#IMA GEMINI OK!!!!!!!!
awda · 2 years
My friend was talking about he had a good day today actually and usually he says his days are “okay” but I don’t have his birth chart tho I bet somewhere in that chart is prominent Gemini (I remember him saying he is a Leo moon, Leo rising tho but idk the degrees so)
My day was ok, as ya already know ima Gemini sun so
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sweetofsin · 5 months
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Yes yes i know love is about accepting and surrendering and releasing it's just like Fuck
It sucks when like understanding and acknowledging and compassion can only go so far ..... like sometimes it does help for me to temper myself and step outside of myself. Other times I'm like Ok salem yes you're allowed to have compassion and grace and completely understand where someone is coming from and why they're choosing what they choose. Simultaneously you are still your own person too and you are a lover that deserves mutual commitment and devotion!!! Like i may be a gemini venus n all but it's in the 8th house babes ... In the beginning yeah idgaf but WHEN I DO... I AM LOCKED DOWN IDK
I don't believe in right person wrong timing like okay kinda i guess i can see that but i also feel like the right person would find a way to want to make the timing right yk? Ik there's no such thing as blanket statements as "right person" but yk. My point is, there is someone out there where they are in a position of life where they feel more willing to overcome their fears, traumas, triggers, and open their heart up more to be able to love me in the committed way i desire. And i'm not in a rush fr. It's not like I need to be in a partnership by tomorrow. I'm also content with being single. Although i am going to miss certain aspects of intimacy that are not as easily found with friendships sigh....
But it's fine
It's honestly kinda out of my hands now like I'm not about to convince anyone to surrender for me. It's when they want to. And if they feel like their current wants and desires and needs are more important and valuable than a romantic connection with me then who am i to beg and say to consider otherwise? Ima be like u got it. And just learn to pour all this sappy ass love i have into me. And my loved ones. I mean they're still a loved one, but yk.
Sigh just give me the strength bc i want to give into temptation so baddddd but at the same time i'm trying my best to learn love is discipline it is recognizing to not follow your every whim and desire it is recognizing when you can release certain standards or expectations but also have to be firm about others and it's just FUCKING SIGH. Why did they have to be so lovable and beautiful and just why does love constantly seem to slip from my hands... that poem about love being elusive when it really doesn't have to be but the world and it's dysfunction makes it that way be wanting to BASH MY HEAD AGAINST A WALL BC I HATE THAT THEYRE RIGHT
Like idk what's worse like being in romantic relationships but being treated like shit or constantly being close to being in romantic relationships but something happens and it slips away before you were even able to really revel in the beauty and the joy of it all
I mean i did anyway but also Yes i would've loved to been able to wash the dishes with you and read books with you by a fireplace and gaze under stars with you and maybe a kid Ok im done fr im done sorry my brain is just rambling i gotta release so i can sleep heh
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saywhatiwants · 2 years
Ok y’all pls don’t take away my black card ok but recently I got chose for Vice President for class President against this boy right? He white & Asian (I think he’s Korean & white but Ik he’s Asian and white cause he has a white daddy and Asian mama) but anyways y’all he so fine omg but me and him have so many differences his daddy a republican and he don’t support blm but adopted 2 black kids DARKSKIN BLACK KIDS MIND YEW, and me and him just don’t see eye to eye on a lot but y’all he qb & he 6’6 and like after we finish getting the election done he always touching my back or rubbing me it’s like we want to be together but we know we can’t cause of our races & different beliefs but I swear. Everytime we alone it’s just this thick ass sexual tension like omg it’s tew much he be bending down all in my ear + he a May Gemini and Ik how they know how to say slick shit and get you hot and bothered (Ima June cancer btw) but yea I just don’t know what to do it’s so bad for me like this is actually embarrassing. WHILE HE HAS A GF I cannot stand that racists b!tch that cunt gets on my nerves always like “hey Leah!!” And hugging me eyeing me up and down Like no bitch we are not friends gtfo. But I’m not gone fuck him yall I promise I promise.
