profession4you · 2 years
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bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (X)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: New year new chapter, but let’s hope I update more frequently than that now lol. Please leave me a kick in the ass so I stop procrastinating, thanks! And also big thank you to the immense support. Love you guys <3
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! If I wasn’t able to tag you, please check your settings and send me another ask.
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Chapter X
She really couldn’t help herself. What sane person wouldn’t start screaming the second they hopped onto a Shinigami’s back and started flying? She clung onto Ryuk’s neck for dear life, her legs wrapped around his middle while his wings flapped them higher and higher until they’d reached a thick level of fluffy clouds with the dark sky above them. There, the wings stopped flapping, and she found herself gliding through the air, her hair being pulled back by the gentle breeze. She realized how harshly she was squeezing Ryuk, and quickly loosened her grip to a point that she was still comfortable she wouldn’t be able to accidentally let go.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured in his ear. It was actually very beautiful, now that she took a good look around her. Below the white, she could see all sorts of lights from the city flickering through, as if they were mirroring the stars above.
“I can take it. I just wasn’t expecting you to scream, is all,” Ryuk replied gently, “I thought you wanted to fly?”
“Y-Yes, I did. It’s just… a lot scarier than it looks. I don’t have wings, so rationally if I let go I would definitely not survive. I think even L could confirm that with percentages and a graph.”
“Rationally I would catch you. I’m heavier, I fall faster than you. You would be saved before you could say ‘Shinigami’.”
She chuckled, “Rationally I wouldn’t count on that. Maybe I don’t trust you. Rationally.”
He turned his head slightly, but she was still unable to see his facial expression from her position on his back. However, it became rather apparent through the sad note in his voice when he spoke. “You don’t trust me?”
She quickly shook her head, “No, I’m sorry Ryuk, that’s not what I meant. I mean that I should rationally not count on you catching me if I fall. I made the decision to hop on your back, thus it is my responsibility to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences. If I fall, it would be my mistake.”
“Even if it were, I’d still catch you. I’d always catch you.”
She felt a sense of ease wash over her, along with a tingle in her stomach, but she wasn’t quite sure what that meant. She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, and breathing in a waft of fresh air that dragged along a hint of Light’s cologne. “How come you’re never this nice to Light?”
Ryuk chuckled dryly. “Because he’s not you.”
He felt a blush coat his cheeks when he felt her hands running along the feathers of his wings in a slow, gentle manner. She kept doing this until they’d landed, and then proceeded to latch onto his hand after they’d landed in the back of an alleyway.
Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.
Ryuk was in love. There, he could finally say it. He’d been on a date and now he could say he was in love. He was slightly hunched over so the girl could hold his hand without people noticing at her side, but not for one second did he feel an ache in his back. All he could think about was the way she’d clung onto him, how she’d touched him, how sweet she’d sounded muttering nothings in his ear while she stroked his feathers. Affection wasn’t something that came naturally to him, Shinigami’s never really deemed such thing necessary. Yet with her, he seemed to want to keep her hand in his forever.
Unfortunately, fate seemed to have other plans for him, because she was the one who dropped it like a ton of bricks, along with his heart. Then he noticed the reason for her sudden shift, and it was standing in front of Light’s house. She lightly tugged on the chain that was stuck to the other death note he was carrying and kept her fingers wound tightly around it, but he didn’t mind. If she wanted to take his Death Note, she could go right ahead and do it. That’s how happy he was.
Until he met the bleak pale-yellow eyes of the tall creature hovering above the blonde stranger in front of them.
“Okay, Ryuk, we need to have a little talk,” Light started. They’d just been at the hotel, where they’d found out the second Kira was willing to do everything Light wanted them to do. They were supposed to set up a meeting place and Light wanted to prepare. She knew a round of questioning was about to begin, so she plopped down onto his bed in an instant.
Ryuk sighed, “Should’ve known.”
“And I’d appreciate an answer if you could,” Light added. “If two Shinigami happened to meet in the human world, are they allowed to speak to each other?”
“Hard to say,” the Shinigami replied. “As long as I’m attached to a human, I’d say it’s against the rules unless I had their permission first. But there are no laws against it either, so I guess it’s possible that another Shinigami might talk to me.”
“So, does that mean that if this fake Kira’s Shinigami were to see you, there’s a chance he might mention the fact that you’re with me and reveal that I’m Kira?”
“They probably wouldn’t, but it depends on their personality.”
“And if this kind of situation did arise I can assume you’ll act the way you normally do?”
