#Minamoto Kiyomaro x Reader
sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hello ! May i request Kiyomaro, Suishinshi and Tsurumaru with a self-sacrificing/reckless who doesn't care being injured reader?(seperately) thank you ! 💛
Minamoto Kiyomaro, Suishinshi Masahide, and Tsurumaru Kuninaga with self-sacrificing saniwa (GN!Reader)
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♡ Raindrops fell on Abe fortress at Siege of Kuriyagawa, as darkness lingered around Minamoto. He wasn't alone in the underground levels of the fortress... They lingered in the shadows, circling and circling.
♡ Minamoto ended up getting separated from the group as the assault began on the fortress. The rain could not put out the fire and he felt a mix of dread and lack of oxygen get to him. The one time he had wished he was not given a human form.
♡ If it weren't for the rattling of bones from the Tantou HRA, Minamoto might of tried to patch his bleeding wounds and escape before the fire trapped him below.
♡ Of course it wasn't that easy. HRA had one job and seeing as they were close to failing, they were trying to at least take out one Touken Danshi. A foolish touken danshi that was lead right into a trap after thinking that they had the mission won and needn't to worry any further.
♡ Now he was stuck in the darkness as the tantous flew back and forth through the darkness, cutting Minamoto until blood started to blur his vision. His leg had given out as he sat on the ground and swung around him in hopes of getting at least one of them.
♡ "...Oh no." He coughed out as his lungs begged for air. Clouds of smoke bellowed out into the darkness, bringing slight light with it. He could only guess that meant that the door was broken down on the raid.
♡ His legs ached as he made a run for the door to escape. He had no plan other to at least get out from the underground section of the fortress. The tantous had another idea as they cut the back of his thighs....
♡ The pain never came.
♡ Instead a yelp of pain came from behind, a small turn of his head was all he needed to convince himself to go back. His Saniwa. When did they get down here? Why did they take the hit for him.
♡ His arms swept under them, clenching onto their body.
♡ "Aruji? Aruji!? Hey- Stay awake. Come on-"
♡ Panic arose in his veins. He knew he wasn't fully human and could withstand the dark smoke way more than an actual human... Regardless, they pushed themselves down here to save a sword that was doomed.
♡ He heard the faint voice of Suishinshi with the rest of the team call out for him and Saniwa.
♡ Tears billowed out of the corners of his eyes as he tried to cover his master's mouth from the smoke. An bloodcurdling scream exploded from his suffocated throat as he yelled for help.
♡ That was the last thing he could remember as everything faded to black. Perhaps the smoke finally got him. Perhaps he was broken to forever forget about the saniwa that changed his life. Perhaps the team found him just as he passed out.... He just wanted his master safe.
♡ A deep inhale caused the sword to feel a force push back against him. Something to keep him from taking a breath. A cough spasmed out of his body as his body curled in on itself from trying to intake a rush of air. His lavender eyes slowly opened to find himself in the infirmary.
♡ Another bed not too far from him laid his saniwa who was sleeping peacefully.
♡ All the pain in the whole world could not stop him from rising from the bed, stumbling over to them and holding their hand.
♡ Anxiety slowly faded away as he realized that they were breathing fine... Almost like they were just taking a nap. A shaky sigh left his body as he left his neck lose the strength to hold it up and rested it on their conjoined hands.
♡ "Stupid Saniwa. Don't you know we don't want to lose you? Stop being so reckless."
♡ Droplets fell upon their hand but that was a story he would never tell them. When they awoke, that lazy grin would be on his face once again and telling their saniwa that they knew they would wake up but not to do that again.
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Artist: クロサワテツ (Official Artist for Suishinshi Masahide)
♡ The Battle of Koromo River was a dangerous battle for everyone involved. The Touken Danshi, the HRA, the army, and especially for the saniwa that insisted on coming along even when Suishinshi refused to let them go.
♡ Like he had any real power in that situation.
♡ "My liege, it's far too dangerous. The HRA could target you or you could drown! I refuse to let you go." "Suishinshi, I will be fine. If you are so worried, you can be the sword that sticks by my side and protect me."
♡ No matter how badly he didn't want them to go, he knew they were stubborn and their orders go. So at least Suishinshi could be the sword that gets to stay by their side and ensure they were safe.
♡ He should of stood his ground and left without them.
♡ The rushing waters on either side of them only continued to rise as the army marched across the Koromo River. Many getting washed away and drowning... But that was history.
♡ They could not save everyone. Their job was to stop the HRA from helping the imperial army gain a victory in their favor.
♡ The HRA knew the Touken Danshi were at a disadvantage trying to stop their forces from getting to the battlefield. Their attacks were reckless from trying to break through the Touken Danshi's stronghold. Pushing and pushing, either to get passed or to push them into the waters to drown-
♡ Perhaps that is why the saniwa insisted on coming... Every chance a sword would fall into the water, they would teleport them back on land before they hit the water. The continuous use of their power quickly drained on them as they panted for air and looked pale.
♡ Suishinshi eyes kept glancing next to him to the sage and then focused back to the battle. He was in no better shape than the sage.
♡ Each attack forced them further and further back to the rushing waves of the river.
♡ "As the leader of this operation, my liege, LEAVE. You aren't going to help if your powers run out here. Run!"
♡ His voice was hoarse as he gritted his teeth to push back the HRA forces that wanted nothing more than to get to the sage.
♡ A single step back -
♡ He felt his world shift as he fell backwards, plummeting into the dark waters below. His already large eyes grew into wide circles, as his hand reached out for anyone to grab him. It seemed like the battle field had lost sound. Even the saniwa before him whose mouth was open and like they were screaming for him, could not be heard. A harsh cold washed over him as the force made him breathe the dark water that swallowed him whole.
♡ His body kicked and panicked as it tried to get out of the waves that were pushing him deeper and down the stream.
♡ A light feeling overtook his body. The panic turning into relaxation as the cold air shook the water from his mouth and he found himself on the ground next to the saniwa. They looked exhausted, nevertheless shared a smile at the sword who was coughing up the nasty water from his soul.
♡ He wanted to do nothing more to yell at the saniwa for not running away... but as a last bit of water came out, his vision was blocked by the sage's body. Blood falling onto the ground in front of him as the saniwa's body was thrown back...
