#IM GOING ON MY DOXXING ARC.................................
viaphni · 4 months
I have to completely admit that the end of season 2 and its epilogue had me very hesitant for the way things are going, and I am still a little hesitant, but i DO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE 1000% COOKING
First of all, that trailer was AMAZING!
The music, atmosphere, and cinematography were all done very very well (and great voice acting from Rinzler too)
But onto the actual trailer
It opens up on the results of the Soulstice's arrival, with Light alone, showing everybody's souls stolen away and their bodies on the ground. Light has lost it all. He immediately blames himself. It's also made apparent pretty quickly that Soullless is still present in some way, and is going to play a significant role again.
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One of the first really interesting things to occur is Light taking the Soul Eater's weapon in his hands.
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He stares at it for a moment before picking it up, the screen fading to black. But why would he be using his worst enemy's weapon? What benefit does it serve him? Mostly likely, I think it would have something to do with Soulless. Whether he likes it or not, Light now has a complete tie to the Soulstice itself. As he takes it, he says "And now, another threat is here..."
And Void's new reign of terror is displayed:
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We are shown the Yellow Kingdom again, and the areas around it, completely overtaken by Darkness. Void must have taken complete control of the situation, as we just saw Seer with active dominance over their body in the epilogue. Maybe it was a defense mechanism to keep him alive after Corrupt's attack?
After these shots, we see what I think is the center tower of the kingdom—and there is a deep, bottomless pit surrounding it where the moat of lava once was.
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It reminds me a bit of the castle entrance to the Depths from Tears of the Kingdom. Void might have something important down there.
A few more shots cycle through of the tower, and we see this—
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The camera is descending into the chasm.
Next, we see a room maybe akin to some kind of lab?
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It could also be a big machine. Somebody is standing there, but even with heightened exposure and brightness, it's hard to tell who it is. I'm sure it's Void, however, due to the chasm and darkness. This shot is really interesting, too--
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--because it seems to be the view of the surface from this area underground. With heightened exposure, the walls look very machine-like.
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Whether that or a lab, it clearly serves a primary purpose in Void's plans. (One of my first thoughts was likely a stretch, but I asked myself if it could be similar to the Soulstice--in the way that a machine was created to steal all souls, another would be created now to spread Darkness. Shadow Sabre did something similar in RQ.)
The next four shots emphasize what seems to be some of our new group of main characters.
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We see the Purple Leader in his home. Him coming into the main cast will be very interesting, as I'm sure it will give us more opportunities to learn about the histories with people like the Sorcerer and Phantasia, strong links to the Soulstice. I'm sure this knowledge will be vital to the fight.
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Now this next photo--I can't exactly tell what's going on here? It appears to be Corrupt's lab? When the exposure and brightness are edited, I can't see any details. But this is 1000% Corrupt is just is trust frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrffrfr Corrupt is alive
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The shot then switches to an Indigo and an unidentifiable Aquamarine who seems to be imbued with light energy, given the white eye. I assumed this could be Aaron, but his soul got stolen. Who knows? The Indigo is the Doctor Indigo, I would think--given the coat and monocle, but he didn't have a design in Season 2, so I'm unsure. Both of these could be completely new characters.
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And now, Dimension facing off with the Soulstice. It seems that Dimension will play a much bigger role now and actually put in the work for once. I guess that was his final straw? Or maybe the season will start and he will still show absolutely no concern.
A couple of interesting shots of Light and Soulless show up after this.
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In a similar fashion to the Season 2 intro, Light walks towards the camera and glitches into his other forms, this one being Soulless. It only emphasizes his apparent new role in the season.
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After this, we see a standoff between the main cast and the main opposition. Light, Professor, Dimension, Purple, and...a strange new variant of Assistant. It makes me think of the assistant robot from A Dark Soul, which was also themed around light. In the beginning of the trailer (and in the thumbnail), we only see the Assistant as a head. I guess he got repaired, and Light was a major factor playing in it.
