#IHS Tuition Classes
intellibrain · 1 year
Allen Intellibrain offers interactive online tuition classes for students in grades 1 to 8. These classes are designed to provide high-quality education and personalized attention to students, regardless of their location. The classes are conducted by experienced teachers who use innovative teaching methods and technology to make learning engaging and effective. The curriculum is designed to cover all the core subjects, including Math, Science and English. Additionally, ALLEN IntelliBrain provides students with access to educational resources and to help them succeed in their studies. With Allen Intellibrain's online tuition classes, your child can receive a quality education from the comfort and safety of their own home.
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ahzassociatesin · 3 years
The Steps to Join a UK University
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Getting Things Ready
Choosing a suitable university in the UK might seem like the initial step, but you need to ensure that you meet the travel requirements before that. This essentially involves assessing the availability of all necessary documents to avoid the situation where you miss a deadline.
The validity of your passport along with necessary documents to prove your financial capability to afford UK education assumes prime importance than anything else. For instance, if you prefer to study in a metropolis like London, living expenses could rise to £1,020 per month, in addition to your tuition fees, and you need to prepare the financial statements accordingly.
Additionally, you need to prove your English proficiency using standard test results like IELTS, TOEFL or PTE. Some universities accept medium of instruction (MOI) instead of test results, but the student needs to confirm this with the university under consideration. UKVI also requires you to clear the Tuberculosis or TB test and this criterion applies to most South Asian countries.
Picking a University & Course
Your academic passions and pursuits gain significance when it comes to choosing a university in the UK. Finalise a course or several subjects that appeal to you. This gives you more flexibility than going the other way around- choosing a university first and then, the course. Once you shortlist the course(s) that you prefer, search for universities that offer programs in that scheme.
Of course, you might end up with more than one university that offers the course that you want to pursue, so how should you filter them. First and foremost, compare the position of the university in various course league tables. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings as well as The Guardian University rankings offer valuable insights that help you narrow down your choices to the best ones. Further UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) website provides specific guidelines for students who wish to study in the UK.
Eligibility Criteria
In addition to your passport, proof of funds, English test score and medical test results, the university assesses your academic qualification to check whether you satisfy the admission criteria.
Generally speaking, undergraduate (UG) programs in the UK require that you possess IELTS 6 to 6.5 (or equivalent) along with “A” Level or Higher Secondary (HSC) or Foundation Year. For Master’s (PG), universities accept IELTS 6 to 7 and a UG or Pre-Master’s degree (second class or above). Some institutions prefer experienced candidates for MBA programs, but that’s not always the case. Doctoral degrees like PhD usually need IELTS 6.5 to 7 along with a PG qualification in the related field.
Do not forget to mark the course entry deadlines (of both the university and UCAS) in your calendar. To ensure fair chances, submit your application as early as possible, after necessary scrutiny. Remember, with the introduction of the new Graduate Route, the demand for UK university admissions shot up, and you don’t want to be left out due to late application.
The Personal Statement
The Personal Statement (also referred to as the statement of purpose or SOP) enables the university to analyse the student’s passion for the course and shortlist suitable applicants accordingly. Arguably the single most important part of your application, the SOP stands as the deciding factor between you and another applicant.
Copying and pasting content from the interweb or using templates can lead to outright rejection of your application, so please do not take this nefarious path. Instead, explain why you chose the specific university & course and explain why you would be an ideal candidate for the university.
Application to University
Register on the UCAS website. The portal asks for your details as well as academic qualifications, so make sure you have the information at your disposal. As per the current stipulations, an application to a single UK university costs you £13, which increases £24 if you wish to make multiple applications.
Once you submit your application, the university will assess the same and respond accordingly. Bear in mind that there is no set date by which the university has to reply, so don’t be panicked if you don’t hear from them right away. Occasionally, the university might invite you for an interview and in the event that it happens, make sure not to miss it.
A successful application enables you to obtain the Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) along with a reference number.
Further to obtaining CAS, you can apply for a Tier 4 General student visa in the UK. Note that payment of £150 has to be made towards your Immigration Health Surcharge or IHS fee.
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schule4fluechtlinge · 5 years
Blog #2: Refugees and Higher Education in Germany
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Students in a German university lecture hall. Image from InfoMigrants.net, 2017.
As I explored in my previous blog post (K-12 Education in Germany), education is vital to the successful integration of refugees in Germany. However, the discourse surrounding educational opportunities for refugees tends to emphasize either early childhood and school education or vocational training. Far less attention is paid to higher education, which can open doors to further academic rigor, diverse professional careers, and upward social mobility for refugees.
In 2016, Germany was the largest European recipient of new asylum applications, with the highest number originating from Syrian nationals. Refugees from Syria are relatively well-educated, with estimates by the German Agency for Labor in early 2016 showing that more than 50 percent of them had at least secondary schooling, and 27 percent had attained even more, if not necessarily a degree. Fewer than 3 percent had no formal schooling. When the refugee crisis began, German higher education institutions scrambled to find opportunities for refugee students who, in many cases, have experienced study interrupted by conflict for years. Germany’s response to the needs of refugee tertiary students can best be characterized as a gradual evolution from emergency-based responses to more coordinated efforts that address the large-scale educational needs of displaced university-age youth.
Today, many universities offer flourishing German language courses, mentoring programs, financial support, and tutoring centers for refugees. In doing so, they have responded to a need that has rapidly become apparent: the strong interest in studying that many refugees who have arrived in Germany with a high level of education show. Yet, due to the language barrier (and other factors that I will explore further in this blog post), enrollment in German universities has remained relatively low. This  blog post will evaluate refugees’ access to higher education in Germany and explore which policies are in place to support refugee students in universities.
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A female student at Uni Hamburg. Image from Welt.de, 2018.
