#Ichimonji Norimune x Reader
sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hi! Can you make some headcanons for bossy female saniwa saving Sanchoumou and his gang from HRA? It’d be awesome! And I also want to hear Ichimonji members’ thoughts when they are saved by their master. Thank you ❤︎
Fukuoka Ichimonji Being Saved by Saniwa (F!Reader)
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♡ All the Fukuoka Ichimonji members were gripping their wounds as the titans of HRA stood over them. They were sent out as a unit to retrieve items, it was suppose to be a simple expedition to Nagashino Castle.
♡ These HRA were brutal. They didn't just want to finish off the members and go along on their way. They wanted the Touken Danshi to suffer.
♡ They brought them all down to a sliver of health... Feeling as if a single poke could shatter them and destroy their human and sword forms like a snap of a finger.
♡ All the boys couldn't help but look at the others who tried so hard to protect the ones they called family but ultimately be brought down to the same fate. Unable to lift themselves off the ground to even try to flee.
♡ The HRA were going to take them out one by one and make the others watch.... When did they become so sadistic?
♡ A looming shadow covered Sanchoumou as his visible red eyes glared at the force. His once perfect posed outfit and glasses, now laid in ruin as he gritted his teeth.
♡ So they wanted to take out the current leader, huh?
♡ He gave a spiteful smile as he clenched his bloody abdomen.
♡ "Make your strike count or I'm sending my broken blade up your gullet." Sanchoumou seethed.
♡ Nansen's eyes watered and a loud scream bellowed out of the cursed cat for his boss while Nikkou scrambled on the floor to get in front of the man he was suppose to be the wings for. His body pressed into the dirt as the other HRA stepped down on him to make him stay and watch the person he cared for meet his end.
♡ Himetsuru and Norimune could do nothing but watch in horror as they were too far to even try to make it in time to save Sanchoumou. The man who rose above and beyond constantly, willing to be the first to die but not without a fight.
♡ Thunder shook the ground as the HRA rose their blade into the air. The sun shining off the blade onto Sanchoumou's eyes to make them look even more fierce than before. He wasn't going to look away or cower like they wanted. He was going to take it and use whatever strength he had left to cause a scene.
♡ The wind was harshly cut into as the HRA dropped their blade onto Sanchoumou.
♡ Right as it was about to hit the leader of the Fukuoka Ichimonji clan leader, Sanchoumou eyes squeezed out of reflex to take the pain that was about to be inflicted on his already damaged body.... But the pain never came.
♡ His crimson eyes, that matched the blood leaking out of his aching wounds, slowly opened to see the HRA member dissipating in front of him... And a single figure standing there with a dagger piecing into the spine of the enemy.
♡ His Beautiful Little Bird, His Saniwa.
♡ Shock was present on his face until a warm smile found it's way to his features as he got to see the one he wanted to protect more than anything.... And then it quickly turned to fear.
♡ "Little bird, get out of here now!" He screamed more guttural than he intended, letting the fear leak into his words, "It's not safe-"
♡ "Shut it. I'm here to save your lives to listen to me and we will get out of here without a scratch." Her sharp words quickly left Sanchoumou speechless.
♡ She quickly gave orders to the sword she took with her to this location, Hakusan. The only sword that was able to heal others while in battle.
♡ Her arm quickly throwing charms, called Omamori, over to each of the Fukuoka Ichimonji members with precise accuracy. Almost like she had training for many years to hit the target right where she wanted it.
♡ The Omamori was a special type of charm that as long as the Touken Danshi held it, they wouldn't be destroyed. A perfect item to have while Hakusan healed everyone and the team had a better shot at having a comeback from the surprise attack.
♡ A quick flip of the blade and she was off at incredible speeds to deal with the other HRA members until the Ichimonji clan could get back on their feet and were safe from being broken.
♡ Sanchoumou stared at her stunned. He never imagined she would be this amazing on the battlefield. Sure she was a little bossy around the citadel at times but that was something needed in a leader. He always thought she was more of a tactician rather than a commander who joined the battlefield.
♡ She was his little bird. Fierce but still needed protection.
"This whole time I was wrong about this adorable little bird... To think she was hiding such a interesting side to herself... I wonder what else she is hiding from me."
♡ Sanchoumou's torn gloved hand gripped at the charm as he felt his wounds began to close up and strength found itself in his legs to once again be able to stand and join the battle beside his little bird.
♡ Nikkou's feared expression went from Sanchoumou, who almost was killed right before him, to his Saniwa who was fending off the HRA from his back. The Omamori clenched between his fingers as he felt the weight be lifted off his burning body.
♡ His arms shook as he tried to gather all the strength left within him to push himself up off of the soil that was now coated in his fresh blood.
♡ Nikkou's sharp blue eyes gazed back at his boss, who was now standing and looking healthier than he had been a second ago, to his sage. Sanchoumou's impressed smile finding it's way onto Nikkou as well.
"Perhaps Aruji is worth following after all... Being the wings for two people doesn't sound too bad at all."
♡ Nansen's swollen red eyes lingered on his saniwa as he watched her dodge with the grace and cunning of a cat (not like he would know-cough), a sniffle was let out as he rubbed his tear stained face with his dirty hands to try to keep the imagine of his intimidating status as an Ichimonji clan member.
♡ He was already teased enough by Norimune and Sanchoumou over his appearance and not being as intimidating as the rest of the members...
♡ Hakusan lingered over him as he healed up the wounds of the cursed cat and Nansen rose to his feet. A determined expression printed on his face... even though tears still threated to fall of his glossy golden eyes.
"I have to show my worth. If Aruji can be this cool and untamed on the battlefield, then so can I! I will show boss just how cool I am like her... nya! NO NOT NYA, DAMNIT!!!"
♡ Norimune let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding when he saw Saniwa leap into action and save the members of the clan. Sanchoumou and his boys finding the motivation to keep fighting under a strong leader like her.
♡ A proud smile appeared on his face as he looked down at the charm in his hands. To think he would get to witness a sight like this... He saw his fair share of battles and broken swords... But never something like this.
♡ His graze returned to the Saniwa who was doing her all with Sanchoumou, Nikkou, and Nansen by her side. Giving orders on positioning and attacks to ensure none of them would need to use their charms and get hurt.
"To think I would see such a strong leader after all this time... She reminds me of myself back in my youth hahaha. I can't wait to see you make me proud, Aruji. Your potential is bright like the sun that even birds wish to fly within your warm presence."
♡ Norimune leaned back against Hakusan as his wounds were healed, pretending to be much more injured than he was currently to make Hakusan left off tension with yelling at him to get off his lazy butt and help.
♡ Norimune making a comment that Hakusan may be able to heal his fresh wounds but won't be able to heal his aching back and that he would need some hot tea instead.
♡ Himetsuru couldn't help but give an annoyed look at the old man and the situation itself.
♡ His once perfect clean outfit was now dirtied, his body burned, and his hair would need deep cleaning until he could be happy with it again.
♡ He wasn't the biggest fan of almost facing death once again. First almost being shortened and NOW THIS?
♡ A sigh left him as he dusted off his outfit as he stood, watching the battle slowly end before him. A very faint smile on his lips would be easily mistaken as his normal neutral face was on his lips.
♡ He watched as the Saniwa lectured the three boys about not being careful enough before she turned her attention over to Norimune and Himetsuru. Making her way over to them to also give them an earful.
♡ He felt a headache start to fester as he knew what was about to come.
"For saving us... I will listen to your words for now but don't get used to it. A princess should never be bossed around. But a princess should also repay his knight in shining armor... I suppose tonight, I will make sure that no nightmares come your way, Aruji... I hope you sleep well and are greeted to a morning full of birds waiting for your call."
♡ The Fukuoka Ichimonji boys only made it back to the citadel due to their amazingly strong Saniwa. None of the citadel was entirely sure what happened during the expedition but one fact was known, their saniwa was amazing.
♡ The whole Ichiomonji clan held even more respect for her. Sanchoumou saw her more as an equal rather than someone he had to protect. Nikkou began to see her as a true leader that he would willing want to follow. Nansen... A rival as well as an inspiring figure. Someone he wanted to become like. Himetsuru, someone who normally was annoyed by being bossed around, found it was more bearable with her and wished for nothing to torment her brilliant mind. Norimune saw the future within her. Someone who was capable of so many possibilities under her command if she so wished it, and it made him proud of be part of her citadel.