I'd also like to point out how odd the new Sculk Steves look. They have gray streaks, like light energy. Since Corrupt was absorbed by the Soulstice, I imagine that the light crystal he held became of high use to the Soulstice, allowing it to power up these Steves like this.
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The patterns on the ends of their limbs also look much bigger/brighter/saturated, or maybe its just the lighting--like soul flames instead of the typical sculk steve pattern.
The Steve standing above in the second picture catches my eye, though. It seems to be a "normal" being, and even appears to be holding something if you look closely.
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Right by the head there. This figure is also standing closest to the Soulstice, so they must be important. Could it be Corrupt? Well if you watch a few more seconds--
Right there. We see Light fighting with who appears to be that figure. But that sword... We have seen that sword before!
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Corrupt's sword.
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We never saw Corrupt disappear when the Soulstice found him. It's more than probable that he simply could have just absorbed the light energy from him, used it to power up the sculk steves and other operations, and left Corrupt weakened. But what purpose would he have even leaving him alive? The Soulstice has everything it needs now, right?
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Light found Toxin, too. And with a potion effect? He seems weakened. Perhaps Void has abandoned him and Light will team up with him? He already seemed to be cracking during his fight with Light in the forest where his prior identity as Soren was revealed. Is it finally time we get Soren back? Or will he still be evil?
The next few shots depict a battle between Light and Void, seemingly at his new base of operations. I'd put photos, but I'm almost out of space, and I want to keep this all in one post. Plus, there isn't a lot to analyze there.
The final shots of the trailer are some of my favorite ones.
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There's a good bit to break down here.
We start out by seeing Light's cursed form, except his curse appears to have spread greatly. I've also just realized that he doesn't have his soul-afflicted eye in this form. Images of Purple Leader, Soulstice, Professor, Soulless, and Assistant are not surprising--we already know of their larger roles. I believe that's Corrupt again in the 5th shift. As for the 8th, I'm a bit confused. I don't think we know who this person is. However, the purple belt definitely brings up a few ideas, even if they're stretches. Could we meet a new Purple Steve--maybe even Phantasia?? I doubt that's the case, as it seems pretty outlandish. The Yellow Leader being present actually makes a lot of sense as well. His Darkness should give him resistance to the Soulstice.
BUT, I'm really focusing in on those last three. Louis, Cliff, and,, Seer.
We saw the Elites' souls taken. Clearly, they find their way back to the land of the living eventually (and with some sick new redesigns.) Louis doesn't change much, but Cliff appears to now be entirely a Light Steve. Which brings up another thought--if he is now 100% light, does this mean that he is completely purged of Darkness? Is his Shadow gone? Is his shadow the reason he had to become fully light?
And then there's Seer. There's no doubt that this is him. My friend @chaoticcyprus brought up this photo:
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We saw this shot during the semi-finale when Void was battling the Soul Eater. The outfit aligns perfectly, except now his hood is down, and he seems to have been set free from whatever chains held him previously.
But how would Seer and Void separate? I assume it would have something to do with Corrupt's final blow on Void.
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Corrupt dealt an absolutely MASSIVE amount of power onto his opponent. I'm sure that the sheer amount of light energy could be enough to somehow split Void and Seer apart. It would explain Void's sudden spike in power and authority that he seems to have in the next season.
As for any final thoughts,,, I can't think of much else for now.
But I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone else has to say, and also what the team presents for Catalyst!
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opal-owl-flight · 25 days
Gonna be telling a bit of the Cap4 arc per image too bc the animatics in my head are getting more and more vivid KANSKWJ
cw for. A lotta blood...
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Where the crew encounters a Steelhead that watched over a school of domesticated fish/whatever the sploon equivalent of a sheep is. With unintended blood on their hands, 4 attempts to trick the salmonid into letting them go.
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With 4s trick failing, the steelhead goes on the attack.
...unfortunately, 4 didnt quite understand that the salmonid in these rough seas have no issue fighting bare-clawed. Things only got worse when the steelhead finally found his equipment and blew half of Polites' face and torso clean off.
Remember Them
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The death of Polites (or heavy injury depending on which interpretation Im telling) makes the agent see red. There is a good reason Neo3 respected 4 the moment they met...
