caramelmochacrow · 11 months
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hmm. now why do i suddenly want to redesign all the dp characters
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xamaxenta · 1 month
Sabo ordering Ace out of his battle attire completely, leaving his body vulnerable before Sabo in only an undershirt and thin pants.
He's presented with a semi-circlet of golden leaves that Sabo places into his dark waves himself, truly jewelry adornment befitting of the crown and kin (and? If Sabo wants to call Ace his next of kin then so what?) and Ace feels both humbled and lost at such a gift. It's pinned only loosely at the back and sides, not even reaching his temples. Such a fragile thing would surely shatter in his line of work.
Wear it in your down time, then, Sabo says. Surely you can't spend every waking minute as a knight in service to the crown. I've given you lavish gifts before, so tell me, what's different about this one?
And Ace, ever the pragmatist, used to dealing with Sabo being eccentric. You have given me many gifts, yes, but those are all to wear in private. What is the true intention of this one as a public display?
And then, well, isn't it obvious? You're not always dressed up as a knight in shining armour. But with such a gorgeous thing pinning your unruly hair in place, you will forever be marked as my knight, as my beloved
Ace cuts him off before he can finish, shhh my prince, you cannot say such things so brazenly. Rubs his thumb over Sabo's lower lip.
But why not? Sabo demands, taking Ace's thumb in hand to press to his lips in full. And if not, then please, wear this new gift out where all can see. I want everyone to know you belong to me alone.
(IDK mannnn I just Saboaceeeeeeeee y'know y'know??? They make me insane)
Bro im SO INSANE ABOUT THIS IS NOT EVEN FUNNY i have stuff planned that i need to draw bc my bday is soon and i want to post ace fucking the ever loving shit out of himself on that date but HOOGB GOD I WANT TO DRAW SO MUCH PRINCE SABO AND HIS KNIGHT ACE
A. SEMI CIRCLET OF GOLDEN LEAVES!!! What if some of the leaves are interspersed with delicate flowers hewn from gold and shaped like a flower that they see as theirs (hibiscus its always gonna be that to me augh) its delicate and tasteful— light for the metal and the design and Ace feels as if he breathed wrong it would break it
Its craftsmanship alone speaks volumes of just how much Sabo had spent on it, the commission fee would not have been cheap and that has Ace blushing down to his toes
Ace asking what is the purpose of such a public display, such a lavish gift that Sabo intends for him to not just wear behind closd doors but beyond when hes off duty and then when he gets his answer GETS SO Overwhelemed HE HAS TO SHUSH HIS PRINCE!!!
Sabo giga rizz taking his hand and kissing his palm 😭 i looove royalty bestowing acts of love and service on their knights like its so beneath their status but Sabo loves Ace and wants to show him always just how much
Please wear this gift where all can see OAUSHAIEU IM GOING TO EXPLOOODEEEE
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
SO YAYYYY CEROBA + CLOVER TIME!!! she was so interesting during the steamworks stuff :D youre all like damn.. Chujin sounds like a really cool guy im sorry Ceroba :( im sure he was really smart and advanced and made the dopest robots... AND HE DIDDDD I LOVE THE GARDENERRR SOBS her returning back to hibernation and<:,(((( collapes.all the abandoned robots..... fuckkkk my heartttt i talked more about ceroba stuffs in my firsstttt ask but like RAGTAUAUAGAFGFH YOU SAID IT WHEN YOU HEAR ABOUT KANAKO WITH ALPHYS YOURE LILE.FUCKFUCKFUCK THE ALMAGAMARUTIONDXFUFCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! and the fight goes CRAZY MY GOD THE MULTIPLE PHASES REALLYREALLY SETS THIS APART FROM EVERYTHING ELSE LIKE YOU CAN FEEELLLL HER DESPARATIONNNNNNNNNNNN LIKE DAMN. REALLY IS A MOTHER'S LOVE...... the jn you see the flashbacks and <:((((( what if i died what if i died right NOW !!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also the group huug completely devastated me and i was so relieved when Starlo+Martlet got up like i was all. i dont THINK she would straight up immediately kill them but. god. who knows!!!