potatounicoorn · 1 year
Hear me out! Apollos fall to Chaos expect on the background it plays the ending of Shoemaker by Nightwish.
Like from point 3.10 forward it would be perfect in everyway. I cant even explain you how perfect it would be, you just have to listen to it and then youll understand.
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1 3 and 10 c:
Ahh, thank you for the ask! c:
1. What is your favorite DC movie and why? And least favorite?
Justice League vs. Teen Titans! Because I’m simply biased as hell.
To ALL of its elements! Azarath! In a MOVIE! Arella’s story got RECOGNIZEd– even ANIMATED! It gave Raven’s gem a BACKSTORY! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted out of a Teen Titans animation.
(Azarath being animated in a movie fulfilled my SOUL, you have NO fucking idea. It was AMAZING. And so well animated too? So pretty? So peaceful? So nice to look at? Holy god, I want ten thousand hours of documentaries on that place??? legitimate tears in my eyes when we saw it. honestly, it was just… it was so good.)
Not to mention, while the production value was Kinda Eh, the writing was really clever and the Moments (silly, fun, heartfelt, freaky, dramatic) were all really well done. It captured the “Heart” of those feelings, emotive and raw and honest. I actually enjoyed the fun moments. Myself. And wasn’t just “distantly admiring people being happy”. Do you know how much of an ACCOMPLISHMENT that is?
The music was really cool. Not to reveal my Immortal Inner Emo Kid. But “Down to Nothing” is a really good song. (One of my only problems with this movie is that it was shoddily edited in the scene, and it’s a shame, because it really is a good song… {lD it was kinda my anthem for a long, long time after this movie. “Help me: believe in something, cuz I am: broken, I’m down to nothing. And it’s just so hard to be this way, but it’s just as hard to change. So: help me, believe in sooomethiiing….”)
(Because it’s in this movie, I grin a bit whenever Ciaran randomly shuffles it up. But also because I just really like the song itself.)
Also really cool: Trigon was an abusive asshole. Ultra mega props for that element; not just making him a Bad Guy because he’s Powerful and Wants to Rule the World, but legitimately showing that he was a BAD “GUY” *and* a Bad Parent.
Also nice, Damian felt less shoehorned in than Certain Other Really Recent Robins were in the comics…. (The reason for that may have been glossed over and a touch cliche, but it worked for the movie. It did what it needed to, nothing more and nothing less.)
Good thing too, because Damian being A Kid was really nice to see. (Raven too, let’s be real. Those kids need more “fun” in their lives.) Bond the children! BOND THEM, GODDAMN IT. That’s what any good Teen Titans story really needs; friends who are a FAMILY. They love each other, even if it’s hard-earned and hard-kept.
Focused on the PEOPLE, and their WELL-BEING, just as much as (if not MORESO!) than “ohshit, Big Bad Guy to deal with here”.
(the rest is under a cut, because godDAMN. I got rambly once I started talking about Raven.)
And perhaps most important of all to me: Raven’s characterization was amazing. Truly a masterpiece. Any time you’ve got a comic character with 7 different tones and 3-4 Literal Deaths and like 28 different writers having handled her: It takes a LOT of work to pick and choose what you want to do with them. It takes a lot of WISDOM and even prowess to triangulate your Own Characterization between such dramatic differences. Raven has been cold and distant; warm and soft; sharp and bitter; lost and clueless; wise and knowledgeable; she’s a very LAYERED and COMPLEX character even in each individual VERSION.
And the movie portrayed so many of her key characteristics so wonderfully. It’s a very “complete” picture of my absolutely Iconic Favorite Character, it encompasses so much of my Favorite Parts of her throughout her entire history, and it was just such a delight to experience. I, in my unpopular opinion (at least among my contemporary Cartoon-First Generation of Teen Titans Fans), actually really liked her voice actress, too? So subtle. So snarky. So soft, even with its edge of attitude. It was such a good fit for such a good incarnation!
And then there’s the fact that they included Jaime (who does well on his own, but honestly always seemed like a natural fit to the team), Kori (a Key Titan, let’s be honest), and even Gar (because his playfulness is a key part of Whole-Team Characterization too honestly; it wouldn’t be the same without him). It was a good setup, even with the comics this continuity’s based on being totally cracked.
