suntoru · 4 months
belated valentines BUT i am here. here i am. ily ure so sweet n adorable ur letter made me tear up got me staring at the ceiling w tears in my eyes for a good 10 mins HAPPY TEARS OFC mwamwa
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xx timmy <3
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necroneol · 1 month
hi noct!! (or whoever else may get this!) random question but of all the fable games, which would u recommend for a beginner? never had a console to play it on but they look really interesting
im so glad you asked i LOVE fable
(please excuse the typis to xome, we had a very awful day. thbaks you for this ask, it is a welcome rest /genuine
personally i will say fable 2. favle 1 is really fun, ans feels a lot like an older pc style rpg. it has a lot of charm and is definitely worh playing. but fable 2 is a magical experinxe. the world is exapnsive but not overhwleming (which is something we experience often with open wirld games thay seem endless) the chatacters are soooo charming. not juat the story characters but even randome npcs have so much personlity. the combat is fun and satisfying. it feels very gratfiying to beat the bad guys. or the good guys, i guess, if you choose to be evil lol. you can have families and homes and own properties you can make some really fun outfirs the story is very inspiring and the very end of the game feels so….real. you can really play how you want down to immpressivelt tiny details especially for its time.
to me fable 2 is a nice mixture of old and new, even though ut isnt all that new anymore. i thinm that soeaks to how timeless and awesome it is .
i have nothung but praise for fable 2, where as i find fabke 1 to become a little overhwleming and outdated, ans fable 3 to feel like it slightly removed from the fable formula, and also much too short. all of them are amazing games and i 100% recommend pkaying all of them at some point, but if tou ask ne (and you did) i would stilk say gable 2.
you could likelt emulate the games or even do whay i did, which was ask a family member for an old xbox for Christmas. we got an xbox one x from gamestop for less rhan 250. you could likely find one even chesper somewhere else (gamestop sucks major balls anyeays). we honestly love olaying the xbox a lot, becaue xbox and discord made a deal or something? so you can seamlessly and lag-free stream to a doscord server with a few sinple button presses. as our partner us long distance, this is perfect gor us.
long story short, fable 2 all the way. i hope you get the opportunity to give it a try, and i
hope you enjoy it if you do. thanks for the ask, this was fun!
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theiloveyousong · 1 year
olive listens to the second act of falsettos for the first ever time on a plane very tired and slightly loopy: a liveblog (ish)
my not entertaining, very pathetic thoughts on falsettos. not proofread or edited for typos. read at your own risk.
okay before we begin let me preface by saying im finally just taking a bit to just LISTWN to this shit and trinas song emotionally destoryed me okay. okay
why is the first line just homosexuals. i mean yeah but still
oh this goes
weirdly happy though isnt this guy gonna die
ooh speed mode march of the falsettos
the lesbians!!
of course shes a shiksa
this gooooooes
oh its marvin
“two years” are you NORMAL now
good for trina
ezcept on tje jewish holidays
bring him back
i wanna go to falsettoland except not really cuz ot would probs suck
yeah. grow tje fuck up
wait how is he twelve and a half i had my bat mitzvah three months after turning 13
elaborate william finn.
jason stoooop butchering the hebrew. stooooop
im gonna give him a pass simply because ive heard worse
aww the tallit belssing. i think
“the last loving thinfh we’llprobably ever do together” noooo youre so emotionally intriguing aha
the whole things WHAT now man who i think matbe js whizzer but i cant tel marvin snd whizzer apart very well is that bad
good for fucking jason
this is my mom literally
hes gonna be a jewish adult
i cant tell wahts gping on (too zzzy)
omg a lesbian
“nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine” cordelia i love you but please do not do this. just have fucjing bagels you cant go weong with bagels
so proud pf jason
i am NOT dxcited for when my brother starts bar mitzvah prep
this song is titled miracle of judaism it has to be good
oh hes being a little straightboy
invite none of them just be a frienless loser like i was lamoo
no i had like four people there
you are TWELVE. DUDE.
