#Become a Life Coach in Virginia
genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia - GenZandu
If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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How to find your passion:
Sometimes when we find ourselves unable to find motivation it is because we are stuck in a cycle of doing things, we are not passionate about. Therefore, knowing your passion is so important in going about our daily lives because it inspires us to find purpose. 
Here are a few ways to identify your passion: 
Create a list of your interests. What do you catch yourself reading the most about? What topics do you get most excited about discussing with others? Putting this down in writing is a great first step
Next, ask those around you what they think lights you up the most. It is easy to overlook our most obvious interests and characteristics so asking around can help us gain some insight. 
Lastly, ask yourself what makes you happy? Chances are if you like exploring your city you are likely passionate about travel. 
As always keep an open mind. Finding your passion takes time so be patient with yourself and make sure you have and try to have a positive perspective.
Allowing yourself to make mistakes:
Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone understands the value of forgiving yourself when you do. I always tell my clients to try new difficult things because it’ll force them to make mistakes. By getting things wrong you gain new skills and can grow in ways that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Here are some tips to help give permission to yourself to make mistakes:
When you begin something new and unfamiliar, recognize that it will take you some time to get the hang of it. Identify what you are unsure of and figure out a way to move forward from there. 
Ask for help. Sometimes we can prevent mistakes simply by reaching out before it happens. Asking for help does not mean you are any less capable, rather it shows you are brave enough to seek out assistance. 
Don’t worry about comparing yourself to others' abilities. Instead, think about how you did better than you did the day before. We are never going to be great at everything and it is important to remember this when we slip up. 
Truly you can’t go wrong with making mistakes, the worst that can happen is to become memorable. 
How to overcome procrastination:
While many students are in the midst of finals season, I wanted to share some helpful tips on how to overcome procrastination. To begin, you must be organized and prioritize what it is you wish to accomplish. Break your tasks down into manageable pieces and focus on accomplishing them one at a time. When you are struggling with procrastination it is often because you are thinking about all there is to do. Instead, focus on moving forward rather than on how difficult it will be. 
On a deeper level, our mind postpones or puts off things because it is trying to protect us from feeling something unpleasant. For example, students often avoid homework because they think it is going to be difficult or boring. Being driven by this fear of not feeling good is what is preventing us from overcoming procrastination. My last tip for getting over procrastination is to ask yourself “why are you putting it off.” Listing out your reasons will help you develop more awareness about why and help you be less fearful or anxious about getting the job done. 
How to identify your priorities and stick to them:
The other day I posted about how to overcome procrastination and briefly mentioned that it is important to identify your priorities and stick to them. But as always this is easier said than done. I always tell my clients to first distinguish between what needs more attention vs less. Then I ask them how would you like to spend more time/how would you like to spend less time? What is most important to you right now? And lastly, if you could do anything right now without any limitations what would it be? 
Asking yourself these questions and then picking out what stands the most out to you will help you narrow down all that you feel you must accomplish. Pick one thing from that list that you have identified as the most important and finish it first. 
This exercise can greatly help you find your priorities and feel a little less overwhelmed.
Why Choose Genzandu
Genzandu Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia. This is a premier education and training center for life coaches. Offering a variety of programs, GCLCI offers a unique and comprehensive approach to life coaching.
We believe that life coaching should be accessible to everyone, and our programs are designed to provide you with the tools and resources you need to become a life coach. Whether you’re new to coaching or you’re looking to take your career to the next level, GCLCI has the perfect program for you.
Our programs are comprehensive and well-rounded, and we offer a variety of courses that cover everything from self-awareness to goals.
In case you need more details visit: www.genzandu.com 
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cwseriesshowdown · 11 months
Round 1C: The Vampire Diaries vs All American
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The Vampire Diaries: The series is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town charged with supernatural history. It follows the life of Elena Gilbert, a teenage girl who has just lost both parents in a car crash, as she falls in love with a 161-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore, who she thinks is just a normal human. Their relationship becomes increasingly intricate as Stefan's mysterious older brother Damon Salvatore returns to Mystic Falls with a plan to bring back their past love, Katherine Pierce, who is Elena's doppelgänger. Although Damon initially holds a grudge against his brother for forcing him to become a vampire, he later reconciles with Stefan and falls in love with Elena, creating a love triangle among the three. Both brothers attempt to protect Elena as they face various villains and threats to their town, including Katherine. The Salvatore brothers' pasts and the town's history along with its secrets are revealed through flashbacks as the series goes on.
All American: Spencer James is a rising high school football player and A student at South Crenshaw High, but when coach Billy Baker recruits him to join his team in Beverly Hills, Spencer's mother, Grace, and his best friend, Coop, convince him it's an opportunity he has to seize. Forced to move in with Billy and his family to protect his transfer permit to Beverly, Billy's son Jordan, who is also the starting quarterback, is less than thrilled to be sharing his father's attention -- or the team spotlight. While Spencer struggles to find his footing, he makes an unlikely friend in Jordan's sister, who is struggling with her own demons.
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cruetrimeblog · 1 year
The Unfortunate Story of John List
John List was the only child of German American parents born in Bay City, Michigan. His parents' names were John and Barbara List. John grew up in a Lutheran household which led him to become a Sunday school teacher just like his dad. John worked as a lab tech during World War Two. He served three years before being discharged in 1946. John went on to earn a bachelor's degree in business administration. He then earned a master's degree in accounting.
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John was called back into active duty in 1950 due to the advancement of the Korean War. He met a woman named Helen Taylor while stationed in Virginia. They began a romantic relationship and got married in December of 1951 in Baltimore. The two decided to live in California. Due to his work as a successful military accountant, John was reassigned to the Finance Corps.
John completed his second tour in 1952. He went on to work as an accountant in Detroit. He later took a job as an audit supervisor in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This is where he and Helen raised three kids together. John became a general supervisor by 1959.
Unfortunately, Helen suffered from alcoholism. She became increasingly unstable over the years. Her daughter (before she met John) Brenda, moved out of the family home in 1960. The rest of the List family moved to Rochester, New York where John was offered a job with Xerox. After becoming the director of accounting services, John accepted a job as Vice President and comptroller of a bank in New Jersey. This is where the family moved into a large estate in Westfield, New Jersey named "Breeze Knoll." The home was a 19 room victorian mansion.
