#If I had time I'd do this with the Clone Wars theme too because he uses that one in so many clever ways
quipxotic · 5 months
This is a bit late for Star Wars Day, but I want to sing the praises of Kevin Kiner and the Kiner family for their music in several Star Wars shows, but particularly for his/their brilliant use of musical themes/motifs. I'm going to pull some examples from The Bad Batch since it's fresh on my mind given the recent series finale (and represents some of their best work, in my opinion). Spoilers for Season 3 and the end of the series below.
Okay, let's take something like Omega's theme. Here's the first instance of it from Season 1, Episode 1:
This version does a great job of capturing Omega as we first meet her: an innocent, sheltered girl who is about to escape the only home she's ever known to explore the galaxy.
Now here's another take on it from Season 3, Episode 1 in a track called "A Glimmer of Hope." It kicks in at around 1:00.
This is Omega as a prisoner of the Empire, trying desperately to find a way for herself and Crosshair to escape and you can hear the difference. There's a sense of sadness and longing there. Now here's a version from later in the season after they've escaped and she sees her brothers Wrecker and Hunter for the first time in months. This track is called "Reunion" and the theme kicks in at ca. 1:19.
Did you hear that more ominous bit at the end where the theme changed? That's when Crosshair, Hunter, and Wrecker see each other for the first time since Crosshair turned on the Empire. And it's picking up a theme from Season 1 that usually played whenever Crosshair and his new unit were hunting the Bad Batch. Here's how it sounded then, for comparison, in a track called "First Elite Squad."
Now here's the version of Omega's Theme from the last episode when a grown-up Omega is leaving her brothers to join the Rebellion. The track is called "I Am Ready."
Isn't that great? It's just so very satisfying, on top of being good music that enhances the visuals of the show.
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kaocat-tatatat · 3 months
just read batman #71 and that moment with Tim really pissed me off, and now I am having thoughts about comic book bruce wayne and the direction of his character.
Look I don't mind bruce not being a good parent, in fact I kinda like it, and I understand it's a part of his character complexity (especially in the the canon comics) but ffs it's just really ruins his character for him to be physically abusive. like yeah, doesn't happen often in comics (thankfully) from what I've read but it's happened a few times in the past and recently, so I still see it as a problem rather than a product of the times or whatever, I really don't like it and I'd really wish they'd stop doing it.
a bruce wayne that hits his kids is not my bruce wayne, and I can't see in any capacity how it makes any story with him in it better, or makes his character better. the only thing I can think of that it is useful in is raising stakes and making things more dramatic (for lack of a better term). like there are other ways to show bruce's unstable emotional state and short temper than having him beat his kids.
Since they seem fond of it happening repeatedly though (looking at the time he hit Dick and ofc the way he treated Jason after learning he was red hood to name the first thoughts that come to mind) I need them to address it and for him to face consequences (and learn and grow so he can become the mediocre parent he was meant to be) directly in some form or another soon because it just feels like such a horrible thing to have as a reccuring character trait, one that is displayed over multiple stories by multiple writers, and just not resolve it or develop it much? like inxmost cases they at least recognise its wrong, and maybe they even have bruce deal with it individually- but never all at once and never with him actually dealing with the consequences and changing for the better.
I mean I have tried, but imo not very well and considering hoe it pops up again and again, it doesn't last long. I do have hope though, post gotham war (and now with failsafe), I think writers have been trying to in some way have that happen. Bruce loses his wealth, money, hand, and his relationships with his children are frayed after being taken over by zur-an-arth, and has to work to get to it back. then he has to fight failsafe, and then he finally gets clarity, with what things have been building up to, with the clone situation. of course, with the ending of the most recent arc has him get to have a new beginning, with bruce getting his money back, a new house, and potentially having his children live with him again. he faced consequences for hurting people through his actions and mental state and then has to build himself up again, and finally he gets to have a redemption arc and a second chance. while I don't think it has been done in the best way (there are high highs and low lows), I can see what they are going for and hope they are taking it the direction I think they are, and finally having bruce gore to be a better parent.
i am upset it hasnt exactly been direct, which makes me worry om reading into things wrong, but its a step in the right direction, and i feel that its possible comic book bruce wayne may actually take a second chance?? don't get me wrong bruce has had plenty of second chances thrown at him by the narrative, and while I think personally that this comes a bit to late, if my reading of the recent comics and there overall themes is correct then we may, may have bruce not be physically abusive anymore ( or less emotionally abusive too, ideally)
in conclusion: let bruce wayne have character growth, permanently (I have hope, aka, I am coping) AND STOP HAVING HIM BEAT HIS CHILDREN!!! HE IS PRONE TO HURTING THE PEOPLE HE LOVES THE MOST BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN HE SHOULD PURPOSEFULLY LAY HIS HANDS ON HIM!!