you’re not swinging a goth gf you are TWELVE YEARS OLD
oooh baseball
ooooh JEWOSH baseball
same maevin
marvin stop calling your sona pussy
oh eitght its the Eighties
jason cannot play baseball
baseball ⚾️ ooh empji ⚽️ 🏀 🏈
go off trina. love her
of course he love sbaseball
the lesbians are silly
oh my god. middle aged man core. hes so fjcking pathetic
jason *not 2 fiture penny put photo of cat kn box head here. no service on this plane*
even bald he looks good
stop thinking about your gay love and focus on your fucking sun. loser
i would love to watch jason play badebll (loe?
me when i hit the ball
this bitch gets SIX parents at hsi baseball games and my brother gets my mom and me not paying attention because soccer is boring as sbit sorry soccer lovers who also follow penny dimeshee on timblr pkay im rabong RAMBING
me when im in falsettoland
mendel is so bad at his job
this bitch sucks ass.
disgrace to the name of caroline fr caroline abbott would NEVER do such a thing
reagan and pagan as a rhyme ks genius
trina. thag is NOT how you prnounce it
sorry what.
just qhitnyour FFUCKIGN job. you cant do it anyway 😊☺️☺️
god i love ❤️ emojis
wbat a shock marvins back with whizzer
trina be normal please 🙏 i love you
trina calm your shit
yeah why CANT u let goe
as spon as they said that i know everytknhg not gonna be alright
i watched like half of a short clip of this from tje tonies and then went to bed becaus eit was like ten pm and i sleep early because i am a loser if any lf you compare me to bakugo my hero academia i will actually cry anyway the clip was good they were #exercising wby dod i go pn thos tangent
me when i stick a lightbulb up my ass
okay shes being self important
was that the first eff bomb
what aee they laying
whizzer my man marvin has matured stip raggingi kn him!!!!!!!!!’
i cant see anything out this plane window its like 10 pm. past my bedtime
OOH i lvoe me a good musical motif
anyone here watchind minions the rise of gru and know what the FUUCK goes on in it my brothers watcing jt and im so confused
HE DID MATURE!!!!!!!!!!!! “i want it all” “all i want is you” CHARACTER DEVEIPMENT GO OFFFFFF!! i want to write an essay about this man
they gave us quinoa chocolace crunches on the plane
theyre in the coty? damn i would jot think that. they feel like sone sort of pseudo-idyllic suburban lifestyle bitches
Damn this shit is long
this sonf is incorrect i do not hate my parents
thag wasnt funny
jadon. honey. you are so lucky your parendes dotn involve you in bar mitzvah prep. do you want to pick out tablecloth swatches
jaosn i feel like you’re misunderstanding the purpace of the bar mitzvab
what kinda a name ks apple bum
better call sa- he WHAT???? HWTA????? HIH????? WH?????? REELING
HE HAS PAITBJNGD OF WHAT NOW???????????????????????
matbe i should have done this while lucid
gonna take a wuick pause sk i can play shitty united app games
okay i got a high score of 0. om back
HE DOESNT yeah i thoight that
what the fuck was that mendel is thag ilatian. we are JEWISH. why did you top it off with dayeinu.
i did bate my paewnts at 12
jason dont you want to be counted in a minyan….
it is not in the torah
god did not say thag
jason do the fuckingn bar mitzvah.
even ykkur wife knows you cand do your hob correctly mendel…
one hour left onthe flogh ti can do this
can mtbrother turn his screen birghtness fown
sorry marvinim sore your love os wuite sweet but im gonan catch about four min of sbuteye
“try to stay both kind and young” okah thats powerful
okay marvin. good love ballad.