♡ The only thing Suishinshi could do in that moment was watch as their body fell into the water and try to grab them. Gravity forcing them into the abyss after than Suishinshi could react.
♡ Panic, Fear, Anger... Violence.
♡ Suishinshi couldn't remember exactly what happened after. He knew that he became a reckless force against the HRA and that the team had to stop him from diving into the waters to try to find the saniwa.
♡ Everything was a haze the next few days without his liege by his side. Constantly teams when to that era to try to find their saniwa. They knew they were alive since they still had their human forms... But where.
♡ Minamoto was the only thing that kept Suishinshi from staying in that era and exhausting himself to the point of being a danger to himself as well.
♡ It was Monoyoshi that ended up finding the sage. Suishinshi heard the news, pushed everyone out of his way and stood in front of his saniwa who looked well... but very tired.
♡ "I'm home, Sui-" "You're stupid. So stupid. I told you to run. I told you to leave because you were in the way but you didn't listen. You never listen. You came to the mission even though I said it was dangerous and-"
♡ His body trembled as all the anger he held faded and it left a scared sword in front of them. The Saniwa wasted no time, hugging the trembling form as he tried to hold back his tears.
♡ "Don't ever do that again. I won't forgive you a second time-"
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♡ Battle of Uji was going well, all things considered. Tsurumaru had his saniwa to thank for that. When they told the team that they were joining them on the battlefield, even the white crane was surprised.
♡ The saniwa had made some blessed tags with their power a few days ago when they heard an invasion may come upon them. What better way to test out if they work than going to the brunt of the battle with the team?
♡ The tags involved getting close to the enemies which resulted with Tsurumaru and the saniwa becoming close partners. Tsurumaru was quick on his feet with an elegant grace of a bird. His attacks were share and precise parrying the enemies' attacks and letting the sage tag them.
♡ An explosion soon followed after. A shocked grin and a clap on the saniwa's back after their first encounter.
♡ "Aruji, the ultimate surprise in the citadel! I may need to stick around you for some tips."
♡ They both knew that Tsurumaru would find a way to surprise them when they got back to the citadel. He wasn't one to let someone have the last surprise no matter what.
♡ The ground shook under their feet. Tsurumaru instantly grabbing onto his master to help them stay upright from the tremors whole the earth.
♡ Was it an earthquake? There shouldn't be one during this battle...
♡ That is when a large shadow enveloped them. Their bodies slowly turned to see a large Ootachi stand before them. No, large didn't describe it. This monster was three times the size of a normal Ootachi.
♡ A snarl left a string of drool drop from their lips as they rose his large sword to crush the puny ants in front of him.
♡ Tsurumaru's eyes darted around maniacally, looking for escape. His body wrapped the saniwa in his white coat as he booked it away from his swing. No matter how fast Tsurumaru praised himself for... he was not fast enough to get out of the range of the swing in time.
♡ Pain burned in his back as the force pushed him over onto the ground but trying his hardest to not fall on top of the Saniwa. His once perfect white outfit was now sprayed with crimson. A small joyful left his mouth in hysterical notes.
♡ "You've seen me dyed in red and white... even if you die right after, you should celebrate it."
♡ Adrenaline bursts through the veins preparing himself for the fight. Even with the large wound on his back, Tsurumaru was ever graceful. Almost as if he was hopping from side to side with the air gliding him to avoid the heavy attacks coming his way.
♡ But the Saniwa knew far too well that Tsurumaru's strength would quickly fade if he could not defeat the enemy quick enough and... no. They didn't want to think of the outcome if Tsurumaru became exhausted before that.
♡ A quick look at their tags was all they needed to be sure of their decision.
♡ Tsurumaru hopped from the side of their sword, flinging his body into the air as he cut the collarbone of the gigantic Ootachi. The enemy wasn't going to take that and let him fall to the ground. Their arm lifted and hit the crane to the ground with a large crash as the solid earth broke under him.
♡ The enemy was preparing to raise it's sword once more to finish the bird that was annoying him throughout the whole battle... But a high pitch whistle caught his attention from his side.
♡ There stood Saniwa, as they took off in a sprint away from Tsurumaru after they got the Ootachi's attention. The HRA knew what target was more valuable, without a second thought it followed slowly behind the sage.
♡ "Aruji! No..." Tsurumaru breath came out in a whimper as he tried to reach out to the fading figure in the distance. His bones ached and no matter how determined he was to go after them, his body would no longer allow it.
♡ Spotted darkness started to overtake his vision, focusing on a tree branch in hopes it would keep him stable in the moment but no matter what... His consciousness faded with the final emotion of worry.
♡ When awoken mind rose his eyelids up, he saw a familiar room. It was the infirmary. A look down showed a bundle of wrappings from his check to the abdomen. Was the slash that large?
♡ He was sore and movement was nearly impossible, but there was something more important. Saniwa.
♡ He pushed himself up and off the bed, using any furniture and walls he could to lead himself outside into the hall.
♡ There stood Saniwa about to come into the infirmary. White wrapping in their hands as they looked up in awe at the awoken sword. Their skin in some parts looked burned pretty harshly and some bandages could be seen from the ends of their clothing.
♡ "Tsurumaru? You shouldn't be up-"
♡ Tsurumaru found himself grinning at their voice as he brought his hands up to pinch their cheeks. His body leaning forward due to no longer being balanced against a wall. Saniwa quickly caught his arms and held him upright, even dropping the bandages in their hand.
♡ "I'm a bad influence on you, aruji! Look at how much you shocked me in that battle... But I wasn't the biggest fan of that surprise. So don't scare me like that again, alright?"
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Sick Saniwa: Sanchoumou, Minamoto Kiyomaro, Suishinshi Masahide
I do hope that this is okay for you dear~! I’m super excited to write for these two!!!!
Warnings: None.
The minute you wake up with a sneeze and fever, Sanchoumou is right there beside you. His ruby eyes would narrow, and his hand would be at your back, rubbing smooth circles into your skin. “Are you alright, my dove?” he would question. 
Worry would be evident across his face as you progressively become sicker and sicker, if you happen to pass the fuck out, Sanchoumou would not hesitate to rush to your side. His heart would be beating miles a minute, almost giving out right then and there. He will practically have Nikkou and Nansen stand guard while he tends to you and calls for Yagen.