Accessing Higher Education
Asylum seekers in Germany are at a significant disadvantage when attempting to enter university through normal procedures. In addition to the required academic qualification, degree-seeking international students must demonstrate financial means as well as German language proficiency in order to enroll in most academic programs.  When and if a student has been accepted to a university, the critical question of funding remains. While public German universities do not typically charge tuition, there are fees associated with study, costs German students often cover with “BAföG” (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) – government-backed funding providing up to 720 Euro per month.  However, a refugee may only apply for BAföG 15 months after receiving asylum. Given that financial aid is dependent on the timely processing of an asylum application – widely recognized as inefficient —barriers to higher education entry can persist for two years or more. This wait condemns many students to an enforced period of inactivity without access to study or work opportunities.
To bridge this gap, several German universities have responded by offering the on-site validation of academic credentials without original documents, a very helpful service for prospective students who have fled conflict areas on short notice with few personal possessions. In Niedersachsen, for example, open admission degree programs at the state’s nine universities are open to asylum seekers and refugee students who successfully complete a preparatory exam at a local college and provide proof of their German language proficiency. Other universities also offer enrollment in courses for students with “guest” status, particularly targeted towards asylum seekers waiting for their application to be processed. Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, for example, offers a Refugee Bridging Program that permits asylum seekers to take classes and sit for exams, typically earning academic credit, with participation reflected in a certificate that may be useful in qualifying for future academic study.
These efforts to help refugee students navigate the bureaucratic limbo are certainly admirable -- but ultimately only a handful of universities offer these kinds of resources to students with a migration background. Without support from universities like the programs I mentioned above, it can be very difficult for refugee students to succeed in a university setting.
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Refugee students learn German in a Sprachkurs at Universität Heidelberg, led by my former language teacher, Dr. Mattias Wermke! Image from Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 2016.
Refugees in Universities
Despite these challenges, more refugee students have expressed interest in attending university in Germany than ever before. In 2015, when the German Rectors Conference (HRK) -- which represents German universities -- began their unofficial poll, the number of refugee youth interested in finding out more about university study was logged at just over 9,000. By 2016, this number had climbed to 23,700. By 2018 winter semester, over 27,000 students expressed interest in applying to study or enrolling in Bachelor’s degree programs in Germany.
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Infographic from InfoMigrants on refugee students’ interest in attending a German university, 2019.
For Germany’s Education Minister, Anja Karliczek from the CDU, this increase in numbers is a sign that Germany’s current integration programs are working. “Integration in universities is becoming better and better,” she said. “Since the end of 2015, more than 10,000 refugees have managed to sign up for university degrees; and that pleases me. That is 10,000 more people with good chances and 10,000 future professionals. That will be good for their countries of origin, if they go back; and it is good for Germany as they will help meet the needs that our economy has.” Indeed, some universities, such as the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund, already offer a Bachelor’s degree in social work with a concentration on poverty and migration. Students are required both to take theoretical coursework on topics related to asylum and migration (such as law and customs) and engage in practical, hands-on experience in a social work organization. In this way, the program trains young refugees to be future professional leaders who can help others integrate into German culture. This is just one of the many ways that higher education for refugees can benefit both the host country and the immigrant communities within them.
Anja Karliczek also stated: “Talented refugees should have the chance to study, our government is supporting that. That shows that our funding for universities is having an effect.” The Education Ministry allocated €100 million through 2019 to help increase refugee enrollment by providing preparatory courses and free applications, and by increasing funding for assessment programs to determine eligibility. Ultimately, this kind of funding and commitment on part of German universities is necessary in order to ensure college-aged refugee youths have the opportunity to study at the tertiary level -- and beyond.
“More refugee students signing up to German higher education than before,” Emma Wallis, March 28, 2019. https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/15979/more-refugee-status-signing-up-to-german-higher-education-than-before
“The integration of refugees at German higher education institutions,” DAAD, November 2017. https://www.daad.de/medien/downloads/studie_hochschulzugang_fluechtlinge_engl.pdf
“German Universities Open Doors to Refugees: Access Barriers Remain,” Simon Morris-Lange, January 1, 2016. https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/ihe/article/view/9110
“Access to Higher Education for Refugees: A Review of Interventions in North America and Europe,” Bernhard Streitwieser, Bryce Loo, Mara Ohorodnik, and Jisun Jeong, March 2018. https://gsehd.gwu.edu/sites/default/files/documents/working_paper_2_bernhard_streitwieser_final_3.25.18_3.pdf
“Lessons from Germany’s Refugee Crisis: Integration, Costs, and Benefits,” Stefan Trines, May 2, 2017. https://wenr.wes.org/2017/05/lessons-germanys-refugee-crisis-integration-costs-benefits
“BAMF Brief Analysis: Social structure, level of qualifications, and employment,” Anna-Katharina Rich, March 2016. https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/EN/Publikationen/Kurzanalysen/kurzanalyse3_sozial-komponenten.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
“Access and Aspirations: Syrian Refugees’ Experiences of Entering Higher Education in Germany,” Lynn Schneider, July 16, 2018. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1745499918784764?journalCode=rcia
“Studying as a Refugee: Pathways to Studying at a German University,” Information for Refugees. https://www.study-in.de/refugees/studying/requirements/studying-as-a-refugee_53906.php
“Asylum Procedure,” Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration, 2018. http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/germany/asylum-procedure/procedures/regular-procedure
“Bridging Programme,” Leuphana University of Lüneburg. https://www.leuphana.de/en/study/study-options-for-refugees/bridging-programme.html
“German University Offers Courses in ‘Refugee Assistance,’” InfoMigrants. https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/9072/german-university-offers-courses-in-refugee-assistance
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verbalists · 4 years
Berlin is a great place to learn German! This city has often been called European Youth Capital, and if you join our active BERLIN–Berlin College Program, you’ll see why it is also called Europe’s capital of cool. We promise: you’ll learn a lot! You’ll have fun!! And you’ll get a taste of Berlin, the capital of cool 🙂
The Verbalists Language Network brings you Berlin College Program in partnership with GLS, the leading German language school, which was awarded by Study Travel Magazine five times the “best German language school in Germany” award. The program is designed for 16-18 old students who want to combine German courses with lots of fun activities in Berlin.