“Yeah,” Ryuk said, “Even if I see another human with a Shinigami I’m not gonna tell you.”
“Well, I definitely think you’ve got the right approach.”
“Humph, thanks.”
“Oops,” he couldn’t help but curse under his breath, recalling the conversation he’d had with Light. He didn’t recognize the Shinigami before them, but if they wanted to, they could directly link Ryuk to the girl that was latching onto him. They might think she was the real Kira.
Though the latest message had already revealed Light’s stunt in the city with the group of people surrounding Ryuk had been a failure and he had been discovered to the fake Kira, there would be no good explanation for him to be hanging around this human.
Luckily for him, the other Shinigami remained deathly silent, until the girl at her side turned.
“Oh, hello there!” she said.
She blinked in response. “Uh… I- Uh… Aren’t you that girl from TV?”
The blonde giggled profusely, suddenly walking up to her as casual as could be. “Yes, I’m Misa, nice to meet you! Do you want an autograph?”
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly, “Uh, no, I think I’m good. Were you looking for Light?”
“Eh?” Ryuk vocalized. He didn’t expect her to be so blunt about it. But then again, he realized, Light had most likely already been discovered. He just didn’t know how she detected that this was the second Kira without being able to see the second Shinigami floating only a few feet away.
“Oh, I was. Are you friends with him?” Misa’s head turned, but her eyes held a sudden blank expression as if her mind were calculating a proper physical response once she’d gotten answers.
“Yeah, for like, my entire life. How do you know him?”
“Oh… I just, I found the notebook he left in class. Then I looked him up online and I thought his resume was very… impressive. I just really wanted to meet him, he seems like such an intelligent guy.”
Ryuk heard the other Shinigami audibly sigh.
“Well, why don’t I introduce the two of you then? I’m sure he’s still up at this hour, and I was just on my way to see him now.”
“S-Sure!” Misa replied hesitantly.
She wished Light’s sister, Sayu, could’ve at the very least toned down her excitement a bit when she met Misa, but alas, she was in awe, as well as the girl’s mother. Light eventually came trotting down the stairs behind them, his neutral facial expression continuing to withstand even as he saw the strange scene before him. He managed to shoo his family members away and closed the front door behind him. She could’ve sworn she hadn’t heard crickets chirping before that.
“Uhm, pleased to meet you,” Misa started, sinking to her knees in a bow, “I’m Misa Amane.” She then glanced at you, and back at Light again.
Ryuk chuckled until he heard the other God of Death say, “Misa, the girl is being followed by another Shinigami. I doubt she isn’t aware of it.”
Misa made a noise of understanding, before looking at the odd placement of your hand which was still wrapped around Ryuk’s chain. “I thought you might get worried if you saw that message on TV. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I brought… this notebook.” She held out an identical copy of his Death Note in front of Light, and Ryuk heard the girl next to him audibly groan. Of course, the girl had no issue showing something like that out in the open. It was like she had no idea.
Light touched it, yet he made no sound. “Does she know? About all of it?” Misa questioned, directedly pointing her gaze at his best friend. Light nodded, so she was allowed to touch it as well. She very much tried, but unfortunately, her poker face wasn’t as good as Light’s, so she ended up with her mouth slightly agape. Ryuk lifted a finger to close it.
They decided it would be best to move the conversation inside, so they did, and Light had cautiously locked his bedroom door behind them after making sure his mother and sister thought this was just a nice drop-by from his (girl)friend.
“Have a seat.”
As Misa sat in Light’s desk chair, his best friend scooted onto the mattress behind him with Ryuk towering over them at the bedside. Her Shinigami, a pale skeleton with yellow eyes and purple hair and what appeared to be vampiric teeth, stood guard behind Misa.
“How did you find me?” Light decided to ask.
She answered with a gasp, “I knew it! You never made the Shinigami-eye deal. When you have the Shinigami-eyes like I do, you can see most people’s name and lifespan just by looking at them. However, you can’t see the lifespan of any person who possesses a Death Note.”
Light glanced over at Ryuk, looking for an explanation, but Ryuk seemed just as shocked. “No kidding! I have to admit, even I wasn’t aware of that little detail.”
“Well, now you’ve managed to find me, but you were careless; what if you’d been caught by the police? Then they’d know everything about Kira!”
“It’s all right,” Misa said, “Because the police didn’t catch me and if I do as you say from now on, they’ll never be able to. So we’re safe. After all, don’t you need someone to see L’s name? If you want, I could be your eyes. So…”
“Yeah? So what?”