When you have a fever, Sanchoumou is not leaving your side. You wake up and he is right there, holding your hand and pressing a cool cloth to your head and a pot of tea resting on the table. “Good morning, my little bird.’ he would say, running his thumb over your cheek. “How are you feeling?”
Sanchoumou will absolutely NOT leave your side when you are sick. Oh no, this man is going to nurse you back to health all the way! Even if he has to leave for only a moment or longer like on a mission, he will have Nikkou or Nansen check up on you. The minute he gets home, he goes straight to you (after getting patched up of course, he’s not about to trek even more germs into your room when you’re already sick!) 
Will learn from books and Yagen how to take care of you, often asking for advice on how to care for you.
Will read you/tell you stories to help you sleep!
Will still give you forehead kisses, no stopping this man once he set his mind to something!
Is basically that guy who will risk getting sick as well for you, no way is he going to let you suffer alone.
Damn right he will still cuddle with you while you’re sick, move over in that bed of yours. You’re going to get hugged. Sickness be damned! All of the hugs! He’s not going to let his little dove suffer like this alone!
Yeah Sanchoumou does get sick in the end but hey, worth it! He helped you and now you get to take care of him! Win win situation...he supposes. 
Minamoto Kiyomaro
Oh dude the minute you get sick and start coughing and sneezing, Kiyomaro pauses, confused, almost panicking on the inside. He wonders if anything is wrong and he knows that something is wrong! He begins to fuss over you, hand against your forehead and you lean into the touch. He freezes for a minute, almost too enamored with a sort of blissed out look on your face and dreamy gaze. And then you pass the fuck out and he panics. 
Of course he brings you back to your room and immediately screams for Hasebe, Yagen, Tomoe, whoever the hell to help him. Suishinshi is inwardly panicking a little but mostly doing his best to keep his friend calm. Kiyomaro is halfway ready to chuck himself off of a cliff, what the hell had he done wrong????????
When it’s just a mere cold or something Minamoto almost collapses from how much he had been worrying, but now a weight has left his shoulders, you won’t die from this! You can just bounce back stronger and better than ever!!
He’s not leaving your side unless he has to. Will drag all sorts of video games into your room to play with you. Most of the time it’s you watching him and maybe playing. He’s going to keep you occupied from thinking about how sick you are. Of course if you do have a coughing fit, he’s right there to rub circles into your back and give you meds! You’ll never be bored with him around!
If you want to sleep, Kiyomaro will understand. If you ask to cuddle, he’s there boo! He understands if you need space but man, he’ll risk getting sick with you! He’ll be a bit pouty when he’s away from you while you nap, of course he knows he’ll see you again but like...his eyes will always wander in the direction of your shared room with a soft sigh upon his lips. 
During his time away from you, Minamoto will take the time to figure out how to better take care of you! Books, talking to peeps, anything and everything! Hell he’ll try to cook you something too! Catch him in the kitchen making you soup or congee or whatever the hell you’re craving! Will try to sneak you some snacks though, much to the chagrin of everyone around him. Will hide said snacks in his shirts if he gotta.
He’s a bit clumsy in the role of a caregiver, but he’s going to do his best to help you!
If anything during your sick days he’ll try his best to cheer you up! He’s always going to bring in stories from his time around the citadel to you, and will happily sit by you in silence if you just wanna bask in each other’s presences! 
Yeah sure if he gets sick, he’ll be like, “Now you can take care of me~!” and be oh so happy that he gets to be spoiled too!!!
Suishinshi Masahide
Panic mode, engaged. Sirens are running in his head when he notices that you’re sick. There is a flash of fear in his eyes when you come down with a fever. He may not show it outwardly but you can see with the way his hands shake as he holds you, worried whispers passing his lips, questioning if you’re alright or not. 
Suishinshi begins to fuss over you immediately, “My liege, are you alright? Do you need anything? Water? Food? Rest? I-I’m sorry if I’m bothering you! I can leave if you want? Anything to help you feel better! Just...just tell me whatever it is that you want and need okay? I’m here for you.” his hands would not dare to leave yours, even though they shake so much that you think they might shatter - an earthquake in his heart, almost too much for him to handle. 
If you are sleeping and resting and Suishinshi is out and about, he will also look longingly back towards your shared room, with soft sighs of need leaving his lips. He just wants to be by your side! What’s wrong with that! Of course, if someone asks/teases him about this, he will huff and act all tsundere about it, trying to hide his flushing face within his collar. “Just...just making sure that our liege is alright. That it all!” but it is oh so plain to see, with how he dips his head to hide his flush and the look in his eyes that’s he’s worried about you. The teasing won’t last for too long though. 
Don’t even think about trying to work while Suishinshi is around. He’ll take away your papers and almost try to take on your workload for himself! He’s no Hasebe or Tomoegata but he’s going to want to help you in whatever way he can! He wants to show you that you can rely on him, even if he was never good at words. 
If you want company Suishinshi will be more than happy to stay by your side, even if he flushes at it and mumbles, “I-If that’s what you want.” and sits by you, the weight leaving his shoulders and slowly slumping against your form. Will always want to hold your hand during this.
If you two sleep together, Suishinshi will 100% fall asleep first, before you do; especially if he’s the little spoon, he loves listening to your heart! However he’s a pretty light sleep, so the minute he hears you coughing or sneezing or sniffling, he’ll shoot awake and tend to every need you have!
Will probably take down notes on how to take care of you the next time you end up sick. Has a little kit ready for this occasion. 
If Suishinshi does get sick because of you, you get to spoil him yes, but he instantly becomes 700% more clingy. He’ll try to frame it as, “I can take care of myself!” and then as you tease him and try to leave he’ll be like, “n-No! Please stay...please?”
Will probably be the type of person who will keep your room clean and free of germs! What if you get sick again??
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
[Senario for Norimune, Sanchoumou and Kiyomaro] So say that there was this one government official who, for whatever reason, finds fault with everything the Saniwa does and overall looks down on them. So one day, this same official pops by the Citadel for an inspection (as officials do) and basically starts nitpicking everything and saying 'we should have the government overseeing history's protection, not some kid blah blah blah'. How would the aforementioned toudan feel and respond?
Thank you~!
Time Government comes for an inspection (GN!Reader)
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Artist: Lack (Official Artist for Ichimonji Norimune)
♡ The citadel was the most stress it had ever been. Mostly due to the saniwa being an anxious mess over an inspection that was coming up. Everything had to be clean and perfect, something that never really mattered before to them.
