#katie mcgrath fanfic
kmsdraws · 9 days
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It's that time of the year again, folks: Supercorptober is upon us again!
Create whatever you like for our beloved Supercorp using the daily prompt list below, and be sure to use the hashtags. Have fun!
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corpluthor · 9 months
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She’s a pirate for the @supercorpbb a pirates of the caribbean AU
Link oa3:
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lenaluthorgays-blog · 5 months
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can’t tell me this ain’t kara and Lena
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cmacaran44 · 1 year
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Why am I obsessed with this?
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sniwmcgrath · 1 year
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fyonahmacnally · 3 months
"Are you going to leave too?" Lena whispers under her breath once Kara's out of sight. She has no intention to ever voice those words, her insecurities, to the woman who broke down her walls and persuaded her to open her heart.
But the Girl of Steel does hear it.
Angsty, pre-reveal turns into a reveal and fix-the-scene?
So basically that's based off the 3x1 scene where they're in Lena's office and Lena's telling Kara she misses her since Kara keeps cancelling on their plans and Lena's apologizing for her part in Mon-El leaving Earth. Feel free to change the prompt to what fits for you if it interests you!
OH, I really like this one! It has been added to my list. Thank you so much. Will let you know and tag you when I get to it. Hope you are doing well.
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davidnsantana · 2 months
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Computer is not working so we're back to traditional art
Our journey begins with our new fanfic! It is as scary as it is exciting
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proudtobealuthor · 6 months
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If anyone would like to write either of these, I would not be opposed just please for the love of god tag me
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gazinatmcgrath · 6 months
People leaving comments saying Cultural Differences gave them a foot fetish making me wonder what other fetishes I can give people just by making them picture Katie McGrath indulging ....
Suggestions welcome. 😉
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frost-queen · 3 months
A smile is what it will take (Male!Reader X Morgana Pendragon)
Requested by anon Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
Summary: Male!R is Merlin's brother. When a girl has her eyes on you, it makes Morgana jealous that you would smile at her. Surely when you rarely smile. Immediately calling for your brother, she wishes to speak with you. Once in her room, you are greeted with pillows and harsh words. Accusing you and pouring her heart out about her feelings to you. Surprised you walk up to her, kissing her. Having felt the same, but never thinking she did.
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Horses strutted on the cobble stone as the knights rode out. One of the horses sat your brother, waving you goodbye. You rose your hand with a polite smile, to return your brother’s greeting. – “Merlin!” – Arthur would call out for him to keep up. Merlin smiled sheepishly at you before catching up with Arthur. Gwain chuckling loud how Merlin responded like a dog to Arthur’s calling. You returned back to your work, unsaddling one of the horses. You set all the material aside to clean later.
Taking the horse by the reins, you started leading it over the cobble stone across the square to the water benches. You barely noticed it till the girl moved in front of you. – “Morning Y/n.” – she said. A sweet smile on her lips, hands giddily behind her back. You simply looked at her, leading the horse around her. The girl turned round, rushing over to keep up. – “May I accompany you Y/n?” – she asked. – “If you must.” – you answered not really caring for it. She came falling in step with you. – “I’ve seen you at work Y/n.” – she started as you kept quiet. Focused on your work.
You arrived at the water benches, tying the reins up around the wooden pole. The horse started drinking from the basin as you patted it on the shoulder. You went around the horse as she moved underneath it’s head to reach you faster. – “You are really strong.” – she commented as it made you quirk your eyebrow up. – “I guess.” – you answered not sure what to say. You bend down to pick up a bucket. Scooping some of the water in it. Taking a step back, you splashed some water onto the horse to get some of the mud off.
The girl jumped back to not get splattered. – “Say Y/n I was thinking…” – she started looking carefully around where she could step to keep her shoes clean. You grabbed a brush, combing the horse to get the mud off it. She came closer once more as you rather just did your work. – “My bed needs mending.” – she called out, making you stop. – “What?” – you asked unsure what she meant by that. – “My bed needs mending. It’s been shrieking almost the entire night. I think it might break apart.” – she went on.