“-Would you please make me your girlfriend?”
Both Ryuk and the girl behind him burst out laughing, but he decidedly ignored them. He then proceeded to question her about her strategy in the city, as well as the evidence she could’ve left behind. She ended up even offering her Death Note to him, and while she’d still be the rightful owner, Light would be in control of it, and she of her Shinigami-eyes.
“-And if I become a burden to you, you can just kill me, okay?” Misa said pleadingly.
“But you might’ve removed several pages from your Death Note, you could be hiding them somewhere for all I know!”
“Why are you so suspicious of me?” she cried out, getting up from the chair and stomping her foot on the floor, “I already told you, I don’t care even if all you do is use me! Please believe me!”
“Why are you so willing to give up your life for him?” (Y/N) asked, and Light had to admit, that was the question he’d been building towards this entire time.
“Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to understand-“ Misa spat.
“Hey,” Light barked, “If you want to show your loyalty, how about you start being nicer to the only person I’ve trusted with my secret so far and has kept it?”
“How can you be so sure you can trust her?! I bet she’s only in it so she can take it from you after you’re dead, so she can become the new Kira!”
“How dare you!” (Y/N) snarled warningly, but Misa was already launching herself at the girl.
Light hadn’t quite seen that coming. Thankfully, Ryuk had. He took the blonde girl by her arm and lifted her until her feet didn’t touch the floor anymore and she’d let out a startled scream. He noticed the other Shinigami wanted to step in already, but Light was faster. “Misa, if you and I were to work together, I need to know you can make rational decisions without letting your emotions get the better of you. Can you do that?”
She didn’t really look at him, so he decided to repeat himself, this time a bit more convincingly, “If you were to be my girlfriend, I need to know if you can tolerate being around my best friend.”
At this, she lit up, and Ryuk was quick to let go of her.
When she’d finally left, the girl he’d just been on a date with was now slung around his neck, having climbed on top of the bed to be able to reach him. His large hands grasped her sides, and his smile had grown even wider.
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Tag list is still open! Please check your settings if I wasn’t able to tag you!
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @mantisandthemoondragon @baby-queen-girl @itscalledtrust @emilyshurley @killtherandomness @selmeuuh @felicity291 @mahou-no-momo @bakarinnie @beccawinter @chantelle-c333 @ria-demon29​ @rustypotatospork @asb002 @nymphessa @blkirishima @krisc2 @maria-chwan @kira-kozume @whispersofeternalmoonmist @aidantheburrito @eclecticchaoswicca
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adjubek11 · 7 years
Legit reaction to the fact that GOT premiers April 2019. Not 2018... thanks @megggtate cuz I was prepared to buy HBO on Friday to get ready haha #hugeletdown #imaltered #tooexcited #youseewhatyouwanttosee #tormund (at Henrico)
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schmunzelseite · 5 years
Im Alter geduldiger
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Im Alter wird man gar nicht geduldiger. Man vergisst nur schneller, worauf man wartet. Read the full article
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frediskunst-blog · 6 years
50 plus - 10 Hobby für im Alter Nr. 9
Mit Delfin schwimmen Wasserpark besuchen Einkaufen so viel man will Rollschuh laufen Nackt aus einer Torte springen Schlitteln Skifahren Ein Iglu bauen Fröhliche Autofahrt Ein Schaumbad nehmen
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bastillewolf · 3 years
I-I'm back... sort of 🥲👉🏻👈🏻
Sorry for the random disappearance. I've been dealing with a lot of personal mental stuff that I'm now finally getting out of. I nearly got really depressed and was feeling very insecure about my writing to the point where I couldn't enjoy it anymore, but I've gotten a lot better.
I really want to finish all of the works I've posted on here and am already planning new ones because I've been watching a lot of anime and SIMPING HARD. So be prepared for that.
Midnight in Sheffield and It's More About Looks Than Skill are definitely at the top of the list, and if you've sent an ask/left a comment to be added to any tag list, I've always kept track of them, even if I haven't responded.
Thanks for your patience and you'll see me again soon when I get back in the writing flow ❤
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bastillewolf · 3 years
The death note series (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚
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I'm working on a new chapter bby 💞 i'll try to get it up by next week!
Thanks for your support & patience 🥰
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bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (VIII)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: I’m back... I told you I wasn’t giving up on this fic, I just needed some time to get over myself. I’ve plotted down the whole story and its ending, so you don’t have to worry about me not finishing this. It might take some time, but I’ll try not to post once every two months. Sorry, once again!
