#If the biggest dragons are around 150. And then they die
lionblaze03-2 · 7 months
Tbh nobody draws darkstalker big enough. I remember him like. Holding full grown nightwings in the palm of his hand. He is MASSIVE. He dwarfs all other living creatures. He’s kind of an eldritch abomination in my eyes
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notdeadjack · 6 years
Annual Reclist 2018 Part 2
Aaaand the rest!
I changed my mind, back to Part 1 please
Boku no Hero Academia
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11738184   slow it down (go easy on me) by newamsterdam   26k, Kirishima/Bakugou, time travel,
It’s at that moment that Bakugou realizes something is very, very wrong. He glances down at himself and sees scars he’s never had before along his arms, little nicks and scratches he’d never have been oblivious to. When he reaches up, his limbs feel longer, and as he staggers to his feet he stands several centimeters taller than he had, last thing he knew. He glances at the mirror, catches sight of his reflection, and screams.
One of the doors on the opposite side of the room bursts open, steam spilling out into the bedroom. A man crosses the room in quick strides, looking around for some enemy he can’t yet see.
No, not just a man. Kirishima.
- When a confrontation with a villain throws Bakugou through time, he's forced to face a future he never imagined, and maybe something he can't leave behind.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11086329   but i've got an angry heart by newamsterdam   40k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU,
He’s about to open his door to go to the shared bathroom on this floor when he notices the scrap of paper that’s been pushed under his door. It’s a salmon-colored flashcard, the type that’s sold in 500-packs with multiple colors. Bakugou stoops to retrieve it, frowning at the message he finds written on it.
Hey neighbor, welcome to the house! I heard you knocking things around, yesterday, and I think you maybe punched a wall? Anyway, the landlady gets pissy if you put holes in the wall, but I have a punching bag! You can come over and use it, or I can move it into the hall, if you want!
There’s only one other bedroom on the fourth floor. Now, Bakugou crosses the hall to the bedroom on the right side, slamming the post-it note against the door.
Fuck off and die, it reads.
-Bakugou Katsuki is not going to jeopardize his future a second time, and that means staying away from anyone who gets too
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14091123   houdini by chonideno   14k, Kirishima/Bakugou, forced proximity,
Kirishima gets stuck in a closet with Bakugou for the sake of a stupid game, and it's fine, it's only seven minutes, what's the worst that could happen
or how Bakugou finds some sort of excuse to make the time go faster and Kirishima realizes he doesn't really want to get out of here
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7508896   The Weight of Your Hand by kamin   39k, Kirishima/Bakugou, h/c, injury,
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9121246   Summer Stars by PitViperOfDoom   61k, Midoriya/Todoroki, h/c, pining,
It's been judged safe to send the students of UA home to their families for the first three weeks of summer, much to the relief of everyone whose name isn't Todoroki Shouto. Luckily, Midoriya has a solution for him, and Midoriya Inko has a lot of love to give.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11066478   Burn and Breathe by PitViperOfDoom   11k, Midoriya/Todoroki, soulmates, child abuse,
Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12706668     Slow to Start (But Quick to Burn) by mousapelli   29k, Kirishima/Bakugou, abo,
Bakugou is loud, abrasive, and way too strong to be a "good" omega, and he doesn't give half a damn if that's what everybody else thinks. The good news is that Kirishima is 100% into him just the way he is. The bad news is he might be 150% into Kirishima.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14392344   Something Just Like This by imatrisarahtops   18k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, fluff,
Bakugou considered Kirishima to be several things.
He was loud and outspoken, far too cheerful and friendly, and ultimately rather annoying. On several occasions, he couldn’t help but wonder why he tolerated the redhead’s presence; in fact, to a certain point he might even say that he enjoyed it—though he’d never admit it out loud. But the boy did have redeeming qualities, as well. He was earnest and patient, strong and determined, steadfast and incredibly loyal.
One thing that Kirishima was definitely not was shy.
Which was why Bakugou couldn’t help but find the other boy’s recent behavior baffling.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14755280   Bite by Moment_of_Tangency   2k, Kirishima/Bakugou, rough sex, abo, alpha/alpha,
“So,” Kaminari says, idly sipping his juice. “Alpha on alpha. What’s that like?”
Eijirou doesn’t look up from where he’s staring across the room, watching the back of Bakugou’s neck as he makes his way through the lunch line. “It’s a battle of wills.”
Yuri!!! on Ice
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9618635   Those Three Words by azriona   31k, Viktor/Yuuri, ABO, accidental pregnancy, pining, slow burn,
Their one night of passion in Sochi left Victor Nikiforov with a bit more of a souvenir than either he or Yuuri Katsuki bargained for. Oops?
https://archiveofourown.org/series/620242   Rivals series by Reiya   434k, Viktor/Yuuri, canon AU, unreliable narrator, rivals to lovers, hate sex, pining, unrequited feelings, falling in love, angst,
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8963419     silver by pageleaf   2k, Vikton/Yuuri, dom/sub,
"Oh? You can't kiss silver?"
Viktor makes a mock-horrified face. "Silver? No way!"
Ah. Yuuri recognizes this—Viktor getting into one of his bratty moods. Yuuri's never really tried to do anything about it before, and eventually Viktor always tones it back down, but this time, Yuuri wonders...
He shrugs. "Well, I guess I just won't be able to kiss you then."
Harry Potter
and related
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1049966   Azoth by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)   88k, Harry/Draco, pining,
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12772770   Light in August by orestesfasting   21k, Sirius/Remus, first time, friends to lovers,
Summer, 1977. With the full moon approaching, Sirius heads up to the Lupins' countryside cottage to make himself useful. Or to make a complete and utter arse out of himself, because really, that’s all he can seem to do around Remus these days.
all the universes
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2423135   Buck Me by OhCaptainMyCaptain     32k, Steve/Bucky, AU, porn, pining,
Steve's been friends with Bucky for fourteen years. Unfortunately, he's also been in love with him for nearly just as long. He's been pretty good at hiding that over the past few years - until he follows a porn link one night and accidentally discovers that his best friend is secretly a camboy. Steve really shouldn't watch those videos... Not with the filthy things Bucky does to himself that gets him screaming every time he comes...
He shouldn't... he really fucking shouldn't.
But Steve's only human.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11341023   Treasured by Dira Sudis (dsudis), Sealcat   24k, Steve/Bucky, AU, dragon!Bucky,
When everyone in town became convinced that a dragon really had come again to the Old Lair, and that the town would have to offer it tribute, they all looked at Steve.
Honestly, he was relieved.
-This is the fic that kept me thinking of dragon dicks for like a month straight
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6232762   Push It Real Good by spoffyumi     35k, Steve/Bucky, AU, pining, bed sharing, dudes being bros,
The way Steve had to steel himself to ask the question made Bucky a little wary. "Will you be my partner for a Lamaze class?"
For a few long moments, Bucky just blinked at him, not knowing which question to ask first. Finally he went with the biggest question on his mind. "What?"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2159736   Boys by epeolatry   23k, Steve/Bucky, bed sharing, BDSM,
Two scrappy boys meet in Brooklyn during the Depression. For the longest time they'll think that being dirt poor is the worst the world can throw at them, but from the very start they know that each is the best of the other's life.
Or; Steve and Bucky's origin years, complete with clumsy feelings and illegal boners.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1745402   Cheek to Cheek by orphan_account   5k, Steve/Bucky, crossdressing,
'Tell you what,' Bucky said, his arm coming out to push Steve gently further into the sidewalk as a car trundled past, spraying some of the icy slush up into the air. 'We'll head in again next week, alright? And you'll dance if I have to dance with you myself.'
Steve laughed at that, a short huff of humor followed by a couple of light coughs. He swiped at his forehead, flattening his part. 'That'll be a sight,' he said, but honestly thought that if there were anyone he'd like to dance with, it'd be Bucky.
Steve and Bucky, rooftops and dancing, crossdressing and porn, and little else.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/308731   bent my knees 'cause I love you by ellievolia   7k, Steve/Bucky, crossdressing,
Warning for cross-dressing, if this isn't your thing, this fic definitely won't be. Steve discovers a secret about Bucky, and it quickly snowballs into something much bigger. Set post wake up/winter soldier.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8809780     The Stalking of Wade Wilson by s0ymilk   18k, Peter/Wade, enemies to friends to lovers,
"It’s around this point that a niggling thread of thought worms its way into his head when he’s not paying attention, one that gently suggests that Wade might be slightly less of a bad guy than Peter previously thought."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13949802     Heroes and Suckers (and Everything in Between) by Ravenmaster     79k, Peter/Wade, fake accusations of child abuse,
When Peter Parker meets Wade Wilson as a freshman in college, their first meeting is a bit... messy.
Peter isn't happy about it. May is absolutely not happy about it. And Mr. Stark? Yeah, he's really effing pissed about it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10863330     Nurse Parker by HaveMyWeedCookies     14k, Peter/Wade, canon-AU, protective Deadpool,
Deadpool frequented a particular balcony every night for a friendly visit and getting his wounds patched up by his favorite nurse.
Or an alternative universe where Peter pursues a career in nursing to help people instead of embracing the responsibility of Spider-Man. But Deadpool is still Deadpool.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11859168     Peter Parker's Night Clinic for Kinda Crappy, Accidental Superheroes by Trickster88   6k, Peter/Wade, AU,
Peter works long hours, okay, but he really can’t ignore the man bleeding out on his fire escape, no matter how much he’d rather collapse face first onto his bed and sink into oblivion.
Written for the Spideypool Big Bang 2017!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7722451     Chiaroscuro by Purple_Mind   5k, Peter/Wade, pre-slash,
Peter needs to take a good picture for a college course photography assignment, but can't, for the life of him, find a decent subject, and time is running out. It's a good thing Wade is willing to lend a hand (or, rather, another part of his anatomy).
Pure fluff: definitely not half as dirty as that last sentence would have you believe.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8611360   Five Times Spider-Man Carried Deadpool and One Time He Didn't by blue_jack   2k, Peter/Wade, 5+1,
The first time was an accident.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6712384   DIY Sutures by HelloAfternoon   5k, Peter/Wade,
Peter doesn't understand Deadpool, and comes to realize that it might be because he never really tried to.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3358037   i wanna ruin our friendship by nni   6k, Peter/Wade,
we should be lovers instead
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13395966   this heart needs (something) by bankrobbery   9k, Peter/Wade, sex pollen,
‘Okay, come on, you have to think about this rationally,’ Peter thinks to himself and it’s not that he can’t reason his reaction out, it’s not that he can’t listen to his own advice, it’s that he doesn’t want to.
Peter gets hit by sex pollen. Deadpool helps out. That should be the end of it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11793207   But Today My Heart Swings by bankrobbery   9k, Peter/Wade, sex pollen,
“What did I fucking say?!” Deadpool yells from across the room. “‘Don’t go into the drug lord’s sex den without me.’ I was very specific!”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6251710     Sweet Pussy by Saucery   2k, Peter/Wade, uuuh kinda, crack, cat!deadpool,
Spider-Man had a reputation as a smalltime hero, but he’d never actually rescued a cat from a tree, before.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11612208   I Think I Might've Inhaled You by SordidDetailsFollowing     208k, Peter/Wade, Peter/Harry,
Peter has enough problems with high school, friendship complications, an internship at Oscorp, and his arachnid alter ego. Throw in a merc with a mouth covered in unfairly sexy red spandex, and things get a little crazy.
Wade just wants to talk shit with his friend Weasel, eat tacos, listen to bad tween pop music, and participate in some soft-core torture and murder. When a certain little spider swings into his life, things get complicated.
