#Life Coaching for Teenagers in Virginia
genzandulifecoach · 2 years
Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia - GenZandu
If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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How to find your passion:
Sometimes when we find ourselves unable to find motivation it is because we are stuck in a cycle of doing things, we are not passionate about. Therefore, knowing your passion is so important in going about our daily lives because it inspires us to find purpose. 
Here are a few ways to identify your passion: 
Create a list of your interests. What do you catch yourself reading the most about? What topics do you get most excited about discussing with others? Putting this down in writing is a great first step
Next, ask those around you what they think lights you up the most. It is easy to overlook our most obvious interests and characteristics so asking around can help us gain some insight. 
Lastly, ask yourself what makes you happy? Chances are if you like exploring your city you are likely passionate about travel. 
As always keep an open mind. Finding your passion takes time so be patient with yourself and make sure you have and try to have a positive perspective.
Allowing yourself to make mistakes:
Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone understands the value of forgiving yourself when you do. I always tell my clients to try new difficult things because it’ll force them to make mistakes. By getting things wrong you gain new skills and can grow in ways that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Here are some tips to help give permission to yourself to make mistakes:
When you begin something new and unfamiliar, recognize that it will take you some time to get the hang of it. Identify what you are unsure of and figure out a way to move forward from there. 
Ask for help. Sometimes we can prevent mistakes simply by reaching out before it happens. Asking for help does not mean you are any less capable, rather it shows you are brave enough to seek out assistance. 
Don’t worry about comparing yourself to others' abilities. Instead, think about how you did better than you did the day before. We are never going to be great at everything and it is important to remember this when we slip up. 
Truly you can’t go wrong with making mistakes, the worst that can happen is to become memorable. 
How to overcome procrastination:
While many students are in the midst of finals season, I wanted to share some helpful tips on how to overcome procrastination. To begin, you must be organized and prioritize what it is you wish to accomplish. Break your tasks down into manageable pieces and focus on accomplishing them one at a time. When you are struggling with procrastination it is often because you are thinking about all there is to do. Instead, focus on moving forward rather than on how difficult it will be. 
On a deeper level, our mind postpones or puts off things because it is trying to protect us from feeling something unpleasant. For example, students often avoid homework because they think it is going to be difficult or boring. Being driven by this fear of not feeling good is what is preventing us from overcoming procrastination. My last tip for getting over procrastination is to ask yourself “why are you putting it off.” Listing out your reasons will help you develop more awareness about why and help you be less fearful or anxious about getting the job done. 
How to identify your priorities and stick to them:
The other day I posted about how to overcome procrastination and briefly mentioned that it is important to identify your priorities and stick to them. But as always this is easier said than done. I always tell my clients to first distinguish between what needs more attention vs less. Then I ask them how would you like to spend more time/how would you like to spend less time? What is most important to you right now? And lastly, if you could do anything right now without any limitations what would it be? 
Asking yourself these questions and then picking out what stands the most out to you will help you narrow down all that you feel you must accomplish. Pick one thing from that list that you have identified as the most important and finish it first. 
This exercise can greatly help you find your priorities and feel a little less overwhelmed.
Why Choose Genzandu
Genzandu Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia. This is a premier education and training center for life coaches. Offering a variety of programs, GCLCI offers a unique and comprehensive approach to life coaching.
We believe that life coaching should be accessible to everyone, and our programs are designed to provide you with the tools and resources you need to become a life coach. Whether you’re new to coaching or you’re looking to take your career to the next level, GCLCI has the perfect program for you.
Our programs are comprehensive and well-rounded, and we offer a variety of courses that cover everything from self-awareness to goals.
In case you need more details visit: www.genzandu.com 
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heyheydidjaknow · 11 days
You know when you disappear for months and then do something that has nothing to do with what you usually do? Because I do. This was inspired by a piece of fanart made by @kittennature, which I'm linking here. I also don't know if this is too niche, but who cares? Death comes to us all.
Imminent DOA
Nicole exhaled slowly, blunt held loosely between her fingers. “He fucked that sophmore, so.”
Jecka typed the name down. “I’ll mark him as a maybe. Tod?”
Nicole took another drag. “He’s too much of a loser to have done anything bad unfortunately. Would it be too fucked up to make him shitty?”
“Well,” Jecka sighed, “I guess it depends. Does his death matter?”
“Fair enough.” She tapped the ashes out of the window of their apartment, morning light an unwelcome sight. “Whatever; he’ll get there eventually.”
“What about the guys from school?”
Nicole sat up, looking back at Jecka at their desk. “Didn’t we get them already?”
“I don’t think so.” Jecka grabbed the book, thumbing through the pages. “Winestein, Hefner, R. Kelly– yeah, no Jeffrey and co.”
“What the fuck– they’re at the top of the list!” She turned around. “Do you have a yearbook?”
“Do I look like a bitch who’d keep a yearbook?”
She groaned, face falling into her hands. “For fuck’s sake– if I knew I’d be able to kill them I would’ve remembered last names!”
“We know some!” Jecka began typing on her computer. “The staff are listed on the school’s webpage; we can get the teachers.”
“I guess.” She crossed her arms. “I don’t think I know the teachers’ names now that I think about it; what was the counselor’s name even?”
“Mr. Oliver.”
Nicole rolled her eyes. “What’s his first name? Charles?”
“Even worse.” She smiled sleepily. “At that point we're doing the guy a mercy. Maybe that’s why he fucks kids; no woman with a developed brain stem hates herself enough to hit that.”
Jecka nodded in agreement. “You can’t even moan Jerry.”
“Imagine being at a low in your life where you’re moaning Jerry.”
Jecka took a sip of her coffee. “Do you think we can make him change his name before he dies?”
“No point.” She crossed her legs. “You can’t come back from a name that bad; the damage is done by the time you’re out of highschool. Plus, he deserves it.”
“Fair.” Jecka leaned back in her chair. “Should we get Coach too or is prison good enough?”
Nicole considered it. “How many years is he serving again?”
She pursed her lips. “I think fifteen.”
“Fifteen?” She licked her teeth. “How is that not life? How is fucking a kid basically a misdemeanor?” She gestured with her blunt. “Imagine if we didn’t get that book; that bitch would get out in fifteen years– less if he got parole– and probably get hired back by the school and end up assaulting the next generation. This is basically charity.” She punctuated the sentence with another drag.
Jecka stretched her arms above her head. “So he’s on the list?”
“If prison justice hasn't gotten him yet, yeah.” She tapped the ashes out the window again. “It’s the least he deserves. We should make it so someone in there chops off his dick and feeds it to him first.”
Jecka spun her chair to face her roommate. She pushed her bangs out of her face, swallowed, glanced back at the notebook. “Do you think anyone will notice?” She crisscrossed her legs on the chair. “That this is happening, I mean; do you think anyone will care?”
Nicole checked her watch, putting the cigarette out in an ashtray by the window. “Who cares?” She stuck her hands in her sweatpant pockets. “Like, let’s say someone notices, right? Someone puts together that shitty people are killing themselves, they think there’s a trend of pedophiles and rapists killing themselves, and then what?” She turned away, leaning her head out of the window and watching cars drive by to work, to school. Her voice softened. “I mean, they deserve to die, right? We were suicidal in highschool and our only crimes were being teenage girls in fuckin’ Virginia; dying is the least they can do.”
Jecka watched her for a moment, sighed, stood up. “I’m going to shower before my class. There’s coffee still in the pot if you want some.”
Nicole nodded in acknowledgement as Jecka walked off. At the sound of the bathroom door clicking closed, she collapsed onto her bed, rolling over to stare at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, the faint sound of “Mr. Carter” coming from the CD player in the corner of the room. It had been a long night, an even longer morning. The notebook itself was the easiest part of the whole thing; it was discerning the rules that took the most time. The book contained five– all of which she found could be tested and confirmed pretty easily– but the implications of the rules were hard to decipher. It was the closest she had ever had to read a book– the only time she had felt tempted to take notes for a book– because the scope of the Death Note– a title the girls mutually agreed was objectively shitty– was seemingly nearly endless. Torn out pages were effective, meaning that using the pages as printer paper was valid. Burning or shredding the pages did nothing for the names written down, meaning that every single scrap of evidence– apart from the original book– could be entirely disposed of. The actions of people could be controlled before death, meaning that with the flick of a pen they could enact legislative change that would otherwise take decades of lobbying and debate in a week so long as they sentenced the politicians– none of whom, as Jecka had eagerly pointed out, were anything close to innocent– to death. The Death Note was more than an execution method; rather, it was the most effective political tool in the world. In the hands of those with loftier ambitions, there was no doubt in either of their minds that the book could change the world– and the time would come for that, Nicole supposed– but that time was still on the horizon. Wrongs needed to be righted first, wrongs against them and the other women and their lives. Housekeeping was in order. They would be the one to do it.
Behind her closed eyelids, Nicole watched as the sunlit room fall into shadow. 
Perched on their windowsill was a creature, a jaundiced demon– seven or eight feet tall– with cyanotic skin and large, feathery wings sticking out of its back. Staples attached it to its leathery black clothes, its feathered collar taking up a good portion of the window’s frame. Long black claws clutched the sill between its legs, and its gaze– sinister, curious, amused– was fixed on Nicole, still laid in her bed.
Nicole opened her eyes slowly, her eyes meeting the creature’s. She blinked, squinting her eyes at the thing before sitting up. She rubbed her eyes, looking again at the unmoving figure’s before letting out a long sigh. “I cannot believe her,” she muttered, standing up and staggering to the bathroom door. “Jecka!” She pounded on the door. “Your plug fucking sucks! He laced my shit with PCP!”
She felt a laugh next to her ear. “Humans really are interesting.”
Nicole spun around to face the creature now looming over her. “Jecka!” Her voice broke as she cried out.
“The other human who took my notebook,” he continued, leaning down to meet her eyes, “is nothing like you. A straight A student, an honors student, top of his class.” His lips stretched wider over rows of yellow fangs. “Do you think I’m a hallucination?”
“Bitch, get the fuck out here!” She lowered down to the floor, trapped between the demon and the bathroom door. Her heart pounded against her ribcage as she stared up at death itself. “I am tripping serious fucking balls and it is your fault–!”
The water shut off behind the door. “For fuck’s sake Nicole,” she groaned, pulling the door open with a towel wrapped around her, “you are such a– what the fuck is that?” Jecka screamed and quickly backed away from the door, slipping on a discarded t-shirt and falling flat on her back. She scrambled back, towel held in place with one hand. “Get the fuck away from me!”
Nicole’s heart plummeted in her chest. “You can see it too?”
“You can see me too?” The thing laughed. “Most humans take the secret of the Death Note to the grave; I can’t think of another human who’s shared its power so soon.”
Nicole stood up, backing away and grabbing the first potential weapon she could see: a hair straightener. She brandished it at the creature, stumbling backwards in front of Jecka. “Get the fuck away from us!” Her voice shook. “So help me God I’ll fucking kill you if you–!”
She was cut off by the demon’s voice: low, gravely, horrifying. “I am a shinigami,” it explained simply. “You can’t kill me.”
“A what?” Nicole raised the iron in front of her head, ready to throw it. “So help me if this some weeb shit I will knock your fucking block off!”
It made a sound of understanding. “I guess that must not be a well known term in the human world.” It pointed at itself, its rings shining in the bathroom light. “I am a god of death.”
Nicole blinked. “Gods are real?”
Jecka stayed behind Nicole, fist gently clutching that back of her tanktop. “We’re not supposed to die yet!” Tears welled up in her eyes. “We’re young and hot; we have a good fifteen years in us before we have nothing to live for!”
Its grin widened. “I’m not here for either of you.” It glanced behind it in the direction of the desk. “I am here because that notebook–” it pointed lazily, “-- belongs to me.”
“Finders keepers, fuckface.” The words were out of her mouth before she registered their meaning. “It’s ours now.”
“I’m not here to take it back.” Its eyes moved between the two girls: Nicole, dressed in a ratty shirt and gym shorts, staring defiantly up at the thing; Jecka, cowering behind her with one hand holding her towel in place. “Even if I wanted it back, it’s yours now; unless you forfeit ownership of the Death Note, it’s yours until the day you die.”
Nicole slowly lowered the hair straightener, her hand falling to her side. “Why are you here, then?” She pushed her shoulders back. “What’re you doing in our apartment?”
Its smile widened again. “I’m bound to the human world so long as one of my notebooks is here,” it explained. “Since I dropped two, I’m bound to two humans, but I am still bound to both of you and the holder of my other Death Note stops being entertaining after ten o’clock.”
“Ten o’clock?” Nicole rolled her eyes. “Is he twelve or seventy-five?”
She smirked. “What, does he have a bedtime?”
Jecka leaned her weight on one hip. “Imagine being a murderer and still being a fucking loser.”
“It takes a lot to get the tumblr bitches to not want to fuck you.”
“Bet he has to use the Death Note to get MySpace whores to hate themselves enough to fuck him.”
“Bet he cries when he jacks it.”
“Bet he doesn’t know how to jack it.”
The shinigami leaned down towards them. “You should meet him,” it purred. “I can tell you where he is, what his name is.”
Jecka rolled her eyes. “Can’t you just give us his MySpace or something? Why do we have to go out and meet some guy we don’t know?”
“Is that a computer thing?” It hummed. “I’ve never seen him use his computer for anything other than school work and reading news articles. I don’t think I’ve seen him have fun since I’ve known him; he’s been far too preoccupied with killing criminals.”
“Any particular criminals or is he just a nark?” Nicole stuck a hand in her pocket. “What’s his name?”
“Light Yagami.” There was no hesitation in the creature’s answer. “He is a Japanese high school student.”
“What kind of stupid name is Light?”
“Don’t be racist, Nicole.”
“Light’s not a Japanese word, dipshit.” She looked back at Jecka. “Light’s English. Who names their kid fucking Light?”
“His name is written as Suki,” it added. 
“That’s worse.” Nicole gestured with the straightener. “That's almost as bad as Jerry.”
