#IT'S SO GOOD ghghhh
fr4ndszk · 7 months
feintuch is so good because he takes the super common trope of "what if we relied on the computer and it betrayed us" but instead of it being because of evil ai gaining sentience it's because of a manmade error...
and the manmade error was because the programmers were too busy talking about boobs. rip the groundsider who had tits so good they killed 6 crew members and 8 passengers
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intertexts · 4 months
#how do i tell my sister that while i appreciate the thought it is in fact not nicer if she takes the couch occasionally and lets me have my#room sometimes. first of all i HATE disruptions like this it's kind of even more distressing 2 be able 2 sleep in#my own room for one night and then i can't again!!! that sucks net zero!!! second of all She Has My Quilt.... trying very hard 2 be normal#and chill about this and not like it's one of the few things i really really really hate other people using & causes me distress etc.#also like i explicitly said 'hey haha don't do this please' & then she did anyway. which she does!!! i forgot about that!!!#also like man i dont fucking want to sleep on someone's used sheets & blankets that's gross. so im arguably less cosy than i would be. gggh#this all seems like.... very minor and stupid im sure however man im like constantly in a state of middling to severe distress over this#shit. because i in fact also hate people going through my shit or being in my room and also having no privacy however#im very good with suppressing and or masking how much i hate it usually!!!!! but dude she fucking hung her laundry & underclothes#to dry or air on top of my fucking books on my shelves. like. ghghhh hate it hate it cant SAY i hate it because of the everything!!!#ok. sorry. minor pressure cooker escape valve complaining over now im gonna go sleep awkwardly on top of the blankets on my own bed with#some throw blankets. leaving my door open for the beafts if she closes it in the morning bc she thinks she knows what i want ill scream.#txt#neg#this is like private kvetching btw ok i love her dearly it's just unbelievably frustrating.
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wimsiecal · 2 months
hi wimsie, hope you're doing good! this isn't really an ask, i just wanted to tell (and i guess show?) you something so, i found your dark pinky ask recently, and honestly, i'm in love with it. i am not completely up-to-date with the lore, but the whole concept of taking a character like pinky and making him a traumatized villain fascinates me. canon plays with it from time to time, but it's so cool to see someone extend this idea and give it more nuance and, like, a whole story??? absolutely amazing i just love to see characters like this, especially when they had a special bond with another char and then some horrible traumatic experience broke them up, the sweet clingy character turns into a ball of nerves and with time becomes avoidant and turns to inexcusably horrible behaviour as a kind of unhealthy coping mechanism, but you can still see his anxiety leaking through😩 the best kind of angst, make him suffer and i can't get over the way you draw DP, like ahhhh he looks so good😭 istg you have some sort of special understanding of the villain aesthetic, no one gets how to be evil the way you get it i admire your vision🙏 (also, i heard this one song recently, it made me think of DP, i got kinda carried away and made a moodboard sort of thingy based on him.....i'll put it in a separate ask tehee)
Heyy!! I've been meaning to get to this I swear I've just been so busy andddd well my internet was messed up for a bit but yeah xD
Thank you so so much, this is so sweet!!! I'm always happy to know when my insane obsession with the hot topic mouse infects someone else hdhhdjd
I've been working in the story for the ask blog for... wow a few years now (damn) and it's really still only at the beginning so I'm hoping to continue it for a long time ^^ I'm so happy to know you're enjoying it! I love me some villain stuff >:3
As for his character there's so many ways you can take it since he was sorta a blank slate in the comics. Yeah he had some things here and there but you could just do so much with him and thats part of what keeps me inspired with him honestly so I am happy that you like the angsty route I took with him x3
I did see your collage/moodboard (I'm going to post it next of course) and I love it so much ghghhh!!!
Again thank you soooo so much!! I really appreciate you taking the time to tell/show me this 💜
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gendervapor14 · 4 months
gnawing on a wooden plank because i'm thinking about bell-mere and her insecurity. we don't get much of her in canon but we DO get a line where she claims she still looks young and beautiful due to the tangerines which IMPLIES her age and her appearance matter greatly to her. which implies she could be insecure about these things!!
i get so high making her confront that insecurity when writing bell-mere lives AUs because she's so fucking confident and she's got so much boss bitch swagger and i feel like she's very good at repressing the insecurity, (for the sake of appearing as a good role model to her daughters, i bet), but when it comes out OuUUGHHGggh it's so tasty to me.