♡ Within one expedition, she gained the respect of many and vowed to always be loyal to whatever she commanded due to their ultimate trust in her beliefs.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Flirted With | Sanchoumou, Nikkou Ichimonji, Ichimonji Norimune | Feat. Mafia AU
Yes hi, Mafia!AU because I can. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  You look at me and tell me the Ichimonji peeps don’t give you mafia vibes. Especially with all of the fanart I found. Forgive me y’all.
Warnings: Violence a lit bit, I mean it is a mafia au. Not gonna too far with that shit though.
Now as the current head of the Ichimonji clan and having you as his partner, there is no shortage of people who would be after your head. Or even to get into either of your pants to get the benefits of all that money and fame and power could bring them.
But there is no doubt that Sanchoumou is a loyal man. He would not even dare to bat an eye at anyone else, even if they flash their skin or their credentials or even give reasons why they would be a better lay than you.
Oh no. How dare they even insinuate that they could ever match you, his little phoenix. 
It’s almost insulting. Ruby eyes boring into the perpetrator, burning their soul away from the outside in. 
So when you two are at a gala, arm in arm, and you soon fluttering away to go grab another drink, Sanchoumou cannot help but let his gaze linger on you, oh so full of love. He knows that you can handle yourself but he cannot help but look for you in the crowd from time to time.
But when he notices this little upstart get a little too close to you, oh sweetie. His gloved hand will tighten a bit, careful not to shatter the glass of wine in his hand but enough to know that he didn’t like who the hell was with you. He would quirk an eyebrow but do nothing unless the body language of the other party was more malicious.
You are his lover for a reason, you can defend yourself. You have weapons stored in your clothes. But you can feel his gaze on you, more so out of concern - which soon translates to anger the minute this creepo of a mafia lackey began to advance on you. Yes you take a step back but soon you feel Sanchoumou’s arm wrap around your waist and the aggressor fucking freezes in horror. 
“I do apologize for inserting myself into the conversation, but are they bothering you, dear?” Sanchoumou would not even give the creep the light of day, the look of worry evident on his face. He would press a sweet kiss to your cheek, red eye glaring at the other person, a silent notion for them to fucking lEAVE. 
They scatter, immediately.
“Are you alright, love?” Sanchoumou would question when he moves you two to a much quieter and safer area. It would be a strange silence between you two, as Sanchoumou needed some time to seethe and release his anger. But the moment he sees that you’re okay and your hands find his, all is fine in the world. 
Will keep a closer eye on you in public now, and probably up your self defense lessons. If push comes to a shove, he’ll have the rest of the gang also keep an eye on you in big crowds/big parties. 
Nikkou Ichimonji
Compared to Sanchoumou who will go into a miniature rant about how amazing you are, Nikkou will not even notice someone trying to take him away from you. It’s not that he’s dense or anything, he’s already so loyal to you and he considers himself off of the market.
If someone continues to flirt with him and says rather nasty things about you, a mere glare and a growl from Nikkou will send them scampering. He will think not of this though, again he is nothing but loyal to you! Nikkou can tell if you’re upset with peeps flirting with him though, and will always reaffirm his promise that his heart is yours.
When people flirt with you though? Nikkou is all ears and eyes. He will watch you out of the corner of his eye, ready to jump in if needed. Maybe he will have Nansen intervene if he is too far away, or politely ask to excuse himself from Sanchoumou’s side to find you. He doesn’t panic when you disappear into the crowd, he knows you’ll be okay. Their men are everywhere, and they will immediately alert him if something is wrong.
It doesn’t mean he won’t worry though. Of course he is a man of business and will mostly be paying attention to whatever chat he’s having with other business partners and gang members. But in the back of his mind, he is searching for you. He won’t crack under pressure, oh no!
When he notices some creep far too close for his liking, there is a quirk of his brow and a subtle signal to Nansen or another member of the gang. Nikkou will not move right away, and the moment he could see some distress on your face he immediately moves in. He is silent, compared to Sanchoumou who will announce his presence with an adoring anecdote professing his love for you and his relationship with you, NIkkou is quiet. He merely arrives with a clearing of his throat, eyes behind his glasses narrowing at the other person who dared to take up your time. 
If they do not get it, expect Nikkou to almost growl in protectiveness. The rest of the gang ready to jump them but Nikkou keeps his cool. 
When they do leave, Nikkou and you go off to a quiet place to replace, leaning against each other in a comfortable silence before whispering, “Are you alright?” 
If you are shaken, Nikkou will wrap his arm around your frame, pulling you closer and rubbing soft circles into your skin. “I apologize for not arriving sooner.” 
Like Sanchoumou he will up also up your self defense classes (and join them to spar against you) and will try to hover around you more. 
Gods forbid if someone hurt you. They would feel his wrath.
Ichimonji Norimune
The retired leader of the Ichimonji clan he may be, Norimune is a social butterfly. He reveals in social gatherings so if you find him surrounded by people who want to earn his favor, it’s common to be a wee bit jealous. 
But Norimune is so so proud of being yours, and is that one guy who won’t shut the hell up about his partner, how pretty they are, how much he loves them, etc and etc. 
If someone does flirt with him, Norimune laughs it off and takes it in stride. He does humor them but will let them down gently or harshly depending if they can take the hint. He is a proud of being your lover after all!
Now if someone is flirting with you? He...isn’t happy. He won’t be as angry or worried as Sanchoumou or Nikkou before him, but has much more faith in you. This party is meant to be fun! Why bring it down with such a dour mood. 
He won’t lie that he is a lil bit jealous that they are getting too close to you.
The minute he sees you are uncomfy with their advances, there is a laugh as he approaches you, attempting to defuse any sort of situation. “Now love, are you enjoying the party?” he will act like he has come to check up on you, refilling your drink as an excuse to get close.
If the fucker continues to bother you, unaware of Norimune’s relation to you or undeterred, Norimune would wrap his arm around you and fully kiss you; right then and there, right in front of everyone to see.
When it’s over Norimune would chuckle, “I do apologize for such a brazen display of affection, my dear, but are you alright?” he would ask when it was only you two. 
While the idea of taking more self defense classes are a thing, if anything Norimune will also will just want to be around you. Maybe you two won’t actually get any training done but hey~! You two are in love and it’s all that matters!
Will be keeping a closer eye out for you though, if such a situation happens again, he wants you to give him some kind of signal to come and rescue you.
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foolish-spectre · 2 years
Feathers of a Pheasant
Pairing: Sanchoumou x Saniwa (Reader, they/them), Midare & Saniwa (platonic/familial), Nikkari Aoe x Ishikirimaru (romantic, i love this pairing a lot ok shush) 
Content Warnings: blood, violence, death of a minor character, transformation, alcohol because Nihongou (also mentions of drunkeness), a lil bit of insecurity but this is supposed to be something fun I wrote during my winter break then forgot about, curses
Word Count:  3734ish words 
Characters: Sanchoumou, Saniwa, Kogarasumaru, Nihongou, Midare Toushirou, Norimune Ichimonji, Kikkou Sadamune, Yagen Toushirou, Nikkari Aoe, Ishikirimaru, Nikkou Ichimonji, Nansen Ichimonji, Kasen (mention, ya’ll know the drill)
A/N: I wrote this during my winter break and was inspired by a fic where it has a similar premise but I won’t spoil it ehe, also I wanted an excuse to write more of Sanchoumou, also Midare goes by any pronouns in this and is non-binary, but i think I refer to them by she/they/he, also I like Midare a lot because they my child, also this team is based off one of the units I actually have in my game with: Sanchoumou (Captain), Kogarasumaru, Nihongou, Midare Toushirou, Norimune Ichimonji, Kikkou Sadamune, it’s called Family + Kikkou btw lol. Sanchoumou (dad), Kogarasumaru (grandpa), Nihongou (drunk uncle), Midare (the child obviously), Norimune Ichimonji (grandpa on dad’s side), Kikkou (pet- /THIS IS A JOKE) but yeah I have a lot other fics to post but im very lazy and procrastinating on writing my final paper, so imma post some fics soon I need to get off my ass.....
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As the proud head of the Ichimonji clan cut down the last foe, Sanchoumou sheathed his blade and let out a sigh of relief. The mission seemed to draw to a close, with minimal injuries and the unit ready to relax, Sanchoumou was about to call the team back home to the citadel. But just as everyone was about to teleport back, Midare noticed a barely alive HRA soldier creep up behind Sanchoumou, “Captain look out!” 
