danikatze · 5 months
[Video description under the cut]
When I was in art school I used to make lots of these "doodle" (aka scratchy/messy without a plan) animations in my spare time and I somehow just sat down and started one last week!
It was super fun, just started drawing Masa with his hair untied and trying to figure out what he was looking at! I happened to have a very-post-canon-hc about Matsu and Yaichi bonding while Masa is away on a trip, and Masa being thrilled to find out when he comes back :3
[Video description: a scratchy animation of Matsu, Masa and Yaichi from House of Five Leaves. They are all shown from the chest up in three quarter's view, apparently sitting down.
Matsu is shown first, facing right. He is writing or drawing, but then stops to look to the left. After a moment he smiles, then returns to his work, still smiling.
Masa is shown second. His body is turned to the left, but he looks to the right, at Matsu, with a bit of a confused expression. He turns his head to the left, but holds Matsu with his gaze for a bit, before fully looking to the left.
Next, Yaichi is shown. He has a cup of hot tea in his hand but seems distracted by something in front of him. He seems to stare at Matsu, smiling, then glances to his left and meets Masa's gaze. Yaichi's eyes go a little unfocused and he smiles dreamily before he takes a sip of his tea.
Masa is shown again, still looking confused, but something seems to dawn on him. He blinks and smiles excitedly. /End video description]
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danikatze · 2 years
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I´ve wanted to make a House of Five Leaves woodcut for the longest time and today I sketched this to carve and print soon!
[ID: a digital grey scale sketch of Yaichi, Masa and Matsu from House of FIve Leaves sitting in a twisty tree. They’re looking somewhere behind the viewer, presumably enjoying a beautiful landscape, and all three of them are smiling. There is a forest of smaller twisty trees behind them. /End ID]
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danikatze · 3 years
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I felt like doing a poly ship thing! Originally this was for two characters but I messed with it a little. I feel like going into the slider part and get into some head canons :3 And I feel like keeping up the habit of adding an image description, but it's long so I put it below the cut along with hcs!
[ID: a filled in shipping meme template. A box at the top says "UNDERSTAND MY SHIP IN 5 MINUTES"
Below that are three columns, each with boxes to fill character info in. From up to down: name, a picture of said character, gender, age, sexuality and height. Each picture is a portrait from the neck up, only consisting of line art, with a uniform coloured background.
From left to right:
Masa, male, 26 years old, gay demi, 180 cm. He is shown in three quarters view. He smiles and looks at something off to the side of the viewer. His background is blue.
Matsu, male, 31 years old, bi, 165 cm. His is a profile picture, he wears a soft smile. His background is green.
Yaichi, genderfluid, 24 years old, bi ace, 167 cm. Also a portrait in three quarters view. He rests his head on the palm of his right hand, and looks amused at something off to the side of the viewer. His background is a pink-ish orange.
Below that are two more columns, on the left is a collection of "sliders" so to speak, with on each end seemingly opposing statements. On each slider three dots - coloured blue, green and orange - are placed to indicate where the three characters stand on the matter.
On the right are three rows of three simplistic and identical shapes of people. Each row is labeled with a different feeling, and the silhouettes are filled in with blue, green or orange - from the ground up, to a certain level, as if to indicate how much of said feeling they contain.
The first row says "HORNY LEVEL": the first shape is blue up to just below the groin, the second green up to the ears, and the third only has orange toes.
The second row says "AWKWARDNESS LEVEL": the first shape is blue up to the ears, the second green up to the groin, and the third orange halfway up the lower legs.
The third row says "JEALOUSY LEVEL": the first shape is blue up just above the ancles, the second green up to the neck, and the third up to the knees. /End ID
First off: I say "bi" for Yaichi, because that's the easiest label, but it's super difficult to describe what his romantic orientation is in my head. And that's mainly because of Ane-san. I guess the best description for what I saw happening between them is queerplatonic, but Yaichi was definitely a bit in love with her.