♡ Norimune had been one of the swords that worked for the Time Government before coming to this citadel. He had seen his fair share of citadels and they were all very different. However, one thing that always remained the same was the fact that the master of the citadel was always very stressed before he showed up.
♡ After, seeing how Norimune would crack jokes and not take up too much time, they relaxed and the inspection turned more into a little check up rather than something super important that had to be perfect in every box.
♡ Norimune always believed the Time Government was very stuck up with their ideals that when he got a chance to jump ship and come to this citadel, he took it.
♡ He tried his best to keep them calm the days coming up to the inspection. Tea and jokes, as well as promising to be right by their side when they came to the citadel.
♡ The days flew by before anyone noticed it and the day of the inspection came.
♡ The Saniwa and Norimune stood side by side as they awaited for the inspector to teleport in. Norimune gently poking his master's cheek and giving a smile to make them relax their tense body.
♡ A flash of blue light disconnecting their looks at one another and a 6' 0" tall, olive skinned woman with smooth eyebrows appeared before them. A woman of pure business and wishing to get the inspection over with. She didn't care for any greeting they could muster up out of the nerves that were trying to tie the Saniwa down and walked past them.
♡ "Are you going to do your job or am I going to have to show myself around?"
♡ Norimune was honestly taken aback from the hostility that the inspector gave his Saniwa right away. He knew they could be prickly but never this bad!
♡ The Saniwa nodded and quickly ran in front to start their tour. Almost like this was not a new thing, like it happened every time they came for a tour.
♡ Not wanting to make his master uncomfortable, he followed behind them and gave small smiles to the Saniwa anytime they looked his direction.
♡ With every comment that left the inspectors mouth, he could feel the grip on his fan become even tighter... To the point, he had to put it down in fear of breaking it.
♡ "You call this clean? I thought you had all the swords currently forgeable?" "You're not even to this era yet?" "Why do you have so much paperwork? Do you not do your work?" "Are you really this incompletion to be a Saniwa? Perhaps we should take back your title-"
♡ The tour was almost over but by that point, Norimune was no longer settling to the back to just be moral support for his master. He now stood beside them. Complimenting things he loves about the citadel and turning to the inspector with a smile.
♡ "Isn't it so lovely that the Saniwa upgraded the citadel to give more room for all their swords so they can complete their work more efficiently? You can tell they put love and care into this citadel every day... Surely you would agree, Inspector, since you have seen so many citadels and know first hand how to be a sage, right?"
♡ Every comment he would leave would be full of joy and yet underlining demeaning intent towards the inspector who quickly started to grow silent about the former Inspector sword.
♡ By the time the tour was over, Norimune had asked if they could prepare some tea for the two to relax over while he showed the Inspector the way out.
♡ A gentle arm around their shoulder, trapping them close to his body as he walked to the transporter.
♡ "It would be a shame if the higher ups heard about what happened today... Someone would surely lose their jobs and have no where else to go since they only know how to insult others instead of look at themselves and see how much they have to improve instead." A gentle push forward, he would leave them with a smile. "Let's remember that in the future. Can't wait to see you again, Inspector ♡."
♡ Norimune doesn't bother to see them teleport out. Instead he wishes to just be by his Saniwa, patting their head and telling them how well they did today despite having to endure the hardships that came with it.
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Artist: Suda Ayaka (Official Artist for Sanchoumou)
♡ This wasn't the first time Sanchoumou saw his Saniwa very stressed and trying to finish everything as quickly as they could. It still alarmed him that they were running from one end of the citadel to the other trying to clean up when all the rest of the swords were already helping to clean.
♡ His generous soul had decided that he would help calm them down while giving all the work he had to do for the day to the rest of the clan members- (The look on Himetsuru's face when he just finished and was about to take a nap)
♡ The Saniwa was working on almost zero sleep by the time Sanchoumou appeared before them and picked them up like they were a sack of potatoes, bringing them to their room for some tea that Nikkou prepared before going to finish the leader's work.
♡ "You look like you have barely any feathers left, little bird. Drink and rest. This is a formal order from yours truly." The Saniwa knew the look in his eyes and that teasing smirk. When Sanchoumou wanted something, he would get it. Meaning he wasn't going to leave their side until he got what he came for.
♡ The soothing smell of the chamomile tea reached their nose and the taste instantly began to relax all their muscles that they didn't even realize that were tensed up. The 2 hours of sleep they got over the few days finally dragging their eye lids down until the embrace of their warm futon wrapped around them and let them drift away in a sea of dreams.
♡ It was only late afternoon they woke up and- The inspector was supposed to be there already.
♡ They didn't even bother to look into the mirror to make sure they looked the best they could, instead rushing out in hopes they didn't keep them waiting.
♡ In the hallway stood a lanky, fair skinned person with a hooked nose, a square face, thick eyebrows and tired, heavy-lidded, blue eyes. The inspector that was known to give the saniwas a hard time if everything wasn't perfect. Dread washed over them as they quickly walked up to them and bowed in apology.
♡ Next to them was Nikkou. It seemed like Sanchoumou had ordered him to give the inspector the tour in replacement for the saniwa who was catching up on their sleep.
♡ The inspector's face was anything but pleased when they finally saw the saniwa that they were sent to meet with... very late.
♡ "Can't even come to a meeting on time..." They muttered just loud enough for the saniwa and Nikkou to hear while writing something down on their clipboard. "Can you at least finish this inspection without running off? Goodness, you aren't even dressed well enough for such a meeting. What? Did you just get out of bed like a bum?"
♡ Feeling rather embarrassed, the saniwa looked at Nikkou to send him off. Nikkou gave a look as if asking if they were really sure they wanted to take over... But the saniwa knew that had to. It was their job and this inspector would complain so much that the higher ups might actually get involved if they think they weren't taking their job seriously.
♡ The insults didn't stop throughout the rest of the tour after Nikkou left. From how the swords weren't working enough, to the saniwas reports never being delivered on time to the Time Government, to asking how they even managed to become a sword sage to try to save history.
♡ It was getting to the point where they were just stopped in a part of the citadel while they kept going on and on.
♡ Each word was like a punch being sent their way, causing them to stumble back to try to get away from it. But their back hit something that caused them to lean against a wall like form. Turning their head up, they saw Sanchoumou behind them. His hands resting on their shoulders as they looked down at his saniwa with a soft smile.