But it was too late, on the foe’s final breath, they lunged towards Sanchoumou and grabbed him. In a flash of sickly, green light, the two disappeared and Midare and the rest of the unit desperately searched for their captain. Fearing for the worst, Nihongou uncorked his sake bottle and poured some onto the ground to commemorate their lost captain. Meanwhile Norimune didn’t think for a second that Sanchoumou was dead; his heir wouldn’t go down so easily. The retired head scoured the now empty battlefield for any traces of his successor, his eyes landing on a pile of Sanchoumou’s clothes with a lump moving around underneath. 
“Over here!” Norimune exclaimed and the unit circled the pile of clothes. Did Sanchoumou disappear and was kidnapped by the History Retrograde Army? Or was his body disintegrated by the touch of the fallen soldier? Or- before any of them could ask any questions, Kikkou poked the moving mass to be met with a squawk. Shrugging off the clothes, a white pheasant emerged with just as a confused look as everyone else. A moment of silence passed and the only one who pieced together what had happened was Kogarasumaru who picked up the confused pheasant and started petting him to calm him down. 
“It seems that our captain here has grown a few more feathers,” Kogarasumaru smiled while cradling the now transformed Sanchoumou like a baby. The bespectacled pheasant couldn’t help but calm its startled feathers to Kogarasumaru’s gentle sways. When Nihongou connected the dots, he tried to stifle his laughter but burst out with tears in his eyes. While the Great Spear of Japan was laughing his guts out, Midare, being the 2nd tantou ever summoned to the citadel, was already rolling her eyes into the back of her head on ways to explain this to you. 
Norimune breathed a sigh of relief that his successor wasn’t dead but was already thinking of ways to fix this. They couldn’t go to Yagen unless they wanted him to dissect and study poor Sanchoumou, maybe he could ask the young kitten of the Ichimonji clan? No… sure Nansen was cursed but he sure didn’t know how to reverse it. That meant that the only two people that could have any hope of curing Sanchoumou of this curse were those two. Making up his mind, Norimune whispered his plans to Midare and they turned to everyone else, “Alright everyone! I’ll transport us home due to our captain being… incapacitated at the moment, so make sure to grab everything of Sanchoumou’s!” 
Kikkou without any second thoughts grabbed Sanchoumou’s clothes but clarified to everyone, “I’m not gonna do anything to them, besides I prefer my own!” Everyone else besides Nihoungou who was hollering at the whole situation gave a side eye to the pink haired uchitanaga. Without any second glances, Midare transported the unit with their now feathery captain back to the citadel. 
Once home, Norimune ponders, “Should we tell the Saniwa about this predicament because maybe they could help reverse-“ 
A loud squawk from Sanchoumou interrupted him, he vehemently shook his head at the idea. 
“Eh… Sanchoumou, Saniwa is a powerful magician, they can surely reverse this curse no problem.” 
Sanchoumou continued to shake his head violently  and began to flap his wings in protest. 
Norimune sighed, “Alright, alright, I’ll keep your secret.” 
Midare immediately whispered to the unit, “Alright, no one is going to tell anyone else about this. This stays under wraps until we know how the curse works and if it can be reversed. If anyone asks, Sanchoumou went to perform an errand and won’t be back for some time.” 
Kikkou tilted his head, “But wouldn’t that raise questions?” 
Norimune answered his question, “Not if I say it was true, even though I’m a retired old man now I still have some influence.” 
Kogarasumaru calmed down the flustered pheasant, “You hear that, your secret is safe with us.” 
Sanchoumou’s feathers relaxed once more and they all decided to cover Sanchoumou with a cloak and sneakily ran over to the only two people that could possibly solve this in secret. 
“Oya? What brings you five here today?” Nikkari cheekily asked while in Ishikirimaru’s lap. 
Ishikirimaru calmly asked while caressing Nikkari’s hair, “Yes, how may  we help all of you?” 
No one was willing to step up and say the ridiculous predicament their captain has gotten himself into. Midare sighed and unveiled the new Sanchoumou, “Our captain was cursed and we need your help!” 
Nikkari lifted his head from his paramour’s lap and deepened his mischievous smile, “Now this is quite the problem~” 
Ishikirimaru immediately scanned the slightly rattled pheasant, “A potent curse indeed. Hand me Sanchoumou if that’s alright.” 
Kogarasumaru made sure Sanchoumou was ok before handing him to the ootachi, “It’ll be alright.” 
Sanchoumou steadied his breathing and let himself be examined by the two lovers. Ishikirimaru hummed, “Hmmm… a curse such as this normally wouldn’t take too long to solve but considering that it was made by someone on the brink of death… it’ll be a little more difficult than usual to break.” 
“Although ghost slaying is my forte, I do know my way around malevolent forces, but you need to trust me on this,” Nikkari warned with his signature smile. 
Sanchoumou nodded, determined to get out of this form as quickly as possible. 
The wakizashi looked to his beloved for his partnership, Ishikirimaru gave a look to him that said ‘Of course I will.’ The two placed the confused Sanchoumou down on the floor and grabbed both of their blades to the shock of the rest of the unit. They whispered to each other for a brief moment. 
Ishikirimaru and Nikkari’s eyes gave off a chilling glint and quickly unsheathed their blades. Before any of the others could scream or shout, the two slashed the blades at Sanchoumou and a bright light covered the room. Ishikirimaru and Nikkari were the only ones to notice a fading dark mist disappear into the void. A quick moment passed and Sanchoumou’s teammates opened their eyes to a still alive pheasant. Hell even the Ichimonji head looked at himself in confusion, but Nikkari could only chuckle. Ishikirimaru sighed and gave Nikkari a knowing glance, “My apologies but we didn’t want to alert the curse on what we were trying to do. Because it was far more intelligent than we thought.” 
Midare grew concerned, “How so?” 
Nikkari answered with a dark look in his eyes but a constant smile, “The curse is permanent without any intervention and would persist long after the accursed person’s death. It would then mutate and transform the poor bird into something more menacing and more akin to an oni with feathers. The afflicted one soon no longer recognizes any of its loved ones and only focuses on getting its revenge and satisfying its bloodlust.” 
Ishikirimaru shook his head in mock dismay, “Well in an extreme case, yes, but essentially the curse would possess the afflicted and transform them into something that represents its soul. Once transformed, it worms into the victim’s mind to make them accomplish the curse-user’s goals regardless of whether the victim is alive or not.” 
The only calm ones of Sanchoumou’s unit were the two old men, Norimune teasing his successor, “Good thing, we got rid of your curse hahaha! But I can’t imagine this small thing beating me quite yet!” 
Sanchoumou ruffled his feathers in both shock and embarrassment. 
Kogarasumaru’s calm demeanor remained, “But why is this small one still a pheasant?” 
The sacred ootachi answered, “Well, curses that involve transformation normally only last a few days to weeks typically. Only serious transformation curses require a clause to break the curse or are as serious as the one mentioned. I was worried that fully resolving the curse would activate something even worse so Nikkari and I decided to make the curse a much milder version. So the curse will last a week at least but will most definitely resolve itself by the next full moon.” 
Midare was going to have an aneurysm, how was he going to cover for her captain for 2 weeks?! Kogarasumaru saw the tanto’s distress and rubbed their back, “It’s alright, we’ll figure something out. You’re not alone in this, besides I think Sanchoumou already has an idea.” 
Sanchoumou was already carrying a brush and some paper in his beak and laid it down. He tried to write with the brush but it was illegible so he dipped his claws into the ink to write out a message. It read, ‘I’ll distract Saniwa in this form and I need someone to disguise as me to avoid suspicion.’ Everyone’s eyes went to Norimune, the old man chuckled, “It seems that I must be the head of the clan once more.” 
After agreeing with Nikkari and Ishikirimaru to have a checkup every night in regards to Sanchoumou’s curse, the team thanked the couple and went to report to Saniwa. Luckily for them, Yagen and you were walking down the hallway they just entered. You warmly greeted the team, “I was wondering where all of you have been? Did something happen, never mind that I’m just glad all of you are safe. But where’s Sanchoumou?” 
Yagen also piped up, “Yeah, where were all of you? All of you need to have a check up so we can be sure there’s no injuries on any of you.” 
Nihoungou surprisingly answered, “Sorry, sorry! I wanted to celebrate with my great team of mine and we got carried away, hahahaha! We got so drunk that Sanchoumou passed out!” 