Besides that, Yaichi supresses his feelings a lot so had his childhood been a little bit less fucked up, he may actually have fallen in love with more people of all genders. So yeah I'm gonna say bi, although I still don't think that's the right word.
Big spoon - Little spoon
Masa is almost always the big spoon because he's the biggest, but Matsu will occasionally spoon him when they're in the mood. Yaichi is always the little spoon with both Matsu and Masa.
Lends clothes - Borrows clothes
I put them all somewhere in he middle because they don't really lend or borrow each other's clothes. But Masa is most likely to lend clothes because he's big and anyone would technically be able to wear it, and Yaichi is most likely to borrow clothes, but not often Matsu or Masa's. If he were to borrow clothes it's probably Otake's, cause her stuff is pretty.
Doesn't use pet names - Uses pet names
Talked about this before at some point but none of them use terms of affection. The closest Masa comes is when he calls his boyfriends by casual versions of their name, and Matsu when he calls Masa idiot (affectionate)
Introverted - Extroverted
They're all pretty introverted, but Matsu most out of the three of them. Yaichi and Masa can handle bigger groups better, and sometimes even get energy out of it, while Matsu is exhausted afterwards. He likes being with his friends, but it just drains him 9/10
Affection through words - Affection through actions
They expressing affection verbally more often than they use pet names, but they generally show affection through actions. Now that I'm writing this I feel like Matsu's dot is too much to the right, cause he definitely prefers giving presents and physical affection, but he doesn't shy away from a heartfelt "I love you" when it comes to Yaichi and especially Masa. Yaichi snuggles and showers his boyfriends with gifts, but will not say the L word until much later into their relationship. Masa says it on a regular basis.
Confesses first - Waits for confession
Masa and Matsu confessed to each other pretty much at the same time and a bit later to Yaichi. It took Yaichi a looong while before he felt comfortable enough.
Screams about bugs - Puts bugs outside
Yaichi isn't particularly scared, but he doesn't want to come close to bugs, so if he sees one he just lets it scurry until Matsu or Masa arrives. Matsu finds them gross too, and Masa kinda likes most bugs.
Drives the car - Can't drive lol
None of them can drive obviously, cause Edo times, but if there *were* cars: Matsu would be a good driver, Masa a decent, but nervous one, and Yaichi wouldn't get his license. He'll get a taxi instead (if none of his friends are available)
Can't cook for shit - Makes dinner
They're all pretty rubbish, but Matsu can do some super basic stuff, and I feel like somewhere post canon Masa might actually like cooking a bit. He helps in Ume's kitchen when he can and Okinu likes showing him how to make some of his favourite recipes.
Dislikes PDA - Loves PDA
Yaichi will use anyone's lap as a pillow (preferably Matsu's or Masa's though), but does *not* do romantic PDA. Matsu and Masa like secret touches under the table.
Overprotective - Chill going
Masa will defend his boyfriends any time they so much as look uncomfortable. Matsu is overprotective too, but is passive aggressive about it. Yaichi does worry, but he knows he can use his wit and charm to get his boyfriends out of sticky situations, so he's generally pretty chill.
Has more relationship experience - has NO relationship experience
Matsu has a lot of experience :3c Masa has had next to none until he starts dating Matsu and Yaichi. I'm on the fence about his ex-fiance. It would be fun if they'd fooled around the tiniest bit out of curiosity. Yaichi has very little experience as well, because for most of his life he kept too much distance to form any meaningful bond with anyone.
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danikatze · 3 years
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Matsu's boyfriends are so hot he sometimes doesn't know what to do with himself
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danikatze · 3 years
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HoFL Headcanon time!
