honeybeeross-blog1 · 8 years
Fun Fact: Some dweebs tried to make May 31st  “I Hate Misha Collins day”. My friends and i started laughing when we heard about it, yelling “I’d celebrate it,” jokingly. Tbh Id celebrate it as a joke, but that’s just me
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We love you MISHA! Block out the haters!
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princewelcomematt · 9 years
Guys. Calm the fuck down with your blind rage. NO ONE LEGITIMATELY POSTED ANYTHING ABOUT "I HATE MISHA COLLINS DAY". You need to fact check and take deep breaths because the amount of people"not standing for" or "rallying against" Is unbelievable as these people do not EXIST. THAT IS A RUMOR. Go ahead! Love Misha on May 31st. But stop trying to make this more dramatic and over-the-top like the fictional tv show, and face it with a level head. Nothing will get done if all you're doing this out of is unwarranted rage.
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funkyspunkyjunkie · 10 years
Can anyone help me find sites/people talking about Misha being the anti-Christ or evil in anyway? more than that one Yahoo post.
don't send me hate mail i promise this is for a school project
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daleksinazkaban · 11 years
I think IHMCD is disgusting. I get that some may miss the Winchester Brothers fighting alone but this isn't even Misha Collin's fault! Why abuse him when all he does is his job? He turns up and acts the character Castiel, the character that Kripke wrote in for him. You don't like it, hate one of the writers - tell the writer who keeps writing Cas into the show that you dislike, not hating on the one who just does as directed.
I personally love Misha Collins, and I really like Castiel too. I don't really ship Destiel so I'm not biased in that sense, but I do find Cas to be very witty and add some amazing humour to the show. He enriches the show, and adds some variety to the show. The Winchester Brothers are still my favourite part of the show, but the supporting characters come a very close second.
Stop being so petty. Leave Misha alone just because you don't like his character; HE ISN'T CASTIEL!
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killrqueen7 · 12 years
Just found a bunch of Misha hate. One question: Excuse me why? Misha is a wonderful person. Frankly, it disturbs me that part of the fandom would go to such lengths as to try to get him fired and ruin his life...even to designate a day to the hate. It's not because I think they'll succeed. It's just...I can't wrap my head around why someone would go to such childish and pathetic measures. So he likes to joke around...doesn't everyone? Or the mass of twits? That's what Twitter was made for. Is it because of his role in Karla? I heard him say himself that he's not proud of it. And he thought it was fiction..He even goes so far as to urge his fans not to see it. I just don't understand...I admire him for his individuality. I have never known anyone, celebrity or not, to be so...fearless. He's truly a beautiful person. Inside and out. ♥
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restlesslythought · 12 years
Misha Fans started the hate?
No way!
Clearly, it was Jim Beaver! He sent those annon messages on Tumblr, though he really started the avalanche with his tweets. Didn't you notice how he was one of the first ones to 'claim' he got the hate mail? IHMCD was all just a test for the Bring Bobby Back campaign orchestrated by that master troll, and everyone fell for it! Muhaha and much mustache twirling!
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iamtherealalice · 12 years
So people may get pissed at me because I'm a new fan. But honestly, what is the point and purpose of hating someone who you don't know personally? I mean yes anyone can hate Hitler, I think that's a pretty safe hate right there. But hating someone who is going out into the world and pushing people out of their comfort zone to do a little good in this world? That's pointless. I'd say your biggest problem is jealousy. And honestly, I think you started this whole I Hate Misha Collins Day to get attention because you are too stubborn and anti-happiness to actually go do something nice for someone. The first time I heard about Misha was through one of my best friends in the world, Jayne. As part of my faith, I thoroughly believe in going out into the world and helping in big ways as well as doing little things through out your day to help others. When she got involved in The Random Act, I was thrilled!! She is so passionate about them and about doing good deeds that I couldn't help but be beamingly proud of her and brag to all my friends about the good she was doing. That organization helped her through some really intense and difficult things in her life, and because of that I'm eternally grateful to them AND MISHA. I didn't even get into Supernatural till about a month ago. I'm loving it but it all started with Jayne and the Random Act. If you're seriously wasting your time and energy making posts and hating on someone you don't know and aren't connected to in any legitimate way, you're seriously just doing it so you'll get hate mail and thus attention. Cuz when it comes to fame, all attention is good attention, right?
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pixel-witchy · 12 years
The IHMCD twitter account is gone.
Knew it wouldn't last.
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adorablefuckers · 12 years
Today I'm going to spam Misha Collins whole day.
And I won't reblog anything else. And it's all because of those f-haters and that awful ihmc-thing. It's just sick.  SO TODAY SHALL BE KNOWN AS WE LOVE MISHA COLLINS DAY. 
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iwasbornhuman · 12 years
I can't stand Misha Collins or Castiel....but trying to get him fired?
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Come on guys. For once try and be rational thinking human beings with a notion for someone's needs and wants outside of your own. 
We all know I'm the biggest Cas/Misha/Destiel hater around, but I will in no way participate in a campaign to get him fired from his job. He has a wife and a kid and bills to pay. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Stop being petulant teenagers for once and trust the writers to do their damn jobs and stop trying to ruin someone's life for stupid ass reasons. For you, it's a fucking tv show, a form of entertainment that you can absolutely do without if you have a problem with it. For him, it's how he supports his family and feeds his kid. Go fuck yourself you selfish prick.
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georginoschkavincen · 12 years
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I think we should just face everything with love and tolerance because our fandom is to precious to be torn apart by hatred :I
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Why are people hating on Misha for? The fuck is going on?
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tsundeanre-archive · 12 years
I feel like this needs to be said;
Don't like destiel? Fine.
Don't like Cas? Fine.
But don't spread hate against the actor who has done you no wrong. Misha is a wonderful person who only does his job. How can you go out of your way to threaten a man who does so much good? Really?
You accuse destiel shippers of spreading Sam/Jared hate and then do this? Pull campaigns like silentmajority which is a load of crap considering you're not the majority, far from it. And campaigns like IHMCD are just disgusting. Do you really think you're going to get into the writers and actors good books with this? No. Jared and Jensen are friends with him if you forgot.
Things like this are completely distasteful. Distasteful and disgusting.
It was as bad as someone badmouthing Misha during a panel at one of the cons which if everyone remembersupsetJensen.
So please if you can show your support for Misha on the 31st by tweeting why you love him. A twitter campaign against IHMCD has even been started; https://twitter.com/#!/WELOVEMISHA
Because this is blatant harassment and bullying, and Misha Collins does not deserve this. No one does.
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