“You can totally moan ‘Light,’” Jecka protested. “Like it’s not ideal but you absolutely can.”
“Why are you defending him and his stupid name?”
“He could be hot!” She huffed, looking between Nicole and the shinigami. “Why are you two still here?”
“Since when do you– oh, right.” Nicole stepped around the shinigami, grabbing it by its oddly thin wrist and dragging it behind her as Jecka shut and locked the door after them. She placed the hair straightener onto their desk, letting it follow her into their kitchen. She opened their refrigerator, pulling a bottle out of the back and setting it on a counter. “You called yourself a god of death.” She kept her back turned, ignoring its overwhelming shadow and grabbing a glass from the cabinet above her. “Do you have a name?”
“I do.” He lowered his head to avoid a ceiling light. “It’s Ryuk.”
“Ryuk,” she repeated. She tipped the bottle’s contents into the glass. “You said that you were bound to the owner of your book, right? Which one of us are you bound to?”
He smiled. “Whoever touches the notebook first after it falls into the human world is its rightful owner. In this case, that would be you.” 
She turned towards Ryuk, sitting on the counter.  “You wrote the rules in the front?”
“I did.”
She took a sip from the glass, sighing as she exhaled. She swirled the glass in one hand. “Do you know what happens when we die?”
He looked back towards the desk, towards the book. “There is nothing,” he said simply. “Users of the Death Note do not get to enjoy an afterlife; that is the cost of its power.”
She set the glass on the counter. “Figures.” She followed his gaze, eyes struggling to focus on the desk through the haze of shock, weed and alcohol. “No such thing as a free meal.” Dark hair fell in her face; she did not bother to move it. “You mentioned that the other guy– Light– has a notebook. Does he know there’s two?”
“Doubt it.” He chuckled lowly. “He says he wants to eradicate all evil and become some sort of god among men; godhood in his eyes seems like a one man job.”
She sighed. “Sounds about right for a guy.” She crossed her legs, taking another look around the apartment. “I can’t think of someone less deserving of this power than some virgin loser with a god complex.” A faint smile crossed her lips. “What a waste…”
Jecka came out of the bathroom dressed in a white baby tee and a pair of oversized jeans. She looked between the two, at Nicole’s glass. “What’d I miss?”
Nicole downed the rest of her drink, shuddering at the sensation. “You said your school has a foreign exchange program, right?” She hopped off the counter. “Does it go to Japan?”
She shrugged. “Dunno; I’d have to check.”
Nicole pushed the hair out of her face, lacing her fingers together behind her head. “I have money. If you get the head guys’ name and face, we can head out tonight.”
Jecka gawked at her. “Tonight tonight?”
“Do you want this Light guy to change the world before we do?” She rubbed her eyes, stumbling back into the living space, taking the book off the desk. “If you’re not coming, I’m leaving without you.”
She swallowed, stealing herself. “I’ll get a name and face before three.” she promised.
“If you can do that, I’ll pack.” Nicole looked around the room, a scowl settling on her features. “Jesus, I have a lot of stuff to flush.”
Ryuk watched the two girls from the kitchen, weight leaned against a counter. This had been the right decision, he decided; no other pair would disgust Light more than these two. The shinigami turned to the front door, phasing through the wood and concrete to soar over Las Angeles, heart full of mirth and skin crawling in anticipation.
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darkmaga-retard · 17 days
America suffered an unprecedented loss of life last month among high school football players who died suddenly after receiving a Covid mRNA shot.
Lioness of Judah Ministry
By Hunter Fielding September 4, 2024
America suffered an unprecedented loss of life last month among high school football players who died suddenly after receiving a Covid mRNA shot.
9 young, healthy teenage athletes dropped dead in August 2024.
Are we still supposed to pretend to be baffled?
Even after thousands of kids have died after taking Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines? Really?
Notice in the reporting that no one even mentions the possibility of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury – which is the top suspect in each of these cases.
This is still happening in 2024 because parents are allowing it to happen.
There will be no investigations.
Of course, fact-checkers are desperate to convince the public that reports of teenagers dying suddenly are “conspiracy theories” or “misinformation,” but we have the receipts.
The following are reports and updates on all the American kids who were killed last month.
Included are screenshots of reports that may not include the total number of deaths.
Aug. 5, 2024 – Hopewell, Virginia – 15-year-old football player Jayvion Taylor collapsed during football practice on August 5, 2024, and died suddenly.
“The student collapsed about 10 feet from a coach.
“Two coaches were in the vicinity and immediately performed CPR and called 911…AED was used.”
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cwseriesshowdown · 11 months
Round 1C: The Vampire Diaries vs All American
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The Vampire Diaries: The series is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town charged with supernatural history. It follows the life of Elena Gilbert, a teenage girl who has just lost both parents in a car crash, as she falls in love with a 161-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore, who she thinks is just a normal human. Their relationship becomes increasingly intricate as Stefan's mysterious older brother Damon Salvatore returns to Mystic Falls with a plan to bring back their past love, Katherine Pierce, who is Elena's doppelgänger. Although Damon initially holds a grudge against his brother for forcing him to become a vampire, he later reconciles with Stefan and falls in love with Elena, creating a love triangle among the three. Both brothers attempt to protect Elena as they face various villains and threats to their town, including Katherine. The Salvatore brothers' pasts and the town's history along with its secrets are revealed through flashbacks as the series goes on.
All American: Spencer James is a rising high school football player and A student at South Crenshaw High, but when coach Billy Baker recruits him to join his team in Beverly Hills, Spencer's mother, Grace, and his best friend, Coop, convince him it's an opportunity he has to seize. Forced to move in with Billy and his family to protect his transfer permit to Beverly, Billy's son Jordan, who is also the starting quarterback, is less than thrilled to be sharing his father's attention -- or the team spotlight. While Spencer struggles to find his footing, he makes an unlikely friend in Jordan's sister, who is struggling with her own demons.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A grieving family is pleading with parents to monitor their children's online activity after a former Virginia police officer "catfished" a 15-year-old girl online and then traveled to her Riverside, California, home, where he allegedly killed her mother and grandparents.
"Nobody could imagine this crime happening ... especially it just being one day after Thanksgiving," Mychelle Blandin, the sister and daughter of the three victims, said at a news conference Wednesday.
She recalled the family debate they had on Thanksgiving about her mom's brownies.
MORE: Former police officer accused of killing 15-year-old's family was pretending to be teen online
"Little did I know ... that would be the last time my husband and I would see my parents and my sister again," she said. "The next day, when we were out buying Christmas lights for our home, I received a phone call from my parents neighbor of 22 years. They were best friends. They looked out for each other. She called to tell us that we needed to get there as soon as we could because my parents' house was on fire."
She pleaded, "Parents: Please, please know your child's online activity. Ask questions about what they are doing and whom they are talking to. Anybody can say they're someone else. And you could be in this situation."
"Catfishing led to the deaths of the three most important people in my life: my dad, my mom and my sister," she said through tears. "Tell our story to help your parenting. Not out of fear, but out of example of something that did happen."
Riverside police said the suspect, 28-year-old Austin Lee Edwards, met the 15-year-old Riverside girl online through "catfishing," where someone pretends to be a different person than they actually are. Police believe Edwards was pretending to be a 17-year-old.
Police said they believe Edwards drove from Virginia to California, parked in a neighbor's driveway on Friday, went to the teen's home and killed her mother and grandparents. Edwards then allegedly took the teen and drove away, according to police.
The girl has since been rescued and is not hurt, police said.
The murders were discovered on Friday after authorities received a report of a girl "who appeared distressed" while getting into a car with a man, police said. As officers responded to that report, they received calls of a fire at a nearby house.
Three relatives were found dead in the house from apparent homicides: 69-year-old Mark Winek; his wife, 65-year-old Sharie Winek; and their daughter, 38-year-old Brooke Winek.
Blandin said Sharie Winek was the "matriarch" of the family "with the biggest giving heart imaginable."
Mark Winek, a high school softball and baseball coach, "was a man with a big and caring heart who unselfishly gave to his student athletes," Blandin said.
Brooke Winek was a "loving single mom who did her best to raise her two teenage daughters in a loving way," she said.
Several hours after the three bodies were found, authorities said they spotted Edwards driving with the teenager.
Edwards allegedly led deputies on a chase and fired shots, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office said. Edwards then lost control of his car and drove off the road, pointing a gun at a sheriff's helicopter, according to the sheriff's office. Deputies then fired at Edwards and he was declared dead at the scene, the sheriff's office said.
Edwards was hired by the Virginia State Police in July 2021 and quit on Oct. 28, 2022, the agency said. He was hired by Virginia's Washington County Sheriff's Office on Nov. 16, 2022, and had started orientation, the department said.
The investigation is ongoing and includes learning "some of the intentions [Edwards] may have had," Riverside Police Chief Larry Gonzalez said. It's not clear what app or site Edwards and the teen used to communicate or for how long they were communicating, the chief said.
Blandin said the neighbor who noticed the unfamiliar car and called police is a "hero."
As for Brooke Winek's two daughters, "We hope that this community ... can lift them up. They have the most difficult journey ahead," Blandin said.
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the-z-part · 2 years
ok so i was going to ask what trc was since i saw it in your tags, but then i searched and i have a new question: what is the raven cycle about and who would you recommend it to?
Hey! So! The raven cycle is a series of four YA novels from the mid-2010s that I've been obsessed with since I was about 20. They're about a group of teenagers searching rural Virginia for the Welsh king Glendower, who they believe is sleeping somewhere nearby and, if woken, will grant them a favor.
Main characters:
Blue: non-psychic daughter of an all-psychic household, artsy, angry, extremely short. If she kisses her true love, he'll die.
Gansey: the richest boy you've ever heard of. Goes by his last name only. Pretentious, effusive, obsessed with Glendower.
Adam: scholarship student with zero money and so much exhaustion. Smart, proud, on the edge of a breakdown 24/7.
Ronan: Bad Boy TM. I'm talking tattoos, homoerotic street racing, dubiously suicidal behavior. Has a pet raven named Chainsaw.
Noah: soft boi, everyone's life coach, but kind of a weirdo tbh. Makes a big deal about not eating. Intuitive, quiet, adorable.
They're all completely in love with one another and also fight constantly as they try to locate the ley line that this sleeping king is supposed to be on, pass at least some of their classes, and avoid kissing each other.
Other important characters include Blue's three platonic-life-partner moms, a dilf hitman, the guy Ronan homoerotically street races with, the largest man in the world, and a kid with good hair, and a bee.
Personally, I really like the prose style, which tends toward weird metaphors and what detractors have described as "overwritten". I also like that everyone's relationships with their families are central and complex, and sometimes even positive, which is hard to do in a YA novel.
If you enjoy YA "low" fantasy and slightly elaborate prose doesn't bug you, I'd say give it a shot! I really recommend the audiobooks in particular.
Thank you for asking <3
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moderndaycirce · 1 year
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Introducing Virginia Fox!
Lifepath: Corpo
Nicknames: V (Post Arasaka), Princess (Jackie ONLY and she MEANS IT when she says that), Sweetheart (Johnny, started patronising, moved into a genuine nickname)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi/Pansexual
Date of Birth: October 12th 2046 (31 during 2077)
Notable Relationships: Jackie (Best friends), Panam (Friends), Judy (Ex in all ending situations as Virginia can't stop herself from returning to NC), Goro (Casually dated post The Star ending, Friends post The Devil ending, Enemies post any other ending), River (Ex, all endings), Johnny (Together, all endings), Kerry (Bros who share Johnny)
Bio: The only child of two high ranking Arasaka corpos, Virginia Fox was raised from birth knowing that eventually she would have a position at Arasaka when she grew up. Groomed in a variety of skills from a young age, as a teenager her aptitude for intelligence work caught the eye of the counter intelligence unit, leading to them recruiting her out of Arasaka Academy at 16 and putting her in a fast track training program to start her with the company at 18 once she was legally an adult. She took on her first corporate assassination a month after she turned 18. Counter to the corpo side of her, a young Virginia also spent a lot of her time playing piano, something she enjoyed greatly until she had to quit at 16 when she was recruited. She doesn't play again until after Mikoshi, at Kerry's urging to show him why she knew so much about his fancy piano in his mansion. When she was 20 years old, she was approached by her superiors for what they told her was a promotion. Arasaka paid for full body biosculpting and turned her into an undercover agent designed to target the skeezy corpos who spent their money and time at places like Clouds. Her role was to seduce and kill whoever they pointed her at, in a kind of Black Widow situation. She did that until she was 25. A few weeks after recovering from the biosculpting surgery she turned 21 and allowed her coworkers to take her to a random bar in Heywood that she knew was populated with Valentinos. Figuring she had to keep her coworkers on her side due to how much attention Arasaka had been paying to her with this promotion, she went along with them, but wasn't happy about it. Eventually, her coworkers got so drunk they picked a fight with Valentinos at the same time a tall, cheerful Valentino had been dared to come get her away from the group, his friends thinking she was a corpo joytoy. When she clarified that she was a corpo too, he introduced himself as Jackie, shortening her name to V when she introduced herself to him.
They were fast friends, like the brother she'd never had- and she spent much of her time when not working with him and his gang friends. Their favourite tradition being taking Jackie's old truck out to the Badlands after one of them had a bad day and smoking weed under the stars. She coached him through the many, MANY loves of his life and he began to show her a life outside of the corpo bubble, introducing her to some of the parts of Night City that only a Street Kid would know. Jackie also introduced her to Padre, who spent several years offering her a job as a merc. Virginia, who was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with her job considered taking him up on it, but her contract was ironclad. At the same time, Jackie also introduced her to Vik when he had to be collected from the ripper's clinic after a shoot out gone wrong where Virginia had to stash him in her apartment so his mother didn't find out what he'd done. It was at that point that Jackie left the Valentinos, realising that Solo work might not be safer, but at least he might make more money out of being shot at. (tw: SA) When Virginia turned 25, a hit job went badly when the target was more violent than she was expecting, pulling out chunks of her hair and forcing her to perform oral sex on him before telling her he knew what she was and trying to strangle her to death. After she somehow killed the target, she took her contract to Padre who promised to secretly get it to a lawyer to see if she could get out. Arasaka noticed this, and steered her in a different direction, removing her from the now dubbed "Aphrodite Program" and framing it as another promotion that had her doing counter intelligence from further away. They also put a PR Strategist named Celia in her path, who Virginia fell hard and fast for. Padre's lawyer couldn't find a loophole for escape, but now her work was less dangerous and she was in love, she forgot that she'd even wanted to leave.