Spider-Man saves people. Deadpool kills them. An unlikely friendship (and maybe more) forms, but will it still work when the masks come off?
do note that this fic is very long, well written with an engaging plot. BUT, it is not completely resolved by the end as it is a two part story and the second part is as of writing this, still a wip. it gets a bit darker by the end, too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7316119   you grow up and you lose touch by scarlett_starlett     52k, Peter/Wade, slow build, kid fic, families of choice,
Peter always thought that when he had kids, there would be someone by his side.
Instead, he has a mouthy mercenary acting as a chef every night for him and his newly adopted son and a narcissistic billionaire philanthropist paying child support on the sly. But Peter figures it isn’t all bad, especially when Miles loses that dullness in his eyes whenever Wade slips on the banana peels he ‘strategically’ places all over the apartment for Peter as a joke.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11811996     Half Your Age (Plus Seven) by fancastical   80k, Peter/Wade, pining,
In which Deadpool has oddly specific and frustrating morals, Spider-Man has excellent friends, his lab partner has an opening for a bassist, Johnny Storm has the warmest feet, and everyone has had enough of hearing Peter talk about Wade Wilson (except Aunt May: she’s always glad to hear he’s back in town).
Written for the Spideypool Big Bang 2017!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15027875   I dunno how to act or if I should be leavin' by sadieb798   8k, Peter/Wade,
A sudden weight clamps down on Peter’s right shoulder - a hand, he realizes when the fingers give his arm a brief squeeze - that immediately makes him tense. Why didn’t my spider-sense go off? Peter wonders as he turns to look -
And comes face-to-face with Deadpool.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16204838       Vessel by linguamortua   2k, Eddie/Venom, masturbation,
When Venom was quiet, and when he wasn’t shooting giant fucking tentacles out of Eddie’s body, Eddie couldn’t much feel his presence. Occasionally there was a flicker of something: of anger, of hunger. Right now there was nothing. So maybe Eddie had pissed him off. Or—and this was a thought that Eddie had not had before—perhaps he had hurt Venom’s feelings. He lay there, staring at the ceiling and listening to the couple banging next door. She was making a lot of noise. The blood came up his neck and face a little. And then a little more, now he knew that Venom would be able to feel it too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16333031   Lovesick Baby by surveycorpsjean   6k, Eddie/Venom,
Eddie spent his whole life alone in his head. Now he’s not sure he could ever go back.
Sometimes, you want things you shouldn't.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4107487   Care and Custody by esama   50k, Eggsy/Harry, canon AU, abuse, murder, domestic fluff, kid fic, shaving,
Eggsy takes out the medal in slightly worse circumstances, asking for a miracle.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4674956   No Charm Equal by potentiality_26   29k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, cupids,
To say that Harry was too surprised to react at first would have been a grave understatement. He wasn’t literally invisible, because he did sometimes need to interact with mortals to do his job, he was just unnoticeable. People- the particular charge he had been assigned to most of all- were meant to see him and yet never actually process his presence. Unless he showed up in their houses- which a gentleman would never do, of course- they would ignore him and just get on with their lives.
And yet here Eggsy was, closer than anyone had been to Harry since- well, since he was mortal, and that was long enough ago that Harry could hardly remember it- snarling, “Why are you following me?”
Harry is a cupid. His latest assignment is proving to be... complicated.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4648161   No one likes us (we don't care) by concernedlily   25k, Eggsy/Harry, ABO, alpha/alpha, spanking,
When Harry Hart turned up at the police station to pick Eggsy up, he thought his luck had changed - after years of Dean, this posh new alpha was offering to take Eggsy away from the estate where he'd been afraid he'd spend the rest of his life cast out from society as a rough, unbonded alpha, into a world of excitement and potential he'd never imagined - the world that killed his father. But as he competes with other young alphas to take a place at Kingsman's table, he realises his feelings for Harry aren't quite as simple as the guardianship that's the only relationship between alphas the world recognises.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7769770   For the sake of a simple thing by concernedlily   58k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, dub-con, unsexy rentboy sex,
When Dean Baker's far-right group start to branch out into domestic terrorism, MI5 and the Met hand over to Kingsman - and hand over his seventeen-year-old stepson to Harry to run as a spy in Baker's house.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5757943   Bend and Stretch by concernedlily   12k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, gymnastics,
Harry is a gymnastics coach. Eggsy has skills.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3817126   Strange Sights, Strange Wonders by manic_intent   51k, Eggsy/Harry, Stardust AU,
In the glade where the star had fallen, the gloom of the gnarled old woods was deeper than night, save around the blackberry bush that had broken his fall: the grass and the battered leaves were now luminous, moon-touched. There was a long pause, broken by the sounds of twittering insects and the forest folk, then, there was a loudly groaned, “Fuck!”
The star rubbed a hand over his eyes, then flinched and held his hand up, spreading unfamiliar fingers up against the night sky. He turned his hand this way and that, curling and uncurling fingers, then he let out a softer, yet just as vehement “fuck!” and sat up, wincing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7249117   Scar Mark by Kayzo   50k, Eggsy/Harry, soulmates,
Eggsy could do without it really, the whole soulmate-destined-to-be-together-and-love-each-other-very-much thing. He's lived enough of a life of violence to know whoever's on the other end of this thing he's better off without--or they're better off without him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5617303   Ballerino by Deepdarkwaters   53k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, ballet,
ballerino, Italian 1. (n) male dancer 2. (adj) unstable, fickle, fluctuating
AU: How different would Eggsy's life have turned out if Kingsman gave decent financial support to Lee's family after his death? With no Dean around to squash his interests, gymnastics leads to ballet school and a career as classical ballet's least likely ingenu.
There's also some kind of drama about famous folk disappearing and something about mass genocide.
There's also the matter of Harry Hart's gigantic, embarrassing, all-consuming crush. Bit awkward, really.
- aka the fic that is responsible for all the ballet vids that show up in my youtube suggested views list these days
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3476996   Class Of Conduct by fideliant   13k, Eggsy/Harry, h/c,
Or, Six Things Eggsy Has Learned About Being A Gentleman
“Lesson number one,” Harry says. “Manners matter.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5808790   In Unison by marginaliana   8k, Eggsy/Harry,
Harry's smirk eases into a smile. He puts down a hand to help Eggsy up – a hand he certainly doesn't need, thanks, but it's the kind of thing that Harry keeps doing, like it makes him feel he's being gentlemanly or something. Eggsy takes it, setting his palm against Harry's warm, slightly dusty one, and—
Oh, fuck me, Eggsy thinks. I am attracted to Harry Hart.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3723475   Only As Directed by rageprufrock   12k, Eggsy/Harry, guided honeypot, filth,
“Arthur is a bad man,” Roxy had said.
“Fucking tell me about it,” Eggsy had muttered, and gone to put on the tarty trousers Harry had picked out for him like a fucking high-end pimp.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3486896   Rated R for Explicit Language by stereokem   4k, Eggsy/Harry, accent, voyeurism, honeypot,
Gary "Eggsy" Unwin had a filthy fucking mouth.
(Fortunately, so did Harry Hart).
----- Merlin buzzed into being over both of their coms. “Galahad. Arthur. You two all right?”
“Yeah, we’re fucking fantastic, ‘fanks. We’re comin’ out, tell me you’ve got extraction on the fucking stand-by.”
“Did you—”
“Yeah, we fucking got it done, an’ now genius ‘ere ‘as got ‘imself a bloody injury, so tell me you’ve extraction outside, yeah?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11303406   Whatever Is, Is Good by Deepdarkwaters, Paxdracona   22k, Merlin/Harry, pre-Eggsy/Merlin/Harry, canon AU, puppies,
Harry Hart should not be allowed within fifty feet of tiny runty puppies because he loses all reason. When he finds an abandoned teacup schnauzer searching for food in the bins, he immediately decides he’s going to be its mother and brings it home to love forever. Obviously he doesn’t stop to consider the fact that he’s out of the country more often than not so all the actual looking after is going to fall on Merlin, who has a deep disdain for people who make their dogs wear clothes and thinks anything smaller than a wolfhound is basically a pointless rodent.
Meanwhile, Eggsy is floundering on probation after grassing up Dean and his thugs in return for escaping jail time for his part in all their previous criminal activity. Life is looking pretty bleak, no money and no prospects - until he meets a ridiculous eccentric couple and their amazing little dog, and is hired as its nanny.
Contains deeply inappropriate use of the phrases "good boy", "bad boy", and "where’s your squeaky balls?"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6869278   His Master's Voice by VioletSmith   1k, Merlin/Harry, Eggsy/Harry kinda, smut, oblivious Eggsy,
This is pure filth, start to finish. Merlin and Harry shag up against a door, Eggsy is on the other side.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6532117   an ounce of performance by venvephe     12k, Eggsy/Harry, fake relationship, exhibitionism, praise kink, voyeurism,
Harry leans in, puts his warm hands on Eggsy’s hips again to steady himself. It feels only natural to loop his arms around Harry’s neck, to follow his lead and tilt his head to the side when Harry’s mouth inches towards his ear.
“Our suite has been bugged,” Harry says softly, only just audible over the rush of water.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5759593   The Gentleman is Not for Sale (But He is for Rent) by mizore, mongoose_bite   53k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, sugar daddy!Eggsy, praise kink,
When Michelle won the National Lottery, life became slightly easier for Eggsy, but no less complicated. Their new social circle neither likes nor respects them, despite Michelle's best efforts, and for Eggsy the feeling is mutual. Meeting the toffs up close only confirms what he's always suspected; money does not make you a gentleman.
It does, however, allow you to rent one. An Ossan Rental/Reverse Sugar Daddy AU.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4456499   Avia by Cortesia   73k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, implied non-con, soulmates, wingfic,
There was little to be done the day Gary Unwin was born. Like any other child, he was born into the world small and weak. But unlike other children in his neighborhood, he was born different.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3664047   The Spy who Loved Me (Or so they say) by ToriCeratops   54k, Eggsy/Harry, fake relationship, pining,
In the wake of V-day the world’s economy hangs in a delicate balance, liable to crumble without warning. One man has the knowledge and the power necessary to send it tumbling down, so that only he remains on top.
The Kingsman have been tasked with stopping him before he can carry out his plan. In order to do so, Harry and Eggsy must act as lovers at an elite couple’s getaway to earn this man’s trust. Will they be able to carry out their mission as planned? Or will old wounds and buried emotions cause a havoc greater than anything they could have expected?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3735118   Bon Appétit by Galahard   57k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, slow build,
“This is actually an excellent opportunity for you. Kingsman is one of the most elite cooking schools in London, and they so rarely offer evening courses like this. The fact that they were willing to work with us and allow you to attend is a miracle.”
“It’s basic though, yeah?” Basic was what he needed. He just needed to learn enough so that Deanna wasn’t eating frozen pizza or chicken nuggets every meal, and his mum wasn’t exactly in the mood to cook most days. Cooking had always been his dad’s thing, he’d been about to trade up from a sous chef to a full chef when his accident had happened.
Sure, Eggsy could eat junk all day long if he had to, but his half-sister deserved better. He could give her better.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12027834   (Physical) Therapy by Galahard   13k, Eggsy/Harry, AU, light dom/sub,
Prompt: Harry is a survivor of V-Day. He is assigned a physical therapist who is supposed to get him back to normal. Their increasing interactions and sexual tension become the shining light in Harry's life.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4261776   A Different Place and Time by Ferrero13   23k, Eggsy/Harry, sooulmates, time travel, pining,
Eggsy’s words are 'What’s your name, young man?', but Harry’s isn’t 'Eggsy.' So he keeps quiet, keeps it to himself, but when he finds himself face to face with a younger Harry Hart, Eggsy can't help falling in love all over again.