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John decided to kill his entire immediate family on November 9, 1971. When the kids left for school that day, he shot Helen in the head. She was 46 years old at the time. He then went upstairs where he shot and killed his mother Alma who was 84 years old at the time. Then John decided to sit and wait for his kids to come home from school. Patricia and Frederick List were the first to arrive. The were 16 and 13 years old. John shot and killed them both. Afterwards, John proceeded to make himself lunch, run to the bank to drain his mother's accounts, then went to the local high school to watch his eldest son John Jr. play soccer. When John Jr. was finished playing, John drove them both home. John attempted to shoot his son shortly after they entered the home, but the gun misfired. This gave John Jr. a chance to fight back against his father. But it was to no avail. John shot him several more times. John Jr. was the only victim to be shot more than once.
After the murders, John placed the bodies of his family into sleeping bags and lined them up in the ballroom of the family home. However he had to leave his mother’s body upstairs, claiming she was too heavy to drag downstairs. John then sat down to write a five page letter to his pastor stating that he killed his family to “save their souls.” He proceeded to try cleaning up the scene, but he also eerily cut his face out of all of the family photos in the home. He turned the radio all the way up, turned on every light in the house, and left without a trace to start a new life.
The bodies of the List family weren’t discovered until around a month after the murders. The neighbors weren’t suspicious at first, because the Lists tended to keep to themselves. John wrote letters to his kids schools and jobs to explain that he was taking the family out of town on a trip. He canceled the milk, mail, and newspaper deliveries. Neighbors finally alerted authorities when the lights in the home started burning out.
Investigators started by examine the outside of the house and determined that nothing seemed amiss. Police returned on December 7th after getting a call from Patricia’s drama coach when she couldn’t get an answer at the door while trying to pick Patricia up for her lesson. Police entered the home through a small window in the basement, and found the bodies.
This crime was the most notorious felony in New Jersey since the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby. There was a nationwide manhunt issued for John. The family car was later found at JFK airport, but there was no evidence that John ever got on a plane.
Breeze Knoll was eventually burned down nine months after the murders. The fire was ruled as an arson but is still unsolved. A new house was built on the land in 1974
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John took a train from New Jersey to Michigan, and then to Denver where he settled in 1972. He got a job as an accountant and started using the alias Robert Peter Clark. He joined his local Lutheran church. It was while attending this church that he met his next wife Delores Miller. They got married in 1985. The couple moved to Virginia in 1988, and John got a new job there as an accountant.
An episode of America's Most Wanted covered the List murders in 1989. A forensic artist assembled a bust of an age progressed John. This bust was eerily similar to John's current appearance. Less than two weeks after the show aired, John was arrested. John denied his true identity for months. He was extradited to New Jersey in 1989. John didn't admit to being who he was until February of 1990.
During the trial, John admitted that the family was struggling financially after he was laid off from work in 1971. However, he kept his unemployment a secret from his family. He would leave for work at the normal time, but just spend the day reading the newspaper at a local train station. He made ends meet by stealing money from his mother's bank account. Some of the List children had taken on part time jobs to help out the family.
During the trial, John was diagnosed with OCD. John was too proud to accept welfare, so he saw his only financial option to be killing his family, sending them to heaven, and starting a brand new life.
John was convicted of five counts of first degree murder on April 12, 1990. He was quoted saying, "I feel that because of my mental state at the time, I was unaccountable for what happened. I ask all affected by this for their forgiveness, understanding, and prayer." The judge responded, "John Emil List is without remorse and without honor. After 18 years, 5 months, and 22 days, it is now time for the voices of Helen, Alma, Patricia, Frederick, and John F. List to rise from the grave." John was sentenced to five consecutive life sentences. This was the maximum penalty at the time. John quickly filed for an appeal, but was equally as quickly denied.
John admitted during an interview with Connie Chung in 2002 to not considering suicide as another viable option because it would bar him from entering heaven where he hopes to reunite with his family someday.
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John died at the age of 82 in 2008 from a bad case of pneumonia. He was being held in New Jersey at the St. Francis Medical Center. He has since been referred to as "The Boogeyman of Westfield."
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moderndaycirce · 1 year
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Introducing Virginia Fox!
Lifepath: Corpo
Nicknames: V (Post Arasaka), Princess (Jackie ONLY and she MEANS IT when she says that), Sweetheart (Johnny, started patronising, moved into a genuine nickname)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi/Pansexual
Date of Birth: October 12th 2046 (31 during 2077)
Notable Relationships: Jackie (Best friends), Panam (Friends), Judy (Ex in all ending situations as Virginia can't stop herself from returning to NC), Goro (Casually dated post The Star ending, Friends post The Devil ending, Enemies post any other ending), River (Ex, all endings), Johnny (Together, all endings), Kerry (Bros who share Johnny)
Bio: The only child of two high ranking Arasaka corpos, Virginia Fox was raised from birth knowing that eventually she would have a position at Arasaka when she grew up. Groomed in a variety of skills from a young age, as a teenager her aptitude for intelligence work caught the eye of the counter intelligence unit, leading to them recruiting her out of Arasaka Academy at 16 and putting her in a fast track training program to start her with the company at 18 once she was legally an adult. She took on her first corporate assassination a month after she turned 18. Counter to the corpo side of her, a young Virginia also spent a lot of her time playing piano, something she enjoyed greatly until she had to quit at 16 when she was recruited. She doesn't play again until after Mikoshi, at Kerry's urging to show him why she knew so much about his fancy piano in his mansion. When she was 20 years old, she was approached by her superiors for what they told her was a promotion. Arasaka paid for full body biosculpting and turned her into an undercover agent designed to target the skeezy corpos who spent their money and time at places like Clouds. Her role was to seduce and kill whoever they pointed her at, in a kind of Black Widow situation. She did that until she was 25. A few weeks after recovering from the biosculpting surgery she turned 21 and allowed her coworkers to take her to a random bar in Heywood that she knew was populated with Valentinos. Figuring she had to keep her coworkers on her side due to how much attention Arasaka had been paying to her with this promotion, she went along with them, but wasn't happy about it. Eventually, her coworkers got so drunk they picked a fight with Valentinos at the same time a tall, cheerful Valentino had been dared to come get her away from the group, his friends thinking she was a corpo joytoy. When she clarified that she was a corpo too, he introduced himself as Jackie, shortening her name to V when she introduced herself to him.
