ghoularaki · 5 years
paper can blush too
↠  summary: When Hawks was banished from the heavens he was sure he would live the rest of his days in ire, but he then met a naive witch by the name of Y/N. 
↠  word count: 2,541
↠ pairing: hawks x reader
↠ genre/warnings: fluff, fallen god/witch au
↠ a/n: ik it’s not spoopy season yet but!!! i was too excited to post this so here ya go! (again) this used to be a bts fic but i really loved this story so i didn’t want it to go to waste. i hope you enjoy reading!!
↠ tagging: @my-bad-writing-requested-edition @out-of-my-way-extras @stormistories
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To Hawks, the world was bleak, life was just as dull. He watched humans and the world change from the heavens above. His face remained bored observing repeated mistakes and how honest men died and the evil ones were reborn. No crown sat upon his head, but did he walk as if he was a king. With his languor, Hawks became restless and arrogant. And with strings tied around his slender fingers, he played with the lives of humans as if they were mere toys. Knowing this was frowned upon, he still birthed wars, nourishing them with crimson blood watching it fester with a smile on his face. His golden eyes faded into ebony and so did his heart. The gods that walked among him feared what he become and banished him from the sky. His fall was mighty but his crash was silent. There was no crack in the floor or a boom when his heavy body hit the ground. It was quiet, still: not a single soul to see how a god had fallen.
When he laid there in shame he was sure he would live the rest of his days in resentful agony and for a long while he did. Bare feet stumbled through different terrains for miles looking for somewhere to rest. As he landed on earth, he became more human than he wanted. He grew hungry, parched and felt fatigue. There was no denying that he was still a god. Hawks still had most of his powers, but he would become exhausted after time of using them. For once, Hawks felt what it was like to feel uncertain and to bleed. To his amazement, his blood runs red, too. Ire flourished in his body for this forced upon empathy. Instead of repenting for his mistakes as an ignorant god, he seeked revenge as a fallen deity. But now, he could do nothing with the hate that ran through his veins.
It was a particular cold day when he stumbled upon a shrine— his shrine to be exact. It was long forgotten as humans stop worshipping gods and praying for good fortune, but now slaved over money and greed. Or so he thought. To his surprise, the wooden shrine outside of town was not overrun by vegetation, but was pristine and tidy. Though, this made Hawks beg the question, just who would do this?
His question was quickly answered as a girl steps out from sliding, oak doors. Her arms are filled to the brim with books and various jars. When he looks closer he sees that there are small origami cats running around her. Eyes blinking fast after rubbing them just to make sure he saw that right. What type of sorcery is this? Then it clicks. This isn’t just some mere human girl, but a witch! Never in his life time did he think he would see a witch. It’s not like magical folk are rare by any means, he just never thought he would walk among men to be able to see one in flesh and blood.
In complete honesty, Hawks felt honored. It was uncommon for shrines to be kept this beautiful in this time, yet a silly little witch protects his. For the first time, he felt ashamed. If this girl was a believer in him, she made the mistake to worship him. Instead of being the god of curiosity and youth, he was now just a tired degenerate. In this moment, he decided to hide himself yet still try to help this little witch in any way he can. A fox mask of white with swirling designs of red and gold appeared in his hand, gently placed on his face. Brown eyes bored into the girl with no name as of yet, a forget emotion of curiosity washing over him again.  
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Being a witch wasn’t hard per se, but sometimes it was difficult to do everything by yourself. Having your little helpers made from paper did help somewhat, but nothing compares to an extra pair of hands. The funny thing was that after that thought just a week later, your job had become a bit easier. When you swore you lost something, an hour later you would find it where you swore you didn’t put it. Or when you had to lift heavy objects they would suddenly become lighter. Or when you need an ingredient for a potion but you just didn’t have time to get it as of that day, you would find it on your desk. You knew that it couldn’t be your origami cats since they were more for companionship than anything, so you were left puzzled as to what was helping you. Though, you just shrugged it off as maybe a ghost since you weren’t going to complain about free assistance.
Months passed just like this and it was almost your favorite month of the year, October. This time of year was always the busiest since that’s when your powers just like other creatures were at their strongest. Naturally, you were going to brew up as many potions as you can. Just thinking about it, once again you wished you had an actual person to help since your paper cats and the entity helping you can only do so much. Sighing, you go back to work when you heard a crash in the front of the shrine. Without a hint of hesitation you run out there to make sure no one is hurt to see a man on the shorter with a kitsune mask covering his face tangled up in a pile of leaves and flower pots. He had crimson wings that glittered like rubies. Feathers floating around him like wilting roses, the little red puffs most likely separated from their master from the fall. You both just stare at each other for awhile before he scrambles to get up only to fall again over his long, black robes.
“Oh my gods, are you okay?” You question while racing over to him.
You were about to reach out a hand to guide him up when he flinches away. “I really wanted to meet in a more graceful way than this,” you swear you heard him mumble before he actually says, “No, no, I’m fine. You don’t have to help me.”
Stepping away, you let the man get up on his own. You were indeed correct when you said he was on the shorter side, but he still stood tall. When he was now at his full length, he towered over you and his broad shoulders seemed to engulf your frame. Or it was just the wings that seemed to swallow you whole. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, though. They felt warm.