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“something so bad that words have lost their meaning”
whizzer soumds so tired
MARVIN. god i love him
everything is not gonna be alright
oh and now trjnas gonna make me sob
YEAH. 🤧😿
i have things to say about the repetition of everything will be alright and they will be said. eventually
“hahaha… not funny… okay”
gonna bawl my eyes out
“gefiltee fish” “gefilte fish?”
i need to watch this on stage
god he’s just a KID!!!
im not crying you’re crying
the fucking. camaderie.
i am crying on the plane and im trying not to be weird about it
heart breaking
i am getting tje implications here bit the thing is i dont like the implications
ive heard this song on character playlists o think
i just know jason bar mitzvahs gonna kill me
he brought tje prayer shawl!!
yeah this si. augh. making the best out of a horrible situation <333
would this ever work logistically? no. where is the rabbi? where is the torsh? but emotionally? i am crying my eyes out as i drscend over salt lake city utsh and im not even ahsmwed
MARVIN. GOD. im a marvin fan now not ashamed
they are NOT doing this bar mitzvah right
thats not an actual parshah. or actual trope. i need to stop pointing out inconsisternces
waiteajtwait dont they say that thing in this has better come to a stop. OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
like wine
there ar no word sor emojis that can express th e utter fucking heartbreak im going through rn
whoo boy.
hi its airport olive. thanks for getting this far! if you read this all you’re now legally obligated to marry me!
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2hot2di3 · 3 months
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sugakuns · 4 years
𝟐𝐤+ 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I can’t thank you guys enough for the amount of love you guys have given me. Like I said in my last milestone post, I didn’t expect to get any followers tbh because when i started i barely knew the whole of the karasuno vbc team 🥴
writing has always been fun for me and thanks to you guys I can truly enjoy it. I’ve expanded my vocabulary which has actually helped me irl and I’ve learnt a few life lessons surprisingly
I’ve met so many amazing people on this app because of haikyuu and I wouldn’t be here without them. Please, if you haven’t followed them already please do.
@bokukiyoom ; viru, we only met a few weeks ago on sophia’s cursed server but im so happy we did. you’re so nice and supportive and i always laugh when i talk to you. thank you for everything. you’re always one of the first people to reply to me when i need help or need someone to check over a fic for me and im extremely grateful.
@the-broken-halo-writer ; corey my lil farmer, i don’t even know where to start. before i met you on sophia’s server i was the biggest fan of your works. i’d always go on binge sprees of your works so i never thought i’d ever make any sort of friendship with you. thank you for being there for me, i couldn’t imagine not having you in my life now. you’re so supportive and like viru, you’re always one of the first to reply to me. thank you for replying to me that one night, you really helped me out when i needed it and i can’t thank you enough
@kiiyomiis ; lena, you’ve been my day 1 in term of moots and i’m so thankful i met you. thank you for being one of my first few requests / followers and requesting that oikawa headcanon,, i wouldn’t be here without you and i mean that. i didn’t think i would continue this acc before meeting you so i just can’t put into words how much you mean to me and this account. i love you so much and im happy that we’re close enough for you to trust me worh personal things. you make my days so much brighter and i always feel so loved when i speak to you. thank you ❤️
@sophiawithstars ; my smelly soph 🥺 i love you so much. im so happy we can joke around and be mean to each other without any hard feelings. ive had so much fun with you and every time i talk to you i always laugh to the point my cheeks hurt 😭 im so happy that not only we can joke about but i can talk to you about anything that’s bothering me and vise versa. i love u so much my little poo 💩
@ceeswrites ; cee omg,, i love you so much. you’re such a sweetheart and when you found my ig and spammed the comments it really made me smile. every time i talk to you it’s so special and fun and honestly i get so happy when i see you online :)
i want to tag mei and piña but im not sure if i should,, but if you’re reading this thank you for making me smile when you’re on the server. something chaotic always happens when you two join and honestly it’s just a lot of laughs when you two come on. thank you for that :)
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aplaceforthesoul · 7 years
Anonymous submitted:
19/f I broke up on Wednesday the 22nd of feb. i had been with my boyfriend for over 4 years we were the happiest until tuesday the 21st when one of his friends called him and told him I had cheated on him over the summer when I went to europe with my friends. The only thing that happen this past summer was the fact that one of my guy friends has always supposedly felt something for me. But he’s an ass and i would never do anything with him nor date him. Ever. He texted me a couple of times and I was very stupid and thought that because it was my graduation trip I could not be unfaithful but ahhh idk the thing is i was a bit flirty and that was wrong. When I came back to mexico from europe my bf saw my phone and he saw the convo. He literally fell apart. Bc he knew before that this guy had always been around and he hated him for always being nosy and trying to get between us. In august we talked about it, obviously I begged for his forgiveness bc i knew I had done something wrong. I was wrong for being flirty and to allow the conversation to keep going but that was all it was!!! 