she's one of those characters who isn't often vulnerable--we see her cry and admit when she’s wrong, but that's more… accepting defeat or drowning in love for the sake of her daughters. what does she feel about HER OWN self worth?? what does she feel when she confronts her OWN existence?
when nami insinuated she was a shitty mother, bell-mere lashed out at her. so it's stands to reason she gets VERY pissed when she has to face her flaws, so i'm just like... ghghhh driving myself crazy over here making her get so violent and angry in the face of self-love. and acceptance. breaking that anger, breaking that shell, getting past it... as someone who has a weird relationship with anger, bell-mere is very fun for me to play with
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araksi-art · 6 months
okay here's the second painting from france!!
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once again, a bunch of rambling and details below the cut !
so this painting was done plein-air for about 3/4 of the way, and then i left the sketchbook in my drawer and didn't get back to it for three months. but now its done ! and it looks really nice, im very happy with the color palette!!
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very happy with the round tower.. i repainted it about three times before i settled on smth i liked
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ough the underside of the bridge. i dontknow how i did thatso pretty
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mmm rocks. the whole area of france we were staying in has these rocks, round and overhanging due to erosion, they were so cool
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ghghhh this corner was so annoying. but it looks good! especially proud of the crisp shadow its casting there on the right. very nice
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mmmm water. this is the most accurate to reality water ive ever drawn tbh. i usually get swayed to put at least a little blue but not this time. the water was brown and so its painted brown :D i like the mix of colors too, feels lively
big fan if this whole piece for sure :] feels nice to the touch too ! has a little bit of that acrylic texture :D
btw this is what my pallete looks like:
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honestly kinda pretty but hell to clean
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thank u for the tag @acapelladitty !!! <3 <3 <3 LOVE UUU
Five Things You Will Find In My Fic (in no particular order):
oh my god i love writing dialogue. it's absolutely, 100% one of my greatest strengths. my lifeblood. absolutely keeps me whole and warm at night <3
i will die if i write something 10000% serious, god on high. i NEED to have humor one way or another LMAO, it drains tf out of me if i can't muck about.
sometimes. i cannot be stopped nor silenced (no matter how Ren tries). ur welcome
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what can i say. i like it when the blorbos say naughty words, LOL
uhhh ghghhh so sleepy. can't think to tag. love u all kiss kiss <3
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I love you sosososososo much, I can barely even begin to express it! You're on of the best friends I've ever had, and I deeply mean that. Every conversation we've had together will stick with me for the rest of my life 💗💗💗
Gdhsvsjsjb 🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💗💖💖💘💞💓💝💘
Ghaahh i love u sm too charlie!!! >.< ♡♡
I agree; we haven't known each other long but I still feel like I can trust u lots!! N i really appreciate u being my friend n im so glad for all our conversations n for meeting u in the first place!! Thank u for being there for me, and for confiding in me too! 💖💞💖💝💕😭😭 sososo much love in my heart for you, mon chou!! 🥺🥺
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ijustwantagoodurl · 3 years
Overanalyzing WoH ep 1
Hey folks! Name’s Erazmus, I’m a chicano ex-cinema major, and was in a few AV camps/programs so lemme share my “i am thinking about the crew” thoughts w yall. i need yall to know the LOVE and THOUGHT that went into everything you see in this show. Spoilers for each episode, obviously.
This first shot isn’t like . particularly “CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY DID THAT?” i just appreciate it. its the governer’s lil lamp- a moth gets caught in the flame just as window of heaven comes knocking, and the moth dies just as he attempts to flee for safety. It’s an additional lil “this guy AINT surviving the night” a few min before he dies and it really struck me the first time I watched it. something so apt about how the moth dies without any fanfare i think?
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but THIS. THIS is the shot I need yalls attention for. this. its just SO much. this is when ZZS is leaving the lil Makeup Hut as I’ll go ahead and call it, after leaving Window of Heaven and after doing his lil transformation. I didn’t quite catch it, but the beginning of this shot is ENTIRELY dark. and as Zhou Zishu steps forward, away from the camera, he lets in all this VIVID light and takes a moment to adjust his robes and enjoy the sunlight.