They were fast friends, like the brother she'd never had- and she spent much of her time when not working with him and his gang friends. Their favourite tradition being taking Jackie's old truck out to the Badlands after one of them had a bad day and smoking weed under the stars. She coached him through the many, MANY loves of his life and he began to show her a life outside of the corpo bubble, introducing her to some of the parts of Night City that only a Street Kid would know. Jackie also introduced her to Padre, who spent several years offering her a job as a merc. Virginia, who was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with her job considered taking him up on it, but her contract was ironclad. At the same time, Jackie also introduced her to Vik when he had to be collected from the ripper's clinic after a shoot out gone wrong where Virginia had to stash him in her apartment so his mother didn't find out what he'd done. It was at that point that Jackie left the Valentinos, realising that Solo work might not be safer, but at least he might make more money out of being shot at. (tw: SA) When Virginia turned 25, a hit job went badly when the target was more violent than she was expecting, pulling out chunks of her hair and forcing her to perform oral sex on him before telling her he knew what she was and trying to strangle her to death. After she somehow killed the target, she took her contract to Padre who promised to secretly get it to a lawyer to see if she could get out. Arasaka noticed this, and steered her in a different direction, removing her from the now dubbed "Aphrodite Program" and framing it as another promotion that had her doing counter intelligence from further away. They also put a PR Strategist named Celia in her path, who Virginia fell hard and fast for. Padre's lawyer couldn't find a loophole for escape, but now her work was less dangerous and she was in love, she forgot that she'd even wanted to leave.
For the next few years, Virginia dated Celia who hated Jackie and her other Valentino friends with a passion. She also slowly began taking combat stims and synth coke, now surrounded by people taking the stuff on a daily basis, and didn't notice when it became part of her daily routine. Without her knowledge, during a routine check up, Arasaka installed regulators which upped her tolerance to the drugs, meaning she began taking even more. Three years into her relationship with Celia, they agreed to get married and petitioned the company for permission. Arasaka denied, claiming they had better matches for them both. Virginia refused, Celia accepted. At this point, any good feelings Virginia had toward Arasaka broke completely, and she threw herself into her work to keep her mind from the heartbreak. Her first act after the break up was to jump on a plane to Japan for an international conference where she grabbed the first person she was slightly attracted to and made him get on his knees in the bathroom to get her off. Thus, started V's slut era. For the next two years, V did her job without fuss but began secretly feeding information to Padre, no longer caring if she was caught. Her drug use spiralled out of control when she wasn't around Jackie, so he had no idea how bad things had gotten. This was her party era, where Jackie had enough of a steady income from merc work and the happiness of his new relationship with Misty to indulge her in her party mood, only putting his foot down when she started breaking his friend's hearts for fun. Now 30 and working under Jenkins, V found herself in Texas while following a journalist nomad when she was called back to Night City due to a Cyberpsycho attack on the tower. Having lost a grandfather in Johnny's bombing she took it seriously, returning to be redeployed a week later to the job that would lead to her being fired.
Personality: Virginia is smart and driven, which doesn't always work in her favour. She enjoys climbing ranks and yearns for power, but her constant need to be actively doing something means that she hates stagnating or stillness. This also means that she deals with her emotions in ways that aren't always the healthiest, leading her into jumping in the middle of situations she would normally know better than to leap into without thinking.
Friendships (or what I have expanded so far):
Kerry: V and Kerry are fast friends, two lonely people in Night City drawn to each other in a way that Johnny describes as "annoying" (but he's mainly upset that his best friend seems to enjoy V's company more than he ever enjoyed his). The moment that cemented their friendship was when Kerry asked to speak to her during the release of his song with Us Cracks, where V leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and he rejected her. V was confused by this as she wasn't trying to hook up with him, before asking him "Is the only time someone touches you when they're trying to fuck you?". Kerry had looked so upset at that realisation that they'd hugged each other and that was that. They text every day about the most random, mundane shit, even when Virginia goes to Phoenix after Mikoshi. She has an open ticket to any of his concerts and he keeps pestering her to secretly be on one of his new album tracks. When Johnny returns, their friendship becomes a little strained as Kerry is torn with his feelings. His old love for Johnny and his jealousy that V seemingly gets the Johnny that he never got (he later realises that V did get that Johnny, it was just all in her head). Eventually V gets annoyed with the way Johnny and Kerry can't get their shit together so she orchestrates a threesome at a party, reasoning that they might actually have some post-nut clarity and talk to each other. It works, and V and Kerry eventually come to a "shared custody" agreement of Johnny, who is more than happy to have two people's attention on him.
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Welcome all! Stark here, and I'm looking for some discord partners. Generally, keep things ranging from 2-3 paragraphs. Sometimes, it's longer, rarely ever shorter. Replies range from daily to every few days. Between health and my job, I don't always have availability, but try to at least send messages outside of the rp.
Currently looking for partners to double. I typically write the male role but don't always wanna be stuck with it. Would love to write against some of my wanted characters.
Fandoms: Marvel (MCU, NMCU), DC (Gotham, comics, Smallville), Stranger Things, Pacific Rim, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, What We Do in the Shadows, Detroit: Become Human, Good Omens, Stargate Atlantis, Hellboy, Sons of Anarchy, Underworld, House, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Top Gun, Ted Lasso
Pairings: MxF, primary canon x OC
Like to write against: (current wants)
Donal Logue characters (Quinn/Blade, Harvey Bullock/Gotham, Kevin Tidwell/Life, Hank Dolworth/Terriers, Alex Balder/Max Payne, Declan Murphy/Law& Order SVU)
David Harbour characters (Hellboy, Jim Hopper/Stranger Things, Alexei Shostakov/Marvel, Doug Dennison/Sleepless, Santa/Violent Night, Jack Salter/Grant Turismo, Frank Masters/The Equalizer)
Jon Bernthal characters (Frank Castle/Marvel, Sam Rossi/Sweet Virginia, Shane Walsh/The Walking Dead, BJ Rose/Grudge Match, Griff/Baby Driver, Ethan Sawyer/Those Who Wish Me Dead)
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis), Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Dewey Finn (School of Rock musical), Beetlejuice (Musical)
Like to write for: Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Eddie Brock, Steve Rogers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Negan, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Connor, Dean Winchester, Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Chris Redfield, James Wilson, Jake Seresin, Bradley Bradshaw, Jamie Tartt, Jason Scott, Simon Riley
Ocs: Several on standby but am always willing to make one up with a wanted FC if you want to play one of my wanted characters.
