officialralsei · 2 years
thank oyu for the ralsei-has-ocd content. i project so hard onto this little soon-to-be-goat and i feel so seen
a/n: o7
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stillunpainted · 1 year
The Snowgrave route in Deltarune is truly insane though. Every time I think about it I honestly just can't believe Toby Fox was able to pull it off. The things you need to do to get it are so specific that when I first heard about it I genuinely thought it was just a fan route/ creepypasta, then I saw someone stream it and that was when I realized it was actually real. People only found it because dataminers found sprites exclusive to the route and started experimenting to see if they were actually used. Ralsei's snowgrave only sprite where he seemingly is looking directly at the screen is hidden within his dance animation sprites so people wouldn't realize what it was. It's somehow more messed up than the Undertale no mercy route through its use of psychological manipulation and deconstruction of the ways we interact with party members to level them up, ie make them "stronger." What the fuck man.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
speaking of dr, there's something that really annoys me about how shallow the ship discourse around kr4lsei is. I'm not sure I'm 100% behind this for the same reasons i doubt toby will go full in with noelle's mom being abusive, ie "those are very delicate and complex topics to handle, does he have the time and space to deal with them in deltarune's story?" so take this with a grain of salt.
(warning for brief mention of incest, so I'm putting this under a readmore)
i think the discourse being framed as "thinking ralsei is presented as a romantic interest" vs "thinking ralsei is compared to kris' brother or like a family member" is incredibly stupid because those are... both true at the same time. yes, there's an unskippable "tunnel of love" scene, and it looks like ralsei could have somewhat of a crush on kris. but ralsei still 1) looks just like a dreemurr, 2) clearly plays, as a character, on our feelings and memories of asriel from playing undertale, as evident by their designs and their names being anagrams 3) i am 99% sure Noelle was going to say "that kinda looks like asriel" while looking at him eating cotton candy with Susie, and Susie herself suggests telling toriel he's "a long lost cousin". either way, if ralsei is meant to play on our feelings towards asriel, then as asriel's sibling, kris is likely gonna feel similarly.
are you uncomfortable? good! you should be. that's the point.
it's not random that the snowgrave route was framed and portrayed with the imagery of a wedding. first the freezering, then the thorn ring are explicitly compared to wedding rings. "we're just friends"/"we're something else". "YOU'VE BEEN MAKING [hyperlink blocked (...LoVE?)], HAVEN'T YOU?" noelle with whom kris had a strained relationship, whose feelings (platonic? romantic? we don't know) we brute force in what is the most chilling, manipulative, cruel iteration of chapter 2's story we could take... it's almost as if deltarune uses kris being forced into romantically coded situations they're deeply uncomfortable with as a way to showcase their lack of agency in the story.
and being pushed into romcom-like situations with a guy who looks like their brother works pretty darn well to follow that pattern, if you ask me.
now, if a forced romance with noelle represents their lack of agency in regards to the player, then... a forced romance with ralsei could represent their lack of agency towards Fate. The Plot/Story. unskippable cutscene, remember? not to mention ralsei's whole purposepilled shtick he clearly has a complex about.
this does raise a couple of questions about susie though, as the third option in the "who would you take to the fair with you" question, the one option kris seems to agree with, as well as being a character who is actively resisting the narrative.
because there's people who are very much FOR krusie, just as there are people against it, i doubt their getting or not getting together would work to represent kris gaining their agency back. and i believe i speak for everyone when i say that susie is going to play a huge part in that arc. either way, i'm curious to see how this develops.
idk! like i said, I'm not sure just how much toby is gonna go into this because it IS a very delicate subject. but it's an example of what i mean when i say "there's more to fandom than shipping" and "fixating so hard on Shipping Good Things" can be detrimental to analysis. I'm not cancelling anyone with this post, go on doing your thing whether it's kr4lsei or r4lsusie or krus1e. but if your first thought going into this was "I'm gonna ignore the part where the game compares ralsei to asriel because that would make my ship incest and that is Bad and uncomfortable" then... that's a very cheap way to interact with media? lol. sometimes being uncomfortable IS the point. god knows utdr makes you uncomfortable on purpose sometimes. ok rant over :P
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themadzarka · 1 year
Deltarune Self-Insert Mod (DR-SIM) is a Deltarune AU in-development with its main major change being that the player and the vessel are the same person, instead of Kris being controlled by their own SOUL.