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! If I wasn’t able to tag you, please check your settings and send me another ask.
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad​, @rustypotatospork​ @mantisandthemoondragon @baby-queen-girl​ @itscalledtrust​ @emilyshurley​ @killtherandomness​ @selmeuuh​ @felicity291​ @mahou-no-momo​​ @bakarinnie​​ @beccawinter​​ @chantelle-c333​​ @ria-demon29​​
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Chapter VIII
It wasn’t until she’d said goodbye to Soichiro and stepped through the hospital doors into the night’s breeze, did she hear Light speak again. She was standing miraculously placed behind a large bush, where they wouldn’t notice her. It seemed the young man waited to see if anyone stepped through the doors before deciding to continue his talk with the God of death hovering in the air behind him.
“I never once felt cursed since I picked up the Death Note. In fact, the thought never even crossed my mind. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, all thanks to this power. I’m going to create a perfect world.”
“Honestly, I could care less whether you feel cursed or happy to have a notebook. I’ll leave that sentimental crap to you humans. But… Normally humans who come into contact with a Shinigami have nothing but misfortune.”
“That’s interesting. But I have no intentions of repeating that pattern.”
She only allowed her lungs to release the air they’d been holding long after she could no longer hear his footsteps walking off. And only then did she allow herself to finally feel what she’d felt in the pit of her stomach all this time; fear.
“Are you seeing this?” Lights voice carried over the walkie-talkie, but her attention was directed entirely towards what the TV in front of her was broadcasting. Since phones had become a danger as of late, she’d suggested going for a more old-school approach, if it was only to be able to contact Light when her house was feeling a bit too empty. Which was happening more and more frequently.
She hummed in response.
“Even if you don’t agree with me, all I ask is that you not publicise your views in the media. If you can do that, you will be spared. All you have to do now, is be patient. I will create a better world that we can all enjoy. Say goodbye to the world as you know it. Soon, we’ll have a new world ruled by benevolence inhabited by kind-hearted, honest people. Try to imagine it; a world where the police and I-“
“Switch channels. Now.”
She did as was asked of her, and was faced with the collapsed figure of Ukita, a taskforce member she’d just met only a few days prior. “Light… you didn’t-?”
“Of course it’s not me, you fool. I wouldn’t be so reckless. Now L will think I don’t need a name to kill someone. This impersonator is ruining all my plans!”
“Calm down, Light. This might work in our favour. You and I both know L will take all possibilities into consideration, so it could very well be that he’s already figured out about this person acting as a second Kira.”
“Ryuk-“ she heard some muffled noises in the background, “-didn’t give another Death Note to anyone, did you?”
“I only had two,” she could make out, “and I’m surely not stupid enough to give away my second one.”
“Light, please look back at the screen.”
“A vehicle has just driven through the front of the station!”
“Well, that’s one way to stop the broadcast.”
It took a while, but eventually a police car arrived at the scene. And another, and another, until the whole building was surrounded.
“That’s… Soichiro? Light, that’s your father!”
“There you have it! The police refused to cooperate with Kira! Instead, they are prepared to fight. And, as much as I fear for my own life while saying so, this is right, and it must be done! Kira has become a very threat to our constitution, and as citizens, we must fight back. I am NHN’s Golden News anchor, Kouki Tanakabara.”
“I can only say it’s a shame that the answer is no, it’s clear that the police wish to oppose me.”
“How and why is this being broadcasted?” she asked, scooting Light’s chair closer to the television on his desk. It was the next day, and Sakura TV was airing the Kira imposer’s tapes once more.
“This will not go unpunished. So, I’ll start by either taking the life of the director-general of the NPA, or the detective known as L, who is currently leading the investigation against me. The director-general, or L? Who will pay the price in your refusal to cooperate in the creation of a peaceful world? You have four days to decide.”
Light let out a small chuckle. “You were right all along. There is no need to worry.”
“It would appear that another Shinigami has come to the human world, and somehow that Shinigami’s Death Note has fallen into the hands of someone who agrees with Kira. And this person most likely the Shinigami Eyes, which makes him very deadly. His power to kill surpasses even mine.”
“Or her,” she corrected him, to which he rolled his eyes.