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heartbrake-hotel · 2 years
I agree with you about the Oscars; it's pretty much become overly pretentious and predictable (Disney/Pixar always wins Best Animated Feature, something really long and depressing wins Best Picture, etc.). What I tend to pay more attention to are the Razzies (awards for the year's worst films). Can you believe the Razzies nominated Tom Hanks in 2 categories for his performance in Elvis? Like, okay, maybe his accent was a little weird at times, but his performance was great! What the heck were they thinking?
..im gonna be absolutely honest w you, i thought the accent was the most bizarre thing ive ever had someone try to tell me was southern-passing. i was honestly baffled by the way the colonel kept insisting he was from west virginia in the movie bc of how ludicrously dutch he sounded at all times 😂😂 and then i listened to the colonel's real-life speaking voice and said oohhhh.
p sure they spent so much of their budget getting austin up to par w his ten billion vocal coaches that tom had to fend for himself 😉
i did think his acting was Great, in a perfectly sleazy, tongue-in-cheek, baz-luhrmann-movie kind of way ! but i can also see how it could come off as over-the-top if you weren't familiar or comfortable with the way baz's work tends to bash you over the head. personally i found the beauty of tom's performance in how even his needling the audience for sympathy was obvious and hamfisted... but as we've already established, critics don't know jack shit ! 😁
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brolantra · 3 days
I watched rebel ridge today, and I know it’s just a movie but it made me so MAD. It doesn’t help that I’ve been binge watching true crime shows, and in almost all cases the cops just sucked and really failed a lot of people. But art imitates life and vice versa- all the time.. the shit that happened in rebel ridge happens in real life too, often. If you’ve seen one small town police force you’ve seen them all. Especially them good ol boy towns. I lived in one, a small corrupt & racist town in Georgia from 2015 to 2018.. it was proven that one of the main people bringing drugs into the county was the sheriffs nephew. Got caught with 13 pounds of meth, a bunch of fentanyl and coke. Like 17 firearms. Can’t tell me the sheriff had no idea or wasn’t apart of that. I lost track of the story but I cant find any evidence that says the nephew has been prosecuted or is still in jail. But he shouldddd be. This was shortly after my ex sat in jail for drug possession, intent to distribute, and a firearm. He sat in jail and took 3 months to get a pr bond. He had less than an ounce of weed on him and I’m not sure how much promethazine/codeine he had. The amount of money you have to pay just to make sure your loved ones have what they need should be criminal. Regardless of all of that tho and the fact that he’s my ex, the way things went down made me SO mad and I’ll never forget it. I was also right down the street from a cop shooting and killing a black man that was RUNNING, 2 months before I moved back home to VA. The victim’s name was Tony Green, a name that is forever burned into my memory. I had already planned on leaving and that was like the final moment I knew.. I had to get out of that town. I have a whole other ex who was framed by Virginia Beach police, they couldn’t get him legally so they planted evidence and falsified documents. They got away with it for a while but eventually it all came crashing on their heads and there was an internal affairs investigation launched. You cannot or rather should not be breaking the law if you call yourself upholding it. The only cops I’d ever trust IS internal affairs. The police of the police. Law enforcement almost always has their hands in active criminal activity, and they turn around and pretend to care about folks and pretend to be enforcers of the law I can’t stand it. Protect and serve my ass. Whole time the only ones they truly protect and serve are themselves. Even if there are good cops, who have the best intentions & somehow think they can change the system from the inside.. it never happens because the good ones get silenced threatened or otherwise become corrupt themseves. I also watched worst ex ever on Netflix and there was a woman who was raped by her ex and when she pressed charges on him he set her up for robbery and impersonation of an officer. The cops of Nassau county in New York didn’t even look into anything the woman was saying, she told them her ex was framing her because he raped her and she pressed charges. It didn’t matter. He bonded out & then her ex coached and promised to pay 3 different people to implicate her. She sat in jail for 7 months. Luckily for her he never paid those 3 people so they flipped on him, along with another woman he had begun seeing. The woman who sat in jail for something she did not do sued the county for damages and losses due to her wrongful arrest & time served, cuz she lost everything she worked hard for while in jail. They settled and paid her 2 million dollars. The whole thing was just infuriating to watch. IDC. There isn’t a single person on this planet that could get me to trust cops. Even the good ones. They are flawed people working for an even more flawed system and they ruin more lives than they protect. The people who become cops for the right reasons will always be outshined by the corrupt people who become cops solely to have power and control. They’ll protect their own and throw the book at the average civilian who has done half of what they’ve done. In no world, is that right.
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likelycatherinemay · 15 days
Diary 4/?
"It is what it is."
What a magnificently nihilistic phrase. My history teacher used to say it all the time. He was a sour man to his bones, and I think that's why I liked him. He had no time for the nonsense that life has to offer. Skeptical to a fault, he would refuse to tolerate students who did not come to class with an attitude attuned to learning. He, like many teachers, was forced to teach classes removed from his passions.
I've never liked to people-watch. People (maniacs) have told me it's great to watch other people living their lives on a day-to-day basis. The routine, the relationships, thriving, and collapsing all in the view of their species. And you, solitary you, get to observe the rising and falling action of someone's intricate arc. For a moment, I understood that when I was in this class. There are seldom opportunities in life to find someone enthralled with where they stand, or at least, I've found very few individuals who have managed to find the exact geographic axis they need to stand on the planet. For 45 minutes every day for two years, I would watch my history teacher live in Elysium. It was like when you watch someone stick their hand out the window of the car on a hot summer's day. They were momentarily liberated from the circumstances of existence. Through the patterns of tragedy and oppression, there was an unmistakable and founded rage against the injustice of the world. It was passion and desire made manifest. Perhaps it is because I grew up in a family of teachers, but it had always appeared that teaching was an unforgiving and unrelenting battle with the brutal circumstances of life. The ultimate battle of groups in which solidarity should bind to a common cause pitted against one another. A profession where the best intentions are whittled down by underpay and desperation from overwork.
He just left his job. He's a principal now. It's easy to see why. Frankly, he ruled his class with an iron fist. There was no room for nonsense in his class as he taught a class about the Holocaust and AP Human Geography. That no-nonsense attitude extended to his coaching, where I was a subpar runner on the cross-country team. For the runners who struggled because of their friends, getting in shape, or both, we were there for the vibes. He loved the team in that same no-nonsense way. Particularly with the hooligans that were "athletes" in the most loose of terms. It would have been easy for us to be an afterthought for him, but when the barrage of bits finally broke through for a smile from the stone wall, we knew we had won a battle in the struggle against his nihilistic nature.