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THAT BRIGHTNESS? The way the green and the bright sun and the soft brown of the building and finally Zhou Zishu himself is ALIVE? the way this shot goes from Complete Darkness to Bright and Colorful... the c a r e. the love the crew had . the way Zhang Zhehan’s blocking starts off this shot, this moment in the story, in absolute darkness and how he has to step forward first into the light so that it comes in on the edges first as he steps into the middle of this pavilion the editors and script not only allowing us the time to slowly adjust to the light and the colors with Zhou Zishu himself, in this moment in his own story, but the way the next shot is STILL letting us breathe with him and his freedom.
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This? how we are ENCOURAGED to sit a moment, in this place with this character. Zhou Zishu taking a moment to breathe, close his eyes and simply feel the sun on his face (his new face!!) and . how Simple it is to enjoy the sun, and how much Light is a thing in word of honor. The Respect the script writers and actors and camera and lighting crews, not to even fuckin mention makeup and costume designers, the Respect and Love and Care they take with this, with us, with them and their story and their world. its insane.
I’m trying to keep it to about one shot an episode for now but this HAD to be the shot. I’m about to cry just thinking about this shit. the fucking. ghghhh.
anyways. I also made a google slides about ep 1, its got a few extra shots and the various counters I have for visual cues/symbols they have here.
Uhh lemme kno if that doesnt work. anyways have a very good brainrot <3
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spinosauridae · 2 years
; I guess the Ses in jurassic park/world stand for scientific negligence², because God damn i dislike how Ingen and Mantah corp run things regarding the dinosaurs. They don't even make sure their results are clean! Any good scientist knows so change as little as possible about the experiment to limit the amount of variables in it. Like if you were trying to test out how much sunlight is best for a certain plant, you wouldn't give them all different soil types or watering amounts or different ages, because you wouldn't know what caused what results!
Plus, while "fighting dinosaurs" is sensational and might get a few big bucks in the beginning, it isn't sustainable and carries higher risk than reward. Ghghhh I'm gonna strangle this neckbeard Kash character, his ass has NO GODDAMN ETHICS OR SCIENTIFIC PROTOCOL.
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seungcy · 3 years
hhfdjsjjf true T-T and ghghhh seungkwan holding tiny cow,,,, is so cute,,,, anyways i hope u have a good night lucy!!! - carat anon 💎
Ahhh it’s only 9:23 PM !! I’m going to take a “quick” shower and probably stay up late again hehehehe I hope ur having a wonderful day carat anonnie 🥺💗
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cowgirlinyourarea · 7 years
tbh im eatin a dumb thicc lasagna rn wowie 
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oswednesday · 6 years
today is going to be a lot omg my mom is acting like such a child today already first she was like lets get this over with quick and im like none of the stores will be open if we go this early?? and im trying to do the grocery list and she was all like Im Looking Up The Receipe really aggro yesterday but today she didnt look anything up ghghhh?????? and im trying to do the grocery list with her and shes singing like,,super loudly over top while im talking to her it was so ????? like omg...okay,,,,,and then like shes taking the time to snip at me for not putting an extra roll of toliet paper out for her like she used the toliet last and blamed me for her having to go get another roll omg and im cleaning the kitchen while shes acting up like this and im putting chips away and shes like Those Were Suppose To Be For The Pulled Pork and i was like ??? i didnt open them and start eating them you did omg??????? like the bag is basically empty and she just left it open and out on the counter and i wrote it down on the list and was like i think potato wedges will go good with it too so i put those down and my mom was like wHATEVER super meanly like??????? what is Happening today on this day omg
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aearinn-fr · 7 years
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ghghhh i’m so tempted to give my progen a makeover
i’ve come to appreciate clay and dirt as colours and flaxen capsule is????very good :oooo 
it’d be hecking,,,, expensive though,,,,,, opinions?
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freckledoctopus · 7 years
Looking for good queer content in manga is so frustrating sometimes because when I look into reviews so many start out along the lines of describing how big of yaoi fangirls they are ft. a plethora of emojis, and it always lowkey skeeves me And like, I get it they’re probably young but man I wish there were more reviews out there coming from a more mature perspective or god forbid from someone lgbt themselves I just end up seeing so many reviews singing praises for manga that’s actually really badly written, just because the guys or girls involved are hot Ghghhh
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chariotdunord · 7 years
ghghhh happy party train is a good song but playing it on sif upsets me so much I literally haven’t gotten any better at it
especially the very end and right before the chorus and this one part at the beginning I just can’t ugh
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 years
the suffering game is a good arc but also it makes me wana die tis so hard to keep listing to the bois suffer ghghhh
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