For the next few years, Virginia dated Celia who hated Jackie and her other Valentino friends with a passion. She also slowly began taking combat stims and synth coke, now surrounded by people taking the stuff on a daily basis, and didn't notice when it became part of her daily routine. Without her knowledge, during a routine check up, Arasaka installed regulators which upped her tolerance to the drugs, meaning she began taking even more. Three years into her relationship with Celia, they agreed to get married and petitioned the company for permission. Arasaka denied, claiming they had better matches for them both. Virginia refused, Celia accepted. At this point, any good feelings Virginia had toward Arasaka broke completely, and she threw herself into her work to keep her mind from the heartbreak. Her first act after the break up was to jump on a plane to Japan for an international conference where she grabbed the first person she was slightly attracted to and made him get on his knees in the bathroom to get her off. Thus, started V's slut era. For the next two years, V did her job without fuss but began secretly feeding information to Padre, no longer caring if she was caught. Her drug use spiralled out of control when she wasn't around Jackie, so he had no idea how bad things had gotten. This was her party era, where Jackie had enough of a steady income from merc work and the happiness of his new relationship with Misty to indulge her in her party mood, only putting his foot down when she started breaking his friend's hearts for fun. Now 30 and working under Jenkins, V found herself in Texas while following a journalist nomad when she was called back to Night City due to a Cyberpsycho attack on the tower. Having lost a grandfather in Johnny's bombing she took it seriously, returning to be redeployed a week later to the job that would lead to her being fired.
Personality: Virginia is smart and driven, which doesn't always work in her favour. She enjoys climbing ranks and yearns for power, but her constant need to be actively doing something means that she hates stagnating or stillness. This also means that she deals with her emotions in ways that aren't always the healthiest, leading her into jumping in the middle of situations she would normally know better than to leap into without thinking.
Friendships (or what I have expanded so far):
Kerry: V and Kerry are fast friends, two lonely people in Night City drawn to each other in a way that Johnny describes as "annoying" (but he's mainly upset that his best friend seems to enjoy V's company more than he ever enjoyed his). The moment that cemented their friendship was when Kerry asked to speak to her during the release of his song with Us Cracks, where V leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and he rejected her. V was confused by this as she wasn't trying to hook up with him, before asking him "Is the only time someone touches you when they're trying to fuck you?". Kerry had looked so upset at that realisation that they'd hugged each other and that was that. They text every day about the most random, mundane shit, even when Virginia goes to Phoenix after Mikoshi. She has an open ticket to any of his concerts and he keeps pestering her to secretly be on one of his new album tracks. When Johnny returns, their friendship becomes a little strained as Kerry is torn with his feelings. His old love for Johnny and his jealousy that V seemingly gets the Johnny that he never got (he later realises that V did get that Johnny, it was just all in her head). Eventually V gets annoyed with the way Johnny and Kerry can't get their shit together so she orchestrates a threesome at a party, reasoning that they might actually have some post-nut clarity and talk to each other. It works, and V and Kerry eventually come to a "shared custody" agreement of Johnny, who is more than happy to have two people's attention on him.
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silewalshcoach · 3 months
Lessons on Effective and Inclusive Leadership from Films and TV Series
In the dynamic landscape of leadership and human resources, finding inspiration from various sources can offer profound insights. Films and TV series, with their rich narratives and diverse characters, provide valuable lessons on effective and inclusive leadership. Here are some exemplary titles that highlight essential leadership qualities and practices.
TV Films
Remember the Titans (2000)
This sports drama highlights the integration of a high school football team in Virginia in the early 1970s. It showcases how team members and coaches overcome racial tension to achieve success. From this film, we learn that inclusive leadership involves recognising and addressing biases, fostering a culture of unity, and leveraging diversity to build stronger, more cohesive teams. Treating all players equally and focusing on mutual respect and shared goals is a prime example of how to lead inclusively.
The Help (2011)
Set in the 1960s, "The Help" portrays the lives of African American maids working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi. The film underscores the importance of empathy, courage, and the willingness to challenge societal norms. Leaders can learn the value of giving a voice to the marginalised, understanding their struggles, and advocating for their rights, which are crucial for fostering an inclusive environment.
Hidden Figures (2016)
"Hidden Figures" tells the true story of three African American women mathematicians at NASA. It highlights issues of race and gender in the workplace. This film teaches that effective leadership means recognising and nurturing talent irrespective of race or gender and actively working to dismantle systemic barriers. The support and advocacy by leaders within NASA demonstrate how to create opportunities and inclusive policies that empower all employees.
The Color Purple (1985)
Based on Alice Walker’s novel, "The Color Purple" follows African American women facing oppression and abuse in the early 20th-century South. It teaches the importance of resilience, empowerment, and creating supportive networks. Leaders can learn the significance of fostering environments where individuals feel valued and empowered to overcome personal and systemic challenges.
Selma (2014)
"Selma" focuses on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches led by Martin Luther King Jr. The film emphasises the power of vision, moral courage, and strategic planning in leadership. It highlights that inclusive leadership involves advocating for justice and equality and rallying people around a common cause to drive social change.
Moonlight (2016)
"Moonlight" follows a young African American man grappling with his identity and sexuality in a rough Miami neighbourhood. This film underscores the importance of understanding and supporting the diverse experiences of individuals. Leaders can learn to create safe spaces where people can express their identities without fear of judgement or discrimination.
Coco (2017)
"Coco" celebrates Mexican culture and traditions, focusing on the importance of family and heritage. This animated film teaches that inclusive leadership involves respecting and celebrating cultural diversity, understanding the importance of family and community, and creating environments where people can share their cultural heritage.
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
This biographical film depicts the life of John Nash, a mathematician who struggled with schizophrenia. It highlights issues of mental health and acceptance. Leaders can learn the importance of supporting mental health, understanding the unique contributions of individuals with mental health conditions, and fostering an inclusive environment that accommodates and values everyone’s strengths.
Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution (2020)
This documentary explores the origins of the disability rights movement in the United States, starting from a summer camp for disabled teenagers. It teaches that inclusive leadership involves advocating for accessibility, recognising the potential of individuals with disabilities, and actively working to remove barriers that hinder their participation in society.
The Intouchables (2011)
"The Intouchables" tells the story of the friendship between a wealthy quadriplegic man and his caregiver from a poor background. It emphasises themes of social inclusion and mutual respect. Leaders can learn the value of empathy, building relationships across different social strata, and understanding that effective teamwork often involves diverse perspectives and experiences.
Wonder (2017)
"Wonder" follows a young boy with a facial difference attending mainstream school for the first time. It highlights themes of empathy, kindness, and acceptance. Leaders can learn the importance of fostering inclusive environments where everyone feels accepted and valued for who they are and encouraging empathy and kindness within their teams.
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
This comedy-drama about a young British-Indian girl who dreams of playing football explores cultural expectations and the pursuit of one's passions. It teaches that inclusive leadership involves supporting individuals in pursuing their passions, respecting cultural differences, and breaking down stereotypes to create opportunities for everyone.
Philadelphia (1993)
"Philadelphia" is a legal drama about a lawyer who is fired because of his HIV status. It addresses issues of discrimination and the fight for justice. Leaders can learn the importance of standing up against discrimination, advocating for the rights of all individuals, and fostering inclusive policies that protect employees from bias.
A League of Their Own (1992)
This film tells the story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League during World War II. It showcases the challenges and triumphs of women athletes. Leaders can learn to recognise and support the contributions of women, create opportunities for underrepresented groups, and challenge gender stereotypes.
My Name is Khan (2010)
"My Name is Khan" follows a Muslim man with Asperger's syndrome on a journey across America. It highlights issues of racial profiling and autism. Leaders can learn to embrace diversity, advocate for marginalised groups, and foster understanding and acceptance of individuals with different abilities and backgrounds.
TV Series
The West Wing (1999-2006)
This political drama focuses on the lives of the staff in the West Wing of the White House. It highlights the complexities of leadership in government, ethical dilemmas, and the importance of collaboration and integrity. Leaders can learn the significance of ethical decision-making, the impact of leadership on policy and society, and the value of teamwork.
Band of Brothers (2001)
This miniseries follows the Easy Company of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division during World War II. It explores leadership under extreme conditions and the bonds formed between soldiers. Leaders can learn the importance of resilience, trust, and camaraderie in building effective teams and leading through crises.
Mad Men (2007-2015)
Set in the 1960s advertising industry, "Mad Men" offers insights into different leadership styles and the personal and professional challenges of leading in a competitive industry. Leaders can learn the impact of leadership on organisational culture, the importance of adapting leadership styles to different situations, and balancing personal and professional lives.
The Crown (2016-present)
This historical drama chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It provides a detailed look at leadership at the highest level, the responsibilities of a monarch, and the personal sacrifices required. Leaders can learn the significance of duty, the balance between tradition and change, and the personal costs of leadership.
Succession (2018-present)
This dark comedy-drama follows a family struggling for control of their company. It explores the toxic side of leadership and power struggles. Leaders can learn the detrimental effects of toxic leadership, the importance of ethical leadership, and the impact of family dynamics on business.
Friday Night Lights (2006-2011)
Set in a small Texas town, this series focuses on the high school football team’s coach and his leadership both on and off the field. Leaders can learn the importance of community, the impact of leadership on young people, and balancing personal and professional pressures.
House of Cards (2013-2018)
This political thriller examines the darker side of leadership through the ruthless rise of a political figure. It explores themes of manipulation, ambition, and power struggles. Leaders can learn the dangers of unethical behaviour, the impact of ambition unchecked by ethics, and the consequences of power without accountability.
Billions (2016-present)
This drama series explores power dynamics in high finance, pitting a hedge fund manager against a U.S. Attorney. It showcases different leadership styles and the ethical and moral challenges they face. Leaders can learn the importance of integrity, the impact of leadership on organisational culture, and navigating ethical dilemmas.
Breaking Bad (2008-2013)
Following the transformation of a high school chemistry teacher into a drug kingpin, "Breaking Bad" offers a unique perspective on leadership, morality, and consequences. Leaders can learn the importance of ethical decision-making, the long-term consequences of actions, and the impact of personal choices on professional life.
The Office (2005-2013)
This mockumentary sitcom provides a humorous take on office life and the leadership style of a bumbling manager. It highlights the importance of effective leadership, team dynamics, and creating a positive work environment. Leaders can learn the value of empathy, the impact of leadership on team morale, and the importance of effective communication.
Parks and Recreation (2009-2015)
Following the employees of the Parks and Recreation Department in a small town, this series showcases various leadership styles and the challenges of public service. Leaders can learn the importance of perseverance, creativity in problem-solving, and fostering a positive work culture.
The Expanse (2015-2022)
Set in a future where humanity has colonised the solar system, this sci-fi series explores political and military leadership in a complex and diverse interplanetary society. Leaders can learn the importance of adaptability, the impact of decisions on a large scale, and the value of inclusive leadership in diverse environments.
These films and TV series provide valuable lessons on effective and inclusive leadership, showcasing the importance of empathy, integrity, resilience, and ethical decision-making. By understanding and applying these principles, leaders can create more inclusive, supportive, and effective teams and organisations.
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haleyincarnate · 2 years
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As May is Mental Health Awareness month, I have collaborated with @MyNumberStory to spread awareness regarding ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and childhood adversity! I am honored to share a bit of my own experience growing up in a pressured environment, and how I found art as a means of healing.  
*Trigger Warning: self-harm, divorce, emotional abuse, mental illness*
Prior to the hardships I will address, my childhood was a golden thing. I grew up next door to my cousins who served as my sisters, as I was an only child. I did well in school, was immensely social and outgoing, spent summers vacationing in the Outer Banks of North Carolina with my family religiously every August. My father and uncle coached my cousins’ and I’s softball team. Our house settled on a quaint, country 2.5 acres of land at the edge of a quiet Virginia county was a hub for love. My parents were high school sweethearts. As a young girl, I oozed with promise.  
When I turned thirteen, life was altered. My father found a new hand to hold behind my mother’s back. My mother turned to excessive drinking to cope. I turned loner. I recall nestling myself in the corner of my bedroom many nights, drowning out the monumental arguments through headphones blaring. Slamming doors. Plates being thrown in the kitchen. I recall so many evenings spent silently crying myself to sleep, desperately wondering where my loving household had gone.  
My father moved out. I was thrown into therapy to learn how to navigate my feelings regarding my parents' divorce, and in turn, discovered underlying mental health struggles already present. I was diagnosed at fourteen with major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety. I tried many medications; Prozac, Paxil, Lexapro, and eventually Effexor XR (which I still take to this day). However, throughout my high school years, I found tooth and nail with my disorders, having not found a working medication until after I graduated. My grades were affected heavily, as I did not have the motivation to excel. I felt pressured regardless due to my cousins’ being in the top 10 of their class, which sadly, only left me feeling more defeated rather than being a motivator.
I visited my father every other weekend, and in turn, his new wife. When I was fifteen, they married. I cannot begin to describe the heart-wrenching effect she had on my mom and I, let alone our entire family. Without bringing up too many traumatic memories, many days and nights alike were spent conversing with police. She projected paranoid delusions on to those close around her, my father and I the main subjects. Around this time, I truly dove into struggling with self-harm. (Thankfully, I am currently three years self-harm free, and my father has escaped that toxic relationship and we both have mostly healed from what damage was caused by her.)
