#Idk I made himb up !!!!!!
nyaskitten · 1 year
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Heyyyyy uhhh here's my Dreamsona!!! He's a Dream Chaser who loves sea creachers, and has cool water powers!!!
He can breathe underwater and on land in the Dream World, but he's reaaallly scared of water in the Waking World because he in fact can't swim to save his life irl, hes a fucking loser !!!!
Uhmm what else... he has a sea serpent companion who resembles Wojira because uhhh he's a Ninjagoliker? He can also talk to underwater critters.
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urgothgfsbeltchain · 1 year
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“I might float,
for a second,
through the shadows of my reason.
for my own, my own children
on the rainbow,
above the ocean.”
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 ROUND 2: MATCH 3 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
"Leif is one of the protagonists of Bug Fables, they're a cordyceps fungus inside a moth host. They've been in some other tournaments (notably the graveyard gambit tourney, for zombie characters). There are other cordyceps in Bug Fables but since Leif is a protagonist they're the most qualified for polls in general. They're an ice wizard who uses plural pronouns (we/us/our), has Fungus Autism(tm), and their favorite things are food, cute creatures, and card games. They had a wife and kids, they don't know what glasses are, and sometimes they speak in keysmashes. Not to be biased but they're the best character ever made" - Submission 46
"*slaps roof of moth* This mans is SO full of 'shroom (which is. A major spoiler for the game, but hey! He's a fungus (cordyceps) and I lobve himb)" - Submission 67
"He may not look like a fungus, but he's actually a moth zombie reanimated by Cordyceps fungus. He is both bug and mushroom :) - Submission 104
"'Lief sweep let's goooo" - Submission 139
Leif Propaganda 1
Leif Propaganda 2
Bug Fables Wiki
"So he's a classic mad scientist, and his thing is combining cards into one stronger one. 'Two into one!' He can be pretty helpful, and has a secret boss fight where he infects a computer too. Love some good mushroom. zombies? Frankensteins? Idk, whatever it is, keep up the good work you fucked up little guy. <3" - Submission 90
"These guys are great because they make horrific abominations against the gods. Love when they stitch two of our beehives together and ask "What have we done?"” - Submission 119
Mycologists Propaganda
Inscryption Wiki
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zeawesomebirdie · 1 year
OKAY SO I figured that since I still have to wait to pick up season 4 of MASH from the library, I’d make up a little thing about my thoughts so far! Paging @unmaskedcardinal @moinsbienquekaworu and @steine-druff !! And this is a little long so my apologies, I just have so many thoughts ahh this show is so good!!!
(also Ziggy pls note if you haven’t gotten through season 3 yet: this will contain spoilers!)
First I’d just like to give an update on my ships. I’m still heavily invested in Hawkeye/Radar, no surprise there, and honestly at this point I think I’m going down with this ship. It’s the intimacy and the clear respect and the whole knowing that the other will happily do whatever is needed and just !!!! Themb!!! They deserve good things!
But in terms of changes to my ships: Margaret deserves better than Frank. Like, so much better. At this point I’m getting pretty invested in Margaret/Trapper, because for all the teasing Trapper sends her way, when it comes down to it he really does respect her (shoutout to that episode where they got stuck in the supplies shed!) And idk, it just really feels like Frank idolizes her as this like, Ideal Woman, which she’s not and she clearly doesn’t want to be, and it’s been really nice to see her get fed up with him more and more often. And I absolutely love how she’s started to really trust Trapper and Hawkeye, I love that for her!! She deserves to have friends who will help her no matter what!!
I’ve also found myself in Hawkeye/Father Mulcahy territory after checking out the various ship tags on Ao3! Hawkeye/Radar is 100% my otp at this point, but I am fascinated by the dynamic between Hawkeye and Father Mulcahy, and tbch I’m really getting invested with each episode where they interact
Unfortunately I still have not met BJ, so I don’t yet have an opinion on hunnihawk. This will likely change once I’ve met him, of course!!
Okay so for things aside from shipping!!