I’m also a Gemini but that’s besides the point if you want to date him go ahead no one is stopping however as your saying you guys don’t see eye to eye the relationship might not work if y’all were to get into it
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eelmachine · 4 years
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guiltsworn-a · 6 years
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worked on sum stuff in drafts, will post proper replies tomorrow ! am in too bad of a mood to keep writing rn dfghjdksldkfj
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sj0228 · 4 years
placements for intelligence in astrology!! + placements for good grades in school
this was requested!! lol thank u all so much for so much attention on my last post i feel tumblr famous LMAO ok anyways today i'll mention some placements that can signify a person being very intelligent/smart. of course there are different types of intelligence and ima try to focus on all of them so WOOO LETS GET IT also another disclaimer hehe astrology is a hobby of mine and not my profession so pls dont hunt me with torches and pitchforks if you can't relate jdhskfvb ok lol thats it enjoy!! 👽 virgo in big three - of course we're starting with them :D these are not just the booksmart types of people, they are usually practically skilled as well! they are SUPER freaking intelligent!! every virgo sun, moon or rising i know has always been top of the class, extremely intelligent and observant. i admire these people sooo much! they also make very good friends since they always know how you're feeling and notice details about you 👽 leo in personal planets - istg leo people are good at EVERYTHING. they also actually take the effort to become good at the things they are passionate about and it's amazing! their vitality is the best thing ever 👽 gemini sun, sun in 3rd, 3rd house stellium - another mercury sign because mercury is just soo great with blessing people with intelligence. these are the types of people that are so incredibly smart even without trying, they always sound like they know exactly what they're talking about, even when they don't lol. also people will listen to you guys no matter what because your way of speaking is just so endearing :) 👽 pisces sun, sun in 12th - this might come as a surprise to some because pisces are said to be the "dumb" signs of the zodiac, but that is such a generalisation! there is some truth at the heart of it, because they can be in their heads a lot or just not care much about their education, but what makes these individuals exceptionally smart is their emotional intelligence! they absorb the energy of the environment they are in and they are VERY aware of everything, even if they don't really show it. this makes them good at subjects such as psychology, because they are naturally good at feeling out others' emotions. 👽 the pisces suns are also often hella underestimated, along with libra suns. for some reason people don't ever realise how smart they can be! believe me though when i say that this can be good; people don't expect much intelligence from them, so it's way easier for em to outsmart others :) plus, when they do, the element of surprise makes them look twice as smart! 👽 i've also noticed that they often get away with cheating in class or during assignments, because no teacher suspects them. use this information for your own purposes....👀 👽 cancers were DEFINITELY the favorite student of at least one teacher at some point lol. 👽 aries placements are outstanding at reading between the lines. aries in mercury or aspecting mercury also makes an individual have clever and witty humor! 👽 sagittarius suns have an answer to every question?! (or a question to every answer...) they're also very good at improvising. would 10/10 nail a spoken assignment they never studied for because they can talk their way out of almost anything. also often liked by teachers cuz they tend to be pretty active on lessons 👽 any scorpio, 8th house placement or pluto aspect makes you naturally skilled in that area. somehow it makes you have a lot of 'inside info' on those subjects and you feel drawn to them, too! 👽 north node in virgo may mean that your knowledge will play a big part in your life purpose. you may end up doing stuff on analytics, scientific research, logistics etc. 👽 saturn doms and saturn aspecting personal planets makes an individual very wise and mature, even at a young age. this sadly might be related to tragic events happening in one's youth, because saturn is the planet that teaches some harsh lessons. thats all for today!! hope u enjoyed :D be sure to leave questions if you have any, i'll gladly answer them♥ im also open to suggestions, i find it super fun to
do these anyway so dont be afraid...ahaha... ok bye lolz!! have a nice day everyone ^^
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basilly · 3 years
akcshshfjfk are matchups still open?? if not ignore this ples ahaha-
i would like an irl romantic matchup please, im she/her with no preference, im gemini, i go from tired to the point of passing out, to icantstopmovingpleasehelpAHAJDKFKF within two seconds, i had to screen shot what you requested to put because my memory is trash, im now taking a quiz to see my love language, which apparently is words of affirmation, nice, my overall personality, would kinda just be chaos-ery, clown-ery, im not too happy about this; but i can go from "murder is ok, the world is ending, everyone dies anyway" to "yeah bitch ima sexy hoe wanna marry me?" very quickly, hdhdhjcjjjn. my hobbies include minecraft, drawing, and music, im most passionate about music, i suck, but i try my hardest and take guitar lessons every week. i dealt with traumatic childhood expirences, so daddy issues at its finest, which i blame for liking weirdcore/traumacore, the 15 other names people call that aesthetic, however, i definitely give off e-girl vibes, i got a choker, full body skeleton earrings, chains, a skull ring, a chain necklace that has a human heart charm- so djjffkkskskdk. I have *googling fancy names for hair colors* ✨medium champagne flavored hair✨ and gunmetal eyes apparently idk anymore, im paler than malfoy, so the few scattered freckles i have stick out.