COVID-19, VERBALISTS NO RISK BOOKING: We are on for this summer! Nevertheless, we know that some students might be nervous about booking & traveling in the near future due to the Covid-19 situation. Our Flexible Guarantee allows students to cancel or postpone their booking without incurring any tuition or accommodation cancellation fees. The guarantee is available to those who book during the period 16th March-30th June 2020. In addition, the booking can be made without needing to pay a deposit. We just need all payment to be received 7 days prior to the student’s arrival date.
Learning will be safe – GLS school strictly observes public health rules as defined by the German government.
GLS (German Language School)
When we first visited our long-term partner in 2006 we were impressed with its facilities in the historic center of Berlin. GLS has a 16,000 square meter park-like campus located on Kastanienallee Street, in the trendy area of Prenzlauer Berg. This street is nicknamed casting ally, because there are so many films and fashion shootings there. Media have described it as “Berlin´s coolest boulevard”. More than 40 bars, cafes and fashion stores featuring Berlin designers, are only some of the attractions that can be found next to GLS.
GLS is more like a mini-university campus than language school. The fantastic campus is comprised of 60 classrooms, two student residences with 50 apartments, luxury hotel, beautiful park-like garden, lounge, restaurant, and café. Address: Kastanienallee 82, 10435 Berlin
GLS is a test-center for TestDaF and telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, the language certificates for university studies in Germany. GLS is an IH-certified Teacher Training Center and prepares for the IH Certificate for Teaching German as a Foreign Language. The schools is also accredited by EAQUALS, which conducts rigorous inspections of its members every 4 years.
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Age: 16-18 year olds
active BERLIN-Berlin College Program is a combination of German courses and action packed activities and excursions. Every year the program is attended by 200 students from up to 60 countries, making it ideal for a fast German learning in a multicultural environment.
German classes take place in the afternoon – in the mornings and evenings Verbalists explore Berlin
All GLS teachers are German native speakers with university degrees in German language or literature. They are both teacher and coach for you – please let them know whenever you need additional feed-back or advice.
German is the only language spoken in class, and the method used is the communicative approach. This means that you will get all the corrections, grammar and vocabulary you need, but the priority is on active speaking.
Prior to course start you will take a placement test, so that GLS teachers can assess your level of German and place you in an appropriate group.
Every day you will experience a different part of Berlin – you´ll get to see all the highlights, like Museumsinsel or the Berlin Wall. The German courses start in the afternoon, while Berlin sightseeing and activities takes place before and after the course.
German course:
20 lessons/week each 45 minutes long, with a max of 12 students per class – lessons in the afternoon 3:30 pm – 7 pm
All levels A1 to C2 (except complete beginners)
International classes with students from the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine, Denmark, Russia, Norway, England, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and many other countries.
Activities & Excursions:
2 activities daily: sightseeing in Berlin, sports, socializing (one activity in the morning, one after class, in the evening)
1 full-day excursion per week to places outside Berlin, i.e., Potsdam, Dresden, Lake Zeuthen
This is what a week at the Berlin Summer College may look like:
Day Morning Afternoon Evening SUN arrival until 5 pm, introduction and language test, welcome evening MON – Walking tour in Berlin – Topographie des Terrors 4 German lessons – Open air cinema – Billiard (Kulturbrauerei) TUE – Literatur-Café (from level B1 – Climbing on Mount Mitte 4 German lessons – East Side Gallery – Government district WED – Swimming in Lake Wannsee – Boat trip on River Spree 4 German lessons – Beach volleyball – Photography workshop THU – Museum island – Street art workshop 4 German lessons – Debating club – Beach bar in Berlin Mitte FRI – Cycling tour: Berlin Wall Way – Museum for Technology 4 German lessons – Night out in Kreuzberg – Games evening SAT Full-day excursion to Potsdam, Castle Sanssoucil – Pub tour – Salsa on River Spree SUN departure or visit at flea-market on “Strasse des 17. Juni” Free evening
Student residence, which is either on campus or within a short walking distance (about 10 min) to the GLS campus. Students are accommodated in 2-5 bedded rooms, with own bathroom. Please see below for a more detailed description of the accommodation options.
Program is delivered on a half board basis, with breakfast and dinner included (the restaurant is on the campus).
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Dates and prices
28 JUN – 16 AUG 2020 Arrival / departure: SUN
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks additional week Accommodation A + B 970 € 1.680 € 2.490 € 810 € Accommodation C 880 € 1.520 € 2.250 € 730 €
Accommodation A, B, C:
A = on campus, 3 – 5 bed room, own bathroom, TV
B = hostel in walking distance, 2 bed room, own bathroom, TV (Hotel4Youth – distance on a Google map)
C = hostel in walking distance, 3 – 5 bed room bed room, own bathroom, TV (Meininger  – distance on a map)
Included in the price:
transfer from Berlin airports and stations on Sundays 8 am – 10 pm
20 German lessons/week, from 3.30 – 7 pm
max. 12 per class, levels elementary, intermediate, advanced
2 activities/day in Berlin, entrance fees included
1 excursion/week to places outside Berlin, i.e. Potsdam
accommodation incl. half board (breakfast and dinner)
insurance (medical, liability, luggage)
Not included
public transportation 2 to 4 weeks: ca. 60/80 EUR
extra day: 100 EUR
extra transfer out of schedule: 80 EUR one way
Application process
Please note that filling out the PRODIREKT Application Form and Terms & Conditions does not secure a place on the program, nor does it mean you are under obligation that your child attends the course you are inquiring about. It is simply the first step in the application process, so that we can give you precise program details and check program/accommodation availability. A contract is signed directly with the school, and a place is confirmed after a deposit or the whole course fee is settled. Please fill out and sign:
Application Form (download here) and
Terms and Conditions (download here), and send back to [email protected]
The Verbalists Language Network is part of the PRODIREKT Education Group, which is a certified representative and partner of prestigious schools and colleges in world renowned university centers. When you enroll for foreign language study abroad with the Verbalists you are not only getting the expert advice, guidance and dependability of an accredited organization and a world-leading language network, but you also enjoy special privileges, such as:
scholarships offered only to PRODIREKT/Verbalists students and our International Ambassadors;
special discounts – you often pay less than what a school charges for the same program;
enrollment advantages – faster processing, lower or no deposits, no charge when you change your booking;
priority in reserving your residential or home stay accommodation;
less strict cancellation policy;
free visa application assistance;
travel and airport transfer arrangements;
in case of some young learner programs, guidance and care of our staff and group leaders during the duration of a program.
