#LIKE COME ON they DO say that deaton is like a father to scott……
toastybugguy · 1 year
yeah yeah no it’s cool… I’ll just be over here. [hangs pictures of any scene w melissa and deaton in the same room together on my wall]. normaling.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
So like mafia/King/wolf king/warlord Derek idea?? Maybe A/B/O au
After Derek becomes heir to the empire (mafia or otherwise) is told by his council over and over again that he must marry and have an heir. He doesn’t trust his council much less the women they bring before him to marry. He would simply prefer to kill them all but unfortunately that would be directly traced to him.
So he abides by their demands and looks for a consort. So he throws a party, the most lavish party. The night is long and dreadfully boring. Derek thinks that at the worst he may ask Braeden to marry him. They are a little to hot headed and never seem to agree on a subject but at least the sex will be good. He spends most of the night trying not to dance with women who smell far to desperate.
He is ducking behind a column to hide from Jennifer when he hears the most clever and spiteful voice tell off one of his council members. He follows the voice to a vision of nymph dressing down his least favourite council member (maybe Deaton??) . Derek is absolutely taken a back by how the siren uses his words to get his way. Dereks preferred method is violence, and he tells this to the boy as he walks over — “it seems that my council member has overstepped, I usually find violence is my preferred way of dealing with such slights. Would you like he to rip his heart out for you?” — Derek kisses his hand and he basically declares to everyone listen he wishes to preform a courting action.
To Derek’s delight, the god in human form blushes. He thanks Derek for the offer but says he dealt with it his way. — “it is quite the generous offer Alpha, but I must decline as I have found words may be just as effective a weapon I promise you.” — Derek, desperate to not let him slip away asked him for a dance. He hesitantly agrees, but after the one dance they do not stop until the end of the night. 
The council member that had tried to hurt Derek’s future consort was found dead the next morning, of poison. It’s in the moment Derek declares that he will marry the boy from the night before. (Delusional Derek who is fully convinced they are to be married, and is just a tiny bit obsessed)
So he sets out to win his heart, cue shenanigans from him and the entire hale pack. Especially after finding out that Derek’s consorts father is a lawful man. A lawful man who would rather see his son with Parrish or Daehler rather than Derek. But stiles however refuses any means of courting expect for Derek’s. Because he knows the wolf is the only one for him. (If you like this idea please check out @hedwig221b Torn apart and set Anew)
Stiles didn’t care, Derek understood him in most ways that other didn’t. When his father would tell him that Derek was dangerous stiles wanted to shout back that so was he. His father ignored the worst parts of stiles, Scott didn’t even sees them but Derek understood. He didn’t just see stiles as a helpless omega. Derek is super fucking prideful about this and every time he sees Parrish or Daehler he just smirks at them.
Derek throws another party, this one to publicly state his intention to marry stiles. His council members kick up a big fuss about it until Derek reminds them that they are the ones who wanted Derek to have a consort. He abided by the rules. They claimed Derek couldn’t mate a beta but Derek ignored him. (Stiles doesn’t advertise the fact that he’s an omega)
Derek buys stiles a dress and jewels to wear.
Stiles only dances with Derek that night, anytime someone else asks him he refuses. (Parrish). During one of their dances when the music is fast paced and stiles heart is beating out of his chest, stiles spark comes into play and creates ribbons of energy that dance alongside them. So it looks like they are dancing in fire. (This is what kickstarted this idea)
So they marry and stiles helps Derek secure his claim.
Derek over hears his council talking bad about his husband so he kills them and then fucks his stiles pregnant to prove them wrong.
He also drags Daehler before his beloved omega for overstepping, and this time when Derek offers to rip out his heart for stiles, he agrees.
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gynnnicsworld · 1 year
I was thinking.... Do you remember the scene from 3A where Stiles, Allison and Scott do the ritual of changing places with their parents?
I can't help but think, why was Stiles the recipient of the nogitsune?
I mean, why wasn't it Scott or Allison?
((Please correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a few months since I watched 3A/3B)) okay, I can't stop thinking about the nogitsune giving those riddles and messages to Stiles about;
"When a door is not a door? "When it's ajar".
I'm going to try to explain this, when Stiles/Allsn/scott did the ritual, they "opened doors" and made their hearts darken.... That's why throughout the beginning of 3B we see all those scenes of Allison, Scott and Stiles having nightmares, and strange visions. So far it's understandable, But if you notice, you will see that Stiles is the only one who establishes connections with the doors from the beginning.
But there are no such references with Scott or Allison. So, this is where my theory comes in and I'm going to start by saying that everything is related to the ritual they did.
Let's remember that the person who would bring back Stiles/Allison/Scott were people important to them and with whom they had a strong/solid connection.
Allison— Isaac
(If you ask me they were basically trying to give a message about anchors there.)
We all know that Scott and Deaton are basically a father-son relationship, and it's very likely that the closeness Scott has with Deaton is more genuine and stronger than the one he has with Rafael. So that anchor is very good. Because the connection between them is *MUTUALLY* strong.
Allison and Isaac? I don't have to explain that the two of them like each other, like IN LOVE. The attraction between them is 100% genuine. And strong. There is no doubt about their connection.
But Stiles and Lydia? They're friends, and they're not even friends as in best friends yet. This is where I think something went wrong, because Lydia didn't even think about being Stiles' anchor, she was going straight to being Allison's anchor.
And we had the wonderful (sarcasm) intervention of Deaton, instructing Lydia to go help Stiles.
There was clearly no other option (I know) because it's not like Derek would have been there, which I have no doubt would have made a difference.
The issue here is that Lydia did indeed bring Stiles back, but I think of the three of them (stls/Allsn/sctt), the connection between them (Lydia & Stiles) was the weakest.Which caused the door that Stiles opened to not close properly. That left the door ajar.
You can take this however you want, but personally this shows me that the connection between Stiles and Lydia was simply never that strong whether one-sided or bilateral.
On the other hand, Stiles is LITERALLY Derek's anchor, and is 100% Derek's strongest connection. And whatever Stiles felt about Derek during 3A, I think it was something like friendship (And he has an obvious crush on Derek, he's a teenager, who wouldn't have a crush on Derek?) ( There is also that in fact Stiles does feel a connection with Derek, and the Hale pack for some strange reason knows it) and if Lydia could bring Stiles back, being that Stiles is NOT her anchor, I think Derek managed to get Stiles to come back without leaving the door ajar.
Whatever, I have no doubt that if Derek had been in that scene, the obvious choice to bring Stiles back would have been him.
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sterek-stuffs · 1 year
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Do you get annoyed when people say the Sterek fandom is dead? Well, prove them wrong by reblogging this fresh new rec list of fics published in the past three years!
Pulling Strings by Gia279 54k words, M
Stiles and Derek pull off the ultimate game of survival charades: fooling the alpha pack into thinking their leader, alpha of alphas, demon wolf Deucalion himself, is still alive, in order to find the location of the Darach and save Beacon Hills and their pack, while Stiles learns to control this brand new, unusual power.
The Curse of the Love Sweater by HisBeloved 56k words, E
The "sweater curse" or "curse of the love sweater" is a term used by knitters to describe the belief that if a knitter gives a hand-knit sweater to a significant other, it will lead to the recipient breaking up with the knitter. When Stiles and Derek were children, a misunderstanding created a rift between Claudia Stilinski, owner of The Hale Yarn Company, and Talia Hale, the best knitter and spinner in the county, leading to the opening of Lucky Ewe, Claudia Stilinski's yarn store. Stiles and Derek have been lifelong competitors at the Beacon County Fair and after their mothers died, became owners of competing yarn shops. Derek is a budding knitwear designer on the eve of the release of his first book of patterns. Stiles wants him on his popular knitting YouTube show despite the decade-long feud between the Stilinski's and Hales. Hijinks, fluff, and ridiculousness ensue, and the boys get their happy ending.
Don't they know it's the end of the world? by flemoncake, mute90 20k words, M
Stiles thought being in love in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic world was a bad idea. He voted for pleasant, casual sex all the way. But being afraid of love doesn't stop it from coming after you. Being afraid doesn’t stop anything from coming after you.
love in suspension by creationmyth 6k words, T
They walk side by side back to the camaro, Derek’s all tensed up while Stiles hums some unnamable tune under his breath. When they finally break the treeline, Stiles pulls Derek by the arm so they’re face to face. “Thank you,” Stiles tells him quietly, making sure Derek knows he’s sincere. “It’s what we do.” It is. It really is. (or: Stiles and Derek learn, over time, how loyalty becomes love.)
ouroboros (get it right) by yesimirreputable 5k words, M
You try again, and the story's always the same: you never make it past eighteen.
a light and darkness in the heart of the forest by thedaughterofkings 10k words, T
There's a beast in the forest, they say. If you call to it, it will answer. To save his mom, Stiles will face up to it and hope the price won't be higher than the reward.
nothing but hope and virtue by dappledawndrawn, LeafZelindor 60k words, T
Senator Derek Hale, a California Democrat, had considered a future where he needed to hire a new campaign manager. He'd always expected to hire someone from inside the campaign. They'd have been familiar, respectful, come into his office carefully, with nervous excitement, and called him "sir" too much when asking for their first assignment. They'd have been familiar with the ins and outs of working with a werewolf pack, and everything would have been fine. Not great, maybe, but fine. But instead, Deaton retires with no warning, and almost sight-unseen, he hires Stiles Stilinksi, who is sprawled across his office couch, entering random contacts from Derek's Rolodex into his phone. Derek's a little in love with him. It's going to be a long campaign.
Fairy Wings and Beastly Tails by Bliz, PalenDrome (nerdherderette) 8k words, T
The prince knows it’s risky. He thinks about how he could manage without his wings; what his life would be like without flying or the ability to do spells. He thinks about his father and Scott, and all the others he’d leave behind if he fails. But then he thinks about the creature and the sadness in those green eyes, and how the image haunts his dreams. “I’ll do it,” he says as the Oak Witch’s grin grows wide.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold by raisesomehale 86k words, E
Seven years after being tricked and imprisoned by the Argents, Derek Hale finds himself off the blistering coasts of Antarctica aboard the Argentum Domina, an illegal prison ship out of which the Argents operate their behemoth, underground poaching empire. Bitter and packless, Derek spends his days working off his servitude by poaching creatures for Gerard to sell on the Black Magic Market, no future or end in sight. Until, Allison Argent brings him a capture case with a reward price so ludicrous that he has no choice but to accept. The only problem is, the target creature shouldn't even exist. Derek is flung fast into the deep webbings of a bigger mystery than he could have ever imagined. And discovers that, like this enchanting creature, not everything is as it seems.