And Cyborg showed up. Despite working “in the big Leagues” now. Thanks for throwing us that bone, at least. lD
And Damian? They did a great job of giving him character developement. Much needed. Good shit. If he can’t be with Dick!Bats in this verse (and I deeply prefer Dick as Nightwing anyways), that’s a really good fit for him. Learning to be human. Getting comfortable with Some Normalcy. Good and relateable.
That movie was just. Ahhh. SO Good. X3 As a Teen Titans fan especially, but also just as a person who likes a good Team Becoming Family story.
I love it. It has its caveats, but none of them dampen my obnoxiously heartfelt love for this thing.
(…yikes .after THAT essay, the rest of my answers are going to feel so shallow.)
All that bias aside though, my other favorite DC movie is definitely Wonder Woman. Hands down. Undoubtedly, no contest, no holds bar. It was a phenomenally well-told story with a lot of wit and compelling characters that used absolutely MASTERFUL rising action, and felt GENUINE. It was told from the heart as well as the camera, and it was told beautifully. Smoothly. It felt godly and human all at once. I can’t explain it very well, but it was genuinely one of the best movies I have ever seen.
I never got very into Wonder Woman, but from what I know of the 80’s and the Really Recent comics: It also captured her backstory, her personality, and her Style of Heroism really well. But even without being very familiar with her as a character? It’s a gorgeously well-done movie.
( Note: I still haven’t seen Justice League yet, but from what I’ve heard, I’ll probably end up liking that one too.)
Least favorite? I don’t know, honestly.
(My least favorite superhero movie is that one Marvel one with Vision, because I literally fell asleep while watching it. That’s the first time in my entire life I’ve fallen asleep while watching ANYTHING.)
But for DC, even the silly obnoxiously-radioactive-colored Batman and Robin has its place in history.
Can I just say, maybe… “the Injustice: Gods Among Us cutscenes”?- raven’s voice really grates my nerves, and not even in a Fun Creepy Way.- Whose idea was it to have SUPERMAN go evil? Like? ?? Who thought that was in any way a reasonable idea. - the story in that game felt really cobbled together. The comics are a lot more interesting, fun, and though there’s a lot of, like, Random Occurrences that seem to happen Exclusively For The Drama, in the game there are a lot of ill-explained things and general Random Chaos. Not my kinda story.
3. Which DC character should be introduced in movies/shows? Or have a movie/show of their own?
I mean. My automatic response is “Raven”, but I only ever want to see that if it’s being done right. The way CW wanted to do it kinda ripped the heart of everything I know/love about her to shreds. (”Relateable normal teen girl sudden has powers”? What? What??? That’s literally NONE of Raven’s backstory, shoo. Begone. Good riddance.)
That aside, I’d honestly probably watch the HELL out of a Nightwing show. Or movie. Just LET DICK BE HIMSELF. Without being attached at the history AND HIP to Bruce!
Or Death? or Sandman? I don’t know how well they’d translate to TV; Nightwing would certainly be the safer bet. Neil Gaiman’s writing is half as great as it is because of the WRITING. The style. The narrations… But, I mean: Coraline was just wonderful~ So why not a Sandman movie, too? Given the right director, and the right special effects team…?
(Constantine would’ve been next on my list, for a better movie anyway. but he’s already getting some decent recognition. So whoop whoop. Good shit. Nice Decision, DC. I Approve.)
10. Which DC character portrayal do you think is better in the comics than in the movies?
Batman. By far.
I’m just sick of all this manpain and gritty, utterly-unyielding violence, and… politics? Where’s the humanity?
Aren’t these writers forgetting that he’s someone who has suffered, and is doing all this, not just to beat up bad guys and look cool, but to save others from what theyd do? To HELP PEOPLE, not to growl like a man-tiger and punch things?
You can be badass and still have a heart, you know. Comics!Bruce does. (Most of the time.) And that’s a big part of why I like reading Batman comics so much.
And on that note, the conspicuous lack of Robins in (most) movies is an insult to comic history. Batman’s family-seeking and protect-the-children tendancies make for a much more interesting franchise, honestly. Give us a colorful cast! (Literally!) Give us diversity! Give us more stories with more characters so it has more facets than just “some guy wants to kill people; can’t have that”!)
As a sidenote: what I’ve seen of Gotham, it’s doing a really good job of encapsulating his Heroic Tendencies as well as his “sense of Duty” to Gotham and its people, while keeping him human AND super cool. That’s an important balance.