Sometimes, the first words you say to your soulmate aren’t the first they hear from you.
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asfeedin · 4 years
The WIRED Guide to Commercial Human Space Flight
But all of these enterprises are businesses, not philanthropic vision boards. Is making life casually spacefaring and seriously interplanetary actually a plausible financial prospect? And—more important—is it actually a desirable one?
Let’s start with low-key suborbital space tourism, of the type Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin would like to offer. Some economists see this as fairly feasible: If we know one thing about the world, it’s that some subset of the population will always have too much money and will get to spend it on cool things unattainable for the plebs. If such flights become routine, though, their price could go down, and space tourism could follow the trajectory of the commercial aviation industry, which used to be for the wealthy and is now home to Spirit Airlines. Some also speculate that longer, orbital flights—and sleepovers in cushy six-star space hotels (the extra star is for the space part)—could follow.
After there’s a market for space hotels, more infrastructure could follow. And if you’re going to build something for space, it might be easier and cheaper to build it in space, with materials from space, rather than spending billions to launch all the materials you need. Maybe moon miners and manufacturers could establish a proto-colony, which could lead to some people living there permanently.
Or not. Who knows? I can’t see the future, and neither can you, and neither can these billionaires.
But with long journeys or permanent residence come problems more complicated than whether money is makeable or whether it’s possible to build a cute town square out of moon dust. The most complicated part of human space exploration will always be the human.
We weak creatures evolved in the environment of this planet. Mutations and adaptations cropped up to make us uniquely suited to living here—and so uniquely not suited to living in space, or in Valles Marineris. It’s too cold or too hot; there’s no air to breathe; you can’t eat potatoes grown in your own shit for the rest of your unnatural life. Your personal microbes may influence everything from digestion to immunity to mood, in ways scientists don’t yet understand, and although they also don’t understand how space affects that microbiome, it probably won’t be the same if you live on an extraterrestrial crater as it would be in your apartment.
Plus, in lower gravity, your muscles go slack. The fluids inside you pool strangely. Drugs don’t always works as expected. The shape of your brain changes. Your mind goes foggy. The backs of your eyeballs flatten. And then there’s the radiation, which can deteriorate tissue, cause cardiovascular disease, mess with your nervous system, give you cancer, or just induce straight-up radiation sickness till you die. If your body holds up, you still might lose it on your fellow crew members, get homesick (planetsick), and you will certainly be bored out of your skull on the journey and during the tedium and toil to follow.
Maybe there’s a technological future in which we can mitigate all of those effects. After all, many things that were once unimaginable—from vaccines to quantum mechanics—are now fairly well understood. But the billionaires don’t, for the most part, work on the people problems: When they speak of space cities, they leave out the details—and their money goes toward the physics, not the biology.
They also don’t talk so much about the cost or the ways to offset it. But Blue Origin and SpaceX both hope to collaborate with NASA (i.e. use federal money) for their far-off-Earth ventures, making this particular kind of private spaceflight more of a public-private partnership. They’ve both already gotten many millions in contracts with NASA and the Department of Defense for nearer-term projects, like launching national-security satellites and developing more infrastructure to do so more often. Virgin, meanwhile, has a division called Virgin Orbit that will send up small satellites, and SpaceX aims to create its own giant smallsat constellation to provide global internet coverage. And at least for the foreseeable future, it’s likely their income will continue to flow more from satellites than from off-world infrastructure. In that sense, even though they’re New Space, they’re just conventional government contractors.
Elon Musk made his first fortune on PayPal.
Falcon 9 + Dragon
SpaceX will also be ferrying astronauts and accessories to the International Space Station for NASA, and after its journey, the Falcon will land itself, while the Dragon capsule will splash down. Bonus: The company boasts that passengers can set the internal temperature anywhere from 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Its first crewed test could occur in mid-2019.
Super Heavy + Starship
Formerly called BFR (Big Falcon Rocket or Big Fucking Rocket, depending on what kind of person you are talking to), this SpaceX craft and its human capsule are supposed to take 100 people and 150 tons of cargo to the Red Planet. Musk unveiled a smaller, suborbital prototype in January, and its shiny silver sides and vintage sci-fi shape look like if a ‘50s diner dreamed it became a rocket. Its first test should take place sometime this year.
So, if the money is steadier nearby, why look farther off than Earth orbit? Why not stick to the lucrative business of sending up satellites or enabling communications? Yes, yes, the human spirit. OK, sure, survivability. Both noble, energizing goals. But the backers may also be interested in creating international-waters-type space states, full of the people who could afford the trip (or perhaps indentured workers who will labor in exchange for the ticket). Maybe the celestial population will coalesce into a utopian society, free of the messes we’ve made of this planet. Humans could start from scratch somewhere else, scribble something new and better on extraterrestrial tabula rasa soil. Or maybe, as it does on Earth, history would repeat itself, and human baggage will be the heaviest cargo on the colonial ships. After all, wherever you go, there you are.
Maybe we’d be better off as a species if we stayed home and looked our problems straight in the eye. That’s the conclusion science fiction author Gary Westfahl comes to in an essay called “The Case Against Space.” Westfahl doesn’t think innovation happens when you switch up your surroundings and run from your difficulties, but rather when you stick around and deal with the situation you created.
United Launch Alliance and Boeing
No billionaire here. Just the military-industrial complex joining forces with itself. Within the past 15 years, this rocket has had a 100 percent success rate.
Atlas V + Starliner
The Atlas V rocket made by United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Boeing, will join with Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner capsule to send astronauts and science experiments to the ISS. The Starliner can fly 10 times, as long as it gets a six-month refractory period—for refurbishing and tests—between each trip. Its first crewed test could occur in mid-2019.
Besides, most Americans don’t think big-shot human space travel is a national must-do at all, at least not with their money. According to a 2018 Pew poll, more than 60 percent of people say NASA’s top priorities should be to monitor the climate and watch for Earth-smashing asteroids. Just 18 and 13 percent think the same of a human trip to Mars or the moon, respectively. The People, in other words, are more interested in caring for this planet, and preserving the life on it, than they are in making some other world livable.
But maybe that doesn’t matter: History is full of billionaires who do what they want, and it’s full of societal twists and turns dictated by their direction. Besides, if even a fraction of a percent of the US population signed on to a long-term space mission, their spaceship would still carry the biggest extraterrestrial settlement ever to travel the solar system. And even if it wasn’t an oasis, or a utopia, it would still be a giant leap.
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Last updated January 30, 2019
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arcane-hobo · 5 years
Sebastian Lakota Rowan
(No images belong to me)
Verse: Dungeons & Dragons Date: May 14, 2019
Full Name: Sebastian Lakota Rowan Pronunciation: I’m not even gunna write that out lol Nickname/Alias: Bast, The green man, The reaper Title: non  Pet Name: None
Gender: Male Gender Role: Male  Orientation: Bi-Sexual Real Age: 150 Age Appearance: 30 Birthplace: The Cleopa Tribe in the woods Zodiac Sign: Gemini 
Immediate Family: Lilly Rowan, Anthony Rowan, Marcus Rowan Distant Family: Maverick (Father in law) Parenting: Easy-going Upbringing: Easy upbringing Childhood: playful, full of life Adolescence: -  Adulthood: Widowed Coming of Age: Widowed
Species: Elven Preferred Hand: Right Facial Type: Rough  Eye Color: Bright Green Hair Color: brown Hairstyle: long Skin Tone: tanned Complexion: rough Makeup: none Body Type: built Height: 6′1 Weight: 165 Cup Size: none Facial Hair: stubby Birthmarks/scars: scar on left side of face Distinguishing Features: eyes  Health: Healthy Energy: high energy Memory: Keen Senses: Keen senses, specifically hearing Allergies: none Handicaps: none Phobias: Enclosed spaces Addictions: none Mental Disorders: None
Mode of Dress: Light rogue armor  Grooming: messy Posture: proper Habits and Mannerisms: proper Scent: campfire, 
Mood: melancholy  Attitude: moody Stability: unstable When Happy: social When Depressed: Secluded When Angry: destructive
Current Residence: none Community: none Family: the Cleopa tribe Friends: none Enemies: none that he knows of Bosses: Xeekree Followers: none Heroes: none Rivals: The empire Relates to: none Pets/Familiars: None
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Wardrobe: (See above picture) Trinkets: None Funds: none Home: no home
Neighborhood: non-existent Transportation: none Collections:none Most valuable possession: His silver crossbow Prized Possession: Gussington! 
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Lovers: None Marital Status: widowed Sex Life: none at the moment Type: strong, independant Turn-Ons: someone who can knock him on his ass when he needs it Turn Offs: forceful ones Position: any Plays: robinhood play Fetishes: PDA Virginity: not a vergin Element: earth
Occupation: assassin/ demonhunter Work Ethnic: Prefers to work alone Rank: none Income: only when he gets a job Wealth Status: poor Organizations/Affiliations: The Sapphire tide, The raven queen 
IQ: Education: taught basics School: home schooled Special Education: none Social Stereotype: none Extracurricular Activities: none 
Religion: The Raven Queen Crime Record: thievery, murder, extortion, black mail, ext  Motivation: none Priorities: Food on the table Philosophy: Live for today Political Party: Anti-empire Etiquette: polite Superstitions: Many
Main Goal: Become the Raven queens champion  Minor Goals/Ambitions: Resurrecting his late wife Career: Assassin/ demonhunter Desires: his wife back Wishlist: more bolts, and supplies Accomplishments: 3 Balors killed, and many demons Greatest Achievement: Saving a town from demons Biggest Failure: A balor destroying a town Secrets: Hes an assassin, he has many Regrets: letting his wife die Worries: falling in love Best Dream: seeing her again Worst Nightmare: reliving her death Best Memories: getting married to Alice Worst Memories:  loosing alice lol
Hobbies/Interests: tinkering with his crossbow Skills/Talents: Highly skilled in demon hunting, and assassinations Likes: wine, music, solitude Dislikes: demons Sense of Humor: playful Pet Peeves: many Superstitions/Beliefs: Many Savvy: Bilingual Can’t understand: a lot lol Closet Hobby: Sewing Guilty Pleasure: Sweets
Strengths: His reserved spirit Flaws: he has a drinking problem Soft Spot: gus Cruel Streak: Again, hes an assassin
Powers/Abilities: Ranger/ rogue abilities Weaknesses: Claustrophobia, demons, fire Immunities:none Restrictions: none
Favorite Colors: Green, brown, black, silver Favorite Animals: Doggos  Favorite Mythological Creatures: none Favorite Places: the flatlands Favorite Landmarks: none Favorite Flavors: wine, meats Favorite Foods: steak Favorite Drinks: mead Favorite Characters: none Favorite Genre: romance, adventure Favorite Books: none Favorite Games: none Favorite Shows: none Favorite Music: any Favorite Bands:any Favorite Songs:any Favorite Sports:any Favorite Stores: any Favorite Subjects: lunch Favorite Numbers: none Favorite Websites: none Favorite Words: none Favorite Quotations: none
Least Favorite Colors: bright colors Least Favorite Animals: Bears Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: none Least Favorite Places: the kingdom Least Favorite landmark: none Least Favorite Flavors: none Least Favorite Foods: none Least Favorite Drinks: none Least Favorite Characters: none Least Favorite Genre: none Least Favorite Books:none Least Favorite Movies:  none Least Favorite Games:none Least Favorite Shows:none Least Favorite Music: none Least Favorite Bands:none Least Favorite Songs:none Least Favorite Sports: none Least Favorite Stores:none Least Favorite Subjects: math Least Favorite Numbers:all of them Least Favorite Websites: none Least Favorite Words: none Least Favorite Quotations: none
Languages: Elven, common, Infernal Accent: slight accent Voice: polite and soft Speech Impediments: stutter when taken off guard Greetings and Farewells: “Hey”, “Good to see you again”, “See you soon” State of Mind: everyone cant be trusted
Reputation: Killer First Impressions: weird Stranger Impressions: drunk Friendly Impressions: hiding a true emotion Enemy Impressions: fierce Familiar Impressions: loved Self-Impression: hatred.