I told this to my bf and he decided to forgive me and “let it go”. We had been dating for another 5 months or so and as I said before one of his friends over heard a conversation my guy friends that were in europe while I was there were having and he told my bf what he had heard. My bf told me he had to talk to me on tuesday so he did. He bluntly asked me If i had cheated and I literally said NO I DIDNT. He immediately said i dont belive you. I started crying I was devastated to think that he could actually think I was capable of doing somethig like that and even if i had that I would have the guts to keep it from him for all this time. I told him on tuesday that I couldn’t be with aomeone who could think so little of me and someone who couldnt trust me. We were both devastated and crying. He told me he was sorry for doubting me and he believed that I hadnt done it. He left my house and we didnt actually get to Any conclusion. On wednesday we texted and I told him i had said everything I needed to say so when he was ready to talk he could tell me and I would gladly hear him out. That same day at night he came over and as we started talking he started crying like he seemed so frustrated with his head like he could not control what was happening in there. He said he couldnt do it anymore. That his insecurities were past that and right now what he needed was time to put his mind in order and not be all judgmental and not trust me. I told him I agreed and i respected that he wasn’t comfortable and neither was I. I didn’t deserve to be with someone who doesn’t tryst me and he should be with someone he could trust. We cried for like an hour amd he told me how in love h was worh me that he wanted to marry me, he couldnt imagine live without me, he could mever have
PART 2. He could never have enough of me and he would think about me all the time. Etc etc etc. I decided not to retain my feelings because i knew if i was going to break up and I didnt tell him about everything I felt I was going to regret it afterwards. We kissed, we hugged, we didnt end on bad terms. I am having such a hard time because he is the love of my life I cant believe everything ended because of a lie, a lie he couldnt put my word before his friends and would not put me first. I understand this may be whats best because if he was having such a hard time the relationship wouldve ended worse? The thing is i keep telling myself I have to get over him and just move on but deep in my heart i know i would give anything for him to forgive me, trust me in order to get back with him. I know he needs time. He needs time to think what happened and make sense out of it. I do think once his head is a little less asdfghjkl he will understand he was dumb and he loves me. But I cant fathom the fact that we’re over. Idk why but i just think this is all a bad dream and his just going to call me tomorrow to pick me up and just be like we were on monday that we were the happiest. I know i shouldnt call him not because of pride but bc i really didnt do anything wrong (other than flirting a bit but he knee and frogave me about that already) and If i call him or text him he might think I feel guilty and i felt the need ti get things straight but I did that already. 
So i dont know know to convince myself that its over and I wont get back to him. What do you think will happen, i am having the worst time. And i mean through out the day ive been hanging out with friends to not think about that so much and ive had a good time but when im alone in bed i just cantZ and Ive dreamed about him every day since we broke up. U dream that he talks to me and tries to get back. Ive also dreamed about us if we had never broken things off. Im just having a hard time i dont want to expect anything but something inside me does expect him to take me back. I forgot to mention he is 21, he is actually very mature but he has always been the guy that worries too much about everything so i see where he is coming from but still. His friends are the kind if guys who would tell him yeaah dint worry lets get drunk blah blah and I really think he needs a real friend to talk to to get some sense in to him and not even for us to getting back together but someone who actually hears him out and gives him good advice. Thank you i’ll wait for your response and I’ll try not to die in the meantime.
hey there <3 the way you ended the relationship was honest and mature, I’m really proud of you for being able to do that (: I completely agree with you -- you don’t deserve to be with someone who can’t trust you, someone who could think so little of you! I think you did the right thing by ending the relationship, I really do .
you only ended the relationship 3 days ago! sometimes it can take weeks and months to finally move on -- this pain isn’t something that will disappear overnight, give yourself time to grieve and to start to heal. it’s natural that you feel disorientated at the moment? like you were in a relationship with someone for a long time!! and now that has all changed, it’s going to take some time to adjust. 