As my journey continued into teenage years, I served as an outlet for my mother to project her pain onto. I was struggling, she was struggling. We would bark back and forth about our turmoil to one another, harming our bond more than we realized. It was at this time I would stay closed in my room, finding comfort in creating collages, handwritten quote art, and poetry. The effect art therapy had on my growth, healing, and mental state was astronomical. It has now been over ten years since I first began that journey and strongly continue striding down that path.  
Though my story has not been fully disclosed in this text, I feel many can find my story to be particularly relatable to those currently or had dealt with divorcing parents and learning to understand one’s own neurodivergence. You are not, and never have been, alone.  
My number is a 3. Take the test to discover yours at NumberStory.org
Please follow @MyNumberStory and check out NumberStory.org to learn more about childhood adversity and the long-term effects of toxic stress on mental health, physical health and more.
(About the artwork: in this collage piece, I used a photograph of an abandoned sanitorium as the background, showcasing how it felt to be trapped inside of my new diagnoses of major depression and anxiety disorders as a child. The ghosts in the center represent the many personalities I felt I needed to exhibit to be accepted/understood by those around me. The ghostly woman with horns serves as a core element of my trauma; the rage, the unknown, the overwhelming emotions of comprehending my abnormal way of growing up. Lastly, the flowers in the foreground represent how on the surface things can be beautiful and healthy, the colors brightly hiding the rot beneath. The quote itself reflects that despite the emotion, working through what you are feeling is a step in the right direction towards overall healing.)
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Journey through time - Part 5
Summary: Your relationship with Syverson over the years.
Warnings: fluff and only fluff.
A/N1: Last part to this mini photo series. Thanks to @agniavateira who has provided me with so much inspiration. Also thank you to everyone who read and liked and commented. You guys make me so happy. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
A/N2: I'll be taking a small hiatus from posting fics for now. But I'll be back soon. ❤️
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As much as Sy adored his daughter, secretly he had always wanted a son. Two years after Adeline was born, when he was back from his oversees tour for three weeks, Sy took it upon himself to get you round and plump with his kids again. He was overjoyed when you told him over a call that you were pregnant. Although it saddened you both that this time, Sy wasn't going to be around when you gave birth to your child. When you told him he was going to be a father to twin boys, Sy had hollered with glee, making a couple of his men come knocking at his door to see if he way okay. That was a very awkward call, where you were waving at his men while they congratulated you. You sent him a copy of your sonogram, along with a picture of you with Adeline in a care package. "Mini me's," He would say while looking at the picture, "And my princess with my queen." Your heart would flutter like the very first time he had kissed you; upsetting you at the distance and yet also filling you with love. Sy asked his parents to come live with you, help you with Adeline, as you got big and started experiencing difficulty in moving around. When you went into labour, his mother tried to get him on call, just like he had requested. But they were unable to connect to his phone, wondering if he was safe and sound or just away doing things that were expected of him to do as a captain. Your emotions were unbounded when you gave birth to your sons, worrying about Sy and going through the long process without him. The next day, Sy saw his sons for the first time over the video call, happy tears springing in his eyes as you cradled the two boys in your arms. "They have your eyes, Sy. Have you thought of names yet?" You had asked, having decided long time ago that since you had named your daughter, Sy would name his sons. "James and Noah." He had sniffed out, smiling at you lovingly.
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Captain Syverson retired as Major Syverson after serving 20 years of active duty. Sy joined as a coach for Little League Baseball team, becoming a favorite amongst his players and their moms. Every morning you would kiss Sy goodbye as he walked out the front door, holding little Adeline's tiny hand in his to drive her to her school on his way to work. Your days were filled with less worrying about Sy's safety and more on providing a loving family for your kids. It helped that at the end of the day, your dining table was occupied with your children and your loving husband, sharing their day's events. Weekends were spent in parks with the whole Syverson clan out for picnics, you watching your husband running around with James and Noah, Adeline who was a spitting image of her father, perched on his strong shoulders. Somedays you couldn't believe your life turned out the way it did, mostly when you would walk inside the living room to find Sy sprawled on the sofa with Adeline curled on his side, James and Noah snoozing on his chest. You would wake him up, carefully peeling your daughter away from her father and take her to bed, while Sy got both boys in his arms with little to no effort and took them to their own room. At the end of the day, when parenthood and responsibilities left you both weary, you and Sy found solace in each other's arms while drifting off to a peaceful slumber.
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It was the most devastating day in Sy's life when his teenage daughter told him she wanted to pursue modelling. Adeline was stubborn and opinionated, graced with Sy's beautiful features. He had stared at his daughter with wide eyes, cup of coffee stopping midway to his mouth. "You want me to be okay with grown men gawking at you?" He had gruffly replied, anger evident with his eyebrows knitting together and his lips forming a frown. You had learned over the years to not interfere with Sy's ways of parenting. James and Noah had awkwardly slid off their chairs, both of them avoiding what was to come next. The discussion had ended with father and daughter, arguing with each other, eventually Sy sending a crying Adeline away to her room. Neither of them had spoken to each other the rest of the day, Adeline refusing to eat dinner and Sy drinking too many glasses of whiskey. "I cannot believe she thinks modelling is a career choice." He had scowled later in the night, you both staring at the ceiling while lying in bed. "Didn't you once tell me you had hated your father for sending you off to military school? Do you want your daughter to hate you?" Sy had sighed, turning on his side to face you. "That's different. Adeline's our little girl, it's my duty to protect her." Understanding completely what Sy was feeling as a parent, you had too turned on your side and placed your hand on his scruffy cheek. "You taught her to be strong, independent. She will always be our little girl. Don't you trust her to take decisions for her life? And even if she fails to do what she desires, don't you want to be there for her when she would need her dad?"
The next day you had watched from your kitchen window as Sy and Adeline talked while sitting on the swings in the backyard, ending with long hugs and lots of tears.
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While Adeline roamed around the country for fashion shows, Sy groomed his sons to join the army someday. It was not an acceptable behavior, but both of you had your favorites when it came to the twins. Noah, the stronger of the two was decidedly his father's favorite, adding to his delight when by the end of high school, he wanted to go to a military academy. James, the apple of your eye, on the other hand, wanted to become a doctor, much to Sy's dismay. But lessons were learned from the time with Adeline and for that reason only, Sy did not oppose. Noah was sent off to Virginia to a military academy, going on to join the air force as it was affiliated with his school; while James buried himself in studies, moving to Connecticut to attend medical school. Weekends that were spent with picnics in the park, now consisted of video conference calls with your three kids spread out over the country. "It's just going to be you and me in the end." Sy would say, shutting the computer off and looking at you pensively. Wounding your arms around the love of your life, you would rest your head on his shoulder and agree, "Till death do us part."
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On your 30th wedding anniversary, Sy gave you an unexpected surprise. He had been missing from the house since morning, only to send a vague text with "Pack your bags and come out in ten minutes." When you walked outside on the front porch, you were left stunned to find Sy dressed in riding gear on a super bike. "I think we need to relive our days from the time we were dating. Come on, I've planned a road trip for us." And with that, Sy had driven all the way to San Antonio for the weekend. With a hotel room on the river, Sy pampered you with all his love and the best Tex-Mex food he could find for you. You spent the day shopping and exploring, while in the night he made love to you with unbridled passion. "My better half," he had called you, kissing your hands while cradling you to his chest. When you both came back home from your trip, you had another surprise waiting for you: Your three children all under the same roof again, holding up a sign board with "Happy anniversary, mom and dad."
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Noah had successfully climbed the ranks in the airforce to become Lieutenant at an age younger than when Sy was one. But it was when James, inspired by his twin, decided to join the armed forces as a field doctor, you saw Sy's chest puff in pride. "Syverson men always join the military." He had told his friends over dinner one night, soaking up the praises for his children. Adeline joined a major modelling agency that speared her career forward. She roamed around the globe, sending her old folks trinkets from the new city she was in, and one day added a picture of her and her boyfriend in the mail. Sy turned into a protective father quickly, inviting her and her man to have dinner. "I like him." Your old man had chuckled, when he had scared Adeline's boyfriend, making him blabber incoherently with nervousness. You could only watch in a haze as one day Adeline's boyfriend showed up to your house unannounced, to ask Sy for his daughter's hand in marriage. "Listen boy, Adeline is precious and if you hurt her, you know there wouldn't be anything worse than us. You don't want to be on the bad side of the Syverson men, is that clear?" You had heard Sy warn, a shiver running down your spine listening to his commanding tone, even if the threat wasn't meant for you. A few weeks later, when Adeline was in Paris, she had called home only minutes after the proposal, screaming on the phone that she said "yes." The rest of the night, Sy had you looking at Adeline's baby pictures from old photo albums. "This little bundle would be getting married soon. Can you believe that?" He had laughed, wiping the tear at the corner of his eye and throwing his arm around your shoulders when you couldn't hold onto your own tears.
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The day after Adeline, Sy's little girl, was married, he threw a brunch for the newly weds and their families. James and Noah, back from their deployment in time for their sister's wedding, had introduced their own girlfriends to both of you before the ceremony. You knew Sy would never admit it, macho behavior of his never fading, but you could see his eyes glisten watching his family grow. He had tried to keep a straight face throughout the ceremony too, but he had let go of his tears when Adeline had laid her head on his shoulder during their father-daughter dance. Halfway through brunch, Sy pulled you away from the crowd and took you towards the orchard outside the country club. He held your hand while taking you to stand under the shade of a massive tree. "It's like I'm living in a dream." You admitted, looking out at the sprawling orchard, thinking about how you were a mother-in-law to someone. Sy pulled you close to him by your waist, encircling his arms around you. Gray hair on his temples and his face beginning to be marked with wrinkles and yet for you, Sy looked like he had never aged. "I know I don't tell this to you very often, but darlin' running into you, falling in love with you, building a life with you, is the best thing that could have happened to me." He kissed the top of your head, taking your face in his hands before planting a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you and thank you for everything, Sy." You whispered as the birds chirped on the branches above, a whistling breeze blew by carrying the sweet fragrance of fruits in the orchard and you stared at the brilliant blue orbs of the man who had owned your heart and soul since many years ago.
The End.
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decoolz · 3 years
A Piece of my WIP
This is part of my Work in Progress The John Laurens Alexander Hamilton Kissing book--working title (TJLAHKB) I am extremely nervous about sharing this, but I would like to see what people think about it. This is just under 3000 works so most of it will be under the cut. A new beginning. The mistakes of London and teenage fantasy were gone now, he was sure of it. All he had to do was take this meeting and the next few years of his life would be set. John stepped out of the coach and smoothed out his waistcoat. If he did this right, he’d be able to recover his reputation. No one would be talking about the rumors if he achieved glory on the battlefield. All he had to do was find General Washington’s command tent.
The camp smelled like twelve thousand people had been camping here for weeks. The sweet stench of rotting food nearly overpowered the unwashed smell of thousands of people gathered in quarters much too small. John searched the faces of passersby for someone to help, but not a single soul gave him a glance. No wonder the British had the upper hand. This was the encampment housing the head of the whole continental army and not a single person gave John a once over. He could be a spy wandering about. All this was going in his first letter to his father when he got situated.
“Excuse me!” John shouted at a boy who couldn’t possibly be old enough to enlist yet was running around the place as if he knew every inch of it. “I’m looking for General Washington’s tent. I have an appointment.”
“Good luck with that,” the boy chuckled. He turned and pointed toward the middle of camp. “See the big round one. That’s where you’ll wanna go. Hope you really got that appointment.”
“I’m Henry Laurens son. I don’t need an appointment,” John clarified rolling his eyes. “My father arranged for introductions.”
“Good on you,” the boy nodded, then ran off the way he was heading.
John continued to drag his footlocker across the dirt and dying grass up the path to the “big round tent,” silently judging every single one of the people who walked by him without offering to help or ask what he was doing wandering around this camp. From the looks of everyone’s dirty and mismatched attire, this wasn’t the kind of place where people took much care to observe anything.
He entered Washington’s tent without once being stopped. Setting his footlocker out of the way, he straightened his waistcoat again before approaching the desk in the middle of the space. The man bent over the desk didn’t bother to acknowledge him when he entered. John cleared his throat thrice before the young redheaded man looked up for his work.
“How may I be of assistance?” he asked with an unrecognizable accent. “I’m assuming you’re not the Frenchman. Are you one of his staff?”
“I am French but I’m from South Carolina,” John replied. He pulled his letter of introduction from his inside pocket as he stepped closer to the desk. The man behind it appeared altogether uninterested. “I’m Henry Laurens’s son, I’m here to have a meeting with General Washington to join this regiment.”
“He’s not taking meetings today,” the clerk replied. “I can schedule you for later this week if you’d like. What is your business with the General?” He licked the end of his quill and met John’s eyes.
“No, you misunderstand me,” John said, shaking his head. “Henry Laurens is my father. He wrote to General Washington and told him to expect me this week. I don’t need an appointment, he’s expecting me.”
The clerk clicked his tongue. “Right. You still need an appointment. The General is a busy man. He isn’t going to stop running the army because some self-important rich man’s son is going to show up at some point this week. I can write you in for an appointment tomorrow if you like. Should I write in Henry’s son or do you have a name of your own I can use?”
“No,” John shook his head. “I should be able to see him today. He’s expecting me. He told my father he’s looking for a French translator to help with correspondence and the like. He made it pretty clear the post had to be filled post haste.”
“Right … but you see, that’s not how it works,” the clerk explained, speaking slowly as if John was a simpleton. “In order to get into see General Washington, you need an appointment. I make the appointments. I would highly recommend you stop being a jackass and give me your Christian name so I can put it in the ledger for tomorrow.”
John took a deep breath. Clearly, this man didn’t understand who he was speaking to or he wouldn’t continue to be so obstructive. He’d be sure to put this in his letter to his father as well, he’ll have this scrawny boy’s job by the end of the week.
“Listen, Mister…”
“Lieutenant Colonel,” the redhead gentleman corrected.
“Fine then,” John scoffed. “Lieutenant Colonel, I don’t think you understand what’s happening here. I have a letter of introduction from my father with the understanding that I am to meet with his excellency when I arrive at camp. I am here. So, if you please, announce my arrival.”