sorry if its not specific enough, im a bit uncomfy writing about myself for too long, anywayhdjfjrifjfjf have a wonderful day! i love your writing, btw ahahzhg--
I actually dont do matchups! However my wonderful moot @kutozume is, so ill refer this to them :)
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sickassastrology · 4 years
how will money be looking for the holidays? 💸💳
*DISCLAIMER🚨: this is a general reading for the collective. time is fluid and free will is at play. so any of these could change at many moment in time or not play out. these are more like warnings or “your on the right track” readings. always use your own brain with your money! thanks, erin💙. 
aries: watch how your spending please. in the end it will only cause confusion on how to get the money back. be careful!
taurus: yall gucci. 
gemini: yes mam! 
cancer: cancer, if you are helping friends family or whoever out. be sure to always make sure to have enough for yourself. you guys are a giving sign, but you cannot give what you do not have, ok? this will drain you if not careful. (of course, if you have to give to these people for bills kids food etc). dont stop giving. use your judgement, yall know what i mean.
leo: i see that there is a block between you and your money. and it looks like it could deal with a relationship marriage or home situation. i dont see this serving you anymore and needs to come to an end to lift the block and get money flowing again. 
virgo: i see things turning for the better for yall after a period of resting and trying to figure things out. your awake now, huh.
libra: libra what in the entire hell is going on. somebody is trying to sneak off with your money, watch them! its causing a hot mess with your money as i see you fighting with this person. this also may have to do with court for some of yall, if not. its simply an injustice from this person. DO NOT give this person anymore money, they arent using it for good reason. and if they are stealing from you. hide your stuff from them. this way, you can save and become free again with finances. whhhewww, ima pray for you guys!
scorpio: you guys are coming into some big money honey! and it could be coming from a new job this is going to change your income, say goodbye to those old days. your going to be in your power BUT i dont see you telling anybody about this. your keeping it for yourself this time scorpio. dont be selfish though! lol. 
sagittarius: Oof! sags, alright. i see you guys sort of struggling during this time. there is certainly a lack that will be going on and it has you guarded and hurt. im feeling like there was some type of bill payment or like a pile up or things you needed to take care. and because of that no saving. every check thats coming is going out. but in time, this will come to an end. after some sorting out, youll begin to work on building the money back up.
capricorn: justice is here for you caps. you are done with the lack of money. its so yesterday! you have come out with guns blazin and determined to get your money right. and it will be yours, whatever your wish is to have with this money youll be getting it. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD.
aquarius: oh yall set. that is all. 
pisces: looks good for you guys! i also see some helping out the homeless or giving back to the community. and getting attention because of that in the public eye.
ophiuchus: yesssssss. i also see if you have a S.O. there will be a lot of gift giving this year. 
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juvsbby · 4 years
~ 17 questions ~
tagged by @suyunsgf (i hope u dont mind me doing it on here!)