My Soul to Keep by jacyevans, Jmeelee 18k words, T
Stiles came with a whiteboard, and blue dry erase marker, flapping it over his head like a white flag on a battlefield. "Come on," he coaxed. "You must want to say something. You've never gone this long without telling me to shut up." He waggled the marker in Derek's face. Stinging alcohol and pungent polymer singed Derek's nose hairs. His fingers itched to pick up the board, and not because he wanted to tell Stiles to be quiet. He enjoyed the babble that filled the apartment every few days, the hearty food, Stiles' particular, reassuring smell: maple sugar buzz, spicy-sweet deodorant, milk-sour frustration, floral shampoo, and spring grass at night. It soaked into Derek's couch, his bed, his skull. If any of it were real, Derek would take the board and write: thank you.
A Functioning Adult’s Field Guide to Enemies With Benefits by BisexualGoblin (LadyBoBo) 31k words, E
The six years Stiles was away for college, he certainly missed a lot—namely the whole best friend turned into a werewolf thing. But he didn’t think he missed enough to get replaced by a douche bag like Derek Hale. Now with Scott’s wedding looming, it’s the perfect chance for Stiles to show Derek who the real brains of the operation is. If only he could stop jumping into bed with him…
Let's build a beehive by GreyHaven 25k words, G
Ten years after he last saw Derek, Stiles' life is in ruins and he has nowhere else to turn. He has Derek's address but will he be welcomed? A post canon AU about healing, growth, acceptance, and love.
Handstands For You by Fenris13 15k words, E
"No, really, you don't have to—!" Stiles hisses, flinching as Derek rubs soap with needless intensity into the cut. "Shut up and keep still," Derek growls back. Stiles whines in response, squirming in Derek’s grip but otherwise following the order. Stupid werewolves and their stupid regeneratey-healy powers. It’s not Stiles’ fault that he’s wimpy and human, so when he gets thrown down a flight of stairs and through a rotten wooden wall by lake monsters, he still remembers it the next morning.
Shaking the wings of their terrible youths by Daisyapples 29k words, N/r
Stiles didn't expect much when he stopped a stranger being attacked in an alleyway. He didn't expect the wolf following him around New York, didn't expect the help when he was sick, didn't expect the psycho blond attacking him, or the place to stay. He didn't expect the new family. Oh, and he definitely didn't expect werewolves.
Dear Fellow Traveler by lanalua (this is me!) 32k words, M
Years after shit went down in Beacon Hills a traumatized Stiles is dating Lydia and living in New York, trying to avoid and get over anything related to the supernatural. When he finally decides to go back to his hometown and face his fears, he will be lead down a path of self-discovery that will change the course he had set for his life. Stiles shook his head. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Derek, it was just that he couldn’t. If he’d had magic the whole time, did it mean he could have been less useless back in highschool? Did it mean he could have helped, maybe kept Erica and Boyd alive? Kept Derek and Scott from leaving? It was too much. Guilt tore through his stomach like an arrow. He felt himself start to hyperventilate again.
As always, check the tags in individual fics to find out if they're right for you, and don't forget to leave the authors some love!
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topazy · 4 days
Blood moon
Pairing: Scott McCall x reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut
Chapter: 7.02
You step into the kitchen and drop the glass of orange juice from your hand as you jump backwards, startled by the figure leaning against the island in the middle of the room. So much for werewolf reflexes. Since the sleepover Wyatt was at got canceled, you had awkwardly suggested everyone regrouped at another location. As much as you cared for Lydia, you didn’t want your son near anything that was going on.
“Jesus McCall, haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” You huff, looking down at the sticky liquid spreading fast across the floor. You grab a handful of kitchen rolls and dab at it before the juice runs onto your cream carpet in the next room.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to- Sorry. I just wanted to see if you were okay,” Scott said. He sighed, noticing you were avoiding his gaze. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine.”
Scott puffed out his cheeks, feeling defeated already. “I don’t usually ask when it comes to you and Isaac, but what’s going on? He left kind of abruptly.”
You re-enter the living room fidgeting with the silver band on your middle finger, the pad of your thumb feeling the small rubies on it. “Guys, I hate to do this, but Wyatt’s coming home, and I don’t want him around... whatever this is.”
Scott looks up at your alarm. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“He’s fine; his friend's mom just texted and said one of the kids started vomiting, so everyone’s gotta go.”
Isaac yanks his jacket from the back of the coat hanger. “I’ll go get him. Take him to the arcade or cinema.”
“He still needs to have his dinner.”
“Then I’ll take him for pizza first,” Isaac slams the front door behind him when he leaves the house.
You cock your head to the side, looking up at Scott, still irritated by your brother. “He’s just... he's got an issue with his girlfriend. Where did everyone else go?”
“The animal clinic.”
After all this time, no matter what changed throughout the years, Deaton’s vets was the safe place you and your friends gravitate towards whenever times are tough. A small smile creeps onto your face as you think about the times as teenagers when your pack would gather in the same place.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking how, after all this time, we still go to the same place for help.” You squeeze Scott’s shoulder. “Did I ever tell you I’m proud of you for becoming a vet?”
“Uhh, you have,” he chuckles. “But it means a lot coming from you, no matter how many times I hear it.”
“Are you staying here until Wyatt gets home?”
“Yeah,” he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “I’ll just let Stiles know I’ll catch up with them later.”
“Hey, little man.”
Smiling, Scott picks Wyatt up and kisses his cheek. “Where did Uncle Isaac take you?”
While your son fills his father in on all the fun games he played at the arcade, Isaac mumbles an apology as he walks by. He places a stuffed toy on the kitchen counter; it looks just like one I had as a girl. “I’m going to be out for the rest of the night,” he says. “I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but Stiles asked if someone who’s werewolf could spend the night in case he needs help with Lydia.”
“It’s probably for the best that someone is there for her. I think Scott was going to meet them at the vets.”
“Actually,” Scott walks over with Wyatt now sitting on his shoulders. “I was going to put this little monster to bed once he has showed me his new toys.”
Scott wasn’t outright asking, but from his tone, you knew it was a question. You smile, although he was a good dad. Scott never got to spend the same amount of time with your son as you did, which made him feel guilty. “Sure, but first he’s going for a bath.”
You yawn into the back of your hand, not wanting to interrupt Scott and Wyatt playing before bed. You curled up on the couch to watch a film. You’re starting to doze off when Scott comes back down the stairs and sits next to you, much to your surprise.
“Is he asleep already?”
“Yeah, probably a sugar crash.”
You reposition yourself on the couch so Scott has more space; the thick fluffy grey blanket covering your lap slides down at one side, revealing. Noticing, Scott pulls on the bottom of your nightgown, “cute.”
Your nightgown was light pink, silky, with little stars and moons on it.
“Don’t tease.”
Smirking, Scott lowers his head till your lips meet. At first the kiss is soft and gentle, but it quickly becomes heated. Feeling his hand on your bare thigh, your legs part, and Scott begins rubbing at the most sensitive spot through your underwear.
“Oh,” you slap your hand over your mouth to stop making noise.
Scott kisses your neck while sliding two of his fingers inside you, muffling his own groans. Just as you go to unzip his jeans, you open your eyes and notice the blinds had opened slightly and were now open, and something was outside looking in.
Abruptly, you push Scott’s hand away and jump to your feet. He stares at you alarmed, “Shit, did I hurt you?”
You shake your head, “There’s someone outside.”
“Keep an eye on the doors.” Without needing any further explanation, Scott sprints upstairs and then quickly runs back down with Wyatt in his arms. “Is it still there?”
You do your best to discreetly peek out of the window; at first you don’t see anything, but then you notice there’s a white mask left laying on the grass. “Not that I can see.”
He hands you Wyatt, who was still half asleep. “We gotta run for the car. Once we are inside, call Stiles and tell him we are going to the clinic, then call the police.”
You didn’t have time to ask questions, but something had scared the hell out of Scott as well.
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eneiryu · 2 months
do you have any headcanons for characters you haven’t worked into fics yet?
This took me a while to answer, because I genuinely had to mull it over. And I think the answer is no…? But honestly it’s entirely possible that I think I’ve put something into a story that I haven’t, so I decided to list out some of my headcanons that I feel like I have covered, just in case:
This one is glaringly obvious to anyone who’s even glanced at my stories, but I see Theo as incredibly guilty, and with massive…not self-worth issues, exactly, in the sense that he doesn’t think he’s got valuable skills or is an interesting person or whatever, but in the sense that he thinks the things he’s done make him unredeemable. And even with his relationship with Liam and his tighter integration with the McCall pack, he still sees it all as temporary and…a mistake, almost. One that Liam and the McCall pack could wake up from at any moment.
One of Theo’s most tried-and-true methods for dealing with Liam’s anger is just to bait him into expressing it, literally trying to get Liam to attack him because he can take it, heal from the damage, and—because I also headcanon Theo as a great fighter (though I think that’s heavily backed by canon)—oftentimes just kicking the shit out of Liam as well. And it’s extremely effective!
I tend to see Theo as someone who has always seen sex as transactional, whether explicitly or not. And as has come up in numerous of my fics—that he used to use himself and his looks as tools to get what he wanted or was ordered to. I also headcanon this as something that certain people in the pack have figured out, mostly the adults—Argent, Melissa, the Sheriff, etc. I see it as something he doesn’t really talk about and generally doesn’t really see as a problem.
But in that vein, and tying in with the fact that I think Theo is genuinely just tired, emotionally and existentially and a lot of the times physically, that he really just wants someone he can follow, who he can trust to follow, who will guide him and point him in the right direction and make use of him. And, more to the point: use him well. And I think the top three people for him in that vein are Liam, Scott, and Argent.
I see Scott as Liam’s third parent, and everyone is just sort of cool with that, without it really being something that’s discussed. Their relationship is very father-son -ish to me, with Liam looking to Scott for all kinds of guidance, and trusting in what he gets back.