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Reddit mini-Ask Series / RedSoul Introduction (discontinued/non-canon)
Party Bad Omen (in-progress)
Is this actually a fangame/Deltarune mod?
How long has DR-SIM been in development?
Despite the title of the AU, this isn't a fangame nor a mod. It's a YouTube animated series in development. Currently there isn't any way to follow the main story.
A full year (post updated in 03/2024). The concept, theme and story took me a long time to properly flesh out. Hallucinating a Deltarune AU to the same J-pop songs over and over demands a lot of energy, you know?
Who is Pinkle?
Is Pinkle YOUR self-insert?
Pinkle(OC) is the main character of DR-SIM. She steals Kris' role in this AU, being taken into the Dreemurr family instead and leading both Susie and Ralsei as the main trio.
Where is Kris in this AU?
Who's Kris?
Why does Pinkle look like [insert character here]?
It's intentional.
What is the main story of the AU?
Pretty much Deltarune's story but with a valley emo girl as the protagonist.
That's it...?
Obviously I wouldn't leave it like that, the storyline also features a sub-plot happening a few years into the past, which is why there's a lot of young Asriel and Pinkle art on this blog.
Are Pinkle and Asriel siblings?
As much as Pinkle likes to refer to Toriel and Asgore as mom and dad, she doesn't like the idea of Asriel being her brother, to his dismay. He learned to accept that (she's gonna be creepy either way).
What are the headcanons featured in this AU?
I try to be close to the original Deltarune as possible, leaving its mysteries unsolved unless the plot calls for an answer, although anything added from me will be discussed and be considered exclusive to DR-SIM.
Do existing characters get redesigns?
Most of them only get tweaks, but a lucky few need more attention for the sake of storytelling. (ie: Ralsei)
Aside from Pinkle, are there going to be other original characters?
If there are, they need to wait for their turn, we already have a very colorful cast of characters from the original game.
Any ships?
Although this AU was born from a very restless hyperfixation on a ship, romance is not a focus.
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
Hallo!! You've got any specific headcanons for Deltarune that you'd like to share?
Ooooooooo yes I do!
1. Ralsei knows about the “player”
2. Humans live alongside monsters (ie. they are not underground)
3. Asriel is Hella religious
4. Monsters are still made of dust
Game head cannons I think will happen-
1. Secret Bosses will have much more to do with the story. Based on Spamton’s introduction and public reception
2. Kris will Speak… probably in the last chapter lmao
4. It may be possible to get two spectate endings.. Toby Fox seems like he may change some things. unsure.
5. The f**king Ice Mascot is going to be important 😔
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tvlandofficiall · 3 days
curious to know if you have any like, completely meaningless and inconsequential deltarune theories that you believe very very strongly. mine is that rouxls was originally meant to be black & white instead of blue & white and yes i do have evidence for this
i'm not sure how many of these count as inconsequential but i did my best to pick ones that aren't big-picture;
• seam! secret! boss! this is one i'm very certain is going to happen, not only because of in-game evidence and not only because of their status as a foil to both flowey and ralsei but also because seam embodies a very specific video game archetype (other examples include the happy mask salesman, zacharie, sly, volo, ect.) and deltarune's modus operandi is putting the focus on video game archetypes. i wouldn't be surprised if that focus lends seam some more importance than many expect them to have in some way or another.
• save file fuckery will also be more present going forward, again involving seam. i think we're going to see more and more of the part of their personality that's heralded by their flowey signifiers going forward in regards to that too.
