#IL Politics
jennifermnhi · 1 year
Chicago Perfectly Proves Why Privatization SUCKS For Consumers [Video]
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nthflower · 7 months
I think the real message disco Elysium wanted to give was getting stickbugged.
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captain-jale · 3 months
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Foutage de gueule, AOP, affinage 7 ans
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ultrakatua · 27 days
Emmanuel "The Audacity Of This Bitch" Macron
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Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has signed a bill that is aimed at fighting homelessness.
Called “Home IL,” it will bring state agencies, nonprofit organizations and other advocates together. The bill focuses on an equity-based approach, which includes the voices and contributions of those who have experience homelessness.
It codifies the collaboration to move Illinois to “functional zero” homelessness by bolstering the safety net, targeting high-risk populations, expanding affordable housing, securing financial stability for unhoused individuals and closing the mortality gap.
“Every person deserves access to safe shelter and the dignity that comes with housing,” Pritzker said. “This is a first-of-its-kind multi-agency cooperative effort — bringing together state agencies, nonprofit organizations, advocates, and people with lived experience to prevent and end homelessness. I’m grateful for their dedication and believe that together, we can prevent and end homelessness once and for all.”
Rockford has already taken strides in this aspect. In 2017, it became the first community to reach “functional zero” levels among veterans and the chronically homeless.
Illinois’ Interagency Task Force and Community Advisory Council works across 17 state departments and agencies, as well as over 100 processes, programs and policies, to develop a comprehensive plan to combat homelessness.
The goal of the plan is to prevent shelter entry or ensure that shelter stays are limited and lead to quick transitions into stable living situations.
Pritzker has also committed about $360 million for the initiative in his FY24 budget. These investments include:
• $118 million to support unhoused populations seeking shelter and services, including $40.7 million in the Emergency and Transitional Housing Program.
• $50 million in Rapid ReHousing services for 2,000 households, including short-term rental assistance and targeted support for up to two years.
• $40 million in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Capital funds to develop 90+ new PSH units providing long term rental assistance and case management.
• $37 million in Emergency Shelter capital funds to create more than 460 non-congregate shelter units.
• $35 million for supportive housing services, homeless youth services, street outreach, medical respite, re-entry services, access to counsel, and other shelter diversion supports.
• $21.8 million to provide homelessness prevention services to approximately 6,000 more families.
• $30 million for court-based rental assistance.
• $15 million to fund Home Illinois Innovations Pilots.
• $12.5 million to create 500 new scattered site PSH units.
“People experiencing the trauma of housing instability are our neighbors and community members who deserve to be treated with humanity and dignity. With this cooperative effort, Illinois is ensuring our state agencies can continue to collaborate, and that stakeholders are at the table with us, to support our most vulnerable in living healthy, well, and with dignity.” Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton said. “Our state is making it clear that we will continue to work together so we can all move forward, and we will focus on holistic strategies that bring us closer to ending homelessness in our state.”
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girafeduvexin · 3 months
J'étais en train de me dire qu'on allait sans doute voir en boucle des images de Sarkozy en train de voter et je me suis souvenue qu'il avait perdu ses droits civiques pour trois ans (dont le droit de vote, je suppose) et. Bon. La honte un peu.
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Hello. I'm sorry if this is sudden but I was wondering if you took story requests and if you do, could you make a platonic Dan heng IL story with the reader being the child of his previous incarnation and with the reader still being quite young and Jing Yuan is the one to tell Dan Heng about them even though he's only met them a couple and doesn't know them personally, but Jing Yuan felt like Dan Heng had the right to know about the reader especially after the reader had an encounter with Blade. (If this is too much or if you don't do requests that's completely understandable and I wish you a good day/afternoon and or night😊)
"Dan heng has a child?!"
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -He/it for Dan Heng -He/him for Jing Yuan
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: I hope this is what you meant by the reader being the child of his previous incarnation (╥﹏╥) oh and also! one thank you guys for 100+ followers! and two im wondering if you guys would prefer the names being colored, bold or just plain normal!
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^ Made by me
Dan Heng quickly made his way to Jing Yuans office after getting news that you were there. It slammed the doors of the office open and looked around but didn't see you anywhere, he than heard Jing Yuans voice.
"Don't worry they are hanging out with Yanqing, firstly I would like to talk with you about the situation" the general smiled and motioned for him to sit, after they both sat down Jing Yuan started explaining what happened.
"We came at the right time as they where fighting Blade, luckily they only had a few cut wounds but nothing to serious" Dan Heng already had a suspicion as to why Blade attacked you because although he doesn't have any conflict with you, you are from Dan Heng so killing you would help him. Dan Heng shook the thoughts away when the doors of the office opened and you walked in not noticing him until you looked up and saw both of them looking at you.
