toastybugguy · 1 year
yeah yeah no it’s cool… I’ll just be over here. [hangs pictures of any scene w melissa and deaton in the same room together on my wall]. normaling.
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
Someone called the first set cute and I am unbelievably determined to make their goddamn day/night now, also, just realized you could get around the talking barrier with your soulmate if you direct your speaking at yourself, though I imagine that would be quite hard without a lot of focus or practice, so I’m implementing that in this set, hope you enjoy!!
WARNING: For Midoriya Izuku - Mentions of past fish death; For Umino Iruka - Mentions of his parents passing; and For Erza Scarlet - Death, the Tenrou island incident, signs of depression and loss of a loved one [It turns happy though]
SOULMATE AU HEADCANONS FOR: Izuku Midoriya, Iruka Umino, Erza Scarlet
Izuku Midoriya
Welcome to your own personal hero encyclopedia
Literally your best friend when it comes to quizzes and homework
If you so much as mutter to yourself a question
He is mumbling to himself the answer and all the steps to solve it
Brain = Autopilot
He doesn’t even consider that you might have been rhetorical
Or that you might be taking a quiz
Soulmate asked a question and he’d rather die than not mutter the answer to himself under his breath so his soulmate can hear
He’s your worst enemy sometimes too though
Trying to sleep? Nah, listen to him fanboy over a hero documentary instead
Trying to have a little you time? Funny joke, you’re learning about All Might now
You now know the weirdest facts about heroes
And events that most teachers don’t know about
May I suggest a heroics history teaching job?
Unfortunately, you also have to listen to his crying
I don’t mean it in a bad way
But you have no way to comfort him
Literally all you want to do is give him a hug and comfort him
But all you can do is say comforting words to yourself
Hoping he’ll hear them over his broken, heart wrenching sobs
But don’t worry, he does, he hears everything you say to yourself
He has a notebook dedicated to you and o n l y you
He nearly ripped Bakugo’s head off when the blonde accidentally burnt it’s pages when they were younger
Yeah, fun times [Bakugo double checked that it was the h e r o notebook and not the s o u l m a t e notebook when he burnt it in middle school, never again would he risk hearing his last name be spit venomously from the green haired males mouth]
He writes down anything he deems memorable [AKA nearly everything] that you say
He notes things you have difficulty towards academically and makes sure to break it down and read the now less complex version aloud in hopes he’s helped you
He has, he’s probably the main reason you’re in the top 5 academically
But also he loves hearing your meaningless rambles
You have scared him a few times
“Wait, is he dead? Oh no! Please don’t tell me he’s dead!”
w h a t
“I don’t think I can handle mom crying over another fish.”
Oh, just a fish, thank All Might, he nearly went into cardiac arrest
They brighten his day, and he can’t wait to meet you and tell you just how thankful he is that you’re his soulmate
Just like you can’t wait to hit him upside the head for all the sleepless nights he’s caused with his fanboy behavior
Okay, but when you do meet, you immediately ask for Bakugo
You give zero fucks about possibly being expelled/sent to prison
Hell hath no fury like you who had to listen to their soulmates broken cries over the blondes treatment for years
And Izuku can only hold you back for so long
He definitely wants to see your quirk in action when you meet
And when demonstrating he’s mumbling all the uses and possible ideas
While also complimenting you and how amazing you are
He doesn’t even notice he’s doing it
If you do it back, he WILL blue screen
Midoriya Izuku.exe has stopped working
He literally freezes on the spot
Iruka Umino
Oh do we love our dear teacher
Maybe a little too much
But we don’t talk about that
He will also say other things, like “I made pancakes for breakfast, I wish you were here to enjoy them”
And call you sweet pet names like “Dear” “Darling” “Honey” etc. and when he’s feeling especially corny “Snookums” or something really out there when he feels like you need a good laugh like “Cookie Cutter”
No, I'm serious, if he thinks you’re sad, he w i l l say “Hey there, how’s my little cookie cutter?” to himself in a half joking tone in hopes of brightening your day
You can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead hands
He loves it if you mutter responses to yourself for him to hear in return
His heart will melt the moment he hears you say “Good morning” back, or if you mention wanting to cook for him
He also loves it if you give lesson plan advice to him
Like, he’ll be muttering about the best way to teach his class how to throw shuriken and your voice will pop up in his head with friendly advice
Makes him wonder if you’re a teacher too, or if you’re planning to become one
Secretly hopes you’re planning to become a teaching aid, because A) Work and soulmate at the same time? Yes please, and B) Kami knows he needs help with his rowdy class
If you are, he’s sure to be over the moon when he finds out
In his younger days, before teaching, he definitely went on missions and looked for you when he could
Like, yes, the mission is important, but finding the owner to the beautiful voice in his head is ALSO important
He’d usually finish the mission and stay an extra one or two days looking for you
It didn’t really cross his mind till later that you could be in the Leaf Village, since he figured he would have already found you if he did
Till he saw people older than him who grew up in the village only just finding out they were soulmates
He went on less out of village missions after that
Till eventually he decided to become a teacher
When I tell you this man melts when you talk
I mean he MELTS
He loves your voice so much
It helped him through his parents deaths
Helped him when he felt at his lowest points
You’ve done so much for him, and he’s so thankful, he’s fallen so deeply in love with you and you haven’t properly met yet!