PRODIREKT and its Verbalists Language Network are accredited by the leading language travel and higher education associations – English UK, Alphe UK, FEDELE Spain, FELTOM Malta, ICEF Germany, and many more. You will find more information about our international accreditation here.
We at the Verbalists Language Network have more than 30 years of experience in the organization of language learning and studying abroad. Take advantage of our commitment, experience and competence by enrolling in the active BERLIN-Berlin College with us.
  German summer courses for young learners, active BERLIN-Berlin College Berlin is a great place to learn German! This city has often been called European Youth Capital, and if you join our…
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scawab-blog · 4 years
List of Scholarships in Austria for International Students 2020-2021 [Fully Funded]
Austria is one of Europe's Finest in terms of quality and Sound Education System, massive study opportunities, taught programmes for Undergraduates, Masters and PhD Students. It is located in the center of Europe. A has about 70 top class Study abroad universities with over 350,000 university students which 25% of them are international students. That is to say, Austria has international Students at heart. Are you a Student considering where to focus your study abroad dreams on, then Austria is the destination. Many will say that Life in Austria is expensive! Yes, I will agree with you. But you should also know that Austria is one of the countries of the world that offer Fully Funded Scholarships, Grants, Funding and award fellowships to students from the International community. What are you waiting for?
Austria Student Visa
Austria is definitely a place to study in – located in the center of Europe; relatively small and beautiful, and with universities ranking highly in the world.  Austria is one of the richest countries in the world. The country is recognized for its cultural heritage and vast contribution to the arts – these include architectural monuments like Saint Stephen`s Cathedral, Schönbrunn Palace, Hofburg Palace, etc. If you have decided the study in Austria, then this article will direct you on the best possible way to apply for your Austria student visa and residence permit, the processes involved and the necessary documents required for your visa application. Easy Step by Step Procedures to Get Austria Student Visa
See the Surprise!
Here contains a list of  Austrian Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Awards that will help citizens and other international students schooling in Austria to fund their education. Here are the List, Study carefully the eligibility so you can apply. University of Vienna Scholarships for International Students in Austria, 2020 The University of Vienna is inviting applications for uni: docs fellowship programme. These fellowships are open to doctoral candidates of all disciplines. The uni:docs fellowship programme is an individual scholarship which aims at financing excellent doctoral candidates for a period of three years.  Fully Funded PhD Studentships for all Nationalities in Austria This LogiCS program is aimed at highly motivated students who want to work in the field of Logical Methods in Computer Science. The LogiCS doctoral program is a PhD degree program funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and run jointly by the three Austrian universities TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Graz University of Technology and Johannes Kepler University Linz. Institute of Science and Technology Austria Scholarships for International Students, 2020 Institute of Science and Technology Austria is offering fully-funded PhD positions for September 2019 intake. ISTScholar PhD program will be awarded in the natural and mathematical sciences in a world-class research environment on the outskirts of Vienna. IHS Fully-Funded PhD Scholarships for Political Science Students, Austria 2020 -APPLY The IHS invites applications for 2 fully-funded PhD positions as part of the PhD network PLATO, an international network studying crisis and the legitimacy of the EU. The successful candidate will be supervised by the senior scholar Katrin Auel or Guido Tiemann. Institute for Advanced Studies Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships in Austria, 2020 The Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) is inviting applications for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships for the year 2020. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for these fellowships. Institute for Human Sciences Milena Jesenska Fellowship for Journalists in Austria, 2020 Institute for Human Science is inviting application from candidates for Milena Jesenska Fellowships for Journalists for the academic year 2020-2021. This offers European journalists time off from their professional duties in order to pursue in-depth research on a topic of their choice. Fulbright Austrian Student Program, 2020-2021 The Fulbright Scholarship is offering scholarship opportunities to Austrians who are seeking a Master’s degree in the United States. One or two-year master programs are supported. The Fulbright Austrian Student Program provides financial support for Austrian citizens who want to pursue a master’s degree in the United States. Fulbright Austria funds one-year and multi-annual programs. Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship for Developing Countries (Masters & PhD) 2020/2021 The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from selected developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies, in order to develop effective scholars and leaders and to prepare them for employment, primarily within the AKDN. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s level courses but is willing to consider applications for PhD programmes, only in the case of outstanding students who are highly recommended for doctoral studies by their professors and who need a PhD for the fulfillment of their career objectives. 2020 Google Digital News Journalist Fellowships at the Reuters Institute, UK -APPLY The Reuters Institute is offering Google Digital News Journalist Fellowships to pursue a three, six or nine month’s research programme. Fellowship are open to mid-career journalists resident in one of the continental European countries which will be covered in the 2020 Reuters Institute Digital News Report namely; Masters in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) Scholarships for International Students (Erasmus Mundus) 2020/2021 The Masters in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) Scholarship Application Period for student intake in August 2020 (Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree Scholarship) is now open. Apply now. The government of Austria IPT Scholarships for Developing Countries This scholarship program is funded by the Government of the Republic of Austria and is awarded to qualified applicants coming from developing countries and reform states for The International Civilian Peacekeeping and Peace-building Training Programme (IPT). The main objectives of the IPT are to prepare staff for work in conflict prevention and international peace operations, as well as to provide advanced training to strengthen the capacity of staff already on the mission. Westminster International Fully-Funded Scholarships For Developing Countries Applicants can only apply for a scholarship at the University of Westminster once you have been offered either a conditional or unconditional place on your chosen course. The university cannot consider your application for a scholarship if you have not already made an application for admission and been successfully offered a place on a course. The scholarship awards aimed at aiding the tuition fee of students from a developing country intending to study a full-time Masters degree at the University.
