#If he goes talk to xxc directly we get a hillarious conversation
deathbyoctopi · 2 years
Xiao Xingchen realizes from the get go who exactly is the injured person he finds, and still decides to help -with some precautions, of course. 
It takes quite a while, and there’s a lot of mistrust and issues to get past, but we eventually get to a similar degree of canon domesticity -with no secrets, this time! 
I just LOVE how Xue Yang just starts to think of them and their house as his turf, how he even mentally threatens the bug that dared munch on their vegetable garden like the little domesticated thug he’s become...  Gives me wonderful Gokushufudou vibes, it’s just great. 
Certainly one of my favourite XueXiao fics, by @veliseraptor + Rakiah. Thank you so much!!!
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