I've used that term to describe him many times. Nihilistic. And it seems perplexing to describe him as nihilistic. At some moments, he loved his team and teaching, but it was unmistakable. The coach and teacher I knew scraped the bitter edge of existence. When something goes minorly wrong, "It is what it is." When tragedy struck his life, "It is what it is." When tragedy struck the world, "It is what it is." It was an unspoken truth he had gone through a tumultuous period in his youth before becoming a teacher. Despite his trauma-laden upbringing, he loved to get sidetracked by a good story. I had met many people who were convinced half of his life was a fabrication, too fantastical, too worldly to have settled for small-town West Virginia. I don't know if I buy it all, my sisters certainly did not, but I could have listened to the sweetest lies for decades. Now, sitting here in college writing this, it has the distinct feeling of a story from a friend you haven't seen in years giving you a little piece of their life. That feeling has become painfully common in my life now, but when I think about those stories, they feel like he was reminding us to live a great and terrible life. Make as many mistakes as you can and come home and hug your mom. Hug her as many times as you can before you can't anymore.
One day, he brought the entire cross-country team into his classroom. For my high school, it was an unusually spacious class for a history teacher, a result of teaching more general education classes beyond his sermons in the classes I took. We packed in to hear his message, the typical mix of jesters and athletes in tow.
"For a long time, my life was it is what it is. KInda you live and you die and that's it." He paused for a moment.
"Then my wife told me," there were tears in his eyes now as he paused.
"we are having a kid." The words barely left his mouth before cheers erupted. Unconditional love was the reason why he told us, and unconditional love is what he received in return. I'm not so sure he conquered nihilism, not that finding a reason to live refutes it as an ideology. Frankly, I don't know if there is some substantial reason for it all. The stars and the universe would not be rewritten by a child. Really, I just hope he knows how much it meant to see someone we all loved overcome life. Overcome their circumstances. It makes me love being alive sometimes. The world has to be stupid and grand and beautiful sometimes, so please let it.
I haven't read my book (Babel if you haven't kept up, nonexistent reader). Awkward. I promise I will have an update soon, so please forgive me. College is evil.
If it helps, I was listening to "Maine" by Noah Kahan while I wrote this. Ooh, and "August" by flipturn. Some other stuff too, but I'm not going to go all the way down the list.
It felt weird writing this one. After not writing or reading for a while, my mind tends to get jumbled up and confused. My writing devolves into pattern and repetition. Nonetheless, I'll never forget that meeting with my coach and friends. It might as well be another lifetime now.
I hate nostalgia, it makes me yearn for things that were never truly real. On the contrary, sometimes it reminds of when things were intimately tangible.
"I am leaving West Virginia for a while
Don't know why but every time I cross that river
Lord, there's somethin' tears me up, makes me wild."
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beechannel27 · 2 months
When you hear the words servant leader, what comes to mind? Tune in to this meaningful conversation I had with Coach Norman Murray ‪@BuildingBridges520‬ to learn more about this topic! You can listen to this full episode by clicking the link below!
Here is a little bit of info about Coach Norman Murray : Norman is currently a Deacon at Praise Temple Apostolic Faith Church of Virginia in Woodford, VA. He currently serves under Pastor Terrence S. Brown. Norman was ordained in 2013 and has served in this capacity since. He is now part of the ministerial staff as he moves towards becoming a licensed minister. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Norman has lived in various cities along the east coast and mid-west. In 2008, the Lord saw fit to have Norman build his spiritual foundation in Minnesota. It wasn’t until March of 2009 when Norman decided to surrender his life completely to Christ and was baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Ghost. During this time, He was a member of Christ Temple Apostolic Church in Roseville, MN where the late Bishop Charles Foye was the senior pastor. Norman is also an entrepreneur & podcaster, having started Building Bridges LLC in 2020. Most of his free time is spent being a loving husband, father, and grandfather. The Lord has blessed him to be married to Sister Shelby Murray for 30 years. They also have two children, Anthony, and Charisma and four grandchildren (Anthony Jr., Anari, Amora, & Adonis). Catch up with Coach Norman Murray by visiting his website buildingbridges520.com
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thxnews · 3 months
DOD College World Series Umpire Selected
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Linus Baker, the Defense Logistics Agency Cybersecurity Director, has been selected as one of the eight umpires for the prestigious NCAA College World Series starting June 14 in Omaha, Nebraska. This marks a significant milestone in Baker's two-decade-long umpiring career.  
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Linus Baker, director of cybersecurity at the Defense Logistics Agency. Photo by DOD.  
Linus Baker's Journey to the College World Series
Linus Baker received the call he had been hoping for while umpiring at the Athletic Coast Conference men’s baseball tournament in Charlotte, North Carolina. After 20 years as a college baseball umpire, he was informed of his selection for the College World Series by the NCAA umpire coordinator. - Umpiring Experience: - Over 20 years in college baseball - Seven years in the Athletic Coast Conference - Umpired 14 regionals and five super regionals   The Competitive Landscape The path to becoming a College World Series umpire is highly competitive, with over 3,000 umpires in Division I baseball vying for spots. Baker’s persistence and dedication have finally paid off. - Selection Process: - Only 96 umpires selected for NCAA post-season - Three of the eight umpires for this year’s CWS are amateurs like Baker  
Challenges and Dedication
The journey was not easy. Baker faced stiff competition, especially from ex-professional umpires with formal training. However, his passion and commitment to the sport kept him motivated. "When you have a passion for something, you go above and beyond to be good at it," said Baker, emphasizing the importance of staying fit both mentally and physically.  