1. Nicknames? bibi c:
2. Zodiac? gemini
3. Height? 4'11 :))
4. Hogwarts house? Ravenclaw :o
5. Last thing googled? if gakuen babysitter was on any other app other than crunchyroll lol
6. Song stuck in my head? soooo many so ima just name the recent song i listened to - Insomnia by ?te
7. Number of followers? uhh twelve i think c: ♥︎
8. Hours of sleep? haha funny :')
9. Lucky number? i guess 6
10. Dream job? don't have one.
11. Currently wearing? black hoodie, shirt, and leggins 🖤
12. Favourite song? OK LETS NOT GO THWRE 😭
13. Favourite instrument? im so boring sorry i dont have one but! i love love instrumental songs
14. Aesthetic? boring, rbf 24/7, a softie tho, loves cats, idk what else to say *^*
15. Favourite author? :x nada
16. Random fact? um :> i like crocheting ✨
17. Tagging? - who ever sees this and wants to do it.
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jupiteronic · 5 years
so theres this girl at my college who i often make awkward eye contact with but we had never actually spoken. then today at this conference kind of thing in an overcrowded room she happened to sit next to me, but i didnt realize it was her because i was facing the opposite direction. hOWEVER i turned around to ask if they could scooch over a little to make space for my friend who had just arrived, and when i turned around she was looking at me and was like "hi :D" (pt 1)
**with the cutest smile on her face. i awkwardly said it back and asked, she readily scootched over and was like "you can sit here" while tapping on her seat so we ended up sharing the same chair 🥺 also i know that shes a gemini because we had to write our birthdate and i glanced over at her paper lmao BUT my question is should i check her birth chart even tho i barely know her 😬 (pt 2)
+ i know i'm having a class with her starting next week but ima a shy bitch so idk how i could approach her or if knowing some of her placements would give me a clue on what to expect lolol :/ anyway thank u sorry this got long!! 😭
it’s ok i love long asks!!! she sounds so cute 😳 and checking her birth date on the paper sfdfdgd that’s so me .. honestly the checking her chart thing is up to u personally. it’s true that knowing her chart would help give some hints on what she likes and values but there’s a lot of variables and u don’t know her birth time so it might be a bit off. personally if I like someone’s company I avoid checking their chart at ALL costs esp in the beginning I only check after a while of knowing them bc I prefer to know them organically and I found myself to be very quick in forming perceptions of people based on their chart even when they grew past it so like. i realised I was using astrology to judge and so i changed the way I used it! that’s just me personally tho, the same might not apply to u !
my advice is just smile back to her and be genuine (ik everyone says this but if she doesn’t like who u are naturally then there’s not much point going for it u know?) express your opinions and ask about hers, ask her what she likes doing and let her know you’d like to hang out n chill on a weekend or something. take initiative to silence your shyness but let things progress naturally 💕 ask questions and if she asks you back then it’s a good sign ! good luck with her i hope you get to know each other well and i know how painful shyness can be in this situations trust me. just reaffirm yourself and practice acceptance of the things you say/do around her. lmk how it goes!!! I’d love to know
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mitaesoroo · 5 years
21 questions tag ☺️
tagged by these cutie beans @bananabeanz & @sagittariustigerfish 💗
rules: answer the question and tag 21 people
1. Nickname: bibi, bunny, or bwendi,
2. Zodiac sign: gemini ♊️
3. Height: 4'11 or 149cm 🤠
4. Hogwarts house: last i checked it was ravenclaw.. lol
5. Last thing googled: "why is my phone not notifying me my tumblr notifications" :T didn't help so sorry if im late with answering 😭
6. Favorite artists: i have so many bro - monsta x, dreamcatcher, bts, gncd, infinite, mamamoo, heize, dpr live, mfbty, epik high, rosalía, seventeen, ateez, skz, kard, astro, btob, bap - i can be here all day man 😩
7. Song stuck in your head right now: i have so many bro pt.2 - dumb litty by kard, deja vu and silent night by dreamcatcher, regulus by onewe, por perro by sebastián yatra, fuyunohanashi by given, kizuato by centimillimental - ima stop there ahhhhhh