(plus it was so real when starlo's hat landed right on his head after being knocked out) Cloverrr.... "It's time." FOR WHAT... ME TO CRY??!??????? ????!?? like that shit took me OUTTTTTT gotta mention the group hug again i mean like for real i think i had my heart ripped out and blended and youre like. it. i cant be THAT time right?!? youre gonan... youre gonna be okay and dandy and <:o??? AND GODDDDDDDD JUST KILL ME AT THIS POINTTTT CLOVVEERERRRRRRR THEY WERE JUST A KID...... when. Ceroba pulls out the container. it just cements everything. the hat and gun. *clover's* hat and gun. and you just KNOW and i think. the. just the fact you don't have a choice you have to tell them to go. you'll be fine. its fine. just go. GOD DAMN the art of just... clover struggling to pull themself to rest against their back... the camera panning up to birdsong... the credits................. Clover is gone and it had to happen and they were only here for *a single day* but they changed *everything* I just don't even know what to say. thats just art Clover's funeral/sendoff was beautiful too... at first i was like MARTLET NOOO DONT LEAVE CLOVER'S HAT and then i was just. wait. fu ck FUCKKKK !!! UNDERTALLLEEEEE Clover was really just a blip in all their lives, for less than 24 hours did they know the kid, but Clover really did change everything. for the better.... goddddddddddddddddd this game truely captured what made undertale so great anyways. im soo going to check out a genocide playthrough next. and completely bawl my eyes out again TRYUFTGH tldr THANK YOU FOR CONVINCING ME TO CHECK UTYELLOW OUT <33333 SO AWESOME SO COOL WOOPING CHEERING i am going to bed ^_^
I just wanna say that I adore Axis. He's so freaking silley and I adore him so much. Guardener also was...wow. Genuinely chilling to see her go back to sleep. (Also I love the fact she's a female robot and yet doesn't have like. Feminine things. She's just a robot. Who needs female stuff on a robot. Aka HER DESIGN IS AWESOME!!)
AND AUGH CEROBA'S FIGHT (fun fact I'm listening to A Mother's Love right now. Such a good song, haunting with her scream.) I said it before, with the haunting scream of her shattered hopes of continuing her husband's work and dreams of seeing her daughter again. The Hopes and Dreams motif is chilling, especially with how discordant it is, really symbolizing how it's all shattering around her.
The fight was insane. I love it. But HOOO
AND THE HUG. THEY REALLY WERE JUST A KID, MY FREKAING HEART, AAAUGGHHH!!! Starlo is watching his child choose to sacrifice themselves for Monsterkind, what could be more just. But what could be more tragic? Also Ceroba needed a longer hug.
Also genocide....HOOO it really is dark and tragic. But I have Thoughts...about Starlo. And how he was handled there. Because HOO BOI, he deserved better
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devoraakss · 7 years
Maybe for modern au...Drunk one night stand with Aveana and Lucio but HE gets attached and keeps finding excuses to visit her
this is going to be so fucking long oh my god i gOT CARRIED AWAY. Maybe i’ll start a series in a modern au centered around this? a whopping 2,585 words im fdgsf
Lucio was no stranger to one night stands. They were fun, simple, easy, chaotic. Everything that Lucio adored. It started like it always did, he had maybe a biiit too much to drink… but he was sober enough to have a coherent conversation and not come off as a total ass.  
He had seen her from across the bar. Like some kind of awful romantic comedy, he knew he had to get closer to her, talk to her– something! If he was lucky, take her home. Lucio knew he was a catch, he’d been flirting all night but… well, he hadn’t seen anyone quite as… eye-catching as she was.
A mess of dark brown hair tied up in a messy bun, pale skin speckled with so many freckles he could make constellations with them if he wanted… Her right arm is inked with intricate geometric designs and he can see the beginnings of another tattoo on her thigh, peeking out from under the hem of her short dress that hugged her hips so perfectly. Her body was sinfully curvy, with thighs that look like they could kill a man. she looked so soft and plump… He had to at least try to get a piece of that.