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USA - Defense Logistics Agency Police. Photo by SGT141. Wikimedia.   Balancing Dual Roles Baker’s professional life as the Cybersecurity Director at the Defense Logistics Agency parallels his umpiring career. Both roles require managing people, staying composed under pressure, and earning trust. - Professional Parallels: - Overseeing a team of 300 at DLA - Mastering baseball rules and managing on-field dynamics - Earning trust in both fields Attribute Cybersecurity Director Baseball Umpire Managing people Team of 300 Teams, coaches, and game situations Staying composed Cybersecurity threats On-field pressure Earning trust Leadership and expertise Poise and decision-making  
The Selection Process
The Division I baseball committee selects College World Series umpires based on evaluations and a formal nomination process. Baker’s dedication and performance over the years have finally been recognized. - Selection Criteria: - Evaluations from previous games - Formal nominations   Baker's Love for Baseball Baker’s love for baseball began at the age of five and continued through high school and college. He played throughout high school and during his years at Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon, Georgia. - Early Baseball Experience: - Started playing at age 5 - Played throughout high school - Played during college   Military Service and Umpiring Beginnings After college, Baker served four years in the Army as an intelligence analyst. His umpiring journey began in Virginia, where he responded to a local newspaper ad looking for umpires for youth baseball programs. - Military and Umpiring Start: - Served as an intelligence analyst at Fort Knox - Assistant baseball coach at Fort Knox Middle High School - Began umpiring in Virginia   In Conclusion Linus Baker’s selection as a College World Series umpire is a testament to his dedication, passion, and hard work. Balancing his role as the Cybersecurity Director at the Defense Logistics Agency with his love for baseball, Baker exemplifies commitment and excellence in both fields.   Sources: THX News, U.S. Defense Logistics Agency, NCAA. Read the full article
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
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If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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ear-worthy · 9 months
"Podcast Workflows" Show Asks: "Is Our Attention Span Becoming Shorter?"
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 Joe Casabona is a podcast systems coach who helps busy solopreneurs take back their time. Some even say he perfectly blends content creation and technology like it’s the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had (he says that). Joe is also the host of the Podcast Workflows podcast. Podcasting has many masters, but few true gurus. Joe is one of them. 
His podcast, Podcast Workflows, is recommended listening for any aspirational podcaster. On his December 1st episode, Joe asked, "Can long podcasts compete with short attention spans?" In the episode, Joe takes a machete to the conventional wisdom that current media outlets like social media and podcasting are partially responsible for our "alleged shorter attention spans."
 "With the advent of any new technology, there will come its detractors," says Joe in the episode.
He goes on to give examples: "When books were first published, people worried that they would supplant oral storytelling. When Sony introduced its Walkman, people worried that we would become less social."
Joe then discusses how the introduction of short form video has been accused of sharply curtailing people's attention spans. This, of course, relates to shorter podcasts.
"Does your attention span shrink when you watch a short video to its completion?" Joe asks. "How about if you don't read a 400-page book all in one sitting?"
In this episode, Joe discussed short-form versus long-form content. Right in the beginning, Joe questions the studies that short form content damages our attention spans. 
I think he has a point. Sometimes, we hear something often enough and begin to accept it as truth. Take, for example, the "we only use ten percent of our brain" myth. Science, however, tells us that we use virtually every part of our brain and most of the brain is active all the time.
As related to attention spans, here's Virginia Heffernan in The New York Times. "So how did we find ourselves with this unhappy attention span conceit, and with the companion idea that a big attention span in humankind’s best moral and aesthetic asset?"
Heffernan goes on to say that "distractibility has its advantages," one of them being protection against obsession, as in Captain Ahab in Moby Dick.
Casabona questions the assumption that we have shorter attention spans. He points out that TikTok increased its video time limit to 10 minutes. And the sweet spot for YouTube appears to be 12 to 20 minutes, according to Joe's research. 
When users abandon content, Joe questions the widely held belief that listeners and viewers have a short attention span.
Joe has a more existential conclusion: "If people abandon your content, then they probably don't like your content."
"People's attention spans are short when they don't care about your content," Joe notes.
Joe then asserts that podcasters can effectively leverage short-form content. 
"Podcast episodes can be less than five minutes," Joe says. "Daily short podcasts are increasing in number and popularity."
To prove his point, Joe's episode length on this podcast is less than six minutes.
Take, for example, a new short-form podcast, "Arielle and Ned's Daily Tips That May Or May Not Help You."
 Hosted by the dynamic duo of Arielle Nissenblatt and Ned Donovan, the show -- launched on December 4th -- is an entertaining and informative daily escape, covering an eclectic range of tips that touch on various aspects of life. From personal hygiene and car maintenance to uncovering the best music gems and mastering the art of waking up early, Arielle and Ned explore it all.
This daily tip podcast is often less than two minutes but offers information-dense content in that short time frame. So far, topics include how to iron your shirt, fantasy football waivers, being thanked, (Don't respond with "no problem", but "you're welcome") and email hygiene.
The simple beauty of the podcast format is that an episode runtime is flexible. It should not expand to meet some outdated expectations that longer content is, by its nature, more valuable. 
And it should not be artificially shortened because the podcasters assume that listeners' attention spans are too short to absorb anything longer. 
For aspirational and growth-oriented podcasters, listen to Podcast Workflows. As Joe Casabona says in the show's opening: "You get daily tips to improve your process, grow your show, and maybe even make some money."
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anthonybialy · 10 months
Job Done for Dino Babers After He Couldn’t Get Job Done
Dino Babers doesn’t get to use his lone skill anymore, namely keeping an undeserved job.  It didn’t benefit anyone but himself.  He certainly wasn’t proficient at coaching football, which was his ostensible role.  The fact each conman needs a mark doesn’t absolve ripoffs.
Syracuse should seek a coach who knows how to do more than avoid a justified termination.  Dino was terrible at every aspect.  Aside from recruiting, strategy, adjustments both within games and seasons, motivation, game management, discipline, fundamentals, he was qualified.
The only thing worse than a ghastly record is an even ghastlier one in the conference.  Study hard, as student-athletes have to put the former aspect to use if they don’t make the pros.  Syracuse has had players drafted even less frequently than they’ve won.
Happy memories are easy to bring to mind because they were so rare.  Babers had one 10-win season, and that was nearly solely because of Eric Dungey, a prototypically gutsy player who was notably recruited by the previous coach.  Syracuse’s Batman saving the day is one way to prove how invaluable quarterback play is.
College is a good place to learn the difference between correlation and causation.  Take Syracuse football, which has slid into oblivion since joining the Atlantic Coast Conference.  But retaining a subpar coach on a semipermanent basis ensured lousy results, not having to play Virginia Tech.  Babers didn’t study then moaned class was too hard.
Recruiting has similarly dipped because of who’s in charge, not where it’s based.  Tell Larry Csonka Syracuse can’t recruit, and he’ll put you in a headlock from which there’s no escape regardless of his age.  Anyone scared of winter is bound to loaf through practice.