I might expand on this with why so many writers choose to write him this way, where i think it comes from, and ehy i still think him being physically abusive is bad for his character and (not OOC per say because its happened too many times and in multiple points in history for it to be) but rather, just a poor take on his character, but it's currently 1:35 in the morning where I am and the only thing keeping me awake is my poor decision to hyperfixate on bruce fucking wayne of all characters, so I must pay the price
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the-sunshine-dragon · 2 years
A'ight, so I'm 10 years late to the party (and writing this at 2 in the morning), but over the last 2-ish months, I finally watched Merlin. And boy, was it a ride.
The first season I had a few doubts. I was enjoying it but finding myself skimming episodes here and there because the writing was easy to predict and follow to the point where I didn't like to sit and waste time on it. So I skimmed and moved on to the second season.
Season two I didn't have anything major to note other than the writing picking up, which was good. I was still liking what I was seeing and I think it was probably by the end of season two I decided to not give up on the show.
By the third season, I was beginning to be fairly impressed with the character development I was seeing and no longer skimming the occasionally slow episode. And what an almost flipped way of doing it, too. Discussing what I was seeing with friends who had already long since watched the show lead to the conclusion that Merlin got the character development route typical of Arthur's type of character, while Arthur got the character development route typical of Merlin's type of character. And it worked! It worked very, very well in my opinion.
Season four I think was maybe my favourite season, despite the dive into more horror-ish/scary themes. I definitely was jump-scared a few times and certain episodes I'm glad I didn't watch at night. Morgana I struggled with as an antagonist. I'm not sure if it was the acting or something else. Perhaps she's one of the few characters whose arrogance makes me so furious I can't stand to see her on screen. Most of the time, I think I also felt sad for her. But in essence, I think I found her to be a bit much. I understand her role and how it worked with the writing, but I found her in season five to be much more palatable as a villain.
Season five was reminicient of that one writing post about knowing how the story is going to end and barrelling towards it anyways despite everyone screaming for it to stop. Episode 11 had me crying with the parallels between Mordred, Merlin, Freya, and Kara. It packed a punch I wasn't expecting and I feel that this how they chose to show not only how tormented Merlin was feeling by the end he knew was coming but also how different of a person he could've become. Mordred ever since he was first introduced early on as a mere boy in the show had always held a certain air about him that lent to one perhaps not knowing whether or not he could be trusted. We still have no idea what he went through all of those years, what lead him to Morgana, to the Saxons (though it's perhaps not that far of a leap to figure it out), why and if he would have killed Arther another way if specific decisions hadn't been made. But in this particular episode, the way things are handled and how Mordred reacts shows you very clearly how human he is, and I think that was really, really important.
The ending. Ah, man. I'm still numb from it in that "wait is this over oh yeah it is" sort of way (much like after season seven of the clone wars). I've seen worse endings to a show. I have a couple points of contention (i.e. where Percival went after Gwaine died and knowing if Merlin ever came back to Camelot). Arthur and Merlin's conversations the entire journey to Avalon absolutely wrecked me, especially being on the other side of writing a fic involving difficult communication and trying to understand another. I think how the writers handled it was darn near perfect.
Other comments I'd like to make:
Gaius was a fantastic mentor and one of my favourites throughout the show. The gradual progression of him teaching Merlin not only about his magic but how to be a physician (something more implied than anything) was something I greatly appreciated. Goblin Gaius was something I didn't know I needed. He is maybe second to Old Man Merlin.
Gwen had interesting character development throughout the show. From a blacksmith's daughter serving in the castle to the queen, the majority of her character development for the most part felt natural, up to a point. I had a bit of difficulty with her in the later half of season four, as she did rightly mature but the sweetness she had had for most of the show seemed lost and that made me sad. I think they could've kept it, but she was faced with many difficult decisions that can change a person dramatically. Part of what made season five so devastating was how much of it she spent under Morgana's influence. I think I teared up a bit at the scene at the Cauldron where Arthur worked so hard to get her back. It was such a good scene of how faithful they were to each other.
