#I think it would be funny if in HIS time darkstalker was tiny
lionblaze03-2 · 7 months
Tbh nobody draws darkstalker big enough. I remember him like. Holding full grown nightwings in the palm of his hand. He is MASSIVE. He dwarfs all other living creatures. He’s kind of an eldritch abomination in my eyes
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Since you like wings of Fire can I have a request featuring Yuu reading malleus the wings of Fire book series a “bedtime story” because…well…dragons and all?(rest of diasomnia can be part of the request if you want)
When I saw this, I KNEW I had to do it!!!
Diasomnia React to WoF w/ Y/n:
Fandom: Wings of Fire & Twisted Wonderland
TW: Spoilers for WoF yall
When Yuu first introduced the series, Malleus was intrigued to say the least
Let’s just say his favorite was Starflight
I mean- think about it..
Malleus entirely enjoyed the series and wished to know mores
He even asked if there was any gargoyles
“What are these…scavengers..Child of Man?”
“Oh! They’re humans, Tsunotarou!”
let’s say he was quite surprised by this choice of words, though he could see the reasonings behind the name
Yuu would absolutely ramble out theories while Malleus will add in with it
They will be in the library, giggling as they read the books
If Malleus was able to be in Yuu world to see the author, expect him to full on have all the merchandise
Malleus will absolutely be fascinated by Darkstalker: The Legend
Will definitely refer to Yuu as Clearsight at random times
Yuu would call Malleus Darkstalker in return
It would be funny and comical as everyone tried to figure why they call eachother such strange names
They will absolutely try to call the other students different names from the series
“Ah, it seems Sunny (Kalim) is bothering Glory (Leona) again Tsunatorou.”
“Indeed Clearsight, here comes Professor Kestral (Trein).”
Let’s say, everyone is confused at these strange nicknames
Even Floyd was tiny bit nervous as he was the one with the suspicious nicknames
“Koebi-chan, why am I called Whirlpool?”
“It is due to you being quite sadistic and slippery Whirlpool.”
Yuu snorted at Malleus random appearance and answer
Let’s say Malleus and Yuu ran quickly from a angry..slippery eel (if you know, you know)
Either way, you both will have fun
Lilia is amused by such silly concepts as he calls it (it be a silly concept when I-)
He enjoys it as mere fairytales, but that what he thought when he read the prophecy of the first arc
He would immediately latch onto the book series
As the cultures, history, and mystery of playing detective got him
Lilia will immediately stamp Queen Scarlet as point of interest
“Fufufu~! I’ve never thought that Queen Scarlet would be this enthusiastic about colosseum battles.”
His favorite would definitely be Blister. A wicked mastermind? Absolutely.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Lilia starts to be huffy over her death
He would list the reasons why she should be queen
He gonna be all over Queen Diamond and Queen Wasp
Yuu will be willing to share some theories as Lilia would just debunk each one
Definitely will create his own tribe at some point (I mean—we all done that at point)
Silver will snooze it through
It’s confirmed that Malleus and Yuu will nickname him Coconut (I’m not even joking)
Silver won’t be interested much in the first arc, but he will definitely will be in the second arc
I mean, he gonna be interested there was a strange voice turning out to be Darkstalker, a magic scroll of animus magic, and even more knightly behavior from Qibli and Winter
His favorite gonna be Winter
Cold face (even though it’s their normal face), stiff, and somehow have a connections to animals (humans-), and a possibility of Silver being Auror-
Yeah, you get the point
Though our sleepy boi is always sleeping, he is vigilant
He definitely will be invested enough to put in little facts for theories with Yuu and the others
Expect him to snore at the boring parts of the books
Definitely will read the epilogue of each book for new details
He will not take kindly at Lilia idea of having sleeping darts made for research purposes (Sebek RUN)
Will have a hammock and whenever he naps, Malleus and Lilia will deem it Suntime
Most likely will have a RainWings persona from Lilia accordingly
Sebek you can’t just tell profanities at 4:35 a.m cause of some event happen in the books
No Sebek, you can’t throw the Dragonslayer book into the furnace
Sebek will definitely not be happy over the dragonslayer book at all
Sebek is now called Tsunami
He will absolutely hold the nickname dear to him as it was given by Malleus out of amusement
Sebek is gonna yell at Silver to wake up and not be a literal RainWings
NRC is now baffled and confused at these weird and outworldly remarks
Will definitely be kept quiet so he doesn’t yell during theory time
That is now a thing
A/N: I’m so sorry anon! It took so long as I was busy and etc..I hope you enjoyed this!!! Feel free to ask for more ask! ^^
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filaree-flower · 3 years
Convoluted Jade Winglet headcanons?
I'm curious!! /gen
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Noble anon and great friend, I am so glad you asked. This post will probably be long so <3 I'll put a tl;dr at the beginning.
Just a warning, in case someone hasn't read them - this will contain spoilers for the Jade Mountain Arc and Legends: Darkstalker!