Things can always get worse.  Sports really do offer examples for life.  Fans are worried with reason that the school could hire an even bigger putz.  The lack of funding now that paying student-athletes isn’t something done discretely in envelopes remains a looming issue.  But getting defenders to stop jumping offside doesn’t need to be an extra expense.
The hiring will be handled by people who should also be fired.  John Wildhack unfortunately didn’t also can himself.  He’s performed exactly as you’d figure a cable executive who suddenly became athletic director would.  It’s no help to have a chancellor who clearly hates sports.  Kent Syverud embodies nerdiness without the intellectual virtues.  That’s one more reason why you don’t let a Hoya run your school.  If he were a saboteur, he wouldn’t do anything differently.
The value of athletics isn’t limited to fans who’ve connected their self-worth to how well college kids can tackle.  Throwing money at a popular extracurricular is ultimately a moneymaker. Games serve as a commercial for colleges.  A practical example is the best way to teach business.  Intercollegiate athletics confirm the oldest entrepreneurial maxim, namely needing to spend money in order to make it.  Syracuse is failing economics.  They can’t claim they’re retaking it because they found the course material so fascinating.
The next semester might be as woeful.  Fans are rightfully worried the hirers of the next coach will cheap out.  It’s not like attending the school is similarly geared toward misers.  The university has become the conference’s Malt-O-Meal, which is why you can find them on the bottom shelf of the standings.
Sense doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  Even a school using a Groupon can still find a coach who’s aware that timeouts can be used to stop the clock, particularly at the ends of halves.  Babers seemed mystified by the metaphysical implications of time not moving forward.  But Syracuse’s football potential will be limited as long as they’re unwilling to pay for talent, which sends out the wrong message about professors.
Having to sit next to strangers is better than the alternative.  Syracuse has spent the Dino era using plenty of elbow room as the chief selling point.  It’s been easy to hear conversations while sitting in the Dome ignoring dull carnage on the field.  Syracuse shields rare attendees from jarring excitement found in other college stadiums.  By contrast, a ticket entitles you to a respite found in a placid environment in case you want to get a newborn to sleep or work on your screenplay.
Even introverts miss crowds. The stadium's been sparse for what's now long enough to be the new standard. Who would endure the hassle of attending? A formerly impressive program hasn't been good for most of this century. Syracuse is The Simpsons of football.
Separating performance from the person isn’t always necessary.  Many anti-Babers crusaders have qualified their unhinged contempt for unmitigated failure by claiming he’s a nice guy.  That’s not really the case if it makes anyone feel better about his present relationship with employment.  Nice people don’t run longterm scams.
Anyone who’s endured a tiresome press conference after another maddening loss is aware how Babers is arrogant and dismissive, which are qualities that are particularly distasteful for someone who won a single bowl game over two presidential terms.  His off-putting attitude is reminiscent of Gary Bettman smirking at a reporter while explaining why his latest screwup should make him beloved by fans.
There are particular humans we hope have their dreams and money cut off.  A coaching change does require telling someone to get lost.  Getting fired sucks no matter the profession or salary.  Babers can take comfort in having made a fortune without earning it.
Enjoying the finale was a nice first step.  Fans are no longer in position of being fine with a loss that would make the case for replace a grifting coach.  The school has taught all sorts of questionable lessons.  Syracuse has either set the standard of retaining someone who didn’t deserve the job or created inspiration for anyone who wants an astounding salary despite being hampered by a lack of ability.  They won’t get back millions or eight mostly wasted years.  For such spendthrifts, Syracuse sure got little in exchange for paying a clown a fortune.
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jayhorsestar · 1 year
re.miss 'dove pic, silver nails 'coach, and golden buckle on a black leather purse, sort of reply to 'mariaisabel pic of the gold ring and diamonds 'coco-chanel, vs the pink leather purse magnetic clasp and buckle logo in gold 'coco-chanel. ystdy, on a thursday. both are heavy pics. and several layers, and 'dove seemed even deeper. and w/ relay to PART 2 of 'Purple Hearts which might never be scheduled because apparently 'galitzine was trying negotiating like a jew, or an irish, and him from UK, not born in the USA (royalties eligible). and 'cameron was trying to say just like acting 'i need to have all sort of hashes onto my globally owned servers GSK Corp. London, playing UK fella w/ money. which 'dove added 'sometimes he just wasn't.. sort of smiling to sex affairs records of youth and past. so in view of JUNTAH jobs and retirement estimated shadow 60 yrs+ according to RO Law, sometimes cloth placed upon moto-bikes tyres keep those warm b4 racing, or cloth placed on horses back, keep them warm b4 races, or cloth placed on-top rocket engine bells to cover up against dusty railroad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan (horizontal travel). or leather gloves worn when driving the GT car, or cloth placed onto USNAVY Virginia class USSN submarines when in dry-dock, or drawn sketches of cruises ship never mentioning the minus 3 and minus 4 decks, where deck zero is water level, the port pier level. so never revealing the five or four shaped propeller, and subs a seven type single shaft propeller. the more blades, the chiller the water, the more dense, the lesser speed, the more torque, thus Miami Cigarettes speed boats, usually three blades props only. that CLOTH could be a Luis Vuitton wine (champagne) bag. the way Luis Vuitton begun its journey. a branded wine bag for a region certified sparkling wine called Champagne. Hollywood Studios could not offer all its actors and writers the warranties of JUNTAH 401(k) jobs, w/ all the papertrail of a Labor chamber and hustle of unemployment aid. several indeed, yet not all. a NATION could not PROTECT art and movies and cinema and fantasies to such a fine degree as ALL artists would had been shadowed at JUNTAH for 60+ years of career, and to the minimum wage at California GDP. and mebbe was partly also a SECRET, in the past, not to reveal the ARMY of STUNT takers. those STUNT makers were definitely seen by JUNTAH just like FEMA and fighting fires in HAITI, or POLAND sending out to GREECE convoy of firefighting squads for forest fires (ie.2019-2020). Emmerich Liptak our old gardener friend of HH Hamburg now in Swiss, was doing such jobs back during late 70s early 80s, filming stunts at Buftea studios, Bucharest north. so becoming a MILLIONAIRE at HOLLYWOOD, should had always been seen as JUNTAH reserved its right to waive any claims over that ACTOR career, and allow so instead of an ESTIMATED shadow 60+ yrs scheme, the 'LET-GO, and fella choice over living his life as a COACH seat on a plane, or a BUSINESS class seat on same plane. from BANK interest paid, and perhaps added several forfeit cash from certain investment into trust funds, or assimilated 'commodities. even gambling and speculating, to a certain point of assuming risks. longer or shorter retirement happy life. that be the GOLD ring C-C of 'mariaisabel agains pink purse of European Union approach, which never seemed to say OK, I LET YOU DECIDE YOUR OWN LIFE. YOU WERE BORN FREE. and that be also 'dove cameron relay, only multi-layered, silver wedding, gold wedding, MTV cosmonaut vs Hollywood Oscar, coach nails vs gold buckle (his word, his tongue). m
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How Can Our Children Develop Extracurricular Talents
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In modern society, good grades and smarts aren’t enough to secure a future. With ever-increasing competition, one must develop skills beyond the workplace to climb the social ladder. So having an extracurricular talent has become a must for your child to stand out.