Everyone followed Nihoungou’s lead and proceeded to act like they were drunk except for the aforementioned Sanchoumou and Midare. She just wanted to go back to her room and get her beauty sleep, what the hell. Sanchoumou meanwhile was wondering what Nihongou was thinking. 
Yagen’s pinched his nose, “Well I certainly believe you Nihongou but just make sure that everyone gets checked for injuries alright?” 
You meanwhile were concerned for the “missing” tachi, “Should I go look after Sanchoumou then, I can bring some-“ 
Kikkou interjected with a faux slurring of his words, “Oooooh Saniwa won’t you look after me instead?~ I’ve let myself go and don’t you think that requires punishment~” 
Nihongou swore he saw your eye twitch before you calmly replied, “Ok just take care of Sanchoumou and let me know if he needs anything. Midare, thanks for being such a champ, as a reward I’ll buy you that new kimono you've been talking about.” 
Maybe this was worth it after all, Midare with her signature, cheerful smile, “Of course Saniwa! Midare’s got you covered, and can you buy me that new hair pin as well <3?” 
“Yes of course Midare, you’re doing such a great job.” 
“Fufufu! Now that’s what I like to hear!” 
Kikkou interjected, “What about me?!” 
“Get some rest you drunkard,” you rolled your eyes and just as you were about to excuse them, “Hey… why do y’all have a pheasant?” 
Well fuck. 
Norimune, while trying to be as coherent and pretend drunk as possible, “Welllll…. it seems that my successor caught a bird while drunk uhahaha! So we’ve been taking care of this thing while our captain was drunk!” 
Sanchoumou’s little bird eye twitched. 
You were skeptical but you looked at the pheasant in question and found your heart growing warmer at the sight of him, “Well make sure to set the poor thing free later but he is a cutie.” 
If birds could blush then Sanchoumou would be a tomato. 
Kogarasumaru smiled, “Well it seems that this small bird has gotten attached to us and won’t seem to leave.” 
You shook your head in disbelief, “Alright, alright, all of you get some rest, I’ll take care of this little guy for now.” 
The father of swords gingerly handed Sanchoumou to you and you held it gently. The feathery Ichimonji couldn’t help but coo and nuzzle into your embrace, “He’s an affectionate little guy huh? Don’t worry I’ll make sure Kasen makes you some good food.” 
As you waved the unit goodbye, you headed back to your room with Yagen. He was still skeptical of the bird, so the tanto examined for a few moments before bidding you good night. You set the pheasant down next to your futon and looked around for proper bedding for your new guest. Sanchoumou, wanting to help you, grabbed some pillows while you got a small cloth to cover him during the night so he wouldn’t get cold. 
“Thank you.” 
He chirped in response. 
A few days had passed since then and various team members from Sanchoumou’s unit came to pick him up and take him to see the sacred sword and ghost slasher. Things were looking optimistic all things considered, Ishikirimaru told them that the curse should resolve itself in a mere couple of days. But Sanchoumou’s disappearance had been whispered about and the rest of the Ichimonji clan who hadn’t been informed of what happened were getting worried. 
Nansen was growing antsy at his missing boss and Nikkou began searching everywhere for the clan leader. Midare pulled their teammates aside to give Norimune a makeover, Sanchoumou was there to supervise and everyone except Nihongou helped the former head become the current leader of the Ichimonji clan. Nihongou was drinking booze and tried to help but booze and careful precision never really mix well, do they? Midare decided to put a mask over Norimune’s mouth to avoid even more scrutiny and all things considered, it was a success??? 
Norimune knew Sanchoumou well enough to fool someone at a glance but Nikkou and Nansen were harder to fool. The sunglasses-wearing pheasant corrected the old man multiple times and everyone couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. So thankfully Nansen was fooled but Nikkou seemed skeptical but didn’t seem to speak up about it. (I don’t have Himetsuru so he’s off doing his own thing) 
Meanwhile you were getting more and more comfortable with the pheasant in your life. Sure it was a bit awkward at first to sleep next to a random bird but you got used to it. Sanchoumou’s heart was rapidly beating against his feathery chest while next to you. Being so close to you in this form was a curse and a blessing, a curse in that he couldn’t communicate any of his deeper thoughts to you clearly. But a blessing in that he felt like he was getting closer to you and heard things that he would’ve never even dreamed of. Yet he couldn’t handle it for too long since he mostly escaped through the flight of his wings after he was sure you were asleep. 
One night before bed, Sanchoumou was preening his feathers since he got into the habit while waiting for the curse to wear off. You were staring at him and he turned to you and tilted his head in confusion, you laughed, “Sorry, you’re just so cute like this. And you remind me of someone… um can I tell you a secret?” 
There was a beat of silence. 
“What am I doing, talking to a bird…” 
Sanchoumou, to dissuade you from backing down, nuzzled his head against your hand to urge you to speak. You smiled, “Alright, ok. Um, so you remind me of this guy I really like. He’s super cool and handsome, like nothing could phase him. Yet he’s so gentle and kind, he’s the full package. But I’m scared to tell him because he probably wouldn’t like someone like me.” You paused a bit for thinking ‘fuck it’ this bird wouldn’t know who Sanchoumou is, “His name is Sanchoumou and I really like him, keep a secret for me ok?” 
Sanchoumou never wanted more than to transform back and confess his feelings back to you. But he could do nothing but longingly look into your eyes and coo at you. You chuckled at this pheasant’s concern for you, “Do you think he likes me back?” 
Sanchoumou chirped in confirmation. 
“I hope so too.” 
As much as he wanted to stay, as soon as you fell asleep, he flew out of your room and into Nikkari’s and Ishikirimaru’s room like he did every night. Nikkari knew from the desperate look on Sanchoumou’s eyes that he wanted to be free. “Alright, just be patient, since your time is coming a lot sooner than you’d think.”
And he was right since the next night, Sanchoumou’s body felt heavier and rushed himself into the bathroom. Feathers turned to flesh, wings turned to hands, claws turned to feet, and his beak turned into his mouth. The strange sensations flooded throughout his transforming body and he was trying his best not to scream, with a few, soft whimpers escaping. He needed to remain the  cool, steadfast leader that everyone needed. He shouldn’t have let his guard down, he should’ve been more alert, he should’ve been- His bombarding thoughts caused him to sweat and he lifted his hand up to wipe the sweat off his brow only to realize he was human again. 
A sigh of relief and pain escaped Sanchoumou’s clenched teeth, he looked down and of course he was naked. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he considered wearing a towel until there was a knock on the bathroom door. A soft voice from the other side said, “I’ll put your clothes in front of the door, it’s good to have you back captain!” 
“Thanks Midare,” when Sanchoumou spoke, it felt weird to him as if he hadn’t been using his mouth properly in forever. But stretching his body and getting used to being human again, he then went to go put on his clothes. He was surprised at how tight fitting his clothing was but he guessed it was because he hadn’t been wearing clothes for at least a week or two. 
Straightening his clothing and hair out, Sanchoumou made his way to you. But right as he was about to knock on your door, he stopped, how the hell was he going to explain what happened to him. He didn’t want to lie but he didn’t want to tell you out of fear that you would be disappointed in him. He needed to be a good leader and this was an embarrassment, what a joke. His hand slightly trembled but thankfully you opened the door before his resolve could waver even further. 
Your eyes were full of concern, “Sanchoumou where have you been? All of us have been worried sick about you… I’ve been worried sick about you.” 
“My apologies, my little bird but there’s something I need to tell you.” 
You know that he calls you little bird as just a nickname but something in your heart just flutters whenever he calls you that. “Yeah of course, what do you need to tell me?” 
“Let’s take this inside,” Sanchoumou moved, the two of you inside your room and closed the door, “The reason behind my absence is entirely my fault, I let my focus slip and was ambushed by an enemy.” 
Your eyes widened in fear, “Are you hurt?! Do you need me to get Yagen? Do you want me to heal you?” 
Sanchoumou’s heart beated a bit faster when he saw you fret over him, “Don’t worry, little bird, I’m fine. Instead the foe… turned me into a pheasant.” 
A moment of silence blessed the two of you, until you connected the two dots, “So you were the cute pheasant?!!!” 
“Yes, indeed I was. I’m happy that you find me cute however.” 
“Wait does that mean you were the one I told my crush to???” 