He felt warm.
“So who are you?” You tilt your head to the side, horribly curious of the masked man in front of you.
He only scratched the back of his head and then gave out an awkward chuckle. His head looked around as if to find an answer only to give up and sigh. “You won’t believe me but I was thing, ghost, entity— whatever you want to call me that was assisting you around this shrine.”
His words made your eyes light up.
“Really?” you beamed. “Oh thank you so much, you don’t know how much you have helped me. I think I would have gone crazy if it weren’t for you or maybe even killed since I’m such a klutz and new to this whole magic thing,” you rambled and unknown to you, made the man smile.
“I’m glad I have been useful,” his voice was gentle and you made your chest feel warm.
“What is your name and can I see your face? I must know who was the kind person that has been aiding me for the past months,” you practically beg and Hawks just can’t say no to you.
“My name is Hawks and uh, go ahead.”
He nods his head when you squeal really? and you move closer to pull the mask from his face. Gently, you place both hands on the sides of the mask, your fingers brushing against his soft, dirty blond hair and lift it away. When the mask vanishes from your cold hands you didn’t expect him to be so handsome. His skin was a golden tan and glowed, his eyes were that of a feline but still soft and his lips were the pinkest you have even seen. They were plump and looked soft enough to kiss. He looked like an angel. His eyes shook from nervousness at your silent, gaping expression. To reassure him, you place a hand on his cheek and with no shame say, “you’re beautiful.”
It was then that Hawks wanted to cry. How can a creature as sweet as you call a fallen, selfish god like him beautiful. He blushed as he felt his heart pound against his rib cage in adoration. You were just too precious. Hawks sees you shiver and he wish he had a coat to put over your shoulders, but instead he asks, “let’s get inside?” He still didn’t know if you wanted him there with you even though it is his shrine, but he was hopeful.
“Sure!” You skip into the warm shrine with Hawks in tow, his ebony robes flowing in the Autumn wind.
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It was nearing the beginning of October, not to anyone’s surprise both you and Hawks have gotten very close. By now you would consider him a close friend. You noticed that he always kept a curious eye on your paper companions and you decided to surprise him. Searching the small shrine, you see that he was sitting on the porch with a forlorn look. Not liking to see him unhappy you walk up to him and seat down. He turns to you and raises an eyebrow in question to the orange piece of paper in your hand.
“I want to show you how to make origami fox," You grin up at the man.
“Why a fox?” He replied, moving so he sat criss-cross across from you.
“Because I thought maybe you were a fox sprint of some kind because don’t only kitsune wear fox masks like the one you wore when we first met?” you theorized.
Hawks chuckled at that since you weren’t too far off. “You can say that I am a kitsune,” he replied knowing that his answer was vague but you didn’t complain.
Silently, you start to show where to fold and helping him when he gets stuck. In no time he made fox that looked similar to the little cats that run around your home.
“Now what?” Hawks quiped since there had to be another step to make it come to life.
“Now we give it love,” you grinned.
You brought the paper fox to your face and softly kissed it. Little sparks of gold flew from your lips as the fox started to move in your cupped hand. Gently placing the fox down, it looked around confused for a moment before sniffing out the area. Your little origami cats saw the new addition to the family and began to move towards him. One of your cats, the white one approached the orange fox with confidence. The white cat bops its nose against the fox's nose. A rosy hue appears on the fox's paper cheeks, pulling a giggle from you. Your laugh made Hawks smile as he blushed just like the little fox.  
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“I’m not wearing that,” Hawks deadpans.
You pout when he pushes your hands out of his hands. It was now Halloween and you told every fable and tradition there was about Halloween, especially the most important: dressing up and going trick-or-treating. The man was intrigued by this holiday and agreed to join in on the fun of parading the streets in costumes with you. Though, he quickly changed his mind when he saw the ginger and ivory ears you held.
“Oh come on,” you whine, “it’s going to be funny! You’ll dress up like a fox and I’ll dress up as a witch and it can be our own little joke.”
“But we will be the only ones that will know the irony of what we are wearing,” Hawks tries to explain but it only makes you scowl.
“That’s why it’s our joke, like an inside joke, you ninny!”
“Did you just call me a ninny?” The male blanches. “Just how old are you?”
His comment only makes you roll your eyes. Hawks rolls his eyes right back at you as you place the velvet witch hat on your head. Spinning around, you smile at him and Hawks almost melts from just how cute you are. He pretends to still be reluctant to go trick-or-treating with you, feeling how your smaller hand tugs on his giant, warm one. His lips twitch from suppressing a smirk watching you struggle to pull him out the sliding wooden door. When you start hugging him with that stupid, adorable pout on your face he finally walks outside on his own accord.
Hawks only huffs when he hears you cheer and he can’t decide if he wants to kiss or fight you. While walking through the woods back to civilization, you run amok. Shamelessly, you own up to the stereotype that Halloween brings the wickedest parts out of us while making a menace. In your excitement, gold frizzles out of your fingertips and small flowers grow from every foot step stamped on the soft ground. To Hawks, it was truly a beautiful sight.