Obviously I’ve got my Argent & Theo BroTP. I feel like with the way I write Theo, they’ve got a lot in common, and more than that, that Theo trusts Argent to see him without subjectivity or clouded judgement, and Theo therefore finds Argent very comforting, because he trusts that Argent would take him out before he could revert back to his old ways—which I genuinely think Theo obsessively worries could happen at anytime, and that he won’t be able to stop himself.
I really do see Malia as incredibly clearheaded in the sense that she just doesn’t see or doesn’t acknowledge things that seem like bullshit. There are just what things are, and I think that’s an incredibly important need for the McCall pack, which I feel like can get very caught up in the metaphysical/existential right-and-wrong of it all.
I adore Deaton and really do think he’s got that silent, “I always know more than what I’m saying” thing going on, and is always, always trying to do right not just by the pack, but by everyone. I also really like the idea—explored in one my fics—that he and Peter have a lot of lived-in history.
I’m sure there are a million others, but coming up with them on my own initiative is hard. 😅 If anyone has specific asks about certain characters, happy to try and answer them.
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maria021015 · 2 months
HEAD-CANON: Stiles blurts random facts when he’s nervous and trying to find something to say.
“Just do it,” Scott hissed at his best friend, leaning back in his seat. Stiles reached behind him to stick up a particular finger at the wolf in response. He rehearsed the words he’d come up with over and over again in his mind, his confidence building with each repetition.
Hey Zay? You look really beautiful today. Hey Zay? You look really beautiful today. Hey Zay? You look really beautiful today.
“Hey, Zay?” He whispered and tapped on her shoulder to grab her attention. Only when her head twisted around to look back at him, his words caught in his throat. The darkened liner made the green in her hazel eyes so much brighter. With her hair pulled back, he was granted an unobstructed view of the sharper angles and softer features of her face. His mind was suddenly blank. “Uh…did you know butterflies’ eyes are made up of six-thousand lenses, which means they can see ultraviolet light. So they can actually see colours we can't see, and a lot of butterflies’ wings use ultraviolet colours to attract a mate.”
Zaida stared at him for a moment, the inner corners of her brows twitching slightly downwards in confusion. Was he making fun of her outfit? Or was she looking too far into it? “...Okay,” She mumbled but before she could turn back around, he opened his mouth again.
“Also! Uh…” He blurted. ‘You look really beautiful today’. Just say it, you idiot! “...They taste with their feet.”
“...That’s wonderful Stiles,” Zaida shook her head as she faced their teacher, her pen tapping against the top of her notebook. What the hell was up with him lately? She heard a thwap of paper hitting something, but didn’t bother checking on what the boy was up to now.
“What was that?” Scott whisper-shouted as Stiles clutched at his head where his friend had just whacked him with a notebook. “‘They taste with their feet’? How did we get from ‘ you look beautiful ’, to ‘butterflies taste with their feet’? How are you this hopeless?”
“Yeah, thanks buddy. I know I blew it, it’s not like you had to tell me.” He snorted bitterly. “How about we focus on what I am good at, okay? What are we going to do about the impending sacrifices?”
“Just hold on a little longer, okay?” Stiles took the seat beside her and whether he was speaking to Cora’s unconscious form, or her, Zaida wasn’t sure. “Trust me, if anyone's gonna get us out of this, it's Scott.”
“Did you really just say that?” Zaida snorted, unable to hold back her amusement.
“Yeah, I know...I can't believe it either considering we actually used to be the ones with the plan. Well, or, at least a plan B.” He chuckled.
“What do you mean ‘used to’?” She raised a brow, exaggerating being offended.
“I don't know...Now, I'm thinking, maybe Cora was right.” His face shifted into a grim expression as he looked down at the beta. “You know, maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies.”
“No, we’ve still got it, Stiles.” Zaida promised him. “We saved Deaton. We saved Lydia, didn’t we?”
“You and Scott saved Deaton and Lydia.” He corrected, and Zaida didn’t know how to argue that point. “What have I done?”
“You figured out how the Telluric currents were connected. Without you, we wouldn’t have even found Deaton.” The brunette pointed out.
“What about Heather? What about the lifeguard? The music teacher? The doctors? The pianist? Emily, Kyle, Harris, Dr Hilyard, Tara, Mr Westover…?” Stiles listed the amount of people they had failed to save in comparison. “...I don't want to find my father's body.”
With those words Stiles blew out a shaky breath, sniffing and wiping a single tear that escaped his eyes with the back of his hand. Zaida’s guts twisted at the sight of him crying, feeling his sorrow through the chestnut door in her mind.
“We’re not going to find his body, because we’re going to find him - alive and well.” Zaida spoke firmly, gripping onto the boy’s arm tightly with both of her hands.
“You can’t promise that, Zay.” Stiles spoke softly, his eyes glassy - eyes made of molten honey the shade of a rich whiskey. As she tried to find her words, Zaida drowned in those eyes, getting drunk in their depths.
“Maybe I can’t, but I do promise to do everything I can to get him back.” She whispered, unable to bring herself to speak any louder under the intensity of his gaze, yet she was also unable to pull away from him. Those whiskey-eyes were addictive, to say the least.
“Why?” He couldn’t stop himself from asking, wanting to know if her reason for doing so was akin to how he would do anything for her. It wouldn’t really matter what she asked of him, if her earlier demand for him to leave without her was any indication. In that moment he discovered he truly would risk it all for her. If she would do the same…would it mean she felt what he did?
“Because I don’t want you to have to mourn your father.” Zaida swallowed thickly, but emotion was still stuck in her throat, coating her words as they left her lips. The lips his eyes now found themselves drawn to as he traced all of her features, eagerly drinking them in like a man dying of thirst.
“...And I don’t want you getting hurt.” Stiles admitted, his walls crumbling beneath her stare. He was a person who found it incredibly difficult to open up, but in these vulnerable moments with her? There was nothing else he could do but knock down his walls to let her in to the softer sides of himself - to the boy who was terrified to lose anyone else the way he had lost his mother.
“And you think I’d be okay with anything happening to you?” She scoffed softly, beating wings stirring to tickle against the walls of stomach. She and Stiles had always been able to talk to each other about the deeper things, but this time it felt different. This time made her wonder if maybe there was something further than concern for a friend behind his motivations. It was in the way he was looking at her, and in the lowness of his voice. “...Or your father,” She added, pretending as though this was still about the missing Sheriff, when really, both of them were smart enough to know it wasn’t.
“I think…you’re a fighter, with the temper of a storm, and the strength of water.” He reached out to play with the golden bracelet around her wrist, his warm fingertips brushing her skin and sending goosebumps ripping up her arm. “As stubborn and relentless as the waves that shape immovable rocks. I think you would do anything to protect the people that matter to you. And I think…that whatever or whoever is in the way of what you want should be terrified.”
“The strength of water?” She repeated with arched brows, wishing that ignoring the rest of what he’d said would keep her heart from beating right out of her ribcage. She didn’t think the boy could be so poetic with his words. What’s more is that she never thought she’d like it.
“You know, the cohesion of hydrogen bonds between molecules makes water one of the strongest natural forces to exist on Earth?” Stiles rambled nervously, explaining the metaphor, and Zaida recognised the similarities between the manner in which he was speaking now, and how he’d spoken earlier that day in class. “Besides gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces…”
“You know…butterflies taste with their feet.” She shot back with a faint mischievous smirk in her own way of calling him out. Was she flirting with him? He was pretty sure she was flirting with him.
“What I meant to say was…” He shook his head at the memory of his own blunder, hesitating as he worried if maybe he was misreading the current situation. That was when he heard Scott’s voice in his head, egging him on.
‘Hey Zay? You look really beautiful today.’ Just say it, man!
“Hey, Zaida?” Stiles took in a deep breath, looking right at her as his chest clenched. “You look really beautiful today.”
“...I,” Zaida’s lips fell open as her blood rushed to her face, suddenly feeling entirely too warm to be sitting in such a confined space. After a moment of composing herself, she broke into a wide smile, eyes flickering downwards shyly. “Thank you, Stiles.”
The boy let go of the breath he had been holding in anticipation of her reaction, satisfied with the way he’d made her blush. Not knowing what else to say, his brain threw things that he did know at him. “You know what? Actually, a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope-” He began digressing once more.
“Don’t ruin it.” Zaida cut him off, but she laughed regardless. At least now she knew him blurting facts at her was his form of a compliment.
“Yeah, right, sorry. Shutting up now,” He mimed, zipping his lips closed, though there was a poorly-concealed glint of excitement behind his amber eyes.
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princeescaluswords · 10 months
Random question, Prince! How do you thinks would've played out if Melissa was the one Peter bit that fateful night? Perhaps she went looking for her foolish son and his even more foolish friend because she knows they went looking for that corpse. How does she navigate her new reality? Does Derek approach her similarly to how he approached Scott in canon? Does Peter make himself known sooner? What about Deaton?
I just LOVE hearing your thoughts on these types of things 🥰
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Personally, I don't see your scenario happening because, as many fans do, it takes it as a given that Peter's selection of Scott was an act of instinct and not a calculated decision. I am of the opinion that it's 99% likely that Peter was fully aware of what he was doing when he Bit Scott. My evidence is as follows:
The Beacon Hills Police Department had been in the woods for as long as it had taken Stiles to eavesdrop on his father's conversation, to try to reach Scott on the phone, to get to Scott's, to convince Scott to come with him, and then to drive out to the Preserve. I think it highly unlikely that Peter would never have come across at least one police deputy alone in the woods over that amount of time, especially with an alpha werewolf's heightened senses.
It follows that if you accept my headcanon that Peter eavesdropped on Scott's and Stiles's conversation while going through the woods, Scott presented as the perfect target. Scott is revealed in the conversation as bored, plagued by asthma, and desiring to be a sports star; all of these things becoming a werewolf will change. Judging by his relationship with Stiles, Scott also seems to be a follower. He's young, so he'll survive the Bite. Peter chose Scott on purpose.
The amount of convincing and planning he had to do to get Nurse Jennifer not only to help him but also to help him effectively meant that he had to be fully aware for some time. This is why Derek switched sides when Scott told him that Nurse Jennifer had gotten the flyer from Deaton's office; Derek realized then that Peter's claim of killing Laura accidentally had to be false.