Totally would've loved to see more of the Knights of the Round table, especially in season five. I feel I was particularly cheated out of Gwaine and Lancelot chaos, but alas, that is what fics are for.
I may add more to this later, but for now I think those were my biggest thoughts.
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Hello! The ever-sweet and wonderful @marthaskane tagged me to share eight shows that define me/help you get to know me. Without further ado, the shows!
Alias (2001-2006)
Alias has taught me the value of old LiveJournal pages and the Wayback Machine more than any other show I've ever loved. I discovered this show in 2013 when it was on Netflix and then I spent a few months in Germany, where I spent too much money buying almost the entire show on iTunes because I could not comprehend going more than a day without Sydney Bristow with me.
2. The Clone Wars (2008-2013, 2014, 2020)
I remember when this show first aired and my siblings and I had a square dance at our school (very American, I know) so we had to DVR it. The next morning we snuck down early to watch it with the volume super low so we wouldn't wake up our parents. Few shows have continuously come back into my life the way this one has. I can track a lot of how I've changed as a fan through the different ways I've viewed this show over the last 15 years.
3. Fringe (2008-2013)
I've been rewatching this show since January of this year and can confirm: it is still a nearly perfect 100 episodes of TV. Fringe manages to perfect a lot of the plot lines and dynamics that appear in Alias (both are J.J. Abrams/his collaborators projects). It manages to walk the line between a procedural and a mythology-driven show beautifully and so clearly knows what message and themes it wants to share from the very first shot. If you like exploring messy family dynamics, action, and the X-Files, Fringe is a good option for you.
4. Gotham (2014-2019)
I historically have no cared much at all about Batman. He struck me as pretty boring in comparison to every other person he interacted with. Gotham change that for me (turns out he just needed to be put next to any even more boring guy, but I digress...). Loving this show is a lesson in looking past weird choices, wacky inconsistencies, and learning to just trust that writers will give you a fun ride, even if you understand less that 15% of it. It helped me remember that the sentence "I love this show" does not always mean "here is a perfect example of perfect storytelling" and just how freeing that can be. It also gave me a beautiful little group of friends who continue to make me smile on a regular basis.
5. Blindspot (2015-2020)
While this show may not be one I post about often, it was foundational for how I interact in fandom now. It was one of the first times I was active in a fandom from the start of the show. It was the first time I was in a fandom group chat and my Tumblr friends broke containment into being people I followed on Instagram and texted. I organized a Secret Santa. It was the first time I remember actively freaking out of promo photos (1x09 IYKYK) and synopses. Almost all the confidence I have when interacting in fandoms is from these experiences. And the plot is stellar.
6. Iron Fist (2017-2018)
I can't tell you how I ended up watching this. I do not know what prompted me to turn it on but I'm really glad I did. This show has so many amazing nuggets of amazingness and its shortcomings brought me together with two of my favorite people as we tried to understand what had gone wrong and where. (This is not a good ad for the show.) I love getting to play with stories and characters that have seemingly infinite potential and getting to do it with other people who are just as committed to the story as I was meant the world.
7. The Rookie (2018-present)
I fought against this one so hard. I did not want to get into it, but as my dash filled with those gifs of Lucy in the green dress and I had my wonderful friend pitching the show to me over and over, I caved. And I'm really glad I did. The experience of watching a long season over months, one week and one episode at a time, is so different than streaming or rewatching shows and I'd forgotten how much I missed it until I got to do it again for this show. My Tuesday livestreams with my lovely friend single-handedly pulled me through so many rough spots over the last year. For a procedural dramedy, The Rookie continues to serve up some of the best characters on TV right now and consistently delivers some of the best cold opens.
8. Prodigal Son (2019-I'm in denial)
The show that owns my heart and soul. The show I'd sell my organs to get new episodes of. Returning to this show, whether I'm writing fic, doing a TED Talk in my head about the psychology in the show, or actually watching an episode, consistently feels like coming home. I did not know it was possible for someone to stick their hand in your head and pull out a show custom-made for you, but that's what this is. The characters are all so perfectly imperfect and desperate to be better. The plots are just the perfect amount of bonkers. The show being a drama pretending to be a procedural is beautiful. If you'd told me in 2019 that a show about a profiler whose dad is a serial killer and they solve crimes together would be the show that would leave an indelible mark on my life, I would have rolled my eyes because that's so cliche. 2019!me had no idea what she was on about. But I'm glad she figured it out and randomly put on this little show one night that had continued to pull me through good days and bad days and everything in between.