8. Favorite time of day: midnight
9. Favorite color: black, yellow, and soft blue
10. Following: 110 :D
11. Followers: 19 c': ily all thanks for putting up with my dumbass self hhhshs ♥︎♥︎
12. Do I get asks: rarely :c
13. Amount of sleep: ah ha ha.. working on it 💀
14. Favorite numbers: 6
15. Why is there no number 15: idk :o
16. Dream job: lol
17. Instruments: um i wish?!
18. Languages: english and spanish ;w;
19. Favorite songs: we'll be here all day !
20. Random fact: 🤔 hmm.. oh i have a scar on my right eyebrow sjsjjssn
21. Aesthetic: basic person trying to get through the day :T, always has headphones on, rbf, dead eyebags, and either wears all black or whatever looks comfy 🙃
oK i'll tag - @kuromatoki @honey-piggy @sanbuns @kiseokris @loveinbam @hyunqwone @l0nelyn1ghts-world @namzoid and to whoever wants to do it! 💛
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movisual · 5 years
My parents:
Literally not a soul:
My brain out of no where: okkaayyy, ima
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pingvin-king · 6 years
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twas tagged by my Air Twin @dafidol & i had alot of fun reflecting on these. i can't say that i relate to one sign more than the other tbh. I feel that they soften some traits or cancel out others but each one kind of holds the others hands in a continuous loop. i think the major Passes on my end are the ones in relation to how i affect? effect? others (Gemini/Taurus) and the state of who i am in this current moment in time (Aquarius).
I'm not a terribly social person (it's like those Action costs energy kinda games lol but irl) but i can make deep connections or reach out to others. I'm not about to throw myself into the 'emotional' barrel for you but I'll never do anything to compromise the trust we've established. also, i am always looking past the surface - I'm a continuously studying you & your inner-depths bitch ok?😂
my sun tho, it's more of a personal reason. if you had asked me to fill this out a couple years ago or even 10? I woulda checked them all. personal growth and realising that it's not worth anything to always be Right and that there are times when enough can just be that - enough. I think the only one i defs agree w/ Not checking is 'magnetic aura' lmao my anxious ass being what?? Ya joking m8
ima tag @mackere @ngaahiloloto @lucybrahless @joosypeach @bi-merlehighchurch @unravl if they're keen & anyone who wants to do this.
[templates credited to @luminaryaries on ig]
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samwilsonsbabymama · 5 years
Hey it's #crushinganon, forgot to send this after my last ask. Thursday I went to his 5th pd class, (started going more often because our teachers said it's cool) but his teacher (I have her 3rd) wasn't there so we were all just coolin. I had cards so a couple of our friends and I were playing but he didn't bc he & one of my friends hate each other, but another story for another time. He just sat by me & watched. Anyway, I got to school real late & my friend (that he hates) asked if I ate, (1)
I said no, & she asked why, said I didn't want to. He's like, wth? why didn't you eat? what's wrong with you? etc, & i'm just like ion wanna eat🤷🏾‍♀️ (mind you it's 12pm ish & the bell had rang for lunch a couple minutes ago) he drops it, like a minute later asks me to go get lunch with him, I say yeah, & he starts getting up so i'm like rn? & he says yeah blah blah. We're walking up on the lunch line & I see my cousin (not a real cousin you know how black people are lmao) & she's always asking if I got a man, I told her yeah, no, & even made a bunch a shit up multiple times about how he went to a different school & stuff so she would stfu. But 1 of the first couple of times she asked I made the mistake of telling her he's hispanic & that he gave me a ride home smh. Also, this isn't the first time she saw me walking with him apparently. Anyway, so we're walking & i'm thinking "FUCK". She sees me, comes up, starts talking to me...lemme just pause & say she's a gemini so we be arguing a lot cause of her lil mood swings. So i'm like bye you fake, just joking around cause this is nothing new. Blah blah, V is getting his food so we walk away from the line a little bit & she's like, is that your lil boyfriend? I say nah. Her: i'm finna ask him, me: 🤨. He walk out the line & she like "aye aye" (he wasn't paying her no attention lmfaoooo) he finally look & she's like you go out with my cousin, me & him both say no. her: y'all talk? me: 🤦🏾‍♀️ she kept asking him questions like you know who her boyfriend is/who she talk to? He just looking confused af, & I felt so bad for him bc she was doing the most & me nor him don't be on all that. I already started walking away, mf had the nerve to say she don't like black boys she like boys like you, I turned around so fast. She steady talking shit, he just looking between us, while i'm tryna defend myself & explain that none of the stuff she saying is true. THEN SHE GONE ASK IF HE HAD A CAR, he say yeah, & she looks at me like🙃, this must be him! Me: you know how many people at this school have a car? we leave blah blah & he starts asking questions. Him: you told her you have a boyfriend? Me: yeah cause she always asks. Him: You told her I have a car? Me: No (you just did lmfao & who said she was talking about you) Him: How does she know about the car? I was already a lil upset & he was pushing so I stopped walking & was like you know how many people have a car? Wanna go back & ask? Him: pfft no I hate lying in general (unless issa joke or good reason) but especially to him bc ion wanna break his trust/make him feel like i'm betraying him. I was so frustrated that day, still am cause mfs tryna ruin my future relationship, like I was worried that I would. I think we're good but we haven't talked about what happened, & i'm scared to bring it back up cause ion wanna make things complicated + i'm still confused so I think ima just leave that situation in the past.