In no time, you both make your way to the small town not too far from your modest shrine only to see it empty. There was not a single child or parent in sight and everyone’s porch lights were long switched off as the humans slept comfortably in their beds. You were utterly confused.
Did Halloween end earlier this year? You questioned in your head. Then you realized that you missed Halloween. You had completely forgotten that trick-or-treating ends around eight at night and you almost want to bang your head against something for being so forgetful. Sighing, you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed.
“Where is everyone?” Hawks asked, just as perplexed as you were.
“We arrived too late,” you laugh, deciding to take this situation with a grain of salt. There would always be next year.
This didn’t bode well with Hawks. He knew how important this was to you, yet here you were, completely tranquil despite missing your favorite holiday. “I’m sorry,” he began, clearly distraught about this.
You just smile up at him, “as long as I’m here with you I’m happy.”
Butterflies dance in Hawks’ tummy as he smiles back with a blush on his golden skin. Shyly, for the first time he takes your smaller hand in his. With your vulnerable fingers intertwined with his that shake from his suppressed power and the hidden wings that sprout from his back to engulf you in his feathery embrace, he sees just how precious life can be. To Hawks, the world was more than bleak, your life worth even more than any metaphorical crown that had sat upon his head.
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yfere · 5 years
Shipping Calculus! Live Updates from C2E60
Hello, and welcome to episode 60, otherwise known as THE RISE OF YASHA SHIPPING. We’ve been waiting and waiting for it, and here it fucking is!! Masterpost here
+15 to Fjord/Jester as they gain many Flirting Points with cute little “Heys” at each other in combat, profferings of healing potions, that weird slightly in canon liminal area of drink sharing, winking madness, Fjord dedicating the dead jellyfish to Jester like he’s some kinda knight (+3 to Beau/Cockblocking for pointing out the disturbing murder of what was once a romantic Fjorester symbol). Jester asking Fjord if he’s okay and checking him for possession (Bonus points for Body Contact!) Points taken away for Fjord griping about Jester/Pets, saying “It’s not your pet, Jester!” while Jester shouts back that she doesn’t even like it, thank you, she likes animals but she’s not going to go gaga over a murder demon you absolute asshole.
+9 to Caleb/Caduceus as Caduceus continues his trend of enthusiastically supporting Caleb decisions that the rest of the party very much do not enthusiastically support. “Good call!” he says when Caleb goes to burn the bodies in the Bone Pit as an anti-jellyfish precaution. Totally down with Caleb murdering creatures down there as there’s “not anything good that’s living down there” and along with Yasha joining the Pro Caleb NPC Murder Club. Caleb very nearly setting Caduceus on fire as well but avoiding it through the power of luck love, being adorably distressed that Caduceus might have been hurt, relieved when he’s fine.
+6 to Caduceus/Fjord as Caduceus encourages Fjord to “Stick by me, and you’ll be fine.” Looking after Fjord’s welfare by encouraging him to stay in the Hut, and acting as dedicated translator for all of Fjord’s ridiculously curious needs. The pair of them same-hatting on asking every single person they happen to meet if they know of any answers to their god problems. Points taken away for Caduceus’ short term memory failing to recall the second of Fjord’s questions as he gets distracted asking about the Blooming Grove.
+32 to Yasha/Jester. Okay. Okay. So, trying to cooperate over turtle flipping: good. But the real thing. The real thing is. During Yasha’s first dream, Jester is the first body she sees after Mollymauk’s, the first and most important after him of the “somebody you’ve let in.” The only person she’s really willing to speak to after she wakes, despite her discomfort. The first person whose strength she thinks of when trying to break her shackles. The one she listens to, over Caduceus, when it comes to how to approach her god—to just try to talk to him, bring Jester and her friends along. The one she models when she tries to connect to the Stormlord—drawing a dick in the mud because if nothing else works, this has to, this is Jester. Jester being the most sweetly supportive of Yasha after her dream, even while Nott minimizes and Caduceus godsplains. Jester fucking….sleeping in the rain with Nott so that Yasha won’t be alone, enduring ridiculous amounts of discomfort and lost sleep just to be there for her. They are…..love. This is…..the true birth of  Jestasha.
+1 to Beau/Yasha as Beau accomplishes an epic battle move by sliding between Yasha’s legs (just not in the way she was hoping). Looking piningly at Yasha’s sleeping face. But, as has been decreed by the Shipping Gods they are two ships passing in the night, destined never to meet.
-10 to Yasha/Nott. Nott initiates cuddles, but Yasha is uncomfortable.
