for every match in the tournament. The platform offers a user-friendly interface that makes placing bets quick and hassle-free. One key advantage of having a Reddy Anna ID is the convenience it provides – bet anytime, anywhere, from your computer or mobile device. This flexibility allows you to stay engaged with the matches and make informed decisions on-the-go. Moreover, Reddy Anna IDs often come with exclusive promotions and bonuses during major events like the World Cup. Take advantage of these offers to maximize your betting opportunities and potentially increase your winnings. Don't miss out on all the perks that come with using a Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket ID for the upcoming ICC T20 Men's World Cup – elevate your cricket watching experience today!
Step-by-step guide to creating a Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket ID
Are you ready to get in on the action for the upcoming ICC T20 Men's World Cup 2024? Creating a Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket ID is your ticket to an exciting betting experience! Follow these simple steps to set up your account and start placing bets: 1. Visit the Reddy Anna website or download their app from the App Store or Google Play. 2. Click on the 'Sign Up' button and enter your details, including name, email, phone number, and preferred payment method. 3. Verify your account through the confirmation email or SMS sent by Reddy Anna. 4. Log in with your newly created  https://reddyanna-id.in/ credentials and browse through the wide range of betting options available for the World Cup matches. It's that easy! Start enjoying all that Reddy Anna has to offer for this thrilling cricket tournament today!
Tips for successful betting on the World Cup with Reddy Anna IDs
Looking to enhance your betting experience during the ICC T20 Men's World Cup using Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs? Here are some valuable tips to increase your chances of success. Research is key. Stay updated on team performance, player injuries, and pitch conditions. This information can give you an edge when placing your bets. Consider diversifying your bets. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread out your wagers across different matches or outcomes to minimize risk. Additionally, take advantage of any promotions or bonuses offered by Reddy Anna for the World Cup. These incentives can boost your winnings or provide insurance against losses. Always bet responsibly. Set a budget and stick to it to ensure that you're enjoying the thrill of betting without overextending yourself financially.
Other features and promotions offered by Reddy Anna for the World Cup
Looking to enhance your World Cup betting experience? Reddy Anna Online Book has got you covered with a range of exciting features and promotions tailored for the ICC T20 Men's World Cup 2024. Get ready to dive into a world of special offers, including enhanced odds on select matches, cashback bonuses, and exclusive promotions available only to Reddy Anna users. Stay updated on all the latest deals by subscribing to their newsletter or following them on social media platforms. In addition to promotions, Reddy Anna Book offers live streaming services for selected matches so you can watch the action unfold in real-time while placing your bets. Enjoy a seamless betting experience with their user-friendly interface designed for both beginners and experienced punters alike. Don't miss out on the opportunity to maximize your winnings and elevate your World Cup excitement with Reddy Anna's unique features and exciting promotions!
Conclusion and final thoughts
In a fast-paced world of sports betting, having a reliable platform like Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs can make all the difference, especially when it comes to the excitement of the ICC T20 Men's World Cup. By creating your Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket ID and following our step-by-step guide, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a seamless betting experience during the tournament. With its user-friendly interface and exciting features, Reddy Anna offers an immersive online betting experience that adds another layer of enjoyment to following the action-packed matches of the World Cup. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or new to the game, utilizing Reddy Anna IDs can enhance your overall viewing experience while potentially boosting your winnings. So, why wait? Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the ICC T20 Men's World Cup 2024 with Reddy Anna Online Book Cricket IDs by your side. Place strategic bets, enjoy exclusive promotions, and immerse yourself in the thrill of cricket fever like never before.
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mariacallous · 2 years
On 8 March, two weeks into the war in Ukraine, Yanina Chmunevich stood in her grassy garden in Bobryk, 35 miles north-east of Kyiv, smoking a cigarette. As it burned to the filter, she counted 87 Russian heavy armoured vehicles going by, including earth-moving equipment, trucks, armoured personnel carriers and cars with long-barrelled guns attached. The next day, she watched the Russians bring in rocket launchers.