As for tagging other people, anyone is welcome to join but I’ll specifically tag some people I know who haven't been tagged (I think): @electricbluebutterflies, @chenlucys, @shinythinx, @rojaswarren, @meandmyechoes, @padme-deserved-better, @whitesunlars, @harrows-bones, @bpdanakins, and @violetsandmagpies.
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shiranai-san · 1 year
So I have begun reading the infamous 2010s webcomic Homestuck.
A memo (ugh, word ruined) of me, and vocalizing my thoughts, at what, around page 2680 or something currently 4122. Published for venting my own insanity for the greater un-good.
PSS: Past Shiranai San
CSS: Current Shiranai San
CSS: And this isn't even ironic, I just lost my mind one night and wrote half this draft and then proceeded to read 2000 more pages like 2 weeks later and I cannot let PSS's thoughts die for the sake of making a cohesive post. If you don't want to read, TLDR; Shit is WACK. I'm loving it, all is well. If you do, take a gander at the read more section. Also, obviously, spoilers.
PSS: I sit here on the edge of finishing the second act of the fifth act of Homestuck.
Approximately a fourth of the way done and questioning myself what madness I have found myself swept away in.
Floating at the top of a mammoth-ian wave. Not my first, when reading. As I have been washed onto many waves. Floating in a vast sea, as one act brings me down one wave and onto another. Like I'm riding an aquatic rollercoaster.
As quoted from Kanye West's song Dark Fantasy, can we get much higher?
PSS: In every piece of media, there is a suspension of disbelief that comes when partaking in media. For the past month I have hung my disbelief on my wall next to my 2016 Artistic Cat Calendar.
How higher can we go though? I mean truly? Perhaps it is my own hubris that I cannot visualize the true complexities that come from Green Sun-Paradox Clone-Troll Romance-Multiple Timeline deli levels of baloney.
And I can't even be mad as I slip into this whirlpool of time paradoxes and too much Charles Dutton.
Because I love it!
PSS: I'm enthralled in the ever looping structure of the story. Where, every moment in every character's life exists to perpetuate SBURB/SGRUB. Including their own existence-
CSS: Current Shiranai here, taking over the post. While my past self has made a compelling argument. She did however forget the ever important fact that the most extreme macaroni will happen in any Alpha timeline. Rookie mistake, but it's not something I'd expect from someone with only ~2000 pages under their belt. Her trespasses will be ignored.
In any case, yes, it has been a long ride, similarly to Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea. With this post being the marlin I have strung to my boat.
My belief as to why I have been so captivated to Homestuck so far is because it truly is a coming of age story which deals with themes (so far, because I haven't finished it yet) of loss, crossing cultural boundaries, friendship, love, hatred, and questioning the aspect of your self will vs what was always fated to happen. Also a lot of war and genocide.
...A lot.
CSS: But instead of taking in these classical themes as the usual audience, a bunch of plucky tweens and teenagers from the 2010s, I get to experience it in the foresight of a young adult with the consistency of leftover Papier-mâché.
CSS: If I had to generalize my experience so far. Reading Homestuck has been a lot like watching a group of middle-schoolers take place in the world's worst emotional hacky-sack game. Where every kick, one middle schooler flies a felt ball into emotional heights. Only for it to face plant into the ground of heartbreak. As half break down into tears and the other half memes about 90s sitcoms. Until one of them gets so fed up with the game that he saws the floor and 2/3s of the game's population in two with a chainsaw.
Which then accelerates to dealing with matters-beyond-human-comprehension, as well as ascension to god-hood as a way of fighting off an omnipresent being. Until the fourth wall literally supernovas into the main plot through banner art as I sit in History 101 with Professor Scratch.
CSS: It's just a lot and I've been having a lot of fun with it.
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noblemaiden-world · 2 years
Hello There - A Star Wars story
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note: This is my first time doing sth crazy like that,so please don't be harsh on me, my English is not perfect due to not being my first language.
❍ please do reblog if you enjoyed,bc it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!!! ₍ᵔ·͈༝·͈ᵔ₎
❍ please give a ♥︎ if you enjoyed,it also rlly helps a lot to encourage writers and content creators on tumblr!!!
⎉ Cast; Master Calian Graham (as Benedict Cumberbatch),Anakin Skywalker (as Hayden Christssen),Obi-Wan Kenobi (as Ewan McGregor),Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson-Ashley Drane), Qui-Gon Jinn(Liam Neeson),Reader-y/n(as you).