When he finally tears his eyes from the rest of her, he’s been caught. a startling pair of mismatched eyes are staring him down, and a teasing smile plays on her full lips. Well, if he didn’t move now he’d just look like a creep.
With relative ease, Lucio stands and strides over to where she sat at the bar, taking the empty seat beside her and offering her a charming smile. “You come here often?”
This… exquisite woman laughs, blessing his ears with her musical voice– He swears she looks more beautiful than he does… It must have been the alcohol.
“Classic conversation starter… maybe I do.”
Her voice is like silk, sending shivers down his spine and making him think of what else that mouth of hers can do… especially with those pouty lips.
“That’s odd, because I’ve never seen you before, and I know I’d remember a pretty face like yours.”
“Oh? you sound very sure of yourself.” She moves and her skirt slips a little higher up her legs and gods, what he wouldn’t give to have those thighs wrapped around his head– Lucio quickly looks away banishing those thoughts from his mind. The last thing he needed was to pop a stiffy in the middle of the crowded bar– though it would be interesting. He wasn’t interested in a quickie by the bathroom, he wanted so much more than that. To drag his hands over her curves, bruise her, mark her, have her screaming his name… Speaking of…
“If there’s one thing I have an abundance of it’s confidence, my dear… I don’t believe I caught your name.”
She gives him a look that is mildly amused, giving her drink a stir. “Aveana. and you are?”
Lucio grins, resting his elbow on the bar as he leaned a bit closer to her. “My name’s Lucio, Aveana.” He lets her name roll off his tongue in a sultry purr, and by the way her eyebrow arches at him, biting her bottom lip… She was as… interested in him as he was in her.
“What do you say we get out of here? I’m sure I can show you a good time, if you’re interested.”
Aveana laughs once again, finishing off her drink with a smile. “That sounds like an invitation if I’ve ever heard one.” 
Lucio can feel his heart racing in his chest, holy shit this was working? of course it was, she would have to be blind if she wasn’t interested in someone as enthralling as himself. “It was, are you coming with me, or am I going home lonely tonight?” Lucio teases, but he hopes to god she says yes. Being able to run his hands down those supple hips of hers… He just might be drooling a little. Aveana gives him a look that’s almost searing, incredible mismatched eyes gazing at him like he is the mouse and she is the cat. She stands from her seat at the bar, flagging down the bartender to pay for her drink and then turning back to him, a haughty smile on her lips. “Your place or mine?”
Lucio woke up with the hangover from hell, coupled with two sets of paws digging into his back. Mercedes and Melchior were barking up a storm, excitedly stepping all over him in their attempts to stir him from his sleep, which only served to make his head throb even more. His dogs still when they see he’s awake and they excitedly shove their cold snouts under the covers, the shock nearly making Lucio fall off the bed, but he manages to keep them at bay with his foot. “m’fuckin’ dogs… go away.”The dogs huff, but seeing as they are not  dragging their human out of bed anytime soon, scramble over him and run out the door to his bedroom, barking and snapping at each other.Bloodshot silver eyes flicker open, squinting angrily at the sunlight streaming in through the bedroom window of his penthouse. He huffs angrily, grabbing one of the satin red pillows and putting it over his head, trying to bury deeper into the sheets. He was almost back to sleep when his phone buzzed from where it sat haphazardly on his nightstand. With another irritated huff he reaches for his phone, feeling around before his hand closes around the device. He turns it on and winces at the brightness, quickly turning it down before squinting to read his notifications… A new text from Nadia– he had seventeen missed messages, and two missed calls… Damn… what time was it? He glares at the clock and groans. 2:30 pm. 