TL;DR: The Jade Winglet is composed of multiple reincarnations of the Darkstalker: Legends characters. Moonwatcher is the reincarnation of Clearsight; Turtle is the reincarnation of Fathom; Kinkajou is the reincarnation of Indigo; and Qibli is supposed to be the reincarnation of Darkstalker, but Darkstalker never died.
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So, this used to be a big theory of mine when the JM arc was still coming out, but I still cling to it as a headcanon. I just see so many parallels between the characters of these arcs and the Legends: Darkstalker characters. It's been a while since I've actually read those books, but I think my knowledge is still sound enough to write this. If not, who cares, I disregard canon anyway /lh. I am referencing pages on the Wings of Fire wiki pretty frequently as I write this, so props to those guys.
The background. Page 14 of Escaping Peril mentions that SkyWings have specific burial rituals, in hopes that the spirit of the dragon will be free and can be reincarnated into a SkyWing. Though this is FAR from being the definitive canon for dragon afterlife, this is the main jumping point for my reincarnation theories. It appears to be at least accepted in the SkyWing tribe that reincarnation is a thing that can happen to the souls of the departed.
Moonwatcher is the reincarnation of Clearsight. Personally, I always found a lot of similarity in their personalities. With Moonwatcher being the first prophetic (and mind-reading, but Clearsight's thing was prophecy) NightWing in centuries, it seems fitting that this is how Clearsight's spirit would return to the world. Her connection with Darkstalker was not like the one he shared with Clearsight (due to the age gap, ofc, and I am NOT a supporter of shipping the two in ANY capacity), but I felt I drew parallels between Moon's genuine trust in Darkstalker and Clearsight's. If I remember correctly, Darkstalker compared Moon's temperament to that of Clearsight a few times, though I can't be completely sure. Furthermore, Moon's evident involvement in Pantala now gives me more ground to support my funny little headcanon. Clearsight, as the """""""Founder"""""""" of Pantala as we know it, might find her spirit drawn to helping save the broken continent. This idea is also lightly supported by her starting a relationship in canon with Qibli but since I don't really care for that relationship, it's... much more of a backseat thing.
Turtle is the reincarnation of Fathom. After all, the first thing Darkstalker did upon emerging from the mountain was call Turtle by the ancient's name and promptly try to beat him up. That would pretty much confirm that they look super similar. Turtle is, of course, an animus and a member of the royal family--big whoop, that doesn't seem too uncommon in SeaWings. But personality-wise? I'd almost assert they're the exact same. Both fear their own power, both are nervous and easily flustered. And both end up challenging Darkstalker. If the wiki's right, they also go through similar arcs of learning that it's ok for them to be happy.
Kinkajou is the reincarnation of Indigo. This one took me the longest to think of and, yes, it is the biggest stretch. Indigo was a SeaWing, while Kinkajou is a RainWing (although, it appears as though the last known location for Indigo was the Rainforest, so... perhaps not as far-fetched?). But Kinkajou is tough--like when Darkstalker attacked Turtle, she jumped in to save him. And Turtle did have a crush on Kinkajou but that whole agitating love spell thing ruined all chances of that being smiled upon fandom-wise for a loooong time (thanks, Anemone :/). Anyway, Indigo always believed Darkstalker was up to no good, and then Kinkajou was the one who damned him to a fate of being a tiny rainbow hybrid dragonet with a singular fruit.
Originally I was going to say here that Winter is the reincarnation of Arctic, but the more I thought about it, the less it fit and the less I could justify it at all. Seems like Winter is either a different or a new soul, after all. Good for him. Anyway,
Qibli, the one who should have had a used soul. This might sound weird, but bear with me. Qibli was not swayed by Darkstalker's promises, and Darkstalker is known to be viciously manipulative and convincing. Qibli turned Darkstalker down, Qibli stood against some of the best manipulation in dragon history. That's striking to me. Only someone who really knows the tricks would be so resistant, I think. And more than just that, Qibli was GIFTED with wording spells and I vividly recall him constantly wishing he were an animus, as though there was just a part of him he felt was missing. Except there was no animus soul to give him, because Darkstalker never died. And perhaps this was so much for the better. Darkstalker and Qibli are both witty, intelligent, and observant, but Qibli didn't end up with an old, dark soul--there was a new one required for his place, one that was able to survive and stay good-hearted in a place as vicious as the Scorpion Den with dragons as heartless as his relatives. A soul so similar to Darkstalker, yet without the treachery, was a key piece in defeating the ancient evil. Though I do headcanon that, had Darkstalker been killed, Qibli would have been the reincarnation of that soul.
So that's basically it, I think? Feel free to call my bluff or burn my crops for this, but I think it's a fun and neat thing to headcanon and think about based on 1 line of SkyWing culture lore that we got, lol. If you wanna ask questions or discuss, I am totally in.
Obligatory request to ignore any grammatical errors or typos, I finished writing this at 1:30 AM and I think I started at like. Midnight lol.
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