I jotted down these notes (and this sketch) about scars quite a while ago! Time to share for those who are interested :))) cw: scars, injury and self-harm
Masa has some near imperceptible childhood scars - each of which has memories attached. He can recount almost all of them, and will do so with a fond smile, should someone ask. (If you want to know the story he's telling in the sketch: scroll all the way down haha)
Besides that his skin is almost flawless. That is: until he leaves Edo and settles down in "the west" with the rest of the Five Leaves.
Bit by bit he de-stresses, because suddenly he isn't constantly worried about being rejected, or about his ability to make a living. He is surrounded by people who accept him for who he is, and are determined to take care of him as much as he wants to take care of them.
So my hc is that he gradually he gains a layer of comfort fat. Because his routine is very, very important to him he still works out and therefor stays pretty fit, but it's a miracle what stress - or in this case: the lack thereof - can do to one's metabolism.
So he gains some weight, and maybe a bit faster than gradually, and one day he finds that he has some stretch marks on his upper arms and legs, hips and his belly.
Yaichi, of course, has the one maple leaf-shaped burn scar on his shoulder, but my friend, Bo once told me that she expected him to have more. This has to do with the fact that he tends to be rather self-destructive and careless, especially so during his time in the Bakuro gang.
We know that he went after defenceless people specifically whenever he joined the gang's rush jobs. However, that doesn't mean those people never tried to defend themselves, or weren't ever defended by someone else.
Seeing as he probably has just enough will to preserve his life, he'd try to protect his vitals and most of the scars would be on his forearms and lower legs.
People usually remember the events in which they got their scars, but there are no memories attached to Yaichi's. Rush jobs are a haze to begin with, and he probably wouldn't fully realise he was bleeding until after things had settled down again. He wouldn't care anyway. Perhaps he would even find some grim pleasure in seeing his previously unblemished skin "mutilated."
After all, his adoptive mum made him believe he was ugly and unworthy of love because of the burn-scar on his shoulder. He might take her attempt to get rid of him as a challenge, and become uglier than she could have imagined, inside and out.
For the longest time this mindset drowns out his adoptive mum's voice - or if he hears it, he repels it with a spiteful and cruel sneer: "yes, and?"
Post canon, when he becomes closer and closer to Masa and Matsu, the insecurities and shame his mum imprinted on him surrounding his scar would resurface. Tenfold this time, because his limbs are now covered in scars. And besides that, Masa's astonishment at the fact that Yaichi doesn't remember most of them, makes him feel all the more alienated from the people he cares for. This feeling never really goes away.
Matsu, as you probably know, sustained a pretty serious injury on his arm, the night he first met Yaichi. It isn't clear what kind of wound it was, but we know two things. Namely that it bled quite heavily, and that it still hurts quite a while after the event, when it's supposed to be healed already.
Our theory is that he fell while trying to get away from whatever place he tried and failed to rob, fractured/broke his arm, and cut it on a sharp edge while trying to catch himself.
However there is no scar visible on Matsu's arm anywhere in canon images, as far as I can see. Bo and I objected to that too, so we decided the wound actually results in a rather prominent scar running from his elbow to halfway his lower arm.
Besides that he has some small scars from cuts, burns, scrapes and all that ordinary stuff, that are only visible when you look closely.
Masa's scar monologue
"This scar got me into a lot of trouble. I was quite young when it happened - I think Sachi was not yet born. I was playing where I should not have, and stumbled into an ornamental vase. It toppled over of course, and I tried to catch it, or at least break it's fall somehow. As you can imagine: I failed and it shattered into a thousand pieces.
Everything happened so fast that it was even then quite a blur, let alone now. I do recall that I had my fists clenched in terror and did not feel that a shard had lodged itself between my fingers somehow. I only realised when I saw a steady stream of blood dripping on the floor and found that I was the source.
I immediately ran to my father sobbing loudly, both because I felt so ashamed and because my hand hurt tremendously. As it turns out the vase was rather old and valuable, so my father was very upset. However, seeing as I have no memory of the punishment, I do think it cannot have been worse than the actual breaking of the vase itself. I was so shocked and distraught!"