+17 to Fjord/Caleb as Caleb tries his damned hardest to use his spellwork to protect Fjord—and failing. But it leads to Body Contact nonetheless, and a terribly sweet “sorry, big guy” which only means more with every NPC under the sun (looking at you, Soorna) continuing to poke at Fjord by calling him “small.” More Body Contact with Caleb switching over to Fjord as his chosen squeeze while looking through Frumpkin. As with Jester and the jellyfish, Fjord looking towards Caleb to check if he’s noticing him Being Cool with the three point landing (Do I spy +1 to Caleb/Fjord/Jester?) Fjord as always putting way too much stock in Caleb knowing everything, all “Caleb, think of every blue fabric you’ve ever seen” as he attempts to CSI the riftmaking device. Fjord also as always being Caleb’s #1 Magic Fan, going absolutely NUTS when Caleb polymorphs the giant, ruffling his hair and screaming “YOU BEAUTIFUL WIZARD BASTARD” and probably coming close to fucking breaking the wizards’ concentration in the process. Points taken away as Fjord realizes just how scary the turtle still is and how this horrible snapping thing may still cleave him in half. But at the rate Fjord is escalating the Magic Love, you just know eventually Caleb is going to cast a spell and Fjord is going to get so excited he kisses the wizard.
+5 to Caleb/Being a Trendsetter as comically exaggerated pronunciations of Eldritch bleeeeeeeeehst are now officially the standard for all members of the party.
+10 to Travis/Dice Superstition as he picks new dice after rolling ones, runs dice competitions to decide which is worthy to play with, and Very Superstitiously dreading a 666 of failed wisdom saves from Fjord, Beau, and Caleb.
+10 to Caduceus/Excitement. “There’s something in the pit.” His head lowers and his hands shake when he gets stressed, but bless him his voice is as calming and monotone as ever.
-100 to Fjord/That Spoopy Shit as he spends most of the battle screaming his (average sized, thank you) lungs out
+2 to Caleb/Cat Shaped Creatures at Cat’s Ire was finally allowed to do its killing work!
+20 to Jester/Beau as Jester gives Beau a 7 for the holy hell she causes with her punching! To which Beau gives a funny little bow. But most, most importantly, Jester noticing Beau staying up reading and worrying to death, giving her a massage and Body Contact to calm down and sleep #TheyAreMarried and fuck Travis/Fjord’s Attempted Cockblocking because that was the most transparently and extremely romantic moment in the entire goddamn episode. Points taken away for Jester saying Beau’s drawing looks “kind of shit.” Maybe now that she’s granted permission for Beau to draw dicks she’s concerned Beau will start infringing on her Territory as the resident artist.
-1 to Nott/Detective Work. She did find the riftmaking device, but unfortunately it was circumstance that brought her back to the Bone Pit, and not her Keen Detective Mind remembering at that moment to investigate the area as Soorna’s stated origin of the demons and a trash bin’s status as an Excellent Hiding Place. More points taken away for Destroying Evidence when she shot the device and scattered the liquid inside to be lost forever.+12 to Nott/Gunslinging though.
+1 to Fjord/Detective Work as he continues to bargain and push for important information about the way the world works and what is happening from the people he encounters—gaining Soorna’s story in exchange for their efforts. He didn’t gain information immediately relevant to the Case, but it is good Detective Practice nonetheless
+5 to Beau/Detective Work as she finds the scrap of fabric in the Riftmaking Device—a solid Clue! Genuinely looking for links between the riftmaking device and her own vestments, comparing notes, looking for the black liquid and brainstorming with Caleb over potential motivations for creating Abyssal rifts. Points taken away for misidentifying beds as sarcophagi, which sort of casts a pall over her detectiving skills. 
+20 to Beau/Nerdom for being more interested in explaining books and theorizing to Caleb than actually fighting. It is something when you can stand next to Caleb and make him look like a jock in comparison to your nerdy antics. Never change, Beau.
+6 to Caleb/Lethality as unfortunately he has murder on the brain so much that even when he’s not trying to make things deadly, he still manages to incinerate a poor innocent little goblin, barely skirt blowing up Caduceus, and morph what he meant to be a harmless turtle into a killing machine.
-2 to Caleb/Jester. Caleb is a fan of Jester’s smart idea with the Tiny Hut. But between accusations of criminality and Jester’s extreme distress over Caleb’s Goblin Roasting, ‘twas not the best week for these two.
+2 to Nott/Jester. Beau may have gotten a 7 for battle maneuvers, but Jester gives Nott 8 points!!! Nott cuddling with Jester at night, waking with her to reassure Yasha. There’s the sense Nott went out into the miserable rain maybe a little more to spend time with Jester than anything else.
+12 to Nott/Being a Team Player as she throws herself into harm’s way to defend Fjord from Caleb’s horribly botched polymorph! She is too small to be much defense but damn if she’s not going to try!
-3 to Nott/Fantasy Racism as despite her conflicted feelings over goblins she attempts to respectfully lay Caleb’s murder victim to rest. +10 to Caduceus/Cockblocking for undermining the moment by sticking the whole goddamn corpse in his bag so he can question it in the morning
+5 to Caleb/Kooky Comparisons as he compares farming the Beacon for Luck potions to getting eggs from the golden goose. Caleb thinks almost entirely in terms of fairy tales and farming/peasant idioms, and one of these days someone needs to collect all of the little oddball things he says.
+50 to Kord/Midwifery “STRUGGLE. PUSH. STRUGGLE. PUSH.” Rhythmic, firm, supportive but also tough, which is exactly the kind of midwife you want during your existential rebirth.