Finally, in Master Plan (2x12), Peter reveals that a week after he got out of his coma, he located the Hale family records and transferred them to a laptop, hiding it in their house so thoroughly that not only Derek missed it but so did the crime scene investigators looking into Kate's death. It's quite a feat for someone who is supposedly not in possession of his faculties.
If you accept this argument as true, Peter would never have selected Melissa the way he selected Scott. She's older and more mature; she's not going to hide things to avoid getting in trouble with her parents. She's out in the woods looking for her son, which means Peter would have to deal with him as well. Melissa, as a mature adult, would probably be a lot more willing to immediately go to the police and seek proper medical attention for an animal bite. He wanted a soldier he could manipulate, not a fully grown adult who would immediately cause him trouble if not reveal him to the Argents.
There is, however, a scenario where he might try to Bite her, and that would be if Nurse Jennifer didn't exist. Let's say he tries to seduce Melissa when she's his nurse instead of Jennifer. He would perhaps play off her insecurities about being desirable, her empathy and compassion for his state, and what Peter could do for her son Scott. However, when he tried to persuade her to help him lure Laura into an ambush, she would reject him, and he might desperately Bite her in an attempt to bind her to him. He wouldn't just kill her; he needs Laura's alpha spark to recover fully and he can't afford to draw attention yet.
It would not work out well for him. If she didn't immediately go to her son's best friend's father, she would contact Laura directly and tell her that Peter was awake but he might be mentally imbalanced. Laura and Derek would come back, but this time they wouldn't be taken by surprise. Laura would teach Melissa how to control herself, and the three of them would work on Peter to get him to see reason or to neutralize him if he wouldn't.
It is possible that Peter might somehow get the drop on Laura even then, but Derek wouldn't be misled and Melissa would certainly do something, because, after all "If [she] can do something to help, then [she would] do it. [She would] have to." The struggle would begin.
Scott dating Allison would still be a complication, because Allison didn't date Scott because of his cool werewolf abilities, but of his helpful and friendly attitude at the vet clinic. Now, Melissa would have to balance learning how to control her werewolf instincts, fighting Peter's plans, and hiding her secret from her son and her son's girlfriend.
Heck, that sounds like a damn good show.
EDIT: Someone pointed out that my idea needs work -- Peter couldn't turn Melissa until after he became Alpha. Most of what I wrote is still relevant. It would still be interesting!
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haletwfic · 2 years
New Life
Derek Hale x Reader
Inspired from Teen Wolf Movie Teaser Trailer.
This is just for fun. My grammar is very bad bcs english is not my language.
Everything went great right after you graduated from high school. You applied job at local restaurant, Stiles became an FBI agent, Scott worked full time at Deaton’s animal clinic, Lydia went to college alongside with Malia. Derek? He moved to New York before you graduated. Actually the last time you saw him when you all at Mexico. He left with Braeden and leave you without a goodbye.
Oh, you still lived with Noah, Stiles’ father. You felt you owe him everything right after your parents death, he took care of you and let you live with him and Stiles. And you working instead of went to college so you could gave him some money as a gratitude for everything he did for you.
Everything hasn’t the same. You barely hang out with Scott, almost lost contact with everyone, but still manage to call your cousin to check him out. And it’s been three years.
You closed the restaurant because it’s already 9 PM. You walked out and you found Scott stood beside his motorcycle.
“YN!” He looked so happy when he saw you. He approached you and wanted to hug you. You smiled and hugged him immediately.
You pulled the hug. “How’s Deaton?”
He frowned. “I came far away from clinic just to get to you and that was your first question?”
You laughed and so did he. “I know you’re doing good. How’s your parents doing?”
He smirked. “Felt so different having my dad living in my mom’s but I’m happy they’re back together again. What about you and Noah?”
You sighed. “He’s getting old you know. He’s missing Stiles so bad. And that’s why i still live there so he wouldn’t be lonely. At least his nephew got some spark on that house.” “You got something to say to me? Because I’m going home and I’m bringing my car.” You glanced at your car.
“Oh about that…,” he looked so nervous. “Derek is back to town.” He paused. “He still live on that loft, in case you want to know. Alright, see ya YNN!” He left you, and you walked to your car. Damn. Derek is in Beacon Hills?
You immediately drove your car to the haunted building that Derek lived in. You didn’t know why you wanted to get there. What if he lived there with Braeden? You might look fooled if you saw both of them. But you didn’t care. You just want to make sure that Scott wasn’t messing with you. You need to see Derek so bad.
You arrived at his door. Very heavy sliding door. You knocked it softly and he must have known you’re here since he could sense you.
He opened it and kinda startled when he saw you. “YN?” He stood there and made eye contact with you for like a minute. “Come in.” He finally let you in. You notice his loft much brighter than before. And smell fresh like he put some perfume. And also you hadn’t seen any sign of Braeden here.
“How are you?” You asked him a very basic question. Of course you didn’t want asked him about him and Braeden. Stop thinking about her.
“I’m good, what about you?” He asked and gave you the sweetest smile.
You rolled your eyes. “3 years you have been away from Beacon Hill and now you’re back and asking me how am i doing?” You didn’t answer his question and hugged him. “Are you married with Braeden?” That question just came out from your stupid mouth.
Derek laughed. “It’s not funny.” You said it with a flat face. “Because the last time i saw you, you ran away with her.”
“I’m not… married to anyone.” You sighed in relieved.
When you and him were silenced, there was a sound of someone crying. “Who is that? Is there a someone here? Are you watching a movie with someone and there’s a scene?”
Derek didn’t answer and run upstair immediately and you followed him. You shocked when you saw him hold a toddler. “Am i seeing you with a kid or it just a doll?”
He came approached you. “This is Eli, my son.” Your eyes widened when he mention ‘son’ word. “Not with Braeden. I had a girlfriend, Delena, but she died on childbirth.” He definitely could read your mind. But your heart kinda break when he mention he had a girlfriend. “You know where i could find a babysitter?”
You punched his arm. “You just back to your hometown just to asked me where to find a babysitter?” And then you both laughed.
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sunnyie-eve · 5 months
25 | Realizing
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None
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The three finally awake up back in the Vet's Clinic in their tubs of ice water. They excitedly relate their visions and the connections they all shared with the location of the Nemeton. They are informed by Deaton that they've been in the water for 16 hours and now have just 4 hours before moonrise.
Scott says he needs to go back to the Alpha Pack making Stiles say to him that's like saying that the deal with Deucalion sounds a lot like a deal with the devil. Scott is adamant though, he doesn't believe they can defeat Jennifer without the Alpha Pack leader help. Allison then tries to get Deaton to talk Scott out of his plan but Deaton balks. He says sometimes circumstances require you ally yourself with people you can't trust but can use to your advantage. In this case he believes Deucalion could be the bait for Jennifer right before Ethan arrives.
"I'm looking for Lydia."
"What do you want?" She asks him.
"I need your help."
"With what?" Julia asks him.
"Stopping my brother and Kali... from killing Derek."
They all decide to split up, Lydia going with Ethan, Stiles and Julia going to his house to find something of his dads, while Scott, Allison, and Isaac go the her place.
"I just want to say sorry that Lydia and I couldn't actually find where the Nemeton was. If we could, you three wouldn't have wasted so much time in the tubs." Julia says as they pull up to his house.
"You don't need to apologize, Jules." He gets out his phone calling Scott. "What do you want me to grab?" Stiles asks opening his dad's door. "How about his boxers? Sock?" He says picking up his dad's socks. "Okay, we'll meet you there." Stiles hangs up the phone pulling Julia back downstairs to his jeep.
As they drive to meet Scott and the others at the Beacon Hills Preserve the storm worsens around them. Stiles races through the rising wind making it hard to see in front of them.
"I get we're in a rush but Stiles this isn't safe." Julia holds onto the seat as a tree branch flies into the windshield causing Stiles to duck and turn to see what hit him. "STILES!" Julia yells making him turn back seeing there is a tree directly in their path with no time to stop. Stiles puts one arm out in front of Julia as they crash head on making them both black out.
Stiles gains consciousness first touching his head to see blood and groans in pain, "Julia..." He looks over at her with her head against the window still knocked out. "Julia, Julia!" He panics leaning over to wake her up.
"My head." She slowly wakes up reaching for her head.
"Don't touch it. It's bleeding like mine." He stops her.
"We have to go. Get your bat." Julia remembers what they were supposed to be doing getting out of the jeep and they run off to find them. "STILES! THERE!" Julia points at the ground that was sinking in and they run over to jumping in. "Use the bat!" Stiles shoves his aluminum bat under the collapsing beam shoring it up and giving them all some extra time. 
"I always said aluminum was better than wood." Noah says causing Stiles and his father embrace each other then Noah pulls Julia into the hug too.
When the storm stops they all let out a sigh of relief. Scott calls Stiles and he tells him when he comes to get them bring a ladder making the others laugh at him. Once he ends the phone call he looks at his dad again keeping Julia into his side.
"How did you two hurt your heads?" Noah asks Stiles looking at where they were bleeding
"Stiles decided to speed in a storm and wreak the jeep." Julia looks at him.
"I had a reason to speed." He says as she moves away from his dad. "How my head?" He tilts his head down so she could look at it.
"You won't need stitches."
"You won't need any either." He moves her hair to look at her head.
After everything at home, Julia was in her room watching tv in bed when Lydia wonders in getting into bed next to her. They both look at each other before giggling and linking their arms watching the movie.
"I miss this." Lydia rests her head on Julia's shoulder.
"Me too. I'm happy we're back to how we used to be." Julia rests her head on top of Lydia's.
"Can you give some advice?" Lydia asks not moving from how she was lying.
"With what?"
"What do I do about Aidan? I think I really do like him but everything he's done? He helped kill Boyd but when Kail wanted to kill me, he wouldn't allowed her to." Lydia sighs not knowing what to do.
"I say take it slow. He needs to realize he's made some bad choices and needs to work on being better. Earn your trust."
Lydia nods her head before sitting up looking back at Julia, "Now, my advice to you..." She smiles.
"Why do I need advice?" Julia laughs at her.