“Yes and-“ 
“I’m so sorry, you can ignore it. It’s ok I uh-“ 
He held your hands and looked deep into your eyes, “I wanted to tell you that I was just as infatuated with you as well.” 
“… Really?” 
“Yes, really.” 
“I can’t believe it.” 
“Believe in it.” 
You had such a stupid smile on your face and Sanchoumou wanted to kiss you. 
“But wait, why didn’t you just tell me from the start that you turned into a bird?” 
Sanchoumou’s face blanched, “I… was ashamed and didn’t want to disappoint you.” 
“You silly goose! You could never disappoint me Chomo, you’re enough, you’re more than enough. Everyone cares about you regardless if you’re a fearless leader or not!” 
“Thank you, my dear. But I think it’s more proper to say pheasant than goose.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh when he said that and he felt enchanted by your laughter. He leaned in close so that your foreheads touched and you closed the distance with a kiss. 
Springing into action, Sanchoumou laid you onto your futon and began to show how much you truly meant to him. 
Midare was showing off the new kimono that you bought him, “Saniwa, Saniwa!! Doesn’t this look pretty on me?” 
You sat in Sanchoumou’s lap and the two of you praised and cheered on Midare’s mini fashion show, “You look great Midare, like you always do!” 
“Hehehe of course! But I guess I have the captain to thank for this or should I say Dad~” 
You couldn’t help but grow flustered at the implication, but Sanchoumou was all for it, “Dad doesn’t sound half bad, doesn’t it my dove?” 
Just as you were about to hide your face, Sanchoumou kissed up the length of your neck to prevent you from hiding from him. You giggled and playfully squirmed at his affection and Sanchoumou continued his loving attack on you. Midare gagged a little at the display of affection but was happy that you two were happily in love.
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
[Senario for Norimune, Sanchoumou and Kiyomaro] So say that there was this one government official who, for whatever reason, finds fault with everything the Saniwa does and overall looks down on them. So one day, this same official pops by the Citadel for an inspection (as officials do) and basically starts nitpicking everything and saying 'we should have the government overseeing history's protection, not some kid blah blah blah'. How would the aforementioned toudan feel and respond?
Thank you~!
Time Government comes for an inspection (GN!Reader)
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Artist: Lack (Official Artist for Ichimonji Norimune)
♡ The citadel was the most stress it had ever been. Mostly due to the saniwa being an anxious mess over an inspection that was coming up. Everything had to be clean and perfect, something that never really mattered before to them.
♡ Norimune had been one of the swords that worked for the Time Government before coming to this citadel. He had seen his fair share of citadels and they were all very different. However, one thing that always remained the same was the fact that the master of the citadel was always very stressed before he showed up.
♡ After, seeing how Norimune would crack jokes and not take up too much time, they relaxed and the inspection turned more into a little check up rather than something super important that had to be perfect in every box.
♡ Norimune always believed the Time Government was very stuck up with their ideals that when he got a chance to jump ship and come to this citadel, he took it.
♡ He tried his best to keep them calm the days coming up to the inspection. Tea and jokes, as well as promising to be right by their side when they came to the citadel.
♡ The days flew by before anyone noticed it and the day of the inspection came.
♡ The Saniwa and Norimune stood side by side as they awaited for the inspector to teleport in. Norimune gently poking his master's cheek and giving a smile to make them relax their tense body.
♡ A flash of blue light disconnecting their looks at one another and a 6' 0" tall, olive skinned woman with smooth eyebrows appeared before them. A woman of pure business and wishing to get the inspection over with. She didn't care for any greeting they could muster up out of the nerves that were trying to tie the Saniwa down and walked past them.
♡ "Are you going to do your job or am I going to have to show myself around?"
♡ Norimune was honestly taken aback from the hostility that the inspector gave his Saniwa right away. He knew they could be prickly but never this bad!
♡ The Saniwa nodded and quickly ran in front to start their tour. Almost like this was not a new thing, like it happened every time they came for a tour.
♡ Not wanting to make his master uncomfortable, he followed behind them and gave small smiles to the Saniwa anytime they looked his direction.
♡ With every comment that left the inspectors mouth, he could feel the grip on his fan become even tighter... To the point, he had to put it down in fear of breaking it.
♡ "You call this clean? I thought you had all the swords currently forgeable?" "You're not even to this era yet?" "Why do you have so much paperwork? Do you not do your work?" "Are you really this incompletion to be a Saniwa? Perhaps we should take back your title-"
♡ The tour was almost over but by that point, Norimune was no longer settling to the back to just be moral support for his master. He now stood beside them. Complimenting things he loves about the citadel and turning to the inspector with a smile.
♡ "Isn't it so lovely that the Saniwa upgraded the citadel to give more room for all their swords so they can complete their work more efficiently? You can tell they put love and care into this citadel every day... Surely you would agree, Inspector, since you have seen so many citadels and know first hand how to be a sage, right?"
♡ Every comment he would leave would be full of joy and yet underlining demeaning intent towards the inspector who quickly started to grow silent about the former Inspector sword.
♡ By the time the tour was over, Norimune had asked if they could prepare some tea for the two to relax over while he showed the Inspector the way out.
♡ A gentle arm around their shoulder, trapping them close to his body as he walked to the transporter.
♡ "It would be a shame if the higher ups heard about what happened today... Someone would surely lose their jobs and have no where else to go since they only know how to insult others instead of look at themselves and see how much they have to improve instead." A gentle push forward, he would leave them with a smile. "Let's remember that in the future. Can't wait to see you again, Inspector ♡."
♡ Norimune doesn't bother to see them teleport out. Instead he wishes to just be by his Saniwa, patting their head and telling them how well they did today despite having to endure the hardships that came with it.
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Artist: Suda Ayaka (Official Artist for Sanchoumou)
♡ This wasn't the first time Sanchoumou saw his Saniwa very stressed and trying to finish everything as quickly as they could. It still alarmed him that they were running from one end of the citadel to the other trying to clean up when all the rest of the swords were already helping to clean.
♡ His generous soul had decided that he would help calm them down while giving all the work he had to do for the day to the rest of the clan members- (The look on Himetsuru's face when he just finished and was about to take a nap)
♡ The Saniwa was working on almost zero sleep by the time Sanchoumou appeared before them and picked them up like they were a sack of potatoes, bringing them to their room for some tea that Nikkou prepared before going to finish the leader's work.
♡ "You look like you have barely any feathers left, little bird. Drink and rest. This is a formal order from yours truly." The Saniwa knew the look in his eyes and that teasing smirk. When Sanchoumou wanted something, he would get it. Meaning he wasn't going to leave their side until he got what he came for.
♡ The soothing smell of the chamomile tea reached their nose and the taste instantly began to relax all their muscles that they didn't even realize that were tensed up. The 2 hours of sleep they got over the few days finally dragging their eye lids down until the embrace of their warm futon wrapped around them and let them drift away in a sea of dreams.
♡ It was only late afternoon they woke up and- The inspector was supposed to be there already.
♡ They didn't even bother to look into the mirror to make sure they looked the best they could, instead rushing out in hopes they didn't keep them waiting.
♡ In the hallway stood a lanky, fair skinned person with a hooked nose, a square face, thick eyebrows and tired, heavy-lidded, blue eyes. The inspector that was known to give the saniwas a hard time if everything wasn't perfect. Dread washed over them as they quickly walked up to them and bowed in apology.
♡ Next to them was Nikkou. It seemed like Sanchoumou had ordered him to give the inspector the tour in replacement for the saniwa who was catching up on their sleep.
♡ The inspector's face was anything but pleased when they finally saw the saniwa that they were sent to meet with... very late.
♡ "Can't even come to a meeting on time..." They muttered just loud enough for the saniwa and Nikkou to hear while writing something down on their clipboard. "Can you at least finish this inspection without running off? Goodness, you aren't even dressed well enough for such a meeting. What? Did you just get out of bed like a bum?"
♡ Feeling rather embarrassed, the saniwa looked at Nikkou to send him off. Nikkou gave a look as if asking if they were really sure they wanted to take over... But the saniwa knew that had to. It was their job and this inspector would complain so much that the higher ups might actually get involved if they think they weren't taking their job seriously.
♡ The insults didn't stop throughout the rest of the tour after Nikkou left. From how the swords weren't working enough, to the saniwas reports never being delivered on time to the Time Government, to asking how they even managed to become a sword sage to try to save history.
♡ It was getting to the point where they were just stopped in a part of the citadel while they kept going on and on.