Three months later, Chmunevich, 39, who had worked at a petrol station before the war, was steadily recounting the details of the occupation of Bobryk as she sat on a sun porch in a plaid shirt and pink socks. A Ukrainian human rights investigator, Maryna Slobodianiuk, listened intently as she spoke. Slobodianiuk, 40, is a slight woman with a pouf of rust-coloured hair and a voice so quiet that you have to lean in close to hear her properly. But her mild manner is deceptive: as the head of investigations at Ukrainian nonprofit Truth Hounds, researching war crimes and crimes against humanity, she has been to the frontlines in Donetsk, Mykolaiv and Kharkiv, enduring constant bombardment, to record the stories of traumatised survivors.
Chmunevich described a visit from Russian soldiers in March. The men – who Chmunevich identified by their accents as Chechens or Armenians – lined her and four of her relatives up along a wall, confiscated their phones and asked for water. The family had already deleted their social media accounts in case there was anything pro-Ukrainian the Russians could find.
Throughout her recounting, Chmunevich slouched in a wooden chair and spoke in flat tones, her recitation almost mechanical. Like many Ukrainians I met during my three weeks in the country, after repeated questioning by journalists and investigators, she described terrifying events in a way that made them sound as bland as a discussion of the weather.
Her husband asked the Russians why they had come to Ukraine.
“To kill Zelenskiy and the Nazis,” one of them replied.
The Russians were in Bobryk for three weeks. While they were there, a group of Russian soldiers had taken over a neighbour’s property. Chmunevich had been able to watch them through narrow gaps in her boarded-up windows. She described hearing explosions from the direction of a nearby lake. She had heard from neighbours that the town’s mayor and a shop owner had been kidnapped, led away with plastic bags over their heads. Both men had endured beatings. The shop owner was later shot in the arm. He was told his crime was to have had a security camera at his store. It did not seem to matter that the camera wasn’t working.
Since the start of the invasion in February, three Truth Hounds investigators have been crisscrossing the country, recording first-hand accounts and documenting evidence of atrocities in line with the standards of the international criminal court (ICC) in The Hague, with which they remain in constant touch. They began their work in 2014 when the Russians invaded Crimea, but the very fact that Slobodianiuk was able to gather information in areas so recently occupied, and in such detail, is a unique aspect of this war. The international media, too, has had unprecedented access. As I observed the interview on Chmunevich’s porch, on the outer ring of watchers was a documentary team from a Turkish news channel.
“This is the most-covered war probably in history – by journalists, but also by these missions of investigators coming from every country in Europe and the ICC,” said Tetiana Pechonchyk, the head of the board of Zmina, a Kyiv-based media and human rights advocacy organisation. Zmina is part of a consortium of more than a dozen Ukrainian NGOs called the 5am Coalition. The Russians invaded at 5am on 24 February, and Ukrainians I met referred to it constantly.
Pechonchyk, an authority on war crimes, wore a red suit and matching lipstick when we met at a fish restaurant in Kyiv in July. She acknowledged this war has received “unprecedented attention”, and yet, “given the scale of atrocities”, she said, “it’s not enough. The war is ongoing, and every day the prosecutor’s office registers 100 or 200 more cases, and that doesn’t even include information from occupied areas.” As of 22 September, the prosecutor’s office had 34,000 cases filed, every one of which must be investigated, according to Ukrainian law. However, matching and corroborating information from even meticulous investigations is a process that will take years.
There may never have been a war so thoroughly scrutinised as it unfolds. Investigators move in as soon as the Russians leave, within 24 to 48 hours. The country has a more-or-less functioning judiciary, unlike, for instance, Rwanda during the 1994 genocide, where any semblance of a previously existing court system was obliterated during the three months of violence. The question remains: will all this evidence-gathering in Ukraine actually lead to convictions in a tolerable time frame, and will any of it be enough to implicate the people at the top of the command structure?
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cricketdirectuk · 3 months
New Zealand favourites but Afghanistan could create upset
by Rex Clementine
Afghanistan are the most improved team in cricket. In ICC events in recent years, they have not only come up with some giant killing performances, but they have nearly made it to the knock-out stages as well.
During last year’s 50 over World Cup, they nearly staged an upset over eventual champions before Glenn Maxwell rescued the Aussies snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. It is in T-20 cricket that Afghanistan are even more deadly and this could be their time to make an impact in the world stage.