keep yourself busy and spend time with friends like you mentioned? try to keep some order and stability and routine with things -- like if you always have breakfast then keep on getting up each day to have breakfast, if you always have showers at night then keep doing that. your life has just changed a lot, and keeping up with routine can help to make the transition a bit easier. 
take away things that remind you of him (trust me constant reminders in your life of someone never helps!), listen to music that makes you feel good, take it one day at a time. this pain will ease, things will become easier to manage, it won’t hurt so much. talk to friends about all of this, don’t keep it bottled up!
maybe in time your ex boyfriend will understand in time that what he did (ie. not believing you about not cheating) was dumb, maybe he will clear his head! but in the mean time? focus on you, focus on doing what is best for you. much love <3
- tash
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stendyle · 3 years
milez hihi i love u soso much okay like. u genhienly make evrrydsy so much brighter like i could be ceying so hard in bef and u can jsjt. send me an ask and ill instatnly feel better bc ur just !!! u !!! (like fun fact thats waht just happened lol) like ur jsut!!! soso nice n kind n u make life worh living for
like ur such a kind person okay i llve u soso much n ur jsut!!! u!!! i cant explain it sny other eay ur just you!!! you make everyday so much better n u just. u make everything better and happier n just !!!! i love u soso much
george oh my goddd im gonna cryyy aaaaaa 🥺🥺 /pos
this actually meanz so much to u,, u dont even know
i lov u sososo much and im so glad ur my brother <33
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‪Im angry for all those who see things which arent there..So i have to write it this way, 140 letters its not enough..its called FRIENDSHIP,not ur fantasy.. I have gay friends and i love them, I am all for LGBT rights,marriages,adoptions and everything so dont try make me a homophobe..Dont be so feisty and offensive..I am a huge fan of tv shows, i saw more than 200 shows, now i activly watching over 100 through the year, so I am bot specialist, but I have my opinion and kind of huge base to build on, cause i saw a lot..And i am also a shipper, so I get that..But the whole team who make #Sherlock (and they are doing some pretty pretty good and brilliant job) they cant make every shipper happy..And I know the world is trying ti change and be open and welcoming to gay people, and its right that way, cause we are all same...But u have to keep your reason and logic and whole thinking together..At first with your attitude they will didnt care about us and there will be no other season, and maybe for all u showing it would be deserved cause u are ungratefull and mean..Sorry u can ripped ne apart but I stand by my opinion and I will give you arguments why..Maybe some of you will understand..‬ ‪In every show u always find ur favorite, and ur shipping..And sometimes it happens and sometimes dont..I get it that u imagine yourswlf on Sherlocka or John place or imagine them as a dreamy oerfect couple which u want to live someday with someone in ur future..They change a lot and make a SPECTACULAR SHOW from old classic..But u want too much and u see things which are clearly not there..There is line between friendship and love. Of course u or i imagine that we change oyr crush to gay or straight or whatever it doesnt matter..But there is clearly totally different story.Not because creators want to make you mad amd furious and filling internet with these crap and throwing a lots of shit on their brilliant work..‬ ‪U dont not anymore concentrate on story..TRY TO THINK..please just try it with me..‬ ‪If ur wish would be fullfill hiw it would looks like abd what would happen with Sherlock, with show we all love and worship???‬ ‪So imagine it with me: ‬ ‪Theyre on a case, so much intense drama like always, everything we love...And in the middle of that they would be holding hands and showing their love and pride to whole world, in this case to whole London...And they would kiss or cuddle in Sherlock chair, or go on a date or whatever John going out of Sherlocks bedroom making him breakfest in the morning..I get it and I dont blame u that u are shipping this and see u in some way at their place...If I will be honest to u, maybe it will help, I imagine myself worh Sherlock so i dont want him with Mollt, Adler or John, dont care about gender..But I am reasonable intelligent person and I dont excpected this happy end for me( i know Sherlock is not real person, i am not crazy..) and I am totally "in love" (we cam call it in love probably) with Benedict Cumberbatch (I wasnt since the beggining, i actually wondering for two years why is whole world so swoon by him..I didnt saw it..I was so blind and stupid, now i get it maybe too much) but it doesnt change anything about that i love the