♡ Each word was like a punch being sent their way, causing them to stumble back to try to get away from it. But their back hit something that caused them to lean against a wall like form. Turning their head up, they saw Sanchoumou behind them. His hands resting on their shoulders as they looked down at his saniwa with a soft smile.
♡ The rest of the Ichimonji clan stood around, blocking in the inspector. They were all geared up in their battle uniforms.
♡ "I think we heard enough squabbling from a tiny chicken with a chestnut for a brain. How about you make your way out of here while you still have a chance? We may have to slice off your wings, one by one if you don't run fast enough, chicken. We will see if you can keep spreading your lies after that."
♡ A dark, growl-like voice came out of Sanchoumou as he took his eyes off his saniwa and onto the inspector. It was almost like his eyes shined ten-times more red. If his hands weren't on the sage's shoulder, they were sure their legs were give out from under them from the intense aura he was giving off. It wasn't just him... It was the whole clan as they all stared down at the lanky Inspector that was bullying their saniwa so harshly.
♡ "If we see you in our home again, we will make sure it doesn't end as easily as this visit. You been warned, coward."
♡ The inspector that went on and on about how much of a mess up the saniwa was, now fell silent and looked in horror. Tripping over their own feet as they backed away, scrambling to quickly push themselves up and run as fast as they could.
♡ Perhaps it didn't help that Sanchoumou told the rest of the clan to follow after them to really make it feel like they were chasing them to the exit...
♡ Once the two was alone, Sanchoumou rubbed the saniwa's biceps as if to warm them up and calm them down.
♡ "You never have to deal with bastards like that, you understand me? Call for help next time, little bird. We will be there in a heartbeat."
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♡ Minamoto was never someone who worried too much about anything if he had control over. He had the mindset of "if something is going to happen no matter what I do, why stress myself out now worrying about it?". If he had power to change things, he would.
♡ When he saw his saniwa telling all the swords to make sure the citadel was in the best condition and them rushing to get everything done before tomorrow, he was concerned and quickly acted.
♡ Around dinner time, Minamoto appeared to their room with a tray of their dinner and his own. He was going to force them to put down the work and eat.
♡ "Alright aruji! Paper done, chopsticks up! Mitsutada-san made miso soup and oyakodon!"
♡ A lazy grin was present on his face as he set up the table and snatched away that kept their eyes glued to the ink written on it.
♡ "I'm sure you are worried about tomorrow but it's going to happen anyway so it's better to take care of yourself now and get it over when it comes tomorrow. Plus... You're not alone. You got me, Suishinshi-chan, and everyone else. You can rely on us to have your back."
♡ Minamoto stayed for the rest of the night after cleaning up the dishes to help with any paperwork they were stressing over. Although he may not look it, Minamoto's reports were always the best and always done by the time he made it back to the citadel. He quickly went through the paperwork that needed to be done by tomorrow with ease and small talk to pass the time.
♡ By the time the work was done, it was around 12am. Just in time to get to bed and get some rest for the inspection.
♡ The morning after breakfast, Minamoto awaited outside the saniwa's room in his casual wear. He wasn't going to let his master go through the inspection alone after seeing them so stressed over it. He was never the inspector when he worked for the Time Government but he lived in this citadel long enough to know that this saniwa was not one to be doubted.
♡ His hand gently smoothed out the sage's outfit to make look more prim.
♡ "Got ya back, aruji."
♡ For once, they actually felt calm going up to the teleporter as they waited for the inspector. They got this, Minamoto said so. He was there with them. It was going to happen either way, better to get it over with.
♡ Until they saw the inspector that teleport in. Their smile vanished as the light faded to reveal a 5' 0" tall, fair skinned man with a large nose, angular eyebrows and cold, angular, brown eyes. He had medium-length bushy sideburns and a very familiar glare. The same man that inspected the last time around, leaving the poor saniwa trembling from how much he badgered them with complaint and questions he thought they were too dumb to answer.
♡ Minamoto quickly picked up saniwa's demeanor, sliding ever so closer so their shoulders were touching.
♡ The inspector gazed up from his notepad and let out a sigh, "oh, you."
♡ Minamoto gave the most host like smile he could muster, "Inspector, I think you need to watch your language around a powerful sage. They taught you that, correct?"
♡ He was taken aback, normally he could walk over these saniwas without a problem but this sword was giving him sass?
♡ Compared the first meeting with this inspector, he didn't talk as much. A snide comment from time to time always ended up with Minamoto clicking his tongue at the man and somehow ending up getting closer to him to the point he felt uncomfortable and just wanted to leave the citadel.
♡ Minamoto was like a watchful eagle with his arms crossed. Any comment that Minamoto didn't seem fit, he would make a comment back at the inspector.
♡ "This place is hardly cleaned! You call this a citadel?" "You are barely dressed, perhaps you had a rough morning?" "Are any of your swords working to protect history?" "Are you?"
♡ The inspector quickly learned to keep his mouth shut. If anyone could go to his boss, it would be one of the swords that used to work for the higher ups.
♡ By the time he left, Minamoto gave the saniwa a longing look until they caught on and stared back at him.
♡ "You deal with that often? Is that why you were so scared?"
♡ Embarrassed, they nodded.
♡ A frustrated sigh left him as he rubbed between his furrowed brows, "They may work for your boss but that doesn't mean you have to take that. Show them you aren't someone to mess with. You are a powerful sage after all! If the higher ups have a complaint, they can come to you directly to talk it out. I will back you up all the way, aruji."
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hi, can I request headcanons of three boys of your choice to react when they’re about to be killed by the enemies when male!saniwa jumps in and saves them by wiping them out himself either by a gun or pure physical combat. The sword boys are stunned by what their saniwa did and it turns out that saniwa served quite sometime in the military back in America?
Side note: why does mutsuno have a hand gun when it’s banned in Japan? Does he have a special permit or the government got rid of the rule? I don’t know about you but It has been plaguing my mind ever since I first played the game.
Hello! What an interesting prompt!! So fun to write for. Also that is an interesting question! There is not official "canon" lore for tkrb, it's up to the different saniwas to come up with whatever canon lore they want. However, tkrb does take place in the future! The year is 2205 when the game takes place. Digitarou, President of Nitro+ (who owns tkrb), brought up some lore about tkrb at a con but really it's up to the player what they wish to have canon in their world! I'll put the link to a pastebin of what he said if you would like to check it out <3 https://pastebin.com/nFVcsq9b
Ichimonji Norimune, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, and Taikou Samonji Being Saved by their Saniwa (M!Reader)
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Artist: Lack (Official Artist for Norimune) ♡ Mud dirtied the fine white of the Norimune's suit, as if that was his biggest concern at the moment. Norimune sat crumpled on his knees as his gloved hand gripped at the mush under him. His once perfect suit was now tattered with fresh cuts and his own blood stained it to match the red fabric he always wore with it.
♡ Who knew swords could bleed so much?
♡ His breath struggled to come out of his throat as his pale blue eye stared up at the army HRA who were planning to invaded his now loved citadel.
♡ it started off so easy. The first waves were so easy to take care of... but it didn't stop. They kept coming. There was more and more before the team could handle and all the swords quickly became exhausted from the constant battle.
♡ He knew that it was the end. He lived a long life and now it was time to accept death just like all those in the past. The old man was going to rest.
♡ Would the Ichimonji clan miss their Jiji? He wish he could see their faces again and tease them a little more... Though it wasn't so bad. At least they were left in capable hands.
♡ He did his job and left it to Sanchoumou to fill his shoes. Now he has to retire from his job as a touken danshi.
♡ He drew in a single breath as he closed his eyes and smiled. Awaiting for them to finish him off.
♡ "I've witnessed humans die all these years... I've witnessed things break all these years... Today just happens to be my turn..."
♡ A part of him didn't want to leave. He grown so attached to the citadel, Yasusada, Kashuu, ... His Aruji.
♡ Norimune swallowed at the thought of them crying when they hear the news, how he wished he just disappeared from their memories instead so they wouldn't have to feel the pain of saying goodbye.
♡ He was ready to accept the death that threatened him time and time again... But nothing came but loud bangs that he heard once before long ago...
♡ Gunshots.
♡ When he opened his eye, he saw no HRA standing before him ready to strike, instead black smoke as their bodies were already drifting into the air for the wind to carry them off.