MBTI Personality Type:   The Idealist – INFP PersonalityINFPs, like most introverts, are quiet and reserved. They prefer not to talk about themselves, especially in the first encounter with a new person. They like spending time alone in quiet places where they can make sense of what is happening around them. They love analyzing signs and symbols, and consider them to be metaphors that have deeper meanings related to life. They are lost in their imagination and daydreams, always drowned in the depth of their thoughts, fantasies, and ideas. Enneagram: The idealist Persona/Mask: Reserved and quiet Alignment: Chaotic neutral Symbol: Bear with a sword through it Song: HERE WE GO! Vice: Wrath Virtue: Humility  One Word: reserved 
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REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.  RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog !    tag 10 ! good  luck !        TAGGED. @judgmentcast​        TAGGING. Guys, this one is HELLA LONG. Have fun if you want, but I don’t blame you if you don’t. It’s open to all.
  FULL  NAME :  First Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair   NICKNAME :  Lieutenant, Sinclair, Blondie, H. K. Sinclair, H. K.   AGE : Twenty-nine   BIRTHDAY :   October 24, 1884   ETHNIC  GROUP : Caucasian.   NATIONALITY :  American (Identifies as German-American)   LANGUAGE / S : German, English, Japanese, Korean, Italian, French   SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Closeted Bisexual   ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Closeted Biromantic   RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  Widowed/Single (But technically verse dependent)   CLASS : Working class.   HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Stuttgart, Germany. Also will answer with Washington D.C., USA.   CURRENT  HOME : Verse dependent, but mostly she just moves around and does not stay in one area.   PROFESSION : Verse dependent; Army lieutenant, spy, bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary
PHYSICAL.   HAIR : Blonde   EYES :    Gunmetal blue   NOSE :  slender, relatively small, upturned at the end.   FACE :  High cheekbones, square jaw. There is a beauty mark beneath her left eye (her left, not yours). Moderate sized forehead.   LIPS :   Full, well-proportioned to her face, often painted red with lipstick without care to the social meaning of it.   COMPLEXION :  Fair with olive undertones. Not translucent thanks to plenty of healthy sun exposure. Clear and not splotchy.   BLEMISHES :  The aforementioned beauty mark.  SCARS : Scarred knuckles from years of hand-to-hand combat training, a couple superficial ones to the rest of her body (Major scars were healed/rectified by her exposure to Atlantean magick)   TATTOOS : None.   HEIGHT : 5′7″   WEIGHT : 150 lbs.    BUILD :    Curvy hourglass built and sculpted through exercise and activity. Tall for her sex (during her era). Otherwise, lean, muscular, slightly angular from aforementioned sculpting.   FEATURES :  Almost perpetually narrowed eyes, boldly painted lips, the mark beneath her eye. Her constantly-worn gloves.   ALLERGIES :  None  USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Worn in a braided plait, the end often partially over her shoulder from it being absently played with.   USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Eyes are hooded, giving her a bored but watchful expression, The pout of her lips is subconscious, but often hidden by an authoritative scowl or scheming smirk.   USUAL  CLOTHING : (When not in the military uniform of whoever she is working for) black turtleneck/button-up men’s shirt/tank top, pants (Men’s and often tailored until women’s become available), boots. She has an old Army greatcoat that will be worn until it dies of sheer old age, and wears a utility belt and gun holster. (Exception is in Modern verses, where she will dress as per the common fashions to better blend in.)
PSYCHOLOGY.   FEAR / S : Failure, abandonment, being alone, being wrong.    ASPIRATION / S : To try and find meaning and purpose in independence, to rise from her ashes.   POSITIVE  TRAITS : Ambitious, observant, proud, intuitive, intelligent, active, eager, clean   NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Sarcastic, spiteful, manipulative, loner, bossy, follower, dependent, distrustful, cynical, paranoid, fearful, bitter, skeptical   MBTI : ESTJ; The Executive (Surprised because I always had her as INTJ...)   ZODIAC :  Scorpio    TEMPERAMENT :  Brash.   SOUL  TYPE / S :  Performer/Leader   ANIMALS :  A cat - a white Persian in the lap of someone pulling strings she merely watches over the actions of. She can be complacent, but beware of her claws. A panther - deadly and sleek with little care as to who gets hurt to get to her end-goal. This is the transformation she has made.   VICE  HABIT / S :   Drinking, the occasional smoking, finding pleasure in the Flesh and material.   FAITH : Athiest.   GHOSTS ? : No   AFTERLIFE ? : None at all   REINCARNATION ? :  Nope.   ALIENS ? : On the fence, purely because she saw some things in Atlantis that just cannot be explained.   POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : Doesn’t care about politics or political workings so long as there are people against them willing to give her a job, or the people in power desire her services to take down the rebellious.   ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Luxuriously wealthy   SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Part of the working class, but financially sound.   EDUCATION  LEVEL : Homeschooled as per the norms of a socialite’s daughter, but she benefits from extensive military training both from the American Army and Navy.
FAMILY.   FATHER :   Major Alexander Sinclair (father)   MOTHER :  Mrs. Marianne Sinclair (Formerly Stroh) (mother)   SIBLINGS : All younger: Johnathan Sinclair, James Sinclair, William Sinclair, Oliver Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair   EXTENDED  FAMILY : Aunts and uncles from both parents   NAME  MEANING / S : Helga: Holy or Blessed; Sinclair: Bright, Clear. (I appreciate this irony)   HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  One of the first famous connections is the Princess of Kiev, also known as Olga of Kiev of Saint Olga. Sinclair is of the Clan Sinclair, which helped in the Norman conquest of England and was given the land that is now Roslin, Midlothian in Scotland.
FAVOURITES.   BOOK :    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. She loved it as a child.   MOVIE : Once films were made, Casablanca.   5  SONGS :  Mein Sohn Nur Mut - Carl Maria von Weber;  Night on Bald Mountain - Modest Mussorgsky; Por Una Cabeza - Gardel; Killer Queen - Queen; Bat Out Of Hell - Meat Loaf    DEITY :  She always found Athena and Freya interesting to read on, but is not religious, so holds them in no regards.   HOLIDAY :    New Years   MONTH :  It used to be May (until someone had to die). Now it’s September   SEASON :  Summer   PLACE :  None  WEATHER :  The middle of a raging thunderstorm   SOUND : Waves lapping against a stone breaker, the crackle of a fire in the hearth, the metallic click of bullets loading into their chambers and a pistol’s hammer being pulled back, heeled boots running on wet cobblestones, a bed-frame’s creaks of protest.   SCENT / S :  Leather, steel, gunpowder, salt air, vanilla, musk, new rope, old books, whiskey, coffee, canvas.   TASTE / S :   Rich dark chocolate,  red wine, whiskey, umeboshi, black coffee.   FEEL / S : Silk against skin, rope against skin, quality leather, a firm grip.   ANIMAL / S : Big dogs   NUMBER : No preference.   COLOUR :    Olive green, black, gold, red, steely gray.
EXTRA.   TALENTS :  Helga is a skilled commander and leader when given the chance to be such. She speaks many languages, and has years of opera training to her name as well.   BAD  AT : Almost any artistic expression save singing, horseback riding, judging character, resisiting tempation   TURN  ONS :  Power, dominant personalities, charm, intelligence, danger   TURN  OFFS :   Bombast, sexism, weakness   HOBBIES :  Singing, antique firearms collecting   TROPES :  (ALL FROM THE TV TROPES SITE) Badass Longcoat, Contralto of Danger, Dark Action Girl, Deadpan Snarker, The Dog Bites Back, The Dragon, Femme Fatale, Flare Gun, Heel-Face Door-Slam (I like to contest this one), Kick Chick, Last Breath Bullet, Nothing Personal, Perpetual Frowner, Right-Hand Cat, Redemption Equals Death, Sexophone, TankTop Tomboy, Thrown From The Zeppelin, Wai-fu    AESTHETIC  TAGS :  Mausers, leather gloves, smoke, WWI, steampunk landscapes, red lipstick, femme fatale   GPOY  QUOTES :  I don’t know what this means...
FC INFO.   MAIN  FC / S :  Rachael Taylor   ALT  FC / S : N/A.   OLDER  FC / S :   N/A.   YOUNGER  FC / S : Maddie Hasson (specifically as Jo Masterson)   VOICE  CLAIM / S : Claudia Christian,  Karen Souza (for singing_   GENDERBENT  FC / S :  N/A.
MUN QUESTIONS.   Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ? A1 : Well, technically, she has a film. Though to be fair, I would make the whole thing longer, less PG, way more of a war film with Lovecraftian/Steampunk overtones than what we got.
Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ? A2 : German opera, steampunk instrumentals... Hans Zimmer. Maybe some prog-rock bits a la Savatage? 
Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ? A3 :  I loved Atlantis and Helga as a kid, so that has always been there. But while I was in the finals days of a fandom that didn’t care if I existed, I watched the film and we just... clicked. 
  Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ? A4: She was unlike any film heroine that I had seen before then (I was 8). She was sarcastic and kick-ass and not genuinely good. She was active and suffered real consequences in her story. May or may not have also found her hot.
  Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5 : As someone who likes to think of themselves as morally upstanding, the fact she tends to give so few shits about others 
  Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ? A6 : The snark. that is all.
  Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ? A7 : I’m one of those stupid artsy types.
  Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ? A8 :  Joseph Korso, Gerge Armstrong Custer, Prince Adam (The Beast), Jacob Frye, Haytham Kenway, Judge Claude Frollo, Kent Mansley, Dean McCoppin, Charles Emmerson Winchester III, Prince Hans Westergaard, and there are many more but those stick out the most to me for their dynamics.
  Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ? A9 :  Honestly? Her compelling nature as a character. I don’t really have to look to an outside source to be inspired.
  Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ? A10 : HOURS
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barbosaasouza · 6 years
5 Decks to Take Into Hearthstone's Standard Brawliseum
Out of the blue on Wednesday, Hearthstone kicked off another round of the Brawliseum for this week's Tavern Brawl. For those unfamiliar with the Brawliseum, it's basically the Arena format, but for Standard constructed decks. That means putting together the strongest deck possible and either riding it to 12 wins or getting knocked out after three losses.
The stakes are high with card packs, Gold, and Mana on the line. And while it costs 150 Gold or $1.99 to compete, the first try is absolutely free, so that adds a lot of pressure to the prospective deckbuilder. Fortunately, Shacknews is here to help out with five decks that are worth trying.
The Cancer Cubelock
So there are some fun deck ideas that are worth trying out...
"Where's the Cubelock?"
Ahem... the new meta has created some wildly fun deck types for many of the game's classes...
"Where's the Cubelock?