“You seem to have poor comprehension skills, which honestly looks bad if you’re trying to get a job as a translator. There must be a meeting set up and penciled into this ledger before you can see him.” He held up the ledger for John to look at. “As you see here, today he is booked solid since he’s in the city meeting with a Frenchman who will be joining the ranks. So even if I wanted to let you in to see him—which don’t misunderstand I do not—I can’t because he’s not even in there. But if you give me your name, and not refer to yourself as your father’s son, I can write you in for tomorrow.”
“But I have a letter of introduction,” John extended his hand with the papers toward the boy.
“Go for you,” the Lieutenant Colonel nodded. “What is your name? I can set up an appointment for tomorrow at one in the afternoon right after luncheon.”
“My father said--”
“Listen,” the other man pulled a hand down his face and sighed loudly. “We seem to be at an impasse here. You need an appointment. I honestly don’t give a shit what your father said, because he’s not here. I am. I control the ledger book with the appointments. I already informed you against my better judgment that General Washington isn’t even in camp at present. I’m not sure what it is you think you’re going to accomplish by arguing with me about it. Give me your name I’ll write you in for tomorrow right after luncheon and you can go relax at the inn up the road for the rest of the day and stop bothering me.”
“This won’t do,” John shook his head. “I was promised a meeting when I arrived.”
The other man blinked slowly, shook his head, picked up his quill, and continued whatever it was he was working in when John walked in. After several tense moments of silence, John cleared his throat again for attention.
“Oh, you’re still here. Again, your meeting is tomorrow at one. I wrote down ‘Henry’s son’ so they’ll be no confusion as to how important you are. If you insist on staying in my office to wait for your scheduled time, you are more than welcome to sit in one of the terribly uncomfortable wooden chairs on the side there. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
John sunk his teeth into his bottom lip to keep from yelling and let several short quick breaths out through his nose.
“What is your name?” John demanded. “I would like to make sure Congress knows exactly the kind of riff-raff General Washington has in his employment.”
“And yet here you are trying to join our ranks,” the redheaded man met John’s gaze with a sickeningly sweet fake smile.
“Hamilton!” A head poked around the entrance of the tent. An older man with the same green pin on his hat as the clerk. “Are you set to take a break for luncheon or is Lucy bringing you a tray?”
“No, I’ll come with you,” the redheaded man, Hamilton evidently, said. He straightened his desk and stood. “It’s Wednesday.”
As he came around the desk, John got his first good look at this Hamilton. He couldn’t be taller than five and a half feet. John could probably put his hands around the man’s waist and his fingers would touch. He looked far more like a boy than someone in charge of something as important as General Washington’s ledger.
“Are you going to invite your friend?” the other man asked, gesturing to John.
“Not my friend,” Hamilton grumbled. “You can join us for a meal if you want. Or wait until we leave and look to see that no one is in Washington’s office and pout about it. Just don’t touch my desk.” He didn’t bother turning toward John as he said it.
“Will my footlocker be safe here?” John asked, stepping toward the other men.
“Sure,” Hamilton shrugged. He pushed passed the other man out into the sweltering camp.
“Is he always so delightful?” John asked.
“You must have got him on a good day,” the other man joked. “He’s usually much worse. Richard Meade, Virginia.” He extended his hand to John.
This was more of the kind of welcome he was expecting. “John Laurens, South Carolina.”
“Son of the senator,” Meade smiled. “Rumor has it he’s a lock for the presidency when Hancock retires.”
“That’s what he tells me,” John nodded.
Hamilton waited; arms crossed over his chest for the others then led the way to the mess tent walking a quick clip about twenty paces ahead of them.
“Personally, I think it’ll be great for the union to finally have some southern influence at the helm of Congress. I think we’ve heard enough from Boston and New York for a bit.”
“Those men are the catalyst for the revolution,” John countered. “However, I do agree, if we are to be our own country it makes sense to listen to men from all parts of it.”
John let Meade lead him through the buffet line and tried not to gawk as Hamilton shamelessly flirted with a young brunette woman serving the warm rolls until she slipped an extra one to him.
“Is that the reason he was so eager to come to luncheon on Wednesday?”
“No,” Meade replied as they walked toward their table. “That would be Lucy. She’s around here somewhere. On Wednesdays, she helps with the dishes.”
“Hamilton is that man then?” John sighed, taking a seat across the table from Meade. Hamilton sat a little way down the table, toward the end on Meade’s side. John knew plenty of men just like that back in London. Men who shamelessly debased themselves in front of women for tiniest scrap of attention. Hamilton didn’t quite fit the usual formula for such a man, but John had to admit there was something about him that made it hard to pull his eyes away from the scrawny redhead.
Across the table, Meade rested his hat on the bench beside him. He was slightly older than John, maybe about thirty. This was the type of man John expected to find working for General Washington, a learned Southern Gentleman from a prominent family who knew the order of things. If Meade had been behind the desk when John walked in, everything would be taken care of by now.
“Forgive me for prying,” John said between bites of a watery but rather flavorful stew. “But since I will be joining this merry group of soldiers, may I ask about the dynamic of the inner circle?”
Meade laughed, his green eyes brightening as a crooked smile crossed his face. “I take it your father arranged for you to be the French interpreter we’re looking for. If that’s the case you’ll be working closely with your new best friend, Mister Hamilton. He handles most of the correspondence and does quite a bit of the planning and strategy for small missions. He’s the brains of it.”
“French interpreter was the plan, yeah, apparently a letter of introduction and a promise from my father isn’t enough to have an audience with His Excellency. I also need an arbitrary appointment and to dance for a five-foot-tall boy who thinks too much of himself.”
“Hamilton will be the first to tell you, he’s five foot seven,” Meade smiled. “General Washington is in Philadelphia today meeting with a French General who’s come to help us. He’ll be back tomorrow.”
This was supposed to be the easy part. The last couple of years had been an awful pile of hardship and stupid mistakes. Joining the army was supposed to be the first step in the right direction. All he had to do was show up and the rest would take care of itself. He wouldn’t have to deal with people looking at him sideways or whispers behind hands at society events. As he learned more about camp John did his best to remember that he wasn’t another setback, but a pause. Tomorrow would be different.
He turned toward the end of the table where Hamilton was batting his eyes at an enraptured blonde woman in a light blue gown. Something familiar started to bubble inside John, somewhere between jealousy and contempt. When the woman was called away, Hamilton slid over to join John and Meade for the rest of the meal.
“What do you think, Ricky? Will this son of Henry will fit in our merry band of aides-de-camp?”
Meade nodded as he wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “It’ll be fine Hamilton. The two of you should figure out how to get along. If Mister Laurens will be working French translations, you’ll most likely be sharing a desk.”
Hamilton groaned, and let his head fall back, just as enthused about the prospect as John was.
“You’re at least learned in French though?” Hamilton asked. “Fluent? We have a remarkable number of Frenchmen coming to take up this cause”
John nodded. He’d been taught by his mother as a boy and then in some of the finest schools he could be sent to in Europe. Hamilton continued to eye him suspiciously.
“I gotta head back,” Hamilton wiped his mouth his sleeve and stood quickly walking off with his dishes, handing them to the servant whose job it was to clear plates from the tables when they were finished eating. John’s eyes never left him as he smiled and laughed his way into taking an extra pear from the young woman who gave him the extra bread.
 “An acquired taste, but I assure you he’d a good egg,” Meade said, pulling John’s attention back to the last of his meal. “He’s probably the smartest person in the army, including General Washington.”
 John caught Hamilton walking backward out of the mess tent with a wink to the women at the serving stations and doubted very much that a man like that could surprise him.
“Come on, I’ll walk you out to the inn, make sure you’re settled.” Meade stood and placed his hat atop his head. “It’s decent accommodation over there. Savor it, my friend, you’ll be living on a straw mattress on the bottom bunk until we move for winter camp.”
Once settled in the single room of the inn, John dug through his belongings for his stationary to write the promised letter to his father. So far, this journey wasn’t what he was hoping for, but tomorrow looked promising with the appointment scheduled to accept him into service. He was sure his education and experience would be just what General Washington needed. If he did end up working alongside that Hamilton fellow as Meade said, he’d be able to teach that man a little bit of tack. Show him how a man from Southern Society—like General Washington himself—should act.
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genzandulifecoach · 2 years
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If you are looking for a Certified Life Coach Institute in Virginia that can help you get certified, the Genzandu Institute in Virginia is a great option. They offer a variety of courses that can help you become a certified life coach, and they have a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.
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tcm · 4 years
How Race Prevented Dorothy Dandridge from Being a Star By Susan King
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Dorothy Dandridge was the first Black movie star. “She was our queen,” once said African American actress Nichelle Nichols (of Star Trek fame). Dandridge also made history with her full-blooded performance as the femme fatale in Otto Preminger’s 1954 CARMEN JONES. She became the first Black woman to earn an Oscar nomination for Best Actress and the first to grace the cover of Life magazine.
Her achievements were during a decade before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and her nomination would mark five decades before a Black actress, Halle Berry, would win in that category. Berry also won an Emmy for her performance as the Dandridge in HBO’s Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (1999).
By the time Dandridge landed her role in CARMEN JONES, she had already paid her dues tenfold. She knew how difficult it was to be gifted, young, Black and beautiful in Hollywood. “CARMEN JONES was the best break I ever had,” said Dandridge, who tragically died at the age of 42 in 1965. “But no producer ever knocked on my door. There just aren’t as many parts or a Black actress. If I were white, I could capture the world.”
She was a child singer along with her older sister Vivian as part of The Wonder Children. Her mother, actress Ruby Dandridge, was the ultimate stage mother and so was her companion Geneva Williams, who oversaw their career. She was strict and allegedly was abusive. With family friend Etta Jones, Dorothy and Vivian became The Dandridge Sisters. They came to Hollywood around the time she was four. “I was one of those musical kids you hear about, with parts in pictures like the Marx Brothers’ A Day at the Races (‘37),” Dandridge said.
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The Dandridge Sisters performed in Europe, the famed Cotton Club and appeared on Broadway in 1939 with Louis Armstrong in the short-lived Swingin’ the Dream. They also sang with African American band leader Jimmie Lunceford. And besides appearing in A DAY AT THE RACES, they were a specialty act in such movies and shorts as Snow Gets in Your Eyes (‘38), in which they perform “Harlem Yodel” and “Rhythm Rascals.”
Even as a teenager, you can’t keep your eyes off of Dandridge. She had the indescribable “It” factor. And after she went out on her own, she continued to dazzle in short musical films known as “soundies” that were produced for video jukeboxes of the era. She also had tiny roles, often uncredited, in movies, including David O. Selznick’s popular World War II film SINCE YOU WENT AWAY (‘44). Perhaps her most notable performance at this time was in the Sonja Henie musical ice-skating comedy SUN VALLEY SERENADE (‘41) in which she performs “Chattanooga Choo Choo” in a slinky black ensemble with the tap-dancing duo Harold and Fayard Nicholas.
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“No film fan has ever forgotten her as a dream girl with the brothers,” said African American film historian Donald Bogle in his book Hollywood Black: The Stars, the Films, the Filmmakers.
She was all of 19 when she married Harold Nicholas, whom she had first met while performing at the Cotton Club. Their only child Harolyn was born in 1943. Nicholas had gone off to play golf the day Dandridge went into labor and he took the car keys, so she was delayed getting to the hospital to deliver the baby. Harolyn was born brain damaged and was never able to speak or even recognize Dandridge.
Dandridge believed the reason she was born mentally disabled was because of the delay in delivery. Dandridge would be haunted by guilt the rest of her life. She provided expensive care for her daughter, but when her finances became grim, Harolyn became a ward of the state. According to the TCM.com overview of BRIGHT ROAD (‘53), in which Dandridge portrays a dedicated young schoolteacher, seeing “healthy African-American children playing on the set proved too much for her, and she fled to her dressing room.”
Dandridge had always wanted to be a dramatic actress and attended the progressive Actors’ Lab in Los Angeles, becoming one of the school’s first Black students. Marilyn Monroe was also one of the students and became great friends with Dandridge. It would be considered a communist organization in the early 1950s with several members being blacklisted and the theater soon closed.
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She also worked with noted coach and composer/arranger Phil Moore to develop a nightclub act, which Dandridge performed internationally to great acclaim. Under Moore’s guidance, Dandridge went from the young vivacious singer to a sultry, sexy chanteuse. Time magazine wrote about a nightclub appearance where she “came wriggling out of the wings like a caterpillar on a hot rock.” And according to a 1997 New York Times piece by Janet Maslin, when Dandridge headlined the Mocambo nightclub in L.A. in 1953, the cigarette girls actually sold copies of Alfred Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.
“I think it was really the heartache over my child and the failure of my marriage that forced me to make a success out of my career,” Dandridge explained in 1954. “I had to keep busy. I threw myself into my work. It’s a wonderful therapy. You don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself.”
She landed roles in three low-budget films including TARZAN’S PERIL (‘51). Dandridge is the best thing about the adventure as Melmendi, the young, beautiful and feisty Queen of Ashuba, who is kidnapped and rescued by Tarzan. Bogle notes that Lex Barker’s Tarzan shows a lot more interest in Melmendi than he does in Jane (Virginia Huston). “Here were suggestions of an interracial romance that the studio didn’t explore.” But audiences were titillated. Ebony magazine put her on the cover with the banner: “Hollywood’s Newest Glamour Queen.’’
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She would appear in a few more roles, including THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS (‘51) and BRIGHT ROAD opposite Harry Belafonte, who would star with her the following year in CARMEN JONES. The operetta gave her high visibility but few additional film roles. Also, she had fallen in love with Preminger, who didn’t give her the best career advice. They would work together one more time in the film adaptation of PORGY AND BESS (‘59), for which Dandridge was nominated for a Golden Globe.