♡ With the black smoke was mixed with gray smoke from the figure before him. The man who was holding the weapon that just saved his life.
♡ His Aruji.
♡ The normally teasing old man sat there with his mouth agape as he stared in front of him at his savior.
♡ "Can you stand?" He had asked, finally snapping Norimune out from his thoughts. A overjoyed smile came to his face as his aruji turned to face him.
♡ "Ah... I'm not sure. My knees aren't as they used to be-" A soft chuckle came from him, "Perhaps you can give me a hand, son."
♡ It was no lie that Norimune was struggling to walk. A mix of exhaustion, pain, and fear made his legs tremble and cause him to lean against the sage he was suppose to be protecting.
♡ "You better watch out, Aruji. Knowing how strong you are now, I may end up pulling my hip more often-" A mischievous smile shined at the Saniwa on the dark battlefield as Norimune held him close as they walked. Was he truly struggling to walk that badly... or perhaps it was a hug of gratitude for being saved from a fate he didn't wish to meet yet.
♡ It was a little secret that would never leave his lips.
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♡ Pain spiked up from the deep wound that gushed every movement that Mutsunokami made. He had to keep going. He had to get away so he could get help. His left arm clenched over his abdomen and his right held his gun so tightly that the whites of his knuckled could sparkle in the darkness.
♡ A trail of blood made it clear the even if Mutsunokami somehow made it to get backup, they would just follow him right to the rest of the team.
♡ Limping could only carry him so far until his body couldn't take it anymore and he fell onto the cold ground. He already felt so cold... But the pressure of the impact made him realize he was still alive.
♡ His body pressed itself against a wall that was made for archers to hide behind. His back painting it red. His vision blurred as he heard a sound coming closer, probably the enemy finally catching up to finish him off.
♡ Was this how Ryoma felt before death? His murder was a surprise from a person who used to call a friend... Perhaps it was better that Mutsunokami didn't have to face that evil like his previous master did.
♡ Just like his previous master... Would he not see his dream come true?
♡ "What...will I end here...? ...I wanted...to see a new age..."
♡ His warm eyes stared down at the gun in his lap as his eyes grew heavy. He had no strength to hold them open. Darkness swallowed him as felt a warm blanket started to coat his body so he could finally rest easy.
♡ "Mutsunokami! Open your damn eyes right now! That's an order!"
♡ A familiar voice... Who was it again?
♡ His facial muscles tensed as he painfully fought his eyelids to open.
♡ A loud explosion sent a wave of hot air through him and made his ears ring as his orange eyes slowly opened upon his master with a gun in his hand and a grenade in the other. His expression was a mix of anger and worry. As soon he saw the sword's eyes were open, he smiled.
♡ "I'm going to get you out of here, alright? But you have to listen to me and not fall asleep."
♡ The Saniwa took up most of his vision but behind him he could see dark smoking coming from the ground... Trying to focus on the distance, he could see faint pieces of the HRA that were vanishing into the smoke.
♡ "What the hell, aruji...?" A painful laughed left him, "Why ya never tell me you were so cool with guns before?" His mouth tried to make the right shapes for the words but they were slurred regardless.
♡ A strong arm found it's way around Mutsunokami's waist as he was hoisted upward to stand.
♡ "Make it out of this alive and I might just teach you."
♡ Perhaps it was because the Saniwa wasted no time and hurriedly got Mutsunokami back to the citadel, perhaps because the Saniwa just gave Mutsunokami the best motivation and he was stubborn enough... But he held on and made it through the night to see another day.
♡ As soon as the cheerful sword could get out of bed again, he found his way to the master's room to start his begging for lessons.
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♡ Anger pumped through Taikou's veins as he made attack after attack. They just kept coming. No matter how many HRA he sliced, there was always more.
♡ His movements became frantic and no logic followed them as he went on pure anger.
♡ His body screamed as blood ran down his body, his teeth ached from how badly he gritted them. If only his anger could take the form of fire and burn down every last one of them.
♡ The HRA didn't care how hard the small tantou tried, no matter how angry he looked, their attacks were brutal and kept coming to not give the Samonji brother time to catch his breath.
♡ His head banged against the floor of the forest. Pain spiked itself down his body as it finally began to give up. Anger tried to raise through him to be the last push to get back onto his feet again... But his body was limp.
♡ The only thing he could do was stare up, his brows furrowed, and hot tears poured from the corners of his eyes as the HRA enclosed on him.
♡ The tips of his flinched in an attempted to raise his hand to the full moon above him. The last thing to shine on him in this dark forest. A spotlight for the death that came too soon.
♡ "The monkey, reaches for the moon.... The name Taikou... is something too much for me..."
♡ Just like his previous master, he became too overzealous. Now he was going to drown in a sea of his own blood just like the parable always told him.
♡ Perhaps the Demon King was right about him and Hideyoshi... Just a foolish Monkey.
♡ His eyes stared motionless at the moon above him as a glimmer of a blade strike down on him to finish him off.
♡ As he waited for death... It never came. Instead black smoke clouded his view of the moon as a bang rang out in the almost silent forest.
♡ With no moon to look at, his head fell to the side to see the person he was hoping to see when he returned back to the citadel.
♡ Saniwa
♡ Taikou could feel the tear rise back up and a sob was choking him as he bit his lip, "Aruji-"
♡ More gunshots rang out before he could clearly see the face of the Aruji he treasured. He was all geared up in unusual clothing he had never seen before and weapons he only heard about from Mutsunokami.
♡ "Up we go!" The saniwa lifted up the tantou onto his back so he had access to his hands in case he needed to use his guns again. "You alright, Taikou?"
♡ A silent nod was what followed as the moonlight guided their way out of the forest. "I was really scared... Especially when I heard the gunshots. Guns are really scary and I was sure I was going to die right there... But when I saw you. I knew I was safe... Thank you, Aruji."
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
Hello I’m Ray, I recently discovered your blog and see they are currently open. I’m interested in sending a matchup, I’ve read through your rules and I’ll give you my best description of myself. My pronouns are she/her/they. I’m 22 and a demisexual. My height is 5’5, 5’6 or in between no tantous and match me who you see whoever fit.
【 Personality 】
First off f I can be pretty reserved, shy, and quiet as a mouse. I usually keep to myself but I do make an effort to make small talk when I feel comfortable. I have trouble expressing my emotions as I am emotional and attend to mask myself. Because I feel like sometimes I bother other people with my emotions but overall I’m a super calm and kind person.
Once in a friendship I’m an energetic person and my inner personality start to show. I’m like the big sister to my friends and put them first before myself, but I still shy away unless I’ve been told it’s alright to be expressive. As for very close friends I would get angry if someone hurt them, and I’m very understanding and I won’t judge people by their personality.
As for relationships... I’ve never had or been in one before, or felt for anyone in that matter. If I ever fell for someone I’d be loyal towards them and give them my absolute heart. I wouldn’t mind being affectionate in private and show my love for them by quality time, physical touch like hugging, and hand holding. I’ll take the relationship slow and steady, I’d still have doubts about myself if I’m ever the right person for them.
【 Ideal Partner 】
I’d like for them to be very understanding, to be able to read me, and not be judgemental like me in a sort of way? A total gentleman who’s strong, tall like 6’0 or below, a man who wouldn’t treat a woman harshly. I can’t really think much more of this topic so you may pick whoever you see who’d fit myself. Ughh I’m sorry if this wasn’t enough information lol.
This is was a perfect amount of information! Do not worry!!
I Match You With...
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🌸 Ichimonji Norimune 🌸
♡  Before Sanchoumou was the leader of the Ichimonji clan, Norimune was the head. He is someone who is rather mysterious but a very kind hearted person. Often making jokes about being old. 
♡  Norimune doesn’t often talk about his past, perhaps a few jokes here and there that no one fully knows if they are true or not. He prefers it that way. He wants to be a happy go lucky man who can live in the moment.
♡  His favorite past time is getting to know others around the citadel and seeing how many different people there are. You being one of them. 
♡  Being around for so long, he has grown skilled in reading people from a short conversation. 
♡  He would be very aware that you are someone who is shy and would prefer to keep to yourself at first. He would never push you out of that and would allow you to slowly come out of your shell at your own pace. He would offer you tea and ask if you would like to join him for a conversation. 
♡  He will take slow steps in getting to know you and what you like to do. He would even share things about himself that many would not know to make you feel welcomed and close to him. 