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danikatze · 3 years
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They have things to work out 💔
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danikatze · 3 years
More HoFL headcanons!!
These headcanons (and drawings) revolve around Yaichi, Matsu and Masa's sexuality/kinks/etc. The focus lies mostly on Yaichi: I'll share my hc for his sexuality that I've had for years and I've been a lil nervous to talk about because it may be a bit controversial?
Obviously, it's fine if you think of him differently, so please be kind hehe. (I say this as though HoFL has a huge fandom that will attack me for saying something they don't like lol..)
This is going to be a loooong post. Be prepared for nearly 2k words and four steamy pictures all the way at the bottom :3 cw: scars, kinks, abuse mention.
Also, because of this posts subjects I feel like it won't show up in the main tag, so if you like this post and feel comfortable sharing it: please do <3
~~~~~~~Matsu and Masa~~~~~~~~
I'm going to skip over Matsu and Masa's sexuality a bit because my hc's are pretty obvious I think. Matsu is canonically bi, and I feel like most people would/can see Masa on the ace spectrum. I like to think of him as demi and gay.
When it comes to sex, I guess I have a bit of a different MatsuMasa dynamic in mind than people would initially assume. First of all: Matsu is a very physically affectionate person - more than people might expect, seeing as he normally comes across as very distant - and he loves sex. A lot.
He prefers to bottom (regardless the gender of his partner(s)) and he likes to absolutely hand over the reigns to the other party. He'll probably not do so 100% the first time he sleeps with Masa, considering his lack of experience. At this point they are both quite comfortable with each other though, and with a little guidance from Matsu, Masa discovers quite quickly that he actually enjoys being a service top.
Masa is a perceptive guy and absorbs all the information Matsu gives through body language and facial expressions, and tries to repeat whatever seemed to give Matsu pleasure. And he actually is quite capable of doing so.
In the anime he's portrayed as physically clumsy, but in the manga it's actually Tachibana, not Masa, who keeps walking into things. He stumbled and fell quite a lot when he was sick, and his body wasn't cooperating. If he's healthy and focused, Masa is very in control of his body.
Masa is a little shocked (but also turned on) by the fact that Matsu gets pleasure from being dominated, teased, restrained and from edging/orgasm denial. This actually suits Masa quite well though, because he loves taking things agonizingly slow. And even when he gives Matsu commands, he says "please" and "thank you" - with a poise that Matsu finds very arousing.
As for Yaichi's sexuality: you know he's portrayed as all suave and sexy, and people constantly swoon over him. I actually hc Yaichi as ace as well and, besides that, as sex repulsed for most of his life.
I do realise canon is not "supposed" to be read like that - this is a very personal, but very persistent feeling. I've read all 7 volumes a bunch of times with this in mind and technically nothing in canon contradicts it. Mostly because they use super discreet language when it comes to sex.
After it was revealed that Yaichi bought Otake out, Masa asked Otake about the nature of her relationship with Yaichi. She said "it's not like that." What she meant was that she and Yaichi didn't have a romantic relationship, she didn't comment on whether or not they had sex. Still, ever since I read the moment they meet for the first time, I felt like Yaichi visited her that day to have peace, comfort and sake: not sex. And Otake's comment put an emphasis on that for me.
Yaichi sleeps with the girls at the brothel, but what if he doesn't *sleep* with them? What if, ever since he met Otake and Ane-san, he has had an urge to spoil the Katsuraya girls by not only providing them with luxury hair pins and sweets, but also by giving them a night off when he can. He buys the girl of the night more sweets and good sake, and he'll allow them to snuggle up to him - but nothing more, even if they might want to. (No wonder they are so excited about spending the night with him.)
I also think that seeing as Yaichi obviously has PTSD, it might be a comfort to him to have someone with him at night.
As a note, of course if he *did* have sex, it wouldn't actually be evidence against him being ace either. Ace people have sex all the time and some even enjoy it.