Her anger, however, makes her lose her grip a little. She she basically doxxes herself to this salmonid that she decided to spare after blinding him completely with her own bare claws.
My Goodbye
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Marie isnt happy that 4 doxxed herself to the salmonid AND the grizzco crew she had recruited for this investigation...
Shes also disappointed in her for letting her emotions get the better of her. She shouldve finished off the Steelhead, etc. She also appears to be trying to push onto her 3s usual methods of captaining, not realizing that 4 has her own methods of going about it.
Unable to deal with this pressure right after heavy losses, 4 decides to cut communicarions with Marie, much to her dismay.
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understandableparadox · 5 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai reviews:
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Todays title: Welcome to demon school iruma
hi, im back, tell a friend.
Anyways we will be looking over something populer, and only a few images this time. I want this to be a nice slide back into the mix while I get ready to boil myself alive by reading shitty isekais.
"b-b-b-b-but dox!" you say, your form emaciated and ghoulish from months of little to no attention "how is it an isekai?"
Normally an isekai requires some form of passage into another world through death, but again, we are going to consider any and all portal fantasies to be on-par with isekais. as death and jumping through a funky portal are really kinda the same thing if you think about it.
so! plot synopsis, we open on the titular character iruma! they are being sold to a demon, don't worry this action will be the literal best thing that has ever happened to them. Also, added treat, slavery is not a running theme in this manga! HURRAY! WE HAVE FOUND OVERCOME THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM! HUZZAH FOR MEDIOCRITY! MY DESIRE TO RUN MY HEAD THROUGH A ARC OF GONGS UNTIL THE SOUND WAVES LIQUIDATE MY BRAIN MATTER HAS LESSENED!
anyways we get to know some important plot points between the buyer and the product! (our mc)
iruma is a 14 year old yes man. They say yes to everything, even yes to the idea of breaking child labor laws! as their parents are frivolous unimportant freaks that spend way too much money then bolt, leaving him to work off the debt. Anyways, that's how this happened. they wanted dosh, and our buyer, we will call him grandpa!
Why is he so interested in buying a child? simple! He is rich and wants to have a grandson, unfortunately, he does not have a dick due to war injuries... ok thats a lie, he just wants a grand kid.
Anyways this is a very interesting title in the fact that it is still in a way, a power fantasy, but the power in that fantasy is separated towards other things.
It is a story in which you have the power to be helped. The adults in this manga are actual competent adults, they are there for the protection of the children, they are there to guide, nurture, train and help them grow. Despite differences or annoyances some may have, those are secondary to the ferocity they show when it comes to ensuring the protection of their students.
Iruma does have a lot of “i am the chosen one” but it is not something that automatically aids him in most situations, in fact it is the triad of facts of “I am a human”, “I want to help”, “I am determined” that allow him to rise both in power and social standing. The might makes right idealism of the underworld forced to reckon with people that stop to drag someone across the finish line. 
As for the plot, it goes along a few separate arcs; there is a very clear progression of time as Iruma gets older. Mostly split into two parts. Irumas social life, in which we get to see him become better and better friends with the students and faculty at this school. Showing both the give and take as they both show how far they are willing to go for each other. 
The second half is the mystery and political intrigue of the demonic society at large. The idea of a demon king has gone missing, disciples of which are eager to try and resurrect him as they see no one who is more suitable for the role, opposing forces trying to groom the top students at various schools into the role of king in a contest of disciples. 
I think you should give it a read, its cute, the designs are fun and the power system while simple is still enough to give the action that is there a lot of meat. It's also satisfying thing to read if you just got done with a shounen and you are wondering “where the fuck are the adults? Why are these children doing everything?”
Draw backs. Not a lot but some of the students are essentially drawn as adults and there are parts where you will feel slightly skived out by.