—!!Details!! Your lightsaber colour: Yellow - pink or magenta-toned. You own three lightsabers,the mainly one that you will use throughout the story is the yellow,but your double-bladed lightsaber is pink/magenta.AND ALSO you and your master have a father/uncle!master!figure and padawan!childxreader
— warnings: pregnancy content,blood,angst,alternative universes.
— words: 5k
— summary: reader since her mom's pregnancy was gifted with force abilities on a planet called Hawko situated in somewhere on Outer Rim,not many people has knowledge that this planet even exist,y/n father used to be part of the Whills community until he fell in love with the brave hawko woman in Jedha,but this part of the history can wait.Y/n bond with the force is unbelievable strong which her future former master felt when both of them met at the first time,with permission of your parents Calian brought you to be trained at the Jedi temple and become a one of them.In the Jedi Temple within had some complications whose it was due to your age,11,too late to be trained,fortunately to you and your master he was able to jockey the council orders,being honest,his influence helped a lot when they tested you,fear you didn't feel,you were calm as a saint and well behaved.
But henceforth soon the problems will come while you grew older,attachments are forbidden,you constantly need to remind it to yeself,but as your master would say; "‐A clever girl you are,but too much stubborn and reckless tho,young lady."
A little music ambience influences a lot.
As I am a random writer and I'm constantly daydreaming,I thought, "why not write a story with the same character but in different realities/timelines?".So here I am bringing this idea out of my tiny Pandora box.
(The timeline is different/The multiverse and choices can change the end because this is kind of an alternative universe)
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A few years before the Clone Wars
-You've been a wee distant young padawan,tell em what's bothering you?
-Sorry master.-I don't look into his pierced blue eyes that are in constant storming sea waves.-But I-I felt some disturbance in the force,as if it was telling me to pay attention in any details,cautiously.
-The force is speaking with you,I see.-he stopped in his tracks looking at me,spotting my belt that holds my lightsabers.-The colour of ye lightsaber,padawan...Means a lot,but I am able to see through this and taking a risk,I'd say that you're a gray jedi.-What does it matters now? He's always saying this to me as if I forgot anytime that my beliefs in the jedi order and its traditional methods doesn't work as once used to.
-As you are as well,master Graham.-I remarked calmly looking finally at his eyes,me and my master have a special bond and some similar ethical beliefs.-Don't you see Master,the Jedi council, their rules/laws,teaching methods,I feel that one day they will fall,all of us will fall undoubtedly,since the last war sir,the Jedi path is wrong and brings with itself sorrows,a life with fear and pain,suffer.-taking a breathe I continue.-Thus the nightmares that I've been having in my dreams mirror the old days something like the fall of the old Republic,Revan,Shan clan,Darth Malak,Tenebrae,Vaylin, Darth Nighilus,its like a holofilm in my mind...-Graham agreed with a simple head nod.
My master started his phrase in a dramaticlly tone,making me shuush.
-Indeed I trained a feminine version of myself.-he crossed his arms confirming his own statement.
-Hmmm,I don't like where this subject is heading on...Bad or good?Must I worry about it,sir?
-Depends on the point of view that you and others might see.-Graham maintain himself stoic as a rock in front of me,the way he is looking at me it's like as if my parents would look at me with worry,care,as if soon they'd knew that their kid would be hurt soon.-You are attached to someone else,love I dare to say,you hide it from everyone I know, unfortunately I am too good in corporal language and very cautious with the  child of mine,the way that you look at him...It's pure and naive love.
OK,I'm in shock how does...Dumb girl,you've should pay attention and be cautious,if ye master were able to discover,how much time do you have yet until the rest of them figure out?
I felt my face turn hot,shame.
-As a jedi master,your master Jedi.I must warn you about this,attachments are...-I interrupted him.
--Forbidden, strong feelings can lead you to a suffering life,I know about this, master,but please be honest with me,  do you not believe in this code any longer,do you?
He left a slight smile escape.
-Once I also loved,my young padawan,ouch...It was a forbidden love tho,when my master discovered ,she went feral,mainly when I revealed that she was a mandalorian,a mandalorian,a bounty-hunter,the old woman almost kicked my ass.
Okay,I am totally dumbfounded and astonished,A MANDALORIAN woman?!I would love to know more.