• ralsei, susie and kris will remain as the primary party for the entire game. ralsei and susie's dichotomy as characters is super important to both the kris' posession plot and the darkners' fates plot. (noelle and lancer are important – they're the two most important supporting characters! but i don't think they're secretly part of the prophecy or anything like that.)
• that said, i do think that now that we've had a few different lightner guest-stars tagging along (ie; noelle, berdly, toriel) we may get some more darkners guest-starring in a similar fashion. since lancer and rouxls are going to appear in ch3, it seems like the chance of turning to stone won't prevent darkners from going to other worlds, and there's also no rule against a darkner being a party member (ralsei's in the main party, after all) either. i'd love to see more of our already established cast get some additional development.
• card! kingdom! two! this is another one i'm absolutely certain on. i don't think ch1 is the last we'll see of card kingdom.
• we will be fighting queen at some point during the weird route.
• i think both lancer and rouxls have a solid shot at getting forbidden knowledge during the course of the game via their proximity to the delta warriors. (noelle already seems on track to do this as well, at least during the snowgrave route.) this may also lead into one or both becoming able to traverse between dark worlds freely like ralsei can, but that depends on if that's a forbidden knowledge capability or not. (my bet here is specifically on lancer.)
• i don't think noelle's gba or the dragon blazers game will be a dark world as is commonly predicted; given that queen (a computer) and swatch (a program on the computer) are darkners, and tenna (a television) and the weather duo (the weather channel on the television) are darkners, i think the gba and the game will be darkners as well if they are to appear.
• other objects i think have a solid chance of being darkners; dess' guitar, the bead toy in the hospital, the cage in kris' bedroom, alphys' symptons tv show.
• i do not think dess is going to come back. i think she left of her own volition and her agency in that decision will be a focal point in connecting her to the game's major themes of agency, choice, and fate. (it also makes for good commentary on the archetypical "save the girl" rpg plot.)
• three lightners know the truth about the objects in their town not being ordinary objects. these lightners are gerson (who died before he could tell anyone his dreams were not just dreams), dess (who left the light world entirely upon finding out and doesn't want to come back), and kris (who sealed a dark world in the bunker as a child and was convinced by the adults around them it was all a dream – until now. ) fate itself seems to have a hand in keeping no one from ever knowing.
• more generally speaking i think there's something up with the light world. details of things like rudy's illness are vague at best and nonexistent at worst, the whole town seems to revolve around asriel, ect. the dark world is often compared to a dream but the light world is the world that operates more on "dream logic".
• lancer and susie will get their monogrammed track jackets.
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ariadnesweb · 4 months
WARNING: Amateur Music Analysis
Rough Idea of Deltarune & Musical Instruments
Generally, Toby seems to be paying more attention at using different instruments to compose music - Deltarune is directly orchestral ("Beginning", "School") in its composition (in contrast to Undertale, which is mainly chiptunes, except for accompanionment, or for the strong emotions of the Dreemurrs)
Chiptunes & Synths are still the main instruments for the 'video game' sections of the game. It might be worth differentiating between the two? Chiptunes & Synths, I mean. Chapter 1 uses mainly chiptunes, Chapter 2 uses both chiptunes & synths, with synths usually as a baseline. Chiptunes are also strongly associated with Darkners, with Lancer's theme being formed exclusively of chiptunes, generally being the default instrument for new zones. Notably "The Legend" is created in mainly chiptunes, and is the current basis for Ralsei's/CastleTown's leitmotif. Also notably, King Spade's theme "Chaos King", is led by chiptunes - King is our current judge for our crimes against (the abandonment of) Darkners. ("Chaos King"'s other notable instruments are an electric guitar (self-explanatory in service to Susie's arc, culminating in her differentiation from King), and a sick drumbeat, which seems to be Toby's default anticipatory instrument)). (Drums are used all over ("The Legend"), but are often also the first thing to get combined or remixed.) The chiptunes which served as the basis for melody are overtaken by the use of synths, which serve as the melody in tracks like "A CYBER'S WORLD?", "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A", "WELCOME TO THE CITY", "Lost Girl", "Knock You Down !!", and "The Dark Truth". Guessing how these motifs will evolve from here is like striking in the dark. There's not much to go on. If "My Funky Town" is anything to go by, perhaps we'll see them blend with the orchestral set more? To note, it already happens in chapter 1, with tracks like "Field of Hopes and Dreams" and "Scarlet Forest".