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electrificata · 1 year
Kyle gordon aka dj crazy times is currently riding the career arc jake novak ("i want to be the next snl cast member") was trying for the DIFFERENCE is that a) a europop parody, however loving, still has a heavy dose of irony in its foundation, which makes it go down much easier for the average internet user, b) explicitly stating your career goals rarely works out for anyone, c) i will be honest the song and video for "planet of the bass" are just better, d) audrey (biljana i) really put the team on her back, e) tides of millennial internet nostalgia, f) jakes role was ultimately not destined 2 be "comedian" or "celebrity" in that moment, rather he was the sacrificial lamb that began the widespread reckoning with how internet users disproportionately lash out at perpetrators of "cringe," how perhaps being a little corny shouldnt get you fucking doxxed. Im not saying it was fair thats just how it happened g) women are my favorite guy
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incomingfenderbender · 10 months
I’m done with my normal person arc. Im going to be a bitch and voice my opinions until I get doxxed.
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mllebabushkat · 2 years
☀️ Warrior Nun S2E5 🌙
holy shit yeah this one's wild
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"[she had] her sisters" the INFINITE FONDNESS in that look between avatrice at that moment 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
"tell jilian her son is here" MICHAEL?????????????????
insert beyonce meme
yo he sounds sorta cultish what's up with this reya miguel
camilla darling 🥺
she reallly has been through it all these few months, having to grow up alone too fast
loving her arc tho can't wait to see more !!
yayyy more bea + cam <333
bea giving her her all the affirmation and recognition she deserves, and in return,
cam putting into words and validating what bea has been so afraid to admit
did i mention i love their dynamic
oh i missed bea in her ocs habit!
oh wow now it's bea's turn to go 😍 at her flying gf 'best friend'
"i trust you. you know i do. we'll beat him." *CLUTCHES HEART*
ava is ROCKING her hairstyle this season ugh 👌
aaaaa mother superion + yasmine what a cute duooo
"never apologise for your gifts, just use them wisely" <3
me, recognising the conference room set: that's the thing! from the trailer!! superion boutta kick asS
insert pointing leo dicaprio meme
oh i love superion's actress, such Presence
kudos to her for recognising cult speak from a mile away 👍
william always talked too much for a bg character to be on the good side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
soooo. Catholic Murder Hotel.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA all the old men waving their tiny knives IM DYING
like copious bloodshed aside IM CACKLING LMAO
obligatory 'poor yasmine bby' honey ur doing great
fave moment: superion screwdrivers her handle straight down into that guy's skull and uses him as a shield
this really is Her Episode
quality fight scene as expected *kisses to the crew*
WAIT i just realised
yasmine doxxed herself and her secret sect to adriel's followers uhhhh-
oh ocs reinforcements!
psa: exposure to bring camilla's brilliant smile will blind you 🤩
brief detour
im gonna need an obligatory 'lilith wtf' to go along with 'fuck off adriel' and 'vincent el bastardo'
speaking of which, is he having second thoughts?
so yeah, lilith wtf
did she just...., orgasm out a pair of demon wings? like fine the eyebag scales make sense but i'm so fucking confused hahahahahaha
and disgusted
don't make out with the creepy beardo
oK back to the RESCUE MISSION
"fuck shit fuck" yeah me too girl-
not at beatrice being so used to mortality she went straight to that inspiration-from-the-brink-of-death spiel 💀💀
halo said u ain't dying here in this shitty alley
"easy, easy" ava no my palpitations haven't eased off just yet
the Patented Avatrice ✨Face Cradling✨
the way ava Nestles into bea's neck 😍😍😍
aaaaaaaaaaaaa they are so TENDER
"they can't beat us bea. not together." *CLUTCHES HEART AGAIN*
hoo boy what's next
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spnshameblog · 4 years
Ok, i'm trying to keep this short, but knowing myself thats not gonna happen.
So i got an anon asking me "do you hate j*red, if yes why?" Which i wont reply to directly bc it had no asterisk in it. Im kinda confused why i got this ask tbh? As far as i remember i only made one comment about him, but oh well.
Very short answer: no
Slightly longer answer: i dont spend enough time thinking about him to actively hate him.