I was recently blessed with a translation of the Saraiya Goyou drama cd that was heavy with comments from all of the Five Leaves on love and romance. Even that didn't contradict the possibility of ace Yaichi! (btw, if you want the audio files and/or the translation document, send me a message, I'll send them over)
The sex-repulsed part is probably a combination of being ace and being surrounded by aggressive guys who don't always have a way to get rid of their "carnal" frustration. Being a young and beautiful boy at the time, it's very possible he's had to deal with some inappropriate (even violent) behaviour directed towards him. (that's what the scar on the inside of his thigh is from.
I've you've read my post about scar hc's, you'll know that I think he could have a bunch of scars on his limbs that he doesn't remember getting - he does remember the one on his thigh though..)
When I told my friend, Bo, about this theory, she said that growing up like this would probably teach him that lust and love are two entirely separate things. Especially when you consider he has no drive for it himself, he probably wouldn't even believe (or consider) that sex could ever be an expression of love.
It doesn't help that he ends up living in a brothel, where guys go to buy sex and get kicked out when they claim to have fallen in love with any of the girls.
He would probably learn to make that connection waaay post canon, when Masa and Matsu become a thing. I've posted my hcs on how I picture that timeline before (link) but tl;dr:
When they leave Edo, Yaichi and Masa love each other, but Yaichi is in a bad place to start a romantic relationship (lots of mental trauma - based specifically on relationships with people close to him - to work through.)
Once Masa gets a job he asks his friends to keep an eye on Yaichi, so that he isn't alone too often. Matsu feels he owes Masa, so even though his relationship with Yaichi is *not good* at this moment, he checks up on Yaichi for Masa's sake.
Matsu and Masa become super duper close, mainly because every time Masa has had to leave Yaichi alone, he visits Matsu to ask how things went that day. These visits were short at first, but keep getting longer..
Matsu and Yaichi work out some things, with help from Masa and Otake. They gradually become more comfortable and open with each other.
At some point (after a year or so) Masa and Matsu give into their attraction to each other. They keep it from the others for now: Masa has next to no experience and Matsu has had some bad ones, so they want to figure out what it means to be together before they share it with their friends.
The only "problem" is that Yaichi is living with- and quite dependent on Masa. At first Matsu and Masa take advantage of moments Yaichi is hanging out with Otake or otherwise engaged. But it wouldn't take long for Yaichi to find out about their secret relationship (accidentally or because Matsu and Masa ended up telling him: I'm not sure which) and it gives him some conflicting feelings.
Some of those feelings have to do with the sex life they apparently have. Because of Yaichi's preconceptions about love and sex not going together, he's worried that Masa might get hurt. He doesn't express that concern exactly, and he doesn't ask for clarification either. But Matsu and/or Masa probably sense his reservation when it comes to their relationship.
The strongest conflicting emotion Yaichi experiences is happiness that they found each other and can finally forget about him, and anger (at himself for being the way he is) that they will in his mind absolutely forget about him.
However, Matsu and Masa are very aware of each other's still strong feelings for Yaichi, and once their relationship is out, they don't really shy away from letting Yaichi know that they still love him. And after a few more months the three of them sort of become a thing too. Then, a while later yet, they definitely become a thing.
In the meantime Yaichi always makes himself scarce whenever Matsu and Masa are getting it on, and they feel bad that he feels like he has to leave. The thing is, Matsu and Masa have, in general terms, talked to Yaichi about what it's like for them to have sex with each other. It sounds like they enjoy it, and that they feel loved by the other while doing it. But that doesn't fit in with what Yaichi believes at all. And he doesn't want to admit it, but it's made him quite curious. As such it still takes Matsu and Masa a while - but not as long as they expected - to convince Yaichi to stay.
The first bunch of times Yaichi does so, he turns his back and pretends not to watch. But gradually he'll feel less ashamed of showing interest, until eventually - when the three of them pretty much always sleep together - he only moves over enough to avoid getting a passionate elbow in the face when things get steamy.
