llumimoon · 10 months
Wait is the character still dead this week??????
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illusivesoul · 8 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Was tagged by @nowandthane Thank you :)
I'll tag @marythegizka @vorchagirl @judithmactir @drelldreams @messydiabolical and @secretagentdragon . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
I'll put the blanks here and my answers under the cut.
I am a fan since:
Favourite game of the series?:
MShep or FShep?:
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?:
Biotics or Tech:
Paragon or Renegade:
Favourite Class:
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
My squad selection:
Favourite In-game romance:
Other pairings I like:
Favourite NPC:
Favourite Antagonist:
Favourite Mission:
Favourite Loyalty Mission:
Favourite DLC:
Control, Synthesis or Destroy:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Place:
A quote I like:
I am a fan since: 2017. I had finished the Dead Space series and was emotionally devastated, and wanted to try out more sci fic games. I had heard about Mass Effect (in particular the mess that the original ending for me3 had been and the Andromeda hate wave that was going around back then) and decided to give it a go. And I ended up emotinally devastated once more lol
Favourite game of the series?: ME3. The story, the soundtrack, the whole emotional weight and all the heavy moments make it my favourite of the series.
MShep or FShep?: Femshep, but I've definetely grown to like Maleshep over the years, especially cause of the Cortez romance.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Most of my Sheps are earthborns, but I have a couple colonists and just one spacer. Love me some tragic backstories lol
Biotics or Tech: Tech 4 ever. Incinerate, hacking, tech armour goes brrr.
Paragon or Renegade: Have always leaned more towards renegade or paragade or renegon, mostly cause I feel that a pure Paragon Shep feels almost too naive and innocent with some of the responses they have.
Favourite Class: Infiltrator, followed closely behind by Sentinel and Engineer.
Favourite Companion: A tie between Javik, Kasumi and Zaeed.
Least favourite Companion: Legion. Not that I dont like Legion in particular, its just that i dont care much about the Geth overall.
My squad selection: I dont really have a set squad. Im always rotating characters to hear their dialogues.
Favourite In-game romance: Shiara was my main ship for many years, but now my favourites are Shaynor and Shortez.
Other pairings I like: Jack and Kahlee Sanders, Javik and Zaeed, Ashley and Samantha, Kaidan and Steve, etc. Rarepairs are my jam and I have so many lol.
Favourite NPC: So many, but just to name some. Gianna Parasini, Kelly, Lorik Qui'in and the turian mechanic in Noveria.
Favourite Antagonist: The Illusive Man without a doubt.
Favourite Mission: ME1 - Feros, ME2 - Kasumi's Loyalty Mission, ME3 - Thessia.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi's.
Favourite DLC: Omega and Leviathan.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Low EMS destroy is my favourite ending, cause I love all the angst and how it really shows just how destructive the war really was, and how hard the rebuilding will be. Its imo the most "realistic" version of the endings. Also really like Control and Refusal.
Favourite Weapon: The Black Widow and the Phalanx cause I like the sound it makes.
Favourite Place: Ilos cause it always makes me so nostalgic about the first time I played.
A quote I like: "There. Earth. I wish you could see it like I do, Shepard. It's so... perfect". This quote from TIM devastated me when I first heard it and it keeps giving me all the feels to this day.
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sweetbrier2908 · 9 months
me ranting about lesson 40-8
okay, it's time to talk about lesson 40-8 hard mode
no no i did understand what they're trying to do here. but the brothers completely forgot that we had disappered into nowhere???? the brothers completely forgot that they had threatened solomon so solomon could've brought us back????? no no, i want that angst i want to see them completely devastated before MC came back BECAUSE THIS WAS HOW IT SHOULD'VE BEEN
i understand what solmare's trying to do here. it's wholesome, im not gonna lie. but after all the ups and downs, after everything we did to finally come back just to see that they forgot they suddenly lost us, it's just not enough, never enough. i want to see them look at us like we're a dream or something, like we're their imagination until we say a word and they realize that we're real. i want to see their smile and tears for the first time ever since we're gone. the idea of them crying without even knowing why does not sit right with me.
the whole "im home" and "welcome back" scene is wholesome, but not enough for all the things that we have gone through. it's emotinal, yes. but something about it is just not enough. and it really made me wondered if we're really back to our og world. so i just kinda disappointed.
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izazov · 7 years
I don’t want Tony Stark to die in the upcoming Avengers movies. But if it absolutely has to happen, I want it to happen in a slow motion action sequence, with Tony grinning while Feeling Good by Muse plays in the background.