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metapikakirby42 · 8 years
3. Infinite
 The group that made me realize I loved K-Pop more than I thought. I originally thought I’d just stan one or two group, but Infinite began the domino effect of me finding more groups to stan. Their unique rock & powerful sound, killer vocalists (from every member), and stunning synchronized dance mark them as legends in my book. Their weekly idol appearances are sure to bring a smile or good laugh. A group with tremendous growth and amazing talent, I wish for their success be infinite as well. Infinite is my third favorite boy k-pop group.
Bias: Woohyun
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Another cute main vocal. Woohyun is talkative, clever, and charming. More significantly, his vocal talent is no joke. With a fuller and deeper voice, his and Sunggyu’s voice help define Infinite’s sound. Without their powerful voices, the effect of their songs and compositions would not have same effect, given the belting nature of Infinite’s songs. Woohyun’s advantage over Sunggyu is his visual covering both sexy and adorable easily. If you need sexy Woohyun let me direct you to: Woohyun covering Rain’s Love Song, Woohyun flashing abs in Be Mine, Woohyun’s attire in Chaser, romantic Woohyun in Last Romeo, bad boy Woohyun in D.N.A., and much more. He’s shown more abs than the dedicated visual L (not that I’m complaining). If you need cute Woohyun: just look for his aegyo in weekly idol and his cover dance of Cheer Up in weekly idol. His voice is truly why I fell for Infinite and was sold in its talent and charisma. I hope he is able to continue singing as long as he can.
Bias Wrecker: Hoya, Sunggyu
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Two? Sue me. They both sneak up on me. While I was still starting to stan Infinite, it was between Woohyun and Hoya. Hoya may have lost, but he is far from forgotten. His visual is equally just as appealing to me; Hoya gives off a stronger and more masculine aura compared to Woohyun. Additionally, he is undoubtedly the dancer of the group. His dancing is so striking and strong it’s overwhelming to watch 🤤 . He’s got the body to compete with Woohyun too 😍 . His voice is very boy bandy that favors a higher pitch (which is funny for a guy that is very masculine). While Woohyun has the vocals on lock, Hoya is the man central to Infinite’s dancing. It is such a pleasure to watch him dance and perform. And his voice has a knack of hitting you right in the feels.
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Sunggyu being my other bias wrecker actually a funny progression of me succumbing to Sunggyu’s charisma. That and his blunders on weekly idol that make my sympathize for him (the same reason why N is almost bias wrecker status for me in VIXX). Sunggyu is an integral part to Infinite, being the leader and lead vocal. His talent is enough to rival Woohyun with a voice that is just as distinct. I would even go far as to say that Sunggyu’s voice is truly what helps define and identify Infinite’s sound. While Sunggyu isn’t as visual as either Woohyun or Hoya, his talent and charisma is just as powerful. Funnily enough, my favorite look for Sunggyu is when he debuted with the western short spiky hair (reminiscent of Jaebum’s look when 2PM debuted). Regardless, Sunggyu manages to snap me out of my infatuation over Woohyun occasionally.
TOP 5 Songs:
1. The Chaser
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My personal favorite from Infinite and arguably Infinite’s best song. There is no question in my mind which song is my favorite when it comes to Infinite and that is The Chaser. Not only is it my favorite, but it is the song that made me fall in love Infinite and made me realize how amazing K-Pop is the more you are willing to explore and discover what groups have to offer.
The Chaser gives you: an engaging and rush of sound, powerful vocals from Woohyun and Sunggyu, simple but well-suited choreography, L being the unlucky visual to ride the roll-over car, and good visual style of the boys. Both of Woohyun’s outfits are great with just a blazer top for one look and a low cut vest for the other. Hoya has an outfit where he’s just wearing a vest and his hair is done up (ugh so handsome). L is handsome as ever in either the white blazer with his hair combed up or looking youthful in his sleeveless top and short haircut. Beyond just the visual goodness this video offers, the song itself is just so good. I always imagine it as an epic intro to an adventure anime. The powerful vocals and music provides an amazing and cathartic rush. To me this is the song that locked into the core of Infinite’s sound for the rest of the songs to come. Man in Love, released not too long afterwards, was a bit of a 180 degrees; however, I can point to The Chaser when having to describe Infinite’s sound. The unfortunate truth to this song is that it’s not available on iTunes (US) at the moment 😭. . If I were to rank my top favorite songs in K-Pop, The Chaser would definitely see its way in the top.