He still wants to marry you on the spot though
It’s not a strange sight to see him browsing rings
Or thinking of how he’d propose
You’ll never let him know that he’s unconsciously spoken out loud about it a few times
Not until you meet, then you’ll mention it
And never let him live it down
“You know, I’ve heard you say you wanted to marry me on the spot, is that still on the menu or…?”
Yeah, when you first meet each other, that’s the first thing that pops out of your mouth
And it has his face burning red
He’s stumbling through his words, trying to convey that yes, he would like to marry you, but he needs your ring size first to go buy the ring
Trust me, this man has made enough trips to know what ring, he just needs the size
Then he’ll be down on one knee quicker that Shisui’s Shunshin no Jutsu
The fact that you seem okay with it also seals the deal for him
He’s so ecstatic when you meet each other
He feels like he could take on Madara one v one and win
He’s so unbelievably happy
Like he’s convincing you to take a photo so he can frame it on his desk and always remember happy
He’s so cute and blushy about it too
Rambles about never wanting to forget the best day of his life so far
“So far?” “Well, yeah, I imagine marrying you will take the spot soon”
He’s so giddy about introducing you to his class too
Especially Naruto
[Mostly Naruto]
He’s showing you off and preening at the congratulations his class gives
And later on introducing you to Naruto personally
As much as he loves his class, he adores Naruto, and really hopes you both get along well
And you do
And it was the worst mistake of Iruka's life
[or best as both you and Naruto often correct him]
Honestly you probably convinced him to at least bring up the possibility of Adoption to Naruto
Which has Naruto howling in excitement and agreeableness
The boy looks up to him and they both have such a father/son dynamic, let me have this dammit
[Also, being able to get Naruto to be the ring bearer/flower boy? P r i c e l e s s]
He loves his family, so very much
And is so thankful that you convinced him to adopt Naruto
The man has been debating on if Naruto would want to be his son or not for ages, you can NOT tell me otherwise
You also can’t tell me Naruto wouldn’t jump at the chance to have Iruka as his father
Erza Scarlet
She’s so eager to find you
She’s spent so long perfecting the art of speaking to you despite the barrier
And she’s always so responsive to you
Always talking about the adventures she's had
What she wants to do with you when you find each other
And she’s always so happy when you do the same
She’s always been responsive with you, even though the beginning was a bit rough with communication
So when she suddenly goes radio silent, it scares you, it hurts when you come to the realization that she’s dead
She can hear you, even in her deep sleep on Tenrou Island
And it’s heartbreaking
Your cries
The endless broken sobs
“I’m so sorry I never got to meet you” No, I’m still here!
“Hey soulmate wha- oh, right, you’re..” I’m not dead! I promise I’ll be there soon!
To say the least, it’s a long 7 years
And you never did get over your soulmates tragic death
Though you did find out who she might have been
Hurts more knowing how she passed on though
She always spoke of her guild, Fairy Tail, and you had been saving up enough jewels to go there, in hopes of finding her
You know she must have been on Tenrou when it fell
And by deductive evidence, it must have been the S class wizard
Erza Scarlet, you’re soulmate
Dead, soulmate
You joined not long after the news had spread
Figured it might help with the ache
It didn’t
But you grew to love the guild anyways
They welcomed you as family
Because to them, you already were
Erza spoke so highly of you
Always talking about how amazing her soulmate was, and everything she wanted to do with them when they met
And it was because of that you were able to deduce that she is your soulmate
Was, your soulmate
It wasn’t an odd sight to see you crying when the Tenrou group was brought up
Or after a particular rough beating from the Twilight Ogre guild
They watched you slowly fall apart when you tried speaking to her
Helped put you back together when you remembered she wasn’t on the other side
And eventually you began healing
Never getting over her or forgetting her
You could never forget her
And broke down just thinking about trying to find another
You took to talking to her in hopes she could still hear you in the afterlife
Talk about your day
How the guild is doing
If there was a particularly rough beating from the other guild
It hurt, much worse than when you forgot that she wasn’t there
But you carried on, believing that if she could hear you, she’d want to know
She adores that about you, your will to carry on, even though it hurts
And she’s sure to leave nothing but corpses in Twilight Ogre for all the years of torment
When Blue Pegasus found remains of the Island, no one stopped you from boarding the ship
They knew you needed this, more than the rest of them
You needed to know if she was really gone or not
And when you caught sight of scarlet red hair
You wept
She’s here
She’s alive
She turned the moment she heard your voice weekly call for her
To say your first meeting was filled with tears would be an understatement
You were attached by the hip from that point on
Not that either of you were complaining
Erza was especially ecstatic to have you by her side finally
After all, she had 7 years to make up for
And you can show her where Twilight Ogre is
The Master and Mira didn’t question why she was especially rough with a select few members
I Hope you enjoyed reading this set of Soulmate AU HC’s! If you would like to see any specific characters, don’t be afraid to leave a comment or submit an ask! If it’s a character I’m not familiar with, I’ll do my best to learn about them!!
P.S. I nearly killed Reader-chan off in Erza’s (:
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