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Walter the Opalite
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Have you ever wondered what Walter would be like if he actually had the opportunity to reach his full potential instead of constantly being shit on by his brother and life as a whole? That’s basically the basis of my Imperial Walter AU, so keep reading if you’d like to find out more!
Also, special thanks to @for-grado, who helped me hash out a lot of these ideas over Discord.
The beginning of Walter’s life during his Imperial timeline is pretty similar, if not exactly the same. The twins actually got along swimmingly during their early childhood, with Valter stepping up and becoming the bold and outgoing one, while still being quite sensitive to Walter's needs and almost serving as a mediator between him and other people when he got anxious. It wasn’t until the twins were in their early adolescents that Valter suddenly had a change of heart and began acting like a total dick to Walter for... reasons I won’t get into right now. 
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But before the twins drift apart, there’s a terrifying incident where Walter suffered a traumatic wolf attack that threatened to kill him if Valter hadn't stepped in -- something that he's eternally grateful for. In the “canon” timeline, they both lived, with only minor injuries (if any) due to Valter being able to take it by surprise from behind and clock it on the head with a large rock. In this AU, the poor boys aren’t so lucky. The attack misses its mark, and the wolf turns the brunt of its ire onto Valter instead. Walter’s arm was so badly mangled, he nearly lost it, and Valter died from the severity of his wounds and shock before anyone could really help him. 
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The death of his beloved twin took a severe toll on Walter. He was haunted by guilt, feeling that the entire situation was his fault. But the love and support of his parents helped him push past it, and he dedicated himself to growing as much as he could in his brother's honor, since he knew that if Valter were still alive, he'd want to see him doing well. (That’s what we in the business call irony.)
But anyway, through a lot of hard work and study, he became every bit as successful as Valter would have in his stead. Well educated, well liked, skilled in several recreational activities like cooking and art, and although he's still quite introverted and a bit... Awkward(tm), he knew how to get past that and still have people like him for who he was, and grew to be quite formidable in terms of magical prowess.
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But it wasn't enough for him. Driven by his brother's selfless sacrifice he decided to enlist in the Grado military when he was a teen so that he could help protect others just like his brother had done for him. His parents were quite Nervous(tm) about that, as would anyone who had lost one of their kids in a tragic accident. They didn’t want to see their last remaining son sign up for a dangerous profession, but he was super insistent, so they eventually gave him their full support.
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Basic training was hard on him, but over time, his leadership and prowess on the battlefield would earn him the title of an Imperial General -- something that he was quite proud of. He didn't just consider it an achievement he got on his own. He would be very quick to thank all the multitudes of people that helped him get so far with their undying support and loyalty. Under Emperor Vigarde, he would eventually come to be known as the Opal.
For a few years, life seemed perfect. But then, his parents got sick. Same disease that got them in the canon verse (whatever it is). Unlike Valter, who ignored their progressing sickness for months (if not years) as he chased his lofty dreams ascending the ranks, Walter immediately resigned from his position upon first hearing about it. He placed a vast importance on his family, especially after his brother's death, so the thought of losing them was unbearable. Selena was brought on board in his stead during that time.
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He fought as hard as he could to keep them alive, but ultimately, none of it paid off. He lost them both, and fell into a deep depression that lasted years. He hit the bottle pretty hard and was barely seen venturing out of his mansion, preferring to have servants run errands for him instead. While he never did anything as sick and degenerate as Valter during that time, having a lonely 40 year old bachelor living by himself in a large spoopy mansion would certainly get the locals talking among themselves and coming up with all kinds of weird rumors and speculation as to what he’s up to in there.
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Eventually, the in-game events happen, and Lyon needs generals to fill out his ranks again. I plan on elaborating on their relationship a little bit more in the future, but Lyon would know that the man is skilled mage and loyal soldier, so he’d ask him to join the cause again. Walter would be quite hesitant to join the force again, but after some pleading, he’d acquiesce. He originally joined to protect the people of Grado, and even though his parents wouldn’t be coming back, he could still protect the young soldiers under his care.
And so General Walter would be welcomed back with open arms, though he’d make a small change to his title, preferring the name “Opalite” over “Opal.” Opalite is basically fool’s Opal -- a name given either to a synthetic creation made from glass, or naturally occurring opal so rife with inclusions and flaws that it’s practically worthless. It would perfectly describe how he feels like an empty husk of a man, simply going through the motions so that he can die in peace with no regrets.
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Not to say he’s cold or distant or unpleasant to be around in the slightest. It’s just that for all of his warm words of encouragement and highly supportive chats with his subordinates, there’s no getting rid of that constant, nagging cloud of sadness that seems to weigh him down, no matter what he does. He struggles to pretend that everything is normal with him, but everyone can tell that there’s something. Off about him. He drinks a bit too much, he has moments where he wordlessly stares out into the void, has crying spells -- all of it. He’s barely holding it together, and he knows that. But he’s still trying his best.
If I had to pin down his character, I’d say he’s somewhere between Duessel and Selena in terms of his goodness and loyalty to the empire. He’ll give everything he can to stop the Renais twins from advancing, but like hell he’s laying down his life for bullshit reasons when everyone is telling him they don’t want any more bloodshed. He’d probably be taken a prisoner, then would join forces with the twins after they find Knoll and it hits him just how deeply wrong things are.