2. The Eye
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This comeback was such a masterpiece. 2016 blessed us with comebacks from groups that were masterpieces. Breathtaking vocals, an amazing compelling sound, matured & dark visual, mesmerizing choreography, and a sick dance break...talk about a full package. Infinite delivered an amazing comeback and made a fan out of me. From the first few notes from the synthesized violin, you’re immediately drawn in. As the song progresses, it readily picks up motion spinning you further and further around until you reach the dance break or what I think of is the heart of the storm. The song plays between these two phases of the storm: peace and chaos. The verses tend to be forlorn moments of peace that are carried by the bridge into the stormy chorus. The last dance break is my favorite moment because it’s such a good musical moment but then it’s abruptly taken away--as if the storm was never there. A poetic and extremely beautiful song and performance.
3. 24 Hours
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A Japanese release that is so gut-wrenchingly beautiful. A softer side of Infinite, which is a common theme I noticed for Japanese songs for K-Pop groups. Infinite with a more subdued style is a nice contrast to a lot of Infinite’s intense and powerful songs. I think it has one of Infinite’s best line distributions and really shows off how vocally adept all the members are. The higher pitch of the song and the gentle melody is just so soothing to listen too. This song really shows the versatility of the group, being able to perform such a song beautifully. It’s really too bad that basically none of the Japanese songs are available on iTunes for me (in US), because this song is an instant buy. Other noteworthy Japanese releases include: D.N.A. and Can’t Get Over You. 24 Hours however is just too precious to leave out of the top 5.
4. Bad
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Take Infinite’s sound, toss in some EDM and you get Bad. I’d say that this is the sexiest song Infinite has done. The choreography is so fun to watch 🤤 really makes you want to dance along. Hoya looks so good dancing to Bad. The video is very scattered but full of contrast and color with a little bit of thriller mixed in. I always need one song that I can picture being played in the club for each group and Bad definitely fits the bill. A catchy chorus with an infectious choreography easily makes Bad a favorite.
5. Be Mine
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I was torn between two of Infinite’s classics: between Before the Dawn and Be Mine, I choose Be Mine. Why? (1) Weekly Idol’s x2 dance of Be Mine, which I highly recommend watching. It showcases their talent as dancers and their synchronization even at higher speeds. (2) Woohyun flashes his abs if he’s wearing the right outfit. I have embarrassingly searched for multiple live Be Mine performances just to see if Woohyun ended up flashing his abs for the performance. (3) The switching parts of Be Mine for “A Song for You”. Talk about a turn of events with Sungyeol rapping Dongwoo’s part and holding his own perfectly. It also made me realize how much I love Sungjong’s part. 
The line distribution is notoriously bad for this song (Sungyeol only getting two lines albeit being one of the most memorable parts), but the song itself is mysterious and magical to listen too. Be Mine is very much classic K-Pop with its funky and weird sound effects mixed into a retro-pop track layered with boyish pitched vocals (which of course are balanced by Woohyun and Dongwoo). It’s really hard to beat Before the Dawn’s scorpion dance, but Be Mine has the ultimate advantage of me actually being able to purchase the song on iTunes! One of the most frustrating things about stanning Infinite is how much of the songs I really want aren’t available to me. But Be Mine is truly integral to the rocketing success of Infinite and a stepping stone for Infinite becoming the legends they are today.
6. Last Romeo
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Last Romeo is an addition I made to this list because something about it has crept up into my favorites. While the concept of Romeo & Juliet may not be unique, INFINITE delivers a very strong interpretation. The orchestral rock sound allows for the vocals to shine while providing a very classic sound. The sound is less “in your face” and it emulates a kind of modern take on the ball. There’s a sense of chase. There’s a feeling of push and pull. The chorus has something powerful and alluring to it that makes you not want to let go. The visuals of light and dark are deadly—L with a hat is extremely attractive. The visuals in general are very satisfying all around. The Woohyun centered Music Video is a plus for me. And the choreography is sexy—that hip sway with the snap. There’s a reason INFINITE won awards for this comeback and as such it deserves a spot on my top list. 
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