"Oh, come on, Julia. It was so obvious when you were helping Stiles with his panic attack. You two completely forgot I was even in the room with you during y'all's moment." Lydia gives her a look with such a huge grin, "You like Stiles, Julia."
"No, he's my friend, Lydia." Julia sits up shaking her head no.
"Your friend you have feelings for." Lydia sings.
Julia sighs putting her head down, "He'll never see me in that way as long as you are around, Lydia. You've always been so blind to how he's seen you since third grade." Julia tears up forcing a smile.
"Julia, I don't even know him like you do. I never paid any attention to him until getting dragged into the supernatural stuff. Trust me, he'll realize that you're the one at some point, not me." Lydia pulls Julia into a hug.
Going back to school, as the sisters walk in they see Aidan at Lydia's locker. Julia nudges her with a smile leave her to walk over to him. As Julia watches him try to talk to Lydia, Scott joins her side, "Are you rooting for them?" He asks her.
"Yeah, plus he's a lot nicer to her than Jackson was." Julia looks at Scott laughing before looking back forward to see Isaac and Allison laughing. "You good with them?" She asks him.
"She was the right person but the wrong time." He nods his head so Julia puts an arm around him.
"I'm sure you won't have trouble finding someone." She laughs as Stiles joins them. "My boys." Julia moves to the middle putting her arms around both of them.
"Your boys?" Stiles laughs.
"Fine, I'll go find some new boys." She lets go turning to walk around but Scott wraps his arms around her picking her up.
"Nope, we're your only boys."
It's been a couple of weeks since everything and it was currently a Friday night. Julia was at Stiles' house hanging out with him while they studied. At the moment they were waiting for Noah to get home with food.
"You know, the downside of everything being back to normal is having to focus only on school." Stiles closes his textbook.
"Even where shit isn't normal we still have to focus on school." Julia says writing notes down.
"Can we please stop now? It's nine o'clock at night. I think we have done enough studying." Stiles gets up snatching her notebook away from her.
"Dude, I have one paragraph to go." Julia whines.
"You can do it tomorrow."
"Ugh, I don't want to do work on a Saturday." She closes her textbook.
"But you'll do it on a Friday night?"
"Yeah..." She takes her notebook back to put away, "But now I'm not in the mood to finish thanks to you." She flips him off.
"Rude!" He throws one of his pillows at her that hits her in the face.
"Mieczysław Stilinski!" She yells his full name shocking him.
"You did not just say my full name?"
"Oh, but I did." She laughs at his face as she gets a text from Isaac asking about school work.
Stiles watches her giggle reading the text before texting back, "Who you texting?" He asks curiously.
"Just Isaac." She takes a seat still texting him.
"Why is he texting you this late?"
"Because he just is." She puts her phone away.
"Doesn't he like Allison?" Stiles crosses his arms so she looks at him confused.
"He's texting you late at night but likes Allison." He says as Julia just stares at him.
"You're hanging out with me but you like Lydia." She says as Noah shows up calling out for them to eat, "He was just texting me about school work." She leaves his room.
"I'm not so sure about that anymore." Stiles says to himself before leaving his room as well.
The three eat at the table together chatting away and Noah even says Julia could stay the night since it was late and he didn't mind. Deep down the man just wanted her and his son to hurry up and get together. Noah loved Julia like a daughter and could tell how Stiles cared about her more than he did before.
"Oh, I don't know about that." Julia tells him.
"I don't mind. I'll lend you my bed and I'll sleep in the floor." Stiles says with his mouth full of curly fries.
"I can't do that, Stiles."
"Then just share the bed. It's big enough to have your own sides." Noah says getting up from the table finished.
"Our first sleepover." Stiles gets up finished as well while Julia stayed at the table not wanting to get up. How was she supposed to get rid of her feeling for him while sharing a bed with him.
For bed, Stiles gave Julia some of his clothes to sleep in so she was in the bathroom changing while he stared at his bed. He was nervous to share a bed with her. This was completely different than falling asleep on the bus next to each in the same seat.
"This shirt has a small hole in the armpit area just fyi." Julia walks into the room looking at her armpit then at him looking at her.
Once again he thought she looked adorable in his clothes since they were baggy on her, "Yeah, I hardly ever wear it. I'm scared I'll make it bigger." He laughs a bit.
"So you give me the shitty shirt, okay. Which side should I take?"
"I don't mind." He motions to the bed.
"Sure? I normally sleep on my right side of mine." She asks to make sure.
"Go ahead and take the right side." He gets on the left side laying down while she takes the right.
They both lay there on their sides awkwardly on their backs stiff as a board in the dark of the room. Stiles keeps his head straight but his eyes look over at Julia as he wanted to say something.
"So Lydia and Aidan?" Comes out of his mouth.
"Yeah, she wants to give him a chance since she likes him but she's worried to at the same time." Julia tells him the truth.
"Hopefully it works out."
Julia's head snaps towards him, "You're rooting for her with him?"
"I mean, he showed to change a bit at the end of everything. I see how she looks at him." Stiles looks over at Julia.
"Are you giving up on her?"
"It's one sided anyways. And it's not bad having her as a friend." He says finally being okay with it since he no longer was feeling those feelings for her anymore.
"Huh, now I can't do my thing with you anymore."
Stiles rolls over to face her, "Good, because that shit was annoying and I hated that you put yourself second."
Julia now rolls over to face him, "I did it just to mess with you since you had a thing for her."
"Well, I don't anymore so you have to come up with something new now." He smiles and she could see since it wasn't pitch black in his room.
"Can I ask what made you change your mind about her?"
"Just getting to actually become friends with her. I realized." Stiles slightly lies. Honestly what made him fully realize was when Julia helped stop his panic attack. That kiss to hold his breath did it for him. After that moment he realized he had feelings for the wrong sister.
"Well, I'm happy for you."
At some point they ended up falling asleep talking about things that were completely random and didn't have anything in common. Stiles ends up waking up at two in the morning and realizing he was spooning Julia. His eyes widen as he slowly moves to put his back to her.
"I was comfy, dude." Julia looks back at him.
"You knew we were cuddling?"
"I woke up like 30 minutes ago and didn't care." She rolls over to spoon him now, "Is this uncomfortable for you?" She asks tired wanting to go back to sleep, "You aren't answering so I'll take that as a no." She cuddles into his back as her arm was hug him, "For skin and bones, you comfy." She mumbles.
Stiles takes a minute processing what was happening then slowly takes her hand into his intertwining them as he hold her hand close to his chest, "We don't speak about this to nobody."
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Steter Week 2023
Day #3: Your Enemies Are My Enemies
Stiles squeezed his mate’s hand to soothe the angered alpha and watched Scott puff out his chest in a pitiful attempt to be intimidating. “No.”
“NO?!” Scott growled. “What do you mean no? This isn’t negotiable. You're my pack!”
“Am I?” Stiles asked calmly.
Scott hesitated and nodded firmly. “Yes.”
Stiles shrugged one shoulder. “I love Peter and he loves me. I’m not leaving with you, and you can’t make me.”
“Wanna bet?!” Scott snarled.
Peter’s control was rock solid, airtight, never faltering. His presence alone was enough to drive fear into the hearts of most. It was always a turn on to see the alpha put people in their places.
Stiles was pissed. Here he was bleeding, and in immeasurable pain after saving the asses of his pack once again but did he get any thanks? Nope! He was recovering in the hospital and only three people had come to see him and not one of them was his alpha. That was the nail in the coffin for Stiles. He was done. He was so done with constantly putting his life on the line for people who couldn’t care less so long as they lived even if it meant Stiles was racking up hospital bills like crazy.
That was why as soon as he had been released from the hospital, Stiles vanished into the night. He took only the bare minimum with him. There was some grim humor in the fact that the night he left was the two year anniversary of his father’s death. He made sure to stop by the cemetery to say goodbye to his parents one last time. They wouldn’t want this life for him, and he knew he had to think of himself first now which he wasn’t good at, but Stiles was determined to change that. It hurt to think of his dad even two years later. Noah Graham Elias Stilinski was another casualty, another unnecessary death as a result of the pack’s ineptitude. Stiles had been too late to save his dad and carried the guilt with him every day.
As he stood and brushed off the dirt, Stiles made a promise to his parents that he would never let himself be taken for granted again. Once, when he was younger, Stiles had fallen for his best friend, had fallen for Scott but as time passed and his friend only sought out others, Stiles realized it was forever unrequited. He had only attempted to reveal his feelings once and Scott played it off as a sick joke. Stiles never tried again. Now, when he thought about it, Stiles was relieved as the person Scott now was, was not someone Stiles wanted to be with.
A werewolf wasn’t a turn off for Stiles but being a fucking asshole, whose head was always buried in pussy was. They’d had too many close calls because Scott was thinking with the wrong head. Some alpha he was, true or not.
Stiles shook away the dark thoughts and departed from the cemetery. He couldn't take his jeep with him, knowing it would be a dead giveaway. So, he used a little of his savings to get something he had always wanted. As he mounted his Ducati Corse, a sleek black model and his pride and joy, Stiles felt like he was finally taking control of his life.
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The deep purr it let out when he started it, felt like power bleeding into Stiles’s veins. He revved the engine and then took off, blending perfectly with the inky shadows surrounding Beacon Hills. Only when the rearview mirrors showed the town sign did Stiles feel the weight on his chest release. There was still a long road ahead, but he was ready.
✶ 🩸 𖤓 🩸 ✶
Two Years Later:
Anchor of Selene Bookstore was a huge success with the people in the small town of Oelwein, Iowa. It was nearly two thousand miles from his former home and so small that everyone knew everyone. At his shop, Stiles finally was able to put his spark into play. Deaton had hated Stiles with a passion and with the druid whispering in his ear, Scott had refused to name Stiles his emissary even going so far as to restrict his use of magic. Granted, Stiles never truly stopped using it, just avoided doing so where the alpha could see. Plus, Stiles wasn’t a wolf and despite being the alpha’s beta he couldn’t be controlled like they could. He just let Scott believe he was as it was either that or the alpha would’ve assigned Deaton to supervise Stiles constantly which absolutely not.