“What does it have to do with me?” – you replied continue to brush the horse. – “Your handy Y/n, can’t you fix it?” – she asked. – “It is a fine opportunity to see my room.” – she added. – “Why would I need to see your room?” – you replied clueless. The girl giggled giddy. She started to come closer, touching your chest. – “To clean it.” – she responded sarcastically, surely meaning something else.
You couldn’t follow why she was even laughing at that. – “You… you want me to clean your room?” – you responded. The girl clicked her tongue. – “No, I want you to do something else.” – she spoke with a wink. It made you stare confused at her. She started laughing at her own pleasure, already imagining being in one room with you alone. Feeling uneasy, you simply started to smile back, not sure what she meant.
Up in her room was Morgana. Pacing around waiting for Gwen to appear. She neared her window, her gaze catching something quickly in her passing. It made her stumbled back to her window to be sure. It was true. Seeing you down below on the courtyard. Through the glass, she thought she could see you smile. Something you rarely did, even around her. Morgana pushed her window open to be certain. Leaning a bit out of her window, she watched the display. You smiling at a girl. Her gaze lowered, feeling drained off all her happiness.
Feeling the ache in her heart that you were smiling at someone else as she rather wished it was her. Wishing it was her down below, smiling upon you. Blessed with a smile in return from you. Her heart thumping loudly in her chest with yearning. Yearning for your affection. Her yearning changed her self-pity to jealousy. Sharpening her gaze, she hated the girl. Repulsed you for smiling back at her.
There was a knock on the door as Gwen entered. – “Morning My lady.” – Gwen spoke holding a towel. – “Your bath is prepared My lady.” – she curtsied for Morgana even though she wasn’t looking. Morgana turned around sharply. – “Delay the bath, I want Merlin in here!” – she let out. Gwen blinked confused at her lady. – “Merlin? My lady he is out riding with Arthur.” – Gwen informed her.
Morgana tensed her jaw. – “When he returns from hunting, you bring him immediately up to me! I have to speak with him!” – Morgana demanded, dismissing Gwen. Gwen bowed her head, leaving the room. Morgana returned to the window, wanting to see you again.
To her surprise you had left. Even the horse was gone. Probably stabled. In anger and annoyance she paced around. Waiting for Merlin to arrive. Gwen waited at the castle door waiting for the knights to return. They rode up the courtyard. Gwen lifted the hem of her dress up, running over to them.
Arthur already ascended from his horse. – “Gwen lovely to see you.” – Arthur addressed her as she ignored him in a hurry. She rushed over to Merlin who was about to ascend from his horse. – “Morgana requires to speak with you.” – she let out, holding the horse by the reins. Merlin looked confused back  at her. – “About?” – he asked her.
Gwen had no answer for that. – “Just hurry.” – she grabbed him by his elbow, pushing him towards the castle. Confused and slightly worried went Merlin up to her quarters. He knocked at her door, waiting for her to tell him to enter. He entered cautiously. – “You… you wished to speak with me?” – he said, seeing her stand by the window, arms crossed.
“Yes.” – she answered bitterly. – “Tell your brother to come up here.” – she told him. – “Scuse me?” – Merlin said confused to the reason for him to come. Morgana turned more to him. – “Bring your brother up to here, did I make myself clear Merlin!” – she called out in fury.
Merlin bowed. – “Right away, My lady.” – he answered. When he left the room, he wondered why he needed to come just for that. When she could’ve easily called for him herself. Merlin went to the lower parts of the castle. Gaius quarters where he knew he’d find you. You were playing a serious game of cards with Gaius when Merlin entered.
“Morgana needs you.” – Merlin said upon entering. – “Me?” – Gaius questioned, pointing at himself. Merlin came sitting at the edge of the table. – “No Y/n.” – he nudged you. – “Me? Why?” – you wanted to know. Your brother shrugged his shoulders. – “I am simply following orders.” – Merlin spoke as you got up with a loud sigh. Quietly you went up to her quarters.