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rikotin · 4 years
Hello, I say you talking about gaya sa pelikula and I trust your opinion a lot. Could you tell me what it is about? Is it happy or over all very emotional? And does it end on a happy and conclusive end? Or does it need a second season? Thank you very much!
Hello lovely one!
Thank you so much for your ask, I’m thrilled to hear someone actually takes time to notice what I might be into at random times and it warms my heart to hear you trust my opinion so much <3 Sorry I took so long, I literally spent so much time trying to figure out how in hell I’m going to put what I’m feeling into words - and I still don’t know, so I’m going to make it very simple.
Gaya Sa Pelikula (Like in the movies) is the best series I’ve seen in the past few years that focuses on queer experience and I cannot recommend it enough for everyone. That is the short answer.
Now, to your questions and to introducing the series a bit better. The series main characters that the story focuses on are Karl and Vlad. Karl is an architecture student who dreams of making films and is learning how to be financially independent by moving to his uncle’s unit and working to support himself for a certain period of time by tradition. Vlad is a film student and Karl’s neighbour who has burglar tendencies (I’m only half-kidding) who is trying to hide from his family and proposes he’d move in with Karl and in exchange, he’d cover Karl’s monthly rent.
The series has mostly a happy and lighter tone to it, there is a lot of great humor in it and many tropes I enjoy (for example fake dating and the whole roomate thing). It plays a bit with a combination of the reality vs. imagination, which brings a nice and unique sort of touch to it. Overall, the development of the relationship between Karl and Vlad, in the friendships introduced in the series as well as in the family relations is all very realistic and thoroughly enjoyable to follow. The characters have very well built backstories and most importantly they are very likable and you just root for all of these lovely people in their lives. What’s notable is how Gaya Sa Pelikula deals with the prejudice and stereotypes queer people face in their daily lives: it is very straightforward and aims to teach through its storytelling. The themes are very real and universal, which make the series incredibly relatable for many queers and you can definitely tell that the series has been “made by queers to queers” and I love it for that. This does also mean that the themes and story in the series can trigger some unpleasant memories from the past or be a vivid reminder of your present, if you’re a queer person, so that might be something you want to keep in mind. For me, it did just that, but even despite some painful memories, I personally also found it intensely relieving and had a very emotinal moment of “I have been seen”. So based on that alone, anyone and everyone should watch the series.
That being said, if you tend to cry over some drama, you will with this series too. It will sting and I did sort of scream at my screen at some points (but that’s probably just me and my dramatic ass) and the reality of it can make it borderline devastating at some moments. The ending is hopeful, though, and full of promise. It’s conclusive, but does leave some things open. If we won’t get a second season, I’d be satisfied with that too - the writing is precise and clever in a way that it managed to knit together enough for it to be a satisfied ending. But if there was a second season to come (which we don’t know yet) I think there is a very good base to start building on from where they left the first season.
I really don’t know if you’re getting the info you were askign from this mile-long ramble, but what I’m trying to say is that i enjoyed it SO SO MUCH! You know me, I can’t stand sad endings, so even if it’s not strictly speaking the sort of happy-go-lucky soap opera romance, I’m still very pleased with the outcome. Gaya Sa Pelikula is 8 episodes long and can be found on Youtube from Globe Studios channel with English subtitles without a geo-block which makes it very easy to access! So anyway, if this burst of emotions and attempt to explain them made you feel like you want to see the series, head over there and PLEASE drop by to tell what you thought of it <3
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rumata-est · 5 years
immortal s9´s story
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We actually have a great arc in series 9 (and 10 in the end), and I personally think it´s one of the best arcs in New Who, simple, important and human like the first Classic Who lines. It´s an old tremendously beautiful fairy tale about immortality.
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In "Last Christmas" we got not just an implicit marriage proposal scene and Jenna Coleman who (God save the Queen) had decided to stay but also two very significant lines. 
This "I´m dying too" thing becomes a reckless manifesto for the Doctor and Clara for the next season. However, the Doctor doesn´t do dying, he has to live: because he is a Doctor and this is a show. But what about Clara's place in such kind of life? 
Almost every story in series 9 right up to the epic final divides into two episodes (except "Sleep no More" which originally was going to be a two-parter pair too according to Mark Gattis´s interview). Two episodes about death and life, anxiety and insight, desperation and hope, finite and infinite.
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"The Magician´s Apprentice" hits us with the Doctor's decision to die for some vague stupid dalek reasons (lets put the Doctor's doubts about his own goodness aside). When Missy tells Clara about it we can see a good example of quite brave behaviour: she doesn't panic, prepares herself to whatever comes next and takes Missy's leadership rushing into the rescue mission. She is in charge while the Doctor seems to be too sad, ashamed, exousted and in a mood to sacriface himself to do something reasonable about this absurd situation.