Eligibility for winning our scholarship EBook
Get our Scholarship Ebook for free now, indicate interest in the comment section and the Ebook will be sent to you. This offer is for the first 50 people. Share this information to help someone win a scholarship today! Read the full article
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duaneodavila · 5 years
The Courageous 80 of Chapel Hill
The bronze statue, “Silent Sam,” stood on the campus of the University of North Carolina since 1913 until it was toppled by students on August 20, 2018. State law requires that the statue be maintained. Despite the fact that students, faculty and, perhaps, the administration would rather be rid of this homage to confederate soldiers, UNC came up with a plan to construct a new building to house the statue.
Any dispute over the maintenance of the statue at UNC is beside the point. That students and faculty today believe it should be removed as a symbol of racism is presumed as a given. That state law prevents this isn’t subject to dispute. So teaching assistants at UNC have decided to engage in an “action.”
Several dozen teaching assistants at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill started a strike Friday, saying that they will withhold student grades as long as the university moves ahead with the idea of constructing a building to house the Confederate monument known as Silent Sam. The strike comes after classes have finished for the semester and students are preparing for final exams and normally would be soon receiving final grades.
As of early afternoon, the organizers said that they had nearly 80 teaching assistants on strike, and that they were holding back the grades of more than 2,000 students.
For reasons that are unclear, the TAs find it important to note this is not a “strike,” but an “action,” as they are doing their work of grading, but simply not reporting the grades. For the students whose grades are being withheld, this distinction means little. For the school, this action presents a difficult problem, putting the administration between appearing to support a symbol of white supremacy and protecting its students whose grades are being withheld.
Our students are entitled to receive their grades in a timely manner. It is especially critical for the students preparing to graduate next Sunday, as well as the thousands of students whose scholarships, grants, loans, visa status, school transfers, job opportunities and military commissions may be imperiled because lack of grades threaten their eligibility. The proposed strike exposes the University and individuals who withhold grades to legal claims for the harm they cause to students.
But what of the Teaching Assistants? Sure, they are students, but being a TA is also a job, and like all jobs, it includes responsibilities. That they are vehemently against the plan to put Silent Sam in a new building is fine. That they want “their voices heard” is de rigueur for students. That they have chosen to engage in disobedience is a time-honored means of taking a stand, although the initial taking down of the statue was civil disobedience, while the current action is not. They are not violating any law, but rather engaged in a job action, whether one calls it a strike or something more euphemistic.
For aficionados of labor history, the method employed by the 80 TAs will be familiar. It’s like the secondary boycotts that were prohibited under Section 8(b)(4) of the the National Labor Relations Act, where a union would strike a neutral company to coerce it to stop doing business with the target company. The neutral company here are the students whose grades go unreported. They did nothing wrong. They can’t fix the problem. Yet, they will be the ones to suffer.
While the motives of the TAs, to compel UNC to remove Silent Sam from the campus, might be laudable, the method comes at the expense of the innocent, the students. No doubt some students will be fine with this method, willing to sacrifice their timely receipt of their grade for a goal with which they agree. Some students may end up suffering consequences that will prove quite harsh, such as loss of a job or commission.
There will likely be cries for relief from consequences later, as being so terribly unfair since their purposes were pure, even if their methods were misguided. While the nature of engaging in disobedience incorporates the consequences for such actions, the point being that they feel strongly enough about the cause that they will suffer for it, they don’t really want to suffer, and can take comfort in knowing that they likely won’t.
But that doesn’t stop the voices of encouragement of such actions in the heat of the moment.
Shout out to the incredibly courageous teaching assistants at UNC Chapel Hill.
Is it courageous? Is it incredibly courageous? The comments at IHE are strongly against this “action,” calling for the TAs who did this to be fired.
Graduate assistants have been hired to do a job, and they do not have a right to withhold the grades for any students and hold the university hostage to their political whims. I do not care if they are taking the correct moral stance–there are other ways of expressing their views on this issue and conveying to others what the correct moral stance is, in their opinion. UNC should make it crystal clear that graduate assistants who violate the rights of students because of a political agenda will be terminated for cause.
There are some who disagree.
Actually they should be supported for taking a correct moral stance.
And the ubiquitous “Says the old white guy.” But comments of this sort bear nothing on the “courageousness” of the action, regardless of the morality of their stance.
If nothing else, their courage should be acknowledged, because they are risking far more than any probable consequences re. the affected undergraduates. First of all, they are risking not just their jobs but their careers. Without the tuition scholarships that accompany teaching positions, most will have to leave school. Graduate tuition, especially for non-residents and foreign students, is prohibitively high and T.A.positions are highly competitive, Thus, grad students are usually easily cowed by the pressure to remain in the good graces of their departments. The wrath of just one or two professors can wreck havoc on a dissertation committee, on crucial recommendations, on publication opportunities and much more. Clearly the faculty has indicated its support in some manner, but the TAs remain vulnerable to an administration that answers to the state.