He had a lunch date with Nadia and he missed it. Well he didn’t want to go anyways but he always at least tried to make an effort. He sighs, quickly typing back a half-assed response to Nadia– ‘srry noddy 2 hungover to care lmao’ with a few emojis just to piss her off.The missed calls were both from Valerius, no doubt because Nadia had been furious he missed their engagement. Lucio shrugs and sets his phone back on the nightstand, content to go back to sleep before– There is a angry banging on his door, muffled voices reaching his ears. The sound makes Mercedes and Melchior go ballistic. Lucio snarls a few curses into the pillows, kicking the covers off himself like an angry child who was just told to get up for school. Pulling himself from the comfort of his bed he is suddenly struck by the fact that he was bare ass naked. This wasn’t too odd, though a quick look in the mirror reminded him of the… adventure he had the night before. Dark purple bruises are setting in on his neck, shoulders and chest, a quick glance at his back shows angry red scratches– and it all brings a shit eating grin to his face. It came back in blurs, but the more he remembered the faster it started coming back. Aveana. He didn’t bother looking for her, he figured she was long gone, but there was that small part of him, the silent disappointment that he likely wouldn’t see her ever again… another impatient bang at his front door drags him from his thoughts and he quickly fishes out a pair of sweatpants from the clothes piled on one of the couches in his room and tosses them on, hand coming to rub at his temple as he makes his way towards the door. “Fuckin’ hell I’m coming! good gods…” Lucio barks out, and Mercedes and Melchior race to the door, nearly tripping him as he reaches it. 
“Mercedes! Melchior! G– augh, Go away!” 
He shoos the dogs off, placing himself between them and the door to keep them from running out. He grumbles as he undoes the lock, cracking the door open to reveal a furious Nadia. Scarlet eyes bore into him but he can’t find it in himself to care how angry she was, returning her gaze with an unimpressed praise of his brow. “What did I do this time.” Nadia’s gaze is scorching, and not in the good way. “I know you don’t care about a lot of things but when we make plans to have lunch, with my parents, I expect you to arrive!! I can tolerate being a bit late but blowing it entirely? And making me look foolish?!”  
She shoves her way into the luxurious penthouse and he lets her, rolling his eyes as she passes– though he wasn’t expecting the shorter, white haired person that follows her. Asra is staring at his phone texting someone as he enters behind her, gaze flickering to look at Lucio with a disgusted scrunch of his nose, shaking his head with a sigh. “Nadia, I hate to say I told you so, buuut…” “Then don’t!” Nadia fumes, heading to the kitchen and grabbing one of Lucio’s favorite wines. Lucio makes a face, like he just bit into the worlds sourest lemon. 
“Sure, make yourselves right at home.” He comments flatly, glaring at Asra as he shuts the door behind them. His house was by no means fit for guests, and Lucio was only just now seeing the clothes strewn around the living area… were those his boxers on the counter?Nadia doesn’t seem to notice, not even bothering with a proper glass as she uncorks the bottle and takes a strong swig of it. “Aw, c’mon, Nadia that’s–” “Shut up! You don’t get to bitch about your wines! Do you know how long my sisters are going to hold this over my head!? ‘Oh, poor Nadi, can’t make her husband show up for a simple luncheon’ I’ll never hear the end of it,” she rounds on Lucio, pointing accusingly at him with one perfectly manicured fingernail.
“And it’s all. Your. Fault. Our relationship is for show but you kind of defeat it’s purpose when you don’t fucking show up!” 