The first time Yaichi *interacts* with the lovemaking is kind of an accident. I imagine a moment when he's accidentally within reach of Matsu and Masa, and let's say Masa does something that is particularly pleasurable for Matsu. With a gasp, Matsu grabs on to the closest thing he can squeeze - and that happens to be Yaichi's wrist.
A little flustered Yaichi lets it happen, and then he gets an urge of his own: to hold Matsu's hand, maybe even plant a kiss on Matsu's clutching fingers. To his surprise Matsu seems to respond to this with a quiet moan. And it ignites/activates a new curiosity in Yaichi. Sometimes he'll see little openings - a mouth that craves a kiss, a chest that needs caressing - and he'll be tempted to supply that demand.
He'll give in to this temptation sometimes eventually, much to Matsu's bliss. Masa likes it too, but he's not as physical as Matsu to begin with and besides that he has trouble focussing on two things at once. So if Yaichi pays attention to him, things will not be as pleasurable for Matsu, and Masa doesn't like that thought at all.
If you've read all this: you're amazing and thank you hahaha have some intimate sexy time drawings 💖
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danikatze · 5 years
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Heyy I’m late, but here’s a tiny valentines comic anyway <3 I’ve been talking and thinking about IchiMatsuMasa much more than usual the past few days so this was inevitable.
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danikatze · 5 years
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valentines wip I may or may not finish in time :P
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danikatze · 5 years
Hi, i'm curious do you like more yaichi-matsu or yaichi-masa? Also hoe do you think everything went after manga's ending? Like they got together as a couple? Who? Thanks love your blog
Ok the first question is easy: if I had to choose between IchiMatsu or IchiMasa I’d say BOTH! And let’s throw some MatsuMasa in there too. Or a lot because I’ve been obsessed with them for ages and if you wanna know how I see that happening, I posted my thoughts on that here :))
The second bit on how Yaichi would get together with either Masa or Matsu is more difficult. So it got long
Ume, Okinu, Otake and Ginta are already on their way to "the west" when Yagi releases Yaichi, and Matsu is working on a big last minute commission, so Masa and Yaichi travel to the west together. Superficially this is a perfect setup for romance, but then again.. Yaichi is obviously suffering from all sorts of mental and physical traumas at this point.
For one thing the wounds on his back from Yagi’s punishment haven't healed yet. He already had trouble falling asleep before because of his anxieties, which was why he started taking sleep medication. Now that he has no sleep medication and pain, it’s practically impossible.
On top of that he hasn't had a reason to feel really safe in close to/over a decade (is my guess.) While you'd think the fact that he's safe now would give Yaichi a sense of relief, it's probably very unsettling and stressful.. A few years ago I read someone's head canon that Yaichi has PTSD and that just makes a lot of sense to me. 
In short, upon reflection that's not the best place to start a relationship. Masa thinks so too and refrains from initiating a serious relationship. Even if he had tried, I believe the idea alone would give Yaichi a ton of anxiety and he wouldn't be passive about that.
Nonetheless Yaichi and Masa are more than close and Masa plays an important role in Yaichi's recovery. Masa is the only one who knows exactly who Yaichi is and what he's done and despite that he stays with Yaichi. He honestly wants to. This is mind-boggling to Yaichi but also comforting. 
In the meantime Matsu and Masa become quite a lot closer than anyone would've thought possible, as I described in the post linked at the start of this one. In case you don't wanna read that, I'll just rephrase and add to the bits where I explain how Yaichi and Matsu patch things up - because as you know, the last time Matsu was alone with Yaichi, he threatened to kill Matsu. He was like a cornered animal, but still. Also not a good place to start a relationship.