Maybe the TAs have taken an enormous risk by engaging in this action. Much as the likelihood of consequences is slim, it isn’t none, and the TAs can’t be certain that the solidarity of numbers will save them. But the “victims” of their risk remain other students, not UNC Chapel Hill. And the support they can anticipate for their moral stance will be huge.
It’s possible to be courageous, foolish and moral at the same time. Can one be courageous when the victim of one’s actions is innocent of wrongdoing, no matter how moral the cause?
The Courageous 80 of Chapel Hill republished via Simple Justice
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clubofinfo · 7 years
Expert: Indeed, the young are tethered to a slumber land of no ideas or ideals. Shackled to the beasts of debt and endless consumer-rent-mortgage-fee-levy-tax-fine-surcharge-hidden add on Capitalism. They amble to the nearest Starbucks and find the plastic putrid world and shitty coffee essence safe, conformist, the place to snuggle in with Twitter-Snapchat-Instagram-Facebook-Spotify. Add to that the general malaise of wanting nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with hipster joker-a-second crap they have downloading and meandering through their apps, and we have a country of no serious thinking. Tapped into the spine of the controllers, the brain centers micro-processing the emotions of the dictators. Not to say the oldsters in US of A aren’t the same – ambulating in the grand isles of Costco and Walmart, and, yes, juiced up on a triple-shot foamy caramel latte. The faces of red-white-and-blue are the hollowed-out skulls of the zombie culture of wanting-getting-having-buying-discarding-paying it down through the ka-chang of the ever-present ATM. I worked hard as a social worker-case manager-breeder of anarchy with old and young, now the young, kids in care, state custody, plied by the champions of bureaucracy, who have some shekels and grants here and there to help them get way past the eight ball they are behind. Shuffled from foster home to foster home, many intersecting with the juvenile injustice system, and many bouncing from school to school, no foundations, no biological link to a put-together family, whatever that is these days in the land of ballooning debts and general anxiety disorder over the simple disparity of why the gap of accumulation of wealth is getting bigger and bigger. With fewer haves than can be imaginable, and mostly haves not wondering how each and every public service had now been captured by the MBA Gestapo and elite SS forces of financial felonies. That is the anxiety of the rebellious like me. Youth having to make a choice of learning how to weld metal for a living, at the community college, then hunkering down three to a room, or five to a living room. Rents are criminal, and available places for kids coming out of state foster custody are about as rare as a wild living trotting wolf in Wyoming. Kids go from state custody to homelessness . . . or variations on a theme . . . sometimes back to the very mothers or fathers that state bureaucracy yanked them from in the first place for heinous crimes. We play charades with these youth, with their minds, their dreams, their futures, their lives. We de-link ourselves from screaming at the top of our lungs – “The systems are broken, gone, because we let the billionaires and millionaires set policy, hold sway over states, cities, regions, denude all agency for a public commons, public good, public health, public economy and public investment track.” We have tuition debts in the hundreds of thousands per graduate student (AKA mark, sucker born every nano second, PT Barnum, yeah!) after a few years past the undergraduate degree. We have a beleaguered youth who know nothing but the logo-brand game, know nothing but what they might want on top of their triple-decker quadruple-supreme, triple-dipped seven-scoop ice cream Sunday. Conversations are about things, about stupid shows, about video games, about the nothingness, zilch of the inhumane celebrity-actor-musician-athlete culture. And, is it their fault, these Gen Z kids, when we have ball-and-chained their barely burgeoning lives and decades of future absurd toil to the whims of the murderous marketers and money mongers? I have youth who can’t hitch a ride on public transportation because it’s buggered up, runs one bus to the hour, or never makes it out to rural or suburban locales, and then they have to throw down for Lyft or Uber just to make it to their shit jobs where they are cogs . . . . I was just talking to them about how screwed up Uber is . . . “I didn’t even think about getting workers’ compensation,” John said. “Uber wasn’t paying for anything.” John knew what many drivers know: that Uber fights tooth and nail in courts and in front of labor boards from New York to California to classify its drivers as independent contractors, in part to avoid having to pay for workers’ compensation payouts to its more than 300,000 drivers, a workforce comparable to major employers like Home Depot and Target. . . . . or how rotten Google et al are The Highlands Forum doesn’t need to produce consensus recommendations. Its purpose is to provide the Pentagon a shadow social networking mechanism to cement lasting relationships with corporate power, and to identify new talent, that can be used to fine-tune information warfare strategies in absolute secrecy. Total participants in the DoD’s Highlands Forum number over a thousand, although sessions largely consist of small closed workshop style gatherings of maximum 25–30 people, bringing together experts and officials depending on the subject. Delegates have included senior personnel from SAIC and Booz Allen Hamilton, RAND Corp., Cisco, Human Genome Sciences, eBay, PayPal, IBM, Google, Microsoft, AT&T, the BBC, Disney, General Electric, Enron, among innumerable others; Democrat and Republican members of Congress and the Senate; senior executives from the US energy industry such as Daniel Yergin of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates; and key people involved in both sides of presidential campaigns. Other participants have included senior media professionals: David Ignatius, associate editor of the Washington Post and at the time the executive editor of the International Herald Tribune; Thomas Friedman, long-time New York Times columnist; Arnaud de Borchgrave, an editor at Washington Times and United Press International; Steven Levy, a former Newsweek editor, senior writer for Wired and now chief tech editor at Medium; Lawrence Wright, staff writer at the New Yorker; Noah Shachtmann, executive editor at the Daily Beast; Rebecca McKinnon, co-founder of Global Voices Online; Nik Gowing of the BBC; and John Markoff of the New York Times. … or how felonious Amazon has always been, continues to be, and will forever be a curse to all humanity if we do not just stop using it, and taking the big guy to tax court, like the courts of Inquisition taking youth to court if they fudge on their housing subsidy, or the court of Scarlet Letter for daddies