Anyway, here in this small town, Stiles was thriving and most importantly, well Stiles had found someone or rather they had found him. There was a small werewolf pack in town and of course Stiles abided by proper protocol and formality. It was important that the spark declared himself to the alpha of the territory. The Hale pack was well known to those in the supernatural community and yet Stiles wasn’t afraid despite their reputation.
It seemed the alpha in particular found him amusing and his spirited demeanor pleasing. So, Stiles was often invited back to see the alpha. What started as a bit of barbed foreplay soon became a genuine respect and level of trust. It may have taken them nine months to reach such a place but that then led to where they are now, Stiles being courted for nearly three months. Speaking of—
“Hello, sparkling,” said the alpha as the door to the store chimed upon opening.
Stiles smiled. “Hello, alpha mine.”
The Hale Alpha, Peter Xavier Ignatius Hale, was a force to be reckoned with and no one got away with giving him anything less than the utmost respect. He was feared but a healthy amount of fear and no one went toe to toe with him, at least not until Stiles arrived and then people, especially the various pack members, loved watching their verbal sparring matches.
They had met more informally when Stiles opened his magic shop disguised as a bookstore. It had been a rough day for the spark. He had changed his number and had only given it to three people, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey and Allison Argent. Jackson was living in London while Allison and Isaac were living in France. It turned out they too could no longer remain in Beacon Hills and had in fact left barely a month after Stiles’s own departure.
It was sad that only three people chose to remain in contact with him. Everyone else had disowned him but really Stiles couldn’t care less. He was happy now, was being courted by the alpha and wasn’t being forced to hide who and what he was.
What Stiles didn’t know about Peter was that he was more than just an alpha. It was only upon their fifth date, during month five of courting that Stiles learned what else his possible mate was. Peter Hale was apparently a world renowned lawyer and businessman.
Of course, Stiles kept this information to himself, not wishing to reveal it to anyone, not even his friends but somehow, the one person Stiles never wanted to learn of his whereabouts, had found out. Scott McCall had been livid when his spark, and Stiles was his, had vanished. He had searched, forced his betas to search and even found a way to use his father’s contacts in the FBI. It was all for naught though as the spark had found a way to evade him.
Stiles had hoped that he would never see the alpha again and for almost a year during which he and Peter grew closer, that hope held fast. However, fate or something out there didn’t deign to give Stiles more than a single year with his soon to be mate before Scott tracked him down and brought his pack to confront Stiles.
Thankfully the wards sent Stiles a warning and he was able to alert his alpha. Peter joined him at the store and the two took up residence on the couch in the alcove facing the door. Not even an hour later, the McCall Pack shoved their way into the store, making Stiles’s magic hiss and his fingers vibrate with the need to protect. Only Peter’s fingers lacing with his own, halted his actions.
Scott McCall hadn’t changed much in the past nearly three years, but Stiles sure had. He had bulked up now that he could run whenever he wanted. He sported a lip piercing, a tongue piercing and more tattoos than a person could count and not all of them visible when he was wearing clothes.
He felt the alpha’s thumb rub soothing circles on the back of his hand and allowed himself to settle further into the wolf’s embrace. He was safe. He was home. Stiles wasn’t going anywhere.
Of course, the fool had never learned proper decorum. He had never listened to what the correct protocols and pertinent formalities were. No, he simply started in on reprimanding Stiles. Peter wasn’t impressed in the least but put on a sharp smile. “Alpha McCall. Well met. What brings you to my territory?”
Scott froze seemingly shocked that he was being interrupted. His jaw clenched as he flashed his eyes, another baby alpha mistake. Peter showed no outward reaction to the pup’s aggression.
Stiles smirked and flicked his tongue out to play with the metal loop in his lip. The McCall Alpha seemed to be expecting Stiles’s interjection, but the spark had no intention of coming to his aid ever again. It was humorous though to watch the realization filter in. Scott had never been able to hide his emotions or reactions from Stiles.
The entire thing set the foreign alpha on edge. He went for the kill, knowing only that Stiles was his and he wouldn’t leave without him. “Do you really think he wants you, Stiles? You’re of no use to him except for your magic. You can’t bear a child. That’s why I never took you seriously. You realize that as an alpha I’m expected to reproduce? Lydia can give me that, but you can’t. Also, we both know he’s paying for everything. You can see that right. He’s just a sugar daddy. He doesn’t love you, Stiles. He just wants your spark. He’ll pay for everything so long as you do what he wants with your magic.”
Stiles had moved on long ago from the feelings he had once harbored for the alpha but his words hurt nonetheless. Knowing that he wasn’t wanted because he couldn't bear children was painful to hear. If only Scott knew—Even more painful was the knowledge that the girl he thought he loved, though he never truly did, was now going to bear children for his ex-best friend, his ex-alpha. This was turning out to be a fucking terrible day.
Despite the hurt he felt, Stiles showed no outward emotion other than to glare at his former alpha from where remained curled up on the couch with Peter. “My relationship with Mr. Hale is of no concern to you. I haven’t seen you or spoken to you in nearly three years.”
Apparently, Scott now suffered from even more delusions if his next words were anything to go by. “You are my emissary and therefore you have to obey me! You did not have permission to leave the pack. You did not have permission to leave Beacon Hills and when we get back home, I’ll deal with you.”
Peter let out a growl at the audacity of Scott to think he would be leaving and taking Stiles with him.
Stiles squeezed his mate’s hand to soothe the angered alpha and watched Scott puff out his chest in a pitiful attempt to be intimidating. “No.”
“NO?!” Scott growled. “What do you mean no? This isn’t negotiable. You're my pack!”
“Am I?” Stiles asked calmly.
Scott hesitated and nodded firmly. “Yes.”
Stiles shrugged one shoulder. “I love Peter and he loves me. I’m not leaving with you, and you can’t make me.”
“Wanna bet?!” Scott snarled.
Peter’s control was rock solid, airtight, never faltering. His presence alone was enough to drive fear into the hearts of most. It was always a turn on to see the alpha put people in their places.
It seemed that Scott for all his stubbornness hadn’t forgotten that of the two of them Stiles was the one who wouldn’t be moved if he had made up his mind. “Fine!!” Scott ground out. “If he loves you so much then he has to prove it. He cannot give you any money for one month. We will stay in a hotel nearby and if he can prove that he loves you, I will give him permission to court you, but I will ultimately decide. Don’t push me, Stiles!”
Stiles looked at Peter who had a gleam in his eye before looking back at Scott with a deceptively sweet smile. “Okay, Scotty boy.”
✶ 🩸 𖤓 🩸 ✶
Scott left after warning the two that he would be watching. After the door to the shop closed, Stiles pressed his lips to the alpha’s and moaned softly. When they parted, they both sported smirks. Little did Scott know; Stiles had never been his emissary. Alan Deaton saw to that. Not to mention that less than four months ago, Stiles had been given the honor of the position as the Hale Pack Emissary. How else would he have gotten permission to ward the territory, though he had originally offered it as a gift of court to the alpha when the alpha offered to pay for it. That was a hard fought compromise for them.
All that being said, Stiles was taken and Peter? Well, Peter was the Alpha. Peter was his Alpha.
“I wish I could say I’m surprised but honestly I’m not.” Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes, nosing at the wolf’s head when said alpha nipped at his throat. “I’m sorry for Alpha Mc-Asshole.”
Peter pulled back and cupped his mate’s face with one hand while still lacing the fingers of the other together. “You have nothing to apologize for. He is not your alpha, and you owe him nothing.”
“He’ll try to take me away,” Stiles said.
The alpha snarled and pulled his mate close, his free hand coming to rest on Stiles’s stomach. The action, both possessive and protective, made Stiles’s heart flutter. Peter wouldn’t let anything happen to him. After all, Stiles’s enemies, and that’s exactly what Stiles viewed Scott as now, were Peter’s enemies. The spark knew without a doubt that if Scott showed his face again or came near Stiles again, Peter would unleash the full wrath of an alpha when his mate was threatened, especially when said mate was carrying the alpha heir.
“I love you, alpha mine.”
“And I you, sweet sparkling.” Peter kissed his mate, cradling the barely there swell of his mate’s stomach. “You and our pup.”
This was what Stiles had wanted when he left Beacon Hills. Though he hadn’t expected Peter Hale, the spark had found what his parents always wanted for him: a home, a partner, safety, a child, a family and happiness.
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Stiles, what did you do/say to everybody after they almost got your husband and children killed by the same demon who had possessed you years ago and they didn’t even try and call you?
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First of all, I need to make you understand. THAT FUCKER IS STILL OUT THERE! His killing my husband was all a fucking illusion, and no one even thought to check to see if my husband was actually dead. Two, Scott is banned from the fucking pack house, and he is licking his wounds in Paris, until I see fit to allow him to come home. He had the audacity to just stand there and allow Derek to sacrifice himself in front of our son. Then, without calling me, decided to take him back to LA with him. Yeah, fuck no. I don't need his drug using ass trying to raise Hikari and Eli. Three, I tore into Derek. We have so many fucking protocols in place in case something like this happens again. First of these is to fucking CALL ME! He followed none of them. ELI HAD TO CALL ME BECAUSE HE WATCHED HIS FATHER DIE! My son does not need that trauma. I rushed home as fast as I could, went through the events with Lydia. She and I dragged Deaton back to the nemeton and preformed a complicated series of rituals to break the illusion around Derek. He was just fine, but locked in the illusion. I don't think I can ever trust the pack alone again. I would like to point out, I do not blame Liam and HIkari for any of this. they were not even supposed to have the canister. Isaac was supposed to keep that safe, but he felt like he was too good for the pack. Him and Scott deserve each other. I don't blame Allison either. She was just a pawn of the nogitsune. I will find that fucker and kill him if it is the last thing I do.
(I do not speak for Teen Wolf or Paramount+. This is for fun.)
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redrikki · 22 days
Teen Wolf Rewatch 2.08
Everyone is heading to a rave, but first everyone is doing some brainstorming and investing.
Stiles and his Dad have dinner (health food that Stiles brings). At first, Noah says he won't discuss it and then immediately starts showing him stuff and bouncing ideas. Stiles figured out things quicker than Noah and it's clear that this is not the first time they've done this. It looks like Mr. Harris might be involved.
