#ICF Certified Coach in Virginia
genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Genzandu Life Coach in Virginia is a safe space organization that coaches tweens, teens, young adults, and parents on how to revive the lost connection. We're bridging the generational gap, one family at a time. We help teenagers manage their emotions constructively through our three-prong approach.
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walksbesidecoaching · 7 years
New Post has been published on Walks Beside Coaching & Consulting
New Post has been published on http://www.walksbesidecoaching.com/2017/07/walks-beside-coaching-moves-to-arizona/
Walks Beside Coaching Moves to Arizona
Walks Beside Coaching & Consulting Announces Arizona Office Move
Moving to Hi-Tech Corridor We Can Provide Both Startups & Established Companies Tools for Workforce Engagement!
Gilbert, AZ – – – July 23, 2017 – – – Walks Beside Coaching & Consulting (WBCC), an outstanding coaching company with offices in Virginia, announced their move to the hi-tech corridor off 202 in Arizona. This will provide WBCC an opportunity to help the Chandler Innovation Center as well as startups that have relocated to that area. Companies there have a robust foundation of skilled software engineers, programmers and systems analysts. Along with the nonprofits, our programs can enhance employment emotional intelligence and workforce engagement for productivity and retention. The move to the Chandler and adjacent Gilbert allows us to expand into:
Tech company startup support infrastructure
Talented labor force and higher education and workforce training partners
With a wide range of affordable housing options within a 15-minute drive time of all predominant employment corridors, attracts solid employers
An excellent environment for data integrity
Outdoor activities and walk friendly communities with the image attractive to Millennial workforces
WBCC is one of the nation’s only coaching companies where the coaches are also gerontologists. WBCC designs programs for businesses with the ‘wave’ of Boomers that are blending the next chapters of professionalism with civic engagement. WBCC constructs business solutions around the achievement of business goals, the integration of a multi-generational workforce, and the integration of a diverse cultural labor force. These programs eliminate imprecise administrative thinking to synchronize ideas and goals for large-scale systems change, both locally and nationally. They bring their business knowledge from Virginia to the greater Arizona area to serve businesses in their efforts to be provide excellent environments for the collaboration of the multi-cultural and multi-generational workforce.
About Walks Beside Coaching & Consulting:
WBCC has a seasoned team shaping the renewal and resilience of daily life, increasing self-identity, and assisting in the transitional life chapters of all workforces. A unique service of our company is ontological coaching, instead of just performance coaching. Ontological coaching is a structured yet personalized process of guidance using all the elements of language skills, body disposition and the impact of emotion on decision-making.
Bradley Morgan and Stephan Marais are certified professional coaches through the Professional Coaching Certification (PCC) programs of Newfield Network. They are members of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the Phoenix Chapter of ICF Coaches, the International Longevity Center (ILC); and, are the former editors of the Web page for “Transforming Aging, Elder Care & Security” in the state of California, founded by Senator John Vasconcellos.
  Press Contact:
Stephan Marais, PCC, MBA Company Name: Walks Beside Coaching & Consulting Email: [email protected] Phone: 703-297-0170 Website: www.walksbesidecoaching.com
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia - GenZandu
If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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How to find your passion:
Sometimes when we find ourselves unable to find motivation it is because we are stuck in a cycle of doing things, we are not passionate about. Therefore, knowing your passion is so important in going about our daily lives because it inspires us to find purpose. 
Here are a few ways to identify your passion: 
Create a list of your interests. What do you catch yourself reading the most about? What topics do you get most excited about discussing with others? Putting this down in writing is a great first step
Next, ask those around you what they think lights you up the most. It is easy to overlook our most obvious interests and characteristics so asking around can help us gain some insight. 
Lastly, ask yourself what makes you happy? Chances are if you like exploring your city you are likely passionate about travel. 
As always keep an open mind. Finding your passion takes time so be patient with yourself and make sure you have and try to have a positive perspective.
Allowing yourself to make mistakes:
Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone understands the value of forgiving yourself when you do. I always tell my clients to try new difficult things because it’ll force them to make mistakes. By getting things wrong you gain new skills and can grow in ways that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Here are some tips to help give permission to yourself to make mistakes:
When you begin something new and unfamiliar, recognize that it will take you some time to get the hang of it. Identify what you are unsure of and figure out a way to move forward from there. 
Ask for help. Sometimes we can prevent mistakes simply by reaching out before it happens. Asking for help does not mean you are any less capable, rather it shows you are brave enough to seek out assistance. 
Don’t worry about comparing yourself to others' abilities. Instead, think about how you did better than you did the day before. We are never going to be great at everything and it is important to remember this when we slip up. 
Truly you can’t go wrong with making mistakes, the worst that can happen is to become memorable. 
How to overcome procrastination:
While many students are in the midst of finals season, I wanted to share some helpful tips on how to overcome procrastination. To begin, you must be organized and prioritize what it is you wish to accomplish. Break your tasks down into manageable pieces and focus on accomplishing them one at a time. When you are struggling with procrastination it is often because you are thinking about all there is to do. Instead, focus on moving forward rather than on how difficult it will be. 