With a knock, you announced yourself. – “You called.” – you said in a low voice already entering half. Morgana groaned loud as you got surprised by a pillow. It startled you, hitting you against the arm. – “What was that for?” – you asked confused. Morgana grunted loud, throwing another pillow at you. This time aiming for your head as you needed to duck down to avoid it.
“You shameless prick!” – she shouted at you, throwing another pillow. Turning your posture away, you let your shoulder catch the pillows. – “You utter horse’s arse!” – she screamed out, making you widen your eyes at her insults. She threw another pillow at you as you ducked down as it went just over your head.
“How dare you toy with my feelings so much! To think I love you while you flirt with other girls. Well I hope you never smile again in your life!” – she screamed out. – “What?” – you called out, pausing, receiving a pillow against the head. – “You don’t feel sorry do you! Of course you don’t! Why would you!” – she blamed you searching around for another pillow as she had thrown them all from her bed.
In the moment of peace within the storm, you got in motion. Walking up to her. Morgana’s eyes widened when you neared, turning her posture more to you. Tilting your head a bit, you placed your hand on the back of her head. Bringing your lips closer to her to kiss her. Your lips kissed her to lead her into a soft kiss.
Morgana inhaled sharply through her nose, grabbing you by the shirt to deepen the kiss on you. Leading you into a more passionate kiss. Your hands held her by the waist, enjoying the kiss to it’s fullest. Both of you broke the kiss off, out of breath. – “I…I had no idea… If I knew Lady Morgana, I would’ve told you I loved you desperately long ago.” – you confessed to her.
Morgana’s eyes widened. – “I never knew… I thought you didn’t felt the same.” – you added. Morgana grabbed you by the shirt once more. – “I sure do.” – she breathed out before pressing her lips to yours again. – “If I ever see you smile at another girl, you will regret it.” – she warned you, having broken off the kiss for a moment. Her warning made you gulp soft. Her eyes twinkled when you curled up a smile to her. Blissful, she kissed you again, losing her mind over that smile of yours.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Y/N finds a green, gold and black snake…
Y/N: well aren’t you beautiful. You remind me of my love, Loki.
The snake slithers up Y/N’s arm…
Y/N: so delicate. But my Loki is far beyond compare.
The snake transforms into Lady Loki…
Loki: blah! It’s me!! (Giggles)
Loki wraps her arms and legs around her lover…
Loki: got you
Y/N: always
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For @konstantin609
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amjustanobserver · 2 months
What is happening?
Myiy updating after four years
The Science Guild updating after SIX years
We have new photos of our Irish Queen Kashy McGraaa
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Alycia Debnam-Carey posted new videos
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What did we do to deserve all of this?
Everyone, keep doing what you are doing right now.
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lenaluthorgays-blog · 9 months
OH MY GOD? WHEN WAS THIS? shes so carefree 😭😭😭
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randomgirl005 · 2 years
Kara: Hey, excuse me, are you new in here?
Lena: Yes, I'm looking for my office.
Kara: I can help you with that! I'm Kara by the way.
Lena: It's so nice to meet you, Kara. I'm Lena.
Kara: Lena? Oh, that's a great name.
Lena: Oh, you like that? Then you should hear my phone number.
Kara: I would love to!
Lena: Cool, meet me at the cafeteria at 12 pm, I will give it to you then. See you later!
Kara: Perfect, see you there!
*Lena walks away*
Kara: But wait! I haven't told you where your office is... oh!
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This is exactly how I imagine it would happen😁
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kmsdraws · 9 days
Are you still planning on holding supercorptober?
If not, thank you so much for all the previous years ❤️
Hi friend,
Supercorptober 2024 is a-go! Prompt list has been posted. Hoping you have the best fun getting creative with it again this year. 🥰
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sniwmcgrath · 11 months
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poor gay kara
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