“But sadly, her decline came soon after her triumph,” notes Bogle in Brown Sugar. “She realized she was a token figure within the movie colony, her position not much different than Lena Horne’s in the ‘40s. There was no great follow-up of roles to sustain her fame. Three years passed before she appeared in another film.” Dandridge once said of racial prejudice: “It is such a waste. It makes you loggy and half-alive. If it gives you nothing.”
Dandridge was drinking heavily and taking antidepressants by the late 1950s. In fact, when Dandridge married a second time in 1959, to the man who was not only abusive but would leave her broke, she was so drugged that she fell asleep at the reception. “Dandridge’s last years were lonely and sad as she struggled to find work,” said Bogle.
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Love Heals All Wounds (and Embraces Scars) [Binoe x Daughter!Reader]
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requested by anon: Could you do something with binoe the first time they have to pick their teenage daughter up from school because she’s sick?
warnings: mention of surgery and scars
A/N: congrats to the Storm on winning the WNBA championship!! and SBird for her FOURTH **insert goat emoji**
“Megan!” Vlatko calls from across the field, waving the forward over to the sidelines.
Megan passes the ball back to Tobin, abandoning the drill and making her way over to her coach.
“What’s up, coach?”
“Sue’s been trying to reach you for the past ten minutes. Here, she called me.” He holds out his phone, which Megan takes and puts up to her ear.
“Sue? What’s wrong?”
“It’s (Y/N). The school called and said she wasn’t feeling good. They took her to the nurse’s office, but apparently she’s writhing in pain. I’m on my way to pick her up right now. Do you think you can get out of practice and meet us at home?” Sue explains, worry evident in her voice.
You had been adopted by Sue and Megan when you were 14 years old, after they found you living on the streets. You didn’t have the best childhood, bouncing around to different foster homes and group homes, eventually running away to fend for yourself, which is where your moms found you. Although you are now 16, your moms still see you as their baby, and therefore are very overprotective of you.  
“Oh my gosh. I’ll be right there.” Megan quickly hangs up the phone, handing it back to Vlatko. “Coach, I really need to go. It’s (Y/N). She’s really sick, and Sue’s going to pick her up from school.”
“Of course, go.” Vlatko nods, knowing how much you meant to the forward, having met you on many occasions.
Megan rushes back to the locker room, gathers her things, and runs to her car. Thank goodness camp was in Seattle. As she drives on the highway, breaking a few speed limits, her phone rings.
“Babe, I’m on my way to the school right now.”
“Change of plans.” Sue tells her girlfriend. “They had to take her to the hospital. They think it’s appendicitis.”
Megan feels her heart drop, and she clenches the steering wheel. “Okay. I’ll meet you at Virginia. I love you.”
“I love you, too. See you soon.” Sue responds, ending the call.
After winding through traffic and speeding through yellow lights, Megan finally arrives at the hospital. Running through the doors, she approaches the reception desk.
“Hi, excuse me. I’m looking for (Y/N) Bird-Rapinoe.”
The receptionist scans the computer and then glances up, an apologetic look written across her face. “I’m sorry, but she’s in surgery right now.”  
“Okay, can you at least tell me what room she’ll be in? Or where I can wait for her?” Megan anxiously taps her fingers on the counter.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I don’t have that information.”
Megan could feel herself becoming impatient. “But——”
“Megan!” Sue calls from down the hall, spotting her girlfriend. The pink-haired woman speed walks towards where Sue is sitting.
“Sue, what’s happening? They wouldn’t tell me anything, except for that (Y/N)’s in surgery.” Megan nervously runs her hand through her hair, as she takes a seat next to the other woman.
“Her appendix is extremely swollen, so they’re removing it and getting rid of any possible infections.” Sue grabs Megan’s hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
“My poor baby.” Megan pouts, leaning her head on the basketball player’s shoulder.
Sue wraps her arm around her girlfriend. “She’s a strong one. She’s a Bird-Rapinoe after all.”
At that, Megan lets out a little chuckle, smirking. “That she is.”
“Excuse me. Are you the parents of (Y/N) Bird-Rapinoe?” The surgeon approaches the two women in the waiting area.
“Yes, we are.” Sue confirms, while Megan nods her head.
“The operation went smoothly, and your daughter is going to be okay. She’s just got out of surgery, so she’s still asleep, but I can take you to her room, if you’d like.”
“Yes. Thank you.” Both Megan and Sue let out a sigh of relief and stand up to follow the doctor to your room.
He opens the door for your moms, allowing them to enter. “I’ll give you some time with her, and I’ll come back a little later once she’s awake to review the recovery process. She should be waking up soon.”
Megan and Sue thank the doctor and take their places on either side of your bed.
“She gave us a real scare, didn’t she?” Megan huffs.
“(Y/N)’s always keeping us on our toes, that’s for sure.” Sue chuckles.
You had always been independent, given your childhood, so adjusting to having parents was a little difficult for you. It took you some time to abide by their rules, learn to communicate with your moms, and eventually open up and be comfortable with them. Not only that, but naturally, you were an outgoing teenager, constantly trying to new things, which would often lead to a worried Megan and a nervous Sue. Your moms were still recovering from the time you did a Sam-Kerr-esque goal celebration, landing a successful backflip after you scored a hat trick.
“Moms?” You croaked, moving to sit up.
“Don’t try and sit up, (Y/N/N).” Sue gently guides you back onto your pillow.
“Here, kiddo, have some water.” Megan hands you a cup. You take a couple of gulps, soothing your sore throat.
“What happened?” You furrow your eyebrows. “The last thing I remember is being at school, and my stomach wasn’t feeling well, so they took me to the nurse’s office.”
Sue takes your hand in hers, soothingly rubbing circles on the back of your hand. “You had appendicitis, honey, so they had to remove it.”
“You mean I had to have surgery?” You cringe at the thought of another scar.
“Yeah, kiddo.” Megan gives you a sympathetic look, taking your other hand.
“Ugh.” You groan, throwing your head back into the pillow. “Just what I needed, another scar. They’re so ugly.” You mumble out the last part, squeezing your eyes shut, willing away your tears.
Sue caresses your cheek and wipes the tears that leaked down your face. “Honey, look at me.”
You sniffle and face your mom.
“(Y/N), your scars aren’t ugly. They are beautiful.” She whispers. You go to protest, but Sue gives you a stern look, one you’re all too familiar with. “They tell your story and show how strong you are. They remind you of how strong you are and all of the times that life tried to break you down but failed.”
By now, you and both of your moms are smiling with misty eyes.
“I guess so.” You mutter. “I love you, mom.”
“I love you too, sweetie.” Sue leans down to place a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Hey! What about me?” Megan teases.
“Of course.” You roll your eyes, a grin playing across your face. Your face softens, as you speak earnestly. “I love you.”
Megan gives you soft smile and leans down to give you a hug without hurting you. “I love you too.” She whispers in your ear.
A knock on the door interrupts the sentimental moment, and your doctor enters the room.
“I hope I’m not intruding, but seeing that you’re now awake, I thought I’d go over your procedure and your recovery process with you.”
“Sure.” You nod.
He explains the surgery he performed and the timeline and procedures of your recovery. He then looks to your moms, explaining what they should do about your bandages as well as the technicalities of insurance and all that boring stuff.
“Any questions?” He concludes.
“Yeah, how long do I have to stay here?” You ask.
“(Y/N)!” Sue exclaims.
“What?” You turn to your mom, confused.
“You literally just got out of surgery.” She exasperates, causing the doctor to chuckle.
“We’d like to keep you here overnight for observation, if that’s alright with you?”
“That’s perfect.” Megan confirms, as you grumble under your breath.
“Alright, some nurses will come change your bandages, and I’ll be back in a few hours to check up on you.” He says, as he heads to the door.
“Thank you, doctor.” Sue calls out after him.
“Why do I have to stay here?” You whine. “I feel fine.”
Megan raises her eyebrows at you, amused. “Really?”
You nod your head.
“Okay, then try sitting up.”
Determined to prove your moms wrong, you move to sit up, but immediately wince at the pain in your side. Laying back down, you let out a frustrated groan.
“Ha. That’s what I thought.” Megan boasts, as she pulls your blankets back on top of you.
You feel your eyes starting to get heavy, your medication kicking in once again.
“(Y/N/N), go to sleep.” Sue gently coaxes.
“But I wanna be with you guys.”
Your moms’ hearts melt at your words, and the two women share a smile.
“We’ll be here when you wake up.” Megan reassures.
“You promise?” You mumble drowsily, your eyes fully closed at this point.
“We promise. Now sleep, honey.” Sue squeezes your hand.
“Love you guys.” You whisper before completely falling asleep.
“We love you too, (Y/N).”
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sry-chrlie · 3 years
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a treatise on charlie north
Yeah, so I’m already dead on the inside, but I can still pretend. With my memories and photographs, I’ve learned to love the lie.
july 4th, 1999 - cancer ♋︎ 
Born on the fourth of July, Charlie has always been a firecracker - it’s not just a joke about his red hair. He’s a frat boy with a heart of gold; obnoxious, apathetic, and irreverent, but also loyal, emotional, and protective. 
likes: uppers, downers, scripts, driving fast, playing the keyboard, recklessness, breaking and entering, random hookups, hockey, late night phone calls, sad country music, expensive name brand clothing, indie movies, goofing off, general tomfoolery. dislikes: talking about feelings, being alone, processing his own thoughts, reading books, cleaning, debbie downers, the taste of gin, belligerent drunks, do not enter signs, the cops, authority, skunk weed
the north family, who live among gravewood’s elites
tw: mentions of domestic & child abuse
Talia North: A stay-at-home mother for most of Charlie’s life and now a budding jewelry maker, Talia is a native Samoan woman who moved to the United States with her parents in the 80s. She is quiet, traditional, and conservative, acting as the great mitigator of the North trio, often there to calm tempers but never making any decisive moves against her husband. She has an incredible ability to keep up appearances, acting the local social butterfly and smoothing over any concerns that her husband was ever a little too harsh on his son. Charlie’s relationship with her is affectionate but complicated.
Marshall North: One of West Virginia’s two state senators and Charlie’s father. A Republican on the conservative side of conservative, Marshall is a commanding presence in any room. During Charlie’s youth, he was both the local Scout master and hockey coach - always setting high expectations for his son, always hard on him when Charlie inevitably failed to live up to those expectations. He has been both physically and emotionally abusive for much of Charlie’s existence. Charlie has an on and off relationship with his father that is currently very off. 
if you knew Charlie in childhood, you knew...
A cub scout. A young hockey star. A rascal who jumped off too-high ledges, made a game out of everything, and constantly got into fights he knew he couldn’t win. He was an upstanding boy, the type of kid old ladies love, if not a bit too energetic. His treehouse was where the coolest kids in the neighborhood hung out every afternoon (see: The Troubadour and The Loose Cannon). 
Charlie was diagnosed with asthma at a young age, which was later on discovered to be an acute anxiety disorder, and has since been on medication to treat anxiety and panic attacks.
memorable moment: As a former ski resort destination, Gravewood has always been more into hockey than the average West Virginia town, and Charlie was their North star. With his father as his coach, he excelled in the junior league, skating circles around boys far older than him. One year, he was briefly recruited for the National Junior League, to play in a tournament in Minnesota. Representing the southern regional division, Charlie outshone his competition and brought home a gold trophy. It was the moment all of Gravewood knew this kid was going places.
if you knew Charlie as a teen, you knew...
The places Charlie was going were all downhill. After an “accident” during hockey practice when he was 14 (the details of which are fuzzy to other people but involve his father checking him into the side of the rink), Charlie was out of the game - physically, with an arm broken in two places, and mentally. The cub scout quickly vanished, replaced by a son constantly determined to rebel against his parents.
With a father always away in DC and a mother who turned a blind eye, it was easy. Teenage Charlie was a partier, always holding absolute bangers in the basement of his parents’ house. He was a generous host - anything you wanted, you could find at one of Charlie North’s parties; booze, drugs, a warm body... it was all there, every weekend, for the taking. 
Charlie quit every organization he’d been part of, avoided the ice rink, and no longer made an attempt in school. He was a chronic skipper, who would rather race his fancy Tesla down Gravewood’s back roads than show up for Math class. 
memorable moments: Charlie was once banned from the public pool for breaking in at night to have sex with his then girlfriend. He was briefly employed at The Afterlife theater, where the owner would let him play weird arthouse films on slow nights (viewed after a dose of acid), but got fired because he never actually did any work. He was often fond of sneaking into places he should not be; like Gigi’s Cabaret with his fake ID or the old fairgrounds that were abandoned in the dead of Winter.
if you knew Charlie in college, you knew...
A frat brother like any other. A mediocre hockey player. Charlie got into Duke University with the help of his father’s wealth, influence, and legacy... and the promise that he would play for the Duke Blue Devils. He put in the bare minimum amount of effort, coasting through college the same way he did through high school: partying and making many attempts to see how long one could black out before it became concerning to the people around them (the answer is still pending). 
tw: suicide, suicidal ideation
memorable moments: Charlie was nearly forced to take leave from school for making an attempt on his own life at a party. He got away with it by convincing school staff and a psychiatrist that he had gotten too high and thought what he was doing was a funny goof, which is still the story he tells if anyone questions the thick, jagged scar running down his wrist. 
if you knew Charlie a year ago, you knew...
A senatorial aide working on his father’s staff in DC. Despite his many attempts to sabotage his own life, Charlie was dragged by his father all the way to adulthood, into an existence that reflected the North patriarch’s perfectly. Charlie only worked there briefly before things inevitably blew up and Senator North’s PR people had to work overtime to bury the scandal of the father and son's nasty brawl. Charlie was fired and back in Gravewood, having finally exhausted his father’s desire for a legacy. 
Charlie now...
He lives in an expensive apartment building (as nice as it gets in Gravewood, at least), driving this year’s Tesla release and pretending everything is normal and okey-dokey. He is directionless, coasting through life the way he always has and battling the idea that it might be time to figure out who he actually is and who he wants to be. Unbeknownst to the Gravewood populace, he spends four nights a week hosting a local nighttime radio show where folks can call in and request songs or ask for advice from a DJ called ‘The Mothman’. 
connections;    aesthetic;    playlist;
2 notes · View notes
nekojitachan · 4 years
OK, so it took a while, but I got something written (I should say something completed). Let’s hope this continues.