On a deeper level, our mind postpones or puts off things because it is trying to protect us from feeling something unpleasant. For example, students often avoid homework because they think it is going to be difficult or boring. Being driven by this fear of not feeling good is what is preventing us from overcoming procrastination. My last tip for getting over procrastination is to ask yourself “why are you putting it off.” Listing out your reasons will help you develop more awareness about why and help you be less fearful or anxious about getting the job done. 
How to identify your priorities and stick to them:
The other day I posted about how to overcome procrastination and briefly mentioned that it is important to identify your priorities and stick to them. But as always this is easier said than done. I always tell my clients to first distinguish between what needs more attention vs less. Then I ask them how would you like to spend more time/how would you like to spend less time? What is most important to you right now? And lastly, if you could do anything right now without any limitations what would it be? 
Asking yourself these questions and then picking out what stands the most out to you will help you narrow down all that you feel you must accomplish. Pick one thing from that list that you have identified as the most important and finish it first. 
This exercise can greatly help you find your priorities and feel a little less overwhelmed.
Why Choose Genzandu
Genzandu Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia. This is a premier education and training center for life coaches. Offering a variety of programs, GCLCI offers a unique and comprehensive approach to life coaching.
We believe that life coaching should be accessible to everyone, and our programs are designed to provide you with the tools and resources you need to become a life coach. Whether you’re new to coaching or you’re looking to take your career to the next level, GCLCI has the perfect program for you.
Our programs are comprehensive and well-rounded, and we offer a variety of courses that cover everything from self-awareness to goals.
In case you need more details visit: www.genzandu.com 
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
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If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Youth Life Coach in Virginia - GenZandu
If you are searching for a youth life coach in Virginia, Genzandu is a great option. We specialize in working with young people to help them overcome challenges and reach their goals. Our team of experienced coaches can help you create a tailored plan to achieve success.
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If you are searching for a youth life coach in Virginia, Genzandu is a great option. We specialize in working with young people to help them overcome challenges and reach their goals. Our team of experienced coaches can help you create a tailored plan to achieve success.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
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If you are searching for a youth life coach in Virginia, Genzandu is a great option. We specialize in working with young people to help them overcome challenges and reach their goals. Our team of experienced coaches can help you create a tailored plan to achieve success.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
If you are searching for a youth life coach in Virginia, Genzandu is a great option. We specialize in working with young people to help them overcome challenges and reach their goals. Our team of experienced coaches can help you create a tailored plan to achieve success.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Genzandu Life Coaching Therapists in Virginia. This is a safe space organization that coaches tweens, teens, young adults, and parents on how to revive the lost connection. We are bridging the generational gap, one family at a time. We help teenagers manage their emotions constructively through our three-prong approach.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Life Coach Certification in Virginia - GenZandu
If you are looking for life coach certification in Virginia, look no further than Genzandu. We offer the best life coach certification in Virginia, and our program is designed to help you succeed in your career. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how we can help you achieve your goals.
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Morning Routine ideas:
Having a morning routine can define your day and your productivity levels, your interactions in your relationships, and your love for yourself. Without enough rest, it is almost impossible for a person to manage their moods or practice healthy relationships with themselves, others, and their productivity. Here are a few things we can do to create a morning routine.
Make sure you have a night routine that gives your body and mind enough rest so you can be at your best in the morning.
Giving yourself enough time in the morning for your body and mind to wake up can ensure that your day goes well and that you don’t feel rushed.
Preparing a to-do list the night before and going through it before you start your day can help you prepare the tasks for the day
A healthy breakfast is easier than you think. A bowl of oatmeal, an avocado, or a few eggs can ensure you get the desired nutrients to kickstart your morning.
A quick meditation for 10 minutes can help you feel grounded and building an exercise routine can ensure that you get your rain juices flowing to obtain maximum productivity.
Night Routine before Morning Routine:
During one of my sessions on increasing productivity, while enjoying life, with a young adult, we were brainstorming on how one maximizes one’s potential and not feel burnt out. We discussed how important it is to create a morning routine, so our day begins right, and we welcome the day's energy to accomplish our goals. While discussing his morning routine, he mentioned that he is a light sleeper and often ends up watching Netflix till 2:00 a.m. and somehow does not have the inclination to conduct his morning routine.
We often focus on the morning forgetting that our morning is dependent on our previous night. If we do not have a night routine, we cannot focus on the morning routine. A restful night is responsible for a productive morning. Make sure we are not watching screen till the wee hours of the morning, we do not get into emotional outbursts towards nighttime, we get at least 8 hours of sleep and we give our minds and bodies a chance to slow down before we fall into slumber can ensure we increase our productivity while maximizing our potential and having enough downtime.
Genzandu Life Coach Certification in Virginia is an excellent way to start your career in the life coaching industry. The certification program is rigorous and covers a wide range of topics, including personal development, self-awareness, and life skills. The program is delivered by experienced and qualified trainers, and you can be assured that you will be receiving the best possible training.