The majority of regular instruments are used in the Light World, bombastically introducing us with "Beginning", "School", "A Town Called Hometown", and "Girl Next Door".
There's less to say about progression here, but fun thing is we can make out the individual instruments that serve as the basis. The Organ, Flutes, Trumpets, Tuba, Drums, Piano, Music Box, Triangle, Violins, Guitar, Bells, Cowbell, and uh... the xylophone, are some of the ones used so far. Notable for the fact that some of these double as character motifs, legendarily, Kris (not Us) can play the piano.
The piano serves as the main instrument of Deltarune, more or less, popping up basically anywhere, and often retreading the main letmotif, "Don't Forget".
Susie's electric guitar is introduced in the Light World, but appears scarce there. Most of the tracks that feature it are in the dark world, usually as part of battle themes ("Rude Buster", "Vs Susie", "Chaos King", "Big Shot", "Lost Girl", "Knock You Down !!")
The Music Box is a motif carried over from Undertale, and is strongly associated with Asriel and the comfort of childhood. It appears roughly as expected, ("Beginning", "A Town Called Hometown", "You Can Always Come Home", "My Castle Town").
(The guitar is... well, that's more complicated, and not set in stone.)
The Xylophone is included from chapter 2 onwards, is the main instrument in "Girl Next Door", and I would argue is Noelle's instrument. It appears in "It's Pronounced 'Rules'", "Lost Girl". It features heavily in two of the named tracks created for chapter three, "Green Room" and "Sneaking". It's similar yet different to the piano, but is easily confused with other instruments (ie. The Music Box, the Holiday Bells).
The Organ is introduced in "ANOTHER HIM", appears heavily in the Light World, and alongside the lore heaviest darkners (Jevil, Spamton NEO, Queen, Ralsei). It also notably appears in the spaces between (The cliffs before Castle Town, "The Dark Truth"). This is what I believe to be Gaster's instrument.
The Trumpets are notable for fulfilling a similar function to the drums, in that they don't have their own unique niche in the sound ecosystem, and are instead used everywhere. But... it feels notable that they have major parts in ""Field of Hopes and Dreams"" and "My Funky Town".
Speaking of Drums, I forgot that the Berdly Battle (Weird) has a battle theme consisting of only drums, mimicking a heartbeat. That's surely not important.
Flutes might just be Weird Birds. Idk.
Not part of the Light World soundscape, but note that Queen's main instrument (and thus the main basis for Cyber World) is the harpsichord, a particular breed of 'piano'.
So... The guitar.
That's Dess's instrument, right? Case closed. It features on her sweepstakes page (*It's a red guitar.), it features on findher.ogg.
Except the guitar, much like the Music Box, is an instrument inherited from Undertale, and as is, is most strongly associated with Toriel ("Home", "You Can Always Come Home").
There's variants in Faint Glow (which played while you dally in the save select menu) and Susie's Electric Guitar (who is easily a comforting presence, despite her rough attitude). You can understand how they branch off from there. Dess's instrument being a guitar is... limiting, in a thematic sense, giving us little about her personality except the sentiment of nostalgia and pattern recognition.
findher.ogg also features a high-pitches synth as accompaniment, almost as a filter over the guitar, but legible as its own instrument.
The synth notably is used prevalently over Cyber World, the place we've learnt about Dess so far, scattered with remnants of her sister and her interests (sports).
There's a third class of soundscape that's not part of the light or dark worlds, and might serve as a 'dump' category. Here go our heavily reverbed "ANOTHER HIM"s and "The Door"s, our limitation breaking "Don't Forget"s, or our remixed "The Dark Truth"s and "Until Next Time"s.