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"The Witch's Familiar" reverses sides. Clara's inside a dalek, she's probably dying or dead already, the Doctor is furious and in charge now. He puts away his own feelings because he has a rescue mission now. Why did it go too far? Why didn't Clara manage to figure out how to open the dalek's shell? It was very simple, she just had to think the word "open", but obviously she was too exausted. So, despite the triumphant "same old same old, the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the TARDIS" both of them have this "my closest person is dying for real" experience now and that's the moment when the dilemma stands.
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"Under the Lake" and "Before the Flood" story dedicates to the Doctor's possible death. Now Clara's response is way different: she's freaking out and willing to tell the Doctor everything just to make him come back to her. She can't stand the thought of being without him cause he's essential to her. Jenna's performance is just stunning and heartbreaking: her eyes and face are pure overpowering panic. As we know he comes back ("if you love me in any way" detected) despite his "survivor's guilt". There's also the first dangeorous sign: he changes history to save Clara, her name makes him confront the Fisher king. Nobody wants to admit the others are kind of... a collateral damage for him now? Of course, not. Bad choices, you still have to choose... however, he becomes way serious when it comes closer to Clara's life. Important detail: he was trapped in a pod.
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"The Girl who died" and "The Woman who lived" is an experimental story about tidal waves and "what if I accidentaly make one little human immortal". Now we have iconic "I keep thinking what if something happens to you" and " immortality is everybody else dying". Also the Doctor all of a sudden is very provident and gives Ashildr the second immortality charge for whoever she wants. In the second episode Ashildr asks the Doctor very directly: "Why haven't you made Clara immortal?" His answer is "look how you turned out", and we can see that her life now is a battlefield and it's empty. Not to mention she is a tidal wave and nobody knows the consequences of the Doctor's "angry and emotinal" decision until we stand on the last edge of reality. How can the Doctor do this to Clara? Is it selfish? Is it what she wants? Or what he wants? Ashildr daren't give her second charge as well.
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"Zygon" episodes are a reflection of the "Lake/Flood" story and dedicate to Clara's possible death while she's trapped in a pod. The Doctor's reaction is way different too now: he's broken and devastated, and then his hope phase goes like hell (don't forget about 127 missed calls in the first place). We have now iconic "the longest month of my life" and "I'll be the judge of time". The final is open and scary, no hugging, no missing you stuff, just awkward silence because they both feel relief and constant agony at the same time. How long do they have?
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The Doctor tells Clara he's sick of losing people. Clara tells him to stop brooding, stop asking impossible questions and start winning. He can't safe everybody but it's ok as long as he can save somebody and be kind. 
And here's the problem: Clara's not just people, she's his friend, companion, his impossible girl, exactly what he needs, probably an amazing teacher, his carer, his "o Clara my Clara", his egomaniac needy game-player, his control freak, his accomplice and a salvage of a lifetime. 
And to sort it out they have four more episodes. But it's a story for another day.
The second part
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luluvonv · 8 years
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Day 21: Did you ever finish AoD? If so, how did you feel when you finished it? If not, in which level did you give up?
Yes, I finished playing AoD. However, I have to admit that it was not earlier then 3 or 4 years back. Boaz was giving me hard time, until the magic called the internet helped me to find out that there’s the bloody 'switch target’ button. :D
For a long time it bugged me (no pun intended) that I cannot finish my most beloved game. Of course I knew everything what happened after Boaz because I did not give up completely. I cheated and used some patches and save files to skip the Boaz fight. *innocent look*  So technically, I finished the game all those years back, only without having to fight Boaz. At least I was spared the torture of Kurtis being impaled. ;) To a certain extent, I did not avoid it completely as I saw the videos on the internet and ... the pain was not easier, I can tell you.
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Since my full victory in the game, I’ve played it many times and Boaz still gets on my nerves, like a pro :D I only endure all this with respect to Kurtis (and because it is always nice to see his ass when playing his levels).
And how did I feel?
When I found out what really happened to Kurtis (I was like 13), I cried like a baby. I kept telling my father: ‘’DAAAAD, THEY KILLED HIM!!! TELL ME HE’LL COME BACK SOMEHOW!’’ Poor dad, he had to endure an endless mouring of a teenage girl (morever when I was so in love with Kurt). And when it came to the conclusion there will be no sequel and TR was handed to Crystal Dynamics... I was emotinally down, sad, immensely dissapointed and betrayed. Seeing Kurtis being deadly wounded was the worst that could happen in this fantastic storyline. Worse than Lara being killed because they would not let her die, not after resurrecting her, I was so sure of it.