You froze when you saw Dan Heng and you could have swore it looked familiar to a certain person, you cleared your throat and spoke "um mr Jing Yuan, who is this?" you asked looking back and forth between the two, your right ear flickered slightly as Jing Yuan laughed and patted you on the head "this is Imbibitor Lunae, or Dan Heng" your ears widened and your tail curled around your leg "oh!...oh...um hello" Dan Heng softened its face and smiled "hello little dragon" you groaned and rolled your eyes but had a slight smile on your face "even after all this time you still use that nickname on me? i'm not a kid anymore!" you two laughed as Jing Yuan observed with a soft smile.
"You have a child?!"
"Yes March...yes Caelus.."
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oceannacaldin · 3 months
Il est toujours minuit moins le quart et non minuit moins une.
Je croise les doigts pour que le NFP puisse tenir - et tenir son programme - et qu'on ait pas une alliance centriste qui reprenne les grand moment de Hollande et du Macroniste.
Et merci à toutes les personnes qui ont voté en se bouchant le nez pour qu'on ait pas un parti d'extrême droite au pouvoir. Vous avez sauvé des vies.
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seaquestions · 3 months
baseball really is so charming to watch sometimes especially when the guys are all yippee and yahoo about their big hits
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yachaer · 3 months
Il va falloir d'emblée que vous sachiez que ce post est écrit par un homo qui a la trouille et qui a besoin d'extérioriser son angoisse.
Je pense pas mal ces derniers jours à ce qu'a dit Sartre, c'est à dire qu'on a jamais été aussi libre que sous l'Occupation. Au vu des événements de la semaine écoulée, je me dis ce que ce raisonnement s'applique à toutes les situations dont la gravité est telle qu'elle exclut la possibilité des demies-mesures. Faire un choix nuancé est un luxe qu'on ne peut pas s'offrir, Macron s'en est bien assuré.
Les options qui s'offrent à nous sont radicales : soit on choisit le statu quo (Macron) et on continue notre fuite en avant ultra-capitaliste avec les conséquences écologiques qui vont avec, soit on cède à la peur, la haine, la colère, la frustration et tous ce qui motive le votre RN. Ou bien on essaie de rétablir un semblant de justice dans ce monde qui va à vau-l'eau, et on vote pour le Front Populaire.
Ce que je dépeins, c'est un portrait très manichéen de la situation, et on pourra trouver de fait mon argumentaire critiquable, mais je crois néanmoins que rarement le pays a été autant face à un choix qui engage à ce point son destin. Il n'y a plus de possibilité de faire de compromis, de voter pour le parti le moins mauvais en se pinçant le nez, ou en faisant la fine bouche car on aime pas tel ou tel candidat. Et c'est bien ce qui fait que je ne dors pas l'esprit tranquille : je n'ai vraiment pas l'impression que tout le monde réalise la portée de ce qui va se jouer le 30 juin et le 7 juillet.
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jennifermnhi · 1 year
Activist, former Illinois State Sen. Alice Palmer dies at 83 [Video]
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manglechan1204 · 3 months
Avant d’avoir les résultats et qu’on ait tous envie de crever, j’ai voulu faire un tour des fanfics sur la politique française ( a des fins scientifiques bien entendu ) et oh boi y’a des trucs à dire
Sur Wattpad :
-Il y’a plus de 270 fanfics Bardella x Attal ( Les gars ?? Je comprends amour haine tout ça, mais wsh )
-J'en ai trouvé aucune sur le Front Populaire ou la gauche en général ( ce qui est une bonne chose ? je suppose ? )
-Par contre j’en ai lu une ( pour la science toujours ) où ils sont des persos secondaires 🤷‍♂️
-Antoine Daniel a fait des dégâts irréparables au milieu des fanfics shitpost /pos
AO3 :
-Y’a un tag populaire " RPF Political " ( Je dois vivre avec cette info maintenant )
-La tendance est beaucoup plus au ship Macron sur ce site bien que tjr pas mal de Bardellattal ? *Ugh*
-Toujours aucune du Front Populaire mais j’en ai trouvé avec Mélenchon qui datent toutes de 2017/2018
Si vous vous voulez plus de détail hésitez pas 👍
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Translation: A protester created a website that allows you, when you click/tap on the pan, to make noise as if you were really banging on one. The website was created to mock the ban of saucepans during protests.
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larmegliamori · 3 months
Nuovo tag game per Tumbrl Italia: cosa stavate facendo nel momento in cui avete ricevuto la notizia della morte di Berlusca
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fairywinds · 3 months
hahahahahaha.haha i want to cry
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girafeduvexin · 3 months
Je regarde le débat, Attal est insupportable.
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