“One thing is for certain, if I leave things I’m pretty sure L will be finished off within the next four days. However, I can’t forgive this imposter for the way he’s tarnishing Kira’s image with his senseless killings. Not to mention if he slips and gets caught, the Death Note will be discovered and that I can’t allow. I cannot afford to leave him alone for much longer.”
“Oh, now I definitely hope it’s a girl. If only to watch you struggle.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? I don’t struggle with girls,” he protested.
“You’re right. But let’s just say that it wouldn’t surprise me if you turned out gay.”
“Please do shut up.”
It wasn’t long before L had invited both of them to his secret location. They were currently standing in front of the quirky hotel, after a reasonably lengthy train ride.
“I suppose your father couldn’t have just picked us up?” she asked.
Light shook his head. “That would’ve looked too suspicious. Right now, it just looks like we’re trying to escape our parents by booking a hotel room.”
“Aw, Light,” she cooed, latching onto his arm playfully, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
He pulled up his nose in irritation, and she felt the Shinigami that had been holding her hand subtly stiffen. “What- what does that mean?”
“Don’t even bother asking, Ryuk,” Light replied.
“I’ll remind you to behave, Light,” she reminded him, “L probably knows this Kira is a copycat because of the fact that they didn’t need a name to kill the person, and you’d do well to think about the possibility that he might have wanted for that last tape to be broadcasted. I’m not sure how you’re going to get out of this one, as you can either choose to be ignorant, or speak up about your ‘deductions’.”
“God, I hope it’s gonna be a girl.”
A short introduction followed between Light and the task force, as she simply gave them all a polite smile. She’d told Light briefly about them, as they’d met once or twice when she had her meetings in the café with L beforehand. At first, Light had been appalled by the fact that she knew more about these men that he did, but eventually did accept the fact that he now had someone who was apparently a more trusted figure in L’s mind.
And as expected, tapes were shown to both of them.
“Do you mind if I ask Light to make his deductions first?” L asked her.
She shook her head. “I understand. You’ve talked to me more than you have with Light. Go ahead.”
“So, what do you make of this, Light? Have you come to any conclusions?”
…It’s a test.
“It’s hard to say, but there might be another person out there with Kira’s power.”
And so it begins.
 You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calendar) in order to fill in a name.
 “Are you sure you’re gonna pull this off? Pretending to be Kira, I mean?” she nudged him jokingly.
“I sure hope so. As long as I don’t start stuttering like I used to when I was a kid while we go live,” Light replied, almost too innocently. She knew all he wanted to do right now was strangle her for her comment, which is why she made it now; so he couldn’t.
“You used to stutter? Doesn’t seem very like you, Light,” L noted.
“Oh, he did,” Soichiro fondly recalled, “I remember those two reading out loud in Light’s room, giving a presentation to a whole group of stuffed animals, until he stuttered no more. I was so proud of you that day.”
Light shifted in embarrassment, clearly wanting this conversation to go back to business. “Ryuuzaki, does this look okay? I think I managed to make it believable.”
L picked up the sheet of paper. “Hm, I think you’ve done an excellent job with this. However, if we don’t omit the part that says, ‘you’re free to kill L’, then I’m gonna end up dead.”
What a dumbass.
Light laughed accordingly, “Sorry, I guess I got carried away playing the part. I figured if I was him I’d probably demand that he be killed. I was improvising, feel free to change it to whatever you like.”
“Sounds good. Say, just to make sure nothing happens, I’d have Aihara read the script during broadcast. It’s just as a precaution.”
“Of course.”
What a shame.
They’d sat down in front of the television once more, which seemed to be a more regular occurrence these days. Soichiro met her gaze.
“Sweetheart, do you have any idea when your parents are coming back?”
She shook her head, “They usually let me know the day before. Their schedules are too erratic these days to be able to plan home visits ahead.”
She knew he pitied her when she’d said ‘home visits’. Parents shouldn’t be visiting their home. They should visit work, and be home.
“But they let me know they’re getting all of the divorce papers finalized, and that because of their absence they think it would be best to keep the house until I move out.”
“Your parents are getting divorced?” Light asked, genuinely surprised, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
She shrugged. “They told me when we still weren’t on speaking terms because of our fight. Guess it slipped my mind.”
“Well, you’re always welcome to stay at our house, if you’re missing the comfort,” Soichiro reminded her, for which she was grateful. “I was wondering though - and please tell me if I’m stepping out of line here - haven’t you connected with anyone else yet in school?”
“…Connected, sir?”
“W-Well, you know what I mean-“
“…Oh, uh- No, not really.”