Masa thinks it's unwise for Yaichi to have his own place just yet, so they decide to live together and end up living practically next door to Matsu. Masa finds a job, but is nervous to leave Yaichi alone. Not knowing what happened between them, Masa asks Matsu to check up on Yaichi every now and then when he's off to work himself. Matsu can't refuse, because it's Masa asking and he feels like he owes Masa for saving his life, Yaichi's life and the Five Leaves.
At first it's awkward to say the least. Matsu has told Otake what happened after he followed her to Yaichi's hiding place. While she thinks what Yaichi has done is terrible, she gently scolds Matsu. It was inappropriate and misguided of him to confront Yaichi at that time and place.
So Matsu apologises. Clumsily. It takes Yaichi quite a lot longer to express some regret for how he treated Matsu. I can't decide for myself when Yaichi starts feeling things for Matsu. Maybe all along, but in any case I think Yaichi had trouble respecting Matsu. 
Maybe because Matsu fell in love with the lie Yaichi presented, maybe because he obviously wanted to be close to Yaichi and thought the way to do that was by being useful, maybe because Matsu always lived for others. For his son and the child's mother, for Kikuya and for Yaichi, but never for himself. Maybe Yaichi simply couldn't have fallen for Matsu because, unlike the others, he hid who he really was.
But the closer Matsu becomes to Masa, the more he shows himself. The more he dares to ask for himself. And it's endearing, kind of beautiful and appealing. Matsu checks on Yaichi daily, as requested by Masa, but after some time Yaichi beats him to it and visits Matsu instead. He lingers often and gradually finds himself staying for hours. Most of their time together is spent in comfortable silence.
And this is where I'm going to leave things. Somewhere along the line they become a beautiful loving poly triangle.
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danikatze · 6 years
I got two MatsuMasa requests for the domesticity meme, so I chose a bonus hc for TJ :D It took some explaining, so I’m posting it separately. ^^; (read the proper answers here :)))
Unlike Masa and Yaichi we can only speculate about the other's upbringing. Which is what I did of course. Only recently I felt confident enough to try and write some down for Matsu. Like.. why would he become a thief if he's so skilled and popular. I ended up with a hc about his dad being a craftsman was well. Matsu inherited the trade and his father started teaching him from the age of 13 until he became a master at about the age of 17 as was usual in that time (from what I understand). His father was much loved by his costumers: his products were beautiful and properly made, and he was utterly charming to the people he needed to impress.
Not so much to Matsu though. His father often manipulative, emotionally abusive, secretive and negligent. He didn't work well with others unless he needed them. He had a son, so he wouldn't take on apprentices either. He took credit for much of Matsu's work - most of the earnings too. He did everything to tie Matsu to him, except earning his respect. In the end Matsu snuck away in the night with no money to support himself. Forced to either beg on the streets or to steal money, he chose the latter.
At some point I realised that the personality I'd described for Matsu's father was similar to Yaichi's, and you know it's a common theory that people fall for people who subconsciously fall for people who remind them of their care-givers. "We love along grooves formed in childhood. We look for people who in many ways recreate the feelings of love we knew when we were small." Dunno how proven it is but it makes sense I guess.
Here finally comes the MatsuMasa bit: considering the above theory it'd be weird that Matsu would eventually fall for Masa, but also kinda important for me personally. I like the idea because it implies that he isn't living so much in the past anymore.
I think for Masa it's fine, because he had the most issues with his father and his unrealistic expectations, and although she's never described I imagine his mother is much like Matsu. Both sarcastic, inflexible, passive aggressive, they find if difficult to show affection.. But she did do it especially when he was small. She'd give him gentle pats on the head, smile at him occasionally, she was the one who would comfort him and tuck him in at night.
Seeing as this already kind of a IchiMatsuMasa post anyway I’ll remind you that Yaichi falling for Masa fits in this theory very well. Masa reminds Yaichi of the only person who showed him affection as a child - the one he named himself after: Yaichi the Original/Yaichi the Gentle and Lovely and Perfect.
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