Afghanistan have always had good spin bowlers. Their spin provides variety as well with Rashid Khan (leg-spin), Noor Amad (chinaman) and Mujeeb-ur-Rahman (off-spin) capable of containing sides.
It is their left-arm quicks – Fareed Ahmad and Fazalhaq Farooqi who are exciting to watch.
Rahmanullah Gurbaz is just 22 but he’s got much experience at his hand as he’s highly sought after in franchise cricket. Ibrahim Zadran has been a sensation in ODI cricket and it’s only time before he makes an impact in T-20s.
They have got some world class all-rounders as well. Mohamad Nabi has been around for a while but it is young Azmatullah Omarzai, who is the man to watch. He bowls at a decent pace and is capable of power hitting. He is another Jacques Kallis in the making.
New Zealand have been very consistent in ICC events regularly making it to the semis. Silverware for the Kiwis have been few and rare but they will fancy their chances. First up, they’ve got to qualify for the second round and early points are vital.
Kane Williamson has been a fabulous leader of his country and he is one of the top-notch batters in the world.
South African born wicketkeeper Devon Conway has been an impact player and so is Finn Allen.
No body has the all-round options that New Zealand have and that’s why they are such a good unit in T-20 cricket. James Neesham, Daryl Mitchell  and Rachin Ravindra are all match winners.
New Zealand’s strongest discipline is their fast bowling. Trent Boult and Tim Southee have been there for a while and provide experience while Lockie Ferguson and Matt Henry with their pace make the Kiwis a strong outfit.
A mouthwatering contest is on the cards on Friday.
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cricketgaming · 3 months
ICC Cricket World Cup 2024 Warm-Up Matches: A Prelude to the Main Event
he ICC Cricket World Cup 2024, one of the most anticipated sporting events globally, is fast approaching. Before the main event kicks off, cricket enthusiasts are eagerly looking forward to the warm-up matches, which serve as a prelude and provide teams an opportunity to fine-tune their strategies. These matches not only help players acclimatize to the conditions but also offer fans a sneak peek into the form and potential of their favorite teams.
Importance of Warm-Up Matches
Warm-up matches play a crucial role in any major tournament, especially one as prestigious as the ICC Cricket World Cup. These games allow teams to test their combinations, assess player fitness, and make necessary adjustments before the real competition begins. Coaches and selectors use these matches to finalize their playing XI, giving fringe players a chance to stake their claim for a spot in the main squad.
Building Team Chemistry
One of the significant benefits of warm-up matches is the opportunity for teams to build and enhance their chemistry. New players get a chance to integrate with the experienced ones, understanding each other’s playing styles and roles. This cohesion is vital for team success in high-pressure situations during the tournament.
Assessing Conditions
Warm-up matches also provide a platform for teams to assess the playing conditions. Factors like pitch behavior, weather conditions, and ground dimensions are thoroughly analyzed. Understanding these variables can be the difference between winning and losing matches in the World Cup.
Key Teams to Watch
As one of the strongest contenders, the Indian team will be under the spotlight during the warm-up matches. With a balanced squad featuring explosive batsmen and formidable bowlers, India will aim to iron out any chinks in their armor. Fans will keenly watch the form of star players like Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma, alongside the emerging talents.
The Australian team, known for its aggressive style of play, will use the warm-up matches to set the tone for their campaign. Their all-round strength in batting, bowling, and fielding makes them a formidable opponent. The performance of key players like Pat Cummins and David Warner will be closely monitored.
The defending champions, England, will look to defend their title with confidence. Their warm-up matches will be crucial for fine-tuning their strategies and ensuring their players are in peak form. Jos Buttler and Jofra Archer will be players to watch as they look to lead England’s charge.
Emerging Players to Watch
Warm-up matches often serve as a platform for emerging players to showcase their talent. Young cricketers who have impressed in domestic circuits or junior international levels get a chance to perform on the big stage. Players like Shubman Gill from India and Cameron Green from Australia could use these matches to cement their places in the starting XI.
Fan Engagement and Excitement
For cricket fans, warm-up matches are an appetizer before the main course. These games generate excitement and offer early insights into team form and player performances. Fans get to see their favorite players in action and start forming opinions and predictions for the tournament.
Media Coverage and Analysis
The warm-up matches will be extensively covered by media outlets, with in-depth analysis and expert opinions adding to the excitement. Cricket pundits will dissect performances, providing fans with valuable insights and predictions.