The Genzandu Life Coach Certification in Virginia program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful life coach. You will learn how to provide effective therapy and guidance to individuals and families, and to develop and implement life plans and goals.
In case you need more details To connect with Dr. Unnatti Jain, Best Life Coach in Virginia, visit: www.genzandu.com
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
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Genzandu Life Coach Certification in Virginia is an excellent way to start your career in the life coaching industry. The certification program is rigorous and covers a wide range of topics, including personal development, self-awareness, and life skills. The program is delivered by experienced and qualified trainers, and you can be assured that you will be receiving the best possible training.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Genzandu Life Coach Certification in Virginia is an excellent way to start your career in the life coaching industry. The certification program is rigorous and covers a wide range of topics, including personal development, self-awareness, and life skills. The program is delivered by experienced and qualified trainers, and you can be assured that you will be receiving the best possible training.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Genzandu Certified Life Coach in Virginia. This is a safe space organization that coaches tweens, teens, young adults, and parents on how to revive the lost connection. We are bridging the generational gap, one family at a time. We help teenagers manage their emotions constructively through our three-prong approach.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Become a Life Coach in Virginia - GenZandu
If you are looking for a career change and want to help people better their lives, then you should become a life coach in Virginia! Genzandu As a life coach, you will be assisting your clients in identifying and achieving their personal goals. If you live in Virginia, there are many great opportunities for you to get started in this fulfilling profession.
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How to find your passion
Sometimes when we find ourselves unable to find motivation it is because we are stuck in a cycle of doing things, we are not passionate about. Therefore, knowing your passion is so important in going about our daily lives because it inspires us to find purpose. 
Here are a few ways to identify your passion: 
Create a list of your interests. What do you catch yourself reading the most about? What topics do you get most excited about discussing with others? Putting this down in writing is a great first step
Next, ask those around you what they think lights you up the most. It is easy to overlook our most obvious interests and characteristics so asking around can help us gain some insight. 
Lastly, ask yourself what makes you happy? Chances are if you like exploring your city you are likely passionate about travel. 
As always keep an open mind. Finding your passion takes time so be patient with yourself and make sure you have and try to have a positive perspective.
Allowing yourself to make mistakes:
Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone understands the value of forgiving yourself when you do. I always tell my clients to try new difficult things because it’ll force them to make mistakes. By getting things wrong you gain new skills and can grow in ways that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Here are some tips to help give permission to yourself to make mistakes:
When you begin something new and unfamiliar, recognize that it will take you some time to get the hang of it. Identify what you are unsure of and figure out a way to move forward from there. 
Ask for help. Sometimes we can prevent mistakes simply by reaching out before it happens. Asking for help does not mean you are any less capable, rather it shows you are brave enough to seek out assistance. 
Don’t worry about comparing yourself to others' abilities. Instead, think about how you did better than you did the day before. We are never going to be great at everything and it is important to remember this when we slip up. 
Truly you can’t go wrong with making mistakes, the worst that can happen is to become memorable. 
How to overcome procrastination
While many students are in the midst of finals season, I wanted to share some helpful tips on how to overcome procrastination. To begin, you must be organized and prioritize what it is you wish to accomplish. Break your tasks down into manageable pieces and focus on accomplishing them one at a time. When you are struggling with procrastination it is often because you are thinking about all there is to do. Instead, focus on moving forward rather than on how difficult it will be. 
On a deeper level, our mind postpones or puts off things because it is trying to protect us from feeling something unpleasant. For example, students often avoid homework because they think it is going to be difficult or boring. Being driven by this fear of not feeling good is what is preventing us from overcoming procrastination. My last tip for getting over procrastination is to ask yourself “why are you putting it off.” Listing out your reasons will help you develop more awareness about why and help you be less fearful or anxious about getting the job done.
How to identify your priorities and stick to them
The other day I posted about how to overcome procrastination and briefly mentioned that it is important to identify your priorities and stick to them. But as always this is easier said than done. I always tell my clients to first distinguish between what needs more attention vs less. Then I ask them how would you like to spend more time/how would you like to spend less time? What is most important to you right now? And lastly, if you could do anything right now without any limitations what would it be? 
Asking yourself these questions and then picking out what stands the most out to you will help you narrow down all that you feel you must accomplish. Pick one thing from that list that you have identified as the most important and finish it first. 
This exercise can greatly help you find your priorities and feel a little less overwhelmed.
In case you need more details To connect with Dr. Unnatti Jain, Best Life Coach in Virginia, visit: www.genzandu.com 
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
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If you are looking for a career change and want to help people better their lives, then you should become a life coach in Virginia! Genzandu As a life coach, you will be assisting your clients in identifying and achieving their personal goals. If you live in Virginia, there are many great opportunities for you to get started in this fulfilling profession.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
If you are looking for a career change and want to help people better their lives, then you should become a life coach in Virginia! Genzandu As a life coach, you will be assisting your clients in identifying and achieving their personal goals. If you live in Virginia, there are many great opportunities for you to get started in this fulfilling profession.
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