-Really?-way excited as I should be.-was she beautiful?Ah I forgot,they cannot reveal their faces.
-Well,she first tried to get rid of me because I screw up her mission,howevee in compensation I kind helped her,so...The rest is a good story from my past,but I won't tell you.-as if...
-Unfair,but I shall respect your wishes,master.-begrudgingly I said.-Above all this,what should I do with this?These nightmares,all my dreams seems  so real,as if I could touch them, feel what is inside.-a long breath escape.
-Is it not obviously?Finally we must start your training,a tough one which I was waiting the right time to recall.The others Jedi secrets,my secrets,tricks,my legacy and your dad knowledge,I will tell and teach everything that I know as possible as I still alive.
-Don't say such thing like that master,you will live a long life,your abilities even the ones in which don't belongs to the light side,master Graham, you can control them,I want to be like you one day.-He stared at my face studying before saying anything,have I said something wrong?
-You will never be like me y/n.-ouch,I didn't saw that coming.-You will,you must be yourself and even better than I ever could possibly think to be.-again,he stopped his talking,but his face went white.-How do you know about these...-he means,how do I know that he often practice and study the dark nature of the force?Well...
-Master,as you said my connection with the force is strong,and automatically when I worry about you because I feel something obscure I...This is how I knew,I was not spying on you and I never ever told to anybody else,but I was afraid that you might become a sith itself,I would've cry if you...
-I would never become a sith,nor turn to the dark side,I understand your worries but please,don't do it,sometimes some things that I do might be dangerous and you will know about it,I will teach you everything,just need to remind that there's not light without the darkness  and viceversa,but now this training you shall never say to anybody,not even for those that you care,your parents or even your former love, young padawan.
-About this master-my love private life...-You won't tell,will you?-He denies.
-As I told you,I also loved and you should believe more in me,don't you forget that since you're a kid I always brought you to see your parents and even received some teachings about the force with your father,the council would have expelled me and you if they'd discovered about this, which gratefully they didn't because I am...
-Because you have some tricks hidden in your sleeves,can do things that others can't and you want to train me all of it so I can become a...
-An excellent Jedi,no need to be selfish but learn that gaining control and power of yourself can also help the others,it'stm the right way,out duty is with the force and help the others,I might be harsh,sometimes rude or another bad stuff,but one thing that my mind leans on is in my loyalty with the force,not either with Republic or politicians, then what do you say to me?Do you want to learn all that I know and do so much more or...-I cut him off.
-Of course master,I want to be strong and clever,use my force abilities,control them and help the others.
-Then before all of this,wsrning you I must,we are gonna learn not only things from the light side but also the dark one,okay?
So it was true,Graham really connected himself with the dark side,though he still in the light side doing his Jedi duties...
-I know what you're thinking of me because of it,but as I told you,there's is no light without the darkness what you must know and do is still LOYAL to your morals and to yourself,do not seek for greedy things.
-Count me in,I won't disappoint you master.
-I know that you will not,I don't even will give you the permission to give up,then be prepared,it won't be easy.
-Oh please,don't even need to say that,I don't tend to give up nor even lose,never.
-Even when you're procrastinating?
A gasped sound came out of my mouth together with chuckling.
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darkmagickingdom · 2 years
While I'm on the subject, other rides I wish existed and might make a thing in this AU, besides the Treasure Planet dark ride:
A version of the Dumbo ride that's a bunch of Tick-Tocks circling a center figure of a terrified Hook (idk this one just seems very charming to me as a kiddie ride and with how much Peter Pan leans into the comedy aspect of Tick-Tock chasing Hook, who the company is pretty clear will never actually eat him...)
A permanent Nightmare Before Christmas attraction, so fans don't have to just wait for Haunted Mansion Holiday every year. Boogie's the easiest to theme a ride around (just slap a roulette wheel overlay on your standard spinny ride) but I kinda want something more than that. Maybe another dark ride, but this time instead of covering the story of the movie, it follows a small, loose sequel inspired by Oogie's Revenge?