The ICC Cricket World Cup 2024 warm-up matches are more than just practice games. They are a critical component of the tournament, helping teams prepare and strategize while building fan anticipation. As the teams take the field for these matches, the cricketing world will be watching closely, setting the stage for what promises to be an exhilarating World Cup.
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xtruss · 5 months
Cable News Viewers Have A Akewed Attitude Toward The War On Gaza, Survey Finds
— The Intercept | Ryan Grim | April 30, 2024
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Americans who get their news primarily from cable are the only people who believe that Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza, according to according to a new survey that examined the relationship between attitudes toward the war and news consumption habits.
The survey puts numbers on trends that have become increasingly apparent: Cable news viewers are more supportive of Israel’s war effort, less likely to think Israel is committing war crimes, and less interested in the war in general. People who get their news primarily from social media, YouTube, or podcasts, by contrast, generally side with the Palestinians, believe Israel is committing war crimes and genocide, and consider the issue of significant importance.
The poll of 1,001 American adults was conducted by J.L. Partners from April 16 through April 18. It was paid for by the YouTube-based news network Breaking Points (for which I co-host the show “Counter Points”).
The survey comes as events surrounding the war in Gaza seem to be coming to a head. Talks aimed at something approaching a ceasefire are reportedly making progress, even as Israel ramps up its bombing campaign in Rafah. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spent the last week attacking the International Criminal Court for what he said was a looming plan of theirs to charge him with war crimes. The U.S. dutifully came to his defense, preposterously claiming that because Israel is not a party to the ICC, the court has no jurisdiction. The same is true for Russia, but we applauded the ICC’s charges against Vladimir Putin. With U.S. support in hand, Netanyahu announced he’d go forward with a Rafah invasion regardless of whether Hamas accepts a hostage deal.
College administrators and local police are cracking down hard on the mushrooming campus protests. Overnight, Columbia University students took over Hamilton Hall, the same building occupied by antiwar protesters in the 1960s. They renamed it Hind Hall, for 6-year-old Hind Rajab, whose family was killed while they fled to southern Gaza. Her harrowing final phone call to rescuers captivated the globe, as people around the world desperately awaited news of her fate, only to learn Israel had killed not just her and her family, but also the rescuers sent to save her — a rescue team that had coordinated its movements with the Israeli military.
Despite President Joe Biden and much of the media attempting to cast the campus protests as antisemitic, the crackdown and the smear campaign has only fueled the movement’s growth, because young people, as the survey shows, don’t rely on the mainstream media for their news, and there is plenty of footage of the peaceful, respectful protests on social media to counter the false narrative. How else to explain that a thoroughly establishment-minded institution like the College Democrats could have come out in support of the protesters?
The group’s executive board approved the resolution by a vote of 8-2. “I hope it’s clear by looking at the hundreds of college campuses across the country: this generation is committed to ensuring justice for all,” the chair of the College Democrats Muslim Caucus, Hasan Pyarali, told me. “Opposing genocide and hatred against any group is not just good policy, but good politics.”
Joining them is the Fairfax County Democratic Committee in Virginia, which also issued a statement denouncing the crackdown on the protesters. The Fairfax Democrats are about as mainstream, establishment-linked as you could imagine. Many of their members work for the federal government, and many are specifically in the national security field. Yet here they are.
We often hear people say that “Twitter isn’t real life” or that “Nobody watches cable news,” but the survey asked where people get most of their news, asking them to pick just one, and cable and social media won out. Most Americans do in fact get their news either primarily from cable (42 percent) or social media like TikTok, Instagram, or another platform (18 percent). A third of people said they get their news from YouTube or podcasts, with 13 percent saying they got most of their news that way.
Asked generally where folks got their news on a day-to-day basis, with a “check all that apply” option, it’s even more clear how dominant cable (55 percent), social media (38 percent), and podcasts/YouTube (34) are compared to print, at 21 percent. (I read the survey as using “print” as a stand-in for any text-based media, whether digital like The Intercept or on actual printed paper.) Just 8 percent of people said they got most of their news from print journalism, which was less than the portion of people who said they don’t watch or read the news at all at 13 percent. (That number may be significantly higher in practice, as those who consume zero news could be difficult for pollsters to reach.)