show and i am very excited for what creators bring us and if they hive us more(please we want moooore) and if they give u ur happy ending Sherlock&John=❤❤❤ The biggest world love..That would totally ruin the whole show. It would become a totally different show which would many of us dont wanna watch, not because we are antigay or homophobic or whatever bullshit u will tell me, but because it would be wrong..They would instead of solving case solving they partership and problems in theirs relationship from why didnt u take out garbage to why did u cheated on me..So it would become a show about gay guys living in London splving specially their relationship because its aleays like that when partners work together..And usually they dont solve cases like that and dont get inti situation nearly close to this...So i u want Sherlock (if it ever will be another season, its in stars, but i believe in creators team that they dont ruin my hopes) to become a cheap like some german romantic movue from Rosamunde Pilcher, when u see those films u know it from first shoot, and u also now the whole story, keep preasure and hating what they done, all this amazing job...‬ ‪I would maybe shipping it two in different tv show, if it would be real...‬ ‪Its not my first rodeo, but in furst case I was sitting quitely and kept my mouth shout and my opinions to myself..‬ ‪But this time I am piss off cause u are all, touch ur conscience whi wrote what and where and hiw rude and disrespectfull to vreators u was, everyone one of u by yourself...Because they deserve so much better from us, our fandom, theyre doing it cause we love it so much. But we habe to be normal and think about whole thing ot only that part and gay happy end u want. It would make a joke from the whole show, because theyre both clearly elsewhere than u want them..John was dating, get married, had a baby, almost had an affair and its not still enough. I can almost hear u all argumenting that he or both of them are hidding it cause it happens in real life..Yeah but not everytime.Sometimes its just two huys become friends and after some time family..Sherlock, u could maybe said that he is little confusing about his sexuality at the start, and theough whole shiw, but its not about he being secretly gay( he is so clever and logic and reasonable that he would know that about himself and he would worked it out like everything, with pure logic) he is dofferent in other way, with his emotions, rudness, always bored by usuall stuff and ordinary life and so much mite thing, which we love so much about him..And he goes through some changes in those four bloody good seasons..He find his only friend in Watson, friend for gid sake, not future lover..He find his soulmate but in dofferent way that all lovesexpassion thing..And it was change him, in nice and goid way. But u all wake up and stop with all that hate pointing to creators and whole team..Ur fir no reason, yes i dont see that as a reason to hate all about finale and bitching and wining about it, because its not like u want it..U should appreciate and love the masterpiece they all made and not by bad and angry and rude AF! ‬ ‪I wastalking about that I saw this before, ta kind of funny because it was with Hannibal, it was also such a brilluant show( i became a huge fan of Mads Mikkelsen so see them together with Benedict in Doctor Strange was kind if my happy moment, omething like u wish with Sherlock and John huge gay love story..U are finding things where theyre not..) and it was same but it was probably a lot smaller fandom than Sherlock has, it was probably why it was cancelled after 3 season, but i also hope they will come back cause theyre some serious talks about it, but its not important now, but there was a characters of Hannibal and Will, it would take sometime to explain whole show but in shortcut Hannibal is psychopathic serial killer who eats people and like to cook them very goid, like high chefs stuffs and Will is nit an usuall detective(am I the only one who sees the simillarity yet?) he has this thing he can imagine in his somekind of mind palace how was those people kill when he us on crime scene..And there are some serious creeepy shit, but the point is that Hannibal becomes somehiw obssesed by Will, but not in the way of love, again, how somebody saw it, but there happen a lots of stuff which lead to weird kid of friendship between two very extraordinary people, like saving lives, and helping to other one, even if theyre are enemies fro the begiininf, and they both have relationship with women, doesnt matter hiw disturb those relationshio are, there was no romantic line between who somebody wanna see..It would also ruin the show, it was about friendship, between two not normal at all person, that fragile thing which start after all what they done to each other or to everybody else.Ther was that beauty, and this is the same case..We love Sherlock and Johns FRIENDSHIP...We dont want to turn it in