#IM COMING BACK A SWEAR i just need to get the pirate wiggles out first /j
Mod Mango here!
Sorry I've been quiet for so so long. As I mentioned in one of the last updates, there was an incident (my house caught on fire) and my computer & primary drawing tablet was lost. I have a not-as-good replacement for the tablet and a new laptop, so I can get back to drawing stuff digitally now, but I feel like I still need to take a break from this series for a couple more weeks and come back to it with fresh eyes.
Im still passionate about this comic! I love it very much and intend to finish this!! So I hope you dont mind bearing with me a little longer :') I've been feeling a little burnt out on the concept, so I need to draw something else for a while to recover my stamina yk?
Speaking of the "something else," while I was staying with my twin brother until the house was fixed we started watching One Piece, originally as a joke, and then got DEEPLY into it and binged the entire series in three months :') Its like my #1 Hyperfixation rn, tied with this comic. So if you want to keep enjoying my art in the interum (in a different flavor) or want to talk to me about OP, you can find me here! @mangokabuto
TYSM already for still being here whoever reads this, and I'll see you again either on the OP sideblog or in a couple weeks when the comic is up and running again! And ofc, never be afraid to come say hi on my main, @donttellthemangosiwashere :) <3
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Part of your world – Harry Hook x Reader- Part 7- Savior part 2
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a rewrite of @blackplaidcalum x reader that they wrote for me
summary: a who doesn’t love the Disney World, well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she dances in her kitchen getting ready to head out. 17-year-old (y/n) becomes part of that world, now a certain blue-eyed pirate meets the girl from a world where he is a fictional character and he has an actor named Thomas Doherty.
 warning: mention and the act of rape included in this part
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 your stuff
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Hook sat in his office admiring his new collection of rum, given to him by (insert bitchy name here), he didn’t have enough money to give the woman, but she was ecstatic to accept his son at payment, as many others did when Hook either didn’t have money or just didn’t feel like spending it.
So, Hook sat oblivious to the traumatic horror he was putting his only son through. Harriet and the daughter of the sea witch tried to put a stop to the basically prostitution of harry, but they failed, only resulting in Hook letting his crew give in to their desires of his son.
Smee walked in, wringing his red worn cap in his hands as he always did when he was nervous or scared. Hook raised an eyebrow and motioned for his first mate to take a seat and offered him some of his new rum. Smee shook his head, he didn’t want the rum acquired from Harry's misfortune. The poor boy, Smee only hoped that the (h/c) girl had saved the boy he thought of as a son.
“isn’t it a fine night Mr. Smee~”
Smee only meekly nodded, he didn’t think so, Harry was sold once more, and he didn’t even know if the girl had managed to save him or not.
“new rum and the boy has served his purpose once more HA!”
Smee gritted his teeth, only a degrading sentence away from quitting as the first mate and leaving.
“and to think I thought that the boy wouldn’t amount to anything~! He makes a damn good payment if I do-“
The cabin door slammed open, revealing a bleeding crew member, Hook and Smee stood to their feet, hearing the sounds of swords clashing and screams.
“what the bloody hell is going on!”
“c-captain!” the crew member panted “some-someone’s on deck kill- gnh ack” blood spilled to the floor, a sword sticking out of the man's chest, he fell to the floor. And there you were, blood splattered on your body and sword. Dripping to the floor.
“hello Hook” you spoke in a deadly voice, stepping over the body and shoving it out of the way, closing the cabin door.
“who-“ Hook sputtered “who the fuck are you! What are you doing on my ship!”
“I’m here” you snarled, “to have a talk”
Hook rolled his eyes, you were trying to scare him, it wasn’t working
“Alright then, speak wench”
You lifted your sword, aiming it at him, “you sold harry.”
Hook groaned and rubbed his face, great another one, just like Harriet and Uma, this bitch was trying to stop the selling of the boy.
“why do you care, he is nothing but a pay-“
“Harry is a fucking human being, and your son!” you snarled at him, now thinking that Hook didn’t deserve death, but something much worse.
“Alright then if you want me to stop, we shall duel” hook drew his sword in a flourish and grinned sadistically at you “to the death!” just as he was about to charge. You stopped him.
“no!” Hook stopped confused “to the pain”
He furrowed his brows “ I don’t think I’m familiar with that phrase”
“I'll explain, and I’ll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced Buffon.”
Hooks face showed surprise and disgust “I think that is the first time anyone dared insult me”
“and it won't be the last!” you smirked, speaking in a deadly calm voice “to the pain means the first thing you lose will be your feet below the ankles, then your other hand at the wrist, next your nose”
“and then my tongue I suppose, I've allowed this to go on for too lon-“
“I wasn’t finished!” you interrupted him, smirking, still a calm deadly voice. “ the next thing you lose will be your left eye followed by your right”
Hook rolled his eyes sighing exasperatingly “and then my ears let’s get on with it!”