♡ The rest of the Ichimonji clan stood around, blocking in the inspector. They were all geared up in their battle uniforms.
♡ "I think we heard enough squabbling from a tiny chicken with a chestnut for a brain. How about you make your way out of here while you still have a chance? We may have to slice off your wings, one by one if you don't run fast enough, chicken. We will see if you can keep spreading your lies after that."
♡ A dark, growl-like voice came out of Sanchoumou as he took his eyes off his saniwa and onto the inspector. It was almost like his eyes shined ten-times more red. If his hands weren't on the sage's shoulder, they were sure their legs were give out from under them from the intense aura he was giving off. It wasn't just him... It was the whole clan as they all stared down at the lanky Inspector that was bullying their saniwa so harshly.
♡ "If we see you in our home again, we will make sure it doesn't end as easily as this visit. You been warned, coward."
♡ The inspector that went on and on about how much of a mess up the saniwa was, now fell silent and looked in horror. Tripping over their own feet as they backed away, scrambling to quickly push themselves up and run as fast as they could.
♡ Perhaps it didn't help that Sanchoumou told the rest of the clan to follow after them to really make it feel like they were chasing them to the exit...
♡ Once the two was alone, Sanchoumou rubbed the saniwa's biceps as if to warm them up and calm them down.
♡ "You never have to deal with bastards like that, you understand me? Call for help next time, little bird. We will be there in a heartbeat."
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♡ Minamoto was never someone who worried too much about anything if he had control over. He had the mindset of "if something is going to happen no matter what I do, why stress myself out now worrying about it?". If he had power to change things, he would.
♡ When he saw his saniwa telling all the swords to make sure the citadel was in the best condition and them rushing to get everything done before tomorrow, he was concerned and quickly acted.
♡ Around dinner time, Minamoto appeared to their room with a tray of their dinner and his own. He was going to force them to put down the work and eat.
♡ "Alright aruji! Paper done, chopsticks up! Mitsutada-san made miso soup and oyakodon!"
♡ A lazy grin was present on his face as he set up the table and snatched away that kept their eyes glued to the ink written on it.
♡ "I'm sure you are worried about tomorrow but it's going to happen anyway so it's better to take care of yourself now and get it over when it comes tomorrow. Plus... You're not alone. You got me, Suishinshi-chan, and everyone else. You can rely on us to have your back."
♡ Minamoto stayed for the rest of the night after cleaning up the dishes to help with any paperwork they were stressing over. Although he may not look it, Minamoto's reports were always the best and always done by the time he made it back to the citadel. He quickly went through the paperwork that needed to be done by tomorrow with ease and small talk to pass the time.
♡ By the time the work was done, it was around 12am. Just in time to get to bed and get some rest for the inspection.
♡ The morning after breakfast, Minamoto awaited outside the saniwa's room in his casual wear. He wasn't going to let his master go through the inspection alone after seeing them so stressed over it. He was never the inspector when he worked for the Time Government but he lived in this citadel long enough to know that this saniwa was not one to be doubted.
♡ His hand gently smoothed out the sage's outfit to make look more prim.
♡ "Got ya back, aruji."
♡ For once, they actually felt calm going up to the teleporter as they waited for the inspector. They got this, Minamoto said so. He was there with them. It was going to happen either way, better to get it over with.
♡ Until they saw the inspector that teleport in. Their smile vanished as the light faded to reveal a 5' 0" tall, fair skinned man with a large nose, angular eyebrows and cold, angular, brown eyes. He had medium-length bushy sideburns and a very familiar glare. The same man that inspected the last time around, leaving the poor saniwa trembling from how much he badgered them with complaint and questions he thought they were too dumb to answer.
♡ Minamoto quickly picked up saniwa's demeanor, sliding ever so closer so their shoulders were touching.
♡ The inspector gazed up from his notepad and let out a sigh, "oh, you."
♡ Minamoto gave the most host like smile he could muster, "Inspector, I think you need to watch your language around a powerful sage. They taught you that, correct?"
♡ He was taken aback, normally he could walk over these saniwas without a problem but this sword was giving him sass?
♡ Compared the first meeting with this inspector, he didn't talk as much. A snide comment from time to time always ended up with Minamoto clicking his tongue at the man and somehow ending up getting closer to him to the point he felt uncomfortable and just wanted to leave the citadel.
♡ Minamoto was like a watchful eagle with his arms crossed. Any comment that Minamoto didn't seem fit, he would make a comment back at the inspector.
♡ "This place is hardly cleaned! You call this a citadel?" "You are barely dressed, perhaps you had a rough morning?" "Are any of your swords working to protect history?" "Are you?"
♡ The inspector quickly learned to keep his mouth shut. If anyone could go to his boss, it would be one of the swords that used to work for the higher ups.
♡ By the time he left, Minamoto gave the saniwa a longing look until they caught on and stared back at him.
♡ "You deal with that often? Is that why you were so scared?"
♡ Embarrassed, they nodded.
♡ A frustrated sigh left him as he rubbed between his furrowed brows, "They may work for your boss but that doesn't mean you have to take that. Show them you aren't someone to mess with. You are a powerful sage after all! If the higher ups have a complaint, they can come to you directly to talk it out. I will back you up all the way, aruji."
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
Hello~! I'm the Anon who asked for the Saniwa with the part-time job.
Don't worry hc were enough! I don't want to cause more work for you :3
But those hc were good! Can I ask for the same thing but with Yagen Toushirou, Minamoto Kyomaru and Suishinshi Masahide!
Thank you ^^
Hello again!! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the previous ones!! They are always such a blast to write.
TW: violence, blood, burns/scars, S*icide mention
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♡  Yagen wouldn't be at your café often but would show up from time to time. Normally when he was with some of his younger siblings (only like two because OH GOD). He would often be busy at the citadel doing any work you assigned him for that day or working on new medicine.
♡  Yagen has rarely any time to take a break. He is very much so a workaholic. You will always see him working on something, so it takes his brothers a lot of begging to get him to stop. When they do, it's to go to the café where you work. A lot of the younger swords miss you a lot when you are not at home.
♡  Yagen will take the chance of coming to visit you as a chance to buy stuff at stories for medicines he is working on or maybe a book to help him study. So often times, they will come into the café with some bags that he bought just before coming in.