different show, it wouldnt be like all ur memes and fanfiction story cause if this would happen there will be no base for any of this, u would win and what about us? U feel somehow(dobt get it why and how un this case) discriminated by this, but what about us all? There is always so mamy different opinions and tastes, never can make everyone happy, but theyre the creators and its up to them how its gonna be in the end. If u where on their place U could change it but they have theirs vision and they are creating it using their own fantasy and brilliant minds, all those twists and everything..U can express ur opinion, wish or feelings but doung that through rudness and hatefull comments and tweets and complains to BBC? I think its too much...And u being ungratefull amd dissrespectfull to their hard job...And amazing fantastic results... ‬ ‪They all deserve ours DEEPEST BOWS AND THANKS for taking us to this amazing rollercoaster ride of drama and emotions and hard thinking and deductions..It was quite something..And I dont say it like that, it means something cause I saw so many shows, and I usually watch even those which are nit as fun and i dont enjoy them too much, cause i am trying to give it a chance cause sometimes its worth it. But in case if Sherlock (i was never fanof crimi and i was the type "i dont givea fucj whi did that and why"cause they put detective and "maincharacters" aside in every crimi and i dont like that. Maybe I become wiser😂😂 i do t think so highly about myself😂😂with aging..Or i jist change, my taste change...) it was for the first time when I didnt do anything else then sit and didnt move or even breath at every episode, i didnt go to kitchen and let it play cause every minute and word it can be important, i didnt even scroll through my Iphone cause I am type of person who do t concentrate very good and gets easilly disstracted, and I was completly drown into...‬ ‪Yesterday I was being mad because of the finale cause we are now changing an operator and we are without cable tv, and I have this problem...I live in Czech Republic, so u all whos complaining, u cant imagine what i would give to have that chance to saw it cinema..I was prepar to be mad since 21 at England, at my country is one hoyr difference so its 22..And wait fir somebody uploaded online somewhere( not so nice, but when isnt any other usefull choice) so i couldnt look nowhere to avoid saw just a frame...And it was my imagination of pute torture..Longest two hours..Maybe u will think i am posh or whatever butour czech tv channel called Ct2 airs it at the same time, asi in England(surprise, in other cases we ate here at season 2 meanwhile there is season 6) but they made i with czech dabing..AndI just cant..I love it on english, i waych everything in english cause i hate stupid dabing its just looks like two totally different shows, the voice and the picture...Amd i would not even mention theyre picking very weirdly, with consideration(in their case not consideration would be more accurate) of real voice of those actors...So it would be torture and I would have it all completely ruined. So I was upset but I think I can not do anything, so I have to deal with it(u should do that too by the way). And I go to my best friend house around 20:00 and I was there only with my Iphone complaining about my "cruel fate" and how much I wanna saw it, in the best case now! My friend is untouched by Sherlocks charm ( i was trying to explain during watching it but I failed) and he doesnt completely understand my obssesion, so he looked at my like I am crazy. But even so he was trying to be helpfull and I try Google to find Bbc to watch online, it was second link, it was working but I didnt want to get my hopes up, but it was actually working. It was pure happiness and joy. I was literally sitting on the floor, totally carried away, holding my Iphone in ky hands listening to every word, poor my friend even go try to hold the washingmachine so I could hear that, and even I was a visitor for shit, he let me watch it all, and do t throw me out or kill me, for what I am beyond thankfull to him...And i enjoyed to best finale, another brilliant mind blowing episode and i was like on cloud nine, my emotions all over...Today i was little bit sad because I dont want this to be the end, i want more, and sooner than later...But its not in my powers and I have to hope and even if this was iver really like over over I would never be like u to creators even if it would ve there deccisiin if this is the end. I dobt know if its by the anonymity of the internet or what, and i dont wanna start with thinking about where the world going? But u bullying creators I dont have any other word for this. When I dound out today(yes I am maybe stupid but I assumed qhen I was so swooned and touched and excitedx from this episode, that everybody else defenetly must have been too..) And this is actually the reason why I spend half night by writting thus very long