Allison and her dad head to the morgue to guilt trip her into revealing what she knows. The price of greatness is responsibility, the price of knowledge is responsibility. Stiles said something similar last season in 1.06. The difference between Scott and Chris is who they see themselves as responsible for and who they prioritize. Scott prioritizes supernatural folk, while Chris does humans. Competing needs and all that. Scott with Deaton, Derek, and Isaac brainstorm a way to capture Jackson and whoever is controlling him.
Scott and Allison talk. She confesses that she told her family...just like they'd agreed to do in 2.06, but now it's bad. Scott tells her about the conversation with her mom, and says that they should pretend to see other people. Scott even suggests that she and Matt kiss...at least until they make out. Victoria sees, leading to her murder attempt. At the rave, Scott yells at Allison for doing all the things he told her to, just not according to the plan he never shared with her, but most importantly for not trusting him.
Noah gets fired and Stiles notices immediately. Back in 1.12, Noah was an elected sheriff, but suddenly he's an appointed chief of police. IRL, California sheriffs are elected and the only way to remove them is a recall election. In order to create drama, the show runners have created a dystopia where the will of the people can be overturned on the whim of an unknown power! Noah won't make himself feel worse by taking it in his kid like his father would have, even if it is Stiles's fault. Stiles won't tell Scott, even though he noticed that something is wrong.
The trap dance is super bisexual. How much control does Matt have? Can he see through Jackson's eyes? Does he tell Jackson how to do it, or just provide intent? Also fun interrogation that fails to get actionable information or save anyone even before the plan officially goes to shit when Stiles is forced to break the line.
The plot to kill Scott was actually pretty clever, making it look like something else. Then Scott tries something similar on Gerard in the finale. Victoria stays to watch and taunt Scott about how alone he is, only for Derek to run to the rescue and bite her.
Deaton already has the skill to lay the mountain ash, but insists Stiles do it. At the end, we learn that Morrell is in the know and disapproves of his handling...but won't handle it herself. They both know what's coming, but won't share. It all feels like a test. Deaton wants Scott to be the True Alpha and is grooming him and his pack for it.
Other thoughts: Deaton's metaphor about Stiles being the Spark becomes a whole thing in fandom, and then we learn that literally any human can do it. When Matt kisses Allison without permission, she tries to assure him it's okay before deciding that no it's not. Scott goes from angry and suspicious of Isaac to asking him to be safe.
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gynnnicsworld · 26 days
Does Derek prefer to believe Scott over Stiles? Is stiles and lydia connection in season 3 really as strong as many say? Stick around for us to talk about it!
I really don't want to offend anyone, I just want to open a kind of conversation with people willing to discuss with arguments and reflect in a respectful manner.
You know, I was in some kind of "debate" with some people online, and These people really didn't know how to dialogue calmly.
But they helped me to reflect and want to find people who know what they are talking about.
Let's start with the first topic:
Does Derek prefer to believe Scott over Stiles?
Context: This question was raised in the situation of Donovan's death at the 'hands' of Stiles, many said that without a doubt Derek would be on Scott's side because to begin with Derek comes back again and again for Scott when he needs him. And that Scott is like a brother to Derek and that Stiles is simply Scott's 2x1, but in a situation like that of Donovan and Stiles, Derek would undoubtedly choose to believe Scott.
While I argued that Derek would definitely go to Stiles to find out 'the truth', and I say 'truth' like that because I argued Derek has ALWAYS sought out Stiles for answers and in moments where he doesn't know what's true and what's not, trusting 100% in what Stiles tells him.
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credits GIF: Colethewolf
I also recognize that at some point along the way, Derek began to consider Scott as a brother or something like that, and I do NOT detract from the connection that exists between Scott and Der, but despite this, I completely believe that Derek would support Stiles, in addition to the fact that Der does not see everything in black and white like Scott does, because Der's personality is that of someone who knows that the world, like people and situations, are gray.
Plus, we all know that Stiles is literally Derek's anchor and Derek goes to him for help whenever he needs it.
Second topic: Is Lydia and Stiles' connection as strong as many say in season 3?
This question is about whether Lydia is the right "anchor" at that time for Stiles to bring him back from the ritual. Some people say that Lydia was already in love with Stiles at that point, and that their connection was special and that Stiles' ajar door was already like that before the ice bath and that it has nothing to do with Lydia and their connection.
And here I do not mean to offend anyone or start any ship wars, no, here I said "At that time the relationship between Stiles and Lyds was not deep enough, at that time Lydia had just begun to consider Stiles a friend, but the friendship between Lydia and Stiles was not at the level that Lydia and Allison was at that time, so I consider that was not the best option for Stiles. Unlike Scott and Deaton who have a father-son type connection. While Ali feels romantically attracted to Isaac and vice versa.
I mean, I love the friendship between Lyds and Stiles, to me they are the smart badass duo, I deeply love the connection they have, to me Lydia and Stiles are the only ones (with the exception of Peter, because we have to be honest, that guy is really smart) who can follow each other's level of thinking/intelligence, and truly getting a connection with someone like that is quite difficult so I understand that both of them feel mutually understood by each other. And I think that's essentially where that special connection they have, they are the brains of the pack, thanks to them most of it is still alive.
But having said all that, I still think that the connection between Lyds and Stiles at that point wasn't deep enough yet and it wasn't the right choice.
Please leave your opinions <3 and thank you
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Here I'll write the comments as I watch the new Teen Wolf movie, so SPOILERS!!
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1) WTF! Why would you keep a evil spirit IN A RESTAURANT?! Easily accessible to anyone. And what if you open the wrong jar while cooking?!
2) All the Scott's first scene... kinda cringe
3) I'm not gonna lie, I missed the intro song 🎶
4) I've never heard Deaton speak so much (and for my Italian friends: lo vedo un po' sciupato)
5) Derek, my beautiful love! And hello, Stiles and Derek's son (called like Stiles' grandfather, Elias. iykyk)
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6) Why do they talk about the Nemeton like they don't know it?
7) I love Derek as a dad. My heart is melting.
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8) Parrish and Malia don't make any sense.
Update from the end of the movie. Ok, I kinda like them, but they still don't make any sense.
9) Apparently Deaton can fight now. Plus every time I see the nogitsune all I can see is this:
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10) For a moment I thought I was watching the Winx... I guess some things never change. I surely didn't miss the bad special effects.
And why does everyone needs to be naked??
11) OMG!!! VICTORIAAA. This woman scares me even now
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12) I've always dislike Allison, now even more: my poor poor Derek! 😭
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Ok no, false alarm, but I don't change my opinion.
I really love Dad Derek btw.
13) I missed Peter and Chirs together. My other ship
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14) Scott to Eli: "Find your dad". What if instead you tell him where his dad is too, since you do know Derek is at home but Eli doesn't *facepalm pt.2*
15) The parallel between Dark Allison and Scott and Dark Allison and her killing spree against my precious Erica and Boyd. YOU SEE WHY I DON'T LIKE HER?! (She didn't even say sorry for that btw)
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16) The Sheriff killing Oni while sitting on the couch is on another level
17) Derek dies pt.2 (my heart can't take it anymore)
18) What?! Why, tell me why did you run against theirs swords. You literally killed yourself, Eli. *facepalm pt.3*
19) Peter, that was cringe af. And Chris wdym with 8 hours at most when we know from the show that it takes about 24h before the death?? Omg I can't with this movie
20) And now why do they care about the game? Hello, your father's going to die, Eli!!
21) Oh, she's really doing it. I didn't expect it (Allison shooting at Scott)
22) Ouch, that must hurt (Nogitsune with a new hole in the middle of his forehead)
23) I missed Chris and Peter's duo, but please give me back Peter's old hair style, this one is a death crime
24) Jackson my beautiful little lizard. I've always loved you ♡
25) How disgusting! It's like Rufus (from Kim Possible) became the Darach:
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Do you se the resemblance too? Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the nogitsune unmummified.
26) The scene is kinda cheap but gods if I missed them
27) Why are Derek's eyes blue?? They were yellow again after the the Mexican fountain of youth
Update: nevermind. They reminded me that after Derek evolves his eyes go back to blue.
28) Can anyone stay dead in this city?? Harris too, come on!
29) You're giving your son TO SCOTT?? Are you serious, Derek?? It's like a big child, he can't take care of Eli. If Stiles was there, he would tell you the same (but if Stiles was there, Eli would be with his other dad -Stiles- so Scott wouldn't be even an option but I stand for my objection)
30) HIS EYES!! HIS EYES TURNED RED LIKE A TRUE ALPHA (btw, Derek, you've always been the alpha to me)
31) They've vanished. No corpse no death. And even then, we're in Beacon Hills so what is one more resurrection, right? Right??
And why are you kissing anyway! Derek's dead*! (*to them, 'cause in reality Derek's alive, safe and sound. I know it)
33) Excuse me, can I see at least one tear for Derek Sourwolf Hale, please? Are y'all being serious? Scott is almost smiling!!
Also, they had a funeral for Derek but didn't invite Cora, his sisters... they didn't even tell Isaac that Allison is alive (you know, Allison, your boyfriend. I know you kinda forgot him even when you were dying but if you remember everything then Isaac is supposed to be in that everything too). They didn't even call Stiles!
35) Why does it seem that when the Sheriff was talking about the jeep he was actually talking about Stiles and Derek (or sterek as a ship/concept). No matter what, we sterek shipper will stand. Always and forever.
Final thoughts
I thought worse but at the same time it felt rush. I wanted to see more Eli and Malia bonding. Also the way the Sheriff cares about Eli it seems more like a grandfather to a grandson (if you know what I mean) but we couldn't really see that. And can we talk about Derek and Noah (John for the friends)'s partnership? Or how Derek speaks about Stiles with Noah as he's still in touch with him??
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And where is Eli come from anyway?! Are we finally normalize mpreg?
Final final thoughts
I didn't like this movie. It was like a big bad Scallison fanfiction found on wattpad (ao3 is better). A lot of things were forgotten and other changed.
There's always a but (as in the Derek's "death" *wink wink*).
This movie gave us a lot of sterek material.
I'm afraid of what Jeff Davis' mind could possibly come with for another movie, probably more about Eli's past which means a mother for sure (unfortunately the world isn't ready for mpreg yet I'm afraid) and less sterek material. But at the same time I want to see Derek alive again, I want to see how they would manage with two true alpha and how Derek and Eli's relationship would evolve.