♡  He will make sure that his younger siblings don't bother you when you are working! He will buy them a small dessert while ordering some tea for himself. He doesn't want to cause more trouble for you because he knows you are working hard to support everyone at the citadel and really admires you for it.
♡  That being said, he does worry about you a lot. Don't be surprised if you feel eyes on you while you work. As soon as you look over at him, he will advert his eyes and pretend he was just reading. In actuality he was trying to study your body language and facial expressions to make sure you aren't overworking yourself.
♡  They will stay at your café for about an hour, at most. Before he gathers them up and says one last goodbye before taking them home.
♡  When you do get home, you are not allowed to work all that much. He understands you have to do paperwork and assign jobs for the swords but he will make extra sure you are taking breaks and eating properly. So don't be surprised if you see him much more often around you after you get back. He will make sure to bring you tea, snacks, and maybe some sleeping medicine at night if you can't fall asleep.
♡  Customers are relatively patient and understanding, so he often doesn't have to worry all that much when you are working.
♡  So expect a very shocked Yagen walking into the café and seeing hot coffee being poured on you when the customer gets so angry for getting the order wrong. Shock quickly turns into pure anger. He will push his younger siblings away before dashing over to the scene.
♡  Yagen is one of the fastest Tantous. You won't even see him. It will be a blur in front of your eyes before you finally realize that Yagen had just dashed from the door to the other side of the café and right into the man. The man now knocked out, laying against the wall he was just driven into by Yagen.
♡  The anger quickly fades from his face since the man is no longer his concern. His attention is quickly brought over to you, worry on his face and he doesn't even attempt to hide it. His gloved hands with quickly find yours, and guide you quickly to the back to help you.
♡  His siblings will follow the both of you, very concerned about you. Expect Yagen to be very quiet during this time. It will be mostly his younger siblings asking you if you are okay and having small talk to you.
♡  Yagen will hold you very gently as immerse the burns in cool water. His treatment is fast but gentle. He won't look at you in the eyes as he puts on the lotion and bandages the burn. The most he will say will asking his siblings to be a little more quiet and careful around you.
♡  The first time he will look at you will be when he gives you a pill to relieve the pain that you must be feeling. His eyes will still look insanely worried for you and you will see his mouth in a straight line, as if he is holding back emotions. He can't let you or his siblings see him cry.
♡  Yagen had to see many people hurt, almost all of them being people he cares about deeply. Sometimes, they wouldn't make it and break/pass away. He knows you are fully human and a little more fragile than him and the rest of the swords. It is only then, when seeing you hurt, does he realize how terrified he is about losing you.
♡  Yagen had lost his previous master and his mastered used him to die. He doesn't want to lose you too. He is no longer just a blade, he can make sure he can protect you.
♡  After his emotions are more under control, he will declare; "My siblings care about you a lot. All the swords care about you a lot." He will look down as he continues, "I care about you a lot. So get better soon and when situations like that happen and get too dangerous... It's okay to run away and rely on us. It doesn't make you weak. So don't go pushing yourself too far or else I won't forgive you. There is only so much I can help heal..."
♡  When you get home, you will have your own personal nurse around. Yagen will be around much more now. He will make sure you have everything you need and make sure you aren't working too much so your wounds can heal. He is also going to be the sword that is constantly changing your bandages and making sure you are taking your medicine and resting. He isn't going to allow him to back sass him either. You are following HIS orders until you fully heal.
♡  He isn't going to prevent you from working or going back to the café, though. He knows you are responsible and will do what you wish but he wants you to be aware that everyone cares about you and will be there if you need them. As well as not pushing yourself too far.
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♡  Minamoto will often times show up at the café! Normally in the afternoon with Suishinshi. Minamoto often challenges poor Suishinshi at the arcade and whoever loses has to pay for the winner's food and drink. Let's just say... Minamoto isn't the one paying often and you see a very angry sword hiding half his face in his collar because of it.
♡  Minamoto thinks it's great that you are working in the café because it seems like something you really enjoy doing! Even if it's stressful sometimes. He honestly wishes he could also work with you and help out around the café but knows that working there is on a strict schedule that he just can't follow due to being a Touken Danshi (sword warrior). He has to be prepared to work around the citadel or go off to missions any moment you say the word. He respects that too.
♡  Doesn't mean he doesn't do his own work though! He actually gets paid to win stuffed animals from claw machines for people and sometimes enters gaming tournaments around the town to try to win some money for you and the citadel. He wants to help too! In his own special way.
♡  Speaking of that, he is very good at claw machines! So if he knows you like a certain animal or character (or maybe he just thinks it's cute), he will win it for you and show it to you when he gets to the café to surprise you and bring up your day! He knows you two can't talk much while you are working but he wants to make you smile any way he can and brighten your stressful day.
♡  Even though he shows up often to the café, he doesn't stay too long. He doesn't want to take up too much of your time when he knows you are busy. He wants to relieve your stress, not add onto it.
♡  Minamoto will try to make you some of the drinks or desserts back at the citadel for when you return! It... does not taste the same. He can make it look pretty! The taste is lacking though. It's the thought that counts. He would love it if you two cook together and you teach him how to make it! Anything to get your mind off work and just enjoy your time away from it. Bonus points if you actually enjoy cooking.
♡  As everyone knows, Minamoto is actually a pretty chill person. He doesn't look for a fight and eager to welcome anyone new and let them know that he respects them. That being said, his emotions sometimes gets the best of him and doesn't want to confront them directly which might come off more passive aggressive.
♡  I bring this up because the side he shows when everything goes down will not be a pretty one.
♡  He will be having a little chat with Suishinshi as they enjoy their drinks (Suishinshi with black coffee where every time he takes a sip, it looks like he is getting hit but he has to look mature. And Minamoto with a very sweet smoothie that could probably rot your teeth if you're not careful) but then will hear the loud commotion coming not too far from them. As soon as Minamoto sees that it's you that is involved, he rushes to get up and protect you. Not wasting any moments and nearly throwing the table on it's side. The drinks that were on it, broken, on the floor.
♡  Even though he rushed, he witnesses you getting the hot coffee poured on you right in front of him. Just a little too slow to get there. Horror will be written on his face as he turns his attention to the man who just did that to you.