We've had a high-speed Mr. Toad ride, can we get a high-speed Horseman chase ride to complete the set? Maybe even throw in an alternate ending for the chase (darker in tone of course to match Mr. Toad landing in Hell in the ride version of his story) It would be slow and spooky at first, mirroring the prelude to the Horseman chase, then when the Horseman appears, the ride picks up speed and takes tight corners and jarring turns, with false "near-misses" with the Horseman
(I also want to add a Horseman cameo to the Haunted Mansion since he was in one of the unused plans)
Give the Buzz rides some Star Command references, that's all, I don't really need a full ride when we already have a good in-the-spirit one for the original that a few things could just be added to
(Although my brain just conjured up the idea of a Star Command ride that's just a parody of Rise of the Resistance but. I don't think that would actually work. It's just a funny concept to imagine cartoon Zurg taking the place of Kylo Ren)
SOMETHING Clone Wars-themed, for Pete's sake just acknowledge Clone Wars beyond our girl Ahsoka
Ohhhh maybe a "race" coaster that simulates a Clone Wars space dogfight (that's in reference to when two warplanes engage in battle with each other, not the illegal sport of making two actual dogs fight each other btw) and depending on which vehicle you board, you assume the role of one of the main Jedi (and maybe Rex because he's our boy) or one of the main villains and who each side plays and who "wins" could be randomized. With banter from both characters during slower points in the ride (and in the queue) for added effect. Though I'd say give the guests the choice of which side they want to board...although a part of me worries that wouldn't be practical due to uneven amounts of people wanting to be either not matching up with available seating. But this is purely fun speculation, so...my city now.
We're bringing back Extra-Terror-Estrial and we're keeping it scary
Also let's revamp Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour because HK needs something to do besides walk around shuffling away from children's attempts to hug him. I want to revise the story of the attraction and how it fully plays out but I'm not sure exactly how yet. Good still wins though because I'm already suggesting too much spooky shit, gotta sprinkle in some happy endings to appease the mouse overlord
Elephant Graveyard coaster. That's it, that's the whole bullet point. (Shout-out to gavillain for coming up with that one)
I think he also had an idea for a Bald Mountain coaster and that one kicked ass too. Can you fucking imagine a Chernabog animatronic
Laugh Floor but it's House of Mouse. Please. Actually no, just make House of Mouse into an actual restaurant.
Something Atlantis-themed but my brain is not giving me ideas. :(
Please turn Tiana's Palace into a restaurant
Oh yeah and a coaster based on Yzma's lab entrance. With "WRONG LEVER!" reference at the beginning. Because early Tumblr was right about that, that would rock.
Idk what kind of ride would justify this but I just. Want an animatronic of snake Jafar. For reasons.
The existing carousel is iconic so don't change it but can we get another one somewhere else that's all Disney mounts. Like can we get Rajah and Belle's horse and Mulan's horse and Horseman's horse, and Maximus, and Sven I guess and Slim's buffalo and my spooky side says tnbc skeleton reindeer but I don't think you could turn that one into a comfortable place to sit, maybe a "centaurette" from Fantasia and the black pegasus, Hercules Pegasus, elephant Abu (I don't think Carpet could be turned into one people wouldn't just fall off of), and...
Maybe just a neat little walkthrough Cave of Wonders? Idk
That's all I got for now
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chao-chachaslide · 3 years
Talking about an unreleased show because I don't have anything better to do
Apologies for the length and for referencing other media because I've only watched half of Sonic Boom series 1 in terms of Sonic cartoons.
We already know Sonic Prime ain't going to be canon hopping, which is disappointing but expected. It is a shame we're not getting Classic but tbh that's on Sega. Blaze should definitely appear though. She hasn't been in a show yet and she deserves to be in Prime, given the multiverse plot.
I think the idea of hopping through a bunch of random AUs is really interesting. It opens up for a lot in terms of creativity. Some concept art showed a tribal Amy, and a Pirate dimension. We have already seen pirate-themed outfits in Sonic Dash, which were extremely well-received by fans, so this one especially seems more likely to appear.
We also saw Kitsune Tails in some concept art but it's currently not known if that's an AU or his regular design for the show. More likely AU but it's a cool design regardless.
Sonic's new shoes are very cool. I'm assuming that's what he'll be using to dimension hop. They look sick whether that ends up being the case or not.
One of the concept arts showed a bunch of different Eggmen as well. I cannot find any of this art and SNN doesn't seem to have it for some reason but I remember there was like some preteen Eggman (Eggboy?) lol
Also I forgot they've called the multiverse 'The Shatterverse'? Surely multiverse is easier but Shatterverse sounds pretty cool I guess. Explains the logo.