in arrears for child support . . . . Yep, I try and tell the Latte Lads and Lasses that Amazon is the criminal enterprise, maximum security vanguard of all bad things . . . . As Amazon spreads around the world selling everything and squeezing other businesses that use its platform, is Jeff Bezos laughing at humanity? His ultimate objective seems to preside over a mega-trillion dollar global juggernaut that is largely automated, except for that man at the top with the booming laugh who rules over the means by which we consume everything from goods, to media, to groceries. Crushing competitors, history shows, is leads to raising prices by monopolizers. Consumers, workers and retailers alike must be on higher alert and address this growing threat. You have nothing to lose except Bezos’s tightening algorithmic chains. To start the conversation, you can wait for Franklin Foer’s new book out this September, titled World Without a Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech. Until then, a good substitute is his 2014 article in The New Republic, ‘Amazon Must be Stopped.’ I tell my youth to look into it, how the billionaires’ club is made up of perverts – hating man and woman kind, hating the poor, the downtrodden, and certainly hating foster youth or recovering adults, and the homeless, and the working poor looking for a decent clinic to set a broken bone from working like slaves for these millionaires and billionaires. Our youth are prime victims of agnotolgy – the deliberate erasing of facts, truths, beliefs, but truly, history. The Jewish Nakba scrubbing. Holocaust deniers in Zion, and the new Zion, the American continent. How Canadians know nothing of their own terrible rape and murder of first nations peoples . . . their support of African despots . . . their terrible homegrown devils of international mining and arms sales . . . . Agnotology, the Two Minutes of Hate, a la Orwell, the fabricated Emmanuel Goldstein. Youth who know nothing of North Korea, of Vietnam, of any of the truths of their own womb . . . truths scrubbed by schools, by the controllers, facilitated by the Media and Publishing, and consumed by overworked, overwrought parents. Youth that hate government but love the big boys and girls running roughshod over our-their own survival: the business class. I find it interesting that Ralph Nader goes on an attack of Just Jeff Bezos (Amazon dot conned) without footnoting his piece that ALL the Fortune 1000 captains (Goose-stepping toward the vaults of shekels) of industry-finance-military-real estate-technology-media-energy are dirtier than the Mafioso, dirtier than any El Chapo, dirtier than any den of pimps and pornographers. Is there a clean, good one on the lists below? And think of the investments, the power these people wield to determine global financial-military-cultural future: Bill Gates: $86.0 billion,  United States, Microsoft Warren Buffett: $75.6 billion, United States, Berkshire Hathaway Jeff Bezos: $72.8 billion, United States, Amazon.com Amancio Ortega: $71.3 billion, Spain, Inditex, Zara Mark Zuckerberg: $56.0 billion, United States, Facebook Carlos Slim: $54.5 billion, Mexico, América Móvil, Grupo Carso Larry Ellison: $52.2 billion, United States, Oracle Corporation Charles Koch: $48.3 billion, United States, Koch Industries David Koch: $48.3 billion,United States, Koch Industries Michael Bloomberg: $47.5 billion, United States, Bloomberg L.P. Or the entire DNA strains of the World’s Richest Families, they any better than Jeff Bezos and Monopoly Amazon? That’s the rub is it not, that the poverty my youth suffer, the poverty I suffer, all these shell games played with our social right: national health care; real social security; public schools and colleges; libraries for the people; banks of the states; water, air, land, food, press/journalism part of the public commons; the right to a roof over your head and a light bulb and plate of slop and a flicker of heat in the dead of winter; the vast collective right of nature to persist, excel, and evolve. This country is set ablaze by the entire Little Eichmann and Big Himmler and Ugly Zionist and Crusader logic of pain and theft. My small charges, 16 to 21, are caught in a web of psychological-physiological-economic-educational-medical-spiritual deception, and they have nothing to turn to than the ebbing and flowing corpuscles created by the generators of multi-syllabic, three dozen hyphenated things they consume, all nano-particled and sliced and diced with the magic of the chemical still. We have kids with ticks, kids with obesity-lethargy-lingering intelligence and cognition. We have children who are the essence of the Stanley Milgram experiment on obedience, except his was an experiment on authority, lab coats and Yale basement authority, whereas today, the Milgram experiment is fluid, directly wired into Facebook-Google-Anything Digital. Today, youth and the old are kettled to consumer and be all they can be based on a giant interstellar Madison Avenue-PsyOps experiment to lobotomize-confuse-disassociate-deny humans in this country. Imagine, no rebellion, no running through the streets, no daily Molotov’s thrown into the limos and onto the doorsteps of the millionaire and billionaire murderers. Milgram examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II, Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense often was based on “obedience” – that they were just following orders from their superiors. The experiments began in July 1961, a year after the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised the experiment to answer the question: Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?” (Milgram, 1974). These finance-foisting, tax-robbing, war-creating, debt-inducing, human/child/ecosystem-sacrificing pigs are given more than a trillion get out of jail cards. They are running things, playing editor like Jeff Bezos, ruining everything like Mr. PayPal – My joke about Thiel’s “Brownshirt Combinator” isn’t as funny now, is it? ‘Transition Adviser Peter Thiel Could Directly Profit From Mass Deportations’: Palantir Technologies, the data-mining company co-founded by billionaire and Trump transition adviser Peter Thiel, will likely assist the Trump administration in its efforts to track and collect intelligence on immigrants, according to a review of public records by The Intercept. Since 2011, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency’s Office of Homeland Security Investigations has paid Palantir tens of millions of dollars to help construct and operate a complex intelligence system called FALCON, which allows ICE to store, search, and analyze troves of data that include family relationships, employment information, immigration history, criminal records, and home and work addresses. […] Working closely with a president-elect who has pledged to dramatically expand ICE, Thiel’s varied connections to the immigration agency place him in a position to potentially benefit financially from a deportation campaign that carries highly personal stakes for millions of Americans. […] In addition