So knowing I will never ever see them reunited, fighiting an evil together, teasing each other with some sassy quotes and seemingly unwanted grope of their bodies... that I will never know if they won against the Cabal and Nephilim.... That was the moment I felt really crushed.
13 years later (coming to the 14th) and the anger and sadness is not less torturing. It gets even worse sometimes because every replaying of that game has more devastating effect on me.
From the last moment in AoD when Lara Croft smilled with the Chirugai in hand, turned to enter that tunnel to find Kurtis, we no longer saw anything of her. Lara Croft vanished and we can only remember what it was like when Tomb Raider was Tomb Raider.
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mistressholmes · 8 years
Why every end of every Sherlock saison leds us more to Johnlock
I just reconized something. Maybe I am the only one who din’t see it until now … let me know if you thought about it, too. I realised that the ends of every saison are build up on each other. Each one is emotinally more intens than the one before and they all show us quite clear what is supposed to happen to John ans Sherlock’s relationship. From the cenit of a very close friendship to the moment when Sherlock allows himself to fall in love with John Watson. It’s all there. As English is not my first language please be kind ;). Lets have a look: Saison 1: - John – with a bomb around his waist - tries to stop Moriarty and jumps on his back from behinde while telling Sherlock he should run away alone. John wants to die to save Sherlock. - Sherlock obviously doesn’t want to go without John and stays. They look at each other and both agree without words to die togehther to stop Moriarty there and then. Farewell between John and Sherlock: They already have a friendship so deep that they are able to communicate without words and rather die together than than one leaving the other behind. Saison 2: - Sherlocks fall. - Sherlock chooses to sacrifices himself so John can continue to live. He also sacrifies his complete social reputation which he used to think about as the most important thing in his life (I consider myself to be married to my work). By now Johns life is far more important to him than his work or his own life. Farewell: They have a really heartbreaking Good by on the phone. John begs Sherlock not to jump and tells him he always believed in him and that this will never change. Saison 3: - to secure Johns happiness Sherlock shoots Magnussen. Knowing the consequences will be very very serious because Mycroft told him so earlier. Sherlock has to leave the UK for a suicide mission as a followup of his decision Farewell: This farewell is the only one not in a rush. They had time to think about what to say. And it his devastating to watch. Sherlock clearly wants to tell John how he feels for him. “There is something I always meant to say … but I didn’t … as we may never see each other again … I might say it now…” He looks at Johns very serious and sad face … and decides to not confess. And makes a total stupid joke. John is a married man and soon to be father. Sherlocks thinks he will die anyway so why breaking Johns heart more (he knows by now how broken John was after Sherlocks jump). Johns happiness was Sherlock’s first priority since they meet. And while the marrige is already very instabil because John can’t forgive Mary for shooting Sherlock (I am still so damn mad with you. It will come out now and then.) Sherlock decides to not make it any worse by saying what he wanted to say. Special: TAB -John saves Sherlock from Moriarty and in the end push Moriarty over the edge. -in the meantime Sherlock and John flirt so much – Sherlock telling John that he thinks John is very smart and handsome – that Moriarty says: Why don’t you two just elope, for God’s sake? Farewell: John tells Sherlock to wake up (go back to me into reality). And Sherlocks throws away his had (which is a symbol for his heterosexual reputation by the puplic), opens his arms, starts to smile widly and lets himself fall into the water. Water is a commen symbol in psychology as well as literature for emotions/feelings. Cleary water stands for love while stormy water stands for passion. So here we see Sherlock does not care about what society may think and literaly let himself fall in love with John. So what Mofftiss do in saison 1 – 3 is to show us that John ans Sherlock would rather die themselves as to see the other die or even be unhappy. Espacially Sherlock gives up more and more to save John… going from “die together” to “fake death, give up everything and get tortured” to “ been send to a real death mission”. So where do they can go from here? Which options are left? What didn’t happen to John and Sherlock already? . Their farewells get emotionally deeper and more reveling with every saison till the point where an open love confession is the only think that makes sense anymore. John and Sherlock had everything else already. They been throuh everything else. And there is no point at all to tell the same thing between them again and again will the whole show speeds to its climax. The last words in TST are: Sherlock: When did the path become a river (oh look water again) with only one direction? Mary: Save John Watson. Save him, Sherlock. Save him.
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