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Jesus fuck this got long. I’ll have to do a Part 2 sometime about his relationships with other characters, especially with Lyon, as that’s a highly important one. But for now, to wrap this up, here’s a few assorted details about Imperial Walter.
Canon Walter is a Sage, whereas Imperial Walter is a Druid. This is because Canon Walt promoted from the Priest line and had little to no practical knowledge of offensive magic. Imperial Walter was pretty much the opposite.
Imperial Walter still has a stutter, though he’s trained himself to make it a lot less noticeable for most people in casual conversation. If I had to compare his speaking style, it would be a lot like Rowan Atkinson.
When he’s having a bit of a breakdown, though, it can get quite bad.
Walter may still be a sweetheart unlike what his brother ultimately became, but he’s no pushover. He’s a goddamn general with nearly 20 years of military experience, and he carries himself like one. Don’t fuck with him.
Dadly advice dispenser. 
Walter is listed as a Demiboy on my About page, and that’s still true for Imperial Walter. He’s a lot more confident in his gender identity, though, and can sometimes be seen making his rounds in “women’s clothing”.
Some people got freaked out by that and claims that he goes mad and puts on his dead mother’s clothing to grieve from time to time, but... No. He bought them himself, thanks.
Walter doesn’t walk with a limp or have a fucked up leg due to Valter’s bullshit, but he does have a banged up arm due to the wolf attack gone bad. He keeps it wrapped up in bandages almost constantly to spare people the horror of having to see it constantly, but doesn’t regard it with fear or shame. It’s a testament to his brother’s sacrifice and the fact that he lived.
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Lena Luthor x reader (No more masks, I won’t hold back)
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Request: "The candy is for the trick or treaters not you, quit eating it all " with lena       
a/n: HAPPY HALLOWEEN you wonderful ghouls and pals of mine! Whether you celebrate it or not, have a kickass day, stay safe, and do all the things you want to do, no matter what it is that makes you happy - today and all the days!!! :D
Anyway... how was THAT for an episode that we just watched?? I am STILL reeling about all the Supergirl Ladies content we are having and I have never felt so ALIVE!!!
Here’s a short cute one for y’all though! I freaking LOVE domestic Lena alright!! I swear it is the greatest concept and not only does she deserve this, but we too also Deserve This. Now also imagine Lena having to deal with someone who has approximately zero impulse control?? That’s you this time LMAO. Happy Halloween and happy Tuesday!!
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There were only two occasions you ever looked forward to in your life, and since your birthday wasn’t considered a national holiday by the nation yet (how rude of them honestly) you had to settle for the next best thing.
Autumn was your favourite season - you romanticized every single aspect of it that could possibly be cherished to the high heavens and back again. The crunch of leaves on sidewalks under your boots, and leather jacket and sweater weather made you come alive when the rest of nature around you was settling down and shedding.
The colours around you and the anticipation of keeping away indoors to stay warm - it was what kept you going, to say the least.
Even the pumpkin flavoured everything you didn’t bat an eyelash at, and so often some of your friends have expressed their ire of your tendency to go overboard with the festivities.
How could you have helped yourself if it was just simply more fun to act like a suburban housewife and decorate your entire house in Halloween decorations and buy an army’s worth of candy rather than to deny yourself the simple happiness of doing so?
Naysayers be damned, you’ll eat your themed cookies and ensure everything from your house to your car to nearly every single orifice of your body smelled of pumpkin, you’ll eat all your Halloween candy and only regret it for the next few days, and you’ll damn well call anything and everything ‘spoopy’ until the retail industry pries it from your cold, dead hands and forces aisles and aisles of Christmas decorations down your throat.
It was also Lena’s first official Halloween, and much to your friends’ amusement and great exasperation, this very fact seemed to make your excitement reach unprecedented heights.
She’s only been your girlfriend for something just over half of a year, but already you could very well say you knew each other well enough to not be so surprised by each other’s funny quirks.
After you finished work you barrelled right through your front door and darted into the shower the instant that you could, throwing on your favourite obnoxiously bright coloured knit sweater and sneaking six packets of candy into your pocket, for later, obviously.
You promised Lena to bring out all the stops for her first Halloween experience, and you were beyond ecstatic that you got to be the one who did this for her.
You were pondering just how lucky you were to have Lena in your life as you laid out the ready to bake Pillsbury pumpkin and ghost cookies before putting them in the oven.
You’d tried convincing Lena that she didn’t need to leave work too early; Halloween is a late affair anyway.
For her part, she seemed just as excited as you about celebrating, perhaps it was your zealous eagerness that was infectious, but more and more Lena was becoming as taken with the day as you were, and you thought it was absolutely adorable.
Still, her text message to you made it evident she was insistent about coming home early to be with you.
Lena: “I let Jess go home early again... I’ll see you soon :)”
you: “was she just as perplexed as she was the last time you told her to go home early?”