Long answer: i dont think he is a bad person and i actually dont think he is a bad actor per se, but i simply do not vibe with the man. I dont claim to know him, what is going on in his head or what his relationship to his costars is. I can only go off the things i see. Ive seen his mental health charity. ive seen him be mostly friendly with fans, which i actually commend him for. I vividly remember how fans treated Gen for years, idk if that wouldnt poison me against my own fanbase (but this goes for all of them. People are horrible to the wives and children and they still manage to give fans the benefit of the doubt).
He has a history of doxxing ppl (retail workers) for stupid stuff and risks them losing their jobs.
He is making it his mission to ruin other peoples takes, most notably misha, but other guest stars have talked about this too. The stuff we see in gag reels are the funniest parts of his bits and according to pretty much everyone his bits go on for hours. Now there is having a laugh with your colleagues and there is making other peoples lives harder. Ive talked about it in my other post, i do not like the dynamic of him as someone who is basically unfireable ruining the takes of guest stars and ppl like misha who were already deemed expendable before. He also has pulled money related pranks at multiple occasions. Now i know all of them are TV stars, probably agreed to this and i have no idea what their finances are like, but pranks concerning actual money is just crossing a line for me personally.
This might be a misinterpretation, but other ppl have noticed it, too. He doesnt seem as invested or interested in his characters fate as other ppl (jensen, misha, mark s) and that may just be him realising he is a main character on a subpar show, but he has seemed detached from sam for years now and has, to my knowledge, even thought about quitting acting completely before getting the w*lker role. Idk if Sams lack of consistent arcs and characterisation caused his disinterest or if its the other way round, but its something i keep thinking about.
Also theres the thing with him getting arrested for assault which im not going to talk about bc i didnt look into it much bc it upsets me lol.
In summary: i dont think hes a bad person, but i think he is very privileged and rarely thinks about the consequences of his actions and his fans will not even allow the slightest bit of criticism and will constantly refer to his mental health history as an excuse, which is super insulting and unfair. Also the venn diagram of his fans and w*nc*sties is very close to a circle. If i need to explain to you why thats bad i dont know how to help you. Im not saying hes responsible for the way his fans behave, but he does attract weird ppl, sorry.
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since this post blew up so hard i decided to embrace my role as Fresh Meat for the Cosmere Fandom and chronicle my journey through the last eight chapters of mistborn. spoilers abound
first it should be noted that i hardcore sped through the end of the book to find out what happened so a lot of my reactions to things like major character death were muted
Vin ripping off that gooooorgeous dress to save Elend and murder Shan Elariel was SO CINEMATIC i could see it in my head i loved it i LOVED IT
good ol' saze explaining why people are so uncomfortable seeing her in undergarments when she's completely covered
the end of kelsier's arc with mare and vin being the daughter they didn't get to have. so good
ok we need to talk about marsh cos marsh and ham/breeze are my favorite crew members
the second i met marsh i Knew he was the real brother to look out for. i didn't think kelsier had much of an arc beyond this book, but marsh immediately pulled me in. i knew he was special
i did not think the body kel and vin found at the meeting place was marsh's. i honestly assumed marsh had to kill someone and get out. it didn't even occur to me to think it was marsh until kel started boiling
still dunno what kel meant by "you still have a lot to learn about friendship" and it haunts me. i would've held him back too
"there are other ways to fight" with vin and breeze teaming up really stuck with me and i don't know why
kel's death. seeing the lord ruler. i could hear the music, see the scene
kel's death
"i am hope."