Sigh... with decks varying from aggressive to control to the midrange...
"Get to the Cubelock already!"
Oh, fine! You want to play that way, be my guest. Here's your Cubelock that's still terrorizing the Hearthstone meta. I hope you hit a Shudderwock.
1 x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2 x Hellfire
2 x Mountain Giant
2 x Faceless Manipulator
2 x Doomsayer
2 x Doomguard
1 x Spiritsinger Umbra
2 x Stonehill Defender
2 x Defile
1 x Bloodreaver Gul'dan
2 x Carnivorous Cube
2 x Voidlord
2 x Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
2 x Kobold Librarian
1 x Skull of the Man'ari
2 x Possessed Lackey
2 x Dark Pact
1 x Lord Godfrey
Everyone who has played Hearthstone since Kobolds & Catacombs knows how this deck works. Skull of the Man'ari summons Doomguard or Possessed Lackey summons it from the deck with no Discard downside. Use Carnivorous Cube and Dark Pact to make more Doomguards. If they all die, simply use Bloodreaver Gul'dan to bring them all back and Charge the face. That sure is how that deck works!
Ozzie's Control Warlock
2 x Spellbreaker
1 x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2 x Hellfire
2 x Twisting Nether
2 x Siphon Soul
2 x Stonehill Defender
2 x Defile
2 x Voodoo Doll
1 x Bloodreaver Gul'dan
1 x Rin, the First Disciple
2 x Ratcatcher
2 x Voidlord
2 x Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
2 x Kobold Librarian
1 x Possessed Lackey
2 x Dark Pact
1 x Lord Godfrey
1 x Dark Possession
Hey, I have a deck, too! It's also a Warlock, but it's not that Cubelock nonsense. This is a control-based deck, one that I used to reach Legend rank in April and one that's taken me consistently past 7 wins in the Brawliseum.
The key is keeping things under control until such a point that either Bloodreaver Gul'dan can get to work with his Hero Power or Rin, the First Disciple can get Azari, the Devourer online. Ratcatcher is a great minion to trade into smaller threats on his own, but he can also activate Rin, Possessed Lackey, or Voodoo Doll to get their effects going. Defile and Lord Godfrey will keep those pesky Dude Paladins at bay while Twisting Nether can used for extreme situations.
StanCifka's Even Paladin
1 x Blessing of Kings
2 x Spellbreaker
2 x Avenging Wrath
2 x Consecration
2 x Mountain Giant
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Equality
2 x Loot Hoarder
2 x Knife Juggler
1 x Bloodmage Thalnos
1 x Sunkeeper Tarim
2 x Lightfused Stegodon
2 x Drygulch Jailor
2 x Call to Arms
2 x Crystal Lion
2 x Plated Beetle
1 x Genn Greymane
There are many odd and even Paladin decks working their way across the Hearthstone meta at the moment, but it's Stanislav "StanCifka" Cifka's Even Paladin that fascinates me the most. That's mainly because he's thinking bigger with Giants.
The idea is to produce multiple card draws, while also maintaining a large hand with Drygulch Jailor, which leads to cheap Mountain Giants. It's an idea that I can get behind, largely because it turns one of the biggest drawbacks of this deck (not having access to Divine Favor) into a strength.
Personally, I'd rather use the numbers game to my advantage and fill the board with Silver Hand Recruits and minions from Call to Arms to set up a Sea Giant play, but I would imagine that the Giant type used is ultimately a matter of preference. Either way, two Giants make this deck much deadlier and if for whatever reason they go down, the Lightfused Stegodon and Sunkeeper Tarim should still provide a sufficient win condition.
Thijs' Quest Hunter
1 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Acherus Veteran
2 x Dire Mole
2 x Elven Archer
2 x Fire Fly
2 x Glacial Shard
2 x Stonetusk Boar
1 x The Marsh Queen
2 x Tracking
1 x Prince Keleseth
2 x Ravencaller
2 x Stitched Tracker
2 x Dire Frenzy
1 x Houndmaster Shaw
1 x Toxmonger
2 x Wing Blast
2 x Tol'vir Warden
1 x Tundra Rhino
Here's something a little more off the beaten path, but still a good deck to try out in the Brawliseum. Thijs Molendijk's Quest Hunter is about getting numbers out quickly and finishing the Hunter Quest as soon as possible. That's much easier now with Ravencaller around. Prince Keleseth can ensure those 1-drops aren't so laughable, while Houndmaster Shaw allows them to trade into most opposing minions.
Dire Frenzy is also a crazy powerful tool, especially if you can cast it on Queen Carnassa to ready up another round of 15 Raptors.
The Spiteful Summoner Druid
2 x Dire Mole
2 x Fire Fly
2 x Glacial Shard
1 x Prince Keleseth
2 x Gluttonous Ooze
2 x Greedy Sprite
2 x Mind Control Tech
2 x Tar Creeper
2 x Saronite Chain Gang
2 x Spellbreaker
2 x Swift Messenger
1 x Cobalt Scalebane
2 x Fungalmancer
2 x Spiteful Summoner
1 x Malfurion the Pestilent
1 x Grand Archivist
2 x Ultimate Infestation
The Druid looked to be on the ropes for a while with the loss of Jade Golems to Wild. But this class has recovered nicely, thanks to Spiteful Summoner. That's because it turns out that running a Druid deck with only the 10-Mana Ultimate Infestation can lead to some pretty lopsided Turn 6 plays.
Prince Keleseth also ensures that the Druid player can go aggressive with multiple minions in the early game and also buff them up with Cobalt Scalebane. Now I should note that the deck posted above belongs to Jeffrey "Trump" Shih, who's only running one Cobalt Scalebane. However, given that this minion can make any other minion the board look pretty imposing, maybe consider dropping one of the Gluttonous Oozes in favor of running a second one of these big bad dragons.
Those are just a few decks to trot out during this week's Brawliseum. Which deck has carried you to the 12-win promised land? Join the conversation and let us know in the comments.
5 Decks to Take Into Hearthstone's Standard Brawliseum published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
Elon Musk is raising half a billion in cash for SpaceX — and there are 3 epic projects he may spend it on
Elon Musk's rocket company, SpaceX, is raising about $500 million in new investments.
Estimates suggest SpaceX is now valued at around $27.5 billion.
SpaceX has three ambitious projects it's working on and needs to fund.
The company wants to launch the Starlink global satellite-internet network, colonize Mars using a huge spaceship, and create the world's fastest transportation system.
Elon Musk's rocket company, SpaceX, is likely raising about $500 million in new funding.
The cash investment would be a boon to SpaceX, which is chasing three incredibly ambitious projects in the coming decade. Those plans include a global satellite-internet network, a spaceship to explore and colonize Mars, and the world's fastest transportation system.
SpaceX confirmed that it filed updated articles of incorporation and Series I funding in Delaware. According to a document provided to Business Insider by Lagniappe Labs (and first reported by The Information), the series makes available 3 million new shares, each valued at $169, which means SpaceX is raising about $507 million.
Taking all nine rounds of funding into account, which add up to about $2.2 billion, a new estimate by Equidate suggests SpaceX is now valued at around $27.5 billion. It's uncertain, however, what the company's real-world value might until there's initial public offering or private sale.
It's also unclear who's buying SpaceX's shares, since sales of private investments are typically confidential and pre-arranged. A company representative declined to comment on the filing or say how the money would be spent.
But based on recent statements by Musk and Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX's president and COO, the company has three big, clear targets for the cash.
Starlink satellite internet
One of SpaceX's biggest new initiatives is called Starlink. The plan, which the US Federal Communications Initiative approved in March, is to surround Earth with 12,000 internet-providing satellites. That's more than twice the number of all spacecraft launched by humanity.
The ultimate goal of the project is to achieve global broadband coverage with speeds more than 178 times as fast as the current worldwide average. (In 2015, according to Akamai's "State of the Internet" report, that was 5.6 megabits per second; Starlink's goal is 1 Gbps.)
Musk also plans to bring the web to those who can't afford it. "If successful, Starlink constellation will serve least served," he tweeted in February.
SpaceX has already built a satellite factory in Redmond, Washington, and it launched two experimental Starlink satellites on February 22. But manufacturing thousands of spacecraft and launching them into low-Earth orbit — even dozens at a time with the Falcon Heavy rocket — will require serious capital.
"Satellite technology can help reach Americans who live in rural or hard-to-serve places where fiber optic cables and cell towers do not reach," Ajit Pai, the FCC's chairman, previously said of SpaceX's plans.
Big F---ing Rockets for Mars and beyond
SpaceX has achieved a swath of feats since its founding in 2002, not least of which is disrupting an expensive and relatively stagnant space industry.
Musk even recently called for a "new space race."
On February 6, just after SpaceX launched Falcon Heavy — the world's most powerful operational rocket — Musk said most of the company's engineering resources were shifting toward a system called BFR.
Short for Big Falcon Rocket or (as Musk likes to call it) the Big F---ing Rocket, BRF is a 348-foot-tall reusable launch system designed to ferry up to 100 people and 150 tons of payload toward Mars at a time.
The BFR design has two main sections: a rocket and a spaceship. The 191-foot-tall rocket would push the spaceship into orbit around Earth, then the 157-foot-long spaceship would fly toward the moon or Mars.
Everything would run on liquid methane and oxygen. The BFR would land itself and be fully reusable — a scheme that could slash the cost of access to space thousandfold. The first uncrewed launch to Mars is optimistically slated for 2022, followed by a crewed launch in 2024.
Due its presumable low cost — the system would be used over and over like a jet aircraft, rather than a one-off rocket — Musk envisions BFR as a replacement to all of the company's offerings over time.
"We want to have one system, one booster and ship, that replaces Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Dragon," Musk said in September 2017. "If we can do that, then all the resources that are used for Falcon 9, Heavy, and Dragon can be applied to this system."
SpaceX recently secured a lease for a historic yet derelict site at the Port of Los Angeles. There, the company is about to build a 200,000-square-foot factory to make the spaceships and booster rockets that comprise BFR.
The location is just 14 miles south of the company's headquarters and an ideal place to ship the rockets by water to its Texas-based test and launch facilities.
Musk also recently unveiled an enormous 30-by-40-foot tool to build the system's spaceship out of carbon-fiber composite. SpaceX is bringing other BFR tooling to the port to start building spaceships as well.
This work and the future test launches in Texas (scheduled for sometime in early 2019) will not be cheap. Half a billion dollars could help make it happen, though.
Shotwell, SpaceX's president, said at the 2018 TED Conference on Wednesday that she "might out-vision Elon" with her goals for BFR.
"Mars is fine, but it's a fixer-upper planet," Shotwell said. "I want to find people, or whatever they call themselves, in another solar system."
The world's fastest transportation system
SpaceX's big rocket system wouldn't just be useful for reaching destinations far from Earth.
"If we're building this thing to go to the moon and Mars, then why not go to other places on Earth as well?" Musk previously said.
A BFR spaceship could fly more than 4.6 miles per second, according to SpaceX, which is more than 12 times as fast as the now-retired supersonic Concorde jets. That would make it the world's fastest transportation system.
Passengers might fly from Los Angeles to New York in just 25 minutes, Bangkok to Dubai in 27 minutes, London to New York in 29 minutes, and Delhi to San Francisco in 40 minutes, according to a SpaceX video.
"This would not be for the faint of heart, and it is difficult to see how this would be inexpensive," Leroy Chiao, a former NASA astronaut, previously told Business Insider of SpaceX's goals. "But the one thing I've learned from observing Elon is not to count him out."