Lena: “It seems as though she’s stopped asking questions and just accepted it.”
you: “seems wise, especially considering what you get up to when you do leave early, I imagine she wouldn’t want to know anyway ;)”
Lena: “And you seem to be wanting to push your buttons tonight, what makes you think you’ll get so lucky?”
you: “you are the light of my life and I am more than lucky to take anything you are so gracious to give me, Ms Luthor”
Lena: “Yeah, yeah, I get it. No need to kiss ass, I’ll see you soon babe ;)”
you: “Love you! Can’t wait <3″
You grinned to yourself as you put the cookies in the oven, marvelling at just how easily it is to smile when it comes to your girlfriend.
With nothing much else left to do, you sit down on your couch and peruse through Netflix’s Halloween selection, wondering if you could convince Lena to watch a horror movie with you.
It’s probably about fifteen minutes later and you’re in the middle of the third episode of Mindhunter when you hear the door open and you turn around to catch the figure of your girlfriend by the threshold.
“Hey babe,” you smile broadly as you take notice of her casual clothes.
“Hi yourself, (Y/N),” she says, walking over to your place on the couch as you lean your head back for her to give you a kiss.
She glances at the TV and squints her eyes suspiciously at you, “you started another episode?”
Your eyes widen and you try to hide your sheepish smirk, “no.”
Lena raises a stern eyebrow and you’re becoming less and less successful at hiding your guilty grin.
“I don’t like it when you lie to me, (Y/N).”
She leans down closer to your lips and you can feel her breath. You move up to kiss her but she dodges the move.
“Uh-uh, tell me the truth,” she says slowly.
You stare up at her again, your head leaning back as you gaze at her chastising look upside down. You smile softly to yourself at the sight of her, the teasing and fondness masked behind a veil of reprimand, and you think you zone out for a little bit in a dopey trance when you hear her click her tongue at you in frustration.
“Don’t do that.”
“What? What did I do?”
“How am I supposed to be angry with you if you keep looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” you ask half curiously.
Lena takes a deep breath and a smile forms on her lips, she shakes her head as she grabs your cheeks and kisses you.
“I can never say no to that face of yours, even if you do try to sneak some TV behind my back.”
“I did not,” you grumble petulantly, watching as her eyebrow arches again when she makes her way to sit beside you. “Entirely.”
“Mhm, right,” she remarks with a fond smirk. “How was your day, darling?” She presses up against you and leans her head on your shoulder.
“It was awesome, everyone dressed up which isn’t really something I’d expected. How about you?”
“It was a day... It’s rather difficult to talk Kara out of an idea once she has one, isn’t it?”
“What did she do now?”
“I believe she and Winn had some bet which she lost, so she walked around the office today in one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes that are always circulating the internet?”
You burst into laughter at the thought and wondered how Winn convinced Kara to walk around in an obnoxious costume for a day when her crime-fighting extracurriculurs were to be considered.
“I don’t really think she considered that she could actually lose,” Lena answers your wordless question.
“Those are always the best bets.”
“So what’s on the agenda today? Are you going to make me watch some ridiculous horror movie so I can snuggle up next to you?” Lena asks conspiratorially.
Despite yourself, you blush at the remark and try to hide your grin.
“I was, actually.”
“You’re so transparent,” Lena says, laughing as she moves in to kiss you.
“Not my fault you’re so irresistible,” you retort with a little pout.
Lena levels her look to you and mumbles against your lips, “you don’t need an excuse to hold me, (Y/N).”
“It’s Halloween anyway, what else could get us into the mood-”
Lena interrupts you as she kisses you, moving so she’s straddling you and pushes you into the couch.
“I know plenty that could get us in the mood,” she comments in a low voice.
She grinds softly into you and you groan, your hands moving to her hips as you chase her lips.
The rustling of something Lena’s disrupted distracts her and she looks down at your leg. She eyes your pocket suspiciously before she snaps her eyes up at you.
“Do you seriously have candy in your pocket?”
“No,” your eyes widen and you make a valiant effort to hide the humour in your lie.
“You’re in a dishonest mood today, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it this is my favourite!”
“Darling, I love you, but your sweet tooth is entirely ruining the meaning of ‘assorted candy’. You get to keep whatever is in your pocket for the rest of the night,” she says with a half-serious warning.
“Yes ma’am,” you mutter as you try to tug Lena back towards you.
“Nope,” she says, refusing to let herself be pulled in.
You look at her with your best puppy eyes and make a grand pout, blinking your eyes in utter sadness and deprivation.
“You’re going to burn the cookies. Don’t think you can use me as your excuse for gross negligence,” she remarks with a mischievous smile.
Lena moves back to her seat on the couch and you make a great show of slowly getting up and dragging your feet toward the kitchen, muttering just loud enough so she can hear.
“I guess! I guess I’ll go, I guess! I didn’t want kisses anyway, it’s fine!” you continue until your voice is nothing but a muted lament from the kitchen.
You take the cookies out of the oven, exceedingly impressed by Lena’s timing, no doubt, and you eye the bowl of candy that’s on the kitchen counter next to the tray of cookies.
You move to stick your hand out and you make just the slightest ruffling sound when you hear Lena’s voice calling out to you from the living room.
“The candy is for the trick-or-treaters, not you. Quit eating it all!”
You drop your jaw slightly in surprise and wonder if Lena’s got eyes on the back of her head.