Nadia collapses into one of the chairs at the island counter, steepling her fingers against her temple. Asra clicks his tongue, sliding into the seat beside her and propping his feet on the counter. “Gonna take a bit to fix that one, Lucio.” Lucio rolls his eyes again, willing to say just about anything to make them both go away. His hangover was making Nadia sound like a shrill harpy, and Asra was beginning to sound a lot like Camio…
 “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I forgot.” He begrudgingly apologizes, moving to rifle around in his medicine cabinet for something to soothe the ache in his head. “Convenient.” Nadia snaps back, but she doesn’t sound too mad anymore… she must have ranted most of her anger to Portia before coming over to chew him out. If it weren’t for both of their parents fixing up their relationship Nadia and Lucio wouldn’t even have to make an effort to be together– but alas. Here they were. Nadia makes a disgusted sound, and when Lucio turns around Nadia is glaring at a.. Thin piece of fabric draped over the table, the dark red lace a clear indicator that it wasn’t his. Lucio quickly grabs the underwear and tosses them somewhere in the living room– if he had any shame, he would be blushing, but the only thing on his face is that shit eating grin. “Sorry about that.” he remarks, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. “I cannot stand you.” Nadia fumes, taking another drink of wine and resting her head on the marble counter. Lucio chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. “So you’ve said before.” the next hour is Nadia ranting about what exactly transpired at this lunch, and the longer she talks the more Lucio is glad he missed the damned thing. The second the two of them leave he promptly passes out on the couch. 
Lucio spends the next few days making it up to Nadia, going to a brunch with both her parents and her sisters– it was painful to sit through. Especially when his thoughts were occupied with someone else. He couldn’t get Aveana off his mind, it was stupid and foolish but he was 100% sober and remembered every moment of them together. It was a simple one night stand, but he silently hoped that if he returned to that bar… he would see her again. This distracted state of mind led to many questions from Nadia’s family met with a confused ‘Huh?’ or ‘I’m sorry, what?’ Which served to make Nadia more flabbergasted, and afterwards Lucio made up some half-assed excuse about having another engagement to get away from her.A quick text to Valerius and he had a ride home, so that was taken care of.. in the mean time, maybe he could do some shopping– Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even notice the person in front of him until he walked right into them. A disgruntled ‘oof’ left Lucio’s mouth, his face screwing up in a displeased scowl, perfectly stylized brows drawing together. 
“Hey, watch where you’re–” His breath caught in his throat when he saw those familiar blue and gold eyes, expression going from a scowl to one of utter shock. “Lucio?!” Aveana looked just as startled, her voice cracking on his name, nearly dropping her phone in her hands.They both stare at each other for a few seconds– though to Lucio it seems like hours, and his heart is slamming against his ribcage. He knows exactly what she looks like under those clothes, the expanse of soft skin covered in gorgeous lines of ink, the freckles that dot over every inch of her. He knows how she feels beneath his hands, soft and perfect. He knows how she sounds when his lips are on her neck and– “Lucio, what the fuck” Asra’s voice shatters his thoughts and his expression is back to that scowl of his, silver eyes darting over to him. He’s so thrown he says the first thing that comes to his mind. “What are you gawking at?” Asra has his arm hooked through Aveana’s in a friendly manner which floors Lucio even more– Asra knew her! Asra knew her and all this time he could have– no, no, scratch that, Asra probably wouldn’t have told him even if he asked. “You’re the one gawking, goatshit–” “Asra.” Aveana gives him a hard jab in the side, cheeks bright red as she cuts her eyes at him. Asra makes a face, glancing at his friend. “Hold on, are you telling me you know him?” Lucio grins, folding his arms. “We do indeed know each other. I think I still have something of yours back at my apartment, too…” he remarks offhandedly, giving her a knowing look and watching the blush on her cheeks just spread.  
Asra opens his mouth to speak, but then he stops himself, eyes going wide. “Hold the fuck on, just a minute,” He’s sputtering now, violet eyes wide and accusing in Lucio’s direction.“Asra, we really should get back to Muriel, you know he doesn’t like staying in the food court by himself…” Aveana tries to interject but Asra is all out glaring at Lucio now, it was too late. “Those– on the counter?!– I cannot fucking believe you!” Asra’s abject horror only makes Lucio’s grin widen, which in turn makes Asra even more irritated. Aveana quickly pushes Asra towards the direction of the food court, offering Lucio a sheepish smile. 
“I’ll, uh… stop by your place later to grab that… thing..” She mutters, averting her gaze from him and tugging Asra off in the opposite direction. Lucio watches with an emboldened sense of glee forming in his chest. He had this little dove in his grasp again, and this time? He didn’t intend to let her go.
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