While common misconceptions say that a person is born with a talent, that is not the case. A person’s talent has to be nurtured, trained, and developed. Mozart wasn’t born a musician, he was crafted into one as his own father, Leopold Mozart, was a successful musician in his own right.
Benjamin Bloom, an American psychologist, said: “What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with the appropriate conditions of learning.” He described five vital aspects when it comes to developing talent, which include:
Early start,
Expert instruction,
Deliberate practice,
A centre of excellence, and
Singleness of purpose.
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It is also necessary for parents to introduce children to experts in their said craft. If a child is interested in writing, a parent can introduce their child to classic writers like George Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Rabindranath Tagore, and Mary Shelley or modern-day writers like Khaled Hosseini, Alice Walker, Arundhati Roy, Bapsi Sidhwa and John Green.
After getting coached indirectly by experts, a child must practice almost daily. While it is cliche to say ‘Practice makes Perfect’, there is some truth to it, as many people swear testimony to it.
If by their teens, a child is serious about making their craft their career, you can enroll them in schools that will help them to develop their skills. These experts will personally train them to touch the skies.
The next step might be taken only if a child is serious about making a career out of their hobby, and not just wanting to develop it to climb the social ladder.
The child should be solely devoted to mastering the craft. They must live and breathe it, and make it their driving purpose. One must be careful while treading this path, as it can lead to social isolation and loneliness. If a child is serious about their craft, their parents must encourage them to go further, but at the same time be careful about the social life of the child. Many talented artists have lost their lives because of this obsession, and it would be tragic to be an addition.
Filaantro understands the need to develop talent from an early age. This year, we got students to participate in Jamnabai Narsee Monjee School’s Aashayein, where children participated in myriad events. The students were able to bag prizes and a scholarship.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with your friends and family members.
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treatnow · 1 year
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This is the first of a weekly compendium of events, research, news, and insights about Brain Wounds: Concussion, TBI, PTSD. The focus is on Brain Wound healing and reduction of suicidal ideation; the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a safe and effective treatment for brain wounds; and the clinical and evidence-based proof of a new era in our understanding of how to improve brain health and Quality of Life after a brain wound. ********************* Virginia becomes 10th state to pass legislation calling for the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen to treat and heal TBI/PTSD. SENATE BILL NO. 1082 A BILL to allow the Department of Veterans Services to contract with any hyperbaric clinic or any hospital in the Commonwealth that furnishes a comprehensive treatment program to any veteran who has been certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or any branch of the United States Armed Forces as having post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: That the Department of Veterans Services may contract with any hyperbaric clinic providing medical-grade 100 percent oxygen in U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved chambers in the Commonwealth or any hospital that furnishes a comprehensive treatment program that may include medication, psychotherapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, from an accredited program, to any veteran in the Commonwealth who has been certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or any branch of the United States Armed Forces as having post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Unanimously passed in VA House and Senate and signed into law, March 2023. Soccer: CTE cases in soccer players raise fresh questions about safety of heading the ball New diagnoses come as officials gather in Chicago for a Head Injury Summit (May 2023). The Concussion Legacy Foundation announced Tuesday that English pro and Oregon State head coach Jimmy Conway, Scottish and Seattle NASL midfielder Jimmy Gabriel, and NCAA champion Franny Pantuosco also were found to have the degenerative brain disease that has been linked to concussions in athletes, combat veterans and others who have sustained repeated head trauma. They are the first diagnoses among those who played in the NASL, a precursor to MLS as the top U.S. pro soccer league that attracted attention with high-profile signings — including Pele — before folding in 1985. Early Brain Amyloid Accumulation at PET in Military Instructors Exposed to Subconcussive Blast Injuries Early brain amyloid β deposition was found in the brains of otherwise healthy adult men exposed to repeated subconcussive blast injury using amyloid PET. Military instructors who were routinely exposed to repeated blast events were evaluated at two different points: baseline (before blast exposure from breacher or grenade) and approximately 5 months after baseline (after blast exposure). Age-matched healthy control participants not exposed to blasts and without a history of brain injury were evaluated at similar two points. Neurocognitive evaluation was performed with standard neuropsychologic testing in both groups. In the blast-exposed participants, four brain regions showed significantly increased amyloid deposition after blast exposure. . . No amyloid deposition was observed in the control participants. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review This review summarizes 40 years of clinical and pre-clinical research on the treatment of acute TBI with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2) in the context of an impending National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke–funded, multi-center, randomized, adaptive Phase II clinical trial —the Hyperbaric Oxygen Brain Injury Treatment (HOBIT) trial.... These studies provided evidence that HBO2 significantly improves physiologic measures without causing cerebral or pulmonary toxicity and can potentially improve clinical outcome. These results were consistent across the other four reviewed clinical studies, thus providing preliminary clinical data supporting the HOBIT trial. This comprehensive review demonstrates that HBO2 has the potential to be the first significant treatment in the acute phase of severe TBI. Fighting and Penalty Minutes Associated With Long-term Mortality Among National Hockey League Players, 1967 to 2022 National Hockey League (NHL) "enforcers" with 50 or more career fights or 3 or more penalty minutes per game died 10 years earlier and more often of drug overdose and suicide when compared with age-matched NHL player controls.  This matched cohort study of 6039 NHL players from 1967 to 2022 confirmed that NHL enforcers died at similar rates but approximately 10 years earlier when compared with NHL controls. Furthermore, the causes of death in the 21 enforcers included neurodegenerative disorders, drug overdose, suicide, and motor vehicle crashes, whereas only 1 of the 24 age-matched controls died of any of these causes (motor vehicle crash).   The information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW. Read the full article
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