There's not a lot to say here, as this is our smallest category, and can only conclude in blind speculation.
Lullabies and singing is an important motif. It is shown to its fullest extent through "Don't Forget", but throughout chapter 1 Ralsei is showcased to have an affinity for singing - he has a special Lullaby act with which he can place Ponmen and Susie to sleep. Likewise, the version of "My Castle Town" (which features 'The Legend' motif associated with Ralsei) Toby played at the end of the anniversary orchestra is accompabied by Laura Shigihara's voice. In-game, the singing is replaced by a music box twinkling. And most of Ralsei's singing is portrayed through chiptunes.
The other notable place of singing is the town's church choir, in which Asriel and maybe Noelle participate in. Kris is asked to participate.
Laura Shigihara's singing is remixed and filtered in "Until Next Time", the ending song for chapter 2, creating a pretty haunting effect.
Personal Notes:
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overfedvenison · 10 months
Yo I think Weird Route Noelle is going to be totally destroyed once the element system is introduced
First, we see her hospital scene - she's brought Dragon Blazers 3 to play with her dad, and is taking the initiative but what happened in the Dark World has caused her to essentially unthinkingly rely on her ice attack. Every problem is a nail in need of a hammer, and so her first instinct is to use the ice spell on the ice palace boss.
But something I've never seen anyone talk about is that in a normal route, she actually also gains a new ability:
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And, indeed - in the one mouse encounter you can have with her later, she can spare the Maus faster
The thing is, Deltarune actually has an element system, and a number of hints have been teased about it. Elements come in pairs of similar elements - ie, Elec/Holy, Death/Scythe, and so on. The Mannequin protects against Puppet/Cat element and reduces damage from it by 40%, potentially making the Spamton fight much easier. None of this has been directly hinted at in-game but a lot has been explored by digging around in the items and expanded material.
What all the elements are have been speculated on. But there have been two hints left in the unused items of chapter 1: The Mousetoken (Protects against Element 7, presumably Mouse/Something) and Sky Mantle (Protects against Element 1, later revealed to be Electric/Holy.) Mouse is also a common element listed in the Recruits screen.
That's all to say: "Mouse" seems to be an actual element which will be used, and "Immune to Mice" seems like something kind of notable in that respect. Noelle is still damaged by the Maus after getting immunity, but those attacks are coded as non-elemental iirc. But, even if it's literally just immunity to mice fear, that's still a weakness Noelle never confronts or moves past - meaning an enemy who uses mice attacks is hitting a weakness one way or the other.
So we have the situation:
Weird Route Noelle has an overreliance on a single element to the point of potentially never learning the ability to ACT even exists. Remember, Noelle did not know about the battle system when she first joins the party, and Susie and Ralsei can't perform actions without Kris until partway through Chapter 2
Weird Route Noelle has an "Elemental Weakness" to mice, and whatever Mice is paired with.
Weird Route Noelle's HP degrades by itself due to the Thorn Ring
...In other words, an Ice-immune enemy with Mouse attacks would be an absolute stonewall to her Which... I mean...
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...Not outside the realm of possibility
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partyratspartyart · 2 months
mmmmmmm deltarune theory
what if Ralsei isnt some representation of asriel or whatever
what if theyre what kris wants to be (ie their fursona)
like we already know about when kris wore horns to fit in with their family
so what if ralsei is just the way kris saw themselves when they were younger
their name just being an anagram of asriel being kris not knowing any other goat monster names when they were lil baby human (maybe asgore gave them the idea for the name lmao)
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tenpixelsusie · 2 years
aough. susie deltarune. susie. sus. ie. suuuuuuuusieeeeee. susie. deltarune. i think about her so much even when im doing something that doesn't have to do with deltarune because she is so amazing and the best character in deltarune and she cares about her friends and she's mean and sarcastic but that's okay. she teases ralsei and she teaches him about sarcasm and she thinks about noelle when gingerbread is mentioned and she loves her friends. okay. and she has a cool axe and can bite an apple in half and she eats moss with kris and she's best friends with lancer and also she thought about noelle's smile when she have her a pencil and. and it made an impact on her and she decided to spare noelle. and she and she and she *explodes*
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unit-5b · 3 months
so uhhhh, new deltarune au. pokerune: an au directly based off of pokemon mystery dungeon.
taking place in an old town named artichoke falls. ultra wormholes have recently been rapidly appearing around town. and now its up to our hero's to close any rifts left open and maybe find out what's been making them.