♡  He may even tease you from time to time to get you a little flustered and under your skin. Just to break down your barriers for a moment to show you that he would never judge you for who you really are. 
♡  In turn he will show you his more silly side as well. You want him to do fieldwork? He is suddenly in your office complaining that his back his killing him and he may need to take the day off. (by the third time in a row, you would catch on very quickly to his antics)
♡  Coming into your office became a past time for him. Even if the two of you don’t have an active conversation, he is most likely enjoying a nap there. Comforted just by your presence in the same room. 
♡  Norimune becomes aware of your selflessness and admires that about you. But he also wants you to feel like you don’t have to bare all the burden by yourself and that he is right by your side. 
♡  He will often offer advice and tell you that you deserve a rest. 
♡   “Surely you wouldn’t let this old man finish off the plate of dangos by himself and get a stomach, right?”
♡  Norimune loves physical affection. He would probably be the one that acts first when it comes to that part. Out of no where, he will grab your hand and drag you along for some sweets. Never letting go. 
♡  His favorite thing to do is to wrap his arms around your waist while you work and rest his read on your shoulder, taking a small nap. 
♡  You may need to talk to him about it being a private behind doors action since he just likes to hold onto you and show his affection. He doesn’t care who looks!
♡  He also really respects your wishes and will make sure that he doesn’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable because he truly cares.
♡  A part of him would worry slightly that you would view him differently since he is older than most swords and his past wasn’t the nicest. He was a scary leader at times and doesn’t want his past to ever scare away others from who he is now.
♡ If you are willing to have him in your life and accept him for who he is, he will be on the moon with how happy he is. He will make sure everyday you will smile and feel loved for who you are. 
Top Three Picks: Ichimonji Norimune, Nansen Ichimonji, Izuminokami Kanesada
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
Yes, comforting swords hc are really great! How would Hanjin, Norimune and Azuki care for a sick Saniwa? :3
Hanjin,  Ichimonji Norimune, and  Azuki Nagamitsu Taking Care of Sick Reader (Gn Reader)
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♡ Hanjin often talks about how life is so fleeting like dust floating in the air. The swords don't have to worry about sickness and age ending them. Only the battlefield. Which means that Hanjin always has an eye on you. He knows that you are a human sage that could have their string cut at any moment. He is the very first sword to ever notice something wrong with you. Even if you don't even feel sick yet.
♡ Hanjin is probably the one that is by your side the least just because he believes he will do more harm than good being around you. He considers himself trash and believes if he hung around you, especially when sick, he will just cause you to fall more ill. 
♡ Begs Yagen to take time off from his missions to take care of you, even if you just have the case of a small cold. He’ll even be a substitute for him in missions. Hanjin will be the type that will send other people to help take care of you while waiting on the sidelines and hope for the best outcome.
♡ Hanjin is very distant from many people and doesn't really know how to handle emotional vulnerability that well. If he has to come in to take care of you, he will be further away and just make sure that you stay in bed. Perhaps will let you watch him paint his nails or paint yours if the smell doesn't bother you.
♡ After he gets adjusted to the situation, he’s fussing over you, adjusting your blankets, checking your temperature, making sure you’re finishing your food, etc., but would huff at you to hush up if you ever mentioned it. He still doesn't think being by your side is a good thing for your health but if no one else is doing it, he will.
♡ There will be times where you awake and hear him muttering things under his breath because he believes you are still asleep. Things like, "I know life is fragile but don't take them away. They still have so much to do. If you want to take anyone, take trash like me."
♡ When you finally get better, you can see Hanjin lingering around and watching you from afar. Almost as though he is still scared that you are unwell. After a day or so, he will be back to his usual self and leave you alone for the most part. His anxiety going down ten fold.
♡ The last thing he says to you about your sickness is "Don't let yourself get sick like that again. If you overwork yourself then you get no work done while you are sick. Look after yourself first, dummy." He may not show it well but he does care for you greatly. Don't take his words too close to heart.
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♡ Norimune is probably the first person to notice your illness, considering how close of an eye he keeps on you. In a heartbeat, he’s pulling out a handkerchief and taking your temperature with the back of one of his hands. Although he is often a teasing man, he takes your health seriously. He knows how scary it can be when someone has an illness that can't be taken care of. He was a sword of Okita Soji and we all are aware of how sick Okita became over time.
♡ Depending on how evidently ill you are, you’re either lead to the infirmary or hefted into his arms and tucked into your bed. He will not mess around. If you try to argue with him or get out of bed, he will just smile down at you and say "Don't make me tie you down."
♡ Perhaps he goes a little overboard with the worry but he wants to make sure the same thing that happened to Okita doesn't happen to you. All things considered, he is rather calm when taking care of you. He makes sure you have plenty of water and makes sure you have a wet cloth over your forehead to help you cool down.
♡ When you inevitably fall asleep, Norimune won't stay in your room. He will take your temperature one last time before exiting the room. If you have trouble falling asleep, he will get you some tea and tell you fun stories to help you slowly drift off to sleep.
♡ Norimune doesn't know how to take care of sick people so he will often get the swords that actually do to check in on you from time to time. The best he can do is to make sure you have company and make sure you are eating/drinking plenty to get well.
♡ He will let you work in your bed if you really want to do that. However, you are under a time limit before he takes it away and tells you that you have to now rest. He isn't a man that messes around. You know his word is law so there is no point in even trying to get it back. Bed time.
♡ As much as he would love to stay by your side constantly, he has other stuff to do in the citadel and go on missions. So you will see all the Ichimonji family under his order. They all take shifts to pop in and check if you need anything or to make sure you aren't working too much. They will hide all your paperwork if you try to overdo it.
♡ Nansen is probably the only one that will listen to you and actually give you the work. Scary when Norimune finds out and is suddenly behind the poor cat with a menacing grin.
♡ When you get better, Norimune will joke about how you need to take better care of yourself and that perhaps he should also get sick so you can fuss over him like how he did to you. Though that may be more of an excuse to not do work and just spend the day with you...
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♡ Azuki gets terribly worried the moment you even let out a sniffle or cough. He is aware how hard you work yourself and sometimes stress can cause someone to fall ill. He would try to convince you to take it more easy for the future days so you don't actually fall sick.
♡ If you do fall ill, oh god. He’s a bit overboard on taking care of you. “Did you take your medicine? Are you sure?” He will constantly in and out of your room with hot foods to help you, medicine, and plenty of tea. He will make sure you are eating and resting! He keeps all the kids out of your room even though they really want to see you. Azuki is going to make extra sure you are taken care of.
♡ He is very worried about your well being because his past master, Uesugi Kenshin, fell ill often. Seeing the people he cares about fall ill and in extreme pain breaks his heart. Azuki doesn't ever want you to fall ill and pass away on him. Not like his old master. He knows he can't just take away your sickness and that makes him greatly upset. He knows medicine now a days are much better than the past but that doesn't cease his worry any.
♡ Normally Azuki would be a rather carefree and chill guy but when you are sick, that changes. No matter how much you beg to get up and work, he will not allow it and almost stand guard in your room to make sure you rest and not work. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The only thing he will truly put his foot down to. However if you wish to walk around, he would allow it. Not too far from your room though! And he is by your side the whole way to make sure you don't stumble or faint.
♡ He comes to you so exhausted, bags under his eyes and disheveled hair. You have to remind him to take care of himself. It’s almost as if he’s the one who’s sick rather than you. He barely sleeps when you are sleep. He is still taking care of his duties outside of taking care of you. When he has to go on a mission, he asks someone to watch over you. He is by your side as soon as he gets back. Wounds? He doesn't know them.
♡ There will be times where you awake at random hours and see he is sitting by you, dozing off. Sometimes even asleep but in a position where he will awaken if the wind blows differently. If you need him, he is waking up and taking care of you.
♡ He doesn’t care about himself getting sick in result of making sure you’re okay, but if you insist, he’ll wear a mask around you. Doesn't mean he is leaving your side though!
♡ Azuki does spoil you though. Anytime you have to take some nasty tasting medicine, he is there with tea and sweets he made for you. He says that sweets help regain strength but it is really his own way of saying he cares and showing you by making something special.
♡ When you do get better, you have never seen Azuki so happy yet so exhausted. He is overjoyed the day he takes your temperature and sees that it is back to normal. You getting up and not feeling light headed makes him grin from ear to ear. As happy as he is, he is also very exhausted from overworking /himself/. You may see him missing for a day or two as he regains sleep.
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