the lord ruler just bitch-slapped him to death
kel's master plan to become a god. to become jesus. i see you branderson and i don't like how uncomfortable you made me
the unraveling of that plan. as they read his letters, yelled at him, and then did what he laid out for them to do
a man i respect very much once said that an administration lives and dies by the strength of its secretary. dox's "he did what he had always done: he made kelsier's plans a reality" made me think of that. he and i are administrators. we'd drink and complain about kel for hours together but we'd never leave him
the all might/deku and peter parker/miles morales moment with vin reading her personal letter. i could feel the weight of the assassination descend upon her
the second i saw the old man in the center room i screamed "HES A FERUCHEMIST THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING"
really the sum total of the last five chapters is me figuring out what's going on five pages before vin
cos my next thought was "what if the acension makes you both a feruchemist and an allomancer. that would make you a god" and i was so right
vin's father's death. nice
Saze goin All-Might for twenty seconds to bust him and Vin out of jail
that teeny tiny second in Kar's perspective to give us an idea of what it feels like to be an inquisitor right before marsh literally ended this man's whole career. branderson is a master
i figured out the lord ruler's identity five lines before vin
I HAVE TO KNOW WHY VIN CAN DO WHAT SHE CAN DO. "she drew on the power of the mists" HAUNTS ME
that man is metal as FUCK
"i was a member of their organization for like two days before i ended it." stone cold
"you don't know what i do for you"
"he was hope"
elend is an idiot and i love him so so much. king elend is gonna be ridiculous
he and vin are gonna be ling and lan fan ("fullmetal alchemist" "fullmetal alchemist") and im here for it
i was so tense during their distrusting arc but he loves her so much i knew they were gonna be okay
kel saving him tho
whenever i can next drive to my friend's house to read well of ascension will probably spawn another of these ridiculously long posts. i hope that i have satiated the hunger of the fandom for the time being but until then track "hiccup reacts: mistborn"
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crowsent · 5 years
did a text post bc the formatting is easier. also because so i won’t bombard you ( @yalltookmyurlideas ) with words
i basically created my son ethel when i was late middle school. almost summer. i was watching this one anime, servamp, and there was a character with a really interesting design of blonde hair with black streaks (his name was hyde) so my middleschool self i went “neat! i want an oc like that!” so i designed ethel based on that one anime character with weird hair. and that was his only defining trait for a while: weird hair
originally, ethel had white hair and genetically inherited black streaks (again bc i was in middleschool) and i created the first drawing of ethel (first pic i sent) when i was a freshman in highschool and the whiteness of the rest of his hair compared to the streaks is very visible.
at that point, my backstory for him was essentially “pale, loner, likes shakespeare, wears hoodie, highschooler” his shirt is just a really creepy smiley face bc i really wanted to turn up the emoness of his design. pretty sure he had a girlfriend or a partner whose name was like. carmen. or camillia. or something that starts with a c. she dies and serves as fuel for him to be angsty bc again. middle school
then i became a junior and looked at his initial design and went. “what if i make it darker?” bc i hit peak emo phase when i was a highschool freshman and was one step away from wearing mcr outfits every day to school. you know the one. that one jacket.
2nd and 3rd pictures i sent were the darker and gritter versions of ethel. hence the darker hair (you can barely see the dark streaks in the third photo) and edginess amped up to 11. his hair was like a chestnut brown at that point and the black streaks were less visible. he remained without a background for the most part but i added “girlfriend was killed, wants revenge” to his bio because i guess i wanted him to be even edgier? and he kind of becomes a hermit who hates society at the end of his character arc. just a grumpy nihilist with depression bc at the time i did not know how to handle my own mental health and it manifested as that.
i didn’t fully create a backstory for ethel until i reached my senior year. then i went fucking ham and changed his entire character. he went from “name is ethel, pale, loner, likes shakespeare, wears hoodie, highschooler, lost a girlfriend, wants revenge, really edgy” to Ethel Ash
so basically. ethel lost both parents when he was young and was put in foster care, bouncing from home to home without really having a place to belong. he didn’t feel wanted by anyone, didn’t have support from any adults in his life, started trouble just to get some goddamn attention bc he felt invisible and it only led to people labeling him as dumb and a problem. bc of the lack of support in his life, he fell in with the wrong people when he was in highschool. fights. petty theft. vandalism. that kind of stuff. sent to juvie a few times because he got caught. at this point, his hair was just plain brown and he doesn’t dye it until much later.
then he graduated highschool, but only barely. he’s pretty smart, interested in philosophy, strategy, math, and classical literary works (shakespeare which is p much the only part of his original backstory that survived) but his teachers essentially labeled him a problem child and gave him next to no attention. so he p much accepted society’s label that he’ll always be no-good and kind of ran with it.