♡  Fury. The man lasts no chance before Minamoto has him on the floor and letting his anger get the best of him.
♡  It is Suishinshi that urges you to go into the back with a follow coworker to get your wounds handled. It is also Suishinshi that pulls Minamoto off the customer. The once angry customer is now beaten and bleeding badly. However he is still conscious and rushes to get away from the swords. Suishinshi understands how his friend his feeling but knows that he can't let his anger get the best of him... Not here.
♡  Suishinshi will be the one that goes into the back to see you and take you home. Minamoto will be no where to be found. He has to cool off before he can see you.
♡  You will find him much later, on the rooftop looking at the stars. He will be much more quiet than ever before and won't look at you if you sit next to him. It will take a while before you can hear his voice that sounds stressed, as if not wanting to let more emotions get out.
♡  "You should of ran. You didn't have to take what he was saying... You-" He would pause as he grips his cloak, "You didn't have to see that side of me."
♡  He doesn't mean to blame you and would apologize a lot when he realizes it comes off like that. He knows that it isn't /your/ fault. He has a lot of emotions welling inside of him as he thinks about the incident and now seeing your skin bandaged. He never wanted to see you hurt like that.
♡  If you touch him and get close, everything he was holding back would just break. He would be sobbing into your shoulder as he expressed how he was so scared that he was going to lose you and not protect you. How he wanted to not cause more stress for you but ended up being useless and causing so much more stress and hurt onto you. His hug will be tight but gentle to make sure to not touch any of the wounded areas.
♡  He cares about you a lot that sometimes he doesn't know how to react to some of his more darker emotions. He didn't mean for today to turn out like that. He promises to be better and make sure to never let his anger get the best of him like that again.
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♡  Like stated above, Suishinshi comes to the café often with Minamoto! He will often complained that Minamoto dragged him along but in actuality, it was Suishinshi dragging Minamoto. Though, you don't need to know that he misses you often when you aren't in the citadel. He will keep that secret just between him and Minamoto. Minamoto knows not to tease him about it because he will get defensive and just not go, then gets all depressed for not seeing you. So instead, he just smiles and goes along with it. Anything for his best friend.
♡  Suishinshi still often pays for the meals and drinks when they go because Minamoto still brings him along to the arcade. If he wants to see you so bad, he has to play a few rounds with Minamoto.
♡  Although he is often angry about losing, he does cheer up quite a bit when you come over and smile at them before asking for their order. You may even see a small blush on his cheeks that he tries to hide with his collar.
♡  He still orders black coffee even though it is very clear he does not like it, at all. He wants to impress you and show you that he is very mature and can handle bitter foods/drinks! Though you can see Minamoto often laughing at him for trying to drink his cup and making a face each time... HE WILL DRINK IT ALL. He will not back down.
♡  Even after Suishinshi and Minamoto leave after their order, you will find him outside the café around closing time. He will act like he just came back to do some shopping but he will not be holding anything. He is really just looking for an excuse to be with just you and walk you home after work. Don't point it out, he has an image to uphold!!
♡  Will wrap his cloak/jacket around you if it's cold when you both are walking home. "You shaking so much is distracting me, just take it". You won't even be shaking but he will say you were anyway. His cloak/jacket is very warm! Personal heater sword right there. Though he gets cold often but will still want you to swear the cloak/jacket.
♡  Don't be too surprised if you still him glaring at other customers when he is in the café. If he sees anyone looking at you in interest, his eyes are locked on them and he is giving them the death glare. He won't stop until they get the note. If you ask him about it, he will reply very bluntly to you with "I don't like their face."
♡  He can be very rude to those not important to him. Especially those that are trying to do something with his master.
♡  He is trying to get better at expressing his emotions! Emphasis on try. Sometimes when you both just get home and you both are hanging up your coat, hat, and taking off your shoes, he will mutter very softly for you to hear; "Good work today" before running off. You can't even ask what he said or thank him because he is already gone by the time you hear it and look over to him.
♡  He wants you to know that he supports you in everything you do but is really bad at putting that into words. Even worst with confronting you directly about it without running away. Just know that he means it every time he does get it out! He cares about you a lot more than he is able to express.
♡  So when he sees someone causing you trouble in the café one day? Oh no... He doesn't wait and gets up right away. Minamoto is the one that tries to calm him down, saying that aruji (master) can handle it. They are very capable on their own as well! That is the only reason that Suishinshi hesitates for a moment.
♡  But it is in that moment when the situation grows dire and coffee gets splashed onto you. Both swords stand there in shock for a moment before rushing forward. Suishinshi wastes no further moments and quickly knees the customer in the stomach to make them topple over, onto the ground.
♡  However, he doesn't focus on them. Instead, he turns his attention onto you and gently grabs you to rush you into the back. Minamoto is the one that deals with the violent customer (this time a little more calm but still seething).
♡  "It's okay. It's okay.." He will keep repeating as he puts cold water on your burns. You are unsure if he is trying to reassure you or himself. You will see him on the slight panic mode as he tries to help your wounds. Him shaking rather bad and dropping any item he tries to hold and help. A coworker will have to come in and actually help bandage and take care of your wounds as Suishinshi is escorted out to calm down.
♡  As soon as you come out of the room, now bandaged up, you will see him pacing back and forth in the cafe. Minamoto trying to get him to sit down and breathe. As soon as he hears the door open, his eyes shoot over to you and he runs over. Grasping you gently as he starts to go on a tangent.
♡  "A-are you okay? Are you hurt badly? Can you walk? Oh god that was dumb, of course you can. How are your eyes? Can you see? How many fingers am I holding up? Do you remember my name? My liege, do you know how worried I was about you? You shouldn't of..." He would stop and look down at the ground as he tries to catch his breath that he wasn't aware he was holding, "You shouldn't of been the one that got hurt. I should of taken the hit and your pain. I am sorry for failing you as your sword. I have no right to the title of Touken Danshi."
♡  Don't expect to continue working for a while. Suishinshi is normally one to not give affection openly but after that incident, good luck getting rid of him from your side. He will be constantly trying to help you around the citadel and not letting you touch almost anything that could hurt you.
♡  Also expect him to constantly be cuddling with you (if you allow it). It is more for him than you. He wants to make sure he doesn't lose you and protect you.