That episode where Hawkeye is awake for like three days straight and just does shift after shift in the OR and ultimately has to be sedated haunts me. Particularly the scene where he sits on Radar’s desk and sings him I’ll Be Home for Christmas, just. The way he’s crying and it’s so. I don’t even know how to put it in words, that scene and that episode haunt my every waking thought and I love him so much and it was not fair at all that that episode made me cry like that
Speaking of episodes that made me cry! I loved and hated every single moment of the episode where Henry dies. I knew he died, I’ve known he dies since like halfway through season 1, and I still wasn’t ready. I really hoped that there would be more with him. I love him so much, I really loved how he was the father figure for everyone and he was so good, he’s such a great character and :(
Klinger is rapidly becoming one of my favourite characters too, and I just. He’s so relatable!! I really liked the episode where he finally landed a psych eval with Sid only to not get the discharge because he isn’t trans or gay and refused to sign that he was. I just!! As a man who’s been waiting to be far enough into his transition to wear dresses again without being misgendered, Klinger is just so so so relatable and I love him so so much!!
(tbch I really just love every character so much, so y’know. Every character gets the I love himb treatment lol)
I said this earlier but it bares repeating: I really love how Margaret has learned to trust Hawkeye and Trapper. Like, the fact that they were who she went to when that general died in her tent, and that she willingly shared her alcohol with them that time Frank outlawed alcohol entirely, and just! Her growth as a character has been so incredible to see, and I am so incredibly excited to see how she grows in future seasons!!
I’m kind of on the fence about Frank now. Idk he’s fascinating in that he really is such a gung-ho stereotypical American man to the point of it all being a farce, but also as the episodes go on he’s just getting more unhinged and not even in a good way. I’m not sure I’m correct on this but I don’t believe he’s in later seasons, so I’m really curious to see what happens to him? At this point I’m still in the love to hate him camp, but he’s also starting to just get annoying. That opinion will likely change again soon though, because every few episodes I’ve been flipping back and forth between liking and not liking him
And my final opinions: I’m so glad I discovered the option to remove the laugh track! It never really bothered me, but there is such a stark difference in how each episode hits when it’s not there at all, and omg wow. I already thought this was a fantastic show, I mean ofc, but without the laugh track it’s so stupendously better it’s just. There are no words. I’m going to have to go back to the first two seasons at the end and watch them again but without the laugh track, and I am so excited for that!
So all in all, I am still having the time of my life! Watching this show has really low key become one of my favourite parts of the day, and I’m just so in love with all the characters I just! They all deserve such good things!!! And here I am, having hardly written in ages, knee deep in fic drafts already!! Something something this sure is one of the most shows ever!!!
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c4ndl3-w1ck · 2 years
oog. Hiveswap/hauntswitch time.
This is just basically thoughts and stuff whoopee
Dammek thoughts woo woo he lives in my head
Um okay so Dammek is y'know. Mlm and trans yea yep okaie um also. He is a tall mfer. Like he is 5'8. Hes pretty average like body type wise and then he stands up and people are like "haha whAT THE FUCK" and his antlers only make him look taller.
Also he has mutations like any good troll important to the story. His antlers are actual antlers that he sheds twice a sweep and they grow back. And his eyes are sensitive to light and that's why he wears shades. But when its pitch black and even the trolls with the best eyesight cant see he can see eveything.
Also hes a stupid bastard idiot (affectionate)
Like he'd be like "xeff are you recording okay good hey guys Dammek here ttoday I'm gonna be biking offff my rooff and across tthe sttreett tto xeff's hive witth tthis ramp I made" then he points to the shittiest most unstable 'ramp' ever. Then he rides off it and lands in the middle of the street and breaks his nose and knocks some teeth out. Like full on "hi I'm dammek and tthis xeffros welcome tto jackass" (causes severe damage to both of them)
When he gets to earth for a while he and jude are trying to kill eachother and then when they calm down and stop they still have the dynamic of like frenemies "DAMMEK WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING over" (starts breaking shit) "sir ffinishing tthis ffightt"
He plays a lot of video games like troll halo y'know authority director aka troll master chief and he also plays troll nintendo and sonnic the quillbeast and on his gamegrub (gameboy) and his 3ds and he plays on his wii as well and yeah. Hes a gamer.