TEAM 3M (the fun gang):
meto (kris): a human turned pokemon that woke up with no memory 5 years before the events of the story. due to the stricter child protection laws of the area they live in (ie: kids probably shouldn't be left alone to fend for themselves) they were placed under the care of the now retired wigglytuff.
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misdemeaner (susie): coming from a bad part of town. she somehow had it even WORSE then her siblings; being born a "freak", making her a huge target for bullying (her ghost typing didn't help either). this caused her to close herself off and adopt an aggressive personality as the years went by, snapping and picking on any other pokemon she came across. however, despite her behavior, she does hold a soft spot for a certain someone in the school. 
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maowsi (ralsei): the prince of another dimension, maowsi was told long ago of a prophecy. that one day him and 2 other pokemon would unite and save both his, and their world from catastrophe. so he waited at the top of his castle for said comrades to arrive. however during that time, his kingdom would be sieged and conquered by the thunder kings forces, forcing him into hiding until meto and misdemeaner arrived.
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i actually kinda based his design off of puss in boots
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potabo · 1 year
apropos of nothing, have a theory
ralsei experiences time the same way we do: ie its now been 2 years since he saw his friends
the evidence: exactly one line of dialogue from chapter two
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trust me this is real
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star-felled · 1 year
every time i see someone bashing kralsei its so insane like. what kinda reading comp
most importantly toby just would not write so many Obvious Ship Moments between them if rals was meant to represent asriel. like he has just never done something like that ever why would he start now hes normal
and then theres ppl arguing that kris doesnt like ralsei when thats just ..... not true ,?? there r several moments in the narration when kris acknowledges ralsei in an affectionate way (ie when you hug the dummy out of view / their reaction at the save point after you head off without ralsei or susie). and then theres the implication that all the choices given are all things that kris would consider saying, whilst the player is the one making the final decision for them
theres the concerns abt consent n shit and thats definitely worth exploring in ship analysis/art/writing. but not every portrayal of them has to focus on that ppl r fully allowed to just go "hehe cute :)" and leave it at that its not that deep
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jeweledstone · 2 years
Stupid self indulgent Deltarune AU (?) I just came up with on the fly
Ok, so the concept is basically The Player (you) somehow get your hands on a corrupted/hacked version of Deltarune where every Darkner is replaced by Spamton (ie: their sprite is reworked to look like Spamton and their dialogue/personality is more like his). The only exceptions to this modification are Spamton himself, and Jevil (whatever modified the other Darkners wasn’t able to get to him I guess). At first the game starts out relatively normal with little changes to the main story, but as you progress through chapters the story starts to twist a bit until the Spams end up revealing their true intentions, which is using Kris and the player to spread to and assimilate the Light World (and maybe even the real world as well?! :o )
I don’t have much else thought up for this au yet, let alone a title for it, but here’s a random concept doodle I made for Spamified Ralsei after thinking this up:
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Idk if I’ll even get to expand this story much before getting distracted by another random idea, but here’s it for now I guess
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amaliiivve · 2 years
I present to you
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Ahem, also known as Crisp.
Nicknamed the modern retro headache.
Alright so we all know fresh is a 1990s monster. Deltarune is made in the future, so fresh ralsei? Welcome to the 2010s!
Ralsei enjoys swearing, only reacts in incredibly obscure and outdated memes, and uses entirely texting lingo. They are a GAMER. They never take off their headset. They smoke chalk, wear "fashionable" watches, and goes everywhere on a hoverboard. He is, infact, an ipad kid. However, he incredibly dislikes swindlers, and especially despises spiders, giraffes, and australia. He hates most animals actually, but mainly giraffes and spiders.