“Wrong! Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why.” You smirk became sadistic and a shiver ran down hooks spine “so that every shriek of every child of seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish, every babe that weeps at your approach every woman who cries out “dear god what is that thing!” will echo in your ears.” Hook stared at you in fear “ that. Is what to the pain means, it means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.”
Hook and Smee stared at you before Hook stupidly opened his mouth to speak, “ I think you’re bluffing”
“its possible pig. I might be bluffing” you stared him down with a deadly calm gaze “ it's conceivable you miserable vomitous mass, im only standing here because you lack the courage to step forward”
Hooks face burned at the implication and rushed forward swinging his hook at you, and with a flourish of your sword, you cut off his forearm, Hook screaming in pain.
“AHHHHHH YOU BITC-“you pointed your sword at his neck.
Hook shakily dropped it and you motioned him to his chair “have a seat~” he quickly stood and sat in his chair. You motioned to Smee and said, “Tie him up.”  Smee quickly followed your orders and tied his soon to be ex-captain up.
“make it as tight as you’d like”
Smee finished and looked at you, you gestured to the door.” Now leave, go see Harry, he's on the revenge”
Smee nodded and whispered a thank you, before scurrying off.
You closed the door after him, turning back to hook, he shivered under your gaze, “what-“ he squeaked “what are you going to do!”
You smirked and raised your sword
“to the pain”
Uma paced the deck, Smee had arrived about an hour ago, and you had left an hour and a half, and from what Smee told her, you had taken down almost the entire crew, leaving one survivor, the cabin boy, and had cut off hooks left forearm.
Uma had to admit, she was impressed. But also extremely worried, she knew of Harrys growing crush on you, which she had noticed started just a little bit after you had stolen the trophy, and if you didn’t come back, Uma didn’t want to think of what Harry would do.
But her worries were erased when you turned the corner and walked the gangplank. She rushed forward but stopped when she saw the blood coating you, Hooks hook gripped in your left hand, face softening when you saw Uma
“uuhh” Uma droned “hey, soooo” she gestured to you “you have fun”
You shrugged and walked to the shared room, when you entered you saw Harry talking to Smee, wearing a baggy sweater and pants, blanket curled around his shoulders, sitting on the edge of the bed, he saw you and gasped your name
“(y/n)” you smiled at him and grabbed your clothes and walked into the bathroom, “I gotta get this blood off, be out soon”
Harry frowned and turned to Uma and Smee, “wha’ is she talking about’ ?” Uma shuffled in place, Smee wringing his cap.
“wha’ happen’ ? wha’ (y/n) do?”
“she uh” Smee mumbled, “she uh, your father is”
“she fucking messed your father up” Harry's jaw dropped, and he harshly swallowed and shakily asked “wha’ she do?”
Smee and Uma shrugged, Harry understood, they wanted (y/n) herself to tell Harry what happened.
Smee patted Harry's shoulder and exited the room, Uma following him. Harry sat in the room, the sound of the shower echoing through the room.
‘she’ Harry thought ‘went after my dad?’ Harry buried his face in his hands ‘for me’ tears burned at Harrys eyes ‘why?’
The door opened and you stepped out, clean and free of blood, hair damp, trying your best to dry it with a towel.
You saw Harry sitting on the bed and you walked over to him and stood in front of him.
“Harry?” He stopped shaking and looked up at you through his lashes. “are you okay?” Harry sat up a little, allowing you more room to get closer to him, standing between his legs.
“why?” you tilted your head, raising your eyebrow “why did ye go after me da?”
You sighed and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and brought him into a hug, his arms going around your waist.
“I did it because I care about you, and he needed to learn a lesson”
“wha’ did ye do to him’?”
You blew your hair out of your face, “I cut off all his limbs and left him to suffer”
Harry's jaw dropped and you shrugged and poked his nose, he made a face and wiggled his nose, you giggled and Harry rolled his eyes and laid his head on your chest. You softly smiled and scratched his scalp.
He sniffed and rubbed his face on your chest, making you blush. He lifted his face, meeting your eyes, your faces only a couple of inches from each other, your breaths mingling, Harry glanced at your lips biting his own, you pursed your lips and leaned forward, Harry’s eyes fluttered slightly, you kissed his forehead (making Harry a little disappointed) and whispered.
“I swear to Calypso that I will protect you from now on”
Thunder rumbled in the distance, Harry let out a harsh breath, and you both stayed there for a few more minutes, feeling comfort in the others embrace.
Later that night, Harry and you slept in the bed, luckily it was large enough for both of you to have a side, and as Harry laid there, staring at your serene face, he realized something
He was falling for you.
And fast
--end of part 7--
comment or message me for part 8
@namelesslosers (he does deserve the world, and im gonna give it to him in this fic and the next.👍👍)
Imma also tag @crazybutconfidentaf because I wanted you to know you get to cackle in revenge against Hook. 😜
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