“Hurry up and get back here before we’re interrupted for the remainder of the night and you regret all of your choices.”
You nearly slip in your socks rushing back to Lena, catching that look of amusement that you’ve noticed is becoming a common expression of hers, her eyes crinkled and lips twisted into a subtle smirk as she watches you dive onto the couch beside her.
True to her observation, you’re about half an hour into Friday the 13th Part VI when the beginnings of the never-ending doorbell mark the start of the evening.
You, being the child at heart, are exceedingly impressed by the sheer number of Supergirls you see; pirate Supergirl, zombie Supergirl, you think you see a velociraptor Supergirl to which you were witness to a brief argument of, ‘it’s Halloween I can be whoever I want to be’, and you whispered to the kid your shared affinity for dinosaurs, to which you received a beaming smile.
You can’t help it but you laugh when you see a child dressed in a laughing-crying emoji costume, and it wasn’t long at all before Lena’s become envious of you that she’s joining you at the door.
In between Halloween-goers, you find yourself sat on the stairs and you’re making out with Lena like two teenagers with the house to yourselves before the next doorbell interrupts you, and you always half-heartedly groan at the distraction and Lena dutifully shoves you toward the door.
Once, a solitary scientist shows up at your door, her mother standing a few feet away from her and the small girls looks up at your tall figures.
“Hi, I’m a scientist,” she says, completely opting out of the traditional greeting.
“That’s awesome, you probably need all the energy you can get to save the world, right?” you say as you drop some candy into her bag.
“Yeah, my mom says too much candy isn’t good though.”
“She’s right, my girlfriend is a scientist too, she only eats healthy food.”
The girl looks up at Lena and her eyes widen in wonder.
“You’re a real scientist?”
“I am, aren’t you?”
The girl tilts her head and her eyes widen again in realization. “Yeah.”
Lena grins as the girl happily waves goodbye, skipping to her mother who’s shaking her head in amusement at her daughter.
When it’s later in the evening and the number of trick-or-treaters has dwindled and you’re almost finished your third movie, you interrupt the B-horror movie you and Lena had opted for in favour of light conversation.
“You gonna dress up next season?” you ask as someone on the screen trips over their own feet.
Lena’s head is leaning against your shoulder and she snuggles closer to you under the blanket draped over you two.
“I suppose so, I definitely will when we have kids of our own though.”
You think you feel your heart skip a beat and you hear the low trumpeting of your heart in your ears. You think you’re projecting, totally having misheard Lena and you don’t dare comment on it at all, lest you make everything awkward and more troubled than it ought to be.
Your silence goes entirely noticed, however, and you don’t have to see Lena to know her eyes have shot to the size of golf balls and you can feel her entire body tense beside you.
You keep your eyes stubbornly trained on the TV, trying to steady your breaths but you learn that the mindful attempt of regulating a natural phenomenon is far too much work.
Lena’s uncharacteristically stuttering when she speaks up, “I just- I meant, that if... in the circumstance that could ever be a possibility-”
You move your arm and put a hand on her knee, your other arm bringing her in close and you squeeze reassuringly.
“Kid talk already, eh?”
You feel her indignant blush and you laugh, feeling her sink her head deeper into you if it were even possible.
“I’m sorry, I’m just bugging you,” you amend gently. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper as it’s muffled by your clothing.
“So we’ll get there when we get there. And I know I can take on everything with you, and I in fact want to.”
You squeeze her again and feel her wrap her arms around your midsection, you adjust yourself accordingly to let her.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think I could have a better Halloween partner than you.”
“How charming and thoughtful of you to say,” she says in a teasing lilt, taking her head out of somewhere from under your arm and resting her chin on your shoulder.
You turn your head slightly to look at her, adding an afterthought.
“Or a better partner in general.”
She looks up at you through her lashes, studying the soft look your face has taken when you look at her, and after a long moment she purses her lips for a kiss.
You turn your body to her and smile into her kiss, grinning at the soft exhalation of air she lets out when she melts into your touch.
You tug on her waist to bring her on top of you, Lena falling into your lap easily as you run your hands up and down her back in a soothing motion. Lena moans lowly in your mouth as your hands slip under her shirt, finally touching skin.
She rocks into you softly and your jaw drops a little, Lena’s touch tracing your lip gently before nipping at it.
You think you feel so viscerally shaken when Lena abruptly pulls away, leaving you feeling particularly cold and at a loss of contact.
By the time you figure out what’s going on, she’s already just made it to the bottom of the stairs.
“Hurry up, babe, or you won’t get to see the other costume I have in store for you.”
For the life of you, you think you black out momentarily when you process Lena’s words, and you think in that split second of seeming eternity, you caught a glimpse of your whole life flashing before you.
If there was any indication of eager excitement on your face, Lena most certainly caught it if the wink and sultry eyes she gives you is anything to go by.
You were proud to say you tripped only once bolting up the stairs; that and a handful of other bruises you garnered that night surely ended up being worth your troubles.
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I guess you could say she’s a WITCHY WOMAN NOW!
From the looks of it seems it will last for the entirety of the month! 
Ask away!!!
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