he got involved in organised crime after he graduated and by organised crime i meant the mob. he became involved with the mob in california (where he lived) and bc he’s smart and well-versed in like strategy and math, he kind of picked up being an informant. like. he became that one guy people in the mob turned to for info. doesnt particularly like being involved in the shady deals that go down, but if he’s being an informant, he’s needed. and if he’s needed, he has somewhere to belong.
so he overworks himself. sleeps little, eats less, and essentially becomes a machine who haunts the local coffee shop typing on a laptop that’s protected from everything under the sun. he wears a hoodie over his creepy smiley face shirt which he just nicked from some random dpt store to keep himself from being seen by the security cameras and is essentially a fucking internet gremlin with next to no face-to-face human interaction.
but of course, this (coupled with vices like drinking and smoking) takes a toll on him and his body finally gives out and he collapses in an alleyway. not passed out, but definitely delirious from lack of sleep and food. which, considering his criminal background, would fuck him over if he got seen by some random person and reported to the police. or worse, sentence him to death if he got spotted by someone from a rival gang who would love to get rid of someone dangerous like him.
instead, he got found by c. i will call her camilla in this instance bc i genuinely don’t remember her name even though she got a big reboot to her character as well. ethel’s like. 20-21 at this point. camilla is 22 and is in a prestigious college taking a double major in english and food management. she’s not particularly rich, but is upper middle class with a single mother living in new york who fully supports her in what she wants to do and regularly calls her to make sure that she’s safe. and camilla, spotting this dude who looks like death incarnate, stops and makes sure he’s okay and ethel keeps telling her not to call the cops or call an ambulance.
and camilla, also very smart but has enough chaotic dumbass energy to sink a ship, takes ethel to her apartment where he devolves into a high fever and she helps him through it.
he gets better and is just ????? towards camilla because she’s nice to him even though he did nothing for her. he leaves her apartment as soon as he can, but they end up running into each other again at the fucking coffee shop bc im a sucker for cliche and they kind of clicked.
they bond over shakespeare together because camilla’s an english major and ethel’s a fucking nerd for shakespeare. he doesn’t tell her what kind of work he does, but she figures it out anyway because she’s not an idiot. there are bruises on ethel’s body and his eyes always dart around the room, looking for an exit. she lets him know that she knows, and she lets him know that it’s not his fault that the world let him down, that he felt that he didn’t belong.
and ethel kind of breaks after that? like. he very reluctantly works as an informant in gangs bc he’s chasing the high of being needed and wanted and this random college girl just up and tells him that it’s not his fault that he’s never felt warmth in his goddamn life?
she doesn’t try to change him bc she’s in college and she has essays to fucking worry about and ethel never even does anything like dox some innocent soul so while she’s kind of uncomfortable with ethel’s job she’s not like majorly concerned about it. its a rule that they never talk about ethel’s job when they hang out bc ethel doesn’t like talking about what he does and who he associated with because of the issues of his childhood and she really doesn’t want to think about the fact that there are a lot of bad people her best friend associates with bc he feels like he has no choice so it’s kind of silence on that topic.
but ethel kind of changes himself. he wants to change. bc hey. it’s not too late. he hasn’t done something like murder so if he quits and turns himself in, he can get like a few years at most and come out and live a better honest life. and like. camilla’s floored and flattered that her friend would do this because she inspired him to do better? and she’s like “all my life, i wanted to start my own cafe and when you get out, ill hire you. how’s that sound” and they’re like. both soft and ethel is fully fucking prepared to go to the police and out literally every single motherfucker he worked with and turn over a new leaf.
but then someone catches wind of what he plans to do.
and fucking murders camilla.
bc they thought that camilla was forcing ethel to change for her and the logic is that “if the person telling him to quit and betray us is dead, then he wont go through with it” but it completely fucking backfires.
and ethel goes fucking ballistic.