That something is the next part of the raven!Andrew soulmate story. There’s a bit of a time jump here. But hopefully you’ll catch on to what’s happening.
Here’s a link to the first part.
Andrew pulled the Maserati Quattroporte Ribelle into the only gas station at the exit; they were two hours from Abby Winfield’s house, timed to get there around 7am. That meant they’d drove through the night after leaving West Virginia, creeping out of the Nest past midnight like a pair of thieves – or escapees. However, Ichirou had granted them their (limited) freedom at last, even bestowed upon them the car which rumbled to a stop at the gas pump of some no-name town.
Nathaniel slumped lower in the passenger seat and tugged the hood of his black long-sleeved t-shirt further over his face while Andrew grabbed his wallet, despite the fact that they were the only one at the gas station/mini-mart. “Do you want anything?” Andrew asked his soulmate before he stepped out of the car.
“Uhm, something to drink?”
“One super-size atomic sludge freeze slushie, coming right up, sweetpea.”
The left corner of Andrew’s mouth twitched upward as Nathaniel called him an asshole and more, the insults cut off when the car door slammed shut; that was the most reaction he’d gotten out of his boyfriend since they’d left Edgar Allan. He couldn’t blame him, really, not when one had considered everything that had happened in the last couple weeks.
They’d succeeded in taking down Riko; the mentally unstable prick had finally snapped during the pregame session when the Ravens and Foxes were supposed to face off at the division championship. Considering that his little ‘tantrum’ had led to several players on both teams being injured, it was decided that the final game would be cancelled and the championship awarded to the team with the most points accumulated during the season, which of course were the Ravens. A lot of people weren’t happy about that since they’d looked forward to the face-off between the Foxes (Kevin Day) and the Ravens (Riko), but there was little that could be done in the end.
Especially when Tetsuji announced that he was stepping down due to ‘guilt’ from failing his nephew. Oh, there was a bit of an outcry about what was going on at the Nest to make Riko ‘snap’ like that, but it was mostly overridden by the news of ‘the Master’ retiring and the search for a new coach (as if Ichirou didn’t have one lined up already).
All that mattered was that Riko was shuffled off to some psychiatric center (never to return, not that Andrew would put money down on the prick lasting out the rest of the year), and that Tetsuji was gone, too (he’d give him maybe another year, just so it didn’t look too suspicious, both of them dying close together). Since Ichirou had taken over after his father had passed away in the spring, he’d made it clear that he intended to rid himself of the side branch for once and all; he broke no exploitable weaknesses.
Andrew had been more than willing to exorcise those weaknesses if it meant buying Nathaniel’s freedom.
(Or at least as much freedom as he could manage at the moment.)
With their ‘king’ and ‘master’ gone, some of the Ravens had flown far, far away from their Nest. A couple had been… strongly urged to leave (kicked out). A few had complained about the stress of the program and not wanting to end up like Riko, and been let out of their contracts (a good example of PR). And then there had been Jean, Nathaniel and Andrew.
Jean took the opportunity during one of the many ‘what are your thoughts on Riko’ interviews to announce that Jeremy Knox was his soulmate, so it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone that he accepted an offer to transfer to SCU. Since Aaron blew up all of his (pathetic) social media channels with how he’d found his own soulmate at last and that she was a PSU cheerleader, and Nathaniel always defended Kevin after he transferred to the Foxes, it didn’t shock too many people when Nathaniel and Andrew allowed PSU to release a press release a few days later (finally) that they were leaving Edgar Allan to join their former teammate in South Carolina.
It’s what Andrew had strived for all these months, yet… yet here he was at 5am in a random minimart, shoving energy and granola bars, bottles of green tea, cans of energy drinks, and whatever decent chocolate snacks he could find into the basket hung from his left arm, to be paid for (along with a tank of premium gasoline) by a fancy black credit card courtesy of one Ichirou Moriyama. Dressed in a black hoodie, his stare hostile as he dared the half-asleep attendant to say something as the teenager rung him up, he was half-tempted to demand a pack of cigarettes before he left to return to the car.
Nathaniel would be upset if he resumed the habit, so he didn’t do anything.
(Nathaniel was already stressed out enough with all the changes.)
Andrew grabbed the credit card and bag of goods then left the store to return to the car, and noticed that Nathaniel had locked it during his absence. His soulmate gave him an anxious smile as he fell into the driver’s seat (hmm, very comfortable) and handed over the bag before he returned the card to his wallet then fastened his seatbelt.
“Really? Most of this stuff is junk,” Nathaniel complained as he grabbed a green tea and granola bar for himself.
“Guess I don’t have to share,” Andrew said as he fetched an energy drink and chocolate bar for himself; he felt something settle inside of himself when Nathaniel smiled at the joke.
“You’re gonna have to put up with Kevin soon enough,” his soulmate warned as he unwrapped the granola bar.
“And who do you think is gonna win?”
Nathaniel’s smile softened as he reached over to tug back Andrew’s hood. “Try not to beat him down too much.” Then his smile faded into a guilty expression. “You okay driving the last bit? We can stop somewhere.”
Andrew held up the energy drink. “This will see me through.” He popped it open and took a sip. “Once we get settled in, we’ll work on your driving lessons.”
“Yeah.” Nathaniel nibbled on the granola bar for a moment. “I… this is… I don’t….”
Andrew reached out to slide his hand into the voluminous black hood, to cup the back of his boyfriend’s nape. “We’ve got time now,” he assured Nathaniel. “No one’s going to drag you back to the Nest,” or Baltimore, “and you’ll figure this stuff out.”
Andrew would make sure he did, that Nathaniel got a chance to learn all the things he’d been deprived of, between being locked up in the mansion (death house) in Baltimore then caged in the Nest.
It was quiet while he returned to the interstate (save for the purr of the Maserati’s engine), then Nathaniel let out a loud sigh. “I just… I’ve never done anything like this before.”
No, he hadn’t, and despite that fact, he’d agreed to follow Andrew out of the Nest, to leave behind Jean (his pillar of support for years) to face the unknown. Maybe someone wouldn’t consider it such a big deal, switching campuses and teams, but Nathaniel’s life had been strictly controlled by Nathan and Tetsuji, had been restricted to school and his ‘house’ (the mansion in Baltimore, then the Nest). He’d never once gone anyplace without it being approved first, had never roamed freely, had never been free.
Andrew might have been abused and passed around, but he had been able (mostly) to go wherever he wanted (except while in juvie). Hell, some foster parents hadn’t given a damn where he went, as long as they could collect a check while he was their ‘responsibility’. So Nathaniel out in the big wide world was a shock to the redhead, one that Andrew was trying his best to cushion.
(He was there for his soulmate, someone to ground him, and even after all this time was amazed how Nathaniel’s anxiety settled at his mere presence.)
The last two hours passed mostly in silence, with Nathaniel reaching for Andrew’s right hand after he finished the granola bar and two green teas. Andrew threaded their fingers together while he followed the GPS to Winfield’s house, pleased to grant his soulmate that bit of comfort, especially as the interstate gave way to city roads and then to neighborhood streets.
“It’ll be okay,” he assured Nathaniel. “Kevin said we could trust her.” If not, then Kevin would be eating his own pickled liver.
“I know.” Nathaniel shivered as he glanced at the ranch-style houses that lined the road they drove along. “It’s just… this is so new to me.”
Andrew was quiet a moment before he stroked his thumb along his soulmate’s left hand. “If she’s not an addict of some sort, she’ll be new to me, too.” He refused to think about Cass just then.
Nathaniel gave him a horrified before he shook his head, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Don’t, okay? Now’s not the time for our ‘who had it worse’ game.”
“Which I won,” Andrew insisted, even though that wasn’t quite true; it was basically a tie on different fronts.
“Whatever,” Nathaniel snorted, yet the tension left his body and he gave Andrew’s hand a gentle squeeze. “You’ll just go on about sleeping on the floor all the time so you can hog the bed, I bet.”
“Sleeping on the dirty floor, which is why I get to hog the blankets,” Andrew stated in a bland manner.
“As if you’re not gonna hog all the blankets anyway.”
Andrew hummed in a noncommittal manner (yes, he was going to hog all the blankets, thank you) as he pulled into Abby Winfield’s driveway; it was a nondescript split-level ranch, similar to the others on the street, with several Foxes’ flags planted in the marigold and daisy flowerbed.
For a moment, he debated his decision to have him and Nathaniel play for the Foxes, before he decided that it would be even more painful to join the Trojans.
He turned off the Maserati’s engine then reached for his cell phone so he could text Winfield that they’d arrived while Nathaniel stared at the house while nibbling on his full bottom lip (not a distraction at all). To his mild surprise, it only took a minute after his message had been sent before the front door of the house opened to reveal a woman in her early thirties, dressed in a light blue robe, her shoulder-length blonde hair tousled and a gentle smile on her face as she motioned for them to come inside.
“Uhm, she looks nice,” Nathaniel said in a quiet voice as he fiddled with his seat belt. From the doubtful tone to his voice, it was clear how well he knew that ‘looks nice’ didn’t mean that the person was nice.
“Stay behind me,” Andrew ordered; his boyfriend gave him a cool look for a moment before he nodded once.
Nathaniel may be the Butcher’s son, may be a Hatford, but they’d worked out over the past year or so (with a bit of trial and error) that Andrew faced the dangers first. Nathaniel was the one who knew Ichirou’s deepest secrets, who the Moriyama heir (and now lord) favored the most, so Andrew took the hits (and took them well, if at all), because if Nathaniel was hurt… well, it wasn’t good for either of them, if that happened.
Andrew protected Nathaniel, because Nathaniel was the one Ichirou needed the most. Nathaniel wasn’t happy about that, but Andrew didn’t know everything that his soulmate did, nor could he step in to Nathaniel’s spot if something happened to the polyglot idiot.
(He didn’t mind taking the blows when he knew his boyfriend was upset with each one that landed, when Nathaniel would gladly take them in his place. Nathaniel – Nat – never took him for granted. Never.)
(Nat was the only one who never did.)
They left the car and approached the small porch, Andrew in front, while Winfield’s smile brightened the closer they got. “You’re a bit early! I’d just put on a pot of coffee when I got your text.”
“No traffic,” Andrew said as he followed the woman into the house; Kevin swore that she was trustworthy, that they’d be fine staying with the team’s nurse until the dorms opened up in June. He wasn’t pleased to live with a stranger for several weeks, but it would attract less attention than if they rented a hotel room.
“I hope it wasn’t too bad of a drive,” Winfield said as she led them to a kitchen painted a bright yellow with yellow and white checkered curtains on the window and a table with six chairs; the aroma of brewing coffee filled the air, and a carton of eggs was set out on the counter. “Coffee will be ready soon, and I’ll make breakfast in a minute. Sit down, I’ll be right back,” she excused herself as she left the room, her left hand clutched on the front of her robe.
Considering that they’d been in a car for the last few hours, Andrew and Nathaniel remained standing; Nathaniel shuffled around the kitchen as he checked out the unfamiliar space, his movements jittery with anxiety. Andrew left him alone for a minute, then grabbed the hood of his shirt as he walked past to reel in him. “It’ll be okay,” he murmured in German as his soulmate slumped against him.
Nathaniel nibbled on his bottom lip while he nodded. “It’s just… this is all so… so weird.” He shivered a little before he rested his chin on Andrew’s left shoulder.
While Nathaniel was ecstatic to be rid of Riko and Tetsuji, he’d spent almost half his life in the Nest, and the other half had lived in constant fear while in the Butcher’s house. He was used to following rules (his small rebellions aside), to contained (twisted, stressful, dangerous) environments, to an existence that was anything but ordinary. He knew several languages, he knew how to take apart and put together a gun while blindfolded (and to shoot it), he knew dozens of ways to kill a person and how to maneuver through a good bit of the crime syndicates in North America (knew enough to bring down a good bit of the crime syndicates in North America), but he gazed in confusion at several appliances in Winfield’s kitchen, couldn’t drive and was floundering without Jean’s presence (even though he had told his partner to go join his soulmate).
Adjusting to the ‘real’ world was going to be quite the adventure for Nathaniel Wesninski.
(Andrew found it ironic as hell that he was the ‘well-adjusted’ one in that regard out of the two of them.)
Andrew had taken to massaging the small of his boyfriend’s back, which had prompted an appreciative murmur, right before Winfield returned to the kitchen, her cellphone in hand and dressed in pink sweatpants and a white t-shirt. “I’ve never heard David so cheerful this early on a Saturday morning, he-oh!” She smiled yet again to see them so close together, the expression tender; Nathaniel only pulled away a little so he could watch her movements. “He said he’ll be here with Kevin soon, so I guess I better make a lot to eat!”
“Uhm, thank you,” Nathaniel said in a quiet voice. “And thank you for letting us stay here.”
“It’s nothing, I have Foxes in and out of here all the time!” Winfield motioned around with an egg in her right hand before she cracked it into a large bowl. “Let me get this started then I’ll show you your room and you can bring your stuff in.” She gave them a wink while she continued to crack the eggs. “Kevin said you’ll be sharing a room, right? That means Aaron won’t be sleeping on a couch when he arrives.”
“Yes,” Andrew agreed as he gave Nathaniel’s right hip a quick squeeze then let go so he could pour himself a cup of coffee; there were mugs set out by the coffee machine, along with a small pint of cream and a bowl of sugar. He held up the pot before pouring a second cup, which he did after Nathaniel nodded.
He’d just prepared his drink to his satisfaction (with Nathaniel wrinkling his nose over the amount of sugar and cream dumped into the mug) when Winfield stepped away from the stove. “Okay, now for a quick tour.”