Ok, first things first  👀👀👀 I’m a Gemini so... no Gemini slander lol nah but our mood swings are... kinda intense lol but your cousin should've stayed in her lane honestly. If I was in this situation I wouldn't bring it back up. I would talk to my cousin and let her know that I didn't appreciate her grilling him like that, but that’s only me. I say move on from it, but if he brings it up then talk about it 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️idk though
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Introduction !
Ello Ello everyone if you happened to wander onto my page welcome here i'll tell you a bit about myself and ill write another post about me as a writer so we can start with the fics soooo let's do it!
name- luna
nicknames- moomoo, L, berry, trash rat, honeypie~, anything really
age range- wouldnt you like to know weather boy
sun sign- gemini
religeon - pagan/ wicca (ima witch)
gender- nonbianary! (bigender between female and agender)
pronouns- she/ they/ it (shee is good they is great if you use it i will love you forever)
sexuality- lesbian & asexual
time zone- gmt-4
posting scedules- litterly so unconsistant. dont have high expectations i gotta be in the right mood
likes- food, my friends, reading, writeing, animals
dislikes- meanies, dirt, cold
personallity- mix a rabid opassum and a dumb cat and you got me.
current pets- 2 axolotls a dog a cat and a leopard gecko
birthday- may 22 (say it.)
hobbies- does sleeping count? no... ok umm bakeing i guess
hogwarts house- hufflepuff
me as a playlist
strawberry blonde
space girl
compared child
from canada now in the usa
friends (surprisingly i have them)
(if you found me shhhh)
-lilila <3
-my ex wife
rulles are next bye bye!!!!!! i luv you ur now my best friend.
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wetnwildzspace · 3 years
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Because the crown on the next to last image which is apart of the Hawaiian flag is also the french flag you gotta learn your flags ok you really do abd the antlers are another crown and the dipper is the alaskan flag and means me gemini aka god or gods land snd you can figure out the rest if you look at the flags for the signing of the constatution its England and Britan pay attention to the flags thats how you know we are a monarchy and also im the 1st and the 7th president of the United States Andrew Jackson snd George Washing its all mine and this government doesnt exist since I was president hence why ive never had s vice president i am the vice president meaning the one in charge vice is over none titled presidency. Watch and learn my child as i said as Ja Rule in clap back this is the real me talking and youll never take my krown i wont tollorate treason of any sort im not the Queen of England who doesnt know how to rule but you will over throw of any monarchy is treason and a death sentance god created the monarchy first and formost when the people did what they did she should had them all executed on the spot and im about todo it to Tredo in Canad thats inder my rule and Lenny Krsvitz wifes homeland of Avril Lavigne the richest in the world and close friends and exgirlfriends and fans of mine and my mothers homeland ive promissed many people their execution on my capitols steps and i never break a promise i will hoist the head of the queens of england on the Divine Divinity Palaces flag pole after a live broadcast of the intrum king and princess thank god that thats not their fate because ima fuck her up and payback from Princess Diana relation not disclosed and then ill execute sll the united arabs kings and princes on my capitol steps as i take back Dubai and let my wife Lindsey Lohan run it and then ima get to them god damn jews over in Germany for stealing my Yatch and treason against nato and now treason against the united states australia france canada alaska falkland africa turkey texas greenland iceland svalbard norway denmark poland and allies and allies allied forces and territories so ima do some none radioactive weapons testing (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbNhNtNFfO8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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