These numbers don’t mean print is irrelevant. News is an ecosystem, with print reporters producing the journalism that is then grist for cable news as well as YouTube shows or podcasts. Print journalists also break much of the news that gets talked about on social media. But social media also gives users/viewers direct access to sources of information they never would have had before, with the journalists in Gaza broadcasting directly to Instagram and TikTok being the most visible recent examples.
What the survey doesn’t quite answer is which phenomenon comes first. Are social media users more likely to oppose the war because of the information they’re exposed to, or simply because they are more likely to be young? Are cable news viewers propagandized into their position by the talking heads they watch, or are they just old and conservative? (Social media use does go far beyond young people, of course. The survey found that 38 percent of people listed it as one of multiple sources of news.)
Asked if Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza, cable news viewers said no by a 34-32 margin. All other news consumers said Israel is committing genocide, including print (36-33), YouTube (41-31), and social media users, who agree with the statement by a 44 to 19 percent margin. People aged 18 to 29, meanwhile, have similar views (48-21 percent), while those over 65 say by a 47 to 21 percent plurality that Israel isn’t committing genocide.
When it comes to the salience of the war on Gaza as an electoral concern, the trend continues. Just 12 percent of the overall public lists it as a top three issue, and just 3 percent say it’s their top issue. Of that 3 percent, nearly all of them get their news from social media or YouTube. One in 5 social media news consumers say Israel’s war is a top-three issue; the same is true for 18- to 29-year-olds.
Yet if nearly half of young people think Israel is committing genocide, why doesn’t it have greater salience as an issue in the election? The answer could lie in the choices available to voters: Biden has given his unconditional support to Israel, and Donald Trump has done little more than suggest, “I will say, Israel has to be very careful, because you're losing a lot of the world, you're losing a lot of support, you have to finish up, you have to get the job done." If those are your choices, the actual choice seems to be whether to vote at all.
Indeed, the other stark difference among the cohorts was on propensity to vote: Print readers and cable viewers were by far the most likely to vote, and those who got their news from social media or YouTube were most likely to say they were definitely not voting or were unlikely to.
Only social media users said they’d be more likely to support a candidate who supported Palestinians (33-19 percent). Just 15 percent of cable news viewers said the same, even though 31 percent of cable viewers agreed that Israel was committing genocide against Palestinians.
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aryapooja0501 · 6 months
Celebrating Diversity: The Cultural Impact of the ICC Cricket World Cup
Every four years, cricket enthusiasts around the globe unite in anticipation of the ICC Cricket World Cup, a tournament that transcends boundaries and brings nations together through the love of the sport. As one of the most prestigious events in cricket, the World Cup showcases thrilling matches, breathtaking performances, and unforgettable moments that etch themselves into the annals of sporting history.
The World Cup isn't just about cricket; it's a celebration of culture, diversity, and the spirit of competition. From the electrifying atmosphere in packed stadiums to the millions watching from home, the tournament captivates hearts and minds worldwide.
Each edition of the World Cup introduces new heroes and legends, from the explosive batting of Chris Gayle to the mesmerizing spin of Shane Warne. Whether it's the nail-biting finishes of close matches or the dominance of powerhouse teams, the World Cup delivers excitement at every turn.
Beyond the boundaries of the game, the World Cup leaves a lasting impact on host nations, showcasing their hospitality, infrastructure, and passion for cricket to the world. It fosters camaraderie among fans, igniting rivalries and friendships alike.
Moreover, the World Cup serves as a platform for emerging talents to shine on the global stage, inspiring future generations of cricketers to dream big and pursue their passion.
As we eagerly await the next installment of this grand spectacle, let us reminisce about the unforgettable thrills and moments that define the ICC Cricket World Cup—a testament to the enduring power of sport to unite and inspire us all.
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sportzyverse · 6 months
Sportzyverse: Live Scores from India: Enhancing Your ICC World Cup Experience
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Do you possess a strong passion for cricket and actively engage in closely monitoring the proceedings of the ICC World Cup matches? Do you frequently engage in the practice of refreshing many tabs in order to stay abreast of real-time scores and updates? Do not worry any longer! Sportzy Verse aims to transform the cricket-watching experience by providing genuine updates and extensive coverage, originating from the central region of India.