My man spends his days watching troll vines
Alternia still has vines and tiktok is still music.ly
Okay but also he like. Is kinda hard on Xefros because he genuinely thinks he's helping him and wants to keep himb safe. Also it says on the wiki he likes Xefros' smile and. 🥺🥺🥺 my heart. Also he has repressed flushed feelings for Xefros that he never mentions ever on alternia but as soon as he gets to earth and stops trying to kill jude hes like "ohhhh I miss my boyfriend uggghhhh" and never bothers to explain quadrants so jude just thinks hes dating Xef and Dammek never cares to correct him on that he doesn't find it important to be like "aha. Acttually we are justt moirails aka bestties ahaha" because y'know. Repressed feelings.
Also hes a fucking loser he is nearing 7 sweeps so he is 14 or 15 and as someone who is 14 hes a fucking loser (affectionate)
Also coming back to the antler thing I feel like he would shed them on earth and jude would try to put his mom's makeup on Dammek to make him look human and Dammek is just running around screaming and jude has to physically wrestle him down and put the makeup on him. Hes squirming like a cat and hissing and shit like "gett ttff off me I'm gonna kill you jude you are going tto die" and jude is trying to remain calm as this older alien who could throw him if he wanted to is threatening him. He gets the makeup on and just kinda. Brings him around town.
Before he disguises him tho he parades him around town like "I FOUND AN ALIEN over" and nobody believes him. He takes Dammek in for show and tell and his teacher is like "jude please stop dressing up your sisters friends like aliens" and jude is like "my sister doesn't have any friends" and Dammek starts laughing but it sounds more like clicking and chittering and everyone is confused and hes like "idk wttff a sistter is butt nice ffuckin burn jude"
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Henlo can I have a match up pls?
Heterosexual woman, 6' tall, blonde. I have 19 tattoos and several body piercings. I like to play video games and read. I like murder mysteries. I also like to draw. I'm really sarcastic and can be kind of mean but I try not to be. I have a pet tarantula who is a good boy. Idk what else to add lol... -🐜
Dream woman
With piercings and tattoos, I'm getting a nice punk vibe from you, and only one man comes to mind for me, and that's...
Risotto Nero!
Yes, the big lovable mafioso, I think he'd love to map out and run his fingers over your tattoos, giving them all equal attention and love, wether they're just doodles gotten for giggles, or a sleeve of ink made with love and thought. We all know, under that mean rough exterior, he's just a big softie who just wants someone to love and to be loved. You'd both silently read together on cold rainy days. With the green light, he'd like to cuddle up with you while you play your games (he isn't one to play himself, but he likes watching others). If he's not taking you out on extravagant Italian dates you're both staying inside huddled under warm blankets with popcorn watching those murder mysteries.
He's also been interested in tarantulas and such, and he's always wanted to hold one. Maybe you and your little buddy can help him out with that.
(draw things for him, animals, plants, murder, house plans, he puts them up on his mini fridge back at the base lol jkjk)
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↑↑↑ Himb and the tarantula
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abby--anderson · 4 years
Genuine question, I always see toshi either very skinny or very buff????? Are they two separate characters????? I have never watched the show so I have less than - 125th of an idea
i cant explain that without giving u spoilers for the show, but considering its in the first to second episode i think thats okay! beware, spoilers!!!
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thats. young!toshinori. right before he peaked!!!!! i love himb. we have no clue how old he was. we dont know how old he is. in my head he’s like. 35. or 36. idk. idc. i love himb.