to containing information on family relationships and immigration history, the records FALCON collects can also include photographs of subjects, employment information, educational background, and “geospatial data.” […] Last month, it was reported that Trump and his advisers are drafting plans to launch a campaign of workplace raids across the country to find undocumented immigrants. With a mandate to enforce laws relating to unauthorized employment, HSI has been identified as the primary component within ICE that conducts such job-site raids. This past October, after a lengthy investigation, HSI agents raided several Mexican restaurants in Buffalo, New York, arresting more than a dozen workers, some of whom were charged with criminal counts of “illegal re-entry,” raising an outcry from immigrant advocates. In 2013, after an HSI raid on carwashes in Phoenix, more than two dozen immigrants were reportedly sent to Enforcement and Removal Operations officers for possible deportation. ICE can conduct such raids even in so-called sanctuary cities that have refused to allow local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE in finding and removing undocumented immigrants. […] Palantir, which is backed by the CIA’s venture capital arm, did not respond to a request for comment regarding its ICE contracts and concerns over potential conflicts of interest. Peter Thiel spokesperson Jeremiah Hall declined to comment on a list of emailed queries, including a question asking whether Thiel has yet signed the Trump transition ethics agreement. While Ralph Nader is huge in so many ways, and I worked for his campaigns and was lambasted by colleagues in journalism, education and the environmental movement, the real rub is how he at his wise age can even stomach ANYTHING the billionaire class says, does, and infers. His Utopian thing, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us, was and is off the mark, big-time – In the cozy den of the large but modest house in Omaha where he has lived since he started on his first billion, Warren Buffett watched the horrors of Hurricane Katrina unfold on television in early September 2005. . . . On the fourth day, he beheld in disbelief the paralysis of local, state, and federal authorities unable to commence basic operations of rescue and sustenance, not just in New Orleans, but in towns and villages all along the Gulf Coast. . . He knew exactly what he had to do. . . So begins the vivid fictional account by political activist and bestselling author Ralph Nader that answers the question, “What if?” What if a cadre of super-rich individuals tried to become a driving force in America to organize and institutionalize the interests of the citizens of this troubled nation? What if some of America’s most powerful individuals decided it was time to fix our government and return the power to the people? What if they focused their power on unionizing Wal-Mart? What if a national political party were formed with the sole purpose of advancing clean elections? What if these seventeen superrich individuals decided to galvanize a movement for alternative forms of energy that will effectively clean up the environment? What if together they took on corporate Goliaths and Congress to provide the necessities of life and advance the solutions so long left on the shelf by an avaricious oligarchy? What could happen? America is a country of the dead. As is Israel, and note that not ONE cute-real-serious-well-acted-poorly- acted movie about the perfect Milgram subjects – Israelis – has ever been made, produced, shown on the Media, one clearly hoisted by Zionists – in some of their own words, as Gilad Atzmon lends some weight to this, In his recent address to the ultra-Zionist and war-mongering Stand With Us, Alan Dershowitz said, ‘People say Jews are too powerful, too strong, too rich, we control the media, we’ve too much this, too much that and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don’t do that!’ Elder Zionist Dershowitz who acquired for himself the reputation of a “remarkable liar” (Chomsky) and a “serial plagiarist” (Finkelstein) probably decided, just before he meets his creator, to give truth one last try. In our world, no one can deny that Jews are “too powerful,” “too rich” or that they “control the media.” Yet no one can ignore that Jews themselves are rarely apologetic about their extensive and overblown power. In fact, as with Dershowitz, most Jews tend to boast about the various facets of Jewish domination and, while boasting, use every trick in the book to silence anyone else who points to that power. As I have been arguing for several years, Jewish power is the ability to suppress the discussion on Jewish power. Actually, Dershowitz’ approach here is rather refreshing. He admits that Jews are overwhelmingly powerful yet insists on presenting a rationale as to why Jews should never apologize about this overbearing and abusive power. ‘WE (the Jews, presumably) have earned the right to influence public debate, WE have earned the right to be heard, WE have contributed disproportionately to success of this country.’ One may wonder who is included in that ‘WE’ that has contributed so much to the ‘success’ of America. Is he referring to his client and close friend Jeffrey Epstein who pimped under-aged girls for the elites? Does Dershowitz’ ‘WE’ include Alan Greenspan who led the country to class genocide? Or perhaps his ‘WE’ denotes all those Wall Street Jewish bankers, like the Goldmans, the Sachs and the Soroses – those who, on a daily basis, gamble on the American future and the global economy. And almost certainly, Dershowitz’ ‘WE’ includes Haim Saban and Sheldon Adelson who have managed to reduce American politics into merely an internal Zionist affair. These are daunting times, the entire globe sucked of its telephone calls, its computer messages, all the uploads and downloads, every human individual defecation and urination and climax cataloged in these nuclear-powered cloud servers. Battened down, these surveillance hatches. Young people are now the cows, bred to follow the orders of Old Navy and any new shiny merchant of duncery and death; to pay for their cell phones, diligently, to pay-pay-pay for the poisons going into their brains and bellies. They are taught to not question or to not rebel, or to not just sit down and start a ruckus. Daily, the power of corrupted commercialization is like s drug resistant tuberculosis eating at our next and our next generation’s soul. Until there is no resistant antinode or antibiotic to stop the final solution drawn through the elaborate algorithms of controllers – massive forgetting, massive insanity. These demigods — the monopolies — supplying every microgram of humanity’s needs, now that we are sealed in this fate of capitalism – addicted to goods and services unnecessary, and willing to watch all good and common needs vanish with each new libertarian sucking the blood from us all like the vampires and nematodes of the capitalist elites. http://clubof.info/
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