Sportzy Verse is not merely a sports platform, but rather a comprehensive tool that enables you to stay connected with all the thrilling moments of the Icc Wc Live Score. Sportzyverse offers a comprehensive range of cricket-related content, including live scores, match highlights, expert analysis, and more, all conveniently accessible in one area as the tournament progresses.
Why accept delayed updates when you can immerse yourself in the thrill of the game in real-time? Sportzyverse guarantees uninterrupted access to the most up-to-date information about cricket, including scores, wickets, boundaries, and other essential aspects that distinguish the sport.
Sportzy Verse, a company headquartered in India, prides itself on its profound affiliation with the sport that brings together millions of individuals throughout the country. Our staff of skilled experts comprehends the enthusiasm and ardor that cricket elicits in enthusiasts, and we are devoted to providing a smooth and engaging experience customized to your preferences.
Sportzyverse provides a user-friendly interface that caters to your preferences, whether you are supporting your favorite team or monitoring the performance of top players. Effortlessly navigate through matches, seamlessly transition between innings, and thoroughly analyze precise statistics to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics inherent in each game.
However, Sportzy Verse goes beyond simply offering real-time scores; it aims to cultivate a community of cricket enthusiasts who have a shared passion for the sport. Interact with other enthusiasts, take part in conversations, and articulate your viewpoints on the successes and failures of the event, all within the dynamic environment of Sportzyverse.
Sportzyverse enhances your cricket-watching experience by providing exclusive content that goes beyond the traditional domain of live scoring, as the Icc Wc Live Score proceeds. Our staff provides extensive coverage that caters to both casual viewers and die-hard fanatics, encompassing pre-match previews and post-match analyses.
In addition, Sportzyverse acknowledges the significance of accessibility, guaranteeing the availability of our platform on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Sportzyverse is a reliable platform that enables individuals to stay connected to the Icc Wc Live Score regardless of their location, be it at home, in the workplace, or while traveling.
Sportzyverse distinguishes itself via its steadfast dedication to maintaining high standards of quality and reliability. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to guarantee the accuracy and currency of our live scores, providing you with the assurance to rely on the information readily available to you. Sportzyverse allows you to fully engage in the thrill of the ICC World Cup without any interruptions or inconsistencies.
Furthermore, Sportzyverse is proud to be a domestic brand that represents India on the international platform. As individuals with a keen interest in cricket, we possess a comprehensive understanding of the profound importance of the ICC World Cup in fostering international unity and commemorating the ethos of fair play. Sportzyverse's objective is to enhance the influence of Indian cricket enthusiasts and contribute to the shared story of this renowned tournament.
In summary, for individuals in need of a dependable companion to augment their ICC World Cup experience, Sportzyverse emerges as a highly recommended option. Sportzyverse provides live scores from India, extensive coverage, and a lively community of cricket aficionados, making it the ideal platform to immerse yourself in the essence of the game. We invite you to accompany us on an invigorating exploration of the realm of cricket, focusing on individual matches. Allow Sportzyverse to serve as your guiding beacon as you navigate the intricacies and complexities of the Icc Wc Live Score. Collectively, let us commemorate the enchantment of cricket in an unprecedented manner.
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rockinroleplay · 7 months
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NEW PARADIGM is a mature, no-wordcount Supernatural RP forum set in an alternate Earth timeline with a spin on mythology and fantasy. We boast detailed lore, quests, site story lines and a cast of official NPCs that each come with their own interactable secrets
VAINMESA is yet another “fly-by-night attraction” that appeared in the middle of the night out of nowhere in October with no sign or warning prior. It seems heavily ingrained in the Elysian Desert regardless, aged despite how even the most frequent adventures are certain there was nothing there just the week before..
There’s a sneaking feeling that this odd wild western town full of undead citizens planned for you to be here, and that you’re becoming stitched into its unknown storyline.
So… People are beginning to wonder:
how did it get here? And why do I feel like I’m coming Home?
SPOOKYFEST MOVIE SPREE – We as a writing community love to bond in other ways, and this October, we will be watching a new scary movie together every weekend in October! Come join us for some spooky writing and movie watching!
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