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buff. golden!age. thats after he received that injury in a fight against the super ultra bad evil villain, and that injury pretty much ruined him and made him
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this. lost a lung, his stomach, probably more than he told on screen. so now he can only keep up his buff!form for three hours a day - in that episode at least - up to a certain point. the time decreases more and more depending on how much he strains himself :( which, in the end
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forces him to retire. the world didnt know their symbol of peace was injured like that because he kept it a secret from the public to make sure there wouldnt be any panic, but can you imagine what happened to those stupid people who put all their hope and faith in one mortal man, never once thinking about his well being the moment they say Toshinori on screen where before was All Might, the number one hero?  yea :( 
but i love him either way
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harahmed · 5 years
I’m trying to focus on studying but I can’t. I keep thinking back to all this shit i’m dealing with. I just saw a psychiatrist and the meeting was pretty quick. I was trying to tell him about everything that was going on and idk if it was his intention to kinda cut me off and interject but he kept doing it. that makes me feel like there’s a difference between a therpaist and a psychologist. I jst did it a quick google search and it seems like they shouldn’t be too different. it makes me feel like i should be seeing a therapist as well as a psychologist. or maybe i should just get back to writing on this whenever my mind is focused on something else. harmeet kinda pressed me yday to ask me if i think this was for the best and tbh idk. i didn’t want her to worry but i should probably start writing on here whenever i can’t focus. i realized that i’m worried about how people view me a lot. this came up when i met with the deans and i tried to explain my viewpoint and i felt like such a bitch that should just suck it up. and i didn’t want them to think that was so i kept trying to emphasize how i was thinking so they wouldn’t view me negatively. even with the psychiatrist i was seeing i kept trying to show my POV and i think it’s kinda to make me feel better when people agree with the way i think. idk if this is a maladaptive way to go about things or not. but even in regular social interactions i don’t want people to dislike me even though i do a lot of shit that I feel would make people dislike me even if no one ever says anything. I think a part of it is bc maybe ppl feel bad for me. this past year my ability to control my impulses and quality of life I feel have gotten a lot worse, even though I feel my relationship has gotten a bit better. I never had an issue not drinking or smoking evn if i had weed or alcohol but this year that changed and if it’s around i just smoke or drink regardless. I def developed a substance abuse disorder with weed bc i literally could not stop myself if it was around. i made up any excuse i could to smoke and it really took a toll on my everyday life. amotivational syndrome can be caused by or exacerbated by weed and that was definitely the case this year. i’m so happy i went to NJMS though and we had shelf exams for every unit bc if we didn’t, i would not have gone through the zanki for each unit and actually learned shit. i wish i could say i’m proud of myself for doing that but if the curriculum didn’t include the shelves i 100% wouldn’tr have done those things. so i just got lucky. a common theme in myu life. i get so lucky with everything and everyone i meet. it’s actually disgusting how many amazing people i’ve met in my life. so many people i could’ve become so close to but didn’t just because of my laziness. i would rather just play video games than do things with people bc it was just easier and i had more control over my schedule. and that’s a big thing fo rme and idk why. i hate not being able to contorl my schedule. and it affects even my relationship. i realized i don’t wanna go to harmeet’s place a lot of the times bc i lose a certain amount of contorl staying over there vs staying at home. you know when you always knew something about yourself but never really confronted it so it was kinda in the back of your mind. i think this is one of the cases bc deep down i always knew that but i never really faced it. or maybe i have my memory is so shit i couldn’t even say i remember. i’m glad i’m at home bc i physically won’t be able to smoke / drink and i think it’ll be a good cleanse for me. i need to take this seriosly. i found out rammadan starts may 6th and i had to push my exam back to may 20th. that just reminded me that i have to officialy chang emy exam date. or maybe i hsould wait till i get confirmation from the school. anyway i’m gonna try to focus on fasting too and it’s gonna be hard just because i’m gonna be sutdying all day and i’m gonna wake up earlier. i am hopeful though. i’m gonna start SSRIs soon and that on top of stickig on a schedule should help a lot. i think i’m gonna have to make it a habit of typing anytime i can’t focus bc i’m thinking about something else bc it helps so much with concentrating. i just keep writing until i literally can���t think of anything else to say and idk why it works so well. gotta go back to the roots i suppose. jon wanted to ahng out last night and i told him iw ould. i was just playing video games thoguh and i realized like 30 min after we were supposed to meet up that we were supposed to hang out but decided i didn’t really want to. i messaged himb ut he never responded and i feel bad cause it’s another instance of me neglecting friends willing to take time out of their day for me. i’m hoping i can make this all up after this period in time and it helps alot that i’ll be living with them. i’m worried about the house nextr year but hopefully things will work out. they’re gonna pick rooms when they’re done with step and i’ll still be studying so i hope that doesn’t end up screwing me. we’ll see. 
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