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A memester, chalk blower, and a modern retro lad. As for the fresh virus? It feeds off ralsei's magic through his scarf. It spreads through close physical contact where it can latch onto other people's necks. Its hard to pull off once attached to another vessel, but it takes time to latch onto the first place. It cannot latch onto non-magical beings, or beings with low magic (ie, susie and kris.) Darkeners are easier in general, but high magic is the most important factor. (noelle would be a lot easier, especially in snow grave.) He can actually use magic, but it requires him to be out of passive mode. The normal Ralsei spells are more malicious but also occur in a longer period of time.
Like Fresh sans, Ralsei cannot feel. Their only goal is survival.
(Also posted on Instagram.)
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itslilacokay · 1 year
so so so
the first titan, the angel, had informed the other titans that it will soon split and reincarnate anew to rise up a heaven to overwrite the old and to prepare for this coming, messengers were created to spead the message of its new coming along.
a lot appeared in the light world. there was also some in the scattered dark worlds, especially one in particular, yet it was never had a real form to call its own. no one knows why this one seemed to exist, perhaps some people may say that it had been locked away for so long that it started to misremember the prophecy.
instead of it embracing the angel, it instead wanted to turn away from it. it started thinking that its loneliness would be worthwhile, and that it had something to do with the prophecy they assumed, that it would be someone important from the dark, like a royal, perhaps? maybe a king? a queen? maybe a.. prince?
eventually a pure fountain has been created for still an unknown reason, and the messenger soon connected with an object that was formerly close to someone, and the pure fountain shaped him to form the likeness of that object. it was then he started waiting patiently for his "prophecy" to come to fruition.
time passed. he kept thinking of the "prophecy", he knew of two heroes that would soon fall into darkness, he knew what their kind would be, but he never knew who exactly they could be, if they would be willing or not, if they were rude or not, if they even liked him or not...
but when the artificial fountain arose, and when light seeped in from the skies and the heroes had shown, he immediately knew that his "prophecy" would soon commence. it would be only a matter of time before the angel strikes.
i would like to add that
one ) i think of the knight as someone who would bring forth a piece of the heaven to prepare for the new world, or in this case the heaven! i also think the knight was sent by the angel. maybe the knight is a titan in disguise? how? bro i dunno i just made it up now, but a titan knight sounds hella cool wait
two ) noelle isnt the angel's reincarnation, but she kind of is? she is unintentionally acting out the angel's prophecy of wanting to make a new heaven (dark world) ie. thinking of making a new dark world in chapter 2, though snowgrave immediately contradicts this. though insteaad,,, she would maybe want to banish it (so she doesnt see BLUE KRIS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! /j) how ironic that she would want to banish the heaven her first incarnation had so wanted her to spread
three ) for specific details, the original prophecy is basically jesus' coming and the coming of gods kingdom. with the angel coming to establish their heaven and all human and monster alike rejoice. ralsei's prophecy is the opposite with all human and monster alike turning away from the angels heaven and casting it away. thats where he got the thought of a human and a monster coming together to banish heaven, he just added himself in to feel important (poor guy)
four ) he slightly remembers the roaring and how the earth will crack and the darkners turning into stone, but somehow not the prophecy? the most important part?? maybe he didnt like certain parts of it.. maybe he wanted to change something.. maybe he thought that the prophecy didnt seem quite right..
five ) a funny thing about this theory is how it could tie in with the ralsei is evil theory, with ralsei making up a fake prophecy to lead kris and susie off and that he has contact with the titans in the shadows, but ralsei being evil is not a part of my theory sorry evil ralsei fans
six ) the angel know about ralsei. the pure fountain in the closet was made not by coincidence. that specific fountain was made by the angel to keep an eye on him and the two other delta warriors, planning what to do next now that they had basically a rebel.
take that as you will and um if anyone ever reads this ty for reading!! :>
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