essay because of tv show...But this is about mire than that? its about basic human decency, which u dont have at all..Ur all like we want gueer and gay stuff here and the world is mean and bad and u creators are i dont wanna know how u called them, i feel ashamed by u, cause I dont want they to think the all fandom is bunch of mean hatefull people..Ur doing opposite for what u LGBT stands fir, but I really dobt wanna statt with those things..But u wanna be taken like "normal"(its not the right world, we are all same and what is even "normal" in this world...but i think u get how I mean it) but specially by this u putting yourselfs in special group whose calling for special treatment and its angry because its not what happened, and its offensive and discriminated to your LGBT rights...Dibt u see that this doesnt make sense cause it goes against each other....And because of this u make this whole ugly situation..‬ ‪I know u will have million and one things to said to me, to offended me or whatever but actually I am grown enough to take it and make it. I wrote this all just to express my opinion and my admiration to whole team of creators...Because they deserve it.. ‬ ‪So if by any chance this essay of mine gets a hold of eyes someone from whole Sherlock team this end will be for you. ‬ ‪I wanna thank you, so much, for bringing Sherlock to us and give us those amazing moments, and so brilliant tv show that there is hardly a rival somewhere. And I know that its not job of one, but whole team, so I bow to all of you, with hope in my heart that there will be more. I have to admmited that I was never so swallowed up by tv show, to do things like that. But this time I just have to. ‬ ‪To Mark Gattis and Steven Moffat as writters I truly envy their clever minds to get it here. Someone says that its out of line or reality or whatever someone didnt get gay finale, but I think that those two know very well what their are doing and they made it perfectly...So this is my thanks for entertain me...‬ ‪And in the end I have to, all actors are brilliant Martin is awesome (i didt saw Hobbit, so I keep thinking where did i saw him before and in the end i found out and laugh to myself, but I will make it right and watch all three espisodes very soon, i promise..) and i love this chemistry(friends) between John and Sherlock, because when I will be honest I would be like John...Little bit..Even if I would rather be Sherlock of course, i an realistic..And i love Martins looks on his face, those faces he makes, and I admire John for his strong friendship after all Sherlock did to him, even not on purpose..And Martin makes it so real and so good, he is good at his job.. ‬ ‪I am actually one of those who dont miss Moriarty, cause it would became boring if behind everything would be everytime only him..I think he is alive during TheFinalProblem because those subbtitles with time period was little late...And I was in shock but also I was like hell no..But that twist save it very well..And Andrew makes him very cool evilish devilish maniac, so I kind of like him after all..His tick tock on that red video drived me crazy, and I wasnt even there with Euros. Sian Brooke amazed me, she was terryfying, crazy but in the end I was sorry for her...She nailed it..And Mark as Mycrofr when he offers himself insteqd of John, and all was pure perfection together..Nithing was missing, badass Mr.Hudson, and i love just love that Sherlock feels something...And there I am going to the end, I save the best for last. Cause I dont if I dont let myself little carried away... ‬ ‪Because what makes Sherlock Sherlock its huge talent and gift from God and thats Benedict Cumberbatch. I am not any profesional and I just saying what I think but he is the best actor who walks on Earth right now...I did some reaserch today and i cant help myself but he is amazing even when you just listen to his voice reading a poem or audiobook, he has something special and perfect. I bow infront of him, so deep how I could, and that woukdbr be enough, cause he will achive great things, and I am very glad that he didnt go to law school, cause hidding this talent in court room would be such a waste. I really admire all of his work, and I have to say it I just love him..Its not other possibility. And other word wouldnt catch it like saying this love stuff. But we all know how it is, dont we? I am fangirling!!! Very much and I enjoying doing it. But I give myself goal and also fullfill dream if its happen that I wanna go to London to Sherlocked Event and meet him in real, say something nice( I will maybe figure it out till October) and take a pic..I would be very nervous, very, I am nervous from imagine it, making all thise script in my head what I will mess up. But we will see if I make it. And if i will I will thank him in person fir Sherlock and everything else.. ‬ ‪And thats all...And IT IS WHAT IT IS...‬ ‪ Sherlock ‬
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