I want a lot of things to see but I'm afraid they won't give me any of them, so I can't decide either I want another movie or not.
What do you think?
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topazy · 2 years
Pairing: Liam Dunbar x reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood
Charter: 5.14
“Chris can never know about this.”
You twiddle with the other ends of your hospital gown as you tiptoe down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as you could.
Kate turns to her sister-in-law and glares, hissing, “I make the call about who her dad is, not you.”
“Apparently,” Tom scoffs. “You let me believe she was mine all these years. I’ve loved her as my own daughter, and it turns out she might not even be fucking human.”
“Keep your voice down,” Victoria says sternly. Tom tries to hold her stare but backs down, so she continues. “Whatever lies Kate has said can be sorted out another time. The most important thing right now is stopping my husband from ever knowing. He loves his niece fiercely, and well, if she is like her father, her real father, it will go against everything the family stands for.”
Kate’s eyes widen. “She’s my daughter, I would never—what do we do?”
“Send her back to boarding school and pray she never turns.”
The crying sound has been echoing in your ears for what feels like hours, although it’s only a matter of minutes. Each time the sobs sound like they are getting closer and closer to you, which is impossible because when you open your eyes, the person you are crying for is sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the room from you.
“Thank god!” Derek raises his voice to be heard over the noises coming from the school hallway, “She’s awake!”
Kira runs over and immediately starts apologizing. Unsure if it’s really her or not, you lean back and ask, “What’s going on?”
“The beast is still attacking, we've got to go now.” Derek growls at Kira when she tries to help you sit up; he tries to help you himself, but you leap off the table, surprising them both.
The bite. You’d momentarily forgotten about the glass that cut through you along with being bitten. In the back of your mind, you knew what that meant, but right now, you didn’t have time to think about it. to what you’ll become. Your eyes immediately moved around the room to look for the alpha who bit you, but you noticed he was nowhere to be found.
“Where’s Scott?” You asked, noticing he was no longer present.
Derek opens his mouth to tell you where he went but is cut off when the door to the classroom is swung open and Stiles barges in with blood on his clothes. You all turn to look at him in alarm. He gulps down his food and looks directly at you, “Lu, it’s Liam. He got attacked by the beast and isn’t healing.”
“Take me to him!”
You go to leave with Stiles, but Derek grabs hold of your wrist, instantly arguing, “No! The beast could be back any moment, you need to leave now. I'll find Liam and take him to Deaton or a hospital.”
“I’m not leaving without him!”
The look Derek gives you makes you feel nothing but guilt, his eyes were full of pain, but you weren’t leaving.
You practically tackled a very confused-looking Stiles out of the room and into the chaos of screaming classmates. Your heartbeat is so loud in your ears that you miss all his questions about how you almost died and why you're covered in blood as well.
“Liam!” You stand beside him while he lays bleeding out on a desk, just as you did. His jersey is torn to shreds, and his chest has been slashed with claw marks. “Why isn’t it healing?”
“We can’t trigger his self-healing,” Stiles explains.
Your eyes tear up as you watch the life drain from your boyfriend. “No, no, Liam, please start to heal,” you say, pressing your forehead against his.
When he doesn’t respond, you beg him to live before kissing him gently, and when you do, he starts to heal. Stiles pats you on the shoulder and says, “Okay. Next time, I'll kiss him.”
You and Hayden help Liam sit up right, and you offer the brunette a small smile. Although you had your differences, she’d helped save Liam. “Thank you.”
She shakes her head and says, “No, don’t thank me. Anyone would have done the same.”
You tilt your head and say, “They wouldn’t have. You're wrong about what you said before about only having Theo, you’ve got us. All of us.”
She goes to respond just as Derek and Kira come through the door. Kira’s eyes land on Liam, who is only now wrapping his arms around his stomach while it heals. She steps forward and asks, “What can I do to help?”
Derek snaps back, “Nothing! Especially not from you!”
You feel movement beside you and watch as Liam slowly turns his head to look up at you, asking, “What did I miss?”
With Liam’s wounds healed enough for him to be able to walk on his own, you make your way down the hallway, trying to get out without being attacked or trampled by a crowd of scared students.
Suddenly a spark inside you is ignited, and a tingling feeling shoots up your spine as a loud, aggressive growl rips through the air.
Frantically, you look around and ask, “What was that? Was it the beast?”
“No, it was Scott,” Liam says before sprinting down the hallway, “he’s in trouble!”
You’d heard Scott growl before, but it had never sounded like that. What is happening to me? Derek places his hand on your shoulder to get your attention and whispers, “Something isn’t right.”
You turn back to see Kira’s eyes starting to glow again. “I’ll help Kira if you help Scott and Liam.”
He nods and takes off. You rush over to Kira and shake her out of her trance. She blinks a few times before she becomes focused again. “Lu… I’m so sorry, it wasn’t me. I'd never hurt you deliberately.”
You squeeze her hand. “We can talk about it later, but right now I need to find the others.”
Derek helps Sheriff Stilinski try and organize the frightened teens outside the school and convince them it was just two wild animals fighting, and you take off towards the car park when you spot Scott and Liam.
They both keep walking, but Liam turns back to look at you; he clenches his jaw when he takes in how much is on your clothes. He was too weak to fully notice before, but now that he could fully take in how close to death you were again, he was pissed—not at you but at how he wasn’t there to protect you despite being near death himself.
“Liam? What are you doing out here?” you ask, watching as a bloody Scott sniffs the air.
“Scott’s got the beast's scent,” he explains.
Liam links his fingers with yours, holding on tightly as Scott follows the scent until he reaches a black car. Scott uses the remaining strength he has left and busts the car boot open with his hands. The boot was empty aside from one pair of black Converse. You share a worried look with them as you pick up a shoe to inspect it and see the sole is covered in blood.
Grimacing, you throw the shoe back into the boot, and Scott closes the trunk. A confused look, Mason appears beside the car, his eyes moving between the three of you, “Scott? What are you doing to my car?”
A look of devastation lands on Liam's face as he gapes at his best friend while Scott stands in shock. You sigh, “Mason, it’s you…you're the beast.”
Mason shakes his head frantically and asks, “What is she talking about? Liam, tell Lu she’s wrong.”
Liam, unable to speak, just continues to stare at him, so Scott talks for him. “She’s not wrong, Mason, but we can help you—Corey, no!”
Corey reveals he’s been standing and listening the whole time and grabs hold of Mason, making him invisible.
“No, wait, please!” You try to guess what direction they went, but it’s no use. “What now?”
“All three of you are going home now.” Derek is sternly walking towards you in the parking lot; his eyes fall on your boyfriend. “Liam, I have spare tops in my car if you want to change before your mom sees.”
Liam gives him a teary-eyed nod. He turns to you and says quietly, “I’ll call you later.”
As Derek points him in the direction of his car, you look up at Scott and notice he hasn’t moved. Exhaling, you place your hand on his back gently and say, “Scott, it’s going to be okay, we’ll find a way to help him.”
Scott doesn’t reply with words, instead, he spins around fast, pulling you in for a hug. He mumbles an apology about biting you, you shake your head and step back. “Don’t apologize, you're the reason I’m alive.”
He tries to lighten the mood, saying, “Guess I’m going to have to get used to an Argent trying to hunt me again once your uncle finds out I have you the bite.” He watches in horror as your face falls, “that was a joke, I’m sorry it was—”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just that I’ve realized I can’t go home. Gerard… I don’t know what he’ll do when he finds out. I don’t know where I’m going to stay.”
“With me,” Derek says from behind you. “You can stay with me.”
You watch as your uncle sways on his feet, pressing a hand against the kitchen wall so he doesn’t fall. He was already frantic with worry when you arrived, but once you explained everything that had happened, he’d gone quiet. When you told him that you’d be moving in with Derek out of fear of what Gerard would do when he found out you’d been bitten, your uncle turned pale. He looked like he was going to throw up.
“I’m sorry, Lulana,” he says, looking down at the ground. “I should have done better, I should have protected you.”
“There was nothing you could have done; Scott did what he had to.” You can tell from his body language that he doesn't want to hear anymore.
Your uncle finally looks at you again with a sadness on his face that you haven’t seen in a long time. He cups your face on his hand and says, “After Allison died, there were times I wanted to give up on life, but keeping you safe from Kate was what gave me the strength to go on. I don’t care if you turn into a werewolf, you're my niece, and I’ll always love you.”
His words leave you speechless.
“But I think it’s good you're staying with Derek for the time being, because it’s not safe here.” He straightens his posture up and returns to his hunter mode. “My father can’t be trusted, but I have a plan…”
You see some of his tension melt away as he explains that he knows Gerard is planning on betraying him. The whole fragile alliance within your family was built on killing the beast, but once it was dead, it would be over. Knowing you weren’t going to be in the firing line when that happened brought him some temporary peace of mind.
You sit on the floor of the bedroom that is now yours, trying to fold clothes, while Kira sits on the edge of the bed, swinging her legs back and forth. You’d invited her over since she hasn’t stopped calling and texting you to apologize; you didn’t mean to ignore her previous but the night had been long and drawn out.
The smell of fresh paint lingers in the air as Derek paints over previously stained and damp patches in a different room. You let out a deep sigh, exhausted, and you suddenly felt as if the world around you was falling in.
Liam's near-death experience, along with your own, plays on your mind. Realization that you're no longer human, the anxiety of not knowing when your first turn will be, and the knowledge that one of your friends is the beast and another almost killed you while you were possessed are too much.
The clothes in your hand fall to the floor. You bring your knees to your chest and begin to sob. Kira is by your side instantly, hugging you and apologizing again. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“I know,” you rub your eyes. “I’m just scared. First Kate, then Theo, and now the beast. I just feel like the danger is never going to stop and someone’s going to get seriously hurt or worse. I can’t lose anymore people I love.”
“I wish there was something we could do.”
“We hunt those who hunt us,” you say more to yourself than to Kira.
She looks at you confused and says, “Huh?”
“That used to be my family’s motto, but Allison changed it before she died to we protect those who cannot protect themselves,” you chew on your bottom lip while you think. “If we combine them both, I think we’ll be able to come up with a plan to eliminate one of our threats.”
She smiles and says, “whatever it takes, I’m in.”
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