instead of just going to the police like a normal person and confessing everything like the names of the people he works with and letting the police deal with them. he just straight up drops off the grid. and fucking mails the goddamn police things like full names, addresses, safehouses, etc. he straight up obliterates the gang he works with by systematically doxxing them to the fucking police one by one, ruining all of their operations, and hunting them down one by one.
this is the point where he dyes his hair black, but only streaks of it to remind himself of camilla. camilla had planned on streaking her hair hair red bc it goes well with her black hair and ethel streaked his hair black to remind himself of her. he doesn’t turn himself yet in bc he doesn’t plan on doing that until he literally finds all of the men and women he’s worked with in the past and leads them to their arrest and it’s an ongoing thing because his former colleagues went into hiding so he’s having some difficulties.
but he still plans on turning himself in once he’s done. and once he gets out, he plans on starting that cafe. and he’s going to fill it with bookshelves of classical literature. and he’s going to keep living his goddamn life.
and i wrote most of his backstory in math class because i genuinely could not give a shit about math. and that’s ethel. my son. my child. my baby. i love talking about him. he’s precious and i adore every inch of him.
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rahkshirock · 6 years
Hey @dukeofriven im attempting to continue this discussion on my own blog rather than the meme post hope you dont mind
Anyway the way i interact with all of this controversy is obviously affected by my perspective: i am an aspergers-spectrum white ace cis dude from a hyperconservative family with not much oppertunity for a social life: i used to have shitty harmful interactions with everyone i ever met. When I first started reading homestuck (at the introduction of arenea) i went to look for analysis that i thought was interesting. The fact that i got onto tumblr instead of reddit or 4chan is a straight-up miracle. It let me see the real-world effects of the opinions that i held, and i started working to educate myself and do better. 
Again: I changed myself, because i came into contact with new perspectives, through 2 and a half years of painful self-reflection. The media i consumed didnt change me. I did.
I still live at home. I still have to deal with my parents bad opinions about economics, and gender, which are the only things tying them to the right-wing anymore, but wont budge on their opinions concerning (god this sentence is a wreck) They still make little jokes about not getting an heir until my little brother grows up. Its infuriating. whenever my dad and i talk politics now, he thinks I've gone nuts because i changed my entire worldview from what I've been spoon-fed into basically a socialist within a two-year time period.
So when i go online, i have a weird sort of perspective; someone who could very well have tipped over into being a neonazi looking at people doxxing each other over whether they think two minor characters are making platonic or romantic eye contact in a 30 second scene and i just...
Dont have an in to that conversation?
My blog has... 146,072 posts.
The first ones? Probably horrifying. Im not going to look. I have to move foreward with my life and who im trying to become.
One opinion of mine that i think helps is to see that there is no use to seeing tumblrs mob-mentality as a person i can interact with: i can only message individual people, and they wont listen anyway. All i can do is offer another opinion, and not engage with the cyclonic oroburos of hatred
Which in my case just means i post whatever i think is funny and not mean-spirited, but maybe i should throw my hat into the ring more? Idk
At any rate the whole fail on/off state is a really fucking good analogy. Like,
Back in act 5 of homestuck people stopped reading because of the murderstuck thing, and i get that but reading sequentially the sequence
Lasts approx 10 seconds
Is undercut by sbahj jokes constantly
And serves as setup for terezi: flip which is THE climax of the troll arc, wrapping it up for s:cascade.
And was updating every day.
They missed CASCADE because this myopic tendency is that strong.
I think most people over 20 have that moment where they realize that they need to chill inbetween new installments of media, but since tumblr is the perferred space for lgbt Teens, we get this weird self-aware infighting because of their emotional immaturity (which i had at that point but i was in a lurking phase and didnt contribute)
Im not sure we can even pin this as anyones fault? Like, obviously i think the su update schedule is horrible, but that cant excuse the actions of the fandom itself? Except many among the fandom havent had the changes that happenned in my life that gave me perspective? Some of them are 14?
So if you are structuring a story how do you minimize this effect? What should we even call it? Fictional information pipeline fail states? Idk i need to think on this more.
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