Shotwell said at TED 2018 that this system may be ready to take customers within a decade.
Half a billion dollars isn't enough to revolutionize the internet, send people to Mars, or set up a rocket-based flight system — let alone cover all three projects. But for a company that's done a lot with far less cash, it's a good start.
SEE ALSO: SpaceX's list of competitors is growing — here are 9 futuristic rockets in the pipeline for the new space race
DON'T MISS: This historic property in Los Angeles is where Elon Musk and SpaceX want to build giant Mars spaceships
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NOW WATCH: There's a place at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean where hundreds of giant spacecraft go to die
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
Things to Do in Vancouver this Weekend: October 5, 2017
Autumn is in full swing with festivals and feasts this weekend and there are many ways to toast your glass or stein to good harvests. For those of us who solidly believe that this is the most wonderful time of the year – Fright Nights begin this weekend, marking Halloween as just around the corner! There’s also music, circus performance, dance, and it’s not too late to catch some VIFF flicks!
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Ongoing
Friday October 6
The Goblin Market
The Goblin Market Where: The Cultch What: A contemporary circus re-telling of Christina Rossetti’s poem, following two sisters, their temptation, sacrifice and eventual salvation. Lively circus is precariously balanced with gritty performances and candid story telling. Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Harvest Haus
Harvest Haus Where: 88 Pacific Blvd What: Combining modern fare with authentic European harvest traditions, gather your closest mates for what may be the most gluttonous and gratifying Oktoberfest in the city. Runs until: Saturday Oktober 14, 2017
Terra and Beyond with Chris Hadfield and Danny Michel
Terra and Beyond with Chris Hadfield and Danny Michel (show 1 of 2) Where: The Orpheum What: Share Colonel Chris Hadfield’s viewpoint “Beyond the Terra,” with music and inspiring images from the International Space Station.
Thanks For Giving Where: Arts Club Theatre What: While Nan bastes the turkey and prepares the stuffing, her husband hides a freshly hunted bear in the garage and her troublesome daughter is raiding her purse again. To top it all off, her grandchildren have chosen this Thanksgiving to disclose some unexpected personal truths to the family.  Runs until: Saturday November 4, 2017
Fright Nights Where: Playland What: Misty, dark, dreary, and full of spooks and scares may not sound like everyone’s ideal night out, but to those of us who love Halloween, nothing could be better! Playland turns into an animated haunted carnival, including seven haunted houses and fifteen of its best rides; what better way to scream away all of your fears? Runs until: Tuesday October 31, 2017
North Shore Craft Beer Week Where: Various locations What: The North Shore has a rich history of craft brewing and was home to Canada’s first ever microbrewery – Horseshoe Bay Brewery in 1982. Download the Vancouver’s North Shore Craft Beer Week Passport, get a stamp at each brewery as you travel around North Vancouver sampling special craft beer menus and unique casks. With your stamps, you could win prizes! Runs until:  Friday October 13, 2017
Experimental Ink Where: Museum of Anthropology What: The award-winning Assembly Dance Theatre from Taiwan will perform the newest addition to their Dancing in Ink series, choreographed specifically for MOA’s Great Hall for their Canadian debut. They will be joined by Sammy Chien, a Taipei born, Vancouver based interdisciplinary media artist, and Kimura Tsubasa, a renown calligrapher from Japan, featured in the Traces of Words exhibition.
Improv Wars: The Laugh Jedi Where: Vancouver Improv Centre What: Vancouver TheatreSports takes you to a universe that exists outside of normal time and space – where unlikely characters co-exist. Hosted by a mysterious hooded figure, the players and the audience search for an individual of unique abilities – one with the power to cloud people’s minds, to slip into any role, to make intuitive connections at lightning speed – The Laugh Jedi.  Runs until: Thursday November 2, 2017
54-40 (show 1 of 2) Where: Commodore Ballroom What: You know them from Ocean Pearl and I Go Blind, this Canadian band is on for two shows on back-to-back nights.
1 Hour Photo
1 Hour Photo Where: The Cultch What: From the creators of Empire of the Son, 1 Hour Photo is the story of Mas Yamamoto, a man whose life was swept up by the major currents of the 20th century; from growing up in a fishing village on the banks of the Fraser River, to being interned as a Japanese Canadian during World War II, to guarding the Canadian arctic against Soviet bombers during the height of the Cold War. Runs until: Sunday October 15, 2017
Potter’s House of Horrors Where: Potter’s Farm & Nursery What: Gather your moteliest crew and drop into one of the area’s biggest and best-rated haunted houses, celebrating 15 years of screams! Attractions include two haunted houses (plus a “Li’l Haunters” attraction geared to kids 12 & under), a coffin ride, a haunted paintball shootout, and a photo booth. Partial proceeds go to Critter Care Wildlife Society. Runs until: Tuesday October 31, 2017
Vagabond Players presents Little Shop of Horrors Where: The Bernie Legge Theatre (New Westminster, BC) What: Meek and mild flower shop assistant Seymour Krelborn has stumbled across a peculiar new plant species, which he names after his stunning but vulnerable crush Audrey. The plant, Audrey Two, has plans that are far greater than Seymour can imagine as it grows into a bad-tempered, foul-mouthed carnivore who offers fame, fortune, the girl he loves, and an escape from skid row in exchange for feeding its growing appetite for blood. Runs until: Sunday October 29, 2017
Hyperlink Where: Firehall Arts Centre What: A collaboration between The Elbow’s artistic director Itai Erdal, writer/performer TJ Dawe, and director Rachel Peake, Hyperlink delves into life online and the limits of digital empathy.  Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Oktoberfest at the Vancouver Alpen Club Where: 4875 Victoria Drive What: The Deutsches Haus boasts German favorites from Spätzle to Schnitzel and the best selection of German beers and wines in Vancouver. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (weekends)
Jim Park: Unknown Terrain | SEPARATION, 2017, 36 × 48 inches, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas
Jim Park: Unknown Terrain Where: Kimoto Gallery What: The Northern landscape forms an important part of Jim Park’s practice. Park sees paint as a language; the memory of lived experience merges with the pictorial possibilities on the canvas. Runs until: Saturday October 28, 2017
Sarah Slean
Sarah Slean Where: The BlueShore Financial Centre for the Performing Arts What: Slean’s sound has been compared to Kate Bush, Fiona Apple and Tori Amos, while her deeply personal songs draw from jazz, classical, pop and global influences. 
Lab Art Show Where: Chinese Cultural Centre What: Up to 150 artists including local galleries and artists from over 20 countries including Canadian artists Chili Thom and Natacha Trottier.
  Saturday October 7
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Harvest Dinner
Harvest Dinner Where: Sea to Sky Gondola What: A cozy harvest dinner atop a mountain! Share the entire menu with your group, family style.
BC Lions vs. Ottawa Redblacks
BC Lions vs. Ottawa Redblacks Where: BC Place Stadium, 4:00pm What: It’s football. If you like football, go see it and cheer for these fellas.
Rare book, Photograph and Paper Show Where: Heritage Hall What: A curated event featuring twenty-three exhibitors with specialized collections of books, fine maps, photographs and interesting paper items.
LA Witch
LA Witch Where: The Fox Cabaret What: Rock from Los Angeles, on tour to support their debut self-titled full-length release.
Necromantix Where: Venue What: It’s a psychobilly show, playing with Deadcats.
Wild Salmon Caravan Parade Where: Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Society What: Bring your drums, regalia, town clothes, costumes, banners, flags, streamers and any other parade wares you need. Celebrate the spirit of wild salmon.
Terra and Beyond with Chris Hadfield and Danny Michel
Terra and Beyond with Chris Hadfield and Danny Michel (show 2 of 2) Where: The Orpheum What: Share Colonel Chris Hadfield’s viewpoint “Beyond the Terra,” with music and inspiring images from the International Space Station.
Fort Langley Cranberry Festival
Fort Langley Cranberry Festival Where: Fort Langley What: Experience the popular cranberry stomp, and play a host of cranberry and farm related games.
BP20YR Where: Pacific Colloseum What: Blueprint celebrates 20 years with Diplo, Zeds Dead, Showtek and more.
Hershe National Coming Out Day Party Where: Prive Nightclub What: Celebrate National Coming Out Day at this all-inclusive dance party.
East Side Flea Where: The Ellis Building What: 50+ local vendors, makers, vintage sellers, oddity finders. Play pinball and pool. All this, with a bar! Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
54-40 (show 2 of 2) Where: Commodore Ballroom What: You know them from Ocean Pearl and I Go Blind, this is the second of their two Vancouver dates.
  Sunday October 8
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Imagine Dragons
Imagine Dragons Where: Rogers Arena What: American millennial rock from Las Vegas with hits like Believer, with guests Group Love and K. Flay.
Bass Coast Festival Showcase
Bass Coast Festival Showcase Where: The Commodore Ballroom What: Basscoast DJs The Librarian B2B Mat the Alien, Michael Red, Barisone and SHAH.
Fred Penner
Fred Penner Where: The Orpheum What: He’s a Canadian icon of entertainment and inspiration for children and families. Who’s more stoked – adult millennials and gen-Xers or their children? Come find out.
Sumac and Boris Where: The Rickshaw What: Japanese experimental music playing with sludgy growly metal.