♡  There will be times where he is cuddling you from behind, with his chin resting on your shoulder and another sword will come in, telling you about missions reports. Suishinshi will be glaring at them from your shoulder. Almost like a feral cat trying to tell people to leave their owner alone.
♡  Suishinshi will say that he won't allow you to go back to work but if you really wanted to, you could. He is just very paranoid of a similar incident happening again.
♡  When/if you do start working again, expect him to be there everyday for the first good while. He won't use Minamoto as an excuse anymore and will just be there by himself. He wants to make sure to protect you! It will take a long time before he will actually distance himself from you and not be at your side all the time. You might have to talk to him to let him know that it will be okay and that it won't happen again. Even then, he will be scared and still show up fairly often. He will break the habit overtime!
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
Can I request some romantic headcanons for Suishinshi Masahide and Minamoto Kyomaru! :3 (separate and as pronoun she please ^^)
Suishinshi And Minamoto Relationship Headcanons (Fem!Reader)
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♡  Oh boy, getting into a relationship with Suishinshi will be a little difficult because he puts up a persona to act all cool. He is especially going to put up that persona in front of you because he really wants to impress you.
♡  When you both do get into a relationship, don't expect him to suddenly drop that habit. It's going to take him a very long time until he is very honest with you so you will have to read between the lines with him for a bit. 
♡  He will say that he doesn't enjoy kisses and hugs, but then look away because his face is all red and he is trying to hide it with his jacket. 
♡  Same thing with attention, he will say he doesn't like it but will linger around you and try to get your attention.
♡  You going to watch the swords on sparring duty... wait a minute, you don't remember putting Suishinshi here today- but here he is and trying really hard to pull out some cool moves. 
♡  Please praise him. It will make his heart go a thousand beats a second. He will say "it's no big deal" but it is to him.
♡  Also, head pats!! He loves them and will get flustered with them. "Don't treat me like a kid" but inside he smiling to himself to earn such an affectionate gesture. 
♡  Something he is going to struggle with is breaking the habit of calling you "My liege". It will take him a long time before he will call you by your actual name.
♡  Even if he doesn't use a pet name for you, please know that when he does say your name, it is filled with all his love.
♡  He may call you "my beauty" when you both are alone and cuddling because he knows it's safe and you would never judge him or think any less of him for expressing such a thing. 
♡  Probably not the biggest into pda because of how flustered he gets. At least giving. He will take all the affection you give him (even if he complains, he loves it). It will also make his ego go so high because you are getting all his affection. You picked him. 
♡  What he really likes is giving you hand kisses! It is small and quick but it is a nice way for him to remind you that he loves you. As well as holding your hand. 
♡  He actually likes being the small spoon at times when cuddling!! So if you ever wanted to be the big spoon, he would 100% let you!
♡  Also please tease him sometimes. You bake him some chocolate? He will love it so much as he says, 
Suishinshi: Hmph, I don't need sweets to- YN: oh? so I should just take them away? Suishinshi: ah, wait! You don't have to take it away... (this is something he canonly says too, so cute!)
♡  Suishinshi is probably very clingy but will subtly ask for it.
♡  Also, probably a little jealous. He sees another sword getting too close to you? Suddenly hugging you from behind and glaring at them. His façade is suddenly gone and he no longer cares what others think as long as they know that you are dating him.
♡  Don't let his words get to you! He truly loves you and would go to the moon and back to make sure you are happy! So if his words ever do bug you, please let him know and he will wrap you in his arms saying he is sorry and he never meant it.
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♡  Unlike Suishinshi, Minamoto is very affectionate. He will show you off to the world! Even before you both start dating. He is the type of person that will playfully flirt with you and make you question, "Oh is that just his personality or is he actually interesting in me?"
♡  Of course, if you asked him straight out, he will be very blunt and confess right then and there.
♡  It's very clear that he likes you even before you two are dating because he will often see you hanging by yourself and then suddenly come sit next to you. "Saw you taking a break so I decided to take one too."
♡  He would confess and ask you out first. If you don't ask him if he likes you first, that is. He would try to make it the most romantic he can so you would always remember it. Did he get most of the citadel to help him? Yes. Is it a romantic dinner under the stars? Yep. Did he time fireworks until after you say yes to him so he can kiss you while they are going off? Uh huh. Did he get this all from the romcoms that he watched? I am legally not allowed to answer that- (Yes.)
♡  After you both get together, he will call you all the pet names he can find. His favorites are; Love, sweetheart, sunshine, and princess. (Yes he will call himself your knight. He has done a lot of research to make you feel the most love)
♡  He will often praise how amazing it is that he has such a beautiful girlfriend as he caress your cheek. The other swords thought it was cute as first but after a while they are like, "oh my god, we know-"
♡  Doesn't bother him though because his eyes are only on you in those moments.
♡  He is very teasing too. You want a kiss? "hm... well kiss me then." Why did he suddenly get taller? He will have a smug smile on his face until you whine and he will laugh and bend down to give you that kiss you wanted.
♡  He will give you a kiss before and after a mission, expressing how much he will/did miss you. As well as plenty of hugs.
♡  If you guys have video games in the citadel, he will 100% play them with you. He is really good at them too but will make sure he doesn't make the game unfun for you if you're not as good as them. If you are though, expect a competition between the both of you.
♡  He would bet the winner can ask for anything from the loser. If you accept, he is not going to hold any punches and will play his absolute best.
♡  If he wins, he will merely ask for you to kiss him. Because he loves your kisses the most. Right after you give that to him, he would kiss your forehead and tell you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
♡  If you win, don't be surprised if he is a little disappointed. He just really wanted to win at all. He will take the defeat with grace and look at you with a smile, before asking what you wish for.
♡  He would love to play video games with you sitting in his lap with his arms around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder.
♡  At night, he would prefer to be the big spoon. He doesn't mind being the little spoon but doesn't want to be often.
♡  Every night he would compliment something about you before you both fall asleep. It could be how pretty your eyes are and how he loves to see them when you first awaken in his arms. It could be how kissable your lips are and how he adores how they look when you smile. Anything really.
♡  Minamoto is probably the most supportive lover. If you are going through something and just feeling down, he got your back. He will listen to everything you say and try his best to help and reassure you that everything will be okay. He might not always be able to help but he is there, always.
♡  He will always try to make it known how much he loves you so you never doubt how much you mean to him. You truly are his world and his praises aren't enough for him to truly get that point across.
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