I remember there were rumours about it being game canon after the press release. Idk whether that's been debunked or not but it's.. interesting. The show is being used to promote the IP, rather than act as a completely original sub-series like Boom was, so it's possible. Or it could just be that it uses/references events/places/stuff from the games. I believe it has been confirmed the locations will be the same. The show is projected to release next autumn and could well end up dropping within weeks of Frontiers (which has the same release time frame), so the two could maybe reference each other.
Overall I don't really mind if it is main canon but I'd prefer if it was its own thing.
I'm gonna put the rest of this under the cut as my points start to get longer
Just from vibes I think this is gonna lean more towards what SatAM and X went for in terms of plot. So more action less comedy. I know X had some more comedic moments as well, idk about SatAM but I think it had moments like that as well? However the demographic of Prime is 6-11 iirc so I don't think it would go that dark. Like not how Clone Wars and Rebels are where you sit there the whole time wondering how this is rated PG and aimed at children. I know the Sonic franchise is very willing to go dark but they are also willing to do the complete opposite (AoStH/Boom for the most part). Something like Teen Titans, the first 4 seasons of Winx Club or the She-Ra reboot is probably the best approach. So more of a focus on plot, worldbuilding and character development but still with comedy moments and a plot easy enough to understand at a baseline level so the show will still appeal to kids.
That being said if they choose to go completely off the rails and give us a really dark Clone Wars-esque show thank you sega.
And of course, the Sonic has too many friends controversy. Tails will appear in any media in the franchise with a 99% gurantee, and Amy is going to be here as well as evidenced by concept art. Knux is a given as well since he's part of the core 4. Shadow and Metal are the next most recurring characters. I'm assuming Metal - or at least some version of him - will appear. There's like 500 fucking Eggmen there has to be Metal. Shadow doesn't show up as much as the core 4 either, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is in Prime, even if it's a smaller role like in Boom. Y'know, for the fanservice.
Everyone other than those 6 is much less likely to get in. However due to the main plot of the show it would be an easy opportunity to have a larger cast. Rouge is probably most likely to appear out of everyone else due to her affiliation with Shadow, or if not them, then Blaze due to the theme of the series.
I really hope the writers don't succumb to that idea of a smaller cast 'to try and please fans' because there's such a broad cast of characters there's so much room for good plot arcs and character development. X worked really well with a large cast and shows that the franchise doesn't need to cut down on characters to keep up the good reception.
Personally I would love to see the Babylon Rogues as unlikely as it is. They will not be in the show - if they are I will be shocked - but Starline, Whisper and Tangle. Please.
Silver too. Though since this is inter-dimensional travel and not time travel it may be harder to work him in.
And of course, shipping. Despite the seemingly high-stakes, high-intensity plot, they'll probably squeeze it in somewhere lol. And solid guarantee it'll be sonamy unless Blaze shows up in which case maybe sonaze.
I've recently regained my fondness for sonaze so I wouldn't mind seeing it. It's a nice change of pace as well.
Knuxouge is also likely if Rouge is in the show. I'm pretty neutral towards that one but they do have a good dynamic.
Watch this show say it releases next year and drop in the last week of December 2022. Yes I'm salty at Book of Boba Fett.
This is a dimension hopping show there will be the obligatory evil AU (But we're not allowed to talk about Scourge so it'll probably just be Sonic with a different palette or he won't even be there lmao)
We know Amy and Tails will have new VAs in this show. I wonder when they'll announce who the new actors are (probably closer to release). Sonic and Eggman are keeping the same VAs, and Shadow seems likely. Presumably the characters that were recast in TSR will keep those VAs. Dunno about the other guys (Rouge) though. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a few recasts.
Update 28/12/21: All the voice cast is staying, at least for the games. So ignore what I said about Ames being recast. As far as I am aware it has yet to be confirmed that Tails will not be recast in this show, as when the whole drama with the VAs was happening, Colleen said she would not voice him in Prime. Ofc netflix could end up getting their own cast for the show, but I don’t see why they’d need/want to.
I really don't see why there's such backlash against Flynn being consulted? It's not like he has that much influence. I know he is basically treated like the be-all and end-all of Sonic lore by a lot of people which is okay actually a bit annoying like there's plenty of other people who know a lot about lore, and some of his writing/characterisation is questionable (Charmy in Archie is one example). Overall I don't really mind. IDW is fine? I actually liked the zombot arc - I do generally like darker plots though - but the other arcs he's written range from fine → pretty good actually so I don't see why it's such a huge problem. Was his writing in Archie terrible?
Might edit later 6.0
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