“Well, it’s not any of my business anyway, but while your father is gone, please do tell me if you need me to give a young man a stern look.”
She giggled quietly, her cheeks reddening. “Thank you, mister Yagami. But I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“That reminds me,” Light said, “I think I kind of promised someone you’d go out with them.”
Ryuk held his breath.
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bastillewolf · 4 years
- That sounds a lot like what you’re doing with your Ryuk x reader, just thought you should know. I haven’t read theirs, but the synopsis seems extremely similar. Just wanted to give you a heads up just in case.
Oh shit, thanks so much for letting me know! I don’t think they’ve posted anything yet, but as long as it’s not pure plagiarism I don’t entirely mind if the plot is a bit similar. 
I very much appreciate you doing this though, I’m usually very paranoid and scared of people copying my work. Thank you!!
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bastillewolf · 4 years
I thought I was the only one who thought Ryuk was cute I got excited when I saw someone else likes him to 😋😳
Oh you're definitely not the only one 😂 I think all IMALTS readers can confirm that! ♥️
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Are you going to continue the ryuk x reader series and if you are will there be moments with L but ryuk being lowkey jealous I think it would be cute 🥺 sorry if I’m bothering you
No worries! I’m definitely continuing the story, I just haven’t had the time to do anything lately. I’ll try to post another chapter around the holidays! And that’s a great idea omg hahaha ♥️ We do love jelly Ryuk 🥺
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Omg can you tag me in your It’s More About Look Than Skill series please?? 🥺🥺
Absolutely!! Have been writing the new chapter, will see if I can get it up this week 😌♥️
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bastillewolf · 4 years
love your Ryuk story ! never really thought about ryuk in that way LMAO but your fic kinda changing my mind ngl 😳 hope to see an update soon ! have a good day !!
Hahaha glad to have you join us 😎 and I'll try to get an update done over the holidays!
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Hey can I be included in your tag list especially death notes. Thanks.
Of course! Thanks for reading ♥️😁
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bastillewolf · 4 years
This morning I received a nice message on Ao3, which concerned some criticism on one of my stories (It' More About Looks Than Skill). It was a bit vague, and I'm not sure what to make of it.
I was wondering if anyone, even if it was in any of my other stories, has felt that I jumped between scenes too quickly, or if it was ever unclear which character was speaking during a conversation.
I'm only trying to improve my writing here, so any replies would really help! Even if it's any other tips you may have for me, whether it's anonymous or not! ♥️
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bastillewolf · 6 years
Masterlists of my Fanfics
It turns out that Tumblr doesn’t do well with links in posts. So here is an entire page of masterlists of all my fanfictions here. Hope you enjoy and sorry for the bother <3
My time zone is CET and I post most often between 1 - 4 AM.
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Shigaraki Tomura/Reader - Certified Illusionist
Shane Madej/Reader - Ghoul Omens
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One-shots & Series - Corpse Husband
Shinigami Eyes - Part I | Part II 
Corpse’s Bride - Part I
Kinda Sketchy - Part I | Part II (Requested)
Requests - Panic Attack / #CorpseBride / Call Me, Baby / Sunrise, Sunset
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Series - Death Note
It’s More About Looks Than Skill - WIP
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Masterlist IMALTS
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Series - Marvel
Last Winter - WIP
Pairing: Bucky/Reader/Steve
Summary: Even though he claims to be as tough as he appears to be, James Buchanan Barnes doesn’t have a skin made of metal. While he has to work hard for his money, keep his best friend from picking a fight and his sister protected, he feels as if the slightest breeze might be able to push him over. That is until a stranger picks an interest in him and helps him find his way back home. Whatever home feels like.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
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Series - Alex Turner
The Grand Tranquility Hotel - Complete
Summary: An eccentric hotel owner and an inquisitive writer find solace in each other when they both seemed to be at the edge of rock bottom.
Masterlist TGTH
Midnight In Sheffield - WIP
Summary: When a soon-to-be-wedded insomniac author heads back home to visit her parents, she comes across the likes of a mysterious musician on her sleepless escapade in the AM.
Masterlist MIS
Another to be posted...
(After Midnight In Sheffield)
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Series - Thorin Oakenshield
Emeralds & Sapphires - WIP
Summary: When the King Under The Mountain is deemed ill once more by the Grey Wizard himself, he falls under the care of a strange woman, who claims to be a healer. But even she couldn’t comprehend the severity of the situation, or everything that would follow.
Chapter I - Calentiris
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