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The Christians Where: Pacific Theatre What: After taking his church from a meager storefront to gleaming megachurch, Pastor Paul overturns one of the most sacred tenents of his congregation’s beliefs, sending them reeling towards schism. As they grapple with the mysteries of faith, certainty, and what happens after we die, they must also face the reality of loving those whose beliefs have made them into sudden strangers. Runs until: Saturday October 7, 2017
Mount Pleasant Farmers Market Where: Dude Chilling Park What: Amble over and pick up some afternoon picnic supplies, groceries for the week, and Sunday dinner fixings from 25+ farms and producers. Each week you’ll find a fresh selection of just-picked seasonal fruits & veggies, ethically-raised meats & sustainable seafood, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, handmade craft, and coffee & food trucks. Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
Angels in America Where: Arts Club Theatre What: Witness the soaring conclusion to the acclaimed play that asks us what we do for those we love. Perestroika is a revolution against the politics and prejudice in the 1980s as the AIDS epidemic rages on, and the characters wrestle with their ideologies and an angel looking for an answer. In the centre of it all is Prior Walter, a man in a world of peril who chooses to live in his light. Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
East Side Flea Where: The Ellis Building What: 50+ local vendors, makers, vintage sellers, oddity finders. Play pinball and pool. All this, with a bar! Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: Words and their physical manifestations are explored in this insightful exhibition, which will honour the special significance that written forms. Varied forms of expression associated with writing throughout Asia is shown over the span of different time periods: from Sumerian cuneiform inscriptions, Qu’ranic manuscripts, Southeast Asian palm leaf manuscripts and Chinese calligraphy from MOA’s Asian collection to graffiti art from Afghanistan and contemporary artworks using Japanese calligraphy, and Tibetan and Thai scripts. Runs until: Monday October 9, 2017
Richmond Night Market
Richmond Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: There’s a dinosaur park! Anamatronic dinosaurs! Also – live performances, carnival games, over 200 retail stalls and over 500 food choices from around the world. Runs until: October 9, 2017
Vancouver International Film Festival
Vancouver International Film Festival Where: Various locations What: In addition to over 300 of the best films from around the world, VIFF expands the frame to incorporate and celebrate some of the exciting new aspects of visual story telling. This includes events such as the world’s largest showcase of elevated YouTube content by digital-first creators and the Kronos Quartet performing a live score to renowned filmmaker Guy Maddin’s latest film The Green Fog – A San Francisco Fantasia.   Runs until: Friday October 13, 2017
North Shore Craft Beer Week Where: Various locations What: The North Shore has a rich history of craft brewing and was home to Canada’s first ever microbrewery – Horseshoe Bay Brewery in 1982. Download the Vancouver’s North Shore Craft Beer Week Passport, get a stamp at each brewery as you travel around North Vancouver sampling special craft beer menus and unique casks. With your stamps, you could win prizes! Runs until:  Friday October 13, 2017
The Goblin Market
The Goblin Market Where: The Cultch What: A contemporary circus re-telling of Christina Rossetti’s poem, following two sisters, their temptation, sacrifice and eventual salvation. Lively circus is precariously balanced with gritty performances and candid story telling. Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Aileen Bahmanipour: Technical Problem
Aileen Bahmanipour: Technical Problem Where: Grunt Gallery What: An exhibition of mixed media drawings by Vancouver-based, Iranian-born artist Aileen Bahmanipour that explores cyclical political power and cultural identity. Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Amphibia Where: Centre A What: Amphibia, Tromarama’s first solo exhibition in Canada, will transform Centre A into a hybrid physical and digital space using five newly commissioned works, ranging from site-specific pieces to pulse-sensing technologies that interact with our own physical, individual bodies. Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Harvest Haus
Harvest Haus Where: 88 Pacific Blvd What: Combining modern fare with authentic European harvest traditions, gather your closest mates for what may be the most gluttonous and gratifying Oktoberfest in the city. Runs until: Saturday Oktober 14, 2017
1 Hour Photo
1 Hour Photo Where: The Cultch What: From the creators of Empire of the Son, 1 Hour Photo is the story of Mas Yamamoto, a man whose life was swept up by the major currents of the 20th century; from growing up in a fishing village on the banks of the Fraser River, to being interned as a Japanese Canadian during World War II, to guarding the Canadian arctic against Soviet bombers during the height of the Cold War. Runs until: Sunday October 15, 2017
Hyperlink Where: Firehall Arts Centre What: A collaboration between The Elbow’s artistic director Itai Erdal, writer/performer TJ Dawe, and director Rachel Peake, Hyperlink delves into life online and the limits of digital empathy.  Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah Where:  Vancouver Art Gallery What:  This large-scale composition transforms English texts to form intricate floral and animal patterns. The work draws from discriminatory language that appeared in newspapers and political campaigns in Vancouver during the 1887 anti-Chinese riots, the mid-1980s immigration influx from Hong Kong and most recently, the heated exchanges around the foreign buyers and the local housing market. Runs until: Sunday October 15, 2017
Oktoberfest at the Vancouver Alpen Club Where: 4875 Victoria Drive What: The Deutsches Haus boasts German favorites from Spätzle to Schnitzel and the best selection of German beers and wines in Vancouver. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (weekends)
West End Farmers Market Where: 1100 Comox St What: Located in the heart of Vancouver’s busy West End, this laid-back Saturday market looks onto beautiful Nelson Park and adjacent community gardens. Each week, shop for the best in local, seasonal produce, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, ethically raised meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, wild crafted product, and handmade craft. Hot food & coffee on-site as well. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Trout Lake Farmers Market Where: Trout Lake What: This is where you’ll find the vendors who have been doing it since the beginning; what started as 14 farmers ‘squatting’ at the Croatian Cultural Centre back in 1995 has grown into Vancouver’s most well-known and beloved market. Visitors come from near and far to sample artisan breads & preserves, stock up on free-range and organic eggs & meats, get the freshest, hard-to-find heirloom vegetables and taste the first Okanagan cherries and peaches of the season. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Kitsilano Farmers Market
Kitsilano Farmers Market Where: Kitsilano Community Centre parking lot What:   A great selection of just-picked, seasonal fruits & vegetables, ethically raised and grass fed meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, fresh baked bread & artisanal food, local beer, wine, & spirits, and beautiful, handmade craft. Kids and parents alike can enjoy entertainment by market musicians, a nearby playground and splash park, and coffee and food truck offerings each week. Runs until: Sunday October 22, 2017 (Sundays)
Contemporary Iranian Cinema Series Where: The Cinematheque What: Acclaimed and accomplished new films from Iran are in the spotlight in this new monthly showcase. Runs until:Thursday October 25, 2017
Jim Park: Unknown Terrain | SEPARATION, 2017, 36 × 48 inches, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas
Jim Park: Unknown Terrain Where: Kimoto Gallery What: The Northern landscape forms an important part of Jim Park’s practice. Park sees paint as a language; the memory of lived experience merges with the pictorial possibilities on the canvas. Runs until: Saturday October 28, 2017
Vagabond Players presents Little Shop of Horrors Where: The Bernie Legge Theatre (New Westminster, BC) What: Meek and mild flower shop assistant Seymour Krelborn has stumbled across a peculiar new plant species, which he names after his stunning but vulnerable crush Audrey. The plant, Audrey Two, has plans that are far greater than Seymour can imagine as it grows into a bad-tempered, foul-mouthed carnivore who offers fame, fortune, the girl he loves, and an escape from skid row in exchange for feeding its growing appetite for blood. Runs until: Sunday October 29, 2017
Fright Nights Where: Playland What: Misty, dark, dreary, and full of spooks and scares may not sound like everyone’s ideal night out, but to those of us who love Halloween, nothing could be better! Playland turns into an animated haunted carnival, including seven haunted houses and fifteen of its best rides; what better way to scream away all of your fears? Runs until: Tuesday October 31, 2017
Potter’s House of Horrors Where: Potter’s Farm & Nursery What: Gather your moteliest crew and drop into one of the area’s biggest and best-rated haunted houses, celebrating 15 years of screams! Attractions include two haunted houses (plus a “Li’l Haunters” attraction geared to kids 12 & under), a coffin ride, a haunted paintball shootout, and a photo booth. Partial proceeds go to Critter Care Wildlife Society. Runs until: Tuesday October 31, 2017
Improv Wars: The Laugh Jedi Where: Vancouver Improv Centre What: Vancouver TheatreSports takes you to a universe that exists outside of normal time and space – where unlikely characters co-exist. Hosted by a mysterious hooded figure, the players and the audience search for an individual of unique abilities – one with the power to cloud people’s minds, to slip into any role, to make intuitive connections at lightning speed – The Laugh Jedi.  Runs until: Thursday November 2, 2017
Circle Craft Christmas Market Preview Exhibit
Circle Craft Christmas Market Preview Exhibit Where: Net Loft building on Granville Island What: Circle Craft Gallery’s Fall exhibit will give Circle Craft Christmas Market lovers a sneak peek. Exhibitors in the Preview exhibition are: East Van Jam, G Ceramic & Co, Ludviks Designs, Lulu Fiedler, Market Canvas Leather, Misheo, Rosewell Woodworking, Susie Benes, and Yifat Jovani. Runs until: Thursday November 2, 2017
Thanks For Giving Where: Arts Club Theatre What: While Nan bastes the turkey and prepares the stuffing, her husband hides a freshly hunted bear in the garage and her troublesome daughter is raiding her purse again. To top it all off, her grandchildren have chosen this Thanksgiving to disclose some unexpected personal truths to the family.  Runs until: Saturday November 4, 2017
Intangible Where: Bill Reid Gallery What: Contemporary Coast Salish art is embedded within a traditional cultural framework that includes community, ceremonial life, territory, history and innovation. Six artists challenge our expectations and illustrate Coast Salish art as a thriving art tradition – a dynamic one that demonstrates both continuity with the past and exploration of new ideas and technologies. Runs until: Sunday December 10, 2017
Bill Reid Creative Journeys | Image via the Canadian Museum of History
Bill Reid Creative Journeys Where: The Bill Reid Gallery What: Celebrating the many creative journeys of acclaimed master goldsmith and sculptor Bill Reid (1920–1998), this exhibition provides a comprehensive introduction to his life and work. Runs until: Sunday December 10, 2017
Entangled: Two Views on Contemporary Canadian Painting | John Kissick burning the houses of cool man, yeah No.5 (hang the DJ), 2016 (cropped)
Entangled: Two Views on Contemporary Canadian Painting Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: An insight into two distinctly different modes of painting that have come to dominate contemporary painting in this country. The origins of both can be effectively traced back to the 1970s, to a moment when the continued existence of painting was hotly debated. Runs until: January 1, 2018
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: MOA will showcase its Amazonian collections in a significant exploration of socially and environmentally-conscious notions intrinsic to indigenous South American cultures, which have recently become innovations in International Law. These are foundational to the notions of Rights of Nature, and they have been consolidating in the nine countries that share responsibilities over the Amazonian basin. Runs until: January 28, 2018
Tin and Gold: A 10 Year Anniversary Show Where: The Fall What: Celebrate 10 years of alternative music, tattoo artistry, and multimedia events. The art show includes artists Megan Majewski, Jenn Brisson, Alison Woodward and more. Runs until: February 1, 2018
City on the Edge: A Century of Vancouver Activism Where: Museum of Vancouver What: A photo-based exhibition exploring how protest demonstrations have shaped Vancouver’s identity from the Vancouver Sun and The Province newspapers’ photo collection. These photographs are exceptional historical records of intense and transformative moments in the lives of Vancouverites. Runs until: February 18, 2017
Tasting History: The Traveling Tales of Tea Where: Roedde House Museum What: Tea is one of the most consumed liquids in the world, second only to water. But the beverage that brings much pleasure and calm to our 21st century senses is steeped in a turbulent history of politics and society. The exhibit will also feature stories from Vancouver’s modern-day tea community. Runs until: March 2018
Emily Carr: Into the Forest
Emily Carr: Into the Forest Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Far from feeling that the forests of the West Coast were a difficult subject matter, Carr exulted in the symphonies of greens and browns found in the natural world. With oil on paper as her primary medium, Carr was free to work outdoors in close proximity to the landscape. She went into the forest to paint and saw nature in ways unlike her fellow British Columbians, who perceived it as either untamed wilderness or a plentiful source of lumber. Runs until: March 4, 2018
The Lost Fleet Exhibit Where: Vancouver Maritime Museum What: On December 7, 1941 the world was shocked when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, launching the United States into the war. This action also resulted in the confiscation of nearly 1,200 Japanese-Canadian owned fishing boats by Canadian officials on the British Columbia coast, which were eventually sold off to canneries and other non-Japanese fishermen. The Lost Fleet looks at the world of the Japanese-Canadian fishermen in BC and how deep-seated racism played a major role in the seizure, and sale, of Japanese-Canadian property and the internment of an entire people. Runs until: March 25, 2018
Chief Dan George: Actor and Activist Where: North Vancouver Museum What: An exhibition exploring the life and legacy of Tsleil-Waututh Chief Dan George (1899- 1981) and his influence as an Indigenous rights advocate and his career as an actor. The exhibition was developed in close collaboration with the George family. Runs until: April 2018
In a Different Light
In a Different Light Where: Museum of Anthropology What: More than 110 historical Indigenous artworks and marks the return of many important works to British Columbia. These objects are amazing artistic achievements. Yet they also transcend the idea of ‘art’ or ‘artifact’. Through the voices of contemporary First Nations artists and community members, this exhibition reflects on the roles historical artworks have today. Featuring immersive storytelling and innovative design, it explores what we can learn from these works and how they relate to Indigenous peoples’ relationships to their lands. Runs until: Spring 2019
What are you up to this weekend? Tell me and the rest of Vancouver in the comments below or tweet me directly at @lextacular
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2 Week Indonesia Itinerary under Rs. 70,000 (US$ 1,000)
Why Travel to Indonesia
Indonesia is a nation of 17,000 islands. The diversity of these islands is unparalleled and is reason enough to travel to Indonesia. Following this Indonesia itinerary, you will see turquoise Bali beaches, Komodo Dragons, 1000-year old Balinese Hindu temples, world’s largest Buddhist monument, active volcanoes, ancient Toraja burial rites, Manta Rays and colorful coral reefs, all in two weeks. And you will be charmed by the hospitality of the locals. The people alone will make you want to stay. And the best part is that you can experience all this at an affordable cost. The prices are almost comparable to prices in India and you can easily spend two weeks in Indonesia for under INR 70,000 (US$ 1000).