They’d already seen the living and dining room from the kitchen, so she took them down the long hallway to their bedroom for the next several weeks, pointing out the linen closet and bathroom along the way. The room had a queen-sized bed, a nightstand and a small dresser that would easily hold all of their belongings during their stay, decorated in pale cream and blues. Nathaniel blinked a couple times after entering the room, probably never having witnessed something so… ‘homey’ in his life, while Andrew could put up with the lace curtains and flowers on the bedspread since the space was clean and not painted black.
Winfield next showed them the lower level as they went to the car for their belongings, which housed the washer and dryer, along with a den with a television and gaming console (which would make Aaron happy when he returned from visiting Nicky in Germany), and a treadmill (which would make Nathaniel happy) along with some other exercise equipment. While she returned to the kitchen to resume making their breakfast, Andrew and Nathaniel fetched the few bags they’d brought with them from Edgar Allan.
Most of the belongings were Andrew’s, were what he’d taken to the university back when he’d been a freshman and what he’d collected over the last two years (mostly books). Nathaniel owned very little in the way of personal items, and they’d both agreed to leave behind as much as they could that was tied to the Ravens and Edgar Allan, so he didn’t have anything other than a few changes of clothes, a suit gifted to him from Ichirou (necessary for when he was called on for ‘business’), things he required for school and those rare personal items.
Shopping was at the top of their agenda.
It didn’t take them long to unpack; they returned to the kitchen to refill their coffee mugs and help Winfield (well, Nathaniel offered) set the table. Shortly after that was done, the front door of the house opened and a loud voice called out. “Abby! Get your sutures ready, there’s a mouth I need you to sew shut!”
“But it would be so much better if we-“
“For the last time, we’re not completely revamping the practice schedule! Another word out of you and not only will I sew your lips shut, but I’ll take away your keys to the court!”
Nathaniel shuffled closer to Andrew as David Wymack, coach of the PSU Foxes, stomped into the kitchen, a large box of what appeared to be donuts held in his left hand; he was dressed in dark blue sweatpants and a faded orange and white t-shirt with the team’s logo on front. Right behind him was Kevin, dressed in his usual black jeans and a black t-shirt, who smiled when he caught sight of the two of them then rushed over to give Nathaniel a hug.
“You look good, both of you do,” he told Andrew’s soulmate, who allowed the embrace for a couple seconds, while in the background Winfield chided Wymack about the whole ‘sew mouth shut’ thing. “Glad to be here?” Once he let go of Nathaniel, he gave Andrew a polite nod in greeting.
“It’s much better than the Nest,” Nathaniel hedged, which really wasn’t much of an answer since juvie had been better than the Nest, in Andrew’s opinion. Still, Kevin didn’t seem to pick up on it, especially since his father decided to join the conversation right then.
“I have never seen this one,” he gave Kevin’s dark hair an affectionate tousle, “so wide awake this early when practice isn’t involved. I thought I’d have to drag him out of bed, but all it took was hearing that the two of you were here and he got up right away.”
Kevin frowned as he attempted to restore order to his hair then gave a gentle shove to his father’s side. “We’ve been waiting for them to join the team for how many months now,” he complained; Andrew ignored the father-son bonding (or whatever it was) so he could investigate the box of donuts, with Nathaniel right behind him despite the fact that he disliked sweets. Wymack noticed Nathaniel’s ‘clinginess’, especially when redhead didn’t grab a donut for himself.
Then again, Nathaniel had been cagey around the man whenever they’d met (when the Ravens had played against the Foxes or at the district banquets), under the premises of Nathaniel talking to Kevin (supposedly to come back to Edgar Allan). He’d made sure to stay out of Wymack’s reach the entire time they’d given an update about how things were going with Riko, wary of any adult male who reminded him of Nathan Wesninski.
“The board will be happy to know you’re finally here, considering the fits they threw over me holding open two spots on the team so late.” Wymack slowly backed away and leaned against the counter, his tattooed arms folded across his broad chest. “Though they feel it’s worth the aggravation in the end, considering we signed two more Ravens.”
“Ex-Ravens,” Nathaniel murmured as he gave Andrew a queasy glance for the large bearclaw he picked from the box for his second donut, the cream-filled one already devoured.
Wymack huffed in approval while Kevin glared at Andrew (and was blithely ignored). “Yes, exactly. You two are officially Foxes now, your gear’s in your lockers and your numbers locked in.” He gave them an amused look while Kevin appeared smug. “You’re lucky your numbers were available, though part of that is nobody wanting to touch #3 and Renee being willing to change her number for her last season.”
Andrew narrowed his eyes while he swallowed a bite of pastry. “Why did she do that?” Players tended to be attached to their numbers for some reason, not that he gave a damn about his own, even if it was tattooed on his left cheek.
Wymack glanced at Kevin before he spoke. “Because she’s not planning on joining to the pros once she graduates; she enjoys playing Exy, but she accepted the scholarship so she could get a college degree and she believes what we’re doing here with the Foxes. She feels that you’re more invested in the sport than she is, so she’s fine with changing on her number.”
Didn’t that sound like everything he knew about one Renee Walker (at least officially)? Andrew didn’t give a damn about Exy, it was just something that had allowed him to get out of a bunch of boring therapy sessions, to keep an eye on Aaron, to give Aaron a chance of a university degree, to allow him near his soulmate, to protect said soulmate….
It gave him Nathaniel.
So what if he ended up playing it for the next decade or so? Nathaniel would be by his side (except for the year where he went to the pros and Nathaniel remained behind for his last year in university) while he ‘suffered’ through it all; it didn’t matter what number he wore on his uniform or what team he played for as long as his soulmate was there beside him.
“It’s just a number,” he muttered before he tossed another piece of pastry into his mouth.
“You know it’s more than that,” Kevin argued as he rubbed the ‘2’ on his left cheek. “There might not be a Perfect Court anymore, but we’re still considered among the best players in Exy. There are… certain expectations for us.” Judging from the way he glanced at Nathaniel then back at Andrew and Wymack’s expression hardened while he talked, he didn’t mean their fans.
Kevin might not know where all the bodies were buried or had played a major part in taking down the side branch, but he still answered to Ichirou in the end.
“We’re well aware of what’s expected of us,” Nathaniel said as he stared Kevin down.
It was quiet in the kitchen after that, until Winfield cleared her throat a couple minutes later. “Breakfast is ready so why doesn’t everyone sit down?” She gave them a nervous smile as she motioned to the table; once they shuffled toward the chairs, she brought over a large pan filled with scrambled eggs, cheese and hashbrowns, followed by a plate of sausage.
Nathaniel eyed the meal with trepidation, but at least helped himself to the egg mix, probably thinking with longing of his usual oatmeal and fruit, while Andrew would have been fine with the donuts. He noticed that Winfield and Wymack bore the same soulmate marks on their forearms (what looked to be a daisy-like flower and tower), which might explain why Katelyn Day had kept Kevin a secret from the man. Winfield told them that they could help themselves to whatever was in the kitchen or make their own meals, and that she was willing to cook around any dietary requirements.
“Ah, we don’t want to bother you,” Nathaniel said as he picked at his food (at least until Andrew gave a light kick to his right ankle). “We don’t eat anything too complicated, just….”
“I’m familiar with Kevin’s diet,” she told them as she gave their friend an affectionate look. “And he told me that you like fruit. “We’ll work something out that’ll fit in with what you’re used to but won’t be as strict.”
“Or flavorless.” When Nathaniel gave Andrew a narrow look for the complaint, he rolled his eyes. “Try to tell me that you weren’t bored with steamed fish and rice.”
The left corner of Nathaniel’s mouth quirked upward as he flicked aside another piece of hashbrown from his eggs. “I think all that chocolate you eat ruined your tastebuds.”
And who was it that gave him said chocolate, often smuggled into the Nest? Andrew huffed as he scooped up the potatoes to eat himself.
“So, your uniforms and gear’s ready, it arrived the other day,” Kevin said as he pushed his empty plate aside. “We can start practicing tomorrow, I’ve some ideas that-“
Kevin gaped at Andrew for that flat denial, while Wymack held his mug between his hands and leaned back in his chair, Winfield got up to clear the empty plates from the table and Nathaniel stilled. “What do you mean, ‘no’? You came here early to-“
“We came here to get out of the Nest, since it’s crawling with reporters and we’re no longer Ravens,” Andrew reminded Kevin and Wymack. “And to give us,” more Nathaniel, “time to adjust. Which means Exy’s going to wait a bit.”
“But-“ Kevin, the Exy addict that he was, turned to Nathaniel, the other Exy junkie at the table. “Don’t you want to get back out on court as soon as possible?”
Nathaniel let out a slow breath and scooted his chair away from the table until he could bring his right knee up and hug his bent leg against his chest; he looked so small and uncertain while hunched over like that, looked so helpless, but Andrew knew that it placed his hands near the knife holstered around his right ankle. “You forget that Jean and I had next to nothing that wasn’t given to us by the Moriyamas,” he reminded Kevin. “Andrew and I need to go shopping tomorrow.”
“You can-“
Wymack cut off his son with a stern look before he nodded at Andrew and his soulmate. “The court’s not going anywhere, get settled in first. I can give you the team’s p-card if you’re low on funds.”
“Did you see the car outside?” Kevin muttered, appearing upset over having his Exy playtime denied, only to wince when Winfield get a slight smack to the back of his head before she rejoined them at the table. “Ow!”
“We’re fine,” Nathaniel answered while Andrew shook his head; while he wasn’t a big fan of accepting handouts from anyone, especially a Moriyama, he figured that Nathaniel was owed for all the work he’d done over the years so Ichirou could pay for a few new wardrobes (at the least).
“Right, how many times have I-“
“Dad, the car!”
“Leave them be, David, I’m sure they’ll ask for help if they need it.”
Wymack scoffed at that remark but dropped the subject after giving Andrew and Nathaniel a dubious look; the rest of the meal passed in relative silence. Before Wymack and Kevin left, Wymack handed over a set of keys to them, which apparently would let them into the Palmetto Court (so would the lock picks in their possession, but there were some things their new coach didn’t need to know). “Call me when you’re ready to practice so I can show you around and give you the code to get in.”
“It’s going to be great to be on the same team again,” Kevin said in passing. “I’ve got all these ideas for us.”
“Don’t scare them away, you moron,” his father chided as he shoved Kevin toward the front door. “It’s not too late for them to run for the hills.”
Kevin mumbled something about it being all right, his voice cut off by the door closing behind him.
Nathaniel stared after the two men, a slight smile on his face, only to twitch when Winfield stood up from the table. “It’s so nice to see Kevin excited again. He’s been a bit depressed about the championship game, but you coming here has cheered him up.”
“Oh.” Nathaniel shared a look with Andrew; they knew that Kevin, for some strange reason, had been upset over the whole ‘Riko locked up’ thing (what had he thought would happen to the psychotic prick?), but they let Winfield think whatever she wanted about the matter. “Uhm, we can help,” he offered when she started to clear off the table.
“No, it’s all right, why don’t you two go rest or something?” she told them. “You look tired. I’m going to let the dishes soak then run some errands.”
Andrew didn’t need to be told twice (not that he wanted to do chores in the first place); he grabbed his soulmate’s left hand and pulled him away from the table before Nathaniel got them stuck washing the dishes or something equally lame.
The bedroom door had a lock on it, but it was the basic type found in most houses and could easily be broken with a bit of effort; Andrew resolved to get a better one while they were out shopping tomorrow. For the time being, he piled their bags in front of the door, so at least they’d have some warning if anyone tried to enter the room while they slept.
Nathaniel sat on the bed and watched him ‘barricade’ the door, a slight smile on his face. “Suspecting Kevin to burst in here to drag us off to court?”
“Would you even put up a fight if he did?”
“Hmm, maybe not if it’s after our nap.” Nathaniel tilted his head back as Andrew approached the bed, his smile growing as Andrew combed his fingers through his soulmate’s unruly hair.
“Why do I put up with a junkie like you?” Andrew murmured as he rubbed his thumbs along Nathaniel’s elegant cheekbones.
“Because I’m your sweetpea,” Nathaniel reminded him, amusement and affection bright in his pale blue eyes.
Andrew made a gagging sound as he pushed his soulmate down onto the bed. “The lack of sleep has made you delirious. Take off your clothes.”
“That doesn’t sound like we’ll be sleeping then.” Nathaniel laughed for the first time since Jean had left for California, the sound short but teasing, when Andrew threw his own shirt at the idiot’s face.
“I’m about to smother you with a pillow,” he threatened as he shoved down his jeans (and refused to be unaffected by the sight of Nathaniel shimmying out of his own pair, those long legs bared and pert ass- not now).
“I thought we were supposed to talk about new kinks beforehand.”
Andrew sighed as he slid between the sheets (baby blue, but soft so he’d bear with them). “Nat… shut up and sleep.” His boyfriend got like this sometimes when he was stressed, would be one flippant comment after the other in a show of false bravado. Nathaniel’s wry smile faltered for a moment, then he curled up close to Andrew while giving him an almost pleading look.
Clicking his tongue over the idiot’s concern, Andrew pulled Nathaniel against him. “I’m going to gut Kevin if he does break in here,” he said while he removed his armbands (to tuck beneath the pillow), once his soulmate was settled against his left side.
“Hmm, okay. He should know better, though, after I threw a knife at him the one time.”
Huh, Andrew hadn’t heard that story yet. He made a mental note to ask about it after they woke up, then pushed all thoughts out of his mind (everything they had to do, Ichirou, Kevin, the Foxes, checking up on Jean…) so he could fall asleep, Nathaniel’s breath and slow even against his shoulder.
Yeah, I just couldn’t see writing yet again the whole ‘we’re gonna take down Riko’ storyline, so I skipped it. Now to show Andrew and Nathaniel joining the Foxes (and obviously, the impact that has on them, especially Nathaniel). Aaron will be joining shortly, and Jean will show up long-distance-wise for now (can’t pull him away from Jeremy now that he’s finally with his soulmate).
Oh, and Kevin obviously has a really good relationship with Wymack here. Confessing the truth earlier helped a lot in that regard (something Jean and Nathaniel got on Kevin to do).
I guess I gotta come up with a title for this? *sighs*
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