2 week Indonesia Itinerary
Indonesia Visa Requirements
Citizens of over 140 countries, including India, get FREE Visa on Arrival at any international airport. For a full list of 140 countries – Visa on Arrival (VOA) Countries. The free visa on arrival is valid for 30 days from the day of the arrival. It can be extended for another 30 days at a cost of US$ 35. The extension can be done in Indonesia.
Where is Indonesia
Map of Indonesia
17,000 Indonesian islands (8,000 inhibited) straddle the Equator between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is south and east of Malaysia and north of Australia. It is world’s largest island country, 14th largest in the world, and 4th most populous country in the world.
Indonesian Currency
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Comparison Table
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How to Get Here
Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar, Bali, and Soekarno–Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Java are the two main international airports in Indonesia. Thus, international flights to these two airports are usually cheaper. It is sometimes possible to find cheap flights to Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in Makassar, Sulawesi.
Hot Tip: If you are flying from India to Bali or Jakarta then it usually cheaper to fly from Kochi, Chennai, and Kolkatta
4 Ways to Find Cheap Flights
How to travel between islands
You will be doing some island hopping in Indonesia. Flights between the major islands can be reserved for cheap in advance. Therefore, Indonesia is one place where some advance planning is necessary to keep the costs down.
Unless of course, you plan to take the Pelni ships. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) is national shipping companies that provide sea transportation service to travelers looking to travel between islands. Pelni ships are cheap, comfortable, and a very authentic way to experience Indonesia life and culture. They are a good alternative to flying. Of course, they take a lot longer than jets. You can book online or at the port. Sometimes the ferry tickets for popular routes are sold out. So, it helps to check in advance.
How to travel within an island
Finding reliable public transportation on different islands is quite a challenge. If you plan to return to the origin then renting a scooter or car is the best way to explore and experience the islands. Of course, you should be comfortable riding a scooter and/or driving a car in Indonesia. If you have past experience of riding/driving in South or South-East Asia you should be okay.
Here are different rental options:
Scooter/Motorcycle Rental: Ideal for solo travelers with limited luggage. Cheapest way to explore an island costing about 80,000 IDR (US$ 6/ INR 400) per day + fuel,
Self Drive Car Rental: Ideal for two to four Travelers. Car rentals start at about 250,000 IDR (US$ 19/ INR 1200) per day + fuel for hatchbacks and Toyota or Suzuki SUVs,
Car Rental with Driver: If you are not comfortable driving then you can hire a car with a driver. It will cost you approximately 1,500,000 IDR (US$ 112/ INR 7,000) per day including fuel and driver charges
If you are more than two people then renting a car will cost you more or less the same as a bus. Albeit, buses are infrequent and take longer. Although, buses were my preferred choice when doing an overnight journey. Reserving a bus online is difficult, nigh non-existence. In most cases, you will have to go to the bus station to reserve bus tickets.
I have mentioned bus, car, and scooter rental options for each island in their respective detailed itinerary post.
How to travel within a city or town
Local ridesharing options such as Grab and Go-Jek are the cheapest way to get around a city. Uber also exists but is slightly pricier. Downloading and setting up an account is straight forward for both Grab and Go-Jek. The process to book a ride is the same as other ridesharing apps. You can pay in cash so you don’t need a credit or debit card to register. Both Grab and Go-Jek have motorcycle ride options which are cheaper than cars, ideal for solo travelers.
Two Weeks Indonesia Itinerary under US$ 1000 (Rs. 70,000)
All rates are best approximations. Of course, slight deviations can be found from one island to another.
Agoda, Bookings, and Hostelworld are the best websites to reserve accommodation
Double Bed in 3-star hotel: IDR 250,000 (US$ 19/ INR 1,200) per night
Hostel Dorm Bed: IDR 100,000 (US$ 8 / INR 500) per night
Homestay Double Bed: IDR 200,000 (US$ 15/ INR 950) per night
Widely available vegetarian entrees are Gado-Gado, Veg Fried Rice, and Veg Noodles
Vegetarian Entrée: IDR 30,000 (US$ 2.25/ INR 150)
Pizza: IDR 40,000 (US$ 3/ INR 200)
Pasta: IDR 50,000 (US$ 3.75/ INR 240)
Tea/Coffee: IDR 4,000 (US$ 0.50/ INR 20)
Bottled Water 1L: IDR 3,000 (US$ 0.40/ INR 15)
Bintang Beer 650ml: IDR 25,000 (US$ 2/ INR 120)
Local Arak: IDR 20,000 (US$ 1.50/ INR 100)
Bottled Arak 750ml: IDR 150,000 (US$ 11/ INR 700)
Bus Ticket (8 hours journey): IDR 250,000 (US$19 / INR 1200)
Scooter Rental (per day): IDR 80,000 (US$ 6/ INR 400) + fuel
Car Rental Self Drive (per day): IDR 250,000 (US$19 / INR 1200) + fuel
Car Rental with Driver: IDR 250,000 (US$19 / INR 1200) base + IDR 55,000 per hour (US$ 4/ INR 250)
Average Tourist Attraction Entrance Fee
IDR 100,000 per person (US$ 7.50/ INR 500)
Two Week Indonesia Itinerary
Rather than a traditional two-week itinerary, I will give you a one-week itinerary for each of the four islands I visited namely – Bali, Java, Flores, and Sulawesi. Any two of the four islands can be visited with each other on a two-week travel of Indonesia. Therefore you can combine these individual itineraries and create your own two-week itinerary for Indonesia.
One Week Bali Itinerary
Bratan Temple, Bali Indonesia
Bali is the prime tourist destination of Indonesia. And, it’s the first place that comes to many people’s mind when you say ‘Indonesia’. It deserves the title with numerous turquoise beaches, ancient Balinese Hindu temples, green and gold rice fields, and a tranquil vibe emanating from smiling faces of friendly locals. Being the tourist capital of Indonesia, it feels a bit too crowded. But, it is well worth your time since you won’t get to see 1000-year old picturesque Balinese Hindu temples elsewhere in the world. And, this is coming from an Indian who has seen his fair share of temples.
For accommodation, transportation, attraction, and restaurant recommendations read the Detailed Bali Itinerary
Here is a brief Bali Itinerary:
Day 1: Land in Denpasar and check-in to your hotel in Denpasar or Kuta
Day 2: Uluwatu Temple in the morning. Sunset at Tanah Lot Temple. Traditional Kecak dance at Tanah Lot. Night stay in Denpasar or Kuta
Day 3: Check-out. Denpasar/Kuta to Besakih Temple (62 km, 2 hours). Besakih Temple is the Mother Temple for all Balinese temples, a must visit. Besakih Temple to Ubud (42 km, 1.30 hours). Night stay in Ubud
Day 4: Explore boutique shops, rustic cafes, aromatic restaurants, and lively streets of Ubud. Visit Goa Gajah Cave Temple and Pura Taman Saraswati Temples, both within 5 km from downtown Ubud. Night stay in Ubud
Day 5: Check-out. Ubud to floating Pura Bratan temple (45 km, 1.30 hours). Pura Bratan temple to UNESCO acclaimed Jatiluwih Rice Terraces (22 km, 45 minutes). Night stay in Jatiluwih Rice Terraces
Day 6: Check-out. Jatiluwih Rice Terraces to Denpasar/Kuta (55 km, 2 hours). Beach activities and water sports on postcard perfect Kuta beaches
Day 7: Onto your next destination
One Week Java Itinerary
The island of Java is home to 55% of Indonesia’s population making it the most populous island in the world. Yet it has enough space to house active volcanoes, world’s biggest Buddhist monument, world’s largest acidic lake, and Southeast Asia’s largest city Jakarta. Java has a wide array of places that boggles one’s mind. It is a true heritage of Indonesia.
  Mount Bromo, Java Indonesia
For accommodation, transportation, attraction, and restaurant recommendations read the Detailed Java Itinerary.
Here is a brief Java Itinerary (Coming Soon)
Day 1: If you are starting your Indonesian endeavor in Java then you will be most likely flying into Jakarta. From Jakarta, take a flight or train to Yogyakarta.
If you are coming from another Indonesia island then you can choose to fly into Yogyakarta or Surabaya. I will share the itinerary for both scenarios.
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4 Day Sulawesi Itinerary
The highlands of Sulawesi harbor houses built in the shape of boats. One Game of Thrones phrase that comes to mind is ‘What is dead may never die’. Yes, the dead refuse to go away. They are housed, cared, and fed for at least a year after they have taken their last breath. The burial ceremonies celebrate the dead and the afterlife. The burial sites and post burial rituals are awestruck. Toraja culture of the Sulawesi highlands is a Pandora’s Box for a culture vulture.
Tana Toraja Indonesia
The ancient Torajan burial ceremonies take place from June to August. Although there are smaller ceremonies year round, June to August is the best time to visit if you want to witness the elaborate burial ceremonies.
For accommodation, transportation, attraction, and restaurant recommendations read the Detailed Sulawesi Itinerary (Coming Soon)
Here is a brief Sulawesi Itinerary.
Day 1: Arrive in Makassar and take the overnight bus to Rante Pao
Day 2: Arrive in Rantepao. Visit burial ceremony, Ke’te’ Kesu’ boat shaped houses and Lemo cliff graves
Day 3: Visit Londa cave graves, Kambira tree graves, and Bori megalithic stones. Take the overnight bus from Rantepao to Makassar
Day 4: Makassar to your next destination
3 Day Komodo Itinerary
You go to Labuan Bajo, Flores to see the cold blooded creatures from the days of the dinosaur. Where the continental plates collide, lies the domain of the Dragons. Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards in the world. And in the wild, they are only found on the islands of Komodo and Rinca, both accessible from Labuan Bajo.
Detailed Komodo Island Itinerary for accommodation, transportation, attraction, and restaurant recommendations
Komodo Dragons, Rinca Island Indonesia
Here is a brief Komodo Island Itinerary
Day 1: Land in Labuan Bajo, check-in to your hotel, and book a ‘Komodo Island’ day tour for the following day
Day 2: Komodo Island Tour – snorkeling amidst colorful corals, visiting Pink Beach, swimming with Manta Rays – the angels of the underwater, and of course experiencing the feisty fire of Komodo Dragons
Day 3: Labuan Bajo to your next destination.
That sums up the brief two week Indonesia itinerary. Two weeks will give you a good exposure to the tip of the Indonesian iceberg. Here are the detailed itineraries
Bali One Week Itinerary
How to visit Komodo Island to see the Dragons
1 Week in Java amongst active volcanoes, largest Buddhist monument, and mythical Crater Lake (Coming Soon)
4 Days with the Walking Dead of Sulawesi (Coming Soon)
2 Week Indonesia Itinerary under